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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Durabilité des géomembranes en polyéthylène haute densité utilisées dans les installations de stockage de déchets non dangereux

Pons, Carlota 23 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les géomembranes (GMB) en polyéthylène haute densité (PEHD) sont utilisées comme barrière d'étanchéité dans les installations de stockage de déchets non dangereux (ISDND). Malgré les bonnes propriétés initiales du PEHD, face aux agressions chimiques et biologiques d'un lixiviat de déchets et aux contraintes thermiques et mécaniques générées par le massif de déchets, sa durabilité reste une question ouverte. L'objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer au développement d'un modèle cinétique non empirique de prédiction de la durée de vie des GMB en PEHD, qui prend simultanément en compte les effets du vieillissement chimique et biologique. Pour cela, nous cherchons à déterminer d'une part les paramètres d'extraction des antioxydants constitutifs des GMB, première étape du vieillissement des GMB, et d'autre part les paramètres cinétiques de vieillissement oxydatif des PE, deuxième étape de vieillissement. Ceci nécessite de connaître et de comprendre les mécanismes physico-chimiques impliqués dans le vieillissement des PE dans les conditions particulières des ISDND. A partir d'une approche multi-échelle (macro- micro) et à l'aide de différentes techniques (IRTF, GPC HT, AED, essais de traction,...), nous évaluons l'impact du vieillissement accéléré sur la composition chimique, les structures macromoléculaire et cristalline ainsi que les propriétés d'usage des GMB et des films en PEHD. Cette étude a permis de déterminer un critère de fin de vie pertinent pour évaluer la durée de vie de la GMB : la fragilisation qui correspond à une masse molaire critique M'C d'environ 100 kg.mol-1. Un couplage de la modélisation chimique de la dégradation oxydante du polymère et biologique de la cinétique de croissance du biofilm est proposé. Enfin, dans une dernière partie, la même approche multi-échelle a été utilisée pour caractériser la dégradation de GMB vieillies 18 ans en bassin de stockage d'eau pour ainsi déterminer les mécanismes impliqués dans le vieillissement sur site

Bioremediation of industrial VOC air pollutants

Nikakhtari, Hossein 03 April 2006
An External Loop Airlift Bioreactor with a small amount (99% porosity) of stainless steel mesh packing inserted in the riser section was used for bioremediation of a phenol polluted air stream. The packing enhanced VOC and oxygen mass transfer rates and provided a large surface area for cell immobilization. Using a pure strain of Pseudomonas putida, fed-batch and continuous runs at three different dilution rates were completed with phenol in the polluted air as the only source of growth substrate. 100% phenol removal was achieved at phenol loading rates up to 33120 mg/h.m3 using only one third of the column, superior to any previously reported biodegradation rates of phenol polluted air with 100% efficiency. A mathematical model has been developed and is shown to accurately predict the transient and steady state data.

The Role of Autoinducer-2 in Escherichia coli Biofilm Formation and the Discovery of a Plant-derived Quorum Sensing Inhibitor

Niu, Chen 26 May 2006 (has links)
The objectives of this work are: 1) to determine whether plant essential oil components influence the ability of Escherichia coli and several Pseudomonas species to form biofilms, and inhibit bacterial quorum sensing; 2) to understand the role of autoinducer-2 (AI-2) in biofilm formation by E. coli W3110. The biofilm formation assays determined that cinnamon, cassia and citronella oils differentially affected growth-normalized biofilm formation by E. coli. Cinnamaldehyde (CA) also inhibited the swimming motility of E. coli. Subinhibitory concentrations of CA were effective at inhibiting two types of acyl homoserine lactone (HSL) mediated quorum sensing (QS), and also AI-2 mediated QS. Because CA is widely used in the food and flavor industries, its potential to affect bacterial QS regulated processes should be recognized. The role of AI-2 mediated QS expression in physiology of E. coli W3110 was pleiotropic, including carbon utilization, fimbriae production, and the biofilm development. Overall, the research presented in this dissertation supported the concept that QS, biofilm formation, and cell adhesion may be broadly correlated. The anti-biofilm and anti-QS capability of CA implies that plant essential oil components might be promising for preventing the formation of detrimental biofilms.

The Role Cranberry Proanthocyanidins Play in the Primary Attachment of Bacteria to Surfaces: Bacillus cereus Model

Jones, Anthony Robert 30 November 2008 (has links)
The development of a proanthocyanidin (PAC) treatment, along with the understanding of its mechanism of action, would provide an alternative method of preventing attachment to and colonization of surfaces by microorganisms, as well as potentially disrupting preexisting biofilms. The purpose of this research is to examine the role a cranberry proanthocyanidin plays in the primary attachment of Bacillus cereus to an abiotic surface. This technology could be employed in food processing plants where a premium is placed on maintaining a sanitized work environment to prevent product contamination. A biofilm assay showed that a surface treated with proanthocyanidins actually promoted rather than prevented the attachment of Bacillus cereus. This was further made evident by the fact that the surface hydrophobicities of B. cereus cells grown in media supplemented with proanthocyanidins were greater than those grown in its absence. In addition, light microscopy analysis showed a greater degree of sporulation of B. cereus cells when grown on TSA plates supplemented with PACs. These results suggest that proanthocyanidins may be inducing endospore formation in Bacillus cereus leading to increased attachment and surface hydrophobicity values.

Signification écologique de la tolérance acquise des communautés microbiennes des biofilms de rivières à une contamination d'origine anthropique

Tlili, Ahmed 21 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les modifications de structure et de diversité des communautés biologiques au sein d'un écosystème soumis à une perturbation, se traduisent généralement par la raréfaction, la disparition d'espèces sensibles et/ou l'apparition de nouvelles espèces tolérantes ou par la prolifération d'autres espèces tolérantes déjà présentes mais à une faible densité. Dans le cas d'une perturbation d'origine toxique, ceci a pour conséquence une diminution de la sensibilité globale de la communauté par rapport à la (aux) substance(s) responsable(s) de cette modification de structure et de diversité. L'évaluation de la tolérance vis-à-vis d'un toxique peut donc nous permettre de révéler a posteriori l'exposition d'une communauté biologique à ce toxique, en mettant en évidence le lien entre pression et impact sur le compartiment biotique d'un écosystème. Malgré de nombreux travaux en ce domaine, il reste cependant de nombreuses lacunes scientifiques dans la compréhension de cette tolérance induite par les pollutions (PICT). Le modèle d'étude retenu est le biofilm aquatique (ou périphyton), dont les spécificités biologiques et écologiques en font un outil d'étude très intéressant. Ce travail a permis de montrer que l'intégration du concept PICT comme un outil complémentaire dans les systèmes d'évaluation environnementale donnerait plus de pertinence écologique et de spécificité écotoxicologique à la batterie actuelle des bioindicateurs utilisés. Par ailleurs, le PICT est aussi une approche conceptuelle, à l'échelle des communautés, très riche et qui confirme l'intérêt d'aborder l'écotoxicologie avec le regard de l'écologue plus holistique que celui du toxicologue. En effet, les mesures de tolérance-induite qui prennent en compte la diversité fonctionnelle du biofilm, ainsi que les analyses taxonomiques associées, nous ont permis une meilleure compréhension de la résistance et de la résilience de cet écosystème suite à des perturbations d'origine chimique. Nos travaux nous ont aussi permis d'aborder le concept des seuils de résistance et de résilience écologiques, et de mettre en évidence le fait qu'une acquisition de tolérance à un stress donné, pourrait se traduire par le déplacement des communautés d'un état initial vers un état " alternatif " stable, même après le retrait du stress. Ces seuils écologiques ainsi que cet état alternatif stable signifient que la disparition des espèces les plus sensibles (comme l'un des processus expliquant le PICT) n'affecte donc pas les fonctions de la communauté dans son ensemble au début et ce seulement jusqu'à un certain seuil de résistance. Le PICT pourrait ainsi se traduire par une réduction de la diversité ou avec des modifications dans la composition spécifique, sans pour autant qu'il y ait un effet négatif sur le fonctionnement de la communauté. Cependant, la capacité des communautés à devenir tolérantes à une perturbation peut avoir des conséquences négatives sur les capacités de résilience et de résistance des écosystèmes. Nous avons donc abordé dans nos travaux le concept de " co-tolérance négative entre espèces " et de coût de la tolérance.

Performance Comparison of Large Diameter Residential Drinking Water Wells

Javor, Paul January 2010 (has links)
Published scientific work indicates that residential large diameter drinking water wells are at a higher risk of contamination from surface water impacts than drilled wells. The possibility of a higher incidence of contamination of large diameter wells is attributed to site selection and construction problems such as leaking joints in the well casing, ineffective annular sealant placed between the well casing and the formation, a poorly fitted cover with an access lid that promotes contaminant entry and air entry without adequate air filtration, well location down gradient of septic effluent sources, and depth limitations due to improper equipment used to advance the well which results in shallow wells often situated in topographical lows. In some situations, flaws in the well design were actually deliberate measures intended to capture surface water at sites with low groundwater yield. Historically, residential drinking water well performance studies have focussed on existing wells; however, uncertainty in the actual well construction methods and materials, well age and maintenance efforts have been problematic. A field and laboratory study was completed to assess the performance of several design changes that were thought to improve the integrity of large diameter drinking water wells, and to determine whether one design is more prone to atmospheric and/or surface water contamination than the other. Four large diameter residential wells were installed at a study site in Lindsay, Ontario. Three of these wells are constructed with enhanced construction methods (two using a cement tile casing and one using a galvanized steel casing) and annular sealants, while the fourth was constructed using conventional methods for cement cased wells. The enhanced test wells utilized a sealant between the casing sections, various annular sealants between the formation and the well casing, sanitary waterline connections, and ventilation with air filtration. The well constructed using outdated methods did not have any of these advanced features. An automated water extraction system removed about 875 L/day from each well to mimic residential usage. Routine monitoring, and laboratory and field testing were used to collect pertinent data required for this performance assessment. Routine monitoring involved the visual inspection of the wells, collection of well water elevation, collection of soil temperature profile data, collection and analysis of water samples, and collection of cumulative water volumes purged from the test wells. A biofilm cleaning study and analysis of cement-bentonite grout was conducted in the laboratory while smoke and aqueous tracer tests were conducted in the field. The biofilm cleaning study entailed growing a biofilm on different large diameter well casing materials and applying cleaning methods thought to be practical for cleaning the interior walls of large diameter wells. Different mixtures of cement-bentonite grout were subjected to volume measurements, vertical load bearing capacity analysis, and hydraulic conductivity analysis to determine their suitability as a potential annular sealant. The tracer tests were developed to determine whether pathways for either airborne contaminants or surface water to enter the test wells exist. The test wells were filled with smoke and monitored for potential atmospheric pathways. A tracer solution was infiltrated around the test wells and the interior of the tests wells were monitored for potential pathways for surface water to enter. Bacteriological indicators were detected in all test wells. The smoke tracer tests demonstrated that pathways for airborne contaminants to enter the test wells exist with more pathways observed in the winter than the summer. The aqueous tracer tests highlighted several areas where surface water could enter the test wells if ponding occurred around the well casing. As expected the enhanced test wells performed much better than the conventional test well for both of these tracer tests. The results of the biofilm cleaning study indicated that galvanized steel or fibreglass casing materials were the only materials able to be cleaned effectively. The best method in this study to remove biofilm from casing materials was pressure washing. The results from the cement-bentonite grout investigation indicated that cement-bentonite grout with 5% bentonite would make the most suitable annular sealant as its volume changed the least during curing, it was strong enough to support the load from maintenance efforts, and was the most impervious. The results of this study indicate that large diameter wells constructed with a proper annular sealant, sealant between casing sections and a sanitary waterline connection are less prone to contamination. Monitoring of the test wells should continue as they mature to determine whether this plays a significant role in their ability to prevent contamination of large diameter wells. Smoke tracer tests should be conducted again during the winter to determine if temperature was the cause of increased atmospheric pathways. A field-scale method to remove biofilm from the interior casing wall of large diameter wells should be developed and tested. A field-scale investigation of cement-bentonite grout for use as an annular sealant should be completed. Fibreglass casings can be fabricated as a continuous piece with no seams or joints and hence another well should be constructed and studied using corrugated fibreglass (NSF ANSI 61) casing.

Utvärdering av den biologiska reningen av processavloppsvattnet vid GE Healthcare i Uppsala / An evaluation of the biological wastewater treatment at GE Healthcare in Uppsala

Fridlund, Malin January 2005 (has links)
GE Healthcare operates in Uppsala (Sweden) and develops systems, equipments and medium to purify medical substances. Discussions with the local authority concerning planed far-reaching changes and upgrades of the biological process techniques for sewage management, aroused the question about revising the terms of permit for the activity. Therefore it seemed necessary to evaluate a newly installed biological process technique, which is the background of this thesis. The evaluated biological treatment process was built in 2003 and consists of a biological reactor filled with moving bed carriers with a high surface area for biological growth. At the time of the project the biological wastewater treatment plant consisted of a flow equalization facility and two following parallel biological processes; a biological reactor with moving bed carriers and a tower trickling filter. The aim of this thesis was to survey the function of the biological reactor with respect to the reduction of organic matter. Further to clarify which circumstances that have a negative effect on the organic reduction. During the three forthcoming years, an extensive reconstruction of the biological wastewater treatment facility will be accomplished. During the construction period the flow equalization will be very limited. Therefore an emission forecast with respect to organic matter was performed comprising the construction period during the years 2005, 2006 and 2007. This to estimate the safety margin to the emission standard during the construction period. Several parameters were surveyed during the project, water temperature, pH, plural nutrition elements, flow, oxygen concentration, suspended solids, organic load and microbial activity. At two occasions, the parameters were extensively studied during a 24-hour period respectively. Two capacity experiments were performed in order to evaluate the organic reduction at different organic loads. The obtained results together with an estimation regarding the organic load performed by AB Ångpanneföreningen were used for the emission forecast. The forecast considered two cases, operation with and without dosage of a flow with high organic content from the local solvent recycling facility (called T10-dosage). According to the forecast, the emission standard will be fulfilled during an average month regarding the organic load. This without T10-dosage and with an average reduction of 55 %. To fulfill the standard during a month with maximum organic load, a reduction of 65 and 75 % will be required in the cases without and with T10-dosage respectively. The organic reduction is negatively effected by lasting loads of 7 kg CODfilt/m3 or higher, or by a great increase of the load in a short period of time. Sporadic peaks regarding the organic load appeared to have temporary or no negative effects on the reduction. Flow variations during evenings, nights and weekends caused variations in the organic load with negative effect of the reduction rate. The oxygen concentration in the biological reactor has a conclusive significance of the reduction rate, a lower concentration than 2 mg/l affects the reduction rate in a negative way. The buffering capacity in the biofilm reactor showed to work excellently, the pH value varied between 6.8 and 8.9. There is an immediate risk of temperatures over 40oC during the construction period. This could have a negative influence of the organic reduction. Individual measured temperatures of 38oC did not have a negative effect on the reduction rate. The amount of suspended solids varied a lot in the outflow from the biological reactor and will continue to do so during the construction period. / GE Healthcare bedriver sin verksamhet i Uppsala vilken består av att utveckla system, utrustning och media för att rena läkemedelssubstanser. Vid diskussion med Uppsala kommuns VA- och avfallskontor väcktes frågan angående omprövning av tillståndet för verksamheten. Diskussionerna rörde planerade processförändringar och kompletteringar av bolagets biologiska processavloppsvattenrening. Av den anledningen ansågs det nödvändigt att utreda en för företaget ny processteknik för processavloppsvatten, vilket är bakgrunden till detta examensarbete. Den utvärderade processtekniken är en biofilmreaktor innehållande ett rörligt bärarmaterial med en stor skyddad yta för biologisk tillväxt. Biofilmreaktorn togs i drift under hösten år 2003 och därmed bestod det lokala reningsverket förenklat sett av en utjämningsanläggning följd av två parallella biosteg, ett biotorn med konventionell stationär biobädd över vilken processavloppsvatten spreds samt en biofilmreaktor med rörligt bärarmaterial. Syftet med examensarbetet var att kartlägga biofilmreaktorns funktion med avseende på reduktion av organiskt material. Vidare att klargöra vid vilka förhållanden reduktionsgraden har påverkats negativt. Under de tre kommande åren skall en stor om- och tillbyggnad av reningsverket genomföras. Förändringen kommer att medföra att utjämningsvolymen blir mycket begränsad under ombyggnadsperioden. Av den anledningen var ytterligare ett syfte med examensarbetet att utföra en utsläppsprognos med avseende på organiskt material för åren 2005 till och med 2007. Detta för att bedöma säkerhetsmarginalen till utsläppsvillkoret under ombyggnadsperioden. Examensarbetet realiserades genom att kartlägga parametrarna organisk belastning, organisk reduktion, vattentemperatur, pH, närsalter, flöde, koncentration löst syre, suspenderad substans samt mikrobiell aktivitet. Därutöver utfördes två kapacitetsförsök för att kartlägga den organiska belastningens inverkan på reduktionen. Vid det ena försöket skapades en högre organisk belastning genom att successivt öka flödesbelastningen över biofilmreaktorn. Vid det andra försöket doserades en delström (kallad T10-dosering) innehållande rester från den lokala lösningsmedelsåtervinningen med stort organiskt innehåll. Därtill utfördes två dygnsprovtagningar för att kartlägga ett flertal parametrars dygnsvariationer. Den framtagna utsläppsprognosen baserades på en belastningsprognos utförd av AB Ångpanneföreningen samt den i arbetet kartlagda reduktionen av organiskt material vid olika belastningar. Prognosen omfattar två fall, med eller utan T10-dosering. Enligt utsläppsprognosen kommer utsläppsvillkoret inte att överskridas under åren 2005 till och med 2007. Detta gäller vid en för året genomsnittlig månad avseende belastning utan T10-dosering och med en genomsnittlig organisk reduktionsgrad på 55 %. Under en månad med maximal belastning krävs 65 % reduktion och 75 % med T10-dosering. Kapacitetsförsöken visade att reduktionsgraden påverkades negativt vid en varaktig belastning överstigande 7 kg CODlöst/m3 samt vid kraftiga belastningsökningar. Tillfälliga belastningstoppar hade endast kortvarig eller ingen negativ inverkan på reduktionen. Höga flöden under dagtid och låga flöden under nätter och helger orsakade variationer i den organiska belastningen, vilket hade en negativ inverkan på reduktionen. När koncentrationen löst syre i biofilmreaktorn understeg 2 mg/l påverkades mikroorganismerna negativt och därmed även reduktionen. Buffertkapaciteten i biofilmreaktorn var god under den studerade tidsperioden och pH-värdet varierade mellan 6,5 och 8,8. Under ombyggnadsperioden föreligger en stor risk för att vattentemperaturen kan bli för hög i biofilmreaktorn vid ett flertal tillfällen. Enstaka uppmätta temperaturtoppar på 38°C påverkade dock inte reduktionen negativt. I biofilmreaktorns utgående vatten varierade mängden suspenderad substans kraftigt, vilket även kommer att gälla under ombyggnadsperioden.

Performance Comparison of Large Diameter Residential Drinking Water Wells

Javor, Paul January 2010 (has links)
Published scientific work indicates that residential large diameter drinking water wells are at a higher risk of contamination from surface water impacts than drilled wells. The possibility of a higher incidence of contamination of large diameter wells is attributed to site selection and construction problems such as leaking joints in the well casing, ineffective annular sealant placed between the well casing and the formation, a poorly fitted cover with an access lid that promotes contaminant entry and air entry without adequate air filtration, well location down gradient of septic effluent sources, and depth limitations due to improper equipment used to advance the well which results in shallow wells often situated in topographical lows. In some situations, flaws in the well design were actually deliberate measures intended to capture surface water at sites with low groundwater yield. Historically, residential drinking water well performance studies have focussed on existing wells; however, uncertainty in the actual well construction methods and materials, well age and maintenance efforts have been problematic. A field and laboratory study was completed to assess the performance of several design changes that were thought to improve the integrity of large diameter drinking water wells, and to determine whether one design is more prone to atmospheric and/or surface water contamination than the other. Four large diameter residential wells were installed at a study site in Lindsay, Ontario. Three of these wells are constructed with enhanced construction methods (two using a cement tile casing and one using a galvanized steel casing) and annular sealants, while the fourth was constructed using conventional methods for cement cased wells. The enhanced test wells utilized a sealant between the casing sections, various annular sealants between the formation and the well casing, sanitary waterline connections, and ventilation with air filtration. The well constructed using outdated methods did not have any of these advanced features. An automated water extraction system removed about 875 L/day from each well to mimic residential usage. Routine monitoring, and laboratory and field testing were used to collect pertinent data required for this performance assessment. Routine monitoring involved the visual inspection of the wells, collection of well water elevation, collection of soil temperature profile data, collection and analysis of water samples, and collection of cumulative water volumes purged from the test wells. A biofilm cleaning study and analysis of cement-bentonite grout was conducted in the laboratory while smoke and aqueous tracer tests were conducted in the field. The biofilm cleaning study entailed growing a biofilm on different large diameter well casing materials and applying cleaning methods thought to be practical for cleaning the interior walls of large diameter wells. Different mixtures of cement-bentonite grout were subjected to volume measurements, vertical load bearing capacity analysis, and hydraulic conductivity analysis to determine their suitability as a potential annular sealant. The tracer tests were developed to determine whether pathways for either airborne contaminants or surface water to enter the test wells exist. The test wells were filled with smoke and monitored for potential atmospheric pathways. A tracer solution was infiltrated around the test wells and the interior of the tests wells were monitored for potential pathways for surface water to enter. Bacteriological indicators were detected in all test wells. The smoke tracer tests demonstrated that pathways for airborne contaminants to enter the test wells exist with more pathways observed in the winter than the summer. The aqueous tracer tests highlighted several areas where surface water could enter the test wells if ponding occurred around the well casing. As expected the enhanced test wells performed much better than the conventional test well for both of these tracer tests. The results of the biofilm cleaning study indicated that galvanized steel or fibreglass casing materials were the only materials able to be cleaned effectively. The best method in this study to remove biofilm from casing materials was pressure washing. The results from the cement-bentonite grout investigation indicated that cement-bentonite grout with 5% bentonite would make the most suitable annular sealant as its volume changed the least during curing, it was strong enough to support the load from maintenance efforts, and was the most impervious. The results of this study indicate that large diameter wells constructed with a proper annular sealant, sealant between casing sections and a sanitary waterline connection are less prone to contamination. Monitoring of the test wells should continue as they mature to determine whether this plays a significant role in their ability to prevent contamination of large diameter wells. Smoke tracer tests should be conducted again during the winter to determine if temperature was the cause of increased atmospheric pathways. A field-scale method to remove biofilm from the interior casing wall of large diameter wells should be developed and tested. A field-scale investigation of cement-bentonite grout for use as an annular sealant should be completed. Fibreglass casings can be fabricated as a continuous piece with no seams or joints and hence another well should be constructed and studied using corrugated fibreglass (NSF ANSI 61) casing.

Bioremediation of industrial VOC air pollutants

Nikakhtari, Hossein 03 April 2006 (has links)
An External Loop Airlift Bioreactor with a small amount (99% porosity) of stainless steel mesh packing inserted in the riser section was used for bioremediation of a phenol polluted air stream. The packing enhanced VOC and oxygen mass transfer rates and provided a large surface area for cell immobilization. Using a pure strain of Pseudomonas putida, fed-batch and continuous runs at three different dilution rates were completed with phenol in the polluted air as the only source of growth substrate. 100% phenol removal was achieved at phenol loading rates up to 33120 mg/h.m3 using only one third of the column, superior to any previously reported biodegradation rates of phenol polluted air with 100% efficiency. A mathematical model has been developed and is shown to accurately predict the transient and steady state data.

Kinetics of Anionic Surfactant Anoxic Degradation

Camacho, Julianna G. 2010 May 1900 (has links)
The biodegradation kinetics of Geropon TC-42 (trademark) by an acclimated culture was investigated in anoxic batch reactors to determine biokinetic coefficients to be implemented in two biofilm mathematical models. Geropon TC-42 (trademark) is the surfactant commonly used in space habitation. The two biofilm models differ in that one assumes a constant biofilm density and the other allows biofilm density changes based on space occupancy theory. Extant kinetic analysis of a mixed microbial culture using Geropon TC-42 (trademark) as sole carbon source was used to determine cell yield, specific growth rate, and the half-saturation constant for S0/X0 ratios of 4, 12.5, and 34.5. To estimate cell yield, linear regression analysis was performed on data obtained from three sets of simultaneous batch experiments for three S0/X0 ratios. The regressions showed non-zero intercepts, suggesting that cell multiplication is not possible at low substrate concentrations. Non-linear least-squares analysis of the integrated equation was used to estimate the specific growth rate and the half-saturation constant. Net specific growth rate dependence on substrate concentration indicates a self-inhibitory effect of Geropon TC-42 (trademark). The flow rate and the ratio of the concentrations of surfactant to nitrate were the factors that most affected the simulations. Higher flow rates resulted in a shorter hydraulic retention time, shorter startup periods, and faster approach to a steady-state biofilm. At steady-state, higher flow resulted in lower surfactant removal. Higher influent surfactant/nitrate concentration ratios caused a longer startup period, supported more surfactant utilization, and biofilm growth. Both models correlate to the empirical data. A model assuming constant biofilm density is computationally simpler and easier to implement. Therefore, a suitable anoxic packed bed reactor for the removal of the surfactant Geropon TC-42 (trademark) can be designed by using the estimated kinetic values and a model assuming constant biofilm density.

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