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O Efeito de Partículas de Aerossol de Queimadas da Amazônia no Balanço Radiativo da Atmosfera / The Effect of Aerosol Particle Burning of the Amazon in radiative balance of the atmosphereMartins, Jose Vanderlei 30 August 1999 (has links)
Medidas in situ na Bacia Amazônica mostraram uma grande variedade de partículas de aerossol provenientes principalmente de fontes biogênicas e de queimadas. Partículas de queimadas foram estudadas em detalhe e são compostas de misturas de partículas esféricas e não esféricas, e aglomerados de até milhares de esferas nanométricas de \"black carbon\" PC). A forma e a estrutura macroscópica das partículas de queimadas são determinadas pelo tipo de combustíve1 queimado, pel0 tipo de combustição e pela \"idade\" das partículas. A estrutura macroscópica das partículas muda em função de suas interações com vapor d\'água, gotas de nuvens e devido à condensação de gases em sua superfície (e.g. gases orgânicos e dióxido de enxofre). Partículas não esféricas e grandes aglomerados tornam-se mais compactos e esféricos em função de seu envelhecimento. Estes aglomerados foram encontrados apenas perto das fontes de queimadas em fase \"flaming\", o que sugere que a compactação dos aglomerados ocorre numa escala de tempo relativamente pequena após sua emissão (minutos até horas). Esta mudança de morfologia produz alterações significativas nas propriedades ópticas das partículas aumentando suas eficiências de absorção e espalhamento de radiação. Micrografias obtidas com microscopia eletrônica de varredura em filtros amostrados em paralelo com diversas outras medidas sugerem o efeito da morfologia nas propriedades ópticas das partículas. Propriedades intensivas das partículas foram medidas neste trabalho para partículas de queimadas e biogênicas. Apesar serem emitidas por fontes bastante distintas, as partículas de queimadas e biogênicas apresentaram importantes similaridades em composição química, tamanho, coeficientes de Angström e rações de retroespalhamento. Por outro lado, as eficiências de absorção e espalhamento assim como o albedo simples apresentaram diferenças significativas entre partículas provenientes das duas fontes. Uma nova metodologia foi desenvolvida neste trabalho para a obtenção da forçante radiativa direta (FRD) por partículas de aerossol usando imagens de sensoriamento remoto. Novos parâmetros das partículas de aerossol foram também definidos neste trabalho para o estudo de seu impacto radiativo. Medidas espectrais com o sensor AVIRIS (224 comprimentos de onda entre 0,38 e 2,5 µm) a bordo do avião ER2 da NASA durante o experimento SCAR-B (Smoke Clouds and Radiation-Brazil) foram utilizadas para a derivação do albedo simples, da espessura óptica e da FRD. Valores significativos da FRD foram obtidos entre 0,25 e 1,6 µm com pico de aproximadamente -200 W m-2µm-1 para um comprimento de onda da ordem de 0,5 µm, por unidade de espessura óptica (valores de em = 0.66 µm). A integral da FRD ao longo do espectro solar é da ordem de -60 w m-2 em média para uma região de superfície heterogênea (incluindo áreas urbanas e vegetação) em Cuiabá. A FRD sobre áreas urbanas se mostrou significativamente menor que em áreas de vegetação devido à sua maior reflectância de superfície. / In situ measurements in the Amazon Basin showed a large variety of aerosol particles in the atmosphere due mainly to biogenic and biomass burning sources. Particles from biomass burning are generally composed of a mixture of spherical and non-spherical particles, and chain aggregates of thousands of tiny black carbon (BC) spherules. The morphology and structure of smoke particles from biomass burning are determined by the type of fuel, the phase of combustion, and the age of the smoke. This structure changes due to interactions with water vapor, cloud droplets and due to condensation of gases on its surface (eg. sulfates and organic gases). Non-spherical and large (tens of micrometers) fluffy aggregates become more compacted and increasingly spherical with age. They are generally found only near the source of flaming-phase combustion, which suggests that particle compaction occurs in a relatively short time (likely, few hours) after release from a biomass fire. This change in morphology produces a significant change in the optical properties of these particles, enhancing its absorption and scattering cross sections. Scanning electron microscope photographs of aerosol particles from biomass burning taken in parallel with other physical measurements show correlation between morphology and the absorption coefficients suggesting the effect of the particle shape on optical properties. Intensive microphysical properties of the particles were measured and modeled in this work for biomass burning and biogenic aerosols. Despite of completely distinct sources, biogenic and biomass burning aerosols show some important similarities in chemical composition and particle sizes. Angström coefficients and backscattering ratios of biogenic aerosols were also found in the same range as biomass burning particles, but the scattering and absorption efficiencies, as well as single scattering albedo showed significantly different values. A new methodology was developed to obtain the spectral direct radiative forcing (DRF) by aerosol particles using remote sensing images and new parameters were defined in this work to access the radiative impact of the aerosols. Spectral measurements with the AVIRIS spectrometer (224 wavelengths between 0.38 and 2.5 µm) onboard the NASA-ER2 aircraft during the SCAR-B experiment (Smoke Clouds and Radiation -Brazil) have been used in this work to derive the spectral single scattering albedo of the aerosol particles, the aerosol optical thickness, and .the DRF.Significant values of spectral direct radiative forcing were found between 0,25 and 1.6 µm with a peak about -200 W m-2 µm-1 for a wavelength around 0.5 µm, per unity of optical depth (optical depth values at 0.66 µm). The integral over the whole solar spectrum averaged over heterogeneous surfaces (urban areas and vegetation) is about -60 W m-2 for the studied region (Cuiabá). The DRF over urban areas is smaller than over vegetation due to its brighter surface reflectance.
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O Efeito de Partículas de Aerossol de Queimadas da Amazônia no Balanço Radiativo da Atmosfera / The Effect of Aerosol Particle Burning of the Amazon in radiative balance of the atmosphereJose Vanderlei Martins 30 August 1999 (has links)
Medidas in situ na Bacia Amazônica mostraram uma grande variedade de partículas de aerossol provenientes principalmente de fontes biogênicas e de queimadas. Partículas de queimadas foram estudadas em detalhe e são compostas de misturas de partículas esféricas e não esféricas, e aglomerados de até milhares de esferas nanométricas de \"black carbon\" PC). A forma e a estrutura macroscópica das partículas de queimadas são determinadas pelo tipo de combustíve1 queimado, pel0 tipo de combustição e pela \"idade\" das partículas. A estrutura macroscópica das partículas muda em função de suas interações com vapor d\'água, gotas de nuvens e devido à condensação de gases em sua superfície (e.g. gases orgânicos e dióxido de enxofre). Partículas não esféricas e grandes aglomerados tornam-se mais compactos e esféricos em função de seu envelhecimento. Estes aglomerados foram encontrados apenas perto das fontes de queimadas em fase \"flaming\", o que sugere que a compactação dos aglomerados ocorre numa escala de tempo relativamente pequena após sua emissão (minutos até horas). Esta mudança de morfologia produz alterações significativas nas propriedades ópticas das partículas aumentando suas eficiências de absorção e espalhamento de radiação. Micrografias obtidas com microscopia eletrônica de varredura em filtros amostrados em paralelo com diversas outras medidas sugerem o efeito da morfologia nas propriedades ópticas das partículas. Propriedades intensivas das partículas foram medidas neste trabalho para partículas de queimadas e biogênicas. Apesar serem emitidas por fontes bastante distintas, as partículas de queimadas e biogênicas apresentaram importantes similaridades em composição química, tamanho, coeficientes de Angström e rações de retroespalhamento. Por outro lado, as eficiências de absorção e espalhamento assim como o albedo simples apresentaram diferenças significativas entre partículas provenientes das duas fontes. Uma nova metodologia foi desenvolvida neste trabalho para a obtenção da forçante radiativa direta (FRD) por partículas de aerossol usando imagens de sensoriamento remoto. Novos parâmetros das partículas de aerossol foram também definidos neste trabalho para o estudo de seu impacto radiativo. Medidas espectrais com o sensor AVIRIS (224 comprimentos de onda entre 0,38 e 2,5 µm) a bordo do avião ER2 da NASA durante o experimento SCAR-B (Smoke Clouds and Radiation-Brazil) foram utilizadas para a derivação do albedo simples, da espessura óptica e da FRD. Valores significativos da FRD foram obtidos entre 0,25 e 1,6 µm com pico de aproximadamente -200 W m-2µm-1 para um comprimento de onda da ordem de 0,5 µm, por unidade de espessura óptica (valores de em = 0.66 µm). A integral da FRD ao longo do espectro solar é da ordem de -60 w m-2 em média para uma região de superfície heterogênea (incluindo áreas urbanas e vegetação) em Cuiabá. A FRD sobre áreas urbanas se mostrou significativamente menor que em áreas de vegetação devido à sua maior reflectância de superfície. / In situ measurements in the Amazon Basin showed a large variety of aerosol particles in the atmosphere due mainly to biogenic and biomass burning sources. Particles from biomass burning are generally composed of a mixture of spherical and non-spherical particles, and chain aggregates of thousands of tiny black carbon (BC) spherules. The morphology and structure of smoke particles from biomass burning are determined by the type of fuel, the phase of combustion, and the age of the smoke. This structure changes due to interactions with water vapor, cloud droplets and due to condensation of gases on its surface (eg. sulfates and organic gases). Non-spherical and large (tens of micrometers) fluffy aggregates become more compacted and increasingly spherical with age. They are generally found only near the source of flaming-phase combustion, which suggests that particle compaction occurs in a relatively short time (likely, few hours) after release from a biomass fire. This change in morphology produces a significant change in the optical properties of these particles, enhancing its absorption and scattering cross sections. Scanning electron microscope photographs of aerosol particles from biomass burning taken in parallel with other physical measurements show correlation between morphology and the absorption coefficients suggesting the effect of the particle shape on optical properties. Intensive microphysical properties of the particles were measured and modeled in this work for biomass burning and biogenic aerosols. Despite of completely distinct sources, biogenic and biomass burning aerosols show some important similarities in chemical composition and particle sizes. Angström coefficients and backscattering ratios of biogenic aerosols were also found in the same range as biomass burning particles, but the scattering and absorption efficiencies, as well as single scattering albedo showed significantly different values. A new methodology was developed to obtain the spectral direct radiative forcing (DRF) by aerosol particles using remote sensing images and new parameters were defined in this work to access the radiative impact of the aerosols. Spectral measurements with the AVIRIS spectrometer (224 wavelengths between 0.38 and 2.5 µm) onboard the NASA-ER2 aircraft during the SCAR-B experiment (Smoke Clouds and Radiation -Brazil) have been used in this work to derive the spectral single scattering albedo of the aerosol particles, the aerosol optical thickness, and .the DRF.Significant values of spectral direct radiative forcing were found between 0,25 and 1.6 µm with a peak about -200 W m-2 µm-1 for a wavelength around 0.5 µm, per unity of optical depth (optical depth values at 0.66 µm). The integral over the whole solar spectrum averaged over heterogeneous surfaces (urban areas and vegetation) is about -60 W m-2 for the studied region (Cuiabá). The DRF over urban areas is smaller than over vegetation due to its brighter surface reflectance.
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Novos dispositivos de microextração e pré-concentração para eletroforese capilar utilizando membranas microporosas ou processos eletroquímicos e sua potencialidade na análise de aminas e metais / New devices to extraction and preconcentration with microporous membranes and electrochemical procedures prior to capillary electrophoresis: some applications to amines and metals analysisAntunes Junior, Osmar 13 October 2008 (has links)
A eletroforese capilar (CE) é uma técnica de separação eficiente, que tem merecido grande atenção nas últimas duas décadas, e que oferece soluções analíticas alternativas ou complementares à cromatografia líquida num número crescente campos de aplicação, incluindo análises de fármacos, compostos biológicos e biogênicos, dentre outros. Entre as vantagens comparativas da técnica figuram separações mais rápidas com pequeno dispêndio de amostras, solução tampão (e solvente orgânico, se usado), baixo custo de operação e manutenção. Todavia, a exigüidade de amostra no capilar tem como reflexo, via de regra, limites de detecção menos favoráveis que os da HPLC, uma limitação significativa na análise de traços, suplantável por técnicas e procedimentos de extração/acumulação prévia dos analitos. Nesta tese concebeu-se e implementou-se a combinação inédita entre a CE e a préconcentração eletroquímica de metais. Novos dispositivos para extração líquido/gás/líquido mediada por membranas microporosas também foram propostos e aplicados à analise de aminas voláteis, sempre utilizando detector de condutância medida sem contato direto com a solução (C4D, contactless capacitively coupled conductivity detection). Primeiramente, sem recorrer à preconcentração, definiu-se condições de análise para 16 aminas (metilamina, dimetilamina, trimetilamina, propilamina, n-butilamina, s-butilamina, t-butilamina, hexilamina, DMAE, etanolamina, dietanolamina, trietanolamina, 1,3-diaminopropano, 1,4-diaminobutano, 1,5-diaminopentano e 1,6-diaminohexano) juntamente com íon amônio, e, para análise de 9 metais (TI++, Cd2+, Pb2+,Cr3+, Zn2+, Ag+, Cu2+, Co2+ e Ni2+). Um método completo para análise de dimetilaminoetanol em formulações cosméticas por CE-C4D foi desenvolvido e validado. Os estudos de extração e pré-concentração líquido/gás/líquido foram realizados utilizando filamento oco de Oxyphan preenchido com solução coletora. Foi construída cela para extração gasosa constituída de recipiente fechado no qual se introduz amostra com analitos voláteis, ou volatilizáveis pela adição de reagente e/ou aquecimento (pervaporação). A bobina coletora de filamento oco preenchido com solução coletora foi montada na parte interna da tampa da cela. Testes realizados com amostras de tecidos de peixe demonstraram o funcionamento do sistema, que poderá ser aperfeiçoado e aplicado, por exemplo, à análise de aminas biogênicas primárias de baixo peso molecular, indicadoras de decomposição de certos alimentos. Criou-se também extrator microvolumétrico em que o filamento de Oxyphan é montado concentricamente no interior de um capilar de sílica fundida, para realização de estudos de extração líquido/gás/líquido em fluxo. Um sistema em fluxo compreendendo válvulas e microbombas foi montado e colocado sob controle de um programa de computador (Labview), que, entre outras funções, controla o deslocamento da solução coletora exposta no filamento oco (13 µL) até o ponto exato da interface em que se dá a injeção no capilar da CE. Pela primeira vez recorreu-se à acumulação eletroquímica (ECPC) de analitos num sistema FIA-CE-C4D - uma configuração baseada inteiramente na eletroquímica -, visando expandir os limites de detecção das determinações e eliminar interferência de matriz por troca de meio. Implementou-se a pré-concentração catódica seguida de redissolução anódica com uma célula eletroquímica especial, em que o capilar da eletroforese é posicionado junto ao eletrodo de trabalho, feito de ouro obtido a partir de CD\'s graváveis. Uma célula microfluídica ECPC-FIA-CE-C4D também foi construída. Tomando íons Cu2+ como sistema modelo, demonstrou-se o aumento do sinal referente aos íons cobre(lI) no eletroferograma para tempos crescentes de acumulação eletroquímica. Para a solução de alto teor salino contendo mistura dos íons Cd(II), Pb(II), Zn(lI) e Cu(II), comprovou-se a eliminação da interferência da matriz por troca de meio antes da redissolução anódica. Os testes iniciais indicam que os novos dispositivos e sistemas propostos nesta tese para uso em conjunto com a CE têm potencialidade para desencadear novas pesquisas, desenvolvimento de métodos e aplicações, sendo passíveis também de miniaturização e automação. / Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is an efficient separation technique that evolved rapidly in the last couple of decades, now offering complementary or alternative analytical solutions to liquid chromatography for an expanding number of application fields including drugs, biological and biogenic compounds. Some comparative advantages of CE are faster separation, very low consumption of buffer solutions and samples (and organic solvents, if any), lower maintenance and operational costs. However, the quantification of a few nanoliters of analyte in a capillary, as a rule, compromises the detection limits attainable by HPLC, a shortcomming in trace analysis, suplantable by extraction/preconcentration of the analytes from the sample. The combination of electrochemical preconcentration (ECPC) with CE is first proposed in this thesis and tested with metal ions. New devices for liquid/gas/liquid extraction based on microporous filaments filled with a collector solution were proposed and applied to the analysis of volatile amines, The detector of choice was the C4D (capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection) and CE-C4D working conditions were defined for the separation and determination of: i) 16 amines (methylamine, dimethylamine, trimethylamine, propylamine, n-butylamine, s-butylamine, t-butylamine, hexilamine, ethanolamine, diethanolamine, triethanolamine, DMAE, 1,3-diaminopropane, 1,4- diaminobutane, 1,5-diaminopentane and 1,6-diaminohexane) plus ammonium, ii) nine metallic ions (Tl+, Cd2+, Pb2+, Cr3+ Zn2+, Ag+, Cu2+, Co2+ e Ni2+). A complete method of analysis for Dimethyl-amino-ethanol (DMAE) in cosmetic formulations was established and validated. Liquid/gas/liquid extraction studies were based on the use of a polypropylene microporous filment (Oxyphan® ) filled with the collection solution. A closed cell was devised in which an Oxyphan® coil is installed beneath the cap and volatilization of sample components can be promoted by heating (pervaporation) or addition of a reactant. The device was successfully tested with fish samples by the detection of primary low molecular weight biogenic amines, a procedure of special interest in fast checking of fish or other foods for decomposition. A microvolumetric version of the liquid/gas/liquid extractor was created with an Oxyphan® hollow fiber mounted concentrically inside a silica capillary. A flow system comprising the micropumps, solenoid valves and the microextrator was designed, automatically operated under software control (Labview). This FIA-CE system was tested by the extraction/enrichment of volatile amines in the collecting solution (13 µL) followed by accurate displacement to the interface with the CE capillary by the micropumps. Pioneering work with ECPC-FIA-CE-C4D an all-electrochemical system was conducted in this thesis aiming expanded detection limits and matrix effect reduction. An electrochemical cell for the interface with FIA-CE system was built in acrylic using gold electrodes made from gold-sputtered CD-Rs. A microfluidic version of the cell interfaced with the CE capillary was also conceived. The full system was evaluated by using Cu2+ as a model specie; an increase in analytical signal was observed as a function of the cathodic deposition time before stripping. For a mixture of Cd2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Pb2+ in a high saline media, elimination of the matrix interference by medium exchange before stripping was demonstrated. Initial favorable evaluations show that the devices and systems proposed in 12 the thesis have the potential to engender further research of methods and applications as well as miniaturization and automation of procedures.
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Building upon ichnological principles: modern biogenic structures, ichnotaxonomic classification, and paleoecological and stratigraphic significance of ichnofossil assemblagesDafoe, Lynn T. 11 1900 (has links)
Biogenic structures can impart important information regarding animal behaviors and depositional conditions at the time of colonization including: sedimentation rate, current velocities, distribution of food resources, oxygenation, salinity, and temperature. This thesis utilizes various ichnological subdisciplines to build upon these underlying ichnological principles.
Neoichnology is a newly emerging field that can provide invaluable information about modern and ancient organisms. Burrowing activities of a population of deposit-feeding, freshwater Limnodrilus and Tubifex is found to produce biogenic graded bedding. Similarly, the burrowing activities of Euzonus mucronata are studied in relation to the trace fossil Macaronichnus segregatis, which displays mineralogical segregation between the burrow infill and mantle. The process of grain partitioning was assessed using videographic analyses of ingested and excreted grains by these deposit-feeding polychaetes, which selectively ingest felsic grains through en-masse feeding in felsic-rich locales.
Macaronichnus is an important trace in ancient deposits of nearshore settings; however, since its inception, the genus had not been formally diagnosed. Accordingly, a unique approach to classification of these traces was undertaken, using grain sorting and collective morphology as ichnotaxobases, in addition to the diagnosis of a new, related genusHarenaparietis. In the Permian Snapper Point Formation of SE Australia, a new ichnospecies of Piscichnus was diagnosed and interpreted to reflect fish or cephalopod feeding via hydraulic jetting into the substrate in search of infaunal food sources.
The delineation of trace fossils through ichnotaxonomy provides a basis for identifying trace fossil suites, which can be interpreted through ichnofacies analysis. Subtle ichnological and sedimentological attributes of deltaic strata in the Viking Formation permits the identification of wave-influenced and mixed river- and wave-influenced deposits in the Hamilton Lake and Wayne-Rosedale-Chain areas of Alberta, Canada, respectively. Facies analysis combined with the identification of palimpsest stratigraphic surfaces led to the identification of transgressively incised shoreface deposits at Hamilton Lake. Examples of palimpsest ichnofossils from the Hamilton Lake area and from other strata are used in an assessment of soft-, stiff- and firmground suites. This study revealed the importance of substrate properties, environment, stratigraphy and processes leading to the formation and expression of allocyclic and autocyclic surfaces.
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Skirtingo našumo dirvožemių pokyčiai ekologinėje ir tausojamojoje žemdirbystės sistemose / Changes in soil productivity parameters in organic and sustainable cropping systemsMasilionytė, Laura 07 December 2011 (has links)
1. Ištirti skirtingo humusingumo glėjiškame rudžemyje alternatyviose intensyviajai žemdirbystės sistemose su daugiamečių žolių atolu ir tarpinių pasėlių biomase į dirvožemį įterptų biogeninių elementų kiekį ir jų poveikį sėjomainos augalų produktyvumui. 2. Įvertinti su trąšomis įterptų ir su derliumi prarastų biogeninių elementų NPK balansą ekologinės bei tausojamosios žemdirbystės sistemose ir nustatyti judriųjų fosforo ir kalio pokyčius dirvožemyje. 3. Nustatyti tausojamosios ir ekologinės žemdirbystės sistemose tarpiniuose pasėliuose augintų augalų biomasėje sukaupto azoto poveikį Nmin. dinamikai dirvožemyje. 4. Ištirti naudotų trąšų ir tarpinių pasėlių poveikį humuso ir jo sudėties pokyčiams ekologinės bei tausojamosios žemdirbystės sistemose. 5. Įvertinti ekologinės ir tausojamosios žemdirbystės sistemose naudotų agropriemonių poveikį pagrindinių dirvožemio fizikinių rodiklių stabilumui, agrofitocenozių dominantėms ir augaluose sukauptai bendrajai energijai. / 1. In the cropping systems alternative to the intensive cropping system, set up on a gleyic Cambisol with a different humus status, perennial grasses and biomass of catch crops are a significant reserve of biogenic elements for the productivity of crop rotation plants. 2. In the organic and sustainable cropping systems, farmyard manure and biogenic elements incorporated with it have a greater positive effect on the NPK balance and changes in available phosphorus and potassium in the soil compared with green manure. 3. Catch crops are important from the environmental viewpoint, since by accumulating nitrogen in their biomass they reduce Nmin. concentration in the soil and become a reserve of nutrients for succeeding plants. 4. In the soil with a different humus status, alternative cropping systems have a diverse effect on humus stability and changes in its quality. 5. In the sustainable and organic cropping systems, catch crops and their biomass play an important role for soil physical parameters, agrophytocenoses dominants and total energy.
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Building upon ichnological principles: modern biogenic structures, ichnotaxonomic classification, and paleoecological and stratigraphic significance of ichnofossil assemblagesDafoe, Lynn T. Unknown Date
No description available.
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Trace Metal Composition Of Particulate Matter In The Water Column And Sediments Of The Black Sea And Regional RiversYigiterhan, Oguz - 01 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The Black Sea, with its oxic, suboxic and anoxic layers, provides a unique environment for studying how biological and geochemical processes affect the composition of particulate matter. The elemental composition of particles in the Black Sea is controlled by their origin and sources. Particles from rivers are dominated by aluminosilicate material that has compositions similar to the earth&rsquo / s crust. In general this material is relatively unreactive. Biological processes in the upper oxic and suboxic layers of the water column result in enrichments of elements which used as nutrients. Cu, Ba and Mo have been proposed as tracers for planktonic material and new production. Geochemical processes like manganese and iron recycling between oxidized and reduced forms, metal sulfide formation, and biogenic matter decomposition can have a large impact on the composition of particles in the suboxic and anoxic zones.
The aim of this thesis was to study the composition of particles suspended in the water column of the Black Sea, in regional rivers draining into the Black Sea, and of particles deposited in these rivers and Black Sea sediments. The objectives were to determine the chemical composition and distribution of particles supplied by rivers and produced in the Black Sea, and compare with those particles buried in the sediments. The chemical distributions can help us to understand the biogeochemical processes taking place. The ultimate goal is to understand if there is a chemical signature that characterizes sediments deposited in anoxic basins that can be used to determine if ancient sedimentary rocks were deposited under such conditions.
Water column filter samples were collected from the central western basin and along transects to the SW shelf regions during several research cruises of R/V Bilim and R/V Knorr in the Black Sea. Samples were taken by using both in situ large volume filtration systems and on deck vacuum filtration of discrete samples. River samples were collected by hand from the bank of four Turkish rivers and the Danube River. Sediment samples were obtained from 0 - 25 cm interval of a box core from the deep western basin.
All samples were digested and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry and combination of atomic absorption (flame & / graphite furnace) instruments. The elements analyzed included Al, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, Mo, Ag, Cd, Ba, Pb, and U. Great care was taken to avoid contamination and to obtain the highest level of precision and accuracy. The precision was typically about 5% for most elements. The accuracy, determined using standard reference materials, was also usually better than 5%. Another goal of this research was to determine the metal concentrations and best digestion methods using different types of filter materials. Blank filters were digested and analyzed and the analyses of various filter blanks are presented in the thesis.
The analyses showed that the particulate matter data from Turkish Rivers were very similar to the composition of global average riverine particulate material and global average crust. The Danube River had elevated concentrations for some elements that were probably due to anthropogenic contamination. The Turkish river samples were closer to (but still higher than) the averages for the world&rsquo / s rivers but many elements in the Danube were much higher. These high values determined for major elements in the Danube samples strongly suggest considerable contamination of the Danube as compared to the Turkish Rivers. The Danube River samples were especially enriched in Pb, Zn, Ag, Cu, Cd, and Mn and slightly enriched with Cr and Ni. The first five elements, in particular, are well known indicators of pollution.
The particulate matter in the water column of the Black Sea was influenced by lithogenic input from rivers, biological processes and geochemical processes. In order to examine the biogeochemical processes extensively, all the data were plotted as Metal/Al (Me/Al) ratios and compared with the ratios of the average crust and Turkish Rivers. Deviations were used to examine the anomalies due to biological and geochemical processes. In addition, the Al content of individual sample and the Me/Al ratio of crust or rivers were used to subtract the lithogenic component from the total composition. Enrichments due to biological processes were observed for Ba > / Fe > / Cr > / Mn > / Zn > / Ni > / Cu > / Mo > / V > / Co > / Cd > / U for the overall biogenic composition. Enrichments due to biology are most evident for Ba, Fe, Cr and Mn. This is a unique data set as there have been few previous analyses of biological enrichment for most of these elements.
The results of particulate matter analyses showed that some elements including U, V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Co, Zn, Ba and Mo were enriched in the set of samples from the euphotic zone. Redox cycling in the suboxic zone was observed, as expected, for Mn and Fe, whose oxides play an important role in scavenging processes. The redox dependent processes in the suboxic &ndash / anoxic interface influence the vertical distribution of U, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, Ba and possibly Mo, Cr and V. Elements influenced by sulfide formation in the anoxic layer are Fe, Cr, Ni, Co, Mo, and presumably Ag.
The sediment data were also examined based on the same approaches. The elements Zn, Pb, U and Cd decreased with sediment depth over the top 5 cm suggesting that they were remobilized out of the sediments. In general the sediments from the Black Sea have Me/Al ratios very similar to local Turkish Rivers and average crust. There is no unique sediment signature (except possibly for Mo) indicating that these sediments were deposited under sulphidic conditions. This study does not support the hypothesis that the composition of ancient rocks can be used to characterize the environment of deposition.
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Formação e dispersão de ozônio na região do Recôncavo BaianoNeves, Neuza Maria Santos January 2009 (has links)
137 f. / Submitted by Ana Hilda Fonseca (anahilda@ufba.br) on 2013-04-05T12:52:18Z
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Previous issue date: 2009 / Ozônio pode afetar a saúde humana sendo a ele atribuída a responsabilidade
por centenas de milhares de mortes prematuras a cada ano e por centenas de
internações hospitalares adicionais, além da perda de milhões de dias de trabalho.
Estes impactos na saúde são causados tanto por exposições a longo prazo (crônica)
quanto a curto prazo (aguda). De forma semelhante a que ocorre atualmente
próximo às grandes cidades do mundo e aos centros industriais, as concentrações
ambientais de ozônio estavam ultrapassando o padrão de qualidade do ar
estabelecido no Brasil, nas vizinhanças do Pólo Petroquímico de Camaçari,
especialmente durante os anos de 2000 a 2003.
Com o objetivo de avaliar a formação e dispersão de ozônio na região do
Recôncavo Baiano, foi desenvolvido um estudo, usando modelagem matemática,
para melhor compreender as principais fontes dos precursores de ozônio, bem como
sua formação e dispersão na referida região.
A metodologia adotada no estudo foi a elaboração de um inventário de
emissões atmosféricas para as regiões urbanas e industriais e utilização do modelo
matemático fotoquímico denominado STEM III – Sulfur Transport and Deposition
Model, da Universidade de Iowa (USA), para simular a formação e dispersão deste
poluente fotoquímico secundário na atmosfera na região do Recôncavo Baiano. Os
resultados do modelo foram comparados com as concentrações medidas por uma
rede de monitoramento contínuo da qualidade do ar do Pólo Petroquímico, referente
a um período em abril de 2003.
Concluiu-se que os resultados calculados para ozônio na região do
Recôncavo Baiano, através do modelo matemático STEM são adequados, uma vez
que há concordância satisfatória com os dados medidos. Os desvios encontrados
ocorreram especificamente durante os episódios com baixas velocidades do vento,
quando foram registrados picos de concentrações deste poluente próximo ao Pólo
Petroquímico de Camaçari. Os modelos matemáticos meteorológicos não
descrevem adequadamente a situação real quando a velocidade do vento é inferior
a 1 m/s.
Os resultados das simulações demonstram que a formação de ozônio ocorre
em regiões situadas muito além dos locais onde estão situadas as estações de
monitoramento do ar do Pólo, e atinge áreas distantes de Salvador e da região
industrial, como Feira de Santana e Santo Estevão, situadas a jusante dos ventos
que sopram do quadrante Este, predominantes na região.
Todas as concentrações calculadas para ozônio foram inferiores ao limite de
160 µg/m3 estabelecidas pela Resolução CONAMA 003/90, para períodos horários e
portanto, não deverão causar impactos na saúde humana. No entanto as
concentrações encontradas até cerca de 100 a 150 Km das fontes consideradas
podem afetar os ecossistemas pois as concentrações máximas simuladas estão
próximas do limite de 40 ppb.h (do inglês:Accumulated Dose Over Threshold of 40
ppb.h - AOT40), na região Oeste e Noroeste do domínio estudado.
O regime de formação de ozônio na região de Camaçari e de Candeias é
limitado pelo NOx, e as reduções das emissões de NO2 efetuadas pelo Pólo
Petroquímico à partir de 2004 resultaram na eliminação das violações dos limites de
ozônio na sua região de influência.
Considerando-se o atual cenário de desenvolvimento do Brasil, em dez anos
as concentrações de ozônio nas áreas costeiras do Recôncavo poderão representar
uma ameaça para a produtividade agrícola desenvolvida na região situada no
interior da Bahia, e eventualmente poderão representar também uma ameaça para a
saúde humana, a depender do aumento das emissões, particularmente veiculares. / Salvador
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Tvorba biogenních aminů v mase vybraných druhů ryb / The formation of biogenic amines in flesh of selected fish speciesMATĚJKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the use and effectiveness of some less common methods of conservation of fish meat. The formation of biogenic amines in meat is observed in connection with the non-traditional preservative methods. Amines can serve as indicators of protein degradation. The quality of fish was considered in connection with the increasing content of selected biogenic amines (putrescine, cadaverine, spermidine, spermine, 2-fenylathylamine, histamine, tyramine and tryptamine). Ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) was used as the method for determination of biogenic amines. Amines were derivatized by dansylchloride before their UPLC separation. The fish flesh was vacuum-packed. Samples were stored for several weeks in a thermostat at the selected storage temperature after the application of selected preservative technique. Beta-irradiation and high hydrostatic pressure were used for the preservation of fish flesh. Control samples were not exposed to the â-irradiation and high pressure. The organoleptic properties were studied for all samples (smell/odor, insight and shape). Beta-irradiation was applied to fish meat of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Both these species of freshwater fish are economically significant. Carp and trout are the species being mostly consumed in the Czech Republic. Fish meat is considered to be provided the flesh is fresh. A testing series of samples was created with common carp to determine the appropriate dose of â-irradiation. The maximum permissible dose of irradiation for fish meat is 3 kGy. Fish samples were exposed this dose in the first experiment. The dose of irradiation was reduced in following experiments based on the experience from the initial experiment. The doses of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and 2.0 kGy were applied to rainbow trout. The value of 0.75 kGy of â-irradiation or higher (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 kGy) prolonged the shelf life of fish meat, which was stored for three months (98 days). Prolonging of the shelf life of fish meat to approximately 98 days at 3.5 °C is redundant from technical point of view. For that reason lower doses 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 kGy were tested in more detail in the repeated experiment with carp meat. Lower doses of â-irradiation are considered to be more acceptable and-at the same time-sufficiently effective for delaying the beginning of degradation processes. 6 High hydrostatic pressure was applied to meat of common carp (Cyprinus carpio), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and pike (Exos lucius). Pike is another very popular kind of freshwater fish. Pike flesh is very tasty, but in spite of this, pike is not so much popular among consumers compared to carp and trout. The cause is its high price. Samples of pike were stored at standard temperature 3.5 °C and also at higher temperature 12 °C (unlike experiments with â-irradiation). Lower temperature of storage (3.5 °C) followed the conditions of storing of fish meat in industrial refrigeration facilities and households. The high pressure might not be sufficient for preservation at higher storage temperatures. This assumption was based on available information. Samples were treated by high pressure and stored at both 3.5 °C and 12 °C to verify this assumption. Higher temperature simulated either failure of refrigeration equipment or unsuitable store temperature of meat. In all species selected freshwater fish two levels of high pressure were applied ? 300 and 500 MPa. Both levels had significantly reduced the formation of biogenic amines, especially in samples stored at 3.5 °C. At this temperature, the effect of 300 and 500 MPa delayed start of degradation processes in fish meat by 3?4 weeks. At 12 °C and 500 MPa, high pressure extended the sustainability of meat by no more than one week. 500 MPa is effective treatment at the lower temperature of 3.5 °C. High pressure is not reliable preservative techniques at higher temperature.
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Evaluation of the central effects of yangambin isolated from Ocotea duckei Vattimo: Behavioral and neurochemical study in mice motor cortex and striatum / AvaliaÃÃo dos efeitos centrais da iangambina isolada de Ocotea duckei Vattimo: Estudo comportamental e neuroquÃmico em cÃrtex motor e corpo estriado de camundongoVera Targino Moreira Lima 20 July 2005 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / The effects of the acute administration of yangambin (25, 50 and 75 mg/kg intraperitoneal and oral), were studied in some animals behavioral models (open field, rotarod, forced swimming test, barbiturate-induced sleeping time, hole board, elevated plus maze, pentilenotetrazole-induced convulsion). Binding in vitro with differents concentrations of yangambin (0.5-200 microlitre), had been carried out to evaluate its interaction with the dopaminergic receptors (D1- and D2-like), muscarinic receptors (M1+M2)-like and serotonergic receptors (5-HT2)-like, as well as, HPLC studies to determine the effects of yangambin (25, 50 e 75 mg/kg, i.p.) after 24 h of its acute administration on the monoamines levels and its metabolites in mice motor cortex and striatum. The results showed that yangambin induced a significant reduction in the locomotor activity and the frequencies of rearing and grooming in the open field test, indicative of possible ansiolytic-like effect. These results can have related with the dopaminergic system, since that it had interaction of the yangambin with D1- e D2-sÃmile receptors, in striatum and D2-sÃmile in motor cortex, followed by a dopamine reduction, indicating a probable dopaminergic antagonistic action. The yangambin did not cause alteration in the motor coordination of the animals in the rotarod test, suggesting that the reduction of the locomotor activity can involve central action. It had a significant increase in the immobility of the mice in the forced swimming test induced by the yangambin. This effect, taken together with the reduction of the dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin induced by yangambin in striatum, can explain its depressant effect in this model. Moreover, corroborating these results, the yangambin increased pentobarbital-induced sleeping time in treated mice, suggestive of central depressant effect. Yangambin in the doses used in this work, did not protect the animals from pentilenotetrazole-induced convulsions, suggesting that this effect depends on the used dose. In the hole board test, the yangambin increased the number of the head dips, in all the doses studied, intraperitoneal or oral, demonstrating ansiolytic activity. The ansiolytic effect of yangambin (75 mg/kg, i.p. and 25, 50 and 75 mg/kg, p.o.) was also confirmed in the elevated plus maze, where it presented significant increase in the percentage of the entries number in the open arms and the percentage of the time of permanence in the open arms. Yangambin 50 and 75 mg/kg, p.o., also increased the number of entries and the time of permanence in the open arms, respectively. However, yangambin 25 and 50 mg/kg, i.p., presented ansiogenic effect evidenced by the reduction of the time of permanence in the open arms which probably due to the absence of the formation of some active metabolite generated in the first-pass metabolism. The ansiolytic effect induced for yangambin 75 mg/kg, p.o., in the plus maze, was reverted with flumazenil (2.5 mg/kg, i.p.), indicating the possible participation of the GABAergic receptors in its mechanism of action. The ansiolytic effect of the yangambin, observed in the hole board and the plus maze test, was followed by a reduction of noradrenaline and serotonin in striatum, however, in the motor cortex, yangambin (75 mg/kg, i.p.), induced an increase of the noradrenaline levels, as well as yangambin (25, 50 and 75 mg/kg, i.p.) induced serotonin increase, demonstrating that the ansiolytic effect associated to the reduction of noradrenaline and serotonin depends on the cerebral area. The blockade of the dopaminergic receptors induced by yangambin was synergic to its agonist action on the cholinergic receptors, since that it did not modify the reduction of the locomotive activity of the animals in the open field test. The present work shows an interaction between the systems dopaminergic, cholinergic, serotonergic and GABAergic, that suggest the importance of yangambin in illnesses that modify these systems of neurotransmission. The yangambin presented compatible behavioural and neurochemical alterations with ansiolytic-like effect. / Os efeitos da administraÃÃo aguda da iangambina (25, 50 e 75 mg/kg, por via intraperitoneal e oral), foram estudados em vÃrios modelos animais de comportamento (campo aberto, rota rod, nado forÃado, tempo de sono induzido por pentobarbital, placa perfurada, labirinto em cruz elevado, convulsÃo induzida por pentilenotetrazol). Binding in vitro com diferentes concentraÃÃes de iangambina (0,5-200 microlitros), foram realizados para avaliar sua interaÃÃo com os receptores dopaminÃrgicos (D1- e D2-sÃmile), receptores muscarÃnicos (M1+M2)-sÃmile e receptores serotonÃrgicos (5-HT2)-sÃmile, bem como, estudo em HPLC para determinar os efeitos da iangambina (25, 50 e 75 mg/kg,i.p.) apÃs 24 horas de sua administraÃÃo aguda sobre os nÃveis de monoaminas e seus metabÃlitos em cÃrtex motor e corpo estriado de camundongos. Os resultados mostraram que a iangambina induziu uma diminuiÃÃo significativa na atividade locomotora e nas freqÃÃncias de rearing e grooming no teste de campo aberto, indicativo de possÃvel efeito ansiolÃtico. Estes resultados podem estar relacionados com o sistema dopaminÃrgico, desde que houve interaÃÃo da iangambina com os receptores D1- e D2-sÃmile, em corpo estriado e D2-sÃmile em cÃrtex motor, acompanhado de uma reduÃÃo de dopamina, indicando uma provÃvel aÃÃo antagonista dopaminÃrgica. A iangambina nÃo causou alteraÃÃo na coordenaÃÃo motora dos animais no teste de rota rod, sugerindo que a reduÃÃo da atividade locomotora possa envolver aÃÃo central. Houve um aumento significativo na imobilidade dos camundongos no teste do nado forÃado induzido pela iangambina. Este efeito, juntamente com a reduÃÃo da dopamina, noradrenalina e serotonina induzida pela iangambina em corpo estriado, pode explicar seu efeito depressor neste modelo. AlÃm disso, corroborando estes resultados, a iangambina potenciou o tempo de sono induzido pelo pentobarbital em camundongos, sugestivo de efeito depressor central. Iangambina nas doses empregadas neste trabalho, nÃo protegeu os animais das convulsÃes induzidas por pentilenotetrazol, sugerindo que este efeito depende da dose usada. No teste da placa perfurada, a iangambina aumentou o nÃmero de head dips, em todas as doses estudadas, por via intraperitoneal ou oral, demonstrando atividade ansiolÃtica. O efeito ansiolÃtco da iangambina (75 mg/kg, i.p e 25, 50 e 75 mg/kg, v.o.) tambÃm foi confirmado no teste do labirinto em cruz elevado, onde apresentou aumento significativo na percentagem do nÃmero de entradas nos braÃos abertos e na percentagem do tempo de permanÃncia nos braÃos abertos. Iangambina (50 e 75 mg/kg, v.o.) tambÃm aumentou o nÃmero de entradas e o tempo de permanÃncia nos braÃos abertos, respectivamente. No entanto, iangambina 25 e 50 mg/kg, i.p., apresentou efeito ansiogÃnico evidenciado pela reduÃÃo do tempo de permanÃncia nos braÃos abertos o que provavelmente pode dever-se a ausÃncia da formaÃÃo de algum metabÃlito ativo gerado no metabolismo de primeira passagem. O efeito ansiolÃtico induzido pela iangambina 75 mg/kg, v.o., no modelo do labirinto, foi revertido com o flumazenil (2,5 mg/kg,i.p), indicando a possÃvel participaÃÃo dos receptores GABAÃrgicos no seu mecanismo de aÃÃo. O efeito ansiolÃtico da iangambina, observado no teste da placa perfurada e no labirinto em cruz elevado, foi acompanhado por uma reduÃÃo de noradrenalina e serotonina em corpo estriado, no entanto, em cÃrtex motor, iangambina (75 mg/kg, i.p.), induziu um aumento dos nÃveis de noradrenalina, assim como iangambina (25, 50 e 75 mg/kg, i.p.) induziu aumento de serotonina, demonstrando que o efeito ansiolitico associado a reduÃÃo de noradrenalina e serotonina depende da Ãrea cerebral. A iangambina interagiu com receptores muscarÃnicos em cÃrtex motor e corpo estriado. O bloqueio dos receptores dopaminÃrgicos induzido pela iangambina foi sinÃrgico à sua aÃÃo agonista sobre os receptores colinÃrgicos, desde que nÃo alterou a reduÃÃo da atividade locomotora dos animais no modelo de campo aberto. O presente trabalho mostra uma interaÃÃo entre os sistemas dopaminÃrgico, colinÃrgico, serotonÃrgico e GABAÃrgico, revelando a importÃncia da iangambina em doenÃas que alteram estes sistemas de neurotransmissÃo. A iangambina apresentou alteraÃÃes comportamentais e neuroquÃmicas compatÃveis com efeito ansiolÃtico-sÃmile.
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