Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biographical,"" "subject:"biogeographic,""
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Začlenění handicapovaných: požadavek či nabídka? Přijetí druhými z biografické perspektivy / Inclusion of disabled: demand or supply ? Acceptance from others (biographic approach)Votrubcová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Disblement is a part of our society. To the core of social life pertains also a social contact which allows us to check up our understanding of social reality and gives us the feedbach of our acting and behavior. According to this feedbach we act. View on handicap as a social construct is stigmatizing. Inequality in society is more often uderstood as the result of interaction. Disabled people have stigmatized identity which further influences the interaction and inclusion to the society. The integration is very important, stands before the interaction and depends on understanding disability by the people without any handicap and also by people with disabilities. Stigmatized persons are considered deviant and can have feelings of loneliness. From the medical point of view the handicap is considered as a restricting factor, which does not allow people with disabilities to perform basic roles in society. The social model regards disability as a construct, which is created by interaction.
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Ténicas och estrategicas literarias en "Leonora" de Elena PoniatowskaRyd, Gunilla January 2012 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is Leonora written by Elena Poniatowska. The aim of the study is to analyze the literary technique and strategy used in constructing this book which depicts the life of a famous painter, Leonora Carrington. The analysis concentrates on two aspects: the extent of its feminist character and whether it can be classified as a fictional biography or a biographic fiction. In order to arrive at a conclusion on these issues a brief summary of literary and feminist theory is presented as well as a short description of relevant aspects of the surrealist movement. According to the author Leonora does not pretend to be a biography but rather a tribute to a great woman and artist. This esay however sustains that the book is a feminist fictional biography. In fact it builds upon books written by Carrington herself with a highly autobiographical content as well as on biographical texts. Both the author and her protoganist are well-known for their feminist stand and the analysis shows how feminist theory or thinking is reflected both on behalf on the writer as well as in the construction of the hero and certain aspects of her life that build up this biographical fiction.
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Vyrų, patyrusių stuburo traumą, biografinio ,,darbo“ patirtys taikant meno terapiją / Biographical “work” experience of men who have suffered spine trauma by applying art therapyGavelienė, Larisa 14 June 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo aktualumas. Apie 80 procentų pacientų su stuburo smegenų pažeidimais yra vyrai, paaugliai ir jauni suaugusieji. Dauguma jų yra aktyvūs, socialūs asmenys, kurių reabilitacijos tikslas po nugaros smegenų pažeidimo – grįžti į normalų gyvenimą pas šeimą, draugus, bendraamžius. Mokslininkai teigia, kad tradicinis vyriškas vaidmuo visuomenėje – tokie bruožai kaip stiprumas, emocijų kontrolė, savarankiškumas, jėga ir dominavimas trukdo vyrams ieškoti pagalbos. Be to, tradicinės vyriškumo savybės, įskaitant nepriklausomumą, sėkmę darbe, yra susijusios su bendru savęs vertinimu, todėl pakitimai gali turėti žymų poveikį. Teorinėje dalyje pristatoma identiteto samprata, tapatumą aiškinančios teorijos, kentėjimo trajektorijos samprata. Skiriamas vaidmuo nehegemoninio vyriškumo aptarimui, vyriškumo ir negalios sankirtų perspektyvai. Remiantis autorių įžvalgomis bandoma apibūdinti skirtingas vyriškumo formas. Analizuojama vyrų, patyrusių stuburo traumą, biografinė perspektyva, kaip įvykis, pertvarkantis ir perstruktūruojantis visą jų gyvenimą, keičiantis vyrų identitetą. Analizuojamas socialinis darbas, komandinis darbas reabilitacijos įstaigose. Darbe apžvelgiami fiziologiniai procesai, kurie aiškina fiziologines stuburo smegenų pažeidimo pasekmes, be kurių negalima paaiškinti psichosocialinių aspektų. Baigiamasis darbas nagrinėja vyrų, patyrusių stuburo traumą, patirtis, jų biografinę situaciją.
Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti vyrų, patyrusių stuburo traumą, biografinio ,,darbo“... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Topicalityoftheresearch. Approximately 80 percentofpatientswhohavesufferedspinalcordinjuries are men, teenagersoryoungadults. Majorityofthem are active, socialpersonswhoserehabilitationaimafterthespinalcordinjuryis to return to normallifeintheirfamilies, withtheirfriends, andcontemporaries. Scientistsstatethatthetraditionalman's role inthesociety - suchfeaturesasdiligence, controlofemotions, independence, poweranddomination - preventsthemfromsearchingforhelp. Moreover, thetraditionalmasculinitycharacteristics, includingindependence, success at work, isrelated to thegeneralself-evaluation,thus, changesmayhavesignificanteffect. Thetheoreticpartpresentstheconceptofidentity, theoriesexplainingpersonalidentity, theconceptofsufferingtrajectory. Attentionispaid to non-hegemonicdiscussionofmasculinity, theperspectiveofmasculinityanddisabilitycrossing. Onthebasisoftheauthors' insightsattempts are made to describeseparateformsofmasculinity. Thebiographicalperspectiveofmenwhohavesuffered spine trauma isanalyzedasaneventrearrangingandrestructuringtheirentirelife, changemen’sidentity. Socialworkandteamworkinrehabilitationinstitutions are analyzed. Theworksurveysthephysiologicalprocessesexplainingtheconsequencesofspinalcordinjurywithoutwhichthepsychologicalaspectscannot be explained. Thefinalworkanalyzestheexperienceofmenwhohavesuffered spine trauma, theirbiographicalsituation.
Objectoftheresearch – to revealthebiographicalworkexperienceofmenwhohavesuffered spine trauma byapplying art... [to full text]
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TrajetÃrias biogrÃficas: o habitus leitor de professoras em Teresina-PI / Biographical trajectories: the reader habitus of teachers in Teresina-PIMarta Rochelly Ribeiro Gondinho 23 August 2010 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Esta pesquisa à um estudo sobre o habitus leitor de professoras desenvolvido atravÃs de suas trajetÃrias biogrÃficas. De cunho qualitativo a pesquisa propÃs-se analisar a constituiÃÃo do habitus leitor de professoras da rede pÃblica e privada de ensino de Teresina â PiauÃ. Sob a Ãgide da indagaÃÃo de como se constituiu o habitus leitor, buscou-se compreender qual a relaÃÃo do capital cultural com a trajetÃria leitora de professoras. Amparou-se teoricamente na sociologia de Pierre Bourdieu (1992, 1994, 1998, 2007), sobre o conceito de capital cultural, habitus e as contribuiÃÃes da Praxiologia. Utilizou-se ainda os postulados da sociologia da leitura de Bernard Lahire (1997, 2002, 2005, 2006) acerca do conceito de disposiÃÃes, experiÃncias socializadoras e dissonÃncia, bem como na histÃria cultural preconizada por Roger Chartier (2002), sobre a leitura como uma prÃtica cultural historicizada. Para constituir as trajetÃrias, realizou-se entrevistas narrativas pela metodologia da histÃria oral e pela abordagem investigativa da histÃria de vida. Para apropriaÃÃo do perfil dos sujeitos aplicou-se um questionÃrio a quatro professoras entrevistadas. A constituiÃÃo das trajetÃrias permitiu desvelar as experiÃncias de leitura e sua relaÃÃo com a incorporaÃÃo das disposiÃÃes, dando suporte para compreender que existem implicaÃÃes diretas da aquisiÃÃo do capital cultural na formaÃÃo do leitor. Foi possÃvel destacar tambÃm que o significado da leitura para o leitor à constituÃdo atravÃs de suas prÃticas sociais e culturais, continuamente proporcionado por atividades socializadoras, desconstruindo em alguns casos a idÃia de reproduÃÃo, ressaltando as vozes dissonantes, cabendo por tanto novas apropriaÃÃes para o conceito de capital cultural. Em consideraÃÃes finais, esta pesquisa instigou o deslocamento da formaÃÃo leitora para o leitor em sua singularidade reconhecendo o lugar das experiÃncias culturais nesta formaÃÃo. / This is a research about the reading habitus of teachers developed along their biographic trajectory. The research has a qualitative aspect, which proposed to analyze the constitution of the reading habitus of teachers of the public and private teaching board of Teresina â PiauÃ. Under the questioning on how the reading habitus was constituted, it was searched to understand which was the relation between the cultural capital and the reader trajectory of teachers. It was supported by the Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu (1992, 1994, 1998, 2007), about the concept of cultural capital, habitus and the contributions of Praxiology. It was still used the proposal of the Sociology of reading of Bernard Lahire (1997,2002, 2005,2006) about the concept of dispositions, socializating experiences and dissonance, also in the cultural history recommended by Roger Chartier (2002), about the reading as a cultural historicized practice. To constitute the trajectories, it was made narrating interviews by the methodology of the oral history and by the investigative approach of the history of life. For the appropriation of the profile of the subjects, it was applied a questionnaire to four interviewed teachers. The constitution of the trajectories permitted to revel the experiences of reading and its relation with the incorporation of the dispositions, giving support to understand that there are direct implications of the acquisition of the cultural capital in the formation of the reader. It was also possible to detach that the meaning of the reading to the reader is built through his/her social and cultural practice, continuously proportioned by socializating activities, deconstructing in some cases the idea of reproduction, emphasizing the out of tune voices, therefore fitting new meanings for the concept of cultural capital. In final considerations, this research stimulated the moving of the reading formation to the reader in its singularities identifying the place of the cultural experiences in such formation.
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Experiencing the presence of the deceased : symptoms, spirits, or ordinary life?Hayes, Jacqueline Ann January 2011 (has links)
Experiences of presence are common in bereavement. The bereaved person may see the deceased, hear their familiar voice, or otherwise feel they are close at hand. But although common, they are experiences not without controversy. They have come under a variety of descriptions, from 'hallucinations', lacking in meaning and even essentially meaningless, to 'continuing relationships', of rich personal significance. The current thesis represents the first systematic investigation of the properties and meaning of experiences of presence. Narrative biographic interviews with bereaved informants were analysed using Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis. Analytical focus was on the ways in which participants made such experiences meaningful. As a novel approach, this thesis reports several new findings about these phenomena. Firstly, the experiences happened in a variety of bonds (including spouses, parents, grandparents, children, siblings and others), and in a variety of circumstances of the bereavement (including sudden and expected deaths). In all cases, they were described as richly meaningful experiences and as relying on several sources for this meaning. The personal histories of participants were of particular importance in making sense of experiences of presence. Within this context, the experience acquired sense as a continuation of some aspect of the relationship with the deceased. The experiences also had diverse functions, from soothing to destructive. Sometimes, the experiences helped the bereaved to resolve unfinished business with the deceased; at other times, the help was with a much more ordinary problem. On some occasions the experiences of presence caused the bereaved more problems; they simply pronounced the grief or continued a fraught relationship. Participants showed that they had many cultural resources available to them in making sense of their experiences but they did not use all of them. Many informants used some spiritual and psychological ideas to make sense of their experiences. The thesis concludes that many of the most popular theories for these experiences impoverish them by stripping them of their diversity and important aspects of their meaning. The thesis also makes recommendations for psychotherapy for those who have problems of living as a result of their experiences of presence. The study also has implications for psychological research as none of these findings could have been observed through the use of an experimental methodology.
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Entre la incertidumbre y el individualismo. Ética científica de la adversidad y nanotecnología en el Perú / Between uncertainty and individualism. Scientific ethos of adversity and nanotechnology in PeruZárate Vásquez, Julio Sebastián 10 April 2018 (has links)
Practising science in Peru means facing adversity. Due to the country’s recent economic growth and despite its weak institutions, there is a growing (yet insufficient) interest in raising the investment in science, technology and innovation activities. However, how are scientists and engineers overcoming these difficulties? To answer these questions, this research focuses in the study of the experts engaged in scientific practice through the analysis of a particular case: the nanotechnology experts. The main hypothesis of this research is that to overcome these adversities, the nanotechnology experts have developed a peculiar scientific ethos, expressed by an individualized access to knowledge, networks and resources. Taking that into account, the main goal will be to characterize the current institutional situation of science and technology in Peru regarding scientific research. / Hacer ciencia en el Perú es enfrentarse a la adversidad. En una coyuntura que se caracteriza por suprecariedad institucional y en la que, al mismo tiempo, se ha comenzado a demandar inversión en ciencia, tecnología e innovación, cabe preguntarse por los modos en que los actores superan día a día estas dificultades. En ese sentido, la propuesta consiste en acercarse a estos actores del conocimiento a partir del estudio de un caso particular: el de los expertos en nanotecnología. La hipótesis propuesta es que, para superar dichas adversidades, los expertos han desarrollado ciertos mecanismos individuales y colectivos que tienen como base una ética científica particular que se expresa a través del interés individual por generar y acceder a más conocimientos. A partir de ello, se intentará caracterizar el panorama institucional de la ciencia y la tecnología en relación con la investigación científica.
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Looking for Belonging: Ruptures and Ligaments : A Study of Biographic Narratives of Asylum-Seeking Persons in EuropeJorge, Beatriz January 2023 (has links)
This project deals with the experiences of asylum-seeking persons in their struggle to receive protection in different European countries, exploring how the sense of belonging is shaped during fragmented migration journeys. Conducting biographic-narrative interviews with five persons I met while working in a community centre in Greece, the research shifts the gaze from exclusionary citizenship regimes to migrant agency, revealing the distinct tactics, perceptions and performances of belonging on the move. The findings highlight the dynamic nature of belonging, challenging the notion that migration necessarily implies a rupture with significant attachments. Encounters with state and asylum authorities and regulations are experienced as renewed instances of insecurity, hindering belonging, whereas the community centre offers solace and alternative membership. The research partners express a pragmatic sense of “elective belonging” in Germany and Switzerland, based on long-awaited security and existential mobility, despite weakened community ties and the constraints imposed by European migration policies.
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Building African College Student Leaders: The Role of Campus Community ServiceManyibe, Benard Mairura 28 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Ethical codes for training staff in South African collieries : a case study / F.W. KempKemp, Frederick Willem January 2009 (has links)
The title of the research is "Ethical codes for training staff in South African Collieries -a case study". The research was conducted in coal mining training centres in the Free State,
Gauteng and the Mpumulanga provinces of South Africa.
The objective of the research was to examine ethical codes currently in place internationally and locally. Based on this research the research was then focused on its contribution to the human resource development arena. South African coal mining training centres staff were interviewed regarding how they perceived ethical codes and ethical conduct and the importance of these concepts to their daily work lives.
It was found that training staff were aware of ethical behaviour and conduct. Factors such as age, the type of professional association a person belongs to were found to be significant.
Recommendations were made regarding further research on ethical conduct in other mining products, companies a for human resource development practises. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.
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Ethical codes for training staff in South African collieries : a case study / F.W. KempKemp, Frederick Willem January 2009 (has links)
The title of the research is "Ethical codes for training staff in South African Collieries -a case study". The research was conducted in coal mining training centres in the Free State,
Gauteng and the Mpumulanga provinces of South Africa.
The objective of the research was to examine ethical codes currently in place internationally and locally. Based on this research the research was then focused on its contribution to the human resource development arena. South African coal mining training centres staff were interviewed regarding how they perceived ethical codes and ethical conduct and the importance of these concepts to their daily work lives.
It was found that training staff were aware of ethical behaviour and conduct. Factors such as age, the type of professional association a person belongs to were found to be significant.
Recommendations were made regarding further research on ethical conduct in other mining products, companies a for human resource development practises. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.
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