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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

One story, many journeys : an auto/biographic narrative case study of a community-university partnership

Walker, Peter January 2016 (has links)
This is the story of a project to connect the resources of a university to the struggles of a group of Congolese asylum seekers in the city of Derby. It represents a case study of a whole process: this includes a specific project established to explore how a university might fulfil its stated goals of being closely anchored in the local and regional community; and how it might engage and marshal its resources to provide educational and maybe research opportunities, while giving priority to community-based projects that tackle social disadvantage. The thesis is made up of a number of overlapping elements: there is the story of the project itself, of why the University became involved, and the nature of the interaction with a particular community, as seen through the eyes of some of the Congolese and me the project coordinator/researcher. It includes my struggles to establish a steering committee with the Congolese and the creation of a range of educational/recreational resources to help members of a community manage the difficult, stressful and even traumatic processes of asylum. The project led to the establishment of a community association and various initiatives to dialogically engage with the community and gather diverse narratives. Finally it led to various outcomes leading to what might be a ‘Reconnecting the hearts and minds’ project, that created spaces for story telling for a number of women and men migrants. The project also included an evaluation, which developed at its core, into a collection of narratives chronicling the difficult processes of forced migration, where people experience the pain of family separation, the dislocation of landing in a foreign country. A country whose language was different, whose customs were strange and where the processes of claiming asylum could be alienating, and where racism is experienced. We can call this project and its evaluation a piece of action research with a series of narratives at its heart. The project and evaluation together raise questions about the role of creative activity and narrative in managing painful transitions. There is another story within the bigger one, however, a story of a project coordinator and his relationship with the community and the University of Derby ... of initial enthusiasm followed by marginalisation and the closure of a supportive community development unit in the University; and of the placement of this role, for want of a better home, in the marketing department. This is also a narrative of registering for a doctorate, of being rejected, and of seeking to think through, with the help of others, what a good enough doctorate might entail. The end product has become a process of auto/biographical narrative reflexive research in which the narratives of the migrants intertwine with the researcher’s own; around the themes of dislocation, and of the struggles for voice and agency. The basic threads of the study are of a dislocating experience, and of how resources of hope can be found in creative activity – whether a sewing class, telling stories, fashion shows or engaging in auto/biographical narrative reflexivity. The basic argument has to do with tokenism and the disrespect that can surround university civic engagement as well as how asylum seekers are treated callously more generally; but also how resources of hope can make a difference. There is also the troubling issue of voice in research and whose story really counts; of a white, middle class male engaging with distressed women migrants, and of what might have been a silencing of the women concerned. But through values of commitment, and of learning to listen, the project became more dialogical, as evidenced in the women’s stories.


Paz, Thaís Raquel da Silva 20 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present research presents the subjectification processes which arise from the self-biographic narrative of a visual arts teacher. Based on Hernández and Rifà (2011)‟s referential, I have tried not to talk about me‟ but to talk from myself‟ in order to produce narratives which involve incompleteness and a provisory nature, because they are always open to new connections, perceptions and inventions. Thus, the narratives that constitute the research are not understood as visual arts teachers‟ descriptions with a confession nature or with the intention of clarifying who we really are in relation to teaching. It is not about discovering, apprehending the totality, but it is about gathering what we have already heard, read, and said about this context, aiming at keeping making ourselves‟. The authors Foucault, Deleuze, Guattari and Rolnik led me through a distant way of the idea of universal features in human existence, by pointing to a constant production of the profession, full of fixed lines and representational in several moments, but that also consists of unstable lines and is open to new courses. / Esta pesquisa apresenta os processos de subjetivação que emergem da narrativa autobiográfica de uma professora de artes visuais. A partir do referencial de Hernández e Rifà (2011), experimentei falar não de mim, mas a partir de mim, de modo a produzir narrativas que compreendem a incompletude e o caráter provisório, pois estão sempre abertas a novas conexões, percepções e invenções. Desta forma, as narrativas que constituem a pesquisa não são entendidas como descrições dos professores de artes visuais, com um caráter de confissão ou com a intenção de esclarecer quem realmente somos na docência. Trata-se não de descobrir, apreender a totalidade, mas de reunir o que já ouvimos, lemos e dissemos sobre este contexto no intuito de seguirmos nos fazendo. Os autores Foucault, Deleuze, Guattari e Rolnik impulsionaram-me para um caminho distante da ideia de características universais na existência humana, apontando para uma produção constante da profissão, abarrotada de linhas fixas, e em muitos momentos representacionais, mas que também se compõe com linhas inconstantes e abertas a novos percursos.

A Formação Intelectual da Elite Sergipana (1822-1889)

Silva, Eugênia Andrade Vieira da 10 May 2004 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to analyze Sergipe´s intellectual formation during the empire period as well as to prove that the origin of that intellectuality was in that period and not in the republic. For that, it was observed the sending of Sergipanos students by the Province elite to educational Brazilian centers as well as European centers between 1822 and 1889. That time marks Sergipe´s identity as well as the national identity and also their performance as intellectuals in Sergipe, contributing, this way, to build up Sergipe´s intellectual profiles. To deeply analyze this intellectuality, it has been selected 400 (four hundred) names which have been recognized and legitimated by Sergipe´s society as intellectuals. / Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a formação da intelectualidade sergipana durante o Império, objetivando comprovar que ela se originou no período imperial e não no republicano. Para tanto, foi estudado o envio de estudantes sergipanos aos centros educacionais brasileiros e a europeus, pela elite da Província, durante o período de 1822 a 1889, época que marca a formação de uma identidade sergipana e nacional e sua atuação como intelectuais em Sergipe, construindo assim o campo intelectual sergipano. Para análise da formação dessa intelectualidade, foram selecionados quatrocentos (400) nomes reconhecidos e legitimados pela sociedade sergipana como intelectuais.


黃琬敦 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以一位放棄公幼教職,轉任私立佛教托兒所任教之幼師為對象,以生命傳記研究取向來探究這位幼師如何在職涯變遷歷程中,看待自我教師角色與所處的社會脈絡價值、其反主流趨勢向下流動的職涯轉換與宗教經驗間相互牽引之互動關係。具體而言,研究問題包括生命主體是在何種處境經驗下,選擇辭去公幼教職,前往私立佛教托兒所任教?在職涯轉向歷程中,宗教觀如何影響幼師的職涯觀?宗教經驗在其實踐幼師專業的生命中,扮演怎樣的角色? 在以探究生命歷程的傳記研究為建構本研究的理論基礎下,選擇F. Schütze發展的「敘述訪談法」來採集個案口述傳記資料,包括「職業史」與「宗教史」。資料經逐字轉錄為文本後,以教育學傳記研究學者R. Kokemohr的「參照推論分析論」作為分析解讀文本的工具,並依據分析結果進行文本內涵意義的形塑。 透過文本的分析與詮釋,逐形塑出文本主體「追求內心真正成長的快樂」之核心意向訴說。其呈顯的是幼師如何在實踐理想自我圖像的歷程中,經自我宗教觀與職涯觀相互牽引辯證,不斷超越自我限制而邁向專業成長的意義。即宗教教育推廣活動給出了「利他志業」之職業價值,生命主體透過德育行動致力於實踐此志業的「願行」承諾,而得以從「物質」條件追求之價值觀,轉化為以「終極關懷」作為自我安身立命的依歸,為其停滯的專業生命帶來了創化的關鍵。而本研究所闡述之幼師角色認同四部曲:「順勢而為」、「複製社會意識圖像」、「超越自我」與「己立立人」,說明的是幼師自我與外在社會世界互動歷程中,生命主體如何把握自身境遇的限制與可能性,開創其職涯契機及實現職涯願景的運轉脈絡。

Mapování individuálního hudební zkušenosti v post-apartheidní Jižní Africe. Bio-etnografie obyvatele townshipu Lesiby Samuela Kadiaky / Mapping the Individual Musical Experience in Post-Apartheid South Africa: A Bio-Ethnography of Township Dweller Lesiba Samuel Kadiaka

Zdrálek, Vít January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation is a biographical ethnography of an individual, ordinary musician and Mamelodi township dweller, Lesiba Samuel Kadiaka (*1962) in South Africa. It is based largely on fieldwork totalling more than 12 months conducted in five periods over six years between 2006 and 2011. It examines the possibilities of studying an average (rather than 'leading') musician ethnographically and their implications and consequences for wider ethnomusicological and South African music research. It makes a practical contribution to the wider debate about the relationship between individual, social, and cultural structures, and breaks new ground in its focus on the previously little known music and practices of Mr. Kadiaka's church, the Zion Christian Church. The research consisted mainly of ethnographic observations of various kinds of musical activities in which Mr. L. S. Kadiaka was involved in as a solo musician (songwriter and song singer) and as a member of the ZCC, on the one hand, and of deep interviews over the time span of six years, on the other. It consists of a biographical part dealing with his narratives about childhood in rural Ga-Mphahlele and his later life in Mamelodi township. Iconographic historical sources of a private nature are use too. The second part describes in three large...

Trajetórias biográficas: o habitus leitor de professoras em Teresina-PI / Biographical trajectories: the reader habitus of teachers in Teresina-PI

GONDINHO, Marta Rochelly Ribeiro January 2010 (has links)
GONDINHO, Marta Rochelly Ribeiro. Trajetórias biográficas: o habitus leitor de professoras em Teresina-PI. 2010. 148f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2010. / Submitted by Raul Oliveira (raulcmo@hotmail.com) on 2012-08-07T12:56:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_DIS_MRRGONDINHO.pdf: 726955 bytes, checksum: c430475e425c85e137155aaf1ab265bd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-08-09T11:59:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_DIS_MRRGONDINHO.pdf: 726955 bytes, checksum: c430475e425c85e137155aaf1ab265bd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-08-09T11:59:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_DIS_MRRGONDINHO.pdf: 726955 bytes, checksum: c430475e425c85e137155aaf1ab265bd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / This is a research about the reading habitus of teachers developed along their biographic trajectory. The research has a qualitative aspect, which proposed to analyze the constitution of the reading habitus of teachers of the public and private teaching board of Teresina – Piauí. Under the questioning on how the reading habitus was constituted, it was searched to understand which was the relation between the cultural capital and the reader trajectory of teachers. It was supported by the Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu (1992, 1994, 1998, 2007), about the concept of cultural capital, habitus and the contributions of Praxiology. It was still used the proposal of the Sociology of reading of Bernard Lahire (1997,2002, 2005,2006) about the concept of dispositions, socializating experiences and dissonance, also in the cultural history recommended by Roger Chartier (2002), about the reading as a cultural historicized practice. To constitute the trajectories, it was made narrating interviews by the methodology of the oral history and by the investigative approach of the history of life. For the appropriation of the profile of the subjects, it was applied a questionnaire to four interviewed teachers. The constitution of the trajectories permitted to revel the experiences of reading and its relation with the incorporation of the dispositions, giving support to understand that there are direct implications of the acquisition of the cultural capital in the formation of the reader. It was also possible to detach that the meaning of the reading to the reader is built through his/her social and cultural practice, continuously proportioned by socializating activities, deconstructing in some cases the idea of reproduction, emphasizing the out of tune voices, therefore fitting new meanings for the concept of cultural capital. In final considerations, this research stimulated the moving of the reading formation to the reader in its singularities identifying the place of the cultural experiences in such formation. / Esta pesquisa é um estudo sobre o habitus leitor de professoras desenvolvido através de suas trajetórias biográficas. De cunho qualitativo a pesquisa propôs-se analisar a constituição do habitus leitor de professoras da rede pública e privada de ensino de Teresina – Piauí. Sob a égide da indagação de como se constituiu o habitus leitor, buscou-se compreender qual a relação do capital cultural com a trajetória leitora de professoras. Amparou-se teoricamente na sociologia de Pierre Bourdieu (1992, 1994, 1998, 2007), sobre o conceito de capital cultural, habitus e as contribuições da Praxiologia. Utilizou-se ainda os postulados da sociologia da leitura de Bernard Lahire (1997, 2002, 2005, 2006) acerca do conceito de disposições, experiências socializadoras e dissonância, bem como na história cultural preconizada por Roger Chartier (2002), sobre a leitura como uma prática cultural historicizada. Para constituir as trajetórias, realizou-se entrevistas narrativas pela metodologia da história oral e pela abordagem investigativa da história de vida. Para apropriação do perfil dos sujeitos aplicou-se um questionário a quatro professoras entrevistadas. A constituição das trajetórias permitiu desvelar as experiências de leitura e sua relação com a incorporação das disposições, dando suporte para compreender que existem implicações diretas da aquisição do capital cultural na formação do leitor. Foi possível destacar também que o significado da leitura para o leitor é constituído através de suas práticas sociais e culturais, continuamente proporcionado por atividades socializadoras, desconstruindo em alguns casos a idéia de reprodução, ressaltando as vozes dissonantes, cabendo por tanto novas apropriações para o conceito de capital cultural. Em considerações finais, esta pesquisa instigou o deslocamento da formação leitora para o leitor em sua singularidade reconhecendo o lugar das experiências culturais nesta formação.

Habiter le transnational : politiques de l'espace, travail globalisé et subjectivités entre Java, Kuala Lumpur et Singapour / Inhabiting the transnational : space politics, globalized labor and subjectivities between Java, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore

Bastide, Loïs 16 September 2011 (has links)
La thèse porte sur les migrations de travailleurs indonésiens vers Kuala Lumpur, en Malaysia, et Singapour, à partir d’une approche qui s’efforce de combiner les principes de l’analyse pragmatiste et la prise en charge des effets de structure, en vue de décrire la formation de transnationalismes dans la région et d’interroger la nature des espaces sociaux qui s’agrègent autour de ces parcours migratoires. En développant une approche socio-anthropologique mise en œuvre au cours de vingt mois de terrain il s’est agi de saisir la migration au plus proche des expériences vécues, sans renoncer à décrire des contextes sociaux, politiques, culturels et historiques qui permettent de les situer dans leurs spécificités mais aussi dans la perspective de dynamiques politiques et économiques globales. Alors que ces migrations se développent et s’institutionnalisent, le choix d’une ethnographie multi-site, dispersée dans les trois pays, a permis de construire un point de vue mobile et décentré, au plus près des expériences situées. Dans cette perspective, la thèse s’efforce de montrer l’émergence de transnationalismes et d’espaces transnationaux à l’intersection entre la production d’un travail globalisé et les politiques nationales, où s’inscrivent des processus de subjectivation inédits. Alors que les socialités se désenclavent sous l’effet des migrations, les espaces vécus se transnationalisent en sorte que saisir ces nouvelles dynamiques sociales, c’est désormais aussi décrire des manières d’habiter le transnational. / The thesis deals with the migration of Indonesian workers to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Singapore. The argument draws on a theoretical approach which attempts to blend the contribution of pragmatism with the analysis of structure effects in order to describe the formation of transnationalisms in the region and to scrutinize the nature of the social spaces which are assembled along these migration trails. By constructing a socio-antrhopological approach, operationalized during a twenty-months fieldwork, we aimed to capture migration as close as possible from lived experiences, yet without giving up the description of the broader social, political, cultural and historical contexts which allow to remain sensitive to their specificities while locating them in the context of global political and economic dynamics. While these migrations are both developing and being increasingly institutionalized, the choice of a multi-sited ethnography, distributed in the three countries, allowed to build a shifting and de-centered point of view, and to remain always as close as possible to situated experiences. In this perspective, the thesis tries to show the emergence of transnationalisms and transnational social spaces at the intersection between the production of a globalized labor and national politics – space politics -, where new subjectivation processes are being shaped. While socialities are increasingly disembbedded from local contexts, lived spaces are also increasingly transnationalized, so that capturing these new social dynamics now supposes to describe new ways of inhabiting the transnational.

Sociální jistoty vs. osobní svobody. Období tzv. normalizace a transformace očima obyvatelů Krompach. Životopisná vyprávění. / Social security vs. Personal liberties. So called normalization and transformation period from Krompachy citizens'perspective. Biographic Narrations

Merjavá, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to affect opinions and attitudes of residents of a small town in the east Slovakia to the society during the period of normalization and transformation. These aims are achieved by exploiting the method of oral history and using mainly data obtained in biographical interviews with eight locals as a primary source of information. Their statements are thoroughly analysed and interpreted in two counterparts. Regarding the normalization period, social security was the main subject for analysis, namely the phenomenon of labour, housing, and social services for families with children, while in respect of the period of transformation, personal freedom of expression, movement, and religion has been analysed. Finally, all the obtained conclusions are compared with the available scientific literature in the given field. This thesis aims to affect mainly how the mentioned phenomena were perceived by the individual narrators and how this perception has changed after the year 1989. As part of the conclusion and using all the findings this work provides a comparison of the studied periods; however, an imaginary battle between social security and individual freedoms remains undecided. Moreover, beside the actual analysis the thesis contains a methodological section as well as a section...

First year physics practicals in distance education in South Africa

Cilliers, Johanna Albertha 11 1900 (has links)
Although the merits of practical work in physics are often questioned, it remains part of physics curricula world-wide. In distance education the incorporation of practical work into the curriculum is considerably complicated by the unique logistics of the setting and the high cost involved. The research reported in this thesis emanated from the need to improve the practical work module for first year physics at the University of South Africa, one of the largest distance education universities in the world. Specifically, the home-based component which, up to the commencement of the research had been entirely text-based, needed to be addressed. To this end it was necessary to identify a valid and attainable set of objectives and to determine the characteristics, abilities and needs of the students in the target group. A survey polling the viewpoints of South African physics lecturers and students about the objectives of practical work was conducted and an extensive student profile comprising a biographic, cognitive and affective component was compiled. Biographically, the target group is unique in the sense that it consists mainly of adult learners, a large percentage of whom study in a second language. The cognitive component of the profile covered aptitude, proficiency in English, mathematics and the integrated science process skills and level of cognitive development, all of which were investigated for possible influence on performance in practical work. On an affective level, students displayed a very positive attitude towards practical work, seated mainly in their need for concrete exploration of the theory. A practical work module structured around an experiential learning cycle adapted to the distance education environment was subsequently designed. The study material developed for the module comprised an interactive study guide on data processing and experimental procedure, a home experiment kit with accompanying workbook and a laboratory manual. From the pilot study forming part of the development process, it was found that students performed significantly better in an assignment based on home-experimentation than in any of the pen- and paper assignments preceding it. Based on the results of the pilot study, a full home experiment kit was designed, evaluated, refined and implemented. / Physics / D.Phil. (Physics)


彭佳宣 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣早期的幼教發展,於政府長時期疏於管理下,導致現今幼教界存在諸多糾結複雜的問題,這些客觀外在環境條件所產生的問題,直接衝擊幼教核心之一「教師」角色的生存空間。在高師資流動性特質之幼教場域中,那些資深專業工作者如何能夠在所處的社會情境脈動中,長時期持續朝向自我選擇之幼教職業道路推進,為本研究的核心關注。透過一位資深幼教工作經歷的園長之生命視窗—她的工作經驗世界,理解幼師職業生涯運轉歷程的樣貌;並從主體生命故事敘說之縱向歷史回顧中,理解其中透露的重要社會結構變遷訊息。 本研究採取質性研究方法中的傳記研究取向,以德國社會學者Fritz Schütze所發展之「敘述訪談法」(narrative interview)進行資料採集工作,訪談一位具有二十九年幼教工作經歷的幼兒園園長。訪談結果整理為敘述文本後,並參照Fritz Schütze所提出的理論建構分析方案,對文本進行結構描述以及概念抽象化分析的整體形塑,以回應欲探究的問題。 經過資料分析過程,逐漸釋出本研究主體—杏芬園長「不成長就會被淘汰」的生命信念意涵,文本透露出自我完成性在主體生命開展歷程中,為一種突破環境限制與期望朝向更好的動力,促使主體一再超越現實環境的限制,萌生其積極性意義。「不進則退」生命觀於時間流動中架構出主體的生活經驗世界,形成生命能量內塑與外推之上揚動力,於接受工作挑戰與追求成長歷程中蛻變。於是可以看出,環境或自我本身的未確定性,雖然帶來了限制,卻也充滿無限可能性。最後,研究者就文本解析之內容,提出「公私幼消長生態下幼師的生存處境」議題進行探討;並且參照Csikszentmihalyi創造力系統論觀點,建立一個類似的系統原型,從個人、學門及領域三個面向,闡釋研究主體長期安身立命於幼教職業工作中的可能因素。 / “Either growing or eliminating”— A description analysis of a kindergarten teacher’s life revolving Due to the lack of management by the government in Taiwan in early years, there are many problems that exist in the field of early childhood education. Those impact the survival of the key personnel, the teachers, in this field directly. In the social context of high turn over ratio of the teachers in this field, how senior teachers keep standing fast at the post and moving forward is the center concern of this research. By interviewing a senior teacher’s working experience, the researcher gets to know the different patterns of the career of a kindergarten teacher; further more, to comprehend the transition of the social structure from reviewing the history in which the story happened. This research adopts biographic study under the qualitative methodology, and collects the data with “narrative interview” developing by Fritz Schűtze, a Germany sociologist. After interviewing a kindergarten principal, Sin-feng, who has been working for twenty-nine years in the early childhood education field, researcher followed Schűtze’s theory construction and analysis to analyze and shape the structure description and abstract concepts. After the process of data analysis, “either growing or eliminating” shows up to be Principal Sin-feng’s belief. The text shows that in one’s life process, self-completion is a motivation that can break through constrains of environment and head to a better situation. Therefore, we can see that although the uncertainty of environment and oneself can be constrains, it can also bring the unlimited possibility. At the end, researcher raised the topic of “kindergarten teachers’ subsistence in the growth and decline of public and private kindergartens” for discussion. Researcher revised and constructed a similar system from the creativity systematic viewpoint raised by Csikszentmihalyi, to explain the possible reasons, from personal, subject, and field aspects, that make the research object stay in the same career for such a long time.

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