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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Core Microbiome to Fingerprint Dust Emission Sources Across the Western United States of America

Leifi, DeTiare Lisa 14 December 2022 (has links)
Over the past century, dust emissions have increased in frequency and intensity due to anthropogenic influences and extended droughts. Dust transports microbes, nutrients, heavy metals and other materials that may then change the biogeochemistry of the receiving environments. The purpose of this study was to find whether unique bacterial communities may provide distinct fingerprints of dust sources in the Western USA. We collaborated with the National Wind Erosion Research Network (NWERN) to identify bacterial core communities (core) of dust from ten NWERN sites, and compared communities to location, soil, and regional characteristics. In order of importance, precipitation levels (F = 43, P = 0.0001, Df = 2, r2 = 0.25), location (F = 16, P = 0.0001, Df = 5, r2 = 0.23), soil texture (F = 14, P = 0.0001, Df = 3, r2 =0.12), seasonality (F = 11, P = 0.0001, Df = 2, r2 = 0.064), and elevation (F = 5.7, P = 0.0002, r2 = 0.033) determined bacterial community composition. Bacterial core communities were defined as taxa present in at least 50% of samples at each site and offered predictable patterns of dust communities in terms of abundant (> 1% relative abundance) and rare (< 1% relative abundance) signatures. We found distinct bacterial core communities that reflected dust source systems, for example, sites contaminated with heavy metals contained Romboutsia, Turicibacter, Clostridium sensu stricto 1, Geodermatophilus, and Microvirga. Sites with association to plants and biocrusts contained Methylobacterium-Methylorubrum, Bradyrhizobium, Paenibacillus thermoaerophilus, Cohnella, and bacterial families Solirubrobacteraceae, Sphingobacteraceae, and Myxococcaceae. The presence of Sphingomonas, Stenotrophomonas, Rhodococcus, and Phenylobacterium were found in hydrocarbon contaminated soils. High stress (UV radiation and desiccation) sites contained Deinococcus, Blastococcus, and Modestobacter. We found that seasonal changes affected microbial community composition in five NWERN sites (CPER, HAFB, Jornada, Red Hills, and Twin Valley) (p < 0.05), while no seasonal effects on bacterial distribution were observed at Moab. Our results identify that the use of core microbiomes may offer a fingerprinting method to identify dust source regions.

Systématique et biogéographie du groupe Caesalpinia (famille Leguminosae)

Gagnon, Edeline 06 1900 (has links)
Parmi les lignées des Caesalpinioideae (dans la famille des Leguminosae), l’un des groupes importants au sein duquel les relations phylogénétiques demeurent nébuleuses est le « groupe Caesalpinia », un clade de plus de 205 espèces, réparties présentement entre 14 à 21 genres. La complexité taxonomique du groupe Caesalpinia provient du fait qu’on n’arrive pas à résoudre les questions de délimitations génériques de Caesalpinia sensu lato (s.l.), un regroupement de 150 espèces qui sont provisoirement classées en huit genres. Afin d’arriver à une classification générique stable, des analyses phylogénétiques de cinq loci chloroplastiques et de la région nucléaire ITS ont été effectuées sur une matrice comportant un échantillonnage taxonomique du groupe sans précédent (~84% des espèces du groupe) et couvrant la quasi-totalité de la variation morphologique et géographique du groupe Caesalpinia. Ces analyses ont permis de déterminer que plusieurs genres du groupe Caesalpinia, tels que présentement définis, sont polyphylétiques ou paraphylétiques. Nous considérons que 26 clades bien résolus représentent des genres, et une nouvelle classification générique du groupe Caesalpinia est proposée : elle inclut une clé des genres, une description des 26 genres et des espèces acceptées au sein de ces groupes. Cette nouvelle classification maintient l’inclusion de douze genres (Balsamocarpon, Cordeauxia, Guilandina, Haematoxylum, Hoffmanseggia, Lophocarpinia, Mezoneuron, Pomaria, Pterolobium, Stenodrepanum, Stuhlmannia, Zuccagnia) et en abolit deux (Stahlia et Poincianella). Elle propose aussi de réinstaurer deux genres (Biancaea et Denisophytum), de reconnaître cinq nouveaux genres (Arquita, Gelrebia, Hererolandia, Hultholia et Paubrasilia), et d’amender la description de sept genres (Caesalpinia, Cenostigma, Coulteria, Erythrostemon, Libidibia, Moullava, Tara). Les résultats indiquent qu’il y aurait possiblement aussi une 27e lignée qui correspondrait au genre Ticanto, mais un échantillonage taxonomique plus important serait nécéssaire pour éclaircir ce problème. Les espèces du groupe Caesalpinia ont une répartition pantropicale qui correspond presque parfaitement aux aires du biome succulent, mais se retrouvent aussi dans les déserts, les prairies, les savanes et les forêts tropicales humides. À l’échelle planétaire, le biome succulent consiste en une série d’habitats arides ou semi-arides hautement fragmentés et caractérisés par l’absence de feu, et abrite souvent des espèces végétales grasses, comme les Cactacées dans les néo-tropiques et les Euphorbiacées en Afrique. L’histoire biogéographique du groupe Caesalpinia a été reconstruite afin de mieux comprendre l’évolution de la flore au sein de ce biome succulent. Ce portrait biogéographique a été obtenu grâce à des analyses de datations moléculaires et des changements de taux de diversification, à une reconstruction des aires ancestrales utilisant le modèle de dispersion-extinction-cladogenèse, et à la reconstruction de l’évolution des biomes et du port des plantes sur la phylogénie du groupe Caesalpinia. Ces analyses démontrent que les disjonctions trans-continentales entre espèces sœurs qui appartiennent au même biome sont plus fréquentes que le nombre total de changements de biomes à travers la phylogénie, suggérant qu’il y a une forte conservation de niches, et qu’il est plus facile de bouger que de changer et d’évoluer au sein d’un biome différent. Par ailleurs, contrairement à nos hypothèses initiales, aucun changement de taux de diversification n’est détecté dans la phylogénie, même lorsque les espèces évoluent dans des biomes différents ou qu’il y a changement de port de la plante, et qu’elle se transforme, par exemple, en liane ou herbacée. Nous suggérons que même lorsqu’ils habitent des biomes très différents, tels que les savanes ou les forêts tropicales humides, les membres du groupe Caesalpinia se retrouvent néanmoins dans des conditions écologiques locales qui rappellent celles du biome succulent. Finalement, bien que la diversité des espèces du biome succulent ne se compare pas à celle retrouvée dans les forêts tropicales humides, ce milieu se distingue par un haut taux d’espèces endémiques, réparties dans des aires disjointes. Cette diversité spécifique est probablement sous-estimée et mérite d’être évaluée attentivement, comme en témoigne la découverte de plusieurs nouvelles espèces d’arbres et arbustes de légumineuses dans la dernière décennie. Le dernier objectif de cette thèse consiste à examiner les limites au niveau spécifique du complexe C. trichocarpa, un arbuste des Andes ayant une population disjointe au Pérou qui représente potentiellement une nouvelle espèce. Des analyses morphologiques et moléculaires sur les populations présentes à travers les Andes permettent de conclure que les populations au Pérou représentent une nouvelle espèce, qui est génétiquement distincte et comporte des caractéristiques morphologiques subtiles permettant de la distinguer des populations retrouvées en Argentine et en Bolivie. Nous décrivons cette nouvelle espèce, Arquita grandiflora, dans le cadre d’une révision taxonomique du genre Arquita, un clade de cinq espèces retrouvées exclusivement dans les vallées andines. / Amongst the lineages of the Caesalpinioideae (in the family Leguminosae), one of the largest groups where phylogenetic relationships remains unclear is the Caesalpinia Group, a clade of ca. 200 species, currently considered to comprise between 14 and 21 genera. The taxonomic complexity of the Caesalpinia Group stems from persisting doubts on the generic delimitations within Caesalpinia sensu lato, a group of 150 species that are provisionally classified into eight genera. In order to establish a stable generic classification, phylogenetic analyses of five chloroplastic loci and the nuclear ribosomal ITS locus were carried out on a matrix containing an unprecedented taxonomic sampling of the Caesalpinia Group (~84% of species of this group included), with virtually all of the morphological variation and geographic distribution represented. These analyses allowed us to determine that several genera of the Caesalpinia Group, as currently defined, are polyphyletic or paraphyletic. We consider that there are 26 well-resolved clades that represent distinct genera, and a new generic classification system is proposed, which includes a key to genera, the description of the 26 genera and all species accepted within these groups. A total of twelve previously accepted genera are maintained in this classification (Balsamocarpon, Cordeauxia, Guilandina, Haematoxylum, Hoffmanseggia, Lophocarpinia, Mezoneuron, Pomaria, Pterolobium, Stenodrepanum, Stuhlmannia, and Zuccagnia), whereas two genea are abolished (Stahlia and Poincianella). In addition, two genera are re-instated (Biancaea and Denisophytum), five new genera are described, (Arquita, Gelrebia, Hererolandia, Hultholia and Paubrasilia), and the description of seven genera are emended (Caesalpinia, Cenostigma, Coulteria, Erythrostemon, Libidibia, Moullava, Tara). Our results also indicate that there could possible be a 27th lineage corresponding to the genus Ticanto, but an increased taxonomic sampling is needed to adequately address this issue. The Caesalpinia Group has a pantropical distribution that corresponds almost perfectly to the geographical distribution of the Succulent Biome, but are also found in deserts, grassland prairies, savannahs, and tropical rainforests. On a planetary scale, the Succulent Biome consists of a series of semi-arid to arid habitats that are highly fragmented, and which are characterised by the absence of fire, such as deserts and dry forests. This biome often harbours succulent plant taxa, such as the Cactaceae in the Neotropics and the Euphorbiaceae in Africa. The biogeographical history of the Caesalpinia Group was reconstructed in order to gain insight into the evolution of the flora within this Succulent biome. This biogeographical portrait of this group was reconstructed using molecular dating analysis, diversification rate shifts tests, the reconstruction of ancestral areas using the dispersal-extinction-cladogenesis model (DEC), as well as through ancestral character reconstruction of the biomes and habits. These analyses demonstrate that intercontinental disjunctions between sister species belonging to the same biome are more frequent than the total number of biome shifts across the phylogeny, suggesting that there is a strong conservation of niches, and that it is easier to move than to switch to and evolve in a different biome. Furthermore, contrary to our initial hypothesis, no changes in diversification rates were detected in our phylogenies, even when species switched biomes or evolved a different plant habit, e.g. becoming lianas or herbaceous perennials. We suggest that even when members of the Caesalpinia Group inhabit different biomes, such as savannahs or tropical rainforests, they are still tracking local ecological conditions that are typical of the Succulent biome. Finally, while total plant species diversity in the Succulent Biome does not compare to the diversity found in tropical rainforests, this biome distinguishes itself by a high number of endemic species, distributed in disjunct patches across the world. This species diversity is probably under-estimated and needs to be carefully re-evaluated, as shown in several recent descriptions of new tree and shrub species from the Succulent biome, all published in the last decade. The last objective of this thesis is to examine the species limits in Caesalpinia trichocarpa, a shrub from the Andes that has a disjunct population in Peru, which potentially represents a new species. Morphological and molecular analyses of populations occurring across the Andes, including Bolivia and Argentina, allow us to conclude that the populations in Peru represent a new species, which is genetically distinct and has subtle morphological characteristics that allow it to be distinguished from populations found in Argentina and Bolivia. We describe this news species, Arquita grandiflora, in a taxonomic revision of the genus Arquita, a clade of five species found exclusively in Andean valleys.

L’évolution des biomes chez la sous-famille des Cercidoideae (Fabaceae/Leguminosae)

Hagelstam Renshaw, Charlotte 11 1900 (has links)
Certaines lignées de plantes tendent à rester dans le même biome au cours du temps (conservatisme de biome), tandis que d’autres semblent s’adapter plus facilement à de nouveaux biomes (changements de biome). Les ~396 espèces (14 genres) de la sous-famille des Cercidoideae se retrouvent dans plusieurs biomes à travers le monde, en particulier dans les régions tropicales de l’Amérique du Sud, de l’Asie et de l’Afrique. Ces espèces diffèrent aussi au niveau de leur port, pouvant être des arbres, arbustes, lianes ou herbacées. Après avoir établi une liste révisée d’espèces de la sous-famille, incluant tous les synonymes connus et leurs noms acceptés, des données d’occurrence ont été téléchargées depuis le Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) et d’autres bases de données d’herbiers. Après avoir nettoyé les données d’occurrences, des cartes de répartition des espèces ont été produites. Ces cartes ont été comparées avec des cartes publiées de biomes tropicaux afin d’attribuer chaque espèce à un biome et à un continent. Les biomes de forêt tropicale humide (179 espèces), de savane (117 espèces), succulent (65 espèces) et tempéré (7 espèces et sous-espèces) ont été identifiés comme importants pour décrire la répartition globale des Cercidoideae, avec plusieurs espèces se trouvant dans plus d’un biome. Après avoir reconstruit une phylogénie calibrée dans le temps, nous avons effectué des estimations de caractères ancestraux afin d’évaluer le nombre et la direction des changements de biome, de port et de continent. Les analyses suggèrent que plusieurs changements de biomes ont eu lieu dans l’histoire évolutive de la sous-famille, les changements du biome succulent à la forêt tropicale humide et de la forêt tropicale humide à la savane étant les plus communs, tandis qu’il n’y avait aucun changement depuis la savane. Sept changements de port ont eu lieu, dont trois qui sont associés à des changements de biome (un est caractéristique du genre Tylosema (Schweinf.) Torre & Hillc., un du genre Lysiphyllum (Benth.) de Wit et un de l’espèce Phanera retusa Benth.). Les analyses montrent aussi que les changements de biomes tendent à avoir lieu au sein d’un même continent et que les dispersions vers de nouveaux continents tendent à se produire au sein d’un même biome. Par contraste avec d’autres sous-familles de légumineuses plus conservées au niveau des biomes, les changements fréquents observés au sein des Cercidoideae suggèrent une capacité d’adaptation à des environnements significativement différents à travers le temps. / Some plant lineages remain within the same biome over time (biome conservatism), whereas others seem to adapt more easily to new biomes (biome shifts). The ~396 species (14 genera) in subfamily Cercidoideae of Leguminosae (Fabaceae) are found in many biomes around the world, particularly in the tropical regions of South America, Asia and Africa, and display a variety of habits/growth forms (small trees, shrubs, lianas and herbs). After establishing an updated expert-verified species list, including all known synonyms and their accepted names, we downloaded and cleaned occurrence records from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and other herbarium databases to produce species distribution maps. These maps were compared with existing biome maps to attribute species to biomes and continents. Rainforest (179 species), savanna (117 species), succulent (65 species) and temperate (7 species and subspecies) biomes were found to be important in describing the global distribution of Cercidoideae, with many species occurring in multiple biomes. After reconstructing a time-calibrated phylogeny, we performed ancestral state reconstructions to evaluate the number and direction of shifts in biome, habit and continents. Analyses suggest multiple biome shifts throughout the phylogeny, shifts from succulent to rainforest and from rainforest to savanna being the most common, while no shifts were observed from the savanna. Seven shifts in habit occurred, of which at least three were associated with biome shifts (one subtends the genus Tylosema (Schweinf.) Torre & Hillc., one subtends the genus Lysiphyllum (Benth.) de Wit and one occurs in Phanera retusa Benth.). Analyses also show that biome shifts tend to occur within the same continent and that dispersals to new continents tend to occur within the same biome. In contrast to other more biome-conserved legume subfamilies, the frequent shifts observed in Cercidoideae suggest ability for adaptation to significantly different environments through time.

The evaluation of various reseeding methods for restoring old croplands in the Highveld region of South Africa

Van Oudtshoorn, Frits 30 November 2007 (has links)
In spite of the relative simple vegetation structure, the Grassland biome has surprisingly high species diversity. The Grassland biome is also the most transformed biome in South Africa, with cultivation having the largest impact. When croplands are abandoned, secondary succession leads to low diversity Hyparrhenia hirta dominated grassland. A combination of two seed mixtures, two seeding densities and two establishment methods was established in plots on a recently abandoned cropland at Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve to evaluate their effect on secondary succession. The rip plots, where more resources were available between the rip lines, have shown higher densities of relic weeds as well as local perennials, showing some progressive successional movement. However, Hyparrhenia hirta was one of the non-sown perennials increasing in the rip plots. Hyparrhenia invasion and relic weeds were best controlled in the plough plots. Although Hyparrhenia was successfully controlled in plough plots, no secondary succession occurred in these treatments. / Agriculture, Animal Health & Human Ecology / M. Tech. (Nature Conservation)

Temperatura crítica máxima de artrópodes em biomas brasileiros: uma abordagem macrofisiológica / Critical thermal maximum of arthropods in brazilian biomes: macrophysiological approach

Silva, Antonio Carlos da 08 September 2016 (has links)
As mudanças climáticas influenciarão as médias de temperaturas ambientais e a frequência de eventos extremos com consequências ainda desconhecidas para a fauna. Conhecer os limites fisiológicos dos organismos ao aumento de temperatura pode ajudar a ampliar os marcos conceituais dos impactos regionais das mudanças climáticas sobre a fauna. Este trabalho abordou como a diversidade fisiológica representada pela tolerância termal da fauna de artrópodes terrestres estava relacionada entre os biomas do Brasil, em uma perspectiva macrofisiológica (ampla escala espacial). Especificamente, coletou-se a temperatura crítica máxima (TCMax) de espécimens de artrópodes das Classes Arachnida, Chilopoda, Dipoploda, Entognatha (Collembola), Insecta e Malacostraca (Oniscidea) nos biomas de Mata Atlântica (strictu sensu), Mata Atlântica de Altitude, Cerrado, Amazônia e Caatinga. Os artrópodes foram utilizados como modelo de estudo por permitirem uma associação mais clara com a teoria disponível sobre limites fisiológicos e o ambiente físico. Assim, foram investigados padrões de variação da TCMax entre e dentro dos biomas, considerando ou não a categoria sistemática. Igualmente, foi avaliada a relação da TCMax da fauna de artrópodes com variáveis bioclimáticas representantes do ambiente termal nos biomas. No aspecto de margem de segurança termal, avaliou-se a potencial tolerância ao aquecimento da fauna de artrópodes nos biomas. Os resultados mostraram que existe ampla diversidade fisiológica da fauna de artrópodes, com padrões atrelados aos biomas do Brasil. A relação do padrão de tolerância termal dos espécimens de artrópodes com o bioma é complexa, havendo nuances de variação dentro e entre os biomas. Houve grande proporção de fauna termotolerante no bioma da Caatinga e menor proporção de fauna termotolerante na Mata Atlântica. Quanto às margens de segurança termal, os dados de tolerância ao aquecimento sugerem que não há grande susceptibilidade ao aquecimento da fauna de artrópodes nos biomas do Brasil. Este trabalho contribui para ampliar a discussão dos possíveis impactos das mudanças climáticas em seus aspectos regionais, tendo em vista a diversidade fisiológica da fauna de artrópodes terrestres nos biomas brasileiros. Igualmente, os dados podem servir como uma importante base para a incorporação em avaliações globais da vulnerabilidade dos ectotérmicos frente às mudanças do clima / Climate change will affect the average environmental temperatures and the frequency of extreme events with still unknown consequences for wildlife. To understand the physiological limits of organisms in relation to the increase in environmental temperature can help extend the conceptual frameworks of climate change regional impacts on wildlife. This work discussed how the physiological diversity represented by the thermal tolerance of terrestrial arthropod fauna was related among biomes of Brazil in a macrophysiological perspective (large spatial scale). It was collected critical thermal maximum (CTMax) of specimens of the class Arachnida, Chilopoda, Dipoploda, Entognatha (Collembola), Insecta and Malacostraca (Oniscidea) in the biomes of the Atlantic Forest (strictu sensu), Atlantic Forest Highland, Cerrado (Brazilian Savanna), Amazonia and Caatinga. The arthropods were used as model to allow a better association with the available theory of physiological limits and the physical environment. Thus, it was investigated variation in patterns of CTMax between and within biomes considering or not the systematic category. It was also evaluated the relationship of CTMax of the arthropod fauna with bioclimatic variables as representative of the thermal environment in the biomes. In terms of thermal safety margin, it was evaluated potential warming tolerance of the arthropod fauna in the biomes. The results showed that there is a broad physiological diversity of arthropod fauna with patterns linked to brazilian biomes. The ratio between thermal tolerance patterns of arthropod specimens and the biome is complex, there were varying nuances within and between biomes. There is a large proportion of thermotolerant fauna in the Caatinga biome and a lesser proportion of thermotolerant fauna in the Atlantic Forest. The warming tolerance data suggest that the susceptibility to heat of the arthropod fauna in brazilian biomes is small. This work will help to expand discussions of potential impacts of climate change regional aspects considering the view of the physiological diversity of terrestrial arthropod fauna in the brazilian biomes. In addition, the data can be as an important basis for incorporation into global vulnerability assessments on terrestrial ectotherms in view of climate change

Modelagem espectral para determina??o de fluxo de CO2 em ?reas de caatinga preservada e em regenera??o

Santos, Cloves Vilas Boas Dos 17 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jadson Francisco de Jesus SILVA (jadson@uefs.br) on 2018-03-02T22:16:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 clovesvilasboas_disserta??o_mestrado_2017.pdf: 2913418 bytes, checksum: bb279ced1f535288e5f541d897d80a7d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-02T22:16:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 clovesvilasboas_disserta??o_mestrado_2017.pdf: 2913418 bytes, checksum: bb279ced1f535288e5f541d897d80a7d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-17 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / There is a great need for the development of more efficient systems for monitoring the dynamics of atmospheric carbon so that there is a better understanding of the interactions between the biosphere and the atmosphere. However, it is critical that these technologies have high coverage and low cost. In the vegetation, the process of biomass generation through photosynthesis is a determining factor in the way a vegetated area will appear radiometrically in the satellite images, therefore, the remote sensing becomes an alternative to the monitoring of this dynamics, having a High coverage and have a low cost. The objective of this work is to analyze the dynamics of CO2 fluxes in the Caatinga Biome by means of multispectral remote sensing, verifying the potential of multispectral images in the detection of CO2 fluxes in areas of preserved Caatinga and in a regenerated state. The study was carried out in areas of Caatinga in the municipality of Petrolina-PE and Araripina-PE, areas that are monitored by micrometeorological stations. The methodology adopted was based on the modeling of the Carbon Forest Sequestration Index (CO2flux) that measures the efficiency of the carbon sequestration process by vegetation, and proposes the integration of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) with the Index of Photochemical Reflectance (PRI). For the database, 22 OLI (Landsat-8) multispectral scenes were used together with field-measured meteorological data to verify the relationship between the variables analyzed. The results showed that the vegetation of the Caatinga has seasonal variations in CO2 flows in regions with different vegetation types. The CO2flux index can be applied to determine the CO2 fluxes, presenting better adjustments when the CO2 data are compared using the 1 pixel reading in the image, showing to be more efficient in relation to the analysis with the footprint in. However, based on spectral models of vegetation, it was possible to determine the dynamics of CO2 flows in areas of preserved Caatinga and in regeneration state using data extracted from multispectral sensors. / H? uma grande necessidade no desenvolvimento de sistemas mais eficazes para o monitoramento da din?mica do carbono atmosf?rico, para que haja uma melhor compreens?o das intera??es entre a biosfera e a atmosfera. No entanto, ? fundamental que essas tecnologias possuam alta cobertura e um baixo custo. Na vegeta??o, o processo de gera??o de biomassa por meio da fotoss?ntese ? um fator determinante na forma como uma ?rea vegetada ir? aparecer radiometricamente nas imagens de sat?lite, portanto, o sensoriamento remoto vem a ser uma alternativa para o monitoramento dessa din?mica, por ter uma alta cobertura e possuir um baixo custo. O objetivo deste trabalho ? analisar, por meio de sensoriamento remoto multiespectral, a din?mica dos fluxos de CO2 no Bioma Caatinga, verificando o potencial das imagens multiespectrais na detec??o dos fluxos de CO2 em ?reas de Caatinga preservada e em estado de regenera??o. O estudo foi desenvolvido em ?reas de Caatinga no munic?pio de Petrolina-PE e Araripina-PE, ?reas monitoradas por esta??es micrometeorol?gicas. A metodologia adotada foi a partir da modelagem do ?ndice de Sequestro Florestal de Carbono (CO2flux) que mede a efici?ncia do processo de sequestro de carbono pela vegeta??o, e que prop?e a integra??o do ?ndice de Vegeta??o por Diferen?a Normalizada (NDVI) com o ?ndice de Reflect?ncia Fotoqu?mica (PRI). Foram utilizadas, para a base de dados, 22 cenas multiespectrais do sensor OLI (Landsat-8) juntamente com dados meteorol?gicos medidos em campo, a fim de verificar a rela??o entre as vari?veis analisadas. Os resultados mostraram que a vegeta??o da Caatinga tem varia??es sazonais nos fluxos de CO2 nas regi?es com diferentes tipos de vegeta??o. O ?ndice CO2flux pode ser aplicado para a determina??o os fluxos de CO2, apresentando melhores ajustes quando os dados de CO2 s?o comparados utilizando a leitura de 1 pixel na imagem, mostrando ser mais eficiente em rela??o a analise com as ?reas de influ?ncia (footprint) em rela??o aos pontos amostrais, no entanto, os dados de footprint apresentaram tamb?m correla??es significativas. Portanto, baseado nos modelos espectrais de vegeta??o foi poss?vel determinar a din?mica dos fluxos de CO2 em ?reas de Caatinga preservada e em estado de regenera??o utilizando dados extra?dos de sensores multiespectrais.


Alves, Stefânia Poliana de Lima 14 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:44:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 STEFANIA POLIANA DE LIMA ALVES.pdf: 775188 bytes, checksum: 113e0f2d170215c5f06fd17e12f1ab88 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-14 / Through the sustainability bias, emphasizing the Green Revolution package, it is expected , the need to ensure the survival of endemic species of the Cerrado biome, which has been destroyed, mainly due to agriculture and pasture formation due to the Green Revolution. The State of Goiás houses most of the Cerrado. Being one of the richest ecosystems in Brazil, considering the use of the Green Marketing tools for the preservation of the Biome in question, as well as the awareness of society. Question is: 1 - If the Green Revolution increased the economy, emphasized the development and technologies in the agricultural environment, did not generate environmental impacts Cerrado and society? 2 - With the use of marketing tools you can help to raise awareness in society regarding the importance of conservation of the Cerrado biome? 3 - Part of the Cerrado has been explored as a consequence, loss of endemic species; still be possible to modify this process or decrease the damage caused by green marketing? The relationship between man and the environment becomes increasingly complex, it is up to society to seek knowledge and skill so that they can preserve what remains in the Cerrado biome. Can diminish the impact, first breaking paradigms with respect to preservation, so that the human being through a systemic view understands the importance and necessity of it for their own survival. But say that you can combine sustainability the Cerrado, in a capitalist country, which has its economy around agriculture and livestock, mainly in the state of Goiás. / Através do viés da sustentabilidade, com ênfase no pacote da Revolução Verde, prevê-se, a necessidade de garantir a sobrevivência de espécies endêmicas, do bioma Cerrado, o qual vem sendo destruído, principalmente em virtude da agricultura e formação de pastagem em decorrência da Revolução Verde. O Estado de Goiás abriga a maior parte do Cerrado. Sendo um dos ecossistemas mais ricos do Brasil, tendo em vista a utilização de ferramentas do Marketing Verde em prol da preservação do Bioma em questão, bem como a conscientização da sociedade. Pergunta-se: 1- Se a Revolução Verde elevou a economia, enfatizou o desenvolvimento e as tecnologias no meio agrícola, não gerou impactos ambientais ao Bioma Cerrado e a sociedade? 2 - Com a utilização das ferramentas de marketing será possível auxiliar para a conscientização da sociedade no que tange a importância da preservação do bioma Cerrado? 3 - Parte do Cerrado já foi explorado, em consequência disso, perdas de espécies endêmicas; ainda será possível modificar esse processo ou diminuir os prejuízos causados através do marketing verde? A relação entre homem e o meio ambiente torna-se cada vez mais complexa, cabe a sociedade buscar conhecimento e habilidade para que se possa preservar o que ainda nos resta do bioma Cerrado. Pode-se, diminuir os impactos, primeiramente quebrando paradigmas com relação a preservação, de forma que o ser humano através de uma visão sistêmica compreenda a importância e a necessidade do mesmo para sua própria sobrevivência. Porém afirmar que será possível aliar a sustentabilidade ao Cerrado, em um país capitalista, o qual tem sua economia em torno da agricultura e pecuária, principalmente no estado de Goiás.

Diversidade, sazonalidade e uso de hábitat da comunidade de aves de rapina diurnas na região do Planalto das Araucárias, RS

Aver, Gustavo Francisco 14 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Dornelles Vargas (marianadv) on 2015-06-01T18:45:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 diversidade_sazonalidade.pdf: 1974162 bytes, checksum: 1339725def3f25ce1b288ad92aaad7a8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-01T18:45:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 diversidade_sazonalidade.pdf: 1974162 bytes, checksum: 1339725def3f25ce1b288ad92aaad7a8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Nenhuma / Os rapinantes, assim como os demais predadores, possuem grande importância na regulação das populações de presas e por isso influenciam na manutenção dos ecossistemas onde estão incluídos. Assim, a presença destes indivíduos produz efeitos ao longo das cadeias tróficas influenciando até mesmo a comunidade vegetal envolvida. Em função disso, conhecer as comunidades de rapinantes, e também avaliar como estes táxons interagem com as alterações dos ambientes onde vivem permitem explicar a capacidade de adaptação destas espécies. Em especial, a análise das escolhas de diferentes locais por estas aves, elucidam quais características dos ambientes são determinantes para a permanência destes indivíduos no habitat referido. Neste sentido, este trabalho avaliou a comunidade de aves de rapinas diurnas em um ambiente fragmentado no sul do Planalto das Araucárias, analisando características da estrutura da comunidade e sazonalidade, bem como uso e tendência de seleção de habitats em relação a um ambiente heterogêneo e com a presença de ação antrópica. Na área de estudo foram classificados quatro ambientes distintos (campo nativo, agrícola, mata nativa e talhão de Pinus sp.) e foram avaliados 3 fragmentos de cada um destes habitats. Para o levantamento dos rapinantes diurnos realizou-se três pontos amostrais, em cada um dos 12 fragmentos. Como metodologia complementar, realizaram-se 8 transectos de carro, ao longo da área de estudo, abrangendo áreas dos quatro habitats descritos. Registraram-se 16 espécies de rapinantes, que apresentaram diferença significativa em sua abundância ao longo das estações, o que pode ser em função das diferenças climáticas que alteram os recursos disponíveis no ambiente. As aves de rapinas diurnas utilizaram diferentes ambientes para a realização de seus comportamentos e por isso não foi encontrada similaridade na composição das espécies em relação aos pontos amostrais. Em relação ao uso de ambientes, as espécies utilizaram as áreas abertas em maior quantidade, apresentando grande utilização dos ambientes agrícolas, o que confirma a adaptação destes indivíduos à estas áreas. As espécies generalistas utilizaram, em geral, os ambientes na proporção disponível no local, inclusive apresentando em alguns casos, tendência de seleção positiva aos ambientes alterados, enfatizando sua adaptação às alterações ambientais. Por outro lado, algumas espécies especialistas apresentaram uso de áreas mais conservadas, podendo por isso serem utilizadas como espécies indicadoras de qualidade ambiental. / The raptors, like other predators, have great importance in the regulation of prey populations and therefore influence the maintenance of ecosystems which are included. So, the presence of these individuals produces effects along the trophic chains influencing even the plant community involved. Because of that, knowing the communities of raptors, and also to evaluate how these taxa interact with changes to the environments in which they live, can explain the adaptability of these species. In particular, analysis of the choice of different places for these birds, elucidate which features of the environment are essential to the permanence of these individuals that the habitat. Thus, this study evaluated the community of diurnal birds of prey in a fragmented environment in the south of the Araucaria Plateau, analyzing characteristics of community structure and seasonality, as well as use and habitat selection tendency in relation to a heterogeneous environment with the presence of human action. In the study area were classified four distinct environments (native grassland, agricultural, native forest and planting of Pinus sp.) And were evaluated 3 fragments of each of these habitats. To survey the diurnal raptors three sampling points was performed on each of the 12 fragments. As a complementary methodology, there were 8 car transects along the study area, covering the four areas described habitats. We recorded 16 species of raptors, which showed significant differences in abundance throughout the seasons, which may be due to climatic differences that alter the resources available in the environment. The diurnal birds of prey used different environments to perform their behaviors and therefore no similarity was found in species composition in relation to the sampling points. Regarding the use of environments, the species used the open areas in greater quantities, with great use of agricultural environments, which confirms the adaptation of these individuals to these areas. The generalist species used, in general, environments in the proportion available in the area even featuring, in some cases, significant and positive selection to altered environments, emphasizing adaptation to environmental changes. On the other hand, some specialists species showed use of the most conserved areas and can therefore be used as indicator species of environmental quality.

Avaliação bio-econômica da produção de bovinos de corte em sistemas baseados em pastagem natural / Bio-economic evaluation of beef cattle production in natural grassland based systems

Thurow, Juliana Muliterno January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho foi baseado nos resultados de um experimento conduzido por cinco anos (2003 a 2008), na Estação Experimental Campanha da Fundação de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, em pastagem natural do Bioma Pampa. Os tratamentos consistiram de níveis de oferta diária de forragem de 4, 8, 12 e 16 kg de MSFV 100 kg PV-1 dia-1 e um Sistema (SIS) formado por três áreas com manejos complementares (pastagem natural sob oferta de forragem de 12%, pastagem natural diferida e pastagem natural melhorada por fertilização e sobressemeadura de espécies hibernais). Como animais testers foram utilizados quatro novilhos Braford. O delineamento foi o de blocos completamente casualizados com medidas repetidas no tempo e duas repetições de área. As variáveis relacionadas a produção primária demonstraram resposta positiva e linear ao incremento das ofertas de forragem. Os ganhos médios diários no verão e na primavera foram descritos por uma equação linear e única com ponto de estabilização máximo na oferta de forragem de 10,1%. Já no outono, a resposta foi quadrática com valor máximo na oferta de forragem de 14%, enquanto no inverno foi linear, sendo necessário garantir uma oferta de forragem mínima de 12% para a manutenção do peso dos animais. A taxa de lotação apresentou resposta linear e descrescente no verão e na primavera. A análise econômica dos tratamentos determinou o maior custo total de produção, receita líquida operacional e margem bruta considerando a totalidade dos custos para o tratamento “SIS”. Além disso, foi responsável pela maior produtividade e, portanto facilmente atingiu o ponto de equilíbrio do custo total de produção. Desse modo, dentre as possibilidades testadas o “SIS” foi a melhor alternativa econômica de forrageamento para recria e terminação de bovinos em pastagem natural. Para recria e terminação, exclusivamente em pastagem natural, a melhor alternativa econômica é a manutenção de uma oferta de 12%. Considerando a possibilidade indicada pelo “SIS”, e simulando diferentes proporções de pastagem melhorada, para a recria e terminação de novilhos e engorda de vacas, o melhoramento de 25% da área de pastagem natural mostra ser a alternativa de maior eficiência econômica. / This work was based on the results of an experiment conducted for five years (2003-2008), at Estação Experimental Campanha, Fundação de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul in natural grasslands of the Pampas Biome. Treatments consisted of four levels of forage allowance (FA) 4, 8, 12 and 16 kg of DMGF/100 kg of LW and a System (SYS) comprising three areas with complementary managements (natural grassland 12% FA, deferred natural grassland and improved natural pasture by fertilization and oversowing of winter cultivated species). Grazing method was continuous, with variable stocking rate, using four Braford steers as testers. The design was a completely randomized block with repeated measures in time (years) and two repetitions of area. The variables related to primary production showed positive and linear response to the increase in forage allowance. The average daily gain in the summer and spring were described by linear regression with a break point in forage allowance of 10.1%. In the autumn, the response was quadratic with maximum value at 14% FA, while in winter it was linear, being necessary to ensure a forage allowance of 12% to assure animal maintainance. The stocking rate showed a decreasing linear response in the summer and spring. The economic analysis of treatments determined the highest total production cost, net income and gross margin considering all the costs for treatment "SYS". In addition, it was responsible for increased productivity and therefore easily reached the point of economical equilibrium of the total production cost. Thus, among the possibilities tested the "SYS" was the best economic alternative for growing and fattening cattle on natural grassland. To rearing and finishing exclusively on natural grassland, the best economical alternative is the use of 12% of forage on offer all year round. Considering the possibility indicated by the "SYS" and using simulations for production systems for growing and finishing steers and fattening cows, the improvement of 25% of the natural pasture area shows the alternative of greater economic efficiency.

Estradas paisagísticas: estratégia de promoção e conservação do patrimônio paisagístico do pampa Brasil-Uruguai / Landscape roads: strategy for promoting and conserving the landscape heritage of the Brazilian-Uruguayan pampa

Sell, Jaciele Carine 05 April 2017 (has links)
The main rationale for this research is the existence of such a singular biome as the Pampa, with high levels of geological, biological, and social diversity, and insufficient conservation initiatives. In the Brazilian Rio Grande do Sul State, only 40% of native grasslands remain, while in Uruguay this level drops to 20%. Moreover, less than 1% of the vast territory of the Brazilian Pampa is under some sort of legal protection. In addition to these data, there is a huge interest of the international capital in economically exploring the area, fact that brings enormous risks to the landscape and to the people who live and depend (economically and culturally) of the Pampa. Enterprises related to forestry and mining, beyond accelerating degradation processes of the biome, preclude conservation units to be instituted in the area. In this context, this research considers that the roads cutting through the pampa could be used to (re)signify the territory as well as to build new forms of perceiving and knowing the landscape. Well-succeeded examples of such strategies are in Spain’s carreteras paisajísticas and in the USA Blue Ridge Parkway, among others. Thinking roads as a means for interpreting landscapes can be considered something new in the context of the Pampa, even though the legal figure of “parkway” is part of the Rio Grande do Sul State’s system of protected areas. The landscapes of the pampa have a huge potential for a road-based interpretation and conservation plan of this neglected region. The main goal of this research is, therefore, to identify and describe the landscape heritage of the Brazilian-Uruguayan Pampa, as seen from roads, in order to orient conservation policies, as well as to increase the divulgation and promotion of the touristic potential of this territory. Specific goals have comprised the comprehension and mapping of the landscape diversity of the Pampa, as well as the proposal of a more detailed subdivision of this ecoregion. Researching such a vast territory as the Brazilian-Uruguayan Pampa ecoregion was certainly a factor of challenge. Methodological and operational procedures have involved exploratory, qualitative research (in published bibliography and legislation), as well as field-based quantitative assessment of landscape attributes. Fieldwork has resulted in more than 6,000 km of travelled roads in both countries, 42 landscape interest points, and 4 landscape road tracks interpreted: Guaritas, Palmares, Sierra de Minas, and Mesetas. The interpretation of such road tracks through interpretive folders aims at making people (local residents and tourists/travelers) know their landscapes, because, as taught by Tilden (1957, p. 38): “through interpretation, understanding; through understanding, appreciation; through appreciation, protection”. / A justificativa mais importante desta pesquisa é a existência de um bioma com geo-bio-sociodiversidade tão singular como o Pampa com índices tão baixos de conservação. No Rio Grande do Sul restam apenas 40% de campo nativo, e no Uruguai esse valor cai para 20%. Para reforçar, nem 1% do território do Pampa gaúcho está sob algum tipo de proteção legal. Esses números, somados ao grande interesse do capital externo em explorar economicamente a área, apresentam um risco enorme para a paisagem e principalmente para as pessoas que vivem e dependem econômica e culturalmente do Pampa. Empreendimentos relacionados à silvicultura e à mineração, além de acelerarem o processo de degradação do bioma, impedem que unidades de conservação sejam implementadas. Nesse sentido, buscando alternativas em exemplos já consolidados na Espanha com as carreteras paisagísticas ou nos EUA com a Blue Ridge Parkway, pensou-se que as estradas que cortam o Pampa poderiam servir para ressignificar o território e construir novas formas de perceber e conhecer a paisagem. Ainda que a figura de “estrada-parque” esteja presente no Sistema Estadual de Unidades de Conservação do Rio Grande do Sul, pensar no potencial de uma estrada como meio para interpretação da paisagem ainda é algo pouco representativo. Acredita-se, no entanto, que as paisagens do Pampa tenham um enorme potencial que pode ser aproveitado a partir de uma rede de estradas já existentes e que atravessam esse grande conjunto paisagístico, o qual, todavia, é negligenciado pelas políticas de conservação. Diante disso, surgem as questões e o objetivo geral da tese: identificar e caracterizar o patrimônio paisagístico de estradas do Pampa Brasil-Uruguai com vistas a subsidiar as políticas de conservação e ampliar a divulgação e a valorização do potencial turístico deste território. Dentre os objetivos específicos buscou-se compreender e mapear a diversidade paisagística do Pampa, identificando e propondo uma divisão dessa ecorregião em ecoprovíncias. A opção por uma pesquisa com área de estudo tão ampla foi com certeza um dos maiores desafios. Os procedimentos metodológicos e operacionais constituíram-se em pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório (a partir de pesquisas bibliográficas e de legislação nacional e internacional) e quantitativa, realizada mediante ficha de avaliação paisagística, aplicada em campo. Foram realizados trabalhos de campo que resultaram em mais de 6 mil quilômetros percorridos pelas estradas do Pampa uruguaio e brasileiro, além da identificação de 42 locais de interesse paisagístico e de 4 trechos de estradas paisagísticas interpretados: Guaritas, Palmares, Sierra de Minas e Mesetas. A interpretação através de folhetos (folders) tem por intenção fazer com que as pessoas (população local e viajantes/turistas) conheçam o seu patrimônio, pois como afirma Tilden (1957, p.38): “Por meio da interpretação, o entendimento; por meio do entendimento, o apreço; por meio do apreço, a proteção”.

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