Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biometric.""
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Vícekamerový snímač biometrických vlastností lidského prstu / Multi-Camera Scanner of Biometric Features of Human FingerTrhoň, Adam January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes a conceptual design of touchless fingerprint sensor and design, implementation and testing of its firmware, which is a composition of hardware implemented in VHDL and a program implemented in C. Result of this thesis can be used as the first step of building an industrial solution.
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Dynamic Template Adjustment in Continuous Keystroke Dynamics / Dynamic Template Adjustment in Continuous Keystroke DynamicsKulich, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Dynamika úhozů kláves je jednou z behaviorálních biometrických charakteristik, kterou je možné použít pro průběžnou autentizaci uživatelů. Vzhledem k tomu, že styl psaní na klávesnici se v čase mění, je potřeba rovněž upravovat biometrickou šablonu. Tímto problémem se dosud, alespoň pokud je autorovi známo, žádná studie nezabývala. Tato diplomová práce se pokouší tuto mezeru zaplnit. S pomocí dat o časování úhozů od 22 dobrovolníků bylo otestováno několik technik klasifikace, zda je možné je upravit na online klasifikátory, zdokonalující se bez učitele. Výrazné zlepšení v rozpoznání útočníka bylo zaznamenáno u jednotřídového statistického klasifikátoru založeného na normované Euklidovské vzdálenosti, v průměru o 23,7 % proti původní verzi bez adaptace, zlepšení však bylo pozorováno u všech testovacích sad. Změna míry rozpoznání správného uživatele se oproti tomu různila, avšak stále zůstávala na přijatelných hodnotách.
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Rozpoznávání žil prstů lidské ruky / Recognition of Finger Veins of a Human HandSzalayová, Lucia January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with different ways of grayscale image processing of veins in a finger of human hand. The process consists of vein structure extraction, and then this structure is compared with collection of provided snapshots. First of all we introduced problem of biometric systems and image processing. There are presented also some commercial solutions from the same field. Within the detailed description of image processing we suggested different modifications in adaptive thresholding algorithm, feature extraction, which continues into comparison of vein structures. Thesis is closed by testing and final review.
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Pokročilé úpravy obrazu pro aplikace rozpoznávání 2D obličeje / Advanced Image Enhancements for 2D Face Recognition ApplicationsMarešová, Marcela January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with image enhacements technology for 2D faces.. Describes methods of image processing, which are used in the proposed methods. These methods eliminate inhomogeneous lighting and shadows in the face. It also suggests the detector face, which is used as input for the method to eliminate shadows.
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A Digital Identity Management SystemPhiri, Jackson January 2007 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The recent years have seen an increase in the number of users accessing online services using communication devices such as computers, mobile phones and cards based credentials such as credit cards. This has prompted most governments and business organizations to change the way they do business and manage their identity information. The coming of the online services has however made most Internet users vulnerable to identity fraud and theft. This has resulted in a subsequent increase in the number of reported cases of identity theft and fraud, which is on the increase and costing the global industry excessive amounts. Today with more powerful and effective technologies such as artificial intelligence, wireless communication, mobile storage devices and biometrics, it should be possible to come up with a more effective multi-modal authentication system to help reduce the cases of identity fraud and theft. A multi-modal digital identity management system IS proposed as a solution for managing digital identity information in an effort to reduce the cases of identity fraud and theft seen on most online services today. The proposed system thus uses technologies such as artificial intelligence and biometrics on the current unsecured networks to maintain the security and privacy of users and service providers in a transparent, reliable and efficient way. In order to be authenticated in the proposed multi-modal authentication system, a user is required to submit more than one credential attribute. An artificial intelligent technology is used to implement a technique of information fusion to combine the user's credential attributes for optimum recognition. The information fusion engine is then used to implement the required multi-modal authentication system.
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Between control and care : UNHCR and the use of biometricsSmit, Marie January 2020 (has links)
In recent years, humanitarian organisations increasingly embraced biometric technologies to respond to refugee crises. Therefore, this thesis studied the features and effects of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) biometric cash transfer programme in Jordan. The method that has been used is an analysis of relevant academic literature, reports, policies, and news articles examining biometric tools and the varying uses of biometrics in humanitarian contexts. In particular, attention has been paid to the effects of biometrics on refugee management, as well as on UNHCR and its beneficiaries in Jordan. The analysis uses the concepts of accountability, humanitarian neophilia, and humanitarian technology governance to improve understanding of what the use of biometrics means for the humanitarian sector and those dependent on it. The analysis shows that UNHCR’s biometric cash transfer programme has improved downward accountability by speeding up registration processes, thereby ensuring quicker financial inclusion of refugees. Biometrics also improve upward accountability by providing instant metrics regarding beneficiaries, distributions, and other audit trails. Yet, the analysis also reveals serious concerns about experimentation with new technologies in humanitarian settings, a lack of informed consent and data safeguards for refugees, and UNHCR’s increasing dependence on the private sector. UNHCR’s use of biometrics also improves the reputation of these technologies, generates new protection challenges, and increases exclusion risks for non-registered refugees.
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OCT en phase pour la reconnaissance biométrique par empreintes digitales et sa sécurisation / Phase-based Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) for a robust and very secure fingerprint biometric recognitionLamare, François 21 March 2016 (has links)
Dans un monde de plus en plus ouvert, les flux de personnes sont amenés à exploser dans les prochaines années. Fluidifier et contrôler ces flux, tout en respectant de fortes contraintes sécuritaires, apparaît donc comme un élément clef pour favoriser le dynamisme économique mondial. Cette gestion des flux passe principalement par la connaissance et la vérification de l’identité des personnes. Pour son aspect pratique et a priori sécurisé, la biométrie, et en particulier celle des empreintes digitales, s’est imposée comme une solution efficace, et incontournable. Néanmoins, elle souffre de deux sévères limitations. La première concerne les mauvaises performances obtenues avec des doigts détériorés. Ces détériorations peuvent être involontaires (travailleurs manuels par exemple), ou bien volontaires, à des fins d’anonymisation. La deuxième concerne les failles de sécurité des capteurs. En particulier, ils sont vulnérables à des attaques avec de fausses empreintes, réalisées par des personnes mal intentionnées dans un but d’usurpation d’identité. D’après nous, ces limitations sont dues à la faible quantité d’information exploitée par les capteurs usuels. Elle se résume souvent à une simple image de la surface du doigt. Pourtant, la complexité biologique des tissus humains est telle qu’elle offre une information très riche, unique, et difficilement reproductible. Nous avons donc proposé une approche d’imagerie, basée sur la Tomographique par Cohérence Optique, un capteur 3D sans contact, permettant de mesurer finement cette information. L’idée majeure de la thèse consiste à étudier divers moyens de l’exploiter, afin de rendre la biométrie plus robuste et vraiment sécurisée / In an increasingly open world, the flows of people are brought to explode in the coming years. Facilitating, streamlining, and managing these flows, by maintaining strict security constraints, therefore represent a key element for the global socio-economic dynamism. This flows management is mainly based on knowledge and verification of person identity. For its practicality and a priori secured, biometrics, in particular fingerprints biometrics, has become an effective and unavoidable solution.Nevertheless, it still suffers from two severe limitations. The first one concerns the poor performances obtained with damaged fingers. This damage can be involuntary (e.g. manual workers) or volunteers, for purposes of anonymity. The second limitation consists in the vulnerability of the commonly used sensors. In particular, they are vulnerable to copies of stolen fingerprints, made by malicious persons for identity theft purpose. We believe that these limitations are due to the small amount of information brought by the usual biometric sensors. It often consists in a single print of the finger surface. However, the biological complexity of human tissue provides rich information, unique to each person, and very difficult to reproduce. We therefore proposed an imaging approach based on Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), a 3D contactless optical sensor, to finely measure this information. The main idea of the thesis is therefore to explore novel ways to exploit this information in order to make biometrics more robust and truly secured. In particular, we have proposed and evaluated different fingerprint imaging methods, based on the phase of the OCT signal
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Rozpoznávání termosnímků obličejů / Recognition of Face ThermoscansVáňa, Jan January 2009 (has links)
Images of human face are one of the most used biometric features in automatic identification. This article presents an approach which uses face images in thermal (infrared) spectrum for purpose of important face features (eyes position, head rotation) detection and identification.
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Bezpečnost IT v biomedicíně. / IT Security in Biomedicine.Schlenker, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Title: IT Security in Biomedicine Author: Ing. Anna Schlenker Supervisor: Ing. Milan Šárek, CSc. Abstract: The aim of this work is to propose a solution to the biomedical data security strategy. The work provides an overview of the most commonly used biometric methods designed to identify or authenticate users. From these methods, the keystroke dynamics was chosen and used in the application solution. The reliability of this method has been tested by classical and modern classification methods. The greatest benefit of the work is the use of the created application in combination with the measurement using integrated electromyography to objectify the evaluation of the work related to keyboard typing in terms of local muscle load. Keywords: Biometrics, Data Security, Keystroke Dynamics, Local Muscle Load
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Privatpersoners användning av biometriteknik : Användbarhet, säkerhet och integritet / Usage of biometrics by regular peopleKjellén, Oliver, Pang, Jillian January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund Biometriteknik är paraplybegrepp för olika automatiserade tekniker som används vid identifikation av individer. Biometriska identifikationsmetoder såsom fingeravtrycksläsning och ansiktsigenkänning har sedan länge varit reserverade för specifika syften. Idag är situationen förändrad, biometriteknik finns tillgänglig för allmänheten och används i allt större utsträckning. Biometriska metoder för identifikation kan erbjuda säkrare identifiering gentemot vanliga lösenord. Detta är av stor vikt då privatpersoner lagrar allt mer känslig information på sina mobiltelefoner, surfplattor och datorer. Syfte Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur stor inverkan faktorerna användbarhet, säkerhet och integritet har på privatpersoners användning av biometriska metoder för identifiering på mobiltelefoner, surfplattor och datorer. Efter granskning av tidigare forskning gavs dessa tre faktorer extra fokus. Den första faktorn, säkerhet, identifierades i och med att biometriteknik erbjuder förbättrad säkerhet om tekniken används korrekt. Samt att tidigare forskning pekade på säkerhet som en aspekt privatpersoner må ha i åtanke. Den andra faktorn, användbarhet, återfinns i att forskning visar på att individer värderar användbarhet och enkelhet högt. En tredje faktor, integritet, valdes i och med att viss forsking här hade nått motsägande resultat Metod Rapporten genomfördes främst med hjälp av en kvantitativ enkätundersökning, svar (n=121) från denna undersökning användes senare för att besvara och reflektera kring forskningsfrågan: Hur stor inverkan har faktorerna användbarhet, säkerhet och integritet på privatpersoners användning av biometriteknik? Ett kapitel som namngavs forskningsöversikt inkluderas också, här har litteratur sållats kvalitativt för att finna relevanta artiklar. Resultat Den enkätundersökning som genomfördes påvisade att en majoritet av privatpersoner använder sig av biometriska identifieringsmetoder på sina mobiltelefoner, surfplattor samt datorer. Vidare visade det sig att faktorn användbarhet värderades högt, vissa fysiologiska egenskaper som används vid biometrisk identifiering ansågs även som mer eller mindre accepterade. Svar som gavs av respondenter visade också på att privatpersoner ej resonerar speciellt mycket kring integritet och personliga data som lagras vid användning av biometriteknik. Slutsats Efter genomförd diskussion angående tidigare forskning och de resultat som nåddes utifrån enkätundersökningen konstaterades det att faktorn användbarhet hade stor inverkan på privatpersoners användning av biometriteknik. Säkerhet tas även i åtanke av en mindre del. Faktorn integritet ges ingen eller väldigt liten uppmärksamhet gällande användning av biometriska identifieringsmetoder hos privatpersoner. / Background Biometrics is a field including different automated technologies used for thepurpose of identify individuals. Biometric identification methods such asfingerprint scanning and facial recognition used to be a field reserved forspecific application purposes. Nowadays biometrics are used more frequently,and it is available for the public to use in their everyday life. Biometrics canprovide more secure solutions compared to normal passwords, but to achievethis adoption of said methods is key, especially seeing as users store moresensitive and personal data on their smart devices compared to yesterday’s nonsmartphones. Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore how the factors usability, security andprivacy affect people’s use of biometric solutions on their smartphones,tablets, and computers. After thoroughly reviewing previous literature thesethree main factors gained extra focus. The first factor, security, biometrics dooffer greater security advantages when used the right way. Also, previousresearch points towards security as an aspect people should have in mindwhile using biometrics. The second factor, usability, this aspect is based onprevious research showing that people tend to value functions and features thatare usable. A third factor, privacy, was chosen because research showedconflicting results regarding the importance of this factor. Method This study was conducted primarily through a quantitative survey, answers(n=121) from this survey was later used to reflect upon the research question:How much of an impact does the factors usability, security and privacy haveover peoples use of biometrics? A chapter providing an overview of previousresearch is also included, for this chapter literature has been reviewed in aqualitative matter to sort out relevant research articles. Results Results from the survey that was conducted showed that most individuals doindeed use biometrics on their mobile phones, tablets, and computers. Datacollected also indicates that the factor usability had a big impact on peoples useof biometrics. People also responded that they saw some physiological traitsused for biometrics as more, or less accepted to be stored and collected. Otheranswers to the survey showed that individuals generally do not care too muchabout their privacy when using biometrics. Conclusion After concluded discussions regarding previous research and the resultscollected from individuals through the survey a conclusion is reached. Thefactor usability had a big impact on individuals use biometrics. A small part ofindividuals does also consider security to be important. However, the factorprivacy was mostly ignored when it comes to using biometrics on smartphones,tablets and computers.
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