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Comparison of Corn and Rye Arabinoxylans for the Production of Bio-based Materials / Jämförelse av arabinoxylaner från råg och majs för tillverkning av biobaserade materialChen, Chen January 2020 (has links)
Enzymes and subcritical water can be used for the extraction of hemicelluloses from cereal by-products, making the processes eco-friendly. The polysaccharides extracted from cereal by-products can be used as matrices for development of materials for various applications. This includes bio-based materials such as films and hydrogels, which offer alternatives to existing materials produced from petrochemicals. The polymeric structure of cereal hemicelluloses contains functional groups which enable the modification of their structure by cross-linking, resulting in the formation of hydrogels. This project aims to use subcritical water extraction (SWE) to extract arabinoxylans (AXs) from corn and rye bran meanwhile the enzymatic treatment is done for purifying the samples during both pre- and post-treatment. AXs were further crosslinked by enzyme (laccase) for hydrogel preparation. During the whole project, the characterization included moisture and yield determination, starch and protein content which were tested using a spectrophotometer, monosaccharide content was analyzed by high performance anion exchange chromatography followed by pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD) and phenolic acid content was quantified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The pretreatment for destarching and SWE process was successful. The result showed that arabinoxylans form corn bran were having higher content of arabino substituents, arabino toxylans ratio and ferulic acid content than rye samples. The enzymatic crosslinking could form strong gels in the condition that the AXs had high ferulic acid content. In terms of forming strong hydrogels or to improving the properties of AXs gel, the pre- and post-treatment should be optimized to increase the purity of the extracted feruloylated AX content. / Enzymer och subkritiskt vatten kan användas för extraktion av hemicellulosa från spannmålsbiprodukter, vilket gör extraktionen miljövänlig. Polysackariderna extraherade från spannmålsprodukter kan användas som matriser för utveckling av material för diverse applikationer. Detta inkluderar biobaserade material som filmer och hydrogeler, där petrokemikalier kan ersättas som råvara. Den polymera strukturen hos spannmålshemicelluloser innehåller funktionella grupper som möjliggör formation av tvärbindningar vilket resulterar i bildandet av hydrogeler. Syftet med detta projekt är extraktion av arbinoxylaner (AXs) från majs och rågkli genom att använda subkritiskt vatten-extraktion (SWE) där rening under för- och efterbehandling utförs enzymatiskt. AX modifierades därefter enzymatiskt (laccas) med tvärbindningar för hydrogelframställning. Under hela projektet karakteriserades hydrogelen utifrån fuktinnehåll, bestämmelse av utbyte, stärkelse och proteininnehåll som testades med en spektrofotometer, monosackaridhalten analyserades med högpresterande anjonsutbyteskromatografi följt avpuls-amperometrisk detektion (HPAEC-PAD), samt kvantifierades fenolsyrahalten med högupplöst vätskekromatografi (HPLC). Resultatet visade att arabinoxylaner från majskli hade högre innehåll av arabinosubstituenter, där förhållandet mellan arabino och xylans, samt arabino och ferulsyra innehållet var högre än för rågproverna. Den enzymatiska tvärbindningen kunde bilda starka geler i det tillståndet där AX hade en hög ferulsyrahalt. När det gäller att bilda starka hydrogeler eller att förbättra egenskaperna hos AXs-gel, bör för-och efterbehandlingen optimeras för att öka renheten fördet extraherade feruloylerade AX-innehållet.
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Expansion of Natural Killer (NK-92) cells and Jurkat cells for Cell therapy / Expansion Av Naturliga Mördarceller (Nk-92) Och Jurkat celler för CellterapiHaruna, Nana Firdausi Garba January 2024 (has links)
Natural Killer (NK) cellterapi är en lovande kandidat för cancerbehandling på grund av dess förmåga att känna igen och döda cancerceller. Adoptiv överföring av expanderade autologa eller allogena NK-celler har visat sig förbättra patientresultaten, särskilt i fall av akut myeloid leukemi (AML) efter stamcellstransplantation. En stor utmaning förknippad med NK-cellterapi är dock att få en tillräcklig mängd NK-celler för att uppnå meningsfulla terapeutiska resultat. Nuvarande metoder för att expandera NK-celler innebär ofta att T-celler avlägsnas från blodet, eftersom T-celler utgör över 50 % av blodets cellpopulation, medan NK-celler endast utgör cirka 10 %. Strategin för att ta bort T-celler involverar vanligtvis användningen av immunomagnetiska metoder, som kräver utbildad personal, är dyra och kräver god tillverkningssed (GMP) för att säkerställa metodens giltighet. Detta projekt syftade till att ta itu med denna fråga genom att etablera ett samodlingssystem mellan NK- och T-celler för att fungera som en modell för NK-expansion från patientens blod, vilket skulle kunna förbättra effektiviteten av cancerbehandling. Projektet syftade också till att undersöka det metaboliska beteendet (skillnader i näringsbehov och biprodukttolerans) mellan de två celltyperna. De två första experimenten med Jurkat gjordes med användning av en modifierad DMEM/RPMI och RPMI 1640-mediet under varierande glukos- och glutaminmålförhållanden. Resultatet från dessa två experiment visar att det modifierade DMEM/RPMI-mediet stödjer tillväxten av Jurkat-celler. Dessutom var produktionen av biprodukter inklusive laktat och ammoniak lägre i detta medium. Emellertid var glukos och glutamin avgörande för Jurkat-celltillväxt eftersom uppenbar konsumtion observerades under odlingsperioden. Det tredje experimentet syftade till att bedöma den negativa/reducerande effekten av glukos- och glutamintillstånd på Jurkat-celler. Resultaten från detta experiment applicerades sedan på NK-92-cellexpansion (fjärde experimentet). Det femte experimentet involverade samodling av båda celltyperna, med början med ett förhållande på 10% NK-celler till 90% Jurkat-celler, en ny celldiameterbaserad distributionsmetod användes för att förutsäga procentandelen NK-92-celler under samodlingen. Från dag 3 till dag 4 var det en ökning av andelen NK-celler, särskilt inom cellstorleksintervallet där de vanligtvis förekommer (17,4 µm). NK-cellerna utökades från 10 % på dag 0 till 52 % (i tillstånd med 2 mM glukos, 2 mM glutamin) på dag 3 och 45 % i tillstånd med 2 mM (glukos), 0,15 mM glutamin på dag 2. Sammantaget uppnådde denna studie framgångsrikt projektets mål att utveckla en samodlingsmodell genom att studera de enskilda cellinjernas metaboliska beteende. Ytterligare studier behövs för att undersöka effekterna av Interleukin 2 (IL-2) som produceras av Jurkat-celler på NK-celler. Dessutom skulle experiment med fler glukos- och glutaminmålkoncentrationer under längre odlingsperioder erbjuda en mer omfattande förståelse av samodlingssystemet, inklusive dess långsiktiga livskraft och celltillväxten av dessa cellinjer. / Natural Killer (NK) cell therapy is a promising candidate for cancer treatment due to its ability to recognize and kill cancer cells. The adoptive transfer of expanded autologous or allogenic NK cells has shown to improve patient outcomes, especially in cases of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) following stem cell transplantation. However, a major challenge associated with NK cell therapy is obtaining a sufficient amount of NK cells to achieve meaningful therapeutic outcomes. Current methods for expanding NK cells often involve the removal of T cells from the blood, as T cells constitute over 50% of the blood's cell population, while NK cells make up only about 10%. The strategy to remove T cells typically involves the use of immunomagnetic beads, which require trained personnel, are expensive, and necessitate good manufacturing practices (GMP) to ensure the method's validity. This project aimed to address this issue by establishing a coculture system between NK and T cells to serve as a model for NK expansion from the patient blood which could improve the effectiveness of cancer treatment. The project also aimed at investigating the metabolic behavior (differences in nutrient demands and byproduct tolerance) between the two cell types. The first two experiment with Jurkat was done using a modified DMEM/RPMI and the RPMI 1640 media under varying glucose and glutamine target conditions. The result from these two experiments shows that the modified DMEM/RPMI media support the growth of Jurkat cells. In addition, the production of byproducts including lactate and ammonia were lower in this media. However, glucose and glutamine were crucial for Jurkat cells growth as evident consumption was observed during the culture period. The third experiment aimed to assess the negative/reducing impact of glucose and glutamine conditions on Jurkat cells. The findings from this experiment were then applied to NK-92 cells expansion (fourth experiment). The fifth experiment involved coculturing both cell types, starting with a ratio of 10% NK cells to 90% Jurkat cells, a new cell diameter based distribution method was used to predict the percentage of NK-92 cells during the coculture. From day 3 to day 4, there was an increase in the percentage of NK cells, particularly within the cell size range where they typically occur (17,4 µm). The NK cells were expanded from 10% on day 0 to 52% (in condition with 2mM glucose, 2mM glutamine) on day 3 and 45% in condition with 2mM(glucose), 0,15mM glutamine on day 2. Overall, this study successfully achieved the project's aim of developing a coculture model through studying the metabolic behavior of the individual cell lines. However, further studies are needed to investigate the effects of Interleukin 2 (IL-2) produced by Jurkat cells on NK cells. Moreover, conducting experiments with more glucose and glutamine targets concentrations over extended culture periods would offer a more comprehensive understanding of the coculture system, including its long-term viability and the cell growth of these cell lines.
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Application of Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) tools in perfusion cultures: Development of Raman-based prediction models and optimization of IgG quantification through the ArgusEye® sensor / Tillämpning av Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) verktyg i perfusionskulturer: Utveckling av Raman-baserade prediktionsmodeller och optimering av IgG-kvantifiering genom ArgusEye®-sensornRebellato Giordano Martim, Fernanda January 2024 (has links)
Monoklonala antikroppsbaserade läkemedel (mAb) är ett av de snabbast växande segmenten på läkemedelsmarknaden, främst på grund av deras tillämpning inom onkologi, immunologi och hematologi. Traditionellt sker den industriella produktionen av mAb med fed-batch-odling. Detta är en relativt lätthanterlig process med mAb-utbyten på 5-10 g/L, men dess brist på kontroll över kritiska processparametrar (CPP) orsakar höga mAb-förluster på grund av att kvalitetsspecifikationer inte uppfylls. Ökande marknadskrav och regulatoriska förändringar pådriver läkemedelsindustrin iinnovation inom mAb-tillverkningsprocessen, för att nå kontinuerlig tillverkning. För närvarande, som ett övergångssteg till kontinuerlig tillverkning, sker investeringar i intensifierade fed-batch-odlingar. Dessa uppnår högre celldensiteter på cirka 25-30 g/L, men detta är fortfarande mycket lägre än motsvarande mAb-koncentrationer på 130 g/L som kan uppnås med perfusionsprocesser. Andra fördelar med perfusionsprocesser är att de tillåter flexibla produktionsanläggningar och möjliggör en nivå av processkontroll som skulle tillåta realtidstestning av release. För att upprätthålla en perfusionsprocess under de specificerade förhållandena som garanterar den önskade mAb-kvaliteten, måste CPP kontrolleras noggrant. Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) kan mäta CPP i realtid på ett icke-destruktivt sätt. Denna studie undersökte tillämpningen av två PAT, ArgusEye®-sensorerna och Time-gated Raman-spektroskopi, på perfusionsprocesser. Vi visade att ArgusEye®-sensorerna kan användas för att mäta IgG i perfusionsprover med ganska bra korrelation med referensmetoden. Vi har också visat att multivariata Raman-baserade modeller kan konstrueras för att förutsäga flera CPP, baserat på samma spektra. Framförallt belyser denna studie komplexiteten i tillämpningen av dessa PAT för att kontrollera perfusionsprocesser. För ArgusEye® drar vi slutsatsen att för att få exakta mätningar måste vi ta hänsyn till förändringarna i koncentrationen av värdcellsprotein under en perfusionsprocess, eftersom deras ospecifika bindning till sensorerna är den troliga orsaken till variationen i IgG-mätningarna. För de Raman-baserade modellerna, visar denna studie att en stor mängd data krävs för att bygga korrekta prediktionsmodeller, något som rapprterats om i litteraturen. Sammantaget visar denna rapport att dessa PAT har en stor tillämpningspotential, men de måste förbättras ytterligare innan de kan användas som automatiska återkopplingskontrollverktyg. / Monoclonal antibody-based therapeutics (mAb) are one of the fastest-growing segments in the pharmaceutical market, mainly due to their application in oncology, immunology, and hematology. Traditionally, the industrial production of mAb is done with fed-batch cultivation. This is a relatively easy to operate process with mAb yields of 5-10 g/L, but its lack of control over critical process parameters (CPP) causes high mAb losses due to unmet quality specifications. Driven by increasing market demands and regulatory changes, the pharmaceutical industry is innovating in the mAb manufacturing process to reach continuous manufacturing. Currently, as a transition step to continuous manufacturing, the pharmaceutical industry is investing in intensified fed-batch cultivations. They achieve higher cells densities and present yields around 25-30 g/L, but this is still much lower than the equivalent mAb titers of 130 g/L that can be achieved with perfusion processes. Other advantages of perfusion processes are that they allow the existence of flexible production facilities and enable a level of process control that would permit Real-Time Release Testing. To maintain a perfusion process under the specified conditions to guarantee the desired mAb quality, the CPP need to be closely controlled. Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) can measure CPP in real-time and non-destructively. This study evaluated the application of two PAT, the ArgusEye® sensors and Time-gated Raman spectroscopy, on perfusion processes. We showed that the ArgusEye® sensors can be used to measure IgG in perfusion samples with quite good correlation to the reference method. We have also shown that multivariate Raman-based models can be constructed to predict several CPP based on the same spectra. Most importantly, this study highlights the complexity of the application of these PAT to control perfusion processes. For the ArgusEye®, we conclude that to obtain accurate measurements, we need to account for the changes in the concentration of host cell protein during a perfusion process, as their unspecific binding to the sensors is the probable cause for the variation in the IgG measurements. For the Raman-based models, as previously reported in the literature, this study shows that a high volume of data is require to build accurate prediction models. Overall, this report shows that these PAT have a great potential of application, but they need to be further improved prior to their use as automatic feedback control tools.
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Produção de glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase de \"Saccharomyces cerevisiae\" geneticamente modificada através de processo descontínuo alimentado / Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase production from genetically modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae by fed-bach fermentation processÂngelo Samir Melim Miguel 12 May 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como finalidade estudar e estabelecer alguns parâmetros no processo fermentativo descontínuo alimentado de uma levedura recombinante Saccharomyces cerevisiae W303-181, visando aumentar a obtenção da enzima glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G6PDH). Foram feitas a padronização e otimização do preparo de inóculo de S. cerevisiae recombinante. Foram três as condições estudadas. Reduziu-se o tempo de preparo do inóculo de 114 h, da primeira condição, para e 64 e 48 h para a segunda e terceira condições, respectivamente. Essas duas últimas condições mostraram-se adequados para dar continuidade com os processos fermentativos. Foi feito um estudo de otimização da concentração de micronutrientes (adenina, histidina, triptofano e uracila) no meio de cultivo usando a metodologia de superfície de resposta. Concluiu-se que, ao empregar o meio de cultivo cujas concentrações dos micronutrientes tenham sido otimizadas, a atividade específica de G6PDH atingiu 7927 U/L, 3,2 vezes maior que para o meio controle. Estudou-se a influência da constante de tempo (K), na síntese de G6PDH em processo descontínuo alimentado com vazão de alimentação exponencialmente crescente e decrescente, utilizando meio de cultivo otimizado e não otimizado. Os valores estudados de K para vazão de alimentação exponencialmente crescente foram 0,2, 0,3, 0,5, 0,7 e 0,8 h-1 e, para a decrescente, foram 0,2, 0,5 e 0,8 h-1. Dentre os cultivos com vazão exponencialmente crescente e com meio de cultivo não otimizado, encontrou-se para K=0,2 h-1 uma atividade enzimática (558 U/L) 4,1 vezes maior que para a levedura selvagem. Dentre os cultivos nas vazões exponencialmente crescente e decrescente, encontrou-se para a vazão crescente e K=0,2 h-1 os maiores níveis de produção de G6PDH (847 U/L). Foram estudados a influência da concentração inicial de glicose e o tempo de alimentação do processo descontínuo alimentado com vazão de alimentação exponencialmente crescente e K=0,2h-1. Verificou-se que a concentração inicial de glicose não favoreceu a formação de biomassa ou a produção de enzimas. Contudo, determina e as máximas velocidades específicas de crescimento celular e de produção de G6PDH, com as maiores velocidades correspondendo às menores concentrações iniciais. Por fim, foi estudada a influência da concentração de leucina na síntese da G6PDH e verificou-se que teores de leucina entre 0-240 mg/L não influenciaram o crescimento celular ou a produção de enzima nos cultivos estudados. / The purpose of this work is to study and to establish some parameters in the fed-batch process of a recombinant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, aiming to increase the production the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH). The recombinant S. cerevisiae inoculum preparation was standardized and optimized. Tree methods were studied. The inoculum preparation time was reduced to 114 h, from first method, to 64 and 48 h to second and third methods, respectively. These two last methods were adequate in order to proceed with the fermentation process. It was evaluated the best micronutrients (adenine, histidine, tryptophan and uracil) concentration in the cultivation medium to produce G6PDH, using a response surface methodology. We concluded that using cultivation medium witch optimized micronutrients concentration, the G6PDH activity reach 7927 U/L, 3.2 fold higher than to not optimized medium. The influence of time constant (K) on the G6PDH synthesis was studied at fed-batch bioreactor under exponentially increasing and decreasing feeding rates, using optimized medium cultivation and not optimized medium. The values for K at increasing rates were 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.8 h-1, and for decreasing rates were 0.2, 0.5 and 0.8 h-1. Among K values for exponentially increasing rates with not optimized cultivation medium, K=02 h-1 shows higher G6PDH production (558U/L), 4.1 fold higher than wild yeast. Among cultivations proceeded with exponentially increasing and decreasing feeding rates and using a optimized medium, increasing rate and k=0.2 h-1 shows the higher G6PDH production (847 U/L) too. The initial glucose concentration and feeding time was studied at fed-batch bioreactor under exponentially increasing feeding rate with K=0.2 h-1. It was verified that initial glucose concentration do not favored mass or G6PDH production. Although, it determines the maximum G6PDH production and the maximum growth rates, with higher rates at lowest initial glucose concentration. At the end, the influence of leucin at G6PDH production was evaluated. It was verified that concentrations values between 0-240 mg/L did not showed influence at cell growth or G6PDH production, at the studied cultivations.
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Produção de glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase de \"Saccharomyces cerevisiae\" geneticamente modificada através de processo descontínuo alimentado / Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase production from genetically modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae by fed-bach fermentation processMiguel, Ângelo Samir Melim 12 May 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como finalidade estudar e estabelecer alguns parâmetros no processo fermentativo descontínuo alimentado de uma levedura recombinante Saccharomyces cerevisiae W303-181, visando aumentar a obtenção da enzima glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G6PDH). Foram feitas a padronização e otimização do preparo de inóculo de S. cerevisiae recombinante. Foram três as condições estudadas. Reduziu-se o tempo de preparo do inóculo de 114 h, da primeira condição, para e 64 e 48 h para a segunda e terceira condições, respectivamente. Essas duas últimas condições mostraram-se adequados para dar continuidade com os processos fermentativos. Foi feito um estudo de otimização da concentração de micronutrientes (adenina, histidina, triptofano e uracila) no meio de cultivo usando a metodologia de superfície de resposta. Concluiu-se que, ao empregar o meio de cultivo cujas concentrações dos micronutrientes tenham sido otimizadas, a atividade específica de G6PDH atingiu 7927 U/L, 3,2 vezes maior que para o meio controle. Estudou-se a influência da constante de tempo (K), na síntese de G6PDH em processo descontínuo alimentado com vazão de alimentação exponencialmente crescente e decrescente, utilizando meio de cultivo otimizado e não otimizado. Os valores estudados de K para vazão de alimentação exponencialmente crescente foram 0,2, 0,3, 0,5, 0,7 e 0,8 h-1 e, para a decrescente, foram 0,2, 0,5 e 0,8 h-1. Dentre os cultivos com vazão exponencialmente crescente e com meio de cultivo não otimizado, encontrou-se para K=0,2 h-1 uma atividade enzimática (558 U/L) 4,1 vezes maior que para a levedura selvagem. Dentre os cultivos nas vazões exponencialmente crescente e decrescente, encontrou-se para a vazão crescente e K=0,2 h-1 os maiores níveis de produção de G6PDH (847 U/L). Foram estudados a influência da concentração inicial de glicose e o tempo de alimentação do processo descontínuo alimentado com vazão de alimentação exponencialmente crescente e K=0,2h-1. Verificou-se que a concentração inicial de glicose não favoreceu a formação de biomassa ou a produção de enzimas. Contudo, determina e as máximas velocidades específicas de crescimento celular e de produção de G6PDH, com as maiores velocidades correspondendo às menores concentrações iniciais. Por fim, foi estudada a influência da concentração de leucina na síntese da G6PDH e verificou-se que teores de leucina entre 0-240 mg/L não influenciaram o crescimento celular ou a produção de enzima nos cultivos estudados. / The purpose of this work is to study and to establish some parameters in the fed-batch process of a recombinant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, aiming to increase the production the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH). The recombinant S. cerevisiae inoculum preparation was standardized and optimized. Tree methods were studied. The inoculum preparation time was reduced to 114 h, from first method, to 64 and 48 h to second and third methods, respectively. These two last methods were adequate in order to proceed with the fermentation process. It was evaluated the best micronutrients (adenine, histidine, tryptophan and uracil) concentration in the cultivation medium to produce G6PDH, using a response surface methodology. We concluded that using cultivation medium witch optimized micronutrients concentration, the G6PDH activity reach 7927 U/L, 3.2 fold higher than to not optimized medium. The influence of time constant (K) on the G6PDH synthesis was studied at fed-batch bioreactor under exponentially increasing and decreasing feeding rates, using optimized medium cultivation and not optimized medium. The values for K at increasing rates were 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.8 h-1, and for decreasing rates were 0.2, 0.5 and 0.8 h-1. Among K values for exponentially increasing rates with not optimized cultivation medium, K=02 h-1 shows higher G6PDH production (558U/L), 4.1 fold higher than wild yeast. Among cultivations proceeded with exponentially increasing and decreasing feeding rates and using a optimized medium, increasing rate and k=0.2 h-1 shows the higher G6PDH production (847 U/L) too. The initial glucose concentration and feeding time was studied at fed-batch bioreactor under exponentially increasing feeding rate with K=0.2 h-1. It was verified that initial glucose concentration do not favored mass or G6PDH production. Although, it determines the maximum G6PDH production and the maximum growth rates, with higher rates at lowest initial glucose concentration. At the end, the influence of leucin at G6PDH production was evaluated. It was verified that concentrations values between 0-240 mg/L did not showed influence at cell growth or G6PDH production, at the studied cultivations.
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Extração líquido-líquido de ácido clavulânico empregando sistemas micelares mistos de duas fases aquosas / Liquid-liquid extraction of clavulanic acid employing two-phase aqueous mixed micellar systemsValéria de Carvalho Santos 06 March 2009 (has links)
O ácido clavulânico é um potente inibidor de β-lactamases utilizado como terapêutico em associação à amoxicilina. O processo industrial de obtenção envolve o cultivo bacteriano em processo descontínuo, enquanto que a sua purificação é realizada, principalmente, por processos de extração líquido-líquido com solventes orgânicos e etapas cromatográficas. Assim, métodos alternativos como a purificação empregando sistemas micelares de duas fases aquosas (SMDFA), os quais oferecem um ambiente hidrofóbico e hidrofílico que possibilita seletividade na partição de biomoléculas de acordo com sua hidrofobicidade, são de grande interesse. Neste trabalho estudou-se a viabilidade da utilização de sistema micelar misto (não-iônico/aniônico) de duas fases aquosas formados pelos tensoativos não-iônico Triton X-114 e aniônico AOT na extração do ácido clavulânico proveniente de cultivo submerso de Streptomyces clavuligerus em processo descontínuo. A estabilidade do ácido clavulânico em relação ao pH, sais e suas concentrações, temperatura e aos tensoativos foi investigada visando limitar as regiões a serem estudadas nas extrações. Determinou-se ainda o ponto névoa dos sistemas Triton X-114/Tampão e Triton X-114/AOT/Tampão em diferentes condições, bem como, estudos de migração da biomolécula para as fases e do tempo necessário para o equilíbrio do sistema. A partir destas investigações iniciais, foram definidos os níveis das variáveis: concentração de AOT (0,50, 0,75 e 1,00 mM), Triton X-114 (1, 3 e 5% m/m), NaCl (0, 0,05 e 0,10 M) e temperatura (24, 26 e 28°C), cujas influências sobre o coeficiente de partição (KAC) e recuperação da biomolécula na fase diluída (nAC) foram investigadas através de um planejamento fatorial. A análise estatística e o modelo matemático obtido a partir dos resultados para KAC revelou ser possível obterem-se KAC≈ 1,65 e nAC≈ 71,58%. No entanto, a análise estatística empregando nAC como resposta apontou condições experimentais desprovidas de significado físico-químico. Em experimentos seriados realizados com Triton X-114 3% m/m, Tampão Mcllavine pH 6,5 e adição gradual de AOT, um aumento da concentração deste tensoativo levou a maiores KAC e Balanço de massa (BMAC)≈ 85%. Desta forma é possível concluir que o sistema micelar misto de duas fases aquosas proporciona baixa perda da biomolécula e partição para a fase diluída, que é uma vantagem devido a menores problemas em uma etapa subsequente de purificação. / Clavulanic acid is a potent inhibitor of β-lactamases that is used as a therapeutic in conjunction with amoxicillin. Its industrial process of production involves bacterial growing in a batch process, while its purification is carried out mainly by process of liquid-liquid extraction with organic solvents and chromatographic steps. Thus, alternative methods like the purification employing two-phase aqueous micellar systems, which offer both hydrophobic and hydrophilic environments to solute species and allow selectivity in partitioning depending on the hydrophobicity of biomolecules, are of great concern. This work studied the feasibility of using two-phase aqueous mixed (nonionic/anionic) micellar systems formed by nonionic surfactant Triton X-114 and anionic surfactant AOT to extract clavulanic acid from broths fermented by Streptomyces clavuligerus in batch process. The stability of clavulanic acid at different values of pH, salts and their concentration, temperature and in the presence of different surfactants was investigated so as to limit the areas to be submitted to further studies. The cloud-point of the systems Triton X-114/Buffer and Triton X-114/AOT/Buffer was also determined under different conditions, and studies were performed on partitioning the biomolecule between the phases and the time needed to balance of the system. From these initial investigations the following levels of the variables were defined: concentration of AOT (0.50, 0.75, and 1.00 mM), Triton X-114 (1, 3 and 5% w/w), NaCl (0, 0.05 and 0.10 M) and temperature (24, 26 and 28°C), whose influences on the partition coefficient (KCA) and yield in the top phase (nCA) were investigated using factorial design. Statistical analysis and the mathematical model derived from the results allowed obtaining KCA≈ 1.65 e nCA≈ 71.58%. However, the statistical analysis using the response nCA indicated experimental conditions devoid of any physico-chemical meaning. In serial experiments performed with Triton X-114 3% w/w, Mcllvaine buffer at 6.5 pH and gradual addition of AOT, an increase in the concentration of anionic surfactant led to higher KCA and mass balance (BMCA≈ 85%). Thus, is possible conclude that the two-phase aqueous mixed micellar system provides low loss and partition to dilute phase, which is an advantage because it implies less problems in a subsequent step of purification.
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Cultivo de Spirulina platensis por processo contínuo utilizando cloreto de amônio como fonte de nitrogênio / Cultivation of Spirulina platensis by continuous process using ammonium chloride as the nitrogen sourceCarlos Eduardo Nascimento Sassano 05 November 2004 (has links)
Microrganismos fotossintetizantes têm sido utilizados por muitos anos como alimento humano devido ao seu alto conteúdo de proteína e valor nutricional. A Spirulina platensis pode ser uma fonte alternativa de proteína para a alimentação, bem como pode possibilitar a obtenção de outros produtos, como pigmentos, vitaminas e lipídios, principalmente ácidos graxos polinsaturados, como o γ-linolênico. Neste trabalho, foram estudadas as influências da concentração de cloreto de amônia no meio de alimentação (N0) e da vazão específica de alimentação (D) no cultivo de Spirulina platensis por processo contínuo, avaliando parâmetros cinéticos de crescimento bem como a composição das biomassas obtidas. A produtividade em células máxima obtida (63,9 mg.L-1.dia-1) foi comparável àquelas obtidas em processos descontínuos e descontínuos alimentados, para nitrato de potássio e cloreto de amônia como fontes de nitrogênio, respectivamente. O máximo conteúdo de proteína na biomassa foi de 72,5 %, obtido em experimento conduzido com N0 = 10 mmolar e D = 0,083 dia-l. Os melhores resultados em termos do teor do ácido γ-linolênico na fração lipídica da biomassa foi empregando vazão específica de alimentação de 0,110 dia-1 e concentração de cloreto de amônio no meio de alimentação de 1mmolar. / Photosynthesizing microorganism has been used for many years as human food because of its high protein content and nutritional value. Spirulina platensis can be an alternative source of protein for food purpose, as well as the possibility of obtaining other products like pigments, vitamins and lipids, mainly polyunsaturated fat acids like γ-linolenic. In this work, they were studied the influence of the ammonium chloride concentration in the feeding nutrient medium (N0) as well as the dilution rate (D) on the Spirulina platensis cultivation by continuous process, evaluating the kinetics parameters of the growth as well as the composition of the biomasses obtained. The maximum cell productivity obtained (63.9 mg.L-1.day-1) was c¬omparable with that ones obtained using batch and fed-batch processes for nitrate and ammonium chloride as nitrogen sources, respectively. The highest protein biomass content was 72.5 %, obtained in experiment carried out with N0 = 10 mmolar and D = 0.083 day-1. The best result in terms of the γ-linolenic acid content in the lipid fraction of the biomass was employing dilution rate of the 0.110 day -1 and 1 mmolar of the ammonium chloride in the feeding nutrient medium.
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The systematic consideration of the large-scale fed-batch fermentation inhomogeneities using a genetically modified C. glutamicum strain as a model organismOlughu, Williams C. January 2018 (has links)
The loss of efficiency and performance of bioprocesses on scale-up is well known, but not fully understood. This work addresses this problem, by studying the effect of some fermentation gradients (pH, glucose and oxygen) at a larger scale in a bench-scale two compartment reactor (PFR + STR) using the cadaverine-producing recombinant bacterium, Corynebacterium glutamicum DM1945 Δact3 Ptuf-ldcC_OPT. The initial scale down strategy increased the magnitude of these gradients by only increasing the mean cell residence time in the plug flow reactor (τ_PFR). The cell growth and product related rate constants were compared as the τ_PFR was increased; differences were significant in some cases, but only up to 2 min residence time. For example, losses in cadaverine productivity when compared to the control fed-batch fermentation on average for the τ_PFR of 1 min, 2 min and 5 min were 25 %, 42 % and 46 % respectively. This indicated that the increasing the τ_PFR alone does not necessarily increase the magnitude of fermentation gradients. The new scale-down strategy developed here, increased the magnitude of fermentation gradients by not only increasing the τ_PFR, but also considering the mean frequency at which the bacterial cells entered the PFR section (f_m). The f_m was kept constant by reducing the broth volume in the STR. Hence, the bacterial cells also spent shorter times in the well mixed STR, as the τ_PFR was increased (hypothesised as giving the bacterial cells less time to recover the non-ideal PFR section of the SDR). On adoption of this strategy cadaverine productivity decreases for the τ_PFR of 1 min, 2 min and 5 min were 25 %, 32 % and 53 % respectively. Thus, highlighting that loss in performance is most likely to occur as the magnitude of heterogeneity within the fermentation environment increases. However, Corynebacterium glutamicum DM1945 Δact3 Ptuf-ldcC_OPT did show some resilience in its biomass productivity. It was only marginally affected in the harshest of conditions simulated here.
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Extração líquido-líquido de ácido clavulânico empregando sistemas micelares mistos de duas fases aquosas / Liquid-liquid extraction of clavulanic acid employing two-phase aqueous mixed micellar systemsSantos, Valéria de Carvalho 06 March 2009 (has links)
O ácido clavulânico é um potente inibidor de β-lactamases utilizado como terapêutico em associação à amoxicilina. O processo industrial de obtenção envolve o cultivo bacteriano em processo descontínuo, enquanto que a sua purificação é realizada, principalmente, por processos de extração líquido-líquido com solventes orgânicos e etapas cromatográficas. Assim, métodos alternativos como a purificação empregando sistemas micelares de duas fases aquosas (SMDFA), os quais oferecem um ambiente hidrofóbico e hidrofílico que possibilita seletividade na partição de biomoléculas de acordo com sua hidrofobicidade, são de grande interesse. Neste trabalho estudou-se a viabilidade da utilização de sistema micelar misto (não-iônico/aniônico) de duas fases aquosas formados pelos tensoativos não-iônico Triton X-114 e aniônico AOT na extração do ácido clavulânico proveniente de cultivo submerso de Streptomyces clavuligerus em processo descontínuo. A estabilidade do ácido clavulânico em relação ao pH, sais e suas concentrações, temperatura e aos tensoativos foi investigada visando limitar as regiões a serem estudadas nas extrações. Determinou-se ainda o ponto névoa dos sistemas Triton X-114/Tampão e Triton X-114/AOT/Tampão em diferentes condições, bem como, estudos de migração da biomolécula para as fases e do tempo necessário para o equilíbrio do sistema. A partir destas investigações iniciais, foram definidos os níveis das variáveis: concentração de AOT (0,50, 0,75 e 1,00 mM), Triton X-114 (1, 3 e 5% m/m), NaCl (0, 0,05 e 0,10 M) e temperatura (24, 26 e 28°C), cujas influências sobre o coeficiente de partição (KAC) e recuperação da biomolécula na fase diluída (nAC) foram investigadas através de um planejamento fatorial. A análise estatística e o modelo matemático obtido a partir dos resultados para KAC revelou ser possível obterem-se KAC≈ 1,65 e nAC≈ 71,58%. No entanto, a análise estatística empregando nAC como resposta apontou condições experimentais desprovidas de significado físico-químico. Em experimentos seriados realizados com Triton X-114 3% m/m, Tampão Mcllavine pH 6,5 e adição gradual de AOT, um aumento da concentração deste tensoativo levou a maiores KAC e Balanço de massa (BMAC)≈ 85%. Desta forma é possível concluir que o sistema micelar misto de duas fases aquosas proporciona baixa perda da biomolécula e partição para a fase diluída, que é uma vantagem devido a menores problemas em uma etapa subsequente de purificação. / Clavulanic acid is a potent inhibitor of β-lactamases that is used as a therapeutic in conjunction with amoxicillin. Its industrial process of production involves bacterial growing in a batch process, while its purification is carried out mainly by process of liquid-liquid extraction with organic solvents and chromatographic steps. Thus, alternative methods like the purification employing two-phase aqueous micellar systems, which offer both hydrophobic and hydrophilic environments to solute species and allow selectivity in partitioning depending on the hydrophobicity of biomolecules, are of great concern. This work studied the feasibility of using two-phase aqueous mixed (nonionic/anionic) micellar systems formed by nonionic surfactant Triton X-114 and anionic surfactant AOT to extract clavulanic acid from broths fermented by Streptomyces clavuligerus in batch process. The stability of clavulanic acid at different values of pH, salts and their concentration, temperature and in the presence of different surfactants was investigated so as to limit the areas to be submitted to further studies. The cloud-point of the systems Triton X-114/Buffer and Triton X-114/AOT/Buffer was also determined under different conditions, and studies were performed on partitioning the biomolecule between the phases and the time needed to balance of the system. From these initial investigations the following levels of the variables were defined: concentration of AOT (0.50, 0.75, and 1.00 mM), Triton X-114 (1, 3 and 5% w/w), NaCl (0, 0.05 and 0.10 M) and temperature (24, 26 and 28°C), whose influences on the partition coefficient (KCA) and yield in the top phase (nCA) were investigated using factorial design. Statistical analysis and the mathematical model derived from the results allowed obtaining KCA≈ 1.65 e nCA≈ 71.58%. However, the statistical analysis using the response nCA indicated experimental conditions devoid of any physico-chemical meaning. In serial experiments performed with Triton X-114 3% w/w, Mcllvaine buffer at 6.5 pH and gradual addition of AOT, an increase in the concentration of anionic surfactant led to higher KCA and mass balance (BMCA≈ 85%). Thus, is possible conclude that the two-phase aqueous mixed micellar system provides low loss and partition to dilute phase, which is an advantage because it implies less problems in a subsequent step of purification.
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Cultivo de Spirulina platensis por processo contínuo utilizando cloreto de amônio como fonte de nitrogênio / Cultivation of Spirulina platensis by continuous process using ammonium chloride as the nitrogen sourceSassano, Carlos Eduardo Nascimento 05 November 2004 (has links)
Microrganismos fotossintetizantes têm sido utilizados por muitos anos como alimento humano devido ao seu alto conteúdo de proteína e valor nutricional. A Spirulina platensis pode ser uma fonte alternativa de proteína para a alimentação, bem como pode possibilitar a obtenção de outros produtos, como pigmentos, vitaminas e lipídios, principalmente ácidos graxos polinsaturados, como o γ-linolênico. Neste trabalho, foram estudadas as influências da concentração de cloreto de amônia no meio de alimentação (N0) e da vazão específica de alimentação (D) no cultivo de Spirulina platensis por processo contínuo, avaliando parâmetros cinéticos de crescimento bem como a composição das biomassas obtidas. A produtividade em células máxima obtida (63,9 mg.L-1.dia-1) foi comparável àquelas obtidas em processos descontínuos e descontínuos alimentados, para nitrato de potássio e cloreto de amônia como fontes de nitrogênio, respectivamente. O máximo conteúdo de proteína na biomassa foi de 72,5 %, obtido em experimento conduzido com N0 = 10 mmolar e D = 0,083 dia-l. Os melhores resultados em termos do teor do ácido γ-linolênico na fração lipídica da biomassa foi empregando vazão específica de alimentação de 0,110 dia-1 e concentração de cloreto de amônio no meio de alimentação de 1mmolar. / Photosynthesizing microorganism has been used for many years as human food because of its high protein content and nutritional value. Spirulina platensis can be an alternative source of protein for food purpose, as well as the possibility of obtaining other products like pigments, vitamins and lipids, mainly polyunsaturated fat acids like γ-linolenic. In this work, they were studied the influence of the ammonium chloride concentration in the feeding nutrient medium (N0) as well as the dilution rate (D) on the Spirulina platensis cultivation by continuous process, evaluating the kinetics parameters of the growth as well as the composition of the biomasses obtained. The maximum cell productivity obtained (63.9 mg.L-1.day-1) was c¬omparable with that ones obtained using batch and fed-batch processes for nitrate and ammonium chloride as nitrogen sources, respectively. The highest protein biomass content was 72.5 %, obtained in experiment carried out with N0 = 10 mmolar and D = 0.083 day-1. The best result in terms of the γ-linolenic acid content in the lipid fraction of the biomass was employing dilution rate of the 0.110 day -1 and 1 mmolar of the ammonium chloride in the feeding nutrient medium.
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