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Biomarcadores enzimáticos e testes ecotoxicológicos na avaliação da toxicidade de fármacos em invertebrados aquáticos / Enzymatic biomarkers and ecotoxicological tests to evaluate the toxicity of pharmaceutical drugs to aquatic invertebratesOliveira, Laira Lúcia Damasceno de 24 October 2014 (has links)
Dentre os compostos xenobióticos que podem vir a promover efeitos prejudiciais em ecossistemas aquáticos, os fármacos recebem atualmente maior destaque devido à capacidade de persistirem nestes ambientes e também pela escassez de informações de seus efeitos aos diferentes componentes da biota aquática. Dada a presença dessas substâncias, magnitude das concentrações (ng L-1 a μg L-1), e carência de informações sobre seus riscos aos organismos aquáticos nas águas doce no país, o presente estudo estabeleceu como objetivos: i) avaliar a presença dos compostos farmacológicos: diclofenaco de sódio (anti-inflamatório), paracetamol (analgésico) e propranolol (β- bloqueador) nas amostras de água em diferentes pontos selecionados no Reservatório de Guarapiranga-SP; ii) estabelecer o grau de toxicidade aguda destes compostos farmacológicos notoriamente encontrados nas amostras naturais sobre diferentes grupos de organismos aquáticos, como: Ceriodaphnia silvestrii, Daphnia magna, Hydra viridissima e Dugesia tigrina; iii) Avaliar a toxicidade crônica dos fármacos estudados, com a inclusão do antipsicótico clorpromazina, aos cladóceros Ceriodaphnia silvestrii e Daphnia magna; iv) Analisar os efeitos sobre biomarcadores de neurotransmissão, como colinesterases solúveis (ChE); e de estresse e dano oxidativo, tais como catalase (CAT), glutationa-S-transferases (GSTs) e glutationa-peroxidase total e selêniodependente (GPx total e Se-GPx) na espécie D. magna. Os resultados mostraram que as concentrações dos fármacos variaram de 6,04 ng L-1 para o diclofenaco sódico (estação Santa Rita) a 531,4 ng L-1 para o paracetamol (estação Guavirutuba), durante os períodos analisados. Em relação aos resultados obtidos das exposições agudas observou-se uma variabilidade considerável na toxicidade dos dois compostos farmacêuticos estudados, com valores de CE50 e CL50 variando de 0,55 a 123,3 mg L-1, respectivamente, sendo que a espécie D. tigrina foi mais sensível ao fármaco diclofenaco sódico, e ao mesmo tempo apresentou uma maior tolerância ao propranolol. Os dados dos testes de toxicidade crônica mostraram a ocorrência de efeitos adversos na reprodução, mas também efeitos estimulantes para as espécies de Cladocera estudadas. O fármaco propranolol causou um aumento significativo na fecundidade e no parâmetro taxa de crescimento populacional ocorreu um aumento significativo na menor concentração testada para C. silvestrii. Para a espécie D. magna, a clorpromazina e o propranolol causaram uma diminuição significativa na fecundidade e na variável taxa de crescimento populacional. A exposição aos fármacos paracetamol e diclofenaco sódico causou uma inibição na atividade de ChE, Se-GPx e GPx total em D. magna, sendo que o propranolol foi responsável por uma redução significativa nas atividades das duas últimas enzimas mencionadas, e também por um ligeiro aumento na atividade de GSTs. Além disso, somente a atividade da CAT foi alterada de forma significativa na exposição à clorpromazina. Diante do exposto, conclui-se que os fármacos estudados causaram toxicidade aos organismos aquáticos avaliados neste estudo, e que há necessidade de maiores estudos visando integrar a avaliação de risco de fármacos e a proteção dos organismos não-alvo, da ameaça representada pela presença destes produtos no ambiente. / Among the xenobiotic compounds that may cause deleterious effects on aquatic ecosystems, the drugs currently receive greater prominence due to the ability to persist in these environments and also by the lack of information of their effects on different components of the aquatic biota. Given the presence of these, the magnitude of concentrations (ng L-1 to mg L-1), and lack of information about their risks for aquatic organisms in fresh waters in the country, this study has established the following objectives: i) to evaluate the presence of the pharmacutical compounds: diclofenac sodium (anti-inflammatory), paracetamol (analgesic) and propranolol (β-blocker) in water samples at different selected sites in Guarapiranga Reservoir -SP; ii) establish the degree of acute toxicity of these pharmacological compounds notoriously found in natural samples on different groups of aquatic organisms, such as: Ceriodaphnia silvestrii, Daphnia magna, Hydra viridissima and Dugesia tigrina; iii) to assess the chronic toxicity of the drugs studied, with the inclusion of antipsychotic chlorpromazine to cladocerans Ceriodaphnia silvestrii and Daphnia magna; iv) analyze the effects on biomarkers of neurotransmission, such as soluble cholinesterase (ChE); and oxidative stress defense, such as catalase (CAT), glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) and total and selenium-dependent glutathione-peroxidase (total GPx; Se-GPx) in the species D. magna. The results showed that the concentrations of the drugs ranged from 6.04 ng L-1 for diclofenac (Santa Rita station) to 531.4 ng L-1 for paracetamol (Guavirutuba station) during the periods analyzed. Regarding the results obtained from acute exposures a considerable variability in toxicity of the two pharmaceutical compounds studied was observed, and the EC50 and LC50 values ranged from 0.55 to 123.3 mg L-1, and the species D. tigrina was more sensitive to the drug diclofenac, and at the same time had a higher tolerance to propranolol. The data from chronic toxicity tests showed the occurrence of adverse effects on reproduction, but also stimulating effects to the species of Cladocera studied. The drug propranolol caused a significant increase in fertility and regarding the rate of population growth parameter there was a significant increase in the lowest concentration tested for C. silvestrii. For the species D. magna, chlorpromazine and propranolol caused a significant decrease in fertility and the rate of population increase parameter. Exposure to the drugs paracetamol and diclofenac caused an overall inhibition in the activity of ChE, Se-GPx and total GPx in D. magna, and propranolol was responsible for a significant reduction in the activities of the last two enzymes mentioned, and also for a slight increase in the activity of GSTs. Furthermore, only CAT activity was significantly altered in the exposure to chlorpromazine. Given the above, it is concluded that the studied drugs caused toxicity to the aquatic organisms evaluated in this study, which suggests that further studies are necessary to integrate risk assessment of drugs to the protection of non-target organisms of the threat posed by the presence of these products in the environment.
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Évolution des environnements sédimentaires du bassin de Podolya (Ukraine) à l'avènement des premiers métazoaires édiacariens / Evolution of sedimentary environments in Podolya basin (Ukraine) at the moment of appearence of Ediacaran biotaSoldatenko, Yevheniia 18 May 2018 (has links)
Sur la Plate-forme Est Européenne (PEE), des sédiments silicoclastiques néoprotérozoïques ont livré une faune animale édiacarienne type dans le bassin de Podolya. Sa géologie montre un domaine marin littoral et indiquent que cette faune vivait dans la zone euphotique. Situé en bordure du Bouclier Ukrainien, le bassin est resté à l'abri des événements tectoniques et sa subsidence a été faible, ce qui explique l’absence de métamorphisme et de processus liés à la diagenèse d’enfouissement. Ces conditions ont permis la préservation des fossiles d’animaux et des minéraux argileux. Ainsi, quatre couches riches minéraux interstratifiés (IS) ont permis d’identifier des bentonites i.e. des produits pyroclastiques altérés. Les zircons de la bentonite la plus récente, qui coiffe les niveaux fossilifères, ont été datés (238U/206Pb) à 557-555 Ma ; le macrobiota édiacarien de Podolya est donc plus âgé. De plus, les variations de teneurs en kaolinite dans la pile sédimentaire indiquent que le continent Baltica voisin (actuelle PEE), source du détritisme, a connu une succession de climats tempéré-chaud-tempéré. En accord avec les données paléomagnétiques, Baltica a donc migré depuis les hautes vers les basses latitudes avant d’amorcer un mouvement rétrograde. Les strates fossiles pauvres en kaolinite peuvent être corrélées avec une position de Baltica en latitude élevée, près de la bordure nord de Rodinia et du continent Avalon.Nos résultats permettent de situer les fossiles édiacariens de l'Ukraine sur l'échelle biochronostratigraphique mondiale, et de mieux comprendre les relations spatio-temporelles du biote de Podolya par rapport aux autres macrofaunes situées à proximité de Baltica à cette époque. Les nouvelles données et les morphologies primitives des fossiles de Podolya – d’ordinaire uniquement comparées à celles de la Mer Blanche (Russie) pourraient expliquer la ressemblance phylogénique entre le biote édiacarien d’Ukraine et certains macrofossiles d'Avalon. / On the East European Platform (EEP), Neoproterozoic siliciclastic sediments have revealed a typical animal fauna of Ediacaran in the Podolya basin. The geological data are typical of marine tidal domain and suggest that this fauna lived under a water depth that did not exceed the euphotic zone. After this period, the basin, located on the edge of the Ukrainian Shield, has remained safe from tectonic events and its subsidence was low, which explain that these deposits are unmetamorphosed and unaffected by processes of burial diagenesis. These conditions allowed both the preservation of animal fossils and argillaceous minerals. Thus, four levels rich in IS mixed-layers could be identified as bentonites, altered pyroclastic products. Zircons of the youngest bentonite, which caps the fossiliferous levels, have been dated (238U/206Pb ratio) to 556±1 Ma, so Podolya's ediacaran macrobiota is of older age. Moreover, the variations of the kaolinite content in sedimentary pile indicates the neighboring mainland of the Baltica micro-continent (current EEP), source of the detritism, has been subjected to temperate-warm-temperate climate cycle. According to the paleomagnetic data, this shows that Baltica migrated from high to low latitudes and followed a retrograde motion. The kaolinite-poor fossil stratas can be correlated with high latitude position of Baltica, close to the northern border of Rodinia and of Avalon micro-continent. Our results make it possible to better situate the Ediacarian fossils of Ukraine in relation to the global biochronostratigraphic scale, but also to better understand the spatial and temporal relationships of Podolya’s ediacaran biota compared to other faunas located in the vicinity of Baltica at this time. The new data and primitive morphologies of Podolya's fossils – usually compared to the only fossils of White Sea (Russia) might explain why Ediacaran biota from Podolya Basin has more phylogenic resemblance to some Avalon’s macrofossils.
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Biomarcadores enzimáticos e testes ecotoxicológicos na avaliação da toxicidade de fármacos em invertebrados aquáticos / Enzymatic biomarkers and ecotoxicological tests to evaluate the toxicity of pharmaceutical drugs to aquatic invertebratesLaira Lúcia Damasceno de Oliveira 24 October 2014 (has links)
Dentre os compostos xenobióticos que podem vir a promover efeitos prejudiciais em ecossistemas aquáticos, os fármacos recebem atualmente maior destaque devido à capacidade de persistirem nestes ambientes e também pela escassez de informações de seus efeitos aos diferentes componentes da biota aquática. Dada a presença dessas substâncias, magnitude das concentrações (ng L-1 a μg L-1), e carência de informações sobre seus riscos aos organismos aquáticos nas águas doce no país, o presente estudo estabeleceu como objetivos: i) avaliar a presença dos compostos farmacológicos: diclofenaco de sódio (anti-inflamatório), paracetamol (analgésico) e propranolol (β- bloqueador) nas amostras de água em diferentes pontos selecionados no Reservatório de Guarapiranga-SP; ii) estabelecer o grau de toxicidade aguda destes compostos farmacológicos notoriamente encontrados nas amostras naturais sobre diferentes grupos de organismos aquáticos, como: Ceriodaphnia silvestrii, Daphnia magna, Hydra viridissima e Dugesia tigrina; iii) Avaliar a toxicidade crônica dos fármacos estudados, com a inclusão do antipsicótico clorpromazina, aos cladóceros Ceriodaphnia silvestrii e Daphnia magna; iv) Analisar os efeitos sobre biomarcadores de neurotransmissão, como colinesterases solúveis (ChE); e de estresse e dano oxidativo, tais como catalase (CAT), glutationa-S-transferases (GSTs) e glutationa-peroxidase total e selêniodependente (GPx total e Se-GPx) na espécie D. magna. Os resultados mostraram que as concentrações dos fármacos variaram de 6,04 ng L-1 para o diclofenaco sódico (estação Santa Rita) a 531,4 ng L-1 para o paracetamol (estação Guavirutuba), durante os períodos analisados. Em relação aos resultados obtidos das exposições agudas observou-se uma variabilidade considerável na toxicidade dos dois compostos farmacêuticos estudados, com valores de CE50 e CL50 variando de 0,55 a 123,3 mg L-1, respectivamente, sendo que a espécie D. tigrina foi mais sensível ao fármaco diclofenaco sódico, e ao mesmo tempo apresentou uma maior tolerância ao propranolol. Os dados dos testes de toxicidade crônica mostraram a ocorrência de efeitos adversos na reprodução, mas também efeitos estimulantes para as espécies de Cladocera estudadas. O fármaco propranolol causou um aumento significativo na fecundidade e no parâmetro taxa de crescimento populacional ocorreu um aumento significativo na menor concentração testada para C. silvestrii. Para a espécie D. magna, a clorpromazina e o propranolol causaram uma diminuição significativa na fecundidade e na variável taxa de crescimento populacional. A exposição aos fármacos paracetamol e diclofenaco sódico causou uma inibição na atividade de ChE, Se-GPx e GPx total em D. magna, sendo que o propranolol foi responsável por uma redução significativa nas atividades das duas últimas enzimas mencionadas, e também por um ligeiro aumento na atividade de GSTs. Além disso, somente a atividade da CAT foi alterada de forma significativa na exposição à clorpromazina. Diante do exposto, conclui-se que os fármacos estudados causaram toxicidade aos organismos aquáticos avaliados neste estudo, e que há necessidade de maiores estudos visando integrar a avaliação de risco de fármacos e a proteção dos organismos não-alvo, da ameaça representada pela presença destes produtos no ambiente. / Among the xenobiotic compounds that may cause deleterious effects on aquatic ecosystems, the drugs currently receive greater prominence due to the ability to persist in these environments and also by the lack of information of their effects on different components of the aquatic biota. Given the presence of these, the magnitude of concentrations (ng L-1 to mg L-1), and lack of information about their risks for aquatic organisms in fresh waters in the country, this study has established the following objectives: i) to evaluate the presence of the pharmacutical compounds: diclofenac sodium (anti-inflammatory), paracetamol (analgesic) and propranolol (β-blocker) in water samples at different selected sites in Guarapiranga Reservoir -SP; ii) establish the degree of acute toxicity of these pharmacological compounds notoriously found in natural samples on different groups of aquatic organisms, such as: Ceriodaphnia silvestrii, Daphnia magna, Hydra viridissima and Dugesia tigrina; iii) to assess the chronic toxicity of the drugs studied, with the inclusion of antipsychotic chlorpromazine to cladocerans Ceriodaphnia silvestrii and Daphnia magna; iv) analyze the effects on biomarkers of neurotransmission, such as soluble cholinesterase (ChE); and oxidative stress defense, such as catalase (CAT), glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) and total and selenium-dependent glutathione-peroxidase (total GPx; Se-GPx) in the species D. magna. The results showed that the concentrations of the drugs ranged from 6.04 ng L-1 for diclofenac (Santa Rita station) to 531.4 ng L-1 for paracetamol (Guavirutuba station) during the periods analyzed. Regarding the results obtained from acute exposures a considerable variability in toxicity of the two pharmaceutical compounds studied was observed, and the EC50 and LC50 values ranged from 0.55 to 123.3 mg L-1, and the species D. tigrina was more sensitive to the drug diclofenac, and at the same time had a higher tolerance to propranolol. The data from chronic toxicity tests showed the occurrence of adverse effects on reproduction, but also stimulating effects to the species of Cladocera studied. The drug propranolol caused a significant increase in fertility and regarding the rate of population growth parameter there was a significant increase in the lowest concentration tested for C. silvestrii. For the species D. magna, chlorpromazine and propranolol caused a significant decrease in fertility and the rate of population increase parameter. Exposure to the drugs paracetamol and diclofenac caused an overall inhibition in the activity of ChE, Se-GPx and total GPx in D. magna, and propranolol was responsible for a significant reduction in the activities of the last two enzymes mentioned, and also for a slight increase in the activity of GSTs. Furthermore, only CAT activity was significantly altered in the exposure to chlorpromazine. Given the above, it is concluded that the studied drugs caused toxicity to the aquatic organisms evaluated in this study, which suggests that further studies are necessary to integrate risk assessment of drugs to the protection of non-target organisms of the threat posed by the presence of these products in the environment.
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Interakce rostlin a půdní bioty a jejich ovlivnění pěstováním energetických plodin / Interactions between plants and soil biota and effect of energetic crops on these interactionsHeděnec, Petr January 2013 (has links)
My PhD thesis is focused on study of plant-soil interactions. Chapter 1 is focused on general introduction to the interactions between plants and soil biota in terms of relationships between soil organisms and aboveground biomass as well as root biomass. Chapter 2 is focused on food interaction of Folsomia candida and soil microscopic fungi (Penicillium chrysogenum, Penicillium expansum, Absidia glauca, and Cladosporium herbarum). Fungi were grown separately on Petri dishes or on different litter type (oak, alder and willow) separately as well. Laboratory experiments showed that food preference was more influenced by different litter types than fungal species. In chapter 3 was studied long-term production of hybrid sorrel and its effect on the composition of the soil meso and macrofauna, basal soil respiration, microbial biomass and composition of cultivable fraction of soil microscopic fungi in comparison with oilseed rape and cultural meadow. There was found that long-term production of hybrid sorrel affects the composition of soil fauna, while the microbial activity of the soil was more affected by agriculture practices, especially tillage. In chapter 4 was studied the effect of native (Salix viminialis and Phalaris arudinacea) and introduced (Reynoutria sachalinensis, Silphium perfoliatum and...
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[pt] Os hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) de origem antrópica representam uma classe de contaminantes de relevância ambiental por serem derivados de múltiplas fontes petrogénicas e/ou pirolíticas e por apresentarem efeitos tóxicos e carcinogênicos. Quando encontrados em pescados de consumo comercial, podem apresentar um risco adicional para a saúde humana. A análise de HPAs em biota é um desafio analítico, devido à complexidade da matriz e aos níveis baixos de concentração que representam risco para o consumo de pescados. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo otimizar e validar o método QuEChERS para análise de HPAs em tecidos biológicos como uma alternativa aos métodos convencionais. O método QuEChERS apresenta características importantes para a Química Verde, ou seja, reduz o consumo excessivo de solventes, reagentes, quantidade de amostra, tempo, entre outros fatores que diminuem o impacto ambiental. Os parâmetros que afetam a eficiência do método foram estudados e concluiu-se que a etapa de purificação constituída por Z-sep+ com uma coluna fina de sílica e alumina apresentou melhores condições de purificação do extrato. A determinação dos compostos por cromatografia a gás acoplada à espectrometria de massas (GC-MS) nos forneceu resultados com alta resolução, seletividade e detectibilidade. A linearidade e sensibilidade do método apresentou valores maiores que 0,990 para todos os HPAs, numa faixa de concentração de 1 ng mL-1 a 50 ng mL-1 no extrato final; limites de detecção e quantificação nos intervalos de 0,377 a 7,45 ng g-1 e 1,13 a 22,36 ng g-1. Os percentuais de recuperação do método ficaram na faixa de 70 a 130 porcento. O procedimento validado permite quantificar HPAs em biota marinha de forma rápida, a baixo custo, livre de interferentes na análise instrumental por GC-MS e em níveis de quantificação que permitem avaliar a qualidade de pescados para consumo humano segundo padrões internacionais. / [en] Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) of anthropogenic origin represent a class of contaminants of environmental relevance because they are derived from multiple petrogenic and/or pyrolytic sources and because they have toxic and carcinogenic effects. When found in commercially relevant fish, they can pose an additional risk to human health. The analysis of HPAs in biota is an analytical challenge, due to the complexity of the matrix and the low levels of concentration that pose a risk to fish consumption. This work aims to optimize and validate the QuEChERS method for analysis of PAHs in biological tissues as an alternative to conventional. The QuEChERS method presenting important characteristics for Green Chemistry, that is, reducing the excessive consumption of solvents, reagents, sample quantity, time, among other factors that reduce the environmental impact. The parameters that affect the efficiency of the method were studied and it was concluded that the purification step consisting of Z-sep+ with a thin column of silica and alumina presented better conditions for extract purification. The determination of compounds by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) provided us with results with high resolution, selectivity and detectability. The linearity and sensitivity of the method presented values greater than 0.990 for all PAHs, in a concentration range from 1 ng mL-1 to 50 ng mL-1 in the final extract; limits of detection and quantification in the ranges of 0.377 to 7.45 ng g -1 and 1.13 to 22.36 ng g -1. The method s recovery percentages ranged from 70 to 130 percent. The validated procedure allows quantifying PAHs in marine biota quickly, at low cost, free from interferences in the instrumental analysis by GC-MS and at quantification levels that allow the quality of fish for human consumption to be assessed according to international standards.
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Poluentes orgânicos persistentes na biota marinha do Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo / Persistents Organic Pollutants in marine biota of the São Pedro e São Paulo ArchipelagoDias, Patrick Simões 26 November 2010 (has links)
Algumas ilhas oceânicas como o Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo podem ser consideradas áreas remotas e preservadas devido a sua distância do continente. Entretanto, essas regiões não estão isentas da influência de agentes antrópicos oriundos das regiões costeiras, como é o caso dos poluentes orgânicos persistentes (POPs). A presente proposta visou determinar a ocorrência e distribuição de POPs na biota marinha, do Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo. As extrações das amostras foram realizadas em micro-ondas e os pesticidas organoclorados e os PCBs/PBDEs foram analisados respectivamente por cromatografia a gás com detecção por captura de elétrons e espectrometria de massas. Os compostos predominantes foram os PCBs e os DDTs que apresentaram, respectivamente, as concentrações máximas de: 127,7 e 34,37 ng g-1 para Exocoetus volitans (Peixe-voador), 98,15 e 8,89 ng g-1 para Sula leucogaster (Atobá-marrom) e 90,5 e 18,86 ng g-1 Grapsus grapsus (Aratu). Os baixos valores dos contaminantes sugerem um relativo grau de isolamento e preservação, porém a ocorrência e o perfil de distribuição dos PCBs sustenta a hipótese de que a principal fonte de contaminação em áreas remotas é o transporte atmosférico de longa distância, e demonstra a ubiquidade desses poluentes no ambiente marinho. / Some oceanic islands, such as São Pedro e São Paulo Archipelago may be considered remote areas and preserved due to its distance from the mainland. However, these areas are not exempt from the influence of anthropogenic agents from coastal regions, such as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). This proposal aimed to determine the occurrence and distribution of POPs in marine biota of São Pedro e São Paulo Archipelago. Samples extractions were performed with microwave and organochlorine pesticides and PCBs/PBDES was respectively analysed by gas chromatography with electron capture detection and mass spectrometry. The predominant compounds were PCBs and DDTs that presented, respectively, the maximum concentrations 127.7 and 34.37 ng g-1 to Exocoetus volitans (Flying fish), 98.15 and 8.89 ng g-1 to Sula leucogaster (Brown Booby) and 90.5 and 18.86 ng g-1 to Grapsus grapsus (Sally Lightfoot crab). The low levels of contaminants suggest a relative degree of isolation and preservation, but the occurrence and distribution profiles of PCBs supports the hypothesis that the main source of contamination in remote areas is long range atmospheric transport, and demonstrates the ubiquity of those pollutants in the marine environment.
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Poluentes orgânicos persistentes na biota marinha do Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo / Persistents Organic Pollutants in marine biota of the São Pedro e São Paulo ArchipelagoPatrick Simões Dias 26 November 2010 (has links)
Algumas ilhas oceânicas como o Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo podem ser consideradas áreas remotas e preservadas devido a sua distância do continente. Entretanto, essas regiões não estão isentas da influência de agentes antrópicos oriundos das regiões costeiras, como é o caso dos poluentes orgânicos persistentes (POPs). A presente proposta visou determinar a ocorrência e distribuição de POPs na biota marinha, do Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo. As extrações das amostras foram realizadas em micro-ondas e os pesticidas organoclorados e os PCBs/PBDEs foram analisados respectivamente por cromatografia a gás com detecção por captura de elétrons e espectrometria de massas. Os compostos predominantes foram os PCBs e os DDTs que apresentaram, respectivamente, as concentrações máximas de: 127,7 e 34,37 ng g-1 para Exocoetus volitans (Peixe-voador), 98,15 e 8,89 ng g-1 para Sula leucogaster (Atobá-marrom) e 90,5 e 18,86 ng g-1 Grapsus grapsus (Aratu). Os baixos valores dos contaminantes sugerem um relativo grau de isolamento e preservação, porém a ocorrência e o perfil de distribuição dos PCBs sustenta a hipótese de que a principal fonte de contaminação em áreas remotas é o transporte atmosférico de longa distância, e demonstra a ubiquidade desses poluentes no ambiente marinho. / Some oceanic islands, such as São Pedro e São Paulo Archipelago may be considered remote areas and preserved due to its distance from the mainland. However, these areas are not exempt from the influence of anthropogenic agents from coastal regions, such as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). This proposal aimed to determine the occurrence and distribution of POPs in marine biota of São Pedro e São Paulo Archipelago. Samples extractions were performed with microwave and organochlorine pesticides and PCBs/PBDES was respectively analysed by gas chromatography with electron capture detection and mass spectrometry. The predominant compounds were PCBs and DDTs that presented, respectively, the maximum concentrations 127.7 and 34.37 ng g-1 to Exocoetus volitans (Flying fish), 98.15 and 8.89 ng g-1 to Sula leucogaster (Brown Booby) and 90.5 and 18.86 ng g-1 to Grapsus grapsus (Sally Lightfoot crab). The low levels of contaminants suggest a relative degree of isolation and preservation, but the occurrence and distribution profiles of PCBs supports the hypothesis that the main source of contamination in remote areas is long range atmospheric transport, and demonstrates the ubiquity of those pollutants in the marine environment.
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Stanovení alkylderivátů rtuti ve vodním ekosystému / Determination of mercury alkylderivatives in water ecosystemDoležalová, Jana January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis is oriented on the question of the fate and occurence of mercury and its derivatives in water ecosystems. At first, deep literature review will be worked out. At second, the optimal analytical procedure for the determination of mercury alkylderivatives in water ecosystem compartments will be proposed and verified. At third, real samples from selected water ecosystems will be taken and analyzed.
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Sistemática molecular e filogeografia do gênero Phoenicircus Swainson, 1832 (Aves: Cotingidae)MARTINS, Denise Mendes January 2012 (has links)
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Dissertacao_SistematicaMolecularFilogeografia.pdf: 734529 bytes, checksum: d872d96cae8a9b53c7ba7193486ccc43 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-02-18T12:32:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertacao_SistematicaMolecularFilogeografia.pdf: 734529 bytes, checksum: d872d96cae8a9b53c7ba7193486ccc43 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Muitas hipóteses já foram propostas na tentativa de explicar a origem e manutenção da grande biodiversidade encontrada na Amazônia, entretanto poucas são passíveis de serem testadas sob um ponto de vista filogeográfico. Nós avaliamos padrões de diversificação temporal e espacial de duas espécies de aves endêmicas da região amazônica, as quais apresentam populações alopátricas restritas a diferentes áreas de endemismo e limitadas pelos principais rios da bacia Amazônica. Sequências de dois genes mitocondriais (ND2 e Cytb) e dois nucleares (βf7 e G3PDH intron 11) foram obtidas a partir de 30 indivíduos, abrangendo a área de distribuição total do gênero Phoenicircus e incluindo as duas espécies atualmente válidas P. carnifex e P. nigricollis. A utilização de ferramentas da filogeografia, aliadas a métodos de genética populacional e de datação molecular, nos permitiu reconstruir os contextos espacial e temporal do processo de diversificação destes táxons na região Amazônica, bem como fazer predições sobre sua história geográfica e ambiental. Nossos dados revelaram a existência de quatro grupos geneticamente distintos, evidenciando o status parafilético de P. carnifex e a monofilia recíproca entre as duas populações alopátricas de P. nigricollis, e sugeriram, portanto, alterações na taxonomia atualmente aplicada ao gênero Phoenicircus. A história de evolução de Phoenicircus parece ter sido delineada por dois tipos de eventos vicariantes, inicialmente pela formação dos principais rios da Amazônia, durante os períodos Plio-Pleistoceno, e mais recentemente por eventos de captura de drenagem resultantes da atividade de placas neotectônicas localizadas na região central amazônica, destacando a importância de processos históricos como estes na modelagem da biota Amazônica atual. / Many hypotheses have been erected to attempt to explain the origin and maintenance of the Amazon‟s high biodiversity, although few can been tested under a phylogeographic approach. We evaluated patterns of temporal and spatial genetic diversity of two endemic bird species in the Brazilian Amazon, which have allopatric populations restricted to different areas of endemism and limited by the main rivers of the Amazon basin. Sequences of two mitochondrial genes (ND2 and cytb) and two nuclear (βf7 and G3PDH intron 11) were obtained from 30 individuals, throughout the range of the genus Phoenicircus comprising the two currently-recognised species P. carnifex and P. nigricollis. The use of phylogeographic tools, in combination with population genetics and molecular dating allowed us to reconstruct the spatial and temporal context of the diversification of this genus in the Amazon region, as well as make predictions about its evolutionary history and geographical environment. Our data revealed the existence of four genetically distinct groups, demonstrating the paraphyletic status of P. carnifex and reciprocal monophyly between the two allopatric populations of P. nigricollis. These discoveries necessitate a revision of the current two-species arrangement of the genus Phoenicircus. The group‟s evolutionary history is defined by two types of vicariant events, initially by the formation of the main rivers of the Amazon during the Plio-Pleistocene, and more recently as a result of neotectonics activity in the central Amazon, highlighting the importance of historical processes when modeling the present Amazonian biota.
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Limnology and biota of Lake Yindarlgooda - an inland salt lake in Western Australia under stressCampagna, Veronica January 2007 (has links)
Inland salt lakes of the arid and semi-arid zones of Western Australia are unique systems. An unpredictable rainfall pattern and a transient water regime ensure these lakes remain dry for much of the year. Lake Yindarlgooda in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia is a typical inland salt lake that has been subjected to additional stresses. This thesis is the outcome of investigations conducted on the lake from 2001 to 2003. Emphasis is on the limnology and biota of the lake, including an adjacent wetland, and impacts on the aquatic ecosystems caused predominantly by mining. Lake Yindarlgooda is a large, shallow hypersaline lake situated on the Yindarlgooda Palaeoriver. It is sodium chloride dominated and has naturally high background levels of nickel. Sites impacted by the leaching of hypersaline decant water from a leach residue storage facility (LRSF) were differentiated from control sites using multivariate statistics. Salinity was found to be a major determinant in the structure of the biological communities in the lake systems. / Different biotic communities with low taxonomic diversity were recorded in Lake Yindarlgooda and Swan Refuge, a nearby hyposaline clay pan. The benthic microbial communities were dominated by halotolerant diatoms, notably Amphora coffeaeformis, Navicula incertata and Hantzschia baltica. Variation in the diatom assemblages between the playa sites and the clay pan were noted, influenced by habitat type and salinity. Within Lake Yindarlgooda, the diatom assemblages in the control and impact sites were found to be similar. A narrow salinity spectrum dictated the taxa present. Many of the benthic diatoms collected during the dry phase were encysted, having entered dormancy. The invertebrate fauna in Lake Yindarlgooda and Swan Refuge belonged to the Crustacea. A larger percentage of hyposaline invertebrate taxa were recorded from Swan Refuge, while those in Lake Yindarlgooda were typically halotolerant species. The Ostracoda showed the greatest diversity and their abundance was higher in the southern control sites while the Anostracan, Parartemia sp., dominated the northern impact sites of the playa. / The riparian zone of Lake Yindarlgooda supported a diverse plant community, dominated by the Chenopodiaceae. The marginal vegetation communities along the shores of Lake Yindarlgooda were found to be similar, indicating habitat homeogeneity. Within the riparian zone both biological and physical soil crusts occupied large areas not inhabited by vascular plants. The biological soil crust identified was composed of an association between the filamentous cyanobacterium Microcoleus sp. and a moss species (Musci). Both biological and physical soil crusts were found to have functional roles in stabilising the surrounding low dunes. The soil crusts in the northern control sites were badly degraded as a result of trampling by livestock, while those in the southern control sites were protected and were intact. Only one Parartemia species was found to inhabit Lake Yindarlgooda, Parartemia n. sp. d. It was collected in salinities ranging from 50 to 140 g L-1. The population appeared to be oviparous, recruitment mostly from resting eggs. The male to female ratios varied between sites, as did the number of juveniles compared to the adults. The northern impact sites had a more mature Parartemia population than the southern control sites and appeared to have undergone a second recruitment. Examination of the surface sediment found a well established Parartemia “egg bank” in the northern impact sites with egg numbers much higher than in the southern control sites. / The ultrastructure of the Parartemia resting egg was identical to that of Artemia. Differences in the external features and internal structure of the resting egg of Parartemia n sp. d and Parartemia n. sp g from Lake Miranda, another saline lake, were identified. This study showed morphological variation of the egg within Parartemia, a finding not previously recorded. Rehydration trials on the Parartemia egg bank indicated that the increase in sediment salinity from the LRSF had a negative effect on the hatching of the resting eggs. In salinities above 60 mS cm-1 hatching was less successful. The conditions provided in the trials were similar to those in Lake Yindarlgooda. The hatching technique was repeated on sediment from Lake Miranda with similar results. These trials were considered a valuable monitoring tool in the assessment of impacts on the biota of temporary lakes in the absence of water. This study demonstrated that in the absence of water the egg and spore/seed bank can be used as a proxy for monitoring temporary lakes. It was also found to be valuable in understanding the distribution and diversity of the biotic communities in Lake Yindarlgooda. This study provides the first integrated reference information on a Western Australian inland salt lake against which any future impact may be assessed.
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