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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Methods in health assessment of freshwater mussels, Amblema plicata and Quadrula spp

Valentine, K. Hope 27 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Nanocontamination d'organismes aquatiques par des particules inorganiques : transfert trophique et impacts toxiques / Nano-contamination of aquatic organisms by inorganic particles : trophic transfers and toxic impacts

Perrier, Fanny 21 December 2017 (has links)
En raison d’une utilisation croissante et massive, les nanoparticules manufacturées apparaissentcomme de potentiels contaminants émergents pour l’environnement, incluant notammentles écosystèmes aquatiques. Alors que le transfert trophique semble constituer unevoie d’exposition majeure pour les organismes, une connaissance lacunaire dans la littératurescientifique persiste, résultant pour partie des difficultés expérimentales inhérentes àce type d’exposition. Pour ce travail en conditions contrôlées de laboratoire, les nanoparticulesd’or (sphériques, 10 nm, fonctionnalisées aux PEG-amines), stables en solution, ontété choisies pour l’étude du transfert trophique et des impacts toxiques sur des organismesaquatiques. Ce continuum trophique considère la base des réseaux trophiques (biofilms naturels,algues), des niveaux intermédiaires (poissons brouteurs, bivalves suspensivores), jusqu’auxorganismes de haut de chaînes trophiques, avec l’anguille européenne. Avec des expositionsréalisées à de relatives faibles doses, ce travail tend à la représentativité environnementale.Des approches méthodologiques intégratives des niveaux subcellulaire à tissulaire(RT-qPCR, séquençage haut-débit, histologie) ont permis d’évaluer les impacts toxiques.Les résultats indiquent une importante capacité de rétention des nanoparticules par les biofilmsnaturels. À la suite d’une exposition de 21 jours, les dosages d’or révèlent un transfertdes biofilms aux poissons brouteurs, avec une distribution de l’or dans tous les organes. Deplus, ce transfert est associé à une réponse inflammatoire au regard des lésions histologiquesobservés dans les foies, rates et muscles des poissons exposés. Une chaîne alimentaire « naturelle» à trois maillons trophiques, impliquant algues - bivalves - anguilles européennes,atteste d’un transfert significatif jusqu’au poisson prédateur. Enfin, l’analyse du transcriptome,par une approche de séquençage haut-débit, des foies et cerveaux d’anguilles exposéesaux nanoparticules par nourriture enrichie, a permis de mettre en évidence une réponseconjointe à ces deux organes dans des processus biologiques associés au système immunitaireet sa régulation, dont des récepteurs NOD-like impliqués dans l’inflammasome.L’ensemble des résultats expérimentaux interpellent quant aux effets délétères à long-termequ’engendreraient les nanoparticules sur les écosystèmes aquatiques, illustrant par ailleursla propension de ces contaminants à être transférés dans les chaînes trophiques. / Due to an increasing and massive use, engineered nanoparticles are raising as potentialemerging contaminants in the environment, including aquatic ecosystems. While trophictransfer appears to constitute a major exposure route for organisms, scientific literature hasdifficulties to respond to the questions raised to explore the range of the interactions existingbetween nanoparticles and living organisms at different scales from the trophic interactionsto the cellular impacts. This problem is partly due to experimental difficulties inherent tothis exposure type. For this work performed in controlled laboratory conditions, sphericalgold nanoparticles (10 nm, coated with PEG-amines, positively charged) were chosen tostudy the trophic transfer and toxic effects on aquatic organisms. Trophic chains concernedseveral trophic levels (up to three) with a variety of species considered : the basis of thetrophic web with natural biofilms or microalgae, intermediate levels with grazing fish orsuspensivorous bivalves, and up to top food chain organisms, with the European eel, a carnivorousfish.With relatively low doses for exposures, this work tends to represent environmentalconditions. Integrative methodological approaches from subcellular to tissue levels(RT-qPCR, RNA-sequencing, histology) were performed in order to assess toxic impacts.The results indicate a high retention capacity of nanoparticles by natural biofilms. Followinga 21-day exposure, gold quantifications reveal a transfer from biofilms to grazing fish, witha gold distribution in all organs. Moreover, this transfer is associated with an inflammatoryresponse according to the histological lesions observed in the liver, spleen and muscle ofexposed fish. A longer food chain, with three trophic levels involving microalgae - bivalves- European eels, is set up to give a better representation of the complexity of trophic interactionsin the aquatic environment. It shows a significant transfer to the predatory fish.Transcriptomic analyses, using the RNA-sequencing approach, for the liver and the brain ofexposed eels by nanoparticles’ enriched food, highlight a joint response for these two organsin the biological processes associated with the immune system and its regulation, includingNOD-like receptors involved in inflammasome.All the experimental results suggest long-term harmful effects that nanoparticles would generatein aquatic ecosystems, emphasizing the ability of these contaminants to be transferredthroughout trophic chains.

Βακτηριακή & ιογενής ρύπανση των οστρακοειδών

Τσιμπουξή, Ανδρομάχη 01 August 2008 (has links)
Στα πλαίσια αυτής της διδακτορικής εργασίας μελετήθηκαν οι εμπορικά σημαντικότερες περιοχές καλλιέργειας και συγκομιδής οστρακοειδών του Ελλαδικού χώρου. Κατά τη διάρκεια περιόδου 18 μηνών πραγματοποιήθηκε μηνιαία συλλογή δειγμάτων στρειδιών (Οstrea edulis) και μυδιών (Mytilus galloprovincialis), τα οποία συλλέχθηκαν από έξι (6) διαφορετικά σημεία του Ελλαδικού χώρου και αναλύθηκαν για τους εντεροϊούς (EV), τους αδενοϊούς (Adv), τον ιό της ηπατίτιδας Α (HAV), τους ιούς Noro I και II (NLVI και NLVII), για το βακτήριο Ε. coli, καθώς και για σωματικούς κολιφάγους, τους F-sperific RNA βακτηριοφάγους και τους βακτηριοφάγους του Β. fragilis. Επιπλέον αναπτύχθηκαν μέθοδοι τόσο για την ανίχνευση παθογόνων ιών ανθρώπινης προέλευσης στα οστρακοειδή, όσο και για την ανίχνευση των "πιθανών δεικτών" αυτών των ιών. Οι μέθοδοι εξετάστηκαν προκειμένου να αξιολογηθεί η απόδοση καλής ποιότητας από όλα τα εργαστήρια μέσω διεργαστηριακών αναλύσεων. Η μέθοδος που εφαρμόστηκε σε αυτή τη μελέτη για την ανίχνευση των ιών στα οστρακοειδή βασίζεται στην εξαγωγή και την ομογενοποίηση του πεπτικού αδένα με χρήση διαλύματος γλυκίνης, pH 10, απομόνωση των νουκλεϊνικών οξέων και ενίσχυση του γονιδιώματος των ιών που αναλύονται. Για την ανίχνευση του βακτηρίου E. coli χρησιμοποιήθηκε η μέθοδος των πολλαπλών σωλήνων, ενώ για την ανίχνευση των βακτηριοφάγων χρησιμοποιήθηκε η μέθοδος καλλιέργειας διπλοστιβάδας. Για το βακτήριο E. coli, σε σύνολο 138 δειγμάτων, 110 δείγματα (ποσοστό 79,7%) βρέθηκαν να ανήκουν στην κατηγορία Α (MPN/100g σάρκας = <20 έως 220), δηλαδή χαρακτηρίζονται σαν δείγματα χαμηλής μόλυνσης, 25 δείγματα (ποσοστό 18,1%) βρέθηκαν να ανήκουν στην κατηγορία Β (MPN/100g σάρκας = 220 έως 3500), οπότε χαρακτηρίζονται σαν δείγματα μεσαίας μόλυνσης, ακατάλληλα προς κατανάλωση χωρίς να προηγηθεί διαδικασία εξυγίανσης, ενώ μόνο 3 δείγματα (ποσοστό 2,2%) βρέθηκαν να ανήκουν στη κατηγορία C (MPN/100g σάρκας =3500 έως >18000), δηλαδή είναι δείγματα υψηλής μόλυνσης. Οι ιοί που εμφανίζονται με μεγαλύτερη συχνότητα στα οστρακοειδή της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου είναι οι αδενοϊοί (34% των δειγμάτων βρέθηκαν θετικά για τους αδενοϊούς) και ακολουθούν οι εντεροϊοί (16,7% των δειγμάτων βρέθηκαν θετικά για τους εντεροϊούς). Αντίθετα, ο ιός της ηπατίτιδας Α (ποσοστό θετικών δειγμάτων = 4,34%), καθώς και οι ιοί Noro I (ποσοστό θετικών δειγμάτων = 2,1%) και Noro II (ποσοστό θετικών δειγμάτων = 1,47%%) εμφανίζονται σε μικρό ποσοστό δειγμάτων. Τέλος, 80 δείγματα (58%) βρέθηκαν θετικά (παρουσία πλακών βακτηριοφάγων) για τους σωματικούς κολιφάγους, με τον αριθμό των πλακών να κυμαίνεται από 71,4 έως 584800 pfp/100g, 52 δείγματα (37,7%) βρέθηκαν θετικά για τους F-specific RNA βακτηριοφάγους (αριθμός των πλακών από 76,2 έως 17051 p100g) και 33 δείγματα (24%) βρέθηκαν θετικά για τους βακτηριοφάγους του Bacteroides fragilis (αριθμός των πλακών από 194.5 έως 5266,25 pfp/100g). Τόσο για το βακτήριο E. coli όσο και για τους βακτηριοφάγους πραγματοποιήθηκαν διεργαστηριακές αναλύσεις προτύπων, οι οποίες οδήγησαν στο συμπέρασμα ότι οι αντίστοιχες μέθοδοι χαρακτηρίζονται ως αξιόπιστες. Η στατιστική ανάλυση έδειξε ότι το βακτήριο E. coli παρουσιάζει θετική συσχέτιση με τους σωματικούς κολιφάγους, αλλά δεν δείχνει στατιστικά σημαντική συσχέτιση ούτε με τους F-specific RNA βακτηριοφάγους, ούτε με κανέναν από τους ιούς εντερικής προέλευσης. Επίσης, θετική συσχέτιση παρουσίασαν οι αδενοϊοί με τους εντεροϊούς, καθώς και οι σωματικοί κολιφάγοι με τους βακτηριοφάγους του B. fragilis. Η μοναδική συσχέτιση μεταξύ ιών εντερικής προέλευσης και βακτηριοφάγων βρέθηκε για τους αδενοϊούς και τους βακτηριοφάγους του B. fragilis. Εάν αυτό επιβεβαιωθεί σε περαιτέρω μελέτες, τότε η συγκεκριμένη κατηγορία βακτηριοφάγων θα μπορούσε να αποτελέσει έναν καλό δείκτη πρόβλεψης της παρουσίας αδενοϊών σε δείγματα οστρακοειδών. Επιπλέον μελετήθηκε η σχέση που μπορεί να υπάρχει μεταξύ των φυσικοχημικών παραμέτρων και των μικροοργανισμών που εξετάστηκαν. Η επεξεργασία αυτή οδήγησε στο συμπέρασμα ότι το βακτήριο E. coli ανιχνεύεται σε μεγαλύτερα ποσά όταν το διαλυμένο οξυγόνο και η περιεκτικότητα σε άλας του ύδατος είναι αυξημένα. Αντίθετα, αύξηση της θερμοκρασίας οδηγεί σε μείωση της ανίχνευσης του βακτηρίου. Επίσης, η περιεκτικότητα σε άλας φαίνεται να επηρεάζει θετικά και τον ιό της ηπατίτιδας Α, αν και ο μικρός αριθμός θετικών δειγμάτων γι’αυτόν τον ιό δεν μπορεί να επιτρέψει την εξαγωγή ασφαλών συμπερασμάτων. Το pH και το διαλυμένο οξυγόνο των υδάτων οδηγεί σε αύξηση της ανίχνευσης των βακτηριοφάγων του B. fragilis, χωρίς όμως να μπορούμε να ισχυριστούμε ότι κάτι τέτοιο ισχύει, λόγω του μικρού αριθμού θετικών δειγμάτων γι’αυτούς τους βακτηριοφάγους. Τέλος, η αύξηση της θερμοκρασίας των υδάτων φαίνεται να οδηγεί και σε αύξηση της παρουσίας των F-specific RNA βακτηριοφάγων, και το ίδιο παρατηρήθηκε και με την αύξηση του διαλυμένου οξυγόνου στο νερό. Η παρούσα μελέτη αποτελεί την πρώτη διεξοδική έρευνα για την ιογενή κοπρανώδη μόλυνση τον οστρακοειδών στην Ελλάδα. Επιπλέον, αντιπροσωπεύει την πρώτη μελέτη σχετικά με τη αποτελεσματικότητα των οργανισμών - δεικτών ιϊκής μόλυνσης, καθώς και για τη συσχέτιση της μικροβιολογικής επιβάρυνσης των οστρακοειδών με τις φυσικοχημικές παραμέτρους του περιβάλλοντος ύδατος. Η μελέτη κατάλληλων δεικτών που σχετίζονται με την παρουσία εντερικών ιών στα οστρακοειδή οδήγησε σε χρήσιμα συμπεράσματα για τη χρήση της ανίχνευσης των βακτηριοφάγων ως δεικτών ιϊκής μόλυνσης. Εντούτοις, απαιτείται περαιτέρω μελέτη προκειμένου να προσδιοριστεί και η χρήση των βακτηριοφάγων ως δεικτών που θα μαρτυρούν την προέλευση (ανθρώπινη ή ζωική) των εντερικών ιών που ανιχνεύονται στα οστρακοειδή. / In this doctorate investigation, important shellfish growing areas of Greece have been defined and studied. Oysters (Ostrea edulis) and mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) were obtained on a monthly basis over an 18 month sampling period. These samples were collected by six (6) different points of Greece and were analyzed for enteroviruses (EV), adenoviruses (Adv), virus of hepatitis A (HAV), Noro viruses I and II (NLVI and NLVII ), bacterium E. coli, as well as for somatic coliphages, F-sperific RNA bacteriophages and bacteriophages of B. fragilis. Moreover, methods were developed for the detection of pathogenic viruses of human origin in the shellfish, as well as for the detection of potential "viral indicators". The methods were examined in order to validate the good quality performance from all the laboratories via interlaboratory analyses. The method that used in this study for the detection of human enteric viruses in the shellfish is based on the export and homogenisation of digestive gland with glycine buffer at pH 10, viral nucleic acid extraction and amplification of the genomes of the analysed human viruses. The procedure applied for detection of E. coli consists on a five tube, three dilution most probable number (MPN) method, while the method for the detection of bacteriophages was the double-agar-layer method. For E. coli analysis, in a total number of 138 samples, 110 samples (79,7%) were found to belong in category A (MPN / 100 g of flesh = < 20 until 220), that it means these samples are characterized as samples of low pollution, 25 samples (18,1%) were found to belong in category B (MPN / 100 g of flesh = 220 until 3500), therefore are characterized as samples of intermediate pollution, inadequate to consumption without precedes process of cleansing, while only 3 samples (2,2%) were found to belong in category C (MPN / 100 g of flesh = 3500 until > 18000), that it means they are samples of high pollution. The viruses that are presented with higher frequency in the shellfish of Eastern Mediterranean are the adenoviruses (34% of samples were found positive for adenoviruses) and follow enteroviruses (16,7% samples they were found positive for enteroviruses). On the contrary, virus of hepatitis A (percentage of positive samples = 4,34%), as well as the Noro I viruses (percentage of positive samples = 2,1%) and Noro II viruses (percentage of positive samples = 1,47%%) are presented in small number of samples. Finally, 80 samples (58%) were found positive (presence of plaques of bacteriophages) for somatic coliphages, with the number of plaques between 71,4 and 584800 pfp / 100 g, 52 samples (37,7%) were found positive for F - specific RNA bacteriophages (number of plaques from 76,2 to 17051 pfp/ 100 g) and 33 samples (24 %) were found positive for the bacteriophages of B. fragilis (number of plaques from 194,5 to 5266,25 pfp / 100 g). Interlaboratory studies involved the testing of reference materials of E. coli and bacteriophages were used as part of the good quality performance assessment program to be applied all over the study, and led to the conclusion that the corresponding methods are characterized by good reliability. According to the statistical analysis of the results, the presence of E. coli seems to be significantly related with the presence of somatic coliphages. However, E. coli do not present significant statistical relation neither with F - specific RNA bacteriophages, nor with all of the viruses of intestinal origin. Also, adenoviruses were significantly related with enteroviruses, as well as somatic coliphages with the bacteriophages of B. fragilis. The unique significant relation between viruses of intestinal origin and bacteriophages was found for the adenoviruses and bacteriophages of B. fragilis. If this is confirmed in further studies, then this category of bacteriophages could constitute a good indicator of forecast of presence adenoviruses in samples of shellfish. Moreover, we studied the relation that can exist between the physic-chemical parameters and the micro-organisms that were examined. This analysis led to the conclusion that E. coli is detected in higher levels when the dissolved oxygen and the salinity of water are increased. On the contrary, increase of temperature leads to reduction of detection of E. coli. Also, the salinity appears to influence positively also virus of hepatitis A, even if the small number of positive samples of this virus cannot allow the export of sure conclusions. The pH and the dissolved oxygen of waters lead to increase of detection of bacteriophages of B. fragilis, but the small number of positive samples for these bacteriophages can’t give safe conclusions. Finally, the increase of temperature of waters appears to lead also to increase of presence of F - specific RNA of bacteriophages, and the same was also observed with the increase of dissolved oxygen in water. This study constitutes the first extensive research for the fecal viral pollution of shellfish in Greece. Moreover, it represents the first study with regard to the effectiveness viral indicators, as well as for the correlation of microbiological parameters of shellfish with the physical-chemical parameters of water. The study of suitable indicators that are related with the presence of enteric viruses in the shellfish led to useful conclusions on the use of detection of bacteriophages as indicators of viral pollution. Nevertheless, further study is required in order to determine also the use of bacteriophages as indicators that will testify the origin (human or animal) of the enteric viruses that are detected in the shellfish.

Invasion dynamics of a non-indigenous bivalve, Nuttallia obscurata, (Reeve 1857), in the Northeast Pacific

Dudas, Sarah 31 December 2005 (has links)
This thesis describes how life history characteristics of the varnish clam (Nuttallia obscurata), and interactions with the physical environment and other species, have contributed to its successful invasion in coastal British Columbia. Lab and field experiments were conducted to investigate varnish clam larval ecology (i.e. larval rearing experiments), adult population dynamics (i.e. annual population surveys, mark-recapture and length-frequency analysis, growth modeling) and ecological interactions with native species (i.e. predator/prey preference feeding trials). Using these results, a matrix demographic model was developed to determine which life history stage contributes the most to varnish clam population growth. Larval rearing experiments indicated that temperature and salinity tolerances of varnish clam larvae are comparable to native species, however the planktonic phase is slightly longer (3-8 weeks). Based on local oceanographic circulation, varnish clam larvae have the potential to disperse throughout their entire geographic range in just one reproductive season. Varnish clam population surveys revealed spatiotemporal variation in density and size. No relationships were evident between varnish clam density and the number or density of co-occurring bivalve species. Length-frequency analysis suggested that recruitment varies among sites, with high post-settlement mortality coinciding with high recruitment. The presence of similar recruitment pulses at geographically separate sites indicates regional scale processes may influence recruitment. Individual growth rates iii varied among sites, with higher growth corresponding to lower population densities and water temperature. Monthly survival rates ranged from 0.81 – 0.99 and were lower for clams 10-30 mm. Predator/prey preference feeding trials showed that crabs prefer varnish clams to local species when clam burial depth is limited. Crabs therefore have the potential to influence varnish clam distributions, particularly on beaches where the varnish clam is unable to bury deeply. Based on matrix demographic analysis, adult survival (e.g. clams ≥ 40 mm) is the most crucial factor for varnish clam population growth, and drives the observed population growth differences between sites. This study of the varnish clam invasion demonstrates that its success lies in both species (e.g. lengthy planktonic phase, high survival) and regional (e.g. favourable ocean circulation patterns for rapid dispersal) characteristics. Measures to reduce introductions should be targeted in areas where introductions are likely to have the furthest reaching impacts.

Distribuição de elementos essenciais e não essenciais em moluscos bivalves e sedimentos da Baía de Todos os Santos, Bahia, Brasil

Barbosa, Isa dos Santos 05 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Hilda Fonseca (anahilda@ufba.br) on 2014-10-03T17:24:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertação completa corrigida_Isa _versão cd.pdf: 2410357 bytes, checksum: 77ffa404390e7378887c7388dd9bcce7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Fatima Cleômenis Botelho Maria (botelho@ufba.br) on 2014-10-06T15:28:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertação completa corrigida_Isa _versão cd.pdf: 2410357 bytes, checksum: 77ffa404390e7378887c7388dd9bcce7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-06T15:28:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertação completa corrigida_Isa _versão cd.pdf: 2410357 bytes, checksum: 77ffa404390e7378887c7388dd9bcce7 (MD5) / CNPq, CAPES, FAPESB e PETROBRÁS / O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a distribuição de elementos essenciais e não essenciais em amostras de quatro espécies de moluscos bivalves e de sedimentos coletadas na Baía de todos os Santos (BTS), Bahia, Brasil, após digestão em forno de micro-ondas com cavidade. As amostras foram coletadas em sete localidades, entre setembro de 2010 e maio de 2011. As amostras foram analisadas para As, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, V e Zn por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP OES) e espectrometria de massa com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-MS ). Um procedimento de digestão assistida por micro-ondas otimizado, utilizando ácido nítrico diluído, foi utilizado para digerir as amostras de moluscos bivalves. As amostras de sedimentos foram digeridas em forno de micro-ondas seguindo o procedimento da Agência de Proteção Ambiental, EPA 3051A. A acumulação de metais em tecidos moles dos moluscos bivalves foi dependente da espécie. As amostras da espécie Lucina pectinata apresentaram as maiores concentrações de Cd, Cu e Pb quando comparadas com as espécies Anomalocardia brasiliana, Iphigenia brasiliana e Trachycardium muricatum. Todas as espécies apresentaram concentrações de As e Cr acima do limite máximo tolerável, especificados nas normas brasileiras. A análise exploratória dos dados por HCA e PCA mostrou uma tendência de formação de agrupamentos e caracterizações distintas entre as amostras das espécies Lucina pectinata e Trachycardium muricatum. Os resultados obtidos para as amostras de sedimentos indicaram que para a maioria dos elementos, as maiores concentrações foram encontradas na localidade de Tainheiros, sendo que todos os valores encontrados estão abaixo dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação americana e canadense. Este trabalho contribuiu para o fornecimento de informações inéditas sobre as concentrações de elementos essenciais e não essenciais nas espécies Lucina pectinata, Iphigenia brasiliana e Trachyrcardium muricatum amostradas em diferentes regiões da BTS. Além disso, foram obtidos dados complementares sobre a espécie Anomalocardia brasiliana e sedimentos, contribuindo assim para o monitoramento da região. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of essential and nonessential elements in samples of four species of bivalve molluscs and sediments collected in the Todos os Santos Bay (TSB), Bahia, Brazil, after digestion in microwave oven cavity. The samples were collected from seven sites in the Todos os Santos Bay, Brazil, between September of 2010 and May of 2011. The samples were analyzed for As, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, V and Zn by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). An optimized microwave-assisted digestion procedure, using nitric acid diluted, was used to digest the bivalve molluscs samples. The sediment samples were digested in a microwave oven following the procedure of the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA 3051A. Accumulation of metals in bivalve mollusks tissues was specie-dependent. The samples of the species Lucina pectinata showed the highest concentrations of Cd, Cu and Pb. All species showed As and Cr concentrations higher than the maximum tolerable limit, specified in the Brazilian regulation. The exploratory data analysis by HCA and PCA showed a tendency to form two groups between samples of the species Lucina pectinata and Trachycardium muricatum. For the most elements in the results obtained for sediment samples, the highest concentrations were found in Tainheiros, and the values obtained are below the limits set by the Canadian and U.S. law. This work contributed to provide new information about the concentrations of essential and nonessential elements in Lucina pectinata, Iphigenia brasiliana and Trachyrcardium muricatum species sampled in different regions of the TSB. Furthermore, additional data were obtained for Anomalocardia bras

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