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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude de l’impact de la pollution sonore chez un invertébré marin, l’huître Magallana gigas : approches écophysiologique, écotoxicologique et éthologique au laboratoire et sur le terrain / Impact of noise pollution on a marine invertebrate, the pacific oyster Magallana gigas : ecophysiological, ecotoxicological and ethological study in the laboratory and in the field

Charifi, Mohcine 21 September 2018 (has links)
Les activités humaines font peser sur l’écosystème marin de multiples pressions délétères. Pollution chimique, changement climatique, risque d’acidification, débris de plastique et déchets radioactifs ont des impacts sans précèdent. Une pollution de plus en plus reconnu comme majeur est la pollution sonore. La prospection sismique, le battage de pieux et le trafic maritime génèrent des niveaux sonores qui peuvent être extrêmement forts, modifiant fondamentalement le paysage acoustique sous-marin. On sait que de nombreux mammifères marins et poissons entendent le bruit généré par ces activités et que cela altère leur physiologie et leur éthologie. Par contre, chez les invertébrés marins très peu d’études avaient évalué leur capacité à entendre et l’impact de cette pollution sur eux reste à déterminer. Nous avons abordé le problème par une étude de la capacité de perception du son chez l'huître creuse Magallana gigas en utilisant une approche comportementale et physiologique. Nous avons montré que M. gigas entend dans la gamme de fréquences entre 10 et 1000 Hz. Cette analyse nous a permis de caractériser les sources de sons qui contribuent à leur environnement auditif. Au laboratoire, dans un milieu contaminé (i) au cadmium, un métal que nous avons considéré à la fois comme une substance toxique et un marqueur indirect de l'activité ventilatoire, et (ii), par des bruits de cargo, nous montrons un effet répresseur du bruit caractérisé par une diminution de l'activité valvaire, de l'activité ventilatoire et du taux de croissance. Nous rapportons également une diminution de la bioaccumulation du Cd dans les branchies et une modulation de l'expression de certains gènes. Nous avons enfin étudié sur un enregistrement de 2 ans dans le port commercial de Santander, le comportement (incluant les pontes et la croissance) de 3 groupes d’huitres exposés à une forte pollution sonore et à une « qualité de l’eau » considérée dans la littérature comme bonne à très bonne pour une masse d’eau fortement modifiée. Nous avons retrouvé dans notre analyse différents effets que nous avions provoqués ou prédits à partir du travail de laboratoire où nous avions manipulé le bruit seul. Nous concluons que la pollution sonore au sein du port doit diminuer le fitness des huîtres en modifiant leur activité valvaire, la hiérarchie de leurs rythmes biologiques et la croissance. Nos résultats suggèrent que la pollution sonore peut avoir des conséquences importantes sur les invertébrés et présente un risque fort en termes de productivité de l'écosystème. / Human activities introduce multiple harmful pressures on the marine ecosystem. Chemical pollution, climate change, acidification risk, plastic debris and radioactive wastes have significant effects on marine wildlife. Noise pollution is now recognized as a major source of pollution at sea. Seismic exploration, pile driving and marine traffic, among other activities, generate noise at high sound pressure levels altering the underwater acoustic landscape. Many marine mammals and fish hear the noise generated by these activities which have the potential to alter their physiology and ethology. However, very few studies among marine invertebrates had assessed their ability to hear and the impact of noise pollution on them has yet to be determined. We approached the problem by studying sound perception ability in the pacific oyster Magallana gigas using behavioural and physiological techniques. We have shown that M. gigas is sensitive to sound in the frequency range from 10 to 1000 Hz. This characterization allowed us to define sound sources that contribute to their sound landscape. In the laboratory, in an environment contaminated with (i) cadmium, a metal that we considered to be both a toxic agent and an indirect marker of ventilatory activity, and (ii) cargo ship noise, we showed a depressant or repressant effect of noise characterized by a decrease in valve activity, ventilatory activity and growth rate. We also report a decrease in Cd bioaccumulation and some modulation of gene expression. Finally, we studied a 2-year behavioural record performed in the commercial port of Santander (including spawning events and growth) on 3 groups of oysters exposed to high noise pressure levels. In the port of Santander, the "water quality" is otherwise considered by the literature as good to very good for a heavily modified water body. We found in these records different changes that we previously induced and/or produced in the laboratory. We conclude that the noise pollution load occurring within a commercial port must reduce the fitness of oysters by modifying their valve activity, the hierarchy of their biological rhythms and their growth rate. Our results strongly suggest that noise pollution can have significant consequences on invertebrates and presents a high risk in terms of ecosystem productivity.

Caractérisation fonctionnelle de nouveaux gènes mitochondriaux chez les espèces à DUI : étude du gène f-orf chez la moule marine Mytilus edulis

Ouimet, Philip 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Étude des interactions hôte/virus chez l’huître creuse, Crassostrea gigas, et son virus Ostreid herpesvirus 1 / Studying interaction between the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, and Ostreid herpesvirus type 1

Segarra, Amélie 14 November 2014 (has links)
Le virus ostreid herpesvirus type 1 (OsHV-1), peut être considéré comme un des agents infectieux majeur affectant les élevages d’huîtres creuses, Crassostrea gigas, en France. Des différences de sensibilité à l’infection ont également été observées au sein de cette espèce. Des travaux précédents suggèrent un lien entre la base génétique et la survie des animaux face à l’infection. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif principal du travail de thèse était de mieux comprendre les interactions entre l’huître creuse et OsHV-1, et plus particulièrement, les bases moléculaires du cycle viral. Nos résultats montre que le virus est capable de se répliquer chez l’hôte quel que soit son stade de développement, et sa sensibilité. Cependant, la cinétique de multiplication est plus rapide chez des individus sensibles comparés aux moins sensibles. Il apparaît également que chez les individus survivants, le virus ne soit plus détectable après une phase de réplication active. Cette observation laisse suspecter (i) une rémission avec une élimination du virus ou (ii) une persistance du virus sans symptômes détectables. Ces résultats mettent en lumière la possibilité du virus de circuler au sein des individus survivants. Ces individus peuvent excréter des particules virales et intervenir ainsi dans le processus d’infection en milieu naturel. L’ensemble de ces résultats représentent une premier contribution à la compréhension du cycle d’ OsHV-1 chez l’huître creuse, plus particulièrement au niveau moléculaire. / In France, Ostreid herpesvirus type 1 (OsHV-1), can be considered one of the major infectious agents in Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas. Susceptibility differences to infection were observed in this species. Previous work suggested that the genetic basis and the survival animals to infection were related. In this context, the main objective of this thesis was to understand the interactions between oysters and OsHV-1, in particular, the molecular basis of the viral cycle. Our results shows that the virus is able to replicate in the host regardless of its stage of development or its susceptible. However, multiplication kinetic is faster in susceptible individuals compared to less susceptible individuals. After a active replication, it would appear that the virus is no detectable in survival individuals. This observation suggests (i) a remission with elimination of the virus or (ii) a virus persistence without detectable symptoms. These results highlight the ability of the virus circulating in the host without causing mortality. These individuals can excrete viral particles and interfere with the infection process in field. All these results represent a first contribution to the understanding of OsHV-1 cycle in Pacific oysters, particularly at the molecular level.

Isolamento de vibrios potencialmente patogênicos em moluscos bivalves / Isolation of potentially pathogenic vibrios in bivalve molluscs

Matte, Glavur Rogerio 24 February 1994 (has links)
Neste estudo, 26 amostras de ostras (Crassostrea gigas) comercializadas na cidade de São Paulo e em alguns pontos do litoral de São Paulo, e 36 amostras de mexilhões (Perna perna) colhidas mensalmente em 3 pontos do litoral de Ubatuba - SP, foram submetidas à pesquisa de vibrios potencialmente patogênicos. As amostras desses moluscos eram submetidas a enriquecimento em água peptonada alcalina sem cloreto de sódio e com 1 por cento de cloreto de sódio, e GSTB. O isolamento foi realizado em ágar TCBS. Colônias sacarose positivas e negativas, sugestivas de espécies de Vibrio foram identificadas presuntivamente em meio de ágar ferro de Kligler, sendo confirmadas através de provas bioqufmicas complementares. Uma parte das amostras de vibrios potencialmente patogênicos isoladas foi submetida ao teste de Dean e teste de alça ligada em íleo de coelhos. Os vibrios potencialmente patogênicos encontrados em amostras de ostras foram V. alginolyticus (81 por cento ), V.parahaemolyticus (77 por cento ), V. cholerae não 0:1 (31 por cento ), V. fluvialis (27 por cento ), V. furnissii (19 por cento ), V. mimicus (12 por cento ) e V. vulnificus (12 por cento ) e em amostras de mexilhões foram V. alginolyticus(97 por cento ), V. parahaemolyticus(75 por cento ), V. fluvialis (47 por cento ), V. vulnificus (11 por cento ), V. cholerae não 0:1 (6 por cento ), V. furnissii (6 por cento ) e V. mimicus (6 por cento ). Observou-se acúmulo de fluido em alça ligada de íleo de coelho entre 0,25 e 0,49 ml/cm em 6,9 por cento das amostras, entre 0,5 e 0,99 ml/cm em 15,6 por cento e maior ou igual a 1 ml/cm em 15,1 por cento , e/ou intestino de camundongos lactentes (Teste de Dean) em 26,6 por cento das amostras testadas, confirmando o elevado potencial desses microrganismos em causar gastrenterite. Verificou-se ausência de variação sazonal e também, de correlação entre os vibrios potencialmente patogênicos isolados e os indicadores de contaminação fecal, confirmando que a presença desses microrganismos ocorre de forma autóctone e que, as condições climáticas foram favoráveis à sobrevivência dessas espécies em todas as épocas do ano. Considerando-se os resultados obtidos no presente estudo e o fato de que ostras e mexilhões são habitualmente ingeridos crus ou insuficientemente cozidos, pode-se concluir que sua ingestão constitui-se em um determinado grau de risco para a saúde do consumidor. / In this work, 26 oysters samples (Crassostrea gigas), found in the market of São Paulo city and some coastal areas of São Paulo State, and 36 mussels samples (Perna perna), that were collected monthly in 3 coastal areas of Ubatuba city - SP., were analyzed for the potential patogenic vibrios occurrence. Samples were enriched in alcalin peptone water with (1 per cent ) and without sodium cloride and GSTB. Isolation was performed on TCBS agar. suspect sacharosis positive and negative colonies, resembling vibrio species, were presumptively identified on Kligler iron agar, and confirmed by complementary biochemical tests. Some of this potential patogenic vibrios were submitted to suckling mouse assay and rabbit ileal loop assay. Potential patogenic vibrios isolated from oyster samples were: V. alginolyticus (81 per cent ), V. parahaemolyticus (77 per cent ), V. cholerae non 0:1 (31 per cent ), V. fluvialis (27 per cent ) I V. furnissii (19 per cent ), V. mimicus (12 per cent ) and V. vulnificus (12 per cent ) and from mussels samples were: V. a.1ginolyticus (97 per cent ), V. parabaemolyticus (75 per cent ), V. fluvialis (47 per cent ), V. vulnificus (11 per cent ), V. cholerae non 0:1 (6 per cent ), V. furnissii (6 per cent ) and V. mimicus (6 per cent ). It was found 6,9 per cent of samples between 0,25 and 0,49 ml/cm of fluid accumulation in ileal loop assay, 15,6 per cent between 0,5 and 0,99 ml/cm and 15,1 per cent was equal or higher than 1 ml/cm. Among the samples assayed for suckling mouse 26,6 per cent were positive. These results confirm the high potential of these microrganisms to induce gastroenteritis. Seasonal variation as well as correlation between the potential patogenic vibrios isolated and the fecal contamination indicators were not found, confirming that the presence of such microrganisms occurs autochthonously and that the climate conditions were favourable to these species survival during the whole year. with the results of this work and considering that oyster and mussels are usually ingested raw or insufficiently cooked, the conclusion is that the ingestion of such mollusks presents a certain degree of risk for the consumer\'s health.

Actuopaleontologia em moluscos bivalves no complexo estuarino de Paranaguá: implicações paleoambientais e paleoecológicas em diferentes áreas de aporte energético / Actuopaleontology in bivalve mulluscs in the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex: paleoenvironmental and paleoecological implications in different areas of energy intake.

Marcondes, Andrea Thays Paganella 28 April 2015 (has links)
A Actuopaleontologia é o ramo da Paleontologia que visa aperfeiçoar as interpretações paleoambientais e paleoecológicas através das assinaturas tafonômicas, principalmente aquelas presentes em conchas bivalves. Tais estudos tafonômicos com bivalves marinhos têm sido conduzidos em ambientes sedimentares do Holoceno, porém, no Brasil, investigações similares são ainda incipientes, tendo sua predominância no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo. O Complexo Estuarino de Paranaguá (CEP), situado na porção centro-norte do litoral do Paraná, possui feições fisiográficas distintas das encontradas no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo. Com o objetivo de gerar dados comparativos entre os diferentes ambientes da costa brasileira, este estudo pretende caracterizar tafonomicamente as associações de moluscos bivalves em 11 pontos de coleta ao longo do CEP. Foram coletados oito litros de sedimento com a utilização de pegador de fundo tipo Petersen, em parceria com o Laboratório de Oceanografia Geológica (LOGeo CEM/UFPR). As assinaturas tafonômicas analisadas, podendo ser de origem química, física e/ou biológica, foram: articulação, tipo de valva, fragmentação, modificação da margem da concha, corrasion, perióstraco, brilho, cor, bioerosão, incrustação e predação. A ação dessas assinaturas pode resultar em outra assinatura tafonômica aqui analisada, a alteração da textura da superficial da concha. Foram analisados 150 bioclastos de cada um dos pontos de coleta, e cada assinatura tafonômica foi classificada individualmente. Os bioclastos foram peneirados em malhas de 2 mm para que as menores classes de tamanho não fossem excluídas das análises tafonômicas. Além dos bioclastos, foram coletadas amostras da água junto ao fundo dos locais amostrados, para registro de pH, salinidade, temperatura e turbidez. Ao total, 1.438 bioclastos foram utilizados nas análises tafonômicas e, das 11 estações de coleta, apenas duas não apresentaram o n mínimo de 150 conchas. Os dados abióticos não apresentaram grandes diferenças nas diferentes estações de coleta. A análise de cluster foi feita levando-se em consideração todas as assinaturas tafonômicas estudadas, e um dendograma geral relacionou os 9 pontos de coleta em que obteve-se o mínimo de 150 bioclastos. O dendograma gerado nesta análise mostrou quais as acumulações de moluscos bivalves e seus respectivos pontos de coleta estão mais semelhantes. Há um primeiro grupo formado pelas estações 683, 336, 482, 696 e 32. Com exceção da estação 32, as estações reunidas no primeiro grupo são os pontos de coleta mais próximos às desembocaduras do CEP, região de maiores profundidades e fortes correntes de marés. O segundo grupo é formado pelas estações 607, 152, 645 e 472, sendo pontos de coleta mais internos na área do CEP, próximos a ilhas, manguezais e bancos de areia. As assinaturas alteração da cor, brilho, modificação da margem, perióstraco e corrasion não parecem ser assinaturas úteis na identificação ou para uma possível caracterização dos diferentes ambientes do CEP. Isto porque elas não são variáveis entre esses diferentes ambientes. Houve predominância de desarticulação e fragmentação das valvas em todos os ambientes estudados, sendo possível que a fragmentação esteja sobre maior influência dos danos biológicos. Bioerosão e incrustação não apareceram em frequências expressivas, porém, apenas as estações de coleta próximas a desembocadura do CEP apresentaram bioeorosão, enquanto incrustação apareceu em todas as estações. A textura superficial da concha correlacionou-se positivamente com as assinaturas corrasion e bioerosão. / Actuopaleontology is the branch of Paleontology that aims to enhance paleoecological and paleoenvironmental interpretations, through the taphonomic signatures, especially those in bivalve shells. Such taphonomic studies with marine bivalves have been conducted in sedimentary Holocene environments, however, in Brazil, similar investigations are still incipient, having its predominance in the northern coast of São Paulo. The Paranaguá Estuarine Complex (CEP), situated in the north central portion of the Paraná coast, has different physiographic characteristics of those found in the north coast of São Paulo. In order to generate comparative data between different environments of the Brazilian coast, this study aims to characterize the taphonomy of bivalve mollusk associations from 11 collection stations along the CEP. Eight liters of sediment were collected with background catcher Petersen, in partnership with the Laboratory of Geological Oceanography (LOGeo - CEM/UFPR). The taphonomic signatures analyzed, which may be of chemical, physical and/or biological origin, were: articulation, valve type, fragmentation, edge modification, corrasion, periostracum, brightness, color, bioerosion, encrustation and predation. The action of these signatures may result in other taphonomic signature analyzed here, the alteration of shell superficial texture. 150 bioclasts were analyzed from each collection point and each taphonomic signature was individually classified. The bioclasts were sieved through mesh of two millimeter, so that classes of smaller size were not excluded from the taphonomic analyzes. In addition, water samples were collected at the bottom of each station for analysis of pH, salinity, temperature and turbidity. In total, 1,438 bioclasts were used in the taphonomic analysis and only two stations did not show the minimum n of 150 shells. Abiotic data showed no great differences in the different sampling stations. The cluster analysis was performed taking into account all studied taphonomic signatures, and a general dendrogram listed the collection points that showed the minimum of 150 bioclasts. The dendrogram generated in this analysis showed which accumulations of bivalve molluscs and their respective collection points are more similar. There is a first group formed by the stations 683, 336, 482, 696 and 32. With the exception of station 32, the stations on the first group are the closest to the mouths of the CEP, region of greater depths and strong tidal currents. The second group is formed by stations 607, 152, 645 and 472, being the more internal collection points, near islands, mangroves and sandbanks. The signatures color, brightness, edge modification, periostracum and corrasion do not seem to be useful in identifying or for a possible characterization of the different environments of the CEP, because they are not variable between these different environments. There was predominance of disarticulation and fragmentation of the valves in all study sites, being possible that the fragmentation was influenced more by biological damages. Bioerosion and encrustation did not appear in expressive frequencies, however, only the stations near the mouth of the CEP presented bioeorosão, while encrustation appeared in all stations. The surface texture of the shell was correlated positively with the sigantures corrasion and bioerosion.

Relações alométricas da Anomalocardia brasiliana (Gmelin, 1791) na praia de Mangue Seco, Pernambuco-Brasil

SOUZA, André Batista de 02 February 2011 (has links)
Submitted by (edna.saturno@ufrpe.br) on 2017-02-07T15:28:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Andre Batista de Souza.pdf: 1633341 bytes, checksum: d4bd9143db76376b91b8cbac67f0ee53 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-07T15:28:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andre Batista de Souza.pdf: 1633341 bytes, checksum: d4bd9143db76376b91b8cbac67f0ee53 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-02 / Anomalocardia brasiliana is one of the most common bivalve marine mollusks found in Pernambuco, in the Northeast of Brazil. This shellfish is mainly found on the northern coast of the region, where hand fishing has always been a traditional activity. The aim of the present study was to assess the allometric ratios of growth and weight of the shellfish A. brasiliana, on Mangue Seco beach, in northern Pernambuco. Non-linear regression was performed (Gauss Newton methodology) to investigate if the shellfish exhibited positive, negative or isometric allometry using the following measurements: length/width; length/height; width/height; weight of the shell/soft tissue weight and length/weight (total, shell and soft tissue). Analysis of A. brasiliana confirmed that the length/width ratio was positively allometric whereas all other ratios were negative. The results of the present study may be used in the preparation of management plans for fishing and mariculture development and as a basis to diagnose possible effects caused by environmental changes. / A Anomalocardia brasiliana está entre os moluscos bivalves marinhos mais coletados em Pernambuco, região nordeste do Brasil, esse marisco é naturalmente encontrado principalmente no litoral norte, onde a pesca artesanal sempre foi uma atividade tradicional. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as relações alométricas no crescimento e peso do marisco A. brasiliana, na praia de Mangue Seco, litoral norte de Pernambuco. Para verificar se o marisco apresentou alometria positiva, negativa ou isometria, foram realizadas regressões não lineares (metodologia Gauss Newton) entre as medidas comprimento/largura, comprimento/altura, largura/altura, peso da concha/peso partes moles e comprimento/peso (total, concha e parte mole). Ao realizar as análises da A. brasiliana verificou-se que a relação comprimento/largura foi alométrico positivo e as demais relações foram negativas. Os resultados desse estudo podem ser utilizados na elaboração de planos de manejo para o desenvolvimento da pesca e maricultura e servir como base para diagnosticar efeitos ocasionados por possíveis alterações ambientais.

Avaliação do crescimento de Anomalocardia brasiliana (Gmelin, 1791) na praia de Mangue Seco, litoral Norte do Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil

CARDOSO JUNIOR, Leônidas de Oliveira 14 April 2011 (has links)
Submitted by (edna.saturno@ufrpe.br) on 2017-02-15T14:58:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Leonidas de Oliveira Cardoso Junior.pdf: 510079 bytes, checksum: c7696a7014de5a13878b9bde88c8d29a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-15T14:58:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leonidas de Oliveira Cardoso Junior.pdf: 510079 bytes, checksum: c7696a7014de5a13878b9bde88c8d29a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-14 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / The clam Anomalocardia brasiliana has a great importance economic and social at the development of artisanal fisheries in the north coast of Pernambuco - Brazil, but uncontrolled exploitation of this resource in the region could compromise the stocks. This study aimed to analyze the morphometric relationships of growth of the clam collected from Mangue Seco beach, Igarassu municipality, north coast of Pernambuco. To verify if the morphometric relationships of the shell have non linear regressions were made it between length / width, using the methodology of Gauss Newton. As for analysis between length classes over the month the ANOVA were used followed by Duncan's Test (P< 0,05). The month of July/2009 showed higher average length of 22.76 mm. A. brasiliana has allometric growth between the morphometric measurements of shell growth, indicating that the species has a long and steady growth among width over time. / O marisco Anomalocardia brasiliana apresenta grande importância econômica e social na pesca artesanal do litoral norte de Pernambuco – Brasil, mas a exploração desordenada deste recurso na região pode comprometer os estoques naturais. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar as relações morfométricas de crescimento do marisco coletado na praia de Mangue Seco, município de Igarassu, litoral norte de Pernambuco. Para verificar as relações morfométricas da concha foram realizadas regressões não lineares entre as medidas comprimento/largura, utilizando a metodologia de Gauss Newton. Já para análise entre as classes de comprimento ao longo dos meses foi utilizado a ANOVA seguido pelo Teste de Duncan (P<0,05). O mês de julho/2009 apresentou o maior valor relativo ao comprimento médio com 22,76mm. A. brasiliana possui crescimento alométrico entre as medidas morfométricas da concha, indicando que a espécie não apresenta um crescimento constante entre comprimento e largura ao longo do tempo.

Isolamento de vibrios potencialmente patogênicos em moluscos bivalves / Isolation of potentially pathogenic vibrios in bivalve molluscs

Glavur Rogerio Matte 24 February 1994 (has links)
Neste estudo, 26 amostras de ostras (Crassostrea gigas) comercializadas na cidade de São Paulo e em alguns pontos do litoral de São Paulo, e 36 amostras de mexilhões (Perna perna) colhidas mensalmente em 3 pontos do litoral de Ubatuba - SP, foram submetidas à pesquisa de vibrios potencialmente patogênicos. As amostras desses moluscos eram submetidas a enriquecimento em água peptonada alcalina sem cloreto de sódio e com 1 por cento de cloreto de sódio, e GSTB. O isolamento foi realizado em ágar TCBS. Colônias sacarose positivas e negativas, sugestivas de espécies de Vibrio foram identificadas presuntivamente em meio de ágar ferro de Kligler, sendo confirmadas através de provas bioqufmicas complementares. Uma parte das amostras de vibrios potencialmente patogênicos isoladas foi submetida ao teste de Dean e teste de alça ligada em íleo de coelhos. Os vibrios potencialmente patogênicos encontrados em amostras de ostras foram V. alginolyticus (81 por cento ), V.parahaemolyticus (77 por cento ), V. cholerae não 0:1 (31 por cento ), V. fluvialis (27 por cento ), V. furnissii (19 por cento ), V. mimicus (12 por cento ) e V. vulnificus (12 por cento ) e em amostras de mexilhões foram V. alginolyticus(97 por cento ), V. parahaemolyticus(75 por cento ), V. fluvialis (47 por cento ), V. vulnificus (11 por cento ), V. cholerae não 0:1 (6 por cento ), V. furnissii (6 por cento ) e V. mimicus (6 por cento ). Observou-se acúmulo de fluido em alça ligada de íleo de coelho entre 0,25 e 0,49 ml/cm em 6,9 por cento das amostras, entre 0,5 e 0,99 ml/cm em 15,6 por cento e maior ou igual a 1 ml/cm em 15,1 por cento , e/ou intestino de camundongos lactentes (Teste de Dean) em 26,6 por cento das amostras testadas, confirmando o elevado potencial desses microrganismos em causar gastrenterite. Verificou-se ausência de variação sazonal e também, de correlação entre os vibrios potencialmente patogênicos isolados e os indicadores de contaminação fecal, confirmando que a presença desses microrganismos ocorre de forma autóctone e que, as condições climáticas foram favoráveis à sobrevivência dessas espécies em todas as épocas do ano. Considerando-se os resultados obtidos no presente estudo e o fato de que ostras e mexilhões são habitualmente ingeridos crus ou insuficientemente cozidos, pode-se concluir que sua ingestão constitui-se em um determinado grau de risco para a saúde do consumidor. / In this work, 26 oysters samples (Crassostrea gigas), found in the market of São Paulo city and some coastal areas of São Paulo State, and 36 mussels samples (Perna perna), that were collected monthly in 3 coastal areas of Ubatuba city - SP., were analyzed for the potential patogenic vibrios occurrence. Samples were enriched in alcalin peptone water with (1 per cent ) and without sodium cloride and GSTB. Isolation was performed on TCBS agar. suspect sacharosis positive and negative colonies, resembling vibrio species, were presumptively identified on Kligler iron agar, and confirmed by complementary biochemical tests. Some of this potential patogenic vibrios were submitted to suckling mouse assay and rabbit ileal loop assay. Potential patogenic vibrios isolated from oyster samples were: V. alginolyticus (81 per cent ), V. parahaemolyticus (77 per cent ), V. cholerae non 0:1 (31 per cent ), V. fluvialis (27 per cent ) I V. furnissii (19 per cent ), V. mimicus (12 per cent ) and V. vulnificus (12 per cent ) and from mussels samples were: V. a.1ginolyticus (97 per cent ), V. parabaemolyticus (75 per cent ), V. fluvialis (47 per cent ), V. vulnificus (11 per cent ), V. cholerae non 0:1 (6 per cent ), V. furnissii (6 per cent ) and V. mimicus (6 per cent ). It was found 6,9 per cent of samples between 0,25 and 0,49 ml/cm of fluid accumulation in ileal loop assay, 15,6 per cent between 0,5 and 0,99 ml/cm and 15,1 per cent was equal or higher than 1 ml/cm. Among the samples assayed for suckling mouse 26,6 per cent were positive. These results confirm the high potential of these microrganisms to induce gastroenteritis. Seasonal variation as well as correlation between the potential patogenic vibrios isolated and the fecal contamination indicators were not found, confirming that the presence of such microrganisms occurs autochthonously and that the climate conditions were favourable to these species survival during the whole year. with the results of this work and considering that oyster and mussels are usually ingested raw or insufficiently cooked, the conclusion is that the ingestion of such mollusks presents a certain degree of risk for the consumer\'s health.

Determining the physiological and behavioral aspects of salinity tolerance in the Asian clam, Corbicula fluminea

Roden, John 01 May 2018 (has links)
The Asian clam, Corbicula fluminea, is an invasive bivalve species that now occurs through most of the lower 48 United States. While a significant degree of salinity tolerance has been observed in C. fluminea, owing to its estuarine lineage, the physiological and behavioral responses to changes in salinity by these organisms are not completely understood. It was hypothesized that Corbicula would initially avoid elevated salinity levels (>1 g/L) behaviorally through valve closure, but would eventually have to open to dispel anaerobic waste products and deal with the salinity. To explore this, Corbicula were collected and put through a series of experiments at salinity exposures of 0, 2.5, and 5.0 g/L, with tissue water content and hemolymph osmolality being measured. After an initial 96-hour exposure, it was observed that the percent tissue water content of clams in 2.5 g/L and 5.0 g/L water dropped 3.29% and 4.18%, respectively, below that of the control groups in 0 g/L. After a 24-hour time-course experiment, this change in tissue water was found to largely occur within the first eight hours of exposure for the 2.5 g/L and 5.0 g/L groups. It was also noted that the hemolymph osmolality of both the 2.5 g/L and 5.0 g/L groups rose to approximately 78 mOsm/kg and 148 mOsm/kg, respectively, matching the osmolality of their exposure water in roughly the same time span and indicating that little behavioral avoidance of the elevated salinity was occurring. The osmolality of the control group did not match the osmolality of the 0 g/L water at 0.5 mOsm/kg, but was held at a constant level around 50 mOsm/kg. In a later experiment measuring the same variables for clams in 10.0 g/L, it was found that the tissue water and osmolality did not begin to change significantly until after 12 hours, indicating behavioral avoidance at this salinity level. A context study was also conducted comparing oxygen consumption and percent tissue water between various salinities in a light and dark exposure to determine if ambient light influenced siphoning of the clams and exposure to the salt. In this experiment, it was observed that clams held in salinities of 5.0 g/L for 24 hours consumed roughly 1.90 mg O2/L/g/h, whereas clams held in the control only consumed roughly 0.73 mg O2/L/g/h. These findings suggest that Corbicula osmoregulate in freshwater but osmoconform at salinities of 2.5 g/L and 5.0 g/L. The data from the context study also suggests that this conformation comes at a significant metabolic cost. Furthermore, and in contrast to the results of some previous studies, a significant level of behavioral avoidance of elevated salinity does not appear to commence until the clams are at a salinity above 5 g/L.

Determining the Physiological and Behavioral Methods of Salinity Tolerance in Corbicula fluminea

Roden, John Warren, III 05 April 2018 (has links)
While a significant degree of salinity tolerance has been observed in the bivalve mollusk species Corbicula fluminea, the physiological and behavioral responses to changes in salinity by these organisms are not completely understood. It was hypothesized that Corbicula would initially avoid any salinity stress behaviorally through valve closure, but would eventually have to open to dispel anaerobic waste products and deal with the salinity. To explore this, Corbicula were collected and put through a series of experiments at salinity exposures of 0, 2.5, and 5.0ppt, with tissue water content and hemolymph osmolality being measured. After an initial 96-hour exposure period, it was observed that the tissue water content ratio of clams in 2.5ppt and 5.0ppt water dropped below that of the control groups in 0ppt. After a 24-hour time course experiment, it was observed that this change in tissue water largely occurred within the first eight hours of exposure for the 2.5ppt and 5.0ppt groups. It was also noted that the hemolymph osmolality of both the 2.5ppt and 5.0ppt groups rose to match the osmolality of the water in roughly the same time span. The osmolality of the control group did not match the osmolality of the 0ppt water, but was held at a constant level above it. In a later experiment measuring the same variables for clams in 10.0ppt, it was found that the tissue water and osmolality did not begin to change significantly until after 12 hours. The findings suggest that Corbicula osmoregulate at salinities lower than 2.5ppt, but osmoconform in salinities above that threshold. Furthermore, it seems that the clams are able and willing to tolerate conformation at 2.5ppt and 5.0ppt, but that they are reluctant to conform in 10.0ppt, behaviorally avoiding exposure for as long as possible.

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