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Evaluation of stress in bmi-carbon fiber laminate to determine the onset of microcrackingPickle, Brent Durrell 17 February 2005 (has links)
In this work the conditions for which a (0,90,90,0,0,90)s BMI-carbon fiber laminate will initiate transverse microcracking are determined for the fabrication of a cryogenic fuel tank for use in a Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV). This is accomplished using a quadratic interaction criterion failure analysis on the total stress state at possible launch conditions. There are three major sources of stress, that is, thermal residual stress, internal pressure stress, and applied load stress, that are evaluated at the launch stage to determine the total stress state. To assess the accuracy of the analysis the well known X-33 cryogenic fuel tank failure was analyzed as an example. The results of the X-33 example show that the analysis accurately portrays the failure of the X-33 and provides evidence that the analysis can be used to provide reliable conditions for the initiation of microcracking. The final result of this study is a range of launch conditions that can be used without the initiation of microcracking and a limiting range of conditions that cause complete microcracking throughout the laminate.
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Growing minds: evaluating the effects of gardening on quality of life and obesity in older adultsLillard, Aime Jo Sommerfeld 15 May 2009 (has links)
Older adults represent a growing part of the population of the United States. Due to decreased physical activity, dietary changes, and alterations in metabolic rate this population is susceptible to an increased rate of diseases. The generation entering older adulthood is one which welcomed fast food and meal replacement foods allowing them to adapt to a more sedentary lifestyle and to need programs of preventative health. The Nutrition and Life Satisfaction Survey was used to investigate gardening as a preventative health intervention for older adults. This instrument was used to compare older (age 50+) gardeners and nongardeners on their perceptions of personal life satisfaction, nutrition, health, and gardening habits. The instrument was posted online at the Aggie Horticulture website in spring 2005. Respondents differentiated themselves as gardeners or nongardeners by responding positively or negatively to the question “Do you garden?” Then, they completed the questionnaire about their quality of life andhealth status and, for gardeners, their gardening habits. Results indicated that gardeners had more desirable responses: Overall quality of life scores were higher for gardeners compared to nongardeners, and four individual quality of life statements yielded more positive answers by gardeners. Additionally, gardeners reported a higher consumption of total fruits and vegetables, including herbs, and of vegetables only including herbs. Personal reports of physical activity and of perceived health were higher among gardeners. Females were more likely than males to garden and spend a higher percentage of their budget on fruits and vegetables. Higher consumption of fruits and vegetables and higher levels of physical activity result in healthier lifestyles and, in turn, can increase quality of life.
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Körperbau, Körperzusammensetzung und Ernährungsgewohnheiten bei Erwachsenen in Abhängigkeit von Alter und GeschlechtTrippo, Ulrike January 2000 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist eine aktuelle Dokumentation von Körperbau, Körperzusammensetzung und Ernährungsgewohnheiten an 708 jüngeren und älteren Männern und Frauen aus dem Bundesland Brandenburg. Der Körperbau wurde über ein 42 Längen-, Breiten-, Tiefen- und Umfangsmaße umfassendes anthropometrisches Untersuchungsprogramm bestimmt. Die Einschätzung von Gesamtkörperfettanteil und Magermasse erfolgte mit zwei Feldmethoden, der Hautfaltendickenmessung und der bioelektrischen Impedanzanalyse. Mit Hilfe eines semiquantitativen Fragebogens zu den Ernährungsgewohnheiten wurde der Lebensmittelverzehr erfasst und daraus die Energie- und Nährstoffaufnahme berechnet. Die Ergebnisse zum Körperbau zeigen im Mittel eine Abnahme der Längenmaße, jedoch eine Zunahme der Breiten-, Tiefen- und Umfangsmaße mit steigendem Erwachsenenalter. Einfache Parameter zur Beurteilung des Ernährungszustandes, wie Körpermasse und Body-Mass-Index (BMI) nehmen im Alter geschlechtsspezifisch zu. Nach den Richtlinien der WHO für den BMI gelten 55,3% der untersuchten Männern als übergewichtig, davon 10% als adipös. Von allen untersuchten Frauen sind 41,6% übergewichtig, davon sind 14,3% adipös. Der Anteil der Übergewichtigen ist zwar beim weiblichen Geschlecht geringer, aber dafür haben mehr Frauen die Grenze zur Adipositas überschritten. Für eine wissenschaftlich exakte Beurteilung des Ernährungszustandes reichen Körpermasse und BMI nicht aus, da sie die Körperzusammensetzung nicht bzw. nicht genügend berücksichtigen. Die subkutane Fettschichtdicke nimmt insbesondere am Rumpf zu, was als zusätzliches Gesundheitsrisiko gilt. Der Gesamtkörperfettanteil steigt im Erwachsenenalter abhängig von der Berechnungsmethode an. Die untersuchten Frauen sind gegenüber den Männern in allen Altersgruppen durch einen etwa ein Drittel höheren Körperfettanteil gekennzeichnet. Die tägliche Nahrungsenergieaufnahme der untersuchten Personen lässt eine abnehmende Tendenz bis zum 65. Lebensjahr erkennen. Trotz einer sinkenden Nahrungsenergieaufnahme im Alter, nimmt der BMI zu. Mögliche Ursachen hierfür werden in der Arbeit diskutiert. Der Anteil der Grundnährstoffe an der Energiebereitstellung entspricht in keiner der untersuchten Gruppen den Empfehlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung. Allgemein ist der Fettkonsum zu hoch und der Kohlenhydratanteil zu gering. Das zeigt sich besonders in den beiden mittleren untersuchten Altersgruppen und bei den Männern stärker als bei den Frauen. / The objective of the present study was an analysis of body build, body composition and nutritional habits. 708 young and elderly men and women of Germany (Brandenburg) have been examined. The test persons underwent a detailed anthropometric examination encompassing 42 length, breadth, depth and circumference measurements. The total body fat and lean body mass were determined by means of two field methods - skinfold thickness measurements and bioelectrical impedance analysis. Dietary intake was assessed by a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. The results concerning body build show on average a decrease of length measurements, however, an increase of breadths, depths and circumferences during adult age. Simple parameters for estimation of nutritional status like Body mass and Body-Mass-Index (BMI) rise during adulthood clearly depending on sex. Following the BMI-recommendations of the WHO 55.3% of men investigated are overweight out of this 10% are adipose. From all women investigated 41.6% are overweight out of this 14.6% are obese or adipose. The portion of overweight persons is certainly lower in women but on the other hand women exceed more often the limit of adiposity. For a scientifically correct assessment of the nutritional status body mass and BMI are not sufficient because body composition is not included. Subcutaneous fat layer increases in particular at the trunk. This abdominal fat distribution is an additional health risk. Total body fat increases during adult age depending on the method used. Women show in all investigated age groups a significantly higher total body fat content compared with men (about one third more). During adulthood the energy intake in men and women tends to decrease more and more. Energy intake and BMI show an inverse trend: While energy intake decreases by age, the BMI rises. Possible reasons for that were discussed. Intake of basic nutrients does not meet the recommendations of the German Association of Nutrition. In general the intake of fat is too high and the intake of carbohydrates is too low. This can be especially seen in the two middle-aged groups investigated. In men this unhealthy trend is higher than in women.
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Högstadieelevernas matvanor i Lilla Edet : vad har hänt på elva år? Vilka variationer finns? Vad blir konsekvenserna?Henningsson, Erik January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka matvanorna hos Lilla Edets åttonde klassare och den påverkan de har på deras vardag. Finns det ett samband mellan frukostvanor och BMI? Tidigare forskning har visat att sunda frukostvanor motverkar övervikt. Min avsikt är att se om jag kan finna liknande samband bland Lilla Edets åttondeklassare. Jag avser även att söka efter samband mellan sunda matvanor och prestationsförmåga i skolan samt vilken kunskap respondenterna har om kost. Slutligen avser jag att studera vilka skillnader som finns mellan de båda könen. För att få en uppfattning om i vilken riktning utvecklingen är på väg har jag valt GÖTE-ÄLV studien som referensobjekt. Det är en enkätundersökning som utfördes 1996 bland regionens alla åttondeklassare. Av den anledningen har jag valt att utgå ifrån samma enkät med vissa omarbetningar. De mest intressanta resultaten av undersökningen var att medelvärdet på BMI hos respondenterna låg kvar på samma nivå som i GÖTE-ÄLV studien för elva år sedan. Att det inte fanns något samband mellan frukostvanor och BMI. Att skillnaderna mellan könen fortfarande är stora. Och slutligen att andelen som äter frukost varje dag har minskat.
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Association Between Vitamin D Intake and Obesity During Pre- and Early AdolescenceScholle, Lori A 14 November 2012 (has links)
Background: Prevalence of obesity in US children has increased substantially. The influence of vitamin D intake on body mass index (BMI) is yet to be clearly defined. Results are mixed regarding the relationship of vitamin D deficiency with obesity in children. The objective of this study was to examine the association between vitamin D intake and BMI over a 6 month period in pre-to early adolescent children in Pittsburgh, PA.
Methods: Secondary analysis was done on 256 healthy 6-14 year old (54% male) Caucasian and African American (70%) children from Pittsburgh, PA. Participants completed a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and a Sun Exposure Questionnaire (SEQ) and provided anthropometric measures at 2 time points 6 months apart. Vitamin D intake was compared by BMI status (normal = <85th percentile, overweight = 85th to 95th percentile, obese = >95th percentile) as well as by change in BMI over 6 months. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance, Spearman’s correlation, Chi Square test, and regression analysis (vitamin D intake, gender, race, baseline BMI, total energy intake, sun exposure and sunscreen use).
Results: Median reported vitamin D intake was 245.85 IU at baseline and 382.51 IU at 6 month follow up. After subdividing children by BMI, at baseline the obese group reported lowest median intake (188 IU) and at 6 month follow up the normal group reported lowest median intake (374 IU) (P=0.03). Overall relation between vitamin D intake and BMI was significant (P=0.033) but weak (r=-0.015). Regression analysis revealed only baseline BMI status (P=<0.001) as a predictor of 6 month follow up BMI. No relation was observed between change in BMI and vitamin D intake.
Conclusion: The results of this study do not support a strong relationship between vitamin D intake and change in BMI status over a 6 month time period.
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Hur mycket predicerar biopsykosociala faktorer alkoholkonsumtionen i förhållande till BMI hos studenter?Andersson, Daniel, Nilsson, Conny January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka hur mycket av alkoholkonsumtionen hos stu-denter som kan prediceras genom biologiska (BMI, ålder och kön), psykologiska (Lo-cus of Control och The Big Five Personality Theory) samt sociala (alkoholvanor i familjen och anledningar till alkoholkonsumtion) faktorer. Vi har valt att undersöka varje individs alkoholkonsumtion i förhållande till BMI och därefter se hur mycket av variansen som kan prediceras av de variabler vi undersökt. Vårt urval bestod av gym-nasieelever och universitetsstudenter i Växjö. Sammanlagt ingick 201 personer i un-dersökningen, 107 män och 94 kvinnor. Vi använde oss av en enkät för insamling av vår data. Vi gjorde en multipel regressions analys som visade att alkoholkonsumtion kan prediceras till 34,3% av de prediktorer vi använt oss av. De biologiska faktorerna predicerade enskild sammanlagt 13,1% av konsumtionen, de psykologiska faktorerna 13,3% och de sociala faktorerna 7,9% av alkoholkonsumtionen i vårt urval. Studiens syfte ämnar belysa en del av de faktorer som påverkar en individs alkoholkonsumtion, för att skapa en djupare förståelse av alkoholmönster hos studenter. / The purpose of this study was to investigate to what extent alcohol consumption among students is predicted by biological (BMI, age and gender), psychological (Lo-cus of Control and The Big Five Theory) and social (drinking habits within the family and reasons for alcohol consumption) factors. We have chosen to investigate each respondent’s alcohol consumption in relation to BMI and then see to what extent the variance can be predicted by the variables we have investigated. Our selection con-sists of upper secondary school students and university students in Växjö. A total of 201 persons participated in the inquiry, of whom 107 were men and 94 were women. The data was collected by means of a questionnaire. We conducted a multiple regres-sion analysis which showed alcohol consumption can be predicted to 34.3% by the variables in this study. In our selection the biological factors alone predicted 13.1% of the alcohol consumption, the psychological factors 13.3% and the social factors 7.9%. This study seeks to highlight some of the factors that affect an individual’s consump-tion of alcohol, this in order to create a deeper understanding concerning alcohol pat-terns among students.
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Matproblem och personlighetOlsson, Maria January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine by means of Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI), the relationship between Neuroticism, and self-rated eating problems. Altogether 105 respondents, mean aged 42,3 years, including 11 men and 94 women, participated by answering an Internet-based questionnaire comprising three different sections. Neuroticism correlated with self-rated eating problems (r=,468, p<0,01). By means of multiple regression analysis it was indicated that both Neuroticism (p<.001) and Body Mass Index (BMI) (p<.001) contributed significantly to the prediction of self-rated eating problems (multiple correlation (ß=.594). The study indicated that the personality only partly explained the variation of eating problems. The result was discussed in terms of significance of biological factors stressing changes in 5-HT levels triggering eating problems.
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Growing minds: evaluating the effects of gardening on quality of life and obesity in older adultsLillard, Aime Jo Sommerfeld 15 May 2009 (has links)
Older adults represent a growing part of the population of the United States. Due to decreased physical activity, dietary changes, and alterations in metabolic rate this population is susceptible to an increased rate of diseases. The generation entering older adulthood is one which welcomed fast food and meal replacement foods allowing them to adapt to a more sedentary lifestyle and to need programs of preventative health. The Nutrition and Life Satisfaction Survey was used to investigate gardening as a preventative health intervention for older adults. This instrument was used to compare older (age 50+) gardeners and nongardeners on their perceptions of personal life satisfaction, nutrition, health, and gardening habits. The instrument was posted online at the Aggie Horticulture website in spring 2005. Respondents differentiated themselves as gardeners or nongardeners by responding positively or negatively to the question “Do you garden?” Then, they completed the questionnaire about their quality of life andhealth status and, for gardeners, their gardening habits. Results indicated that gardeners had more desirable responses: Overall quality of life scores were higher for gardeners compared to nongardeners, and four individual quality of life statements yielded more positive answers by gardeners. Additionally, gardeners reported a higher consumption of total fruits and vegetables, including herbs, and of vegetables only including herbs. Personal reports of physical activity and of perceived health were higher among gardeners. Females were more likely than males to garden and spend a higher percentage of their budget on fruits and vegetables. Higher consumption of fruits and vegetables and higher levels of physical activity result in healthier lifestyles and, in turn, can increase quality of life.
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Polymorphism of angiotensin-converting enzyme gene and BMI differences between aborigines and non-aboriginesChen, Chien-li 13 July 2005 (has links)
The renin¡Vangiotensin system (RAS) plays a role in the pathogenesis of obesity. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), the component of the RAS system, has recently been found to be completely expressed in human adipose tissue. Angiotensin II, the active component of RAS, may affect adipogenesis and adipocyte metabolism. Among ACE polymorphism, the gene DD genotype has shown to be regulated with a higher agiotensin- converting enzyme level in plasma. Hence, the purpose of this research is to investigate the correlation of ACE gene polymorphism to body mass index (BMI) between aborigines and Han non-aborigines. The relationship of race and ACE insertion (I)/ deletion (D) polymorphism was also analyzed.The results showed a higher value of ACE DD genotype appeared in aborigines (35.7 %) than that in Han population (10.8 %)(p < 0.0001). BMI in aborigines was 26.4¡Ó4.6 kg/m2, while in Han population was 24.4¡Ó3.6 kg/m2 (P<0.0001). A higher waist circumference value was also found among females aborigines than that found among female in Han population (86.9¡Ó10.7 vs 84.3¡Ó9.7 cm, P<0.0001).
Simple and multiple linear regression analyses showed that both race and ACE gene polymorphism are closely correlated to BMI in all subjects. By discussion on the cases for the Han and aborigines population separately, it was found that the ACE gene polymorphism is associated with BMI in Han population it is not significant in aborigines. In aborigines, life style in culture is associated with BMI.
In conclusion, ACE gene polymorphism and race were independent factors correlated to BMI, but differences could be found between race and ACE gene polymorphism.
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Evaluation of stress in bmi-carbon fiber laminate to determine the onset of microcrackingPickle, Brent Durrell 17 February 2005 (has links)
In this work the conditions for which a (0,90,90,0,0,90)s BMI-carbon fiber laminate will initiate transverse microcracking are determined for the fabrication of a cryogenic fuel tank for use in a Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV). This is accomplished using a quadratic interaction criterion failure analysis on the total stress state at possible launch conditions. There are three major sources of stress, that is, thermal residual stress, internal pressure stress, and applied load stress, that are evaluated at the launch stage to determine the total stress state. To assess the accuracy of the analysis the well known X-33 cryogenic fuel tank failure was analyzed as an example. The results of the X-33 example show that the analysis accurately portrays the failure of the X-33 and provides evidence that the analysis can be used to provide reliable conditions for the initiation of microcracking. The final result of this study is a range of launch conditions that can be used without the initiation of microcracking and a limiting range of conditions that cause complete microcracking throughout the laminate.
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