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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Excelling at new products : A Business Case development and Portfolio Management study / Utvärdering av nya produkter : En Affärsutveckling- och Portföljhanteringsstudie

Andreasson, Emma January 2018 (has links)
The thesis work aimed at developing a framework for portfolio management and business case development that can be used as decision support for a company for new product development. The assignment was to study relevant literature resulting in an aggregated view on this topic and the parameters that impact successful product development. The literature involves project initiation, different levels of product innovation development and information about important research criteria to include when forming new product projects ideas. This information helps to support how to objectively evaluate and compare product projects. The literature also involves different relevant tools to use for providing information and manage product portfolio management along with their benefits. Out of this aggregated view, a template and suggested decision model specific for the company has been established. The resulting template has for purpose to be used for preparation of providing a solid information base when a new product project idea is to be presented. The decision base has the purpose to help the members and managers in the product council to form a decision on what product idea to proceed with, which hopefully will result into launch and success. The framework aims to assess individual product development initiatives as well as managing the product portfolio aspect. Except the study of a considerable amount of literature, qualitative research has been made as well. The qualitative research has been performed in the form of semi-structured interviews together with people within the company that has been used as case study in this report. The interviews contributes with information about the current state of the company’s product offering process together with attention paid for what is missing and what improvements that is sought. In such way, the qualitative research contribute to the result of the framework in the sense that it is attributed towards the company in the case study and thus slightly towards technological network industries, although the framework is made for a generic use. As by this thesis, the framework focus on one company, but it has for purpose to be adaptable and inspiring for any company with respect for the individual company’s restrictions.

Asymptotic Symmetries and Faddeev-Kulish states in QED and Gravity

Gaharia, David January 2019 (has links)
When calculating scattering amplitudes in gauge and gravitational theories one encounters infrared (IR) divergences associated with massless fields. These are known to be artifacts of constructing a quantum field theory starting with free fields, and the assumption that in the asymptotic limit (i.e. well before and after a scattering event) the incoming and outgoing states are non-interacting. In 1937, Bloch and Nordsieck provided a technical procedure eliminating the IR divergences in the cross-sections. However, this did not address the source of the problem: A detailed analysis reveals that, in quantum electrodynamics (QED) and in perturbative quantum gravity (PQG), the interactions cannot be ignored even in the asymptotic limit. This is due to the infinite range of the massless force-carrying bosons. By taking these asymptotic interactions into account, one can find a picture changing operator that transforms the free Fock states into asymptotically interacting Faddeev- Kulish (FK) states. These FK states are charged (massive) particles surrounded by a “cloud” of soft photons (gravitons) and will render all scattering processes infrared finite already at an S-matrix level. Recently it has been found that the FK states are closely related to asymptotic symmetries. In the case of QED the FK states are eigenstates of the large gauge transformations – U(1) transformations with a non-vanishing transformation parameter at infinity. For PQG the FK states are eigenstates of the Bondi-Metzner-Sachs (BMS) transformations – the asymptotic symmetry group of an asymptotically flat spacetime. It also appears that the FK states are related the Wilson lines in the Mandelstam quantization scheme. This would allow one to obtain the physical FK states through geometrical or symmetry arguments. We attempt to clarify this relation and present a derivation of the FK states in PQG from the gravitational Wilson line in the eikonal approximation, a result that is novel to this thesis.

Recherches d'optimums d'énergie pour charge/décharge d'une batterie à technologie avancée dédiée à des applications photovoltaïques

Reynaud, Jean-François 04 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La présence d'une fonction de stockage avec des sources d'énergie intermittentes permet d'obtenir une meilleure adéquation entre la consommation et la production d'énergie. Aujourd'hui, le stockage d'énergie est le plus souvent réalisé avec des batteries conventionnelles, principalement au plomb-acide, pour des raisons de coût, de fiabilité et de disponibilité industrielle. Cependant, la durée de vie des éléments de stockage actuels, l'impact sur l'environnement et le rendement trop faible entrainent la recherche d'autres moyens de stockage ayant des durées de vie compatibles avec les applications et présentant des fonctions plus flexibles. La technologie lithium parait être aujourd'hui un bon compromis si elle est associée à une électronique de précision assurant diverses fonctions. Cette thèse porte sur l'optimisation de moyens de stockages lithium-ion utilisés dans les énergies renouvelables et le développement de l'électronique associée. La validation de ces travaux a été faite à travers des systèmes de conversion photovoltaïques. Le rendement de conversion de l'ensemble a particulièrement été étudié en tenant compte de différents profils de charge et de décharge, du vieillissement et des sécurités des batteries ainsi que des derniers développements technologiques de batterie. Pour valider les algorithmes de gestion et qualifier les chaînes de conversion, un banc de mesure spécifique a été développé.

Řízení toků energie v energetickém systému s více akumulačními jednotkami / Implementation of control algorithm in application with several accumulation systems

Klusáček, Jan January 2020 (has links)
Rozptýlená výroba elektrické energie využívající obnovitelné zdroje, jako je sluneční energie, přispívá ke snížení emisí skleníkových plynů. Z hlediska provozu distribuční soustavy je také výhodné, aby energie byla primárně spotřebována v místě výroby. To je částečně možné přizpůsobením spotřeby, ale především využitím akumulačních systémů. V této práci je představen hybridní systém složený z fotovoltaické elektrárny, akumulátoru elektrické energie a akumulátoru tepelné energie. Výběr a parametry všech částí hybridního systému jsou popsány v práci. Akumulátor elektrické energie je navržen a sestaven z LiNiMnCoO2 článků a řídícího systému zajišťujícího bezpečný provoz. Řídicí systém akumulátoru (BMS) zajistí odpojení baterie, pokud je překročen některý z provozních parametrů baterie. Návrh baterie i sestavy je popsán v práci. Akumulátor tepelné energie sestává z výkonového spínače a nádrže na teplou vodu s topnou patronou pro odporový ohřev vody. Na základě rešerše komerčně používaných zařízení pro regulaci příkonu byly definovány jejich nedostatky a na základě nich bylo navrženo optimální řešení. Řešení spočívá v použití komerčního polovodičového spínacího prvku. Pro tento výkonový spínací prvek byla vytvořena zpětnovazební řídící smyčka s regulátorem výkonu, který byl implementován v prostředí softwaru LabVIEW. V práci je také uveden postup návrhu chladiče spínacího prvku a LCL filtru, který je klíčový pro splnění požadavků elektromagnetické kompatibility. V druhé části práce je popsán návrh nadřazeného řídícího algoritmu, jehož úkolem je řídit výkonové toky v hybridním systému tak, aby byly splněny požadavky definované jak uživatelem, tak i okamžitým stavem akumulátorů. Algoritmus byl implementován v prostředí LabVIEW. Funkčnost celého systému byla ověřena měřením v laboratorních podmínkách. Z výsledků plyne, že nadřazený řídící algoritmus funguje správně. Řídící smyčka tepelného akumulátoru je stabilní a reguluje zátěž na požadovanou hodnotu. Přidanou hodnotou je kratší reakční doba na změnu toku výkonu oproti hybridnímu měniči a díky tomu dochází k minimalizaci přetoků elektrické energie do distribuční sítě. Na práci je možné navázat rozšířením stávajícího algoritmu o možnost řízení/ovládání více typů akumulačních jednotek a generátorů nebo implementováním odlišných strategií řízení.

Evaluation of Thermal Comfort and Night Ventilation in a Historic Office Building in Nordic Climate

Bakhtiari, Hossein January 2020 (has links)
Envelopes with low thermal performance are common characteristics in European historic buildings resulting in insufficient thermal comfort and higher energy use compared to modern buildings. There are different types of applications for the European historic buildings such as historic churches, historic museums, historic theatres, etc. In historic buildings refurbished to offices, it is vital to improve thermal comfort for the staff. Improving thermal comfort should not increase, preferably reduce, energy use in the building. The overall aim in this research is to explore how to improve thermal comfort in historic buildings without increasing, preferably reducing, energy use with the application of non-intrusive methods. This is done in form of a case study in Sweden. Thermal comfort issues in the case study building are determined through a field study. The methods include field measurements with thermal comfort equipment, data logging on BMS, and evaluating the occupant’s perception of a summer and a winter period indoor environment using a standardized questionnaire. According to questionnaire and thermal comfort measurements results, it is revealed that the summer period has the most dissatisfied occupants, while winter thermal comfort is satisfactory – but not exceptionally good. Accordingly, natural heat sinks could be used in form of NV, as a non/intrusive method, in order to improve thermal comfort in the building. For the historic building equipped with mechanical ventilation, NV strategy has the potential to both improve thermal comfort and reduce the total electricity use for cooling (i.e. electricity use in the cooling machine + the electricity use in the ventilation unit’s fans). It could decrease the percentage of exceedance hours in offices by up to 33% and reduce the total electricity use for cooling by up to 40%. The optimal (maximum) NV rate (i.e. the potential of NV strategy) is dependent on the thermal mass capacity of the building, the available NV cooling potential (dependent on the ambient air temperature), COP value of the cooling machine, the SFP model of the fans (low SFP value for high NV rate is optimal), and the offices’ door scheme (open or closed doors).

On the Various Extensions of the BMS Group

Ruzziconi, Romain 15 June 2020 (has links) (PDF)
The Bondi-Metzner-Sachs-van der Burg (BMS) group is the asymptotic symmetry group of radiating asymptotically flat spacetimes. It has recently received renewed interest in the context of the flat holography and the infrared structure of gravity. In this thesis, we investigate the consequences of considering extensions of the BMS group in four dimensions with superrotations. In particular, we apply the covariant phase space methods on a class of first order gauge theories that includes the Cartan formulation of general relativity and specify this analysis to gravity in asymptotically flat spacetime. Furthermore, we renormalize the symplectic structure at null infinity to obtain the generalized BMS charge algebra associated with smooth superrotations. We then study the vacuum structure of the gravitational field, which allows us to relate the so-called superboost transformations to the velocity kick/refraction memory effect. Afterward, we propose a new set of boundary conditions in asymptotically locally (A)dS spacetime that leads to a version of the BMS group in the presence of a non-vanishing cosmological constant, called the Λ-BMS asymptotic symmetry group. Using the holographic renormalization procedure and a diffeomorphism between Bondi and Fefferman-Graham gauges, we construct the phase space of Λ-BMS and show that it reduces to the one of the generalized BMS group in the flat limit. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Modeling and State of Charge Estimation of Electric Vehicle Batteries

Ahmed, Ryan January 2014 (has links)
Electric vehicles have received substantial attention in the past few years since they provide a more sustainable, efficient, and greener transportation alternative in comparison to conventional fossil-fuel powered vehicles. Lithium-Ion batteries represent the most important component in the electric vehicle powertrain and thus require accurate monitoring and control. Many challenges are still facing the mass market production of electric vehicles; these challenges include battery cost, range anxiety, safety, and reliability. These challenges can be significantly mitigated by incorporating an efficient battery management system. The battery management system is responsible for estimating, in real-time, the battery state of charge, state of health, and remaining useful life in addition to communicating with other vehicle components and subsystems. In order for the battery management system to effectively perform these tasks, a high-fidelity battery model along with an accurate, robust estimation strategy must work collaboratively at various power demands, temperatures, and states of life. Lithium ion batteries are considered in this research. For these batteries, electrochemical models represent an attractive approach since they are capable of modeling lithium diffusion processes and track changes in lithium concentrations and potentials inside the electrodes and the electrolyte. Therefore, electrochemical models provide a connection to the physical reactions that occur in the battery thus favoured in state of charge and state of health estimation in comparison to other modeling techniques. The research presented in this thesis focuses on advancing the development and implementation of battery models, state of charge, and state of health estimation strategies. Most electrochemical battery models have been verified using simulation data and have rarely been experimentally applied. This is because most electrochemical battery model parameters are considered proprietary information to their manufacturers. In addition, most battery models have not accounted for battery aging and degradation over the lifetime of the vehicle using real-world driving cycles. Therefore, the first major contribution of this research is the formulation of a new battery state of charge parameterization strategy. Using this strategy, a full-set of parameters for a reduced-order electrochemical model can be estimated using real-world driving cycles while accurately calculating the state of charge. The developed electrochemical model-based state of charge parameterization strategy depends on a number of spherical shells (model states) in conjunction with the final value theorem. The final value theorem is applied in order to calculate the initial values of lithium concentrations at various shells of the electrode. Then, this value is used in setting up constraints for the optimizer in order to achieve accurate state of charge estimation. Developed battery models at various battery states of life can be utilized in a real-time battery management system. Based on the developed models, estimation of the battery critical surface charge using a relatively new estimation strategy known as the Smooth Variable Structure Filter has been effectively applied. The technique has been extended to estimate the state of charge for aged batteries in addition to healthy ones. In addition, the thesis introduces a new battery aging model based on electrochemistry. The model is capable of capturing battery degradation by varying the effective electrode volume, open circuit potential-state of charge relationship, diffusion coefficients, and solid-electrolyte interface resistance. Extensive experiments for a range of aging scenarios have been carried out over a period of 12 months to emulate the entire life of the battery. The applications of the proposed parameterization method combined with experimental aging results significantly improve the reduced-order electrochemical model to adapt to various battery states of life. Furthermore, online and offline battery model parameters identification and state of charge estimation at various states of life has been implemented. A technique for tracking changes in the battery OCV-R-RC model parameters as battery ages in addition to estimation of the battery SOC using the relatively new Smooth Variable Structure Filter is presented. The strategy has been validated at both healthy and aged battery states of life using driving scenarios of an average North-American driver. Furthermore, online estimation of the battery model parameters using square-root recursive least square (SR-RLS) with forgetting factor methodology is conducted. Based on the estimated model parameters, estimation of the battery state of charge using regressed-voltage-based estimation strategy at various states of life is applied. The developed models provide a mechanism for combining the standalone estimation strategy that provide terminal voltage, state of charge, and state of health estimates based on one model to incorporate these different aspects at various battery states of life. Accordingly, a new model-based estimation strategy known as the interacting multiple model (IMM) method has been applied by utilizing multiple models at various states of life. The method is able to improve the state of charge estimation accuracy and stability, when compared with the most commonly used strategy. This research results in a number of novel contributions, and significantly advances the development of robust strategies that can be effectively applied in real-time on-board of a battery management system. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Development of deterioration diagnostic methods for secondary batteries used in industrial applications by means of artificial intelligence / 人工知能を用いた産業用二次電池の劣化診断法開発 / ジンコウ チノウ オ モチイタ サンギョウヨウ ニジ デンチ ノ レッカ シンダンホウ カイハツ

Minella Bezha 22 March 2020 (has links)
蓄電池は携帯機器,電気自動車をはじめ,自然エネルギー有効利用に至るまで広範囲に利用され,その重要性はますます高まっている。これら機器の使用時間や特性は蓄電池の特性に大きく依存することから,電池自体の特性改善に加え,劣化を診断してより効率的に電池を運用することが求められている。本論文は,非線形情報処理を得意とする人工知能を用いた2次電池の劣化診断法を開発し,エネルギーの有効利用に資する技術を確立した。機器動作時の電池電圧・電流波形と電池劣化特性との関連性を,人工知能を用い学習することにより,機器稼働時に電池の劣化を診断することができる。なお,この関連性は非線形で複雑であるが,非線形分析を得意とする人工知能は劣化診断に適している。学習には時間を要するものの,診断は短時間になし得ることから,提案法は稼働時劣化診断に適している。本論文では,この特徴を生かし,電池の等価回路(ECM)を導出し,充電率(SOC),容量維持率(SOH)を推定している。また,本論文では現在産業応用分野で用いられている,リチウムイオン電池,ニッケル水素電池,鉛蓄電池を対象とし,提案法はあらゆる電池使用機器に応用可能である。また,提案法を電池状態監視装置(BMU)や,マイコンなどを用いた組み込みシステムに応用可能とし,実証している。以上のことから,本論文は,新たな蓄電池の劣化診断法の確立し,その有効性を確認している。 / The importance of rechargeable batteries nowadays is increasing from the portable electronic devices and solar energy industry up to the development of new EV models. The rechargeable batteries have a crucial role in the storage system, mostly in mobile applications and transportation, because the period of its usage and the flexibility of the function are determined by the battery. Due to the black box approach of the ANN it is possible to connect the complex physical phenomenon with a specific physical meaning expressed with a nonlinear logic between inputs and output. Using specific input data to relate with the desired output, makes possible to create a pattern connection with input and output. This ability helps to estimate in real time the desired outputs, behaviors, phenomes and at the same time it can be used as a real time diagnosis method. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Gestión eficiente de los convertidores de potencia conectados al bus DC de una Microrred híbrida de generación distribuida

Salas Puente, Robert Antonio 22 March 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Dos aspectos críticos en la operación de una microrred son las estrategias de control y gestión de potencia implementadas, las cuales son esenciales para proporcionar su buen funcionamiento. La aplicación adecuada de dichas estrategias permite compensar los desequilibrios de potencia causados por la discontinuidad de la generación y de la demanda de energía en las microrredes. En este sentido, el objetivo global de estas estrategias de gestión es equilibrar adecuadamente el flujo de potencia en la microrred, mediante la aplicación de diferentes algoritmos que permiten cumplir con los criterios de estabilidad, protección, balance de potencia, transiciones, sincronización con la red y gestión adecuada de la microrred. En el caso de microrredes de pequeña escala de potencia con bajo número de generadores y sistemas de almacenamiento distribuidos, las estrategias de control centralizado ofrecen un alto nivel de flexibilidad para lograr funcionalidades avanzadas en la microrred y una adecuada distribución de la potencia entre los convertidores que la conforman. Esta tesis se ha enmarcado en el contexto de algoritmos de gestión centralizada de potencia de una microrred de generación distribuida en modo conectado a red. Los algoritmos presentados se pueden aplicar a los convertidores de potencia conectados al bus DC de una microrred AC/DC híbrida o en una microrred de DC, donde el despacho de potencia es observado y gestionado por un controlador central. Este último adquiere datos del sistema mediante una infraestructura de comunicaciones y estima la potencia que gestionará cada uno de los convertidores de potencia, sistemas de almacenamiento y cargas en funcionamiento. En este estudio se muestra la validación experimental de las estrategias de gestión aplicadas en la microrred desde el enfoque del comportamiento de los convertidores de potencia, de las baterías y las cargas ante dicha gestión. Se verifica la estabilidad de la microrred sometiendo a los convertidores a diferentes escenarios de funcionamiento. Estos escenarios pueden ser fluctuaciones en la irradiación, la demanda, el estado de carga de las baterías, los límites máximos de exportación/importación de potencia desde/hacia la microrred hacia/desde la red principal y de la tarifa eléctrica. Adicionalmente, se propone un sistema de almacenamiento de energía en baterías encargado de mantener el equilibrio de potencia en el bus de DC de la microrred que permite aprovechar las fuentes de generación renovables presentes en la microrred y maximizar el tiempo de servicio de las baterías mediante la aplicación de un algoritmo de carga de las baterías. Este último se ajusta al procedimiento de carga especificado por el fabricante, estableciendo las tasas de carga en función de los escenarios en que la microrred se encuentre. El procedimiento de carga en las baterías es fundamental para garantizar las condiciones adecuadas de operación de las mismas, ya que toman en consideración los parámetros establecidos por el fabricante, como son: tasas de carga/descarga, tensión máxima de carga, temperaturas de operación, etc. / [CA] Dos dels aspectes crítics en l'operació d'una micro-xarxa són les estratègies de control i gestió de potència implementades, les quals són essencials per proporcionar el seu bon funcionament. L'aplicació adequada de dites estratègies permet compensar els desequilibris de potència causats per la discontinuïtat de la generació i demanda d'energia en les micro-xarxes. En aquest sentit, l'objectiu global de les nomenades estratègies de gestió és equilibrar adequadament el flux de potència en la micro-xarxa mitjançant l'aplicació de diferents algoritmes que permeten complir amb els criteris d'estabilitat, protecció, balanç de potència, transicions, sincronització amb la xarxa i gestió adequada de la micro-xarxa. En el cas de micro-xarxes de potència a petita escala i amb baix nombre de generadors i sistemes d'emmagatzematge distribuïts, les estratègies de control centralitzades ofereixen un alt nivell de flexibilitat per aconseguir funcionalitats avançades en la micro-xarxa i una adequada distribució de la potència entre els convertidors que la conformen. Aquesta tesi s'ha emmarcat al context d'algoritmes de gestió centralitzada de potència d'una micro-xarxa de generació distribuïda en mode de connexió a xarxa. Els algoritmes presentats es poden aplicar als convertidors de potència connectats al bus DC d'una micro-xarxa AC/DC hibrida o en una micro-xarxa de DC, on el despatx de potència és observat i gestionat per un controlador central. Aquest últim adquireix dades del sistema mitjançant una infraestructura de comunicacions i estima la potència que gestionarà cadascun dels convertidors de potència, sistemes d'emmagatzematge i càrregues en funcionament. En aquest estudi es mostren la validació experimental de les estratègies de gestió aplicades en la micro-xarxa des d'un enfocament dels convertidors de potència, de les bateries i les càrregues davant d'aquesta gestió. Es verifica l'estabilitat de la micro-xarxa exposant als convertidors a diferents escenaris de funcionament. Aquest escenaris poden ser fluctuants en la irradiació, la demanda, l'estat de càrrega de les bateries, els límits màxims d'exportació/importació de potència des de/cap a la micro-xarxa cap a/des de la xarxa principal i de la tarifa elèctrica. Addicionalment, es proposa un sistema d'emmagatzematge d'energia en bateries encarregats de mantindre l'equilibri de potència al bus DC de la micro-xarxa i que permet aprofitar les fonts de generació renovables presents en la micro-xarxa i maximitzar el temps de servei de les bateries mitjançant l'aplicació d'un algoritme de càrrega de bateries. Aquest últim s'ajusta al procediment de càrrega especificat pel fabricant, establint les taxes de càrrega en funció dels escenaris en que la micro-xarxa es trobe. El procediment de càrrega a les bateries es fonamental per garantir les condicions adequades d'operació de les mateixes, ja que prenen en consideració els paràmetres establerts pel fabricant, com ara són: taxes de càrrega/descàrrega, tensió màxima de càrrega, temperatures d'operació, etc. / [EN] Two critical aspects in microgrids operation are the control and power management strategies, which are essential for their efficient operation. The adequate application of these strategies allows compensating the power imbalance caused by the discontinuity in the energy generation or changes in the power demand of the microgrid. In this sense, the overall objective of these power management strategies is to keep the power balance between the generation and the demand in the microgrid through the application of different algorithms that fulfill the criteria of stability, protection, smooth transitions and synchronization with the main grid. In the case of small-scale microgrids with a low number of distributed generators and energy storage systems, the centralized control strategies offer a higher level of flexibility to achieve advanced features in the microgrid and for the suitable power sharing between the converters that compose it. This thesis has been focused on centralized power management algorithms of a microgrid working in grid connected mode. These algorithms can be applied to the power converters connected to the DC bus of both hybrid AC/DC and DC microgrids, where the power dispatch is controlled by a central controller which acquires system data through a communication infrastructure and sets the power to be managed by each of the converters under operation. In this thesis, the experimental validation of the power management strategies of the microgrid is presented, from the point of view of the behavior of the power converters, batteries and loads. It is provided with a realistic evaluation under different microgrid operation scenarios. These scenarios were sudden changes of the irradiation, load, state of charge, the maximum power to be exported/imported from/to the microgrid to/from the grid, and the electricity tariff. Additionally, it is proposed a battery energy storage system that keeps the power balance at the DC bus of the microgrid, taking advantage from the renewable energy sources and adjusting the battery energy storage through a suitable charging procedure specified by the manufacturer. The proposed procedure changes the charging parameters of the batteries depending on the microgrid states. Its goal is to extend the service time of batteries and to allow proper energy management in the system. / Salas Puente, RA. (2019). Gestión eficiente de los convertidores de potencia conectados al bus DC de una Microrred híbrida de generación distribuida [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/118658 / Compendio

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