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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reconhecimento do vínculo empregatício para o trabalho da prostituta / Recognizing the employment bond for prostitutes labor.

Rosangela Rodrigues Dias de Lacerda 25 March 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo tem por objeto a possibilidade de reconhecimento do vínculo laboral para o trabalho da prostituta, sendo sufragada a tese de que o objeto contratual, na prestação de serviços sexuais, é lícito e, por conseguinte, há a possibilidade, se presentes a onerosidade, permanência, pessoalidade e subordinação, de reconhecimento do vínculo empregatício para o trabalho da prostituta. A tese, portanto, é de que a prostituta faz jus ao pagamento de todas as verbas trabalhistas previstas na legislação laboral, tais como décimo terceiro salário, férias acrescidas de um terço, horas extraordinárias, adicional noturno, Fundo de Garantia por Tempo de Serviço, dentre tantos outros direitos, como qualquer outro trabalhador subordinado. Além disto, será ainda destinatária de políticas públicas que visem assegurar um meio ambiente de trabalho hígido e seguro, devendo ser observadas as Normas Regulamentadoras expedidas pelo Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, bem como outras normas de medicina, saúde e segurança do trabalho que vierem a ser editadas. Conquanto o presente trabalho se refira em inúmeras oportunidades apenas às prostitutas, utilizando o substantivo no feminino, em verdade são abrangidos os exercentes da atividade de ambos os sexos, sem qualquer distinção, desde que exerçam a profissão voluntariamente e sejam maiores de dezoito anos. As metodologias utilizadas, precipuamente, foram a pesquisa bibliográfica e a pesquisa documental. A pesquisa bibliográfica envolveu a busca de livros, monografias, teses, dissertações, artigos pulicados em revistas especializadas, jornais e revistas, e teve a precaução de incluir os fundamentos das vertentes contrárias, em busca dos alicerces para firmar o novo entendimento sobre o tema, especialmente quanto à possibilidade de reconhecimento do vínculo empregatício para o trabalho da prostituta. / This research is about the possibility of recognizing the employment bond for prostitutes labor, after covering the theory that defends the contractual object, on provision of sexual services, is lawful and if exists burden, permanence, personality and subordination, the employment bond of prostitutes can be recognized. This theory says that prostitute is entitled to be paid for all the payroll amounts provided on labor legislation as extra month salary, holiday plus a third, overtime, additional nightly working time, Time of Service Guarantee Fund (FGTS), between other rights that any other subordinate employee has. Furthermore, public policies aimed at ensuring a working environment healthy and with insurance (Regulatory Standards issued by the Ministry of Labor and Employment should be observed, as well as other rules of medicine, health and safety that may be published) will be addressed to this employment bond. Although this work refers the word prostitute in a female way, in fact it refers both sexes without distinction, as far as they are engaged in that occupation voluntarily and are over 18 (eighteen) years. The methodologies used on this paper are literature and documentary research. The literature review involved a search of books, monographs, theses, dissertations, articles published in professional journals, newspapers and magazines. This work has been made with care and including the fundamentals of contrary theories, looking for the foundations to start a new view of the subject, especially regarding recognition of the mentioned employment bond of prostitutes.

Tratamento de superfície e adesão em materiais vitrocerâmicos experimentais para aplicação odontológica / Surface treatment and bonding in experimental glass-ceramic materials for dental application

Gustavo Henrique Barbosa de Andrade 03 September 2015 (has links)
Materiais cerâmicos têm sido utilizados rotineiramente na clínica restauradora. A capacidade de adesão à sistemas adesivos de cimentação é um dos fatores críticos para o sucesso clínico. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar as propriedades de adesão à um sistema de cimentação adesiva de dois materiais vitrocerâmicos experimentais, sendo um reforçado por dissilicato de lítio (D) e outro por metassilicato de lítio (M) para aplicação odontológica. Para tal, objetivou-se determinar a influência de diferentes tratamentos de superfície na resistência de união a um sistema de cimentação adesiva através de ensaios de microtração e caracterizar as alterações morfológicas decorrentes dos diferentes tratamentos de superfície testados. Três tratamentos de superfícies para cada material experimental foram selecionados: 1- jateamento com partículas de Al2O3 (J), 2- ataque ácido com ácido hidrofluorídrico a 10% por 20 segundos (20) e 3- ataque ácido com ácido hidrofluorídrico a 10% por 60 segundos (60). Um grupo do material comercial IPS e.max CAD (Ivoclar-Vivadent) foi utilizado como controle, seguindo as instruções do fabricante para o tratamento de superfície. As alterações morfológicas na superfície das cerâmicas foram analisadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e demonstraram que os materiais experimentais são ácido sensíveis e sofreram modificações topográficas com o jateamento. Para os ensaios de microtração, os blocos das cerâmicas experimental e comercial tiveram suas superfícies condicionadas e silanizadas com o Agente Silano Relyx Ceramic Primer (3M ESPE), e posteriormente foram cimentados a blocos de resina composta Filtek Z100 (3M ESPE) com o cimento resinoso RelyX ARC (3M ESPE). Tais conjuntos foram seccionados, originando espécimes em forma de palito, com 1mm2 de área de secção transversal e submetidos ao ensaio de microtração. A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada por meio do teste de O teste utilizado foi o de Análise de Variância a um critério (One-Way ANOVA), adotando nível de significância de α=5%, O teste de Bonferroni foi utilizado para comparações múltiplas, demonstrando que os grupos D20 e M60 apresentaram melhores resultados de resistência de união. D20 não apresentou diferença estatística em relação ao grupo controle e M60 demonstrou resistência de união significantemente maior que o material comercial do grupo controle; levando, portanto, à conclusão de que os materiais experimentais testados apresentam características adequadas de adesão ao sistema de cimentação adesiva utilizado. / Ceramic materials have been routinely used in restorative clinic. The adhesion capacity to adhesive cementation systems is a critical factor for clinical success. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the adhesion properties to an adhesive cementation system of two experimental vitroceramic materials, a reinforced by lithium dissilicate (D) and another by lithium metasilicate (M) for dental application. For this purpose, the objective was to determine the influence of different surface treatments on bond strength to an adhesive cementation system through microtensile tests and characterize morphological changes resulting from the different surface treatments tested. Three surface treatments for each experimental material were selected: 1- blasting with Al2O3 particles (J), 2- etching with hydrofluoric acid 10% by 20 seconds (20) and 3- etching with hydrofluoric acid 10% for 60 seconds (60). A group of the commercial material, IPS e.max CAD (Ivoclar-Vivadent) was used as control, following the manufacturer\'s instructions for surface treatment. Morphological changes on the surface of the ceramics were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and demonstrated that experimental materials are acid sensitive and suffered topographical changes with the blasting. For the microtensile tests, the blocks of experimental and commercial ceramics had their surfaces conditioned and silanized with Silane agent Relyx Ceramic Primer (3M ESPE), and then they were cemented to resin composite blocks (Z100 Filtek blocks - 3M ESPE) with the resin cement, RelyX ARC (3 m ESPE). These sets were sectioned, resulting in stick-shaped specimens, with 1 mm2 cross sectional area and submitted to the microtensile tests. The test used was the analysis of variance to a criterion (One-Way ANOVA), adopting a significance level of α = 5%, the Bonferroni test was used for multiple comparisons, demonstrating that the D20 and M60 showed best results of bond strength. D20 showed no statistical difference in relation to the control group and M60 demonstrated significantly bond streght better than the commercial material of the control group; leading to the conclusion that the experimental material tested has appropriate characteristics of adhesion to the cementation system used.

Um estudo acerca da escolha pela vasectomia a partir de referenciais da psicanálise intersubjetiva e de gênero / A study on the choice for vasectomy based on notions of intersubjective psychoanalysis and gender studies

Cintia Morinaga Honda 07 November 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar o processo de escolha pela vasectomia, sob referenciais teóricos psicanalíticos intersubjetivos e de gênero. Enquanto procedimento médico, a vasectomia é um método contraceptivo cirúrgico realizado em homens, de caráter definitivo. A eleição dessa temática justifica-se tanto pelo aumento crescente de realizações desta cirurgia no Brasil, quanto por ser uma intervenção que envolve o casal, na interface entre conjugalidade e parentalidade, aspecto pouco estudado na literatura. Consideramos como elementos presentes nessa escolha as mudanças ocorridas na sociedade referentes às diferenças de gênero, nos âmbitos familiar, no trabalho e nas relações sociais, bem como a transformação dos vínculos conjugais. De metodologia clínico-qualitativa, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-dirigidas com dois casais, de faixa etária entre 31 a 37 anos (período de grande fertilidade feminina), que pretendiam realizar este procedimento cirúrgico. As entrevistas abordaram temas relacionados ao processo de escolha pelo método cirúrgico, dinâmica do casal e histórico familiar, atravessadas por questões sociais, geracionais e culturais. A complexidade do tema exigiu um recorte, fracionado em capítulos sobre as políticas públicas envolvidas no método contraceptivo, a questão da escolha do casal e a problemática de gênero. Concluiu-se que a escolha pela vasectomia para os casais analisados relacionou-se ao controle do número de filhos vinculado a questões sócio-econômicas. Além disso se apresentou associada a diferentes fantasias pertinentes à dinâmica vincular: projeção de uma vida sexual mais prazerosa, desatrelada da reprodução; manejo da reprodução associado ao controle e manutenção do vinculo. Por fim, levantou-se que a escolha pela vasectomia foi também resultante das políticas públicas vigentes voltadas para o método, além das questões de gênero. Verificou-se nos casais entrevistados que, embora a vasectomia seja efetivada no corpo do homem, a escolha por tal método está inserida no campo conjugal e implicada, portanto, nos aspectos interrelacionais e na sua dinâmica vincular / The aim of the research is to analyse the choice for undergoing a vasectomy procedure considering theoretical principles in intersubjective psychoanalysis and gender studies. From the medical point of view, the vasectomy is a contraceptive surgical procedure of irreversible character underwent by men. The choice for this subject is associated with the growing number of vasectomies carried out in Brazil and with the fact that it is a procedure that concerns the couple as a whole at the interface between conjugality and parenthood, an issue that deserves more study. The present study holds as elements intrinsic to this choice: changes in the society related to gender differences in the family, work environment and social relations, along with the shift in marital bonds. As for the clinical and qualitative methodology, semi-structured interviews have been carried out with two couples between 31-37 years old (the period of major female fertility) who intended to undergo the vasectomy procedure. The interviews would address subjects related to the process of opting for the surgery, the dynamics of the couple and the family history combined with social, cultural and generation issues. Due to the complexity of the subject, the present dissertation is divided into chapters on the decisions the couple has to make, the problematic of gender and on public policies concerning contraceptive methods. It was concluded that the analysed couples decision for vasectomy is related to birth control connected with socio-economic issues. It is also related to different fantasies regarding the establishment of bonds: the hope for a more pleasant sexual life not linked to reproduction, and the management of reproduction associated with the control and maintenance of the relationship. Also, the choice for vasectomy was the result of the current public policies that aim for contraceptive methods, in addition to gender issues. It could be verified in the interviewed couples that, although the vasectomy procedure takes place in the male body, the choice for this contraceptive method belongs in the marital sphere and, thus, it is inherent both in interactional aspects of such a sphere and in the marital bond

Estudo experimental de uma emenda de barra para concreto armado com tubo de aço e graute / Experimental study of a splicing system with a grout-filled steel tube and reinforced bar

Karenina Carolina da Silva 01 February 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho se avaliou experimentalmente o comportamento de um sistema de emenda de barra que transmitisse de forma mais eficiente os esforços solicitantes. A emenda consistiu-se de um tubo de aço preenchido com graute de alta resistência à compressão e duas barras de aço, uma em cada extremidade com o mesmo comprimento de embutimento. Esta emenda foi submetida a ações monotônicas e cíclicas de tração axial, com controle de deslocamento até atingir a ruptura, verificando a capacidade última da emenda e seus modos de ruína. No programa experimental foram ensaiadas emendas sendo que foram levados em consideração os seguintes parâmetros: o diâmetro da barra, o diâmetro do tubo, a conformação superficial do tubo, o tipo de carregamento, o cobrimento, o comprimento de embutimento e a posição da barra. A ruptura das emendas ocorreu por escoamento da barra de aço, fendilhamento e escorregamento da barra em relação ao graute; conforme o diâmetro da barra e a conformação superficial interna do tubo. Ainda, verificou-se que este tipo de emenda garante uma adequada transferência de esforços de tração. A corrugação do tubo teve influência significativa, uma vez que a sua falta levou ao escorregamento da barra em relação ao graute, bem como o comprimento de embutimento insuficiente levou à ruptura do graute; a posição da barra não teve influência significativa. / The main purpose of this research was to analyze experimentally the behavior of a splicing system with a grout-filled steel tube and reinforced bar to transmit the efforts efficiently. A splice was prepared with a grout-filled steel tube and two reinforced bars, one in each end of the tube with the same anchorage length. The splices were loaded in monotonic and ciclic axial tension until failure, with displacements control, measuring the maximum load and observing the splicing failure mode. An experimental program was carried out and adopted as variables the bar diameter, the tube diameter, the type of internal surface of the tube, the loading, coverage, lenght anchorage and the bar position. The failure of the splice occurred by yielding bar failure, grout splitting and grout slipping, according to the bar diameter and the internal surface of the tube. It was verified that this type of splice guarantees a good efforts transmission. The ribs inside the tube had significant influence, while the failure occurred by the grout slipping without the tube ribbed; the bar position had not significant influence.

Influência de métodos de esterilização nas propriedades físicas do substrato dental / Influence of sterilization methods on physical properties of dental substrate

Juliane Cristina Ciccone Nogueira 05 February 2010 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a influência de métodos de esterilização do substrato dental sobre a microdureza de dentes extraídos (esmalte e dentina radicular) submetidos a ciclos de pH, e ainda verificar a influência destes métodos sobre a resistência adesiva do esmalte, dentina coronária e radicular. Para os testes de microdureza, dez terceiros molares extraídos foram seccionados em 40 fragmentos de esmalte e 40 de dentina radicular, sendo divididos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos (para ambos os substratos): Controle - não esterilizado, Óxido de Etileno 7h ciclo de OE/48h aeração, Autoclave 30 à 121oC e Formalina 10% - por 7 dias. Após a esterilização, as amostras foram lavadas, reumidificadas e submetidas a ciclos de pH. Os testes de microdureza em profundidade (30, 60, 90, 120 e 300&micro;m) foram realizados no substrato hígido e desmineralizado. Para os teste de resistência adesiva, 30 terceiros molares extraídos foram seccionados em 60 fragmentos de esmalte, 60 fragmentos de dentina coronária e 60 fragmentos de dentina radicular, sendo divididos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos (para todos os substratos): Controle, Óxido de Etileno, Autoclave e Formalina 10%. Em seguida, os sítios de adesão foram demarcados e cilindros de resina composta foram confeccionados em 3 incrementos. Após 24 horas, os espécimes foram submetidos a testes de cisalhamento. Os dados obtidos para ambas as avaliações foram submetidos à ANOVA e teste de Fisher (&alpha; =0,05). Para microdureza em esmalte hígido pode-se verificar que o controle apresentou maior valor de dureza e estatisticamente diferente dos outros grupos, sendo que os métodos promoveram alteração da dureza, diminuindo-a (controle>óxido de etileno>autoclave>formalina). Contudo, para as profundidades não houve diferença estatística. Para o esmalte desmineralizado, o grupo controle apresentou maiores valores de dureza diferente estatisticamente da formalina e óxido de etileno e semelhante a autoclave (controle &asymp; autoclave > Formalina &asymp; óxido de etileno). Para as profundidades, observou-se que 30&micro;m < 60&micro;m &asymp; 90&micro;m &asymp; 120&micro;m < 300&micro;m. Para dentina radicular hígida pode-se observar que grupo controle apresentou maior valor de dureza, semelhante ao óxido de etileno e a formalina e diferente da autoclave, sendo a formalina similar ao óxido de etileno e diferente da autoclave. Entretanto, para as profundidades testadas não houve diferença estatística neste substrato. Para a dentina desmineralizada pode-se observar que o método não apresentou diferença significante, contudo para as profundidades ocorreu diferença, 30&micro;m foi similar a 90&micro;m e diferente de 300&micro;m e 120&micro;m. 300&micro;m apresentou as maiores médias de microdureza. Com relação aos testes de resistência adesiva em esmalte os métodos foram semelhantes entre si, assim como em dentina coronária, contudo em dentina radicular a formalina proporcionou maiores valores de adesão. Pode-se concluir que os métodos de esterilização influenciaram na microdureza do esmalte hígido e desmineralizado, bem como, na dentina hígida não promovendo alteração na dentina desmineralizada. Entretanto, os métodos não influenciaram nos resultados dos testes de resistência adesiva em esmalte e dentina coronária, alterando apenas a adesão em dentina radicular. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of sterilization methods (ethylene oxide, steam autoclave and 10% formalin) on microhardness of extracted human teeth (enamel and root dentin) submitted to pH cycling, and to determine the influence of these methods on shear bond strength (enamel, coronary and root dentin). For microhardness test, 40 root dentin and 40 enamel blocks were prepared from freshly-extracted third molars. Specimens were randomly assigned to 4 groups according to sterilization method: control group no sterilized, ethylene oxide (7h- EtO gas cycles and 48 degassing period), steam autoclave (30´ at 121oC) and 10% formalin (7 days). After sterilizing, specimens were rinsed, moisten and submitted to pH cycling. Microhardness test in different depths (30, 60, 90, 120 and 300&micro;m) was realized on sound and demineralized areas. For shear bond strength test, 60 enamel, coronary and root dentin fragments were randomly divided into 4 groups according to sterilization method: control group, ethylene oxide, steam autoclave and 10% formalin. The bonding site was delimited and a resin composite cylinder was built. After 24h, the specimens were tested to failure. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Fishers test (&alpha;=0.05). Sound enamel microhardness showed the highest values for control group, followed by ethylene oxide and steam autoclave, while the 10% formalin provided the lowest values. For depths, ANOVA showed no statistical difference among them. For demineralized enamel, control group was similar to steam autoclave group and higher than formalin and ethylene oxide (control &asymp; steam autoclave > formalin &asymp; ethylene oxide). Comparing depths, it was observed that 30&micro;m < 60&micro;m &asymp; 90&micro;m &asymp; 120&micro;m < 300&micro;m. For sound root dentin, control group was similar to formalin and ethylene oxide and higher than steam autoclave, being formalin similar to ethylene oxide and different from steam autoclave. It was not verified statistical difference for depths in this substrate. For desmineralized root dentin, ANOVA showed no statistical difference among the methods. For depths, 30&micro;m was similar to 90&micro;m and different from 300 and 120&micro;m. 300&micro;m provided the highest values. For bond strength in root dentin, it was observed statistically significant difference among sterilization methods, presenting formalin the highest values. However, when enamel and dentin were evaluated, ANOVA showed no statistical difference among sterilization methods. It can be concluded that, the sterilization methods employed in this study affect the microhardness of sound and demineralized enamel and sound dentin. On the other hand, the sterilization methods did not affect the microhardness of demineralized root dentin. Shear bond strength was affected by the sterilization methods only in root dentin.

Stredoeurópske štátne dlhopisy / Central European government bonds

Kalafut, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the issue of the Central European bond market and the analysis of state securities of the Vysegrad Region. The first chapter describes the state bond and its typical features. The second chapter is devoted to two specific forms of a bond, namely an inflated bond and a zero-coupon bond. This part is not only theoretical, but is also practically focused on the analysis of these less widely used forms of bonds. The third chapter discusses the knowledge gained in the theoretical portion, through the comparison of government bonds and the empirical yield curve. The second half is focused on the comparison of sovereign bond trades and rating developments in the countries concerned.

Analyzing and Improving Surety Bond Underwriting Efficiency Using System Dynamics

Mellberg, Savannah 01 January 2018 (has links)
The surety bond industry plays a vital role in construction and development and as it grows, the need for efficiency increases in order to maximize profits. Many surety firms have developed streamlined formulas for measuring numerical data however, despite the highly interpersonal nature of surety, the qualitative evaluation aspects of prospective clients remains inefficient. This study utilizes System Dynamics models to demonstrate a format that can easily be applied to the surety underwriting process to better and more effectively evaluate client character, ultimately leading to an increase in profits and productivity.

Approche multi-échelle pour la prédiction de la tenue d'une aile caisson dédiée à l'aviation légère : expérimentation et simulation / Multi Scale Approach for the Prediction of the Hollow Box Wing Strength Dedicated to Light Aviation : Experimental and Simulation

Fleuret, Clément 26 May 2016 (has links)
Les ailes d’avion sont composées d’une part croissante de pièces composites. Afin de réduire les coûts de production et de certification des assemblages, une nouvelle architecture en caissons creux, en fabrication ‘one shot’, est proposée. Cette structure contient des liaisons en T entre des sections sandwichs. Le comportement et les modes de dégradation de cette structure sont méconnus. Une méthodologie multi-échelle est mise en place pour appréhender l’endommagement de la voilure et ainsi améliorer l’outil numérique de dimensionnement.Tout d’abord, des systèmes essai – éprouvette spécifiques sont conçus pour représenter les modes de sollicitation de la liaison dans la voilure. Une analyse fine des essais instrumentés permet d’appréhender les scénarios d’endommagement pour chaque mode. Les premiers stades sont principalement pilotés par le nid d’abeille (cisaillement, déchirement). Un modèle numérique 3D permet de représenter les premiers stades d’endommagement. Il est construit avec une représentation en coque du nid d’abeille intégrant les variabilités de la structure (collage, déformation de cellules). Egalement, une loi de comportement élasto-plastique endommageable des matériaux constitutifs de la voilure (plis unidirectionnels et tissés) est développée et implémentée pour les stratifiés multi-matériaux. Sur les bases de ce modèle, une modélisation simplifiée du comportement de la liaison est développée. Elle consiste à assembler des coques par des connecteurs avec des propriétés élasto-plastiques. La création d’un calcul prédictif de voilure intègre le modèle simplifié de comportement de la liaison. / Aircraft wings are composed of a growing composite part portion. To reduce production and assembly certification costs, a new hollow box architecture is proposed with a one shot manufacturing process. This structure includes T-connections between honeycomb sandwich panels. Mechanical behavior and degradation modes are unknown for this structure. A multiscale methodology is developed to deepen the wing damage knowledge and to improve the numerical sizing tool.Firstly, specimen-testing couples are designed to represent the loading modes of the T-connections. A detailed analysis of instrumented testing allows to understand the damage scenarios for each mode. The first damage stages are mainly driven by the honeycomb behavior (shear, tear). A 3D numerical model represents the first damage stages. It is built with a shell representation of the honeycomb which integrates the structure variability (bonding, deformation of cells). An elastic-plastic damage law (unidirectional and woven plies) is developed for the wing materials. Then, it is implemented for multi material laminate. Based on this model, a simplified modeling is realized for the connection behavior. It consists of assembling shells by connectors with elastic-plastic properties. Building a predictive wing simulation requires a simplified model integration of the T-bond behavior.

The significance of the domains of protein disulfide isomerase for the different functions of the protein

Pirneskoski, A. (Annamari) 23 October 2003 (has links)
Abstract Protein disulfide bonds are covalent links formed between the thiol groups of cysteine residues. In many proteins, they have an important role in stabilizing the three-dimensional conformation of the polypeptide chain. Usually proteins are physiologically active and functional only when they are correctly folded. Protein folding takes place very soon after the synthesis of a new polypeptide chain. Proteins which are to be secreted from the cell fold in a specialized compartment, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Folding and disulfide bond formation in the ER does not happen spontaneously, there are proteins which are specialized in assisting in these processes. Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) is a multifunctional protein, which is capable of catalysing both of disulfide bond formation and folding of a protein. In addition, it has other functions: it is an essential part of two protein complexes: collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase (C-P4H) and microsomal triglyceride transfer protein. C-P4H is an enzyme essential in the formation of collagens, proteins found in connective tissue. The function of C-P4H is to catalyse the hydroxylation of prolines, which is essential for the structural stability of collagens. C-P4H is a tetramer, formed of two catalytic α subunits and two β subunits, which are identical to PDI. The function of PDI in C-P4H is apparently to keep it in a soluble, functionally active conformation. In mammals there are several proteins similar to PDI, together forming a PDI family of proteins. They share both structural and functional similarities. One of these proteins is ERp57. It is specialized in assisting in the folding and disulfide bond formation of glycoproteins. PDI consists of four domains, two of which contain a catalytic site for disulfide bond formation. One domain is the main site of interaction with other proteins and one domain is of unknown function. In this study, the role of these domains in the activities of PDI was investigated. The peptide-binding domain was characterized in detail. In addition, structural similarities of PDI and ERp57 were studied by formation of hybrid proteins containing domains of both and comparing the activities of these recombinant proteins to those of PDI.

DYNAMIC ANALYSES OF LOW STRENGTH MASONRY HOUSES BASED ON SITE SPECIFIC EARTHQUAKE GROUND MOTIONS / 地震動の地域特性を考慮した低強度組積造建物の動的解析 / ジシンドウ ノ チイキ トクセイ オ コウリョシタ テイキョウド ソセキゾウ タテモノ ノ ドウテキ カイセキ

Parajuli, Hari Ram 23 March 2009 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第14556号 / 工博第3024号 / 新制||工||1450(附属図書館) / 26908 / UT51-2009-D268 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 大津 宏康, 准教授 清野 純史, 准教授 五十嵐 晃 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

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