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Factores que permiten el desarrollo de Startups peruanas con características de una Born Global FirmLuna Ango, Luis Toribio, Morón Huamán, José Omar 31 December 2017 (has links)
En los últimos años, la internacionalización ha sido tema de diversos estudios y que muchas empresas han visto como un objetivo cada vez más factible gracias a la globalización, permitiendo a las Born Global Firms (BGF) alcanzar este objetivo en corto tiempo y salir al extranjero desde sus inicios. Al mismo tiempo, en el mercado han surgido grupos de emprendedores que han desarrollado negocios de rápido crecimiento y escalabilidad conocidos como startups y que, recientemente, en el Perú está comenzando a tomar mayor fuerza gracias a la participación de entidades públicas y privadas del ecosistema.
Dentro de este contexto, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar los principales factores que permiten a una startup peruana desarrollarse como una BGF. Para tal fin, la investigación aplicó técnicas cualitativas basadas en entrevistas a expertos y representantes de algunas born global startups del ecosistema; además mediante encuestas a 80 startups peruanas como parte del estudio cuantitativo se realizó un análisis estadístico de relación entre los factores planteados y la posibilidad de lograr startups internacionales. De esta manera, con los resultados cualitativos y cuantitativos se concluyó que la visión global del modelo de negocios es el principal factor para desarrollar una Born Global startup en el Perú. Asimismo, se determinó que la experiencia previa de los fundadores y las redes de contactos constituyen factores críticos para proporcionar una mejor visión global. En contraste, se identificó al financiamiento como un factor de valor agregado al modelo, pero no determinante para la internacionalización de una startup. / In recent years, internationalization has been the subject of several studies and many companies have seen it as an increasingly feasible goal thanks to globalization and this phenomenon has allowed that Born Global Firms (BGF) to achieve this goal in a short time and go abroad since its inception. At the same time, the market has originated groups of entrepreneurs who have developed fast-growing and scalable businesses known as startups. Recently, in Peru, startups are beginning to take greater strength thanks to the participation of public and private entities of the ecosystem.
In this context, the research aims to identify the main factors that help to develop a Peruvian startup like a BGF. For this purpose, the study applied qualitative techniques based on interviews to experts and representatives of some born global startups of the ecosystem. In addition, as part of the quantitative study, surveys were conducted to eighty startups that allowed develop statistical analysis of the relationship between the proposed factors and the possibility of getting international startups.
In this way, with the qualitative and quantitative results, it was concluded that the global vision of business model is the main factor to develop a born global startup in the Peruvian ecosystem. Furthermore, it was determined that the previous experience of the founders and networking are critical factors to provide a better global vision. In contrast, financing was identified as a factor of value added to the model but not determinant for the internationalization of a startup. / Tesis
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Born Global firms: criterios de éxito de las startups chilenas que resultan positivas para la internacionalización de las startups peruanasAreche Fabian, Billy Jack, Mendoza Carreón, Juan Manuel 12 March 2018 (has links)
Si bien el título de la actual investigación abarca un campo muy amplio de observación, la intención fundamental del presente trabajo, en primer lugar, es validar el efecto de los factores asociados al éxito de internacionalización en las startups chilenas en una búsqueda exploratoria de información del ecosistema chileno. En segundo lugar, determinar si su aplicación genera o está generando un impacto positivo en el desarrollo del ecosistema peruano y en el proceso de internacionalización de sus startups a través de un análisis cualitativo. Para ello, en el capítulo I, se definen los conceptos “startups”, incubadoras, aceleradoras, ecosistema, financiamiento, En el capítulo II, como contextualización, se describe la situación actual de las startups chilenas y sus principales casos de éxito. Asimismo, se menciona la situación actual de las startups peruanas, sus principales casos de éxito y factores asociados al fracaso en el primer año. Luego se hace referencia a los objetivos de la investigación en base al problema planteado y las hipótesis respectivas. En el capítulo III, se presentará la metodología utilizada para el análisis y propuesta de investigación. En el capítulo IV, a nivel cualitativo, se presenta información correspondiente a entrevistas de profundidad realizadas a CEO’S de startups peruanas y chilenas sobre los factores asociados al desempeño y plan de internacionalización. En el capítulo V, se precisan conclusiones y recomendaciones de la presente investigación. / Although the title of the current research covers a wide field of observation, the fundamental intention of this paper, first, is to validate the effect of the factors associated with success in Chilean startups in an exploratory search for information on the Chilean ecosystem. Secondly, to determine if its application generates or is generating a positive impact on the development of the Peruvian ecosystem and the process of internationalization of its startups through a qualitative analysis. For this, in chapter I, the concepts "startups", incubators, accelerators, ecosystem, financing are defined. In chapter II, as a contextualization, the current situation of Chilean startups and their main success stories is described. Likewise, the current situation of Peruvian startups, their main success stories and factors associated with failure in the first year are mentioned. Then reference is made to the objectives of the investigation based on the problem posed and the respective hypotheses. In chapter III, the methodology used for the analysis and research proposal will be presented. In chapter IV, at a qualitative level, information is presented corresponding to in-depth interviews with CEOs of Peruvian and Chilean startups about the factors associated with performance and the internationalization plan. In chapter V, precise recommendations and recommendations of the present investigation are made. / Tesis
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Foreign-born Peers And Educational Outcome : Evidence From SwedenPenna, Viktor January 2021 (has links)
Using data on 9th grade students in Sweden for the time period of 2015-2019, this paper estimates a fixed effects model to find out whether the share migrant students has any impact on the grade of foreign-born and native Swedish students. We find that increasing the share of migrant students by one percentage point has a small negative effect on foreign-born students, but find no conclusive evidence from the same effect on Swedish students. Furthermore, we find the effect to be the largest when the share of migrants in a municipality is high, suggesting that redistribution of migrants across municipalities would decrease the negative effect of an increase in migrant students.
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La tendencia Born Global en América Latina: oportunidades para las MyPEs en el PerúAliaga Chirito, Bill Arthur, Cuellar Salas, Edy Fabricio, Cabrera Bazalar, Carolina 13 February 2017 (has links)
La investigación, analiza los principales factores y condiciones que inciden en la constitución de empresas Born Global en América Latina, con el fin de concluir en una base de fundamentos que sirvan para orientar a la política pública y al sector privado en la generación de propuestas de cambio, en favor de mayores oportunidades de internacionalización para las MyPEs en Perú. Para ello, se emplea la investigación cualitativa a fin de testear de manera empírica teorías previas relacionadas a la investigación, buscando dar respuesta a la problemática analizada. Como modelos de investigación se escogieron a las economías de Brasil, Chile y Argentina, haciendo uso del criterio establecido por Kathleen Eisenhardt (1989), sobre la cual se plantean referencias que se apoyan en el análisis de cada caso en particular. La investigación establece que los factores que inciden en la constitución de empresas Born Global son: La cultura del empresario y las políticas generadas a partir del rol del estado en favor de la creación y desarrollo del emprendimiento, este último, ha demostrado ser la clave en la etapa de nacimiento y consolidación de este tipo de empresas. Es así, que como objetivo para la investigación y sobre la base de un análisis exhaustivo de las similitudes y diferencias entre Perú y los países modelo seleccionados, determinamos cual es la implicancia real de los factores críticos que inciden en la constitución de empresas Born Global, concluyendo en una serie de fundamentos estructurales que dirijan a la investigación hacia el objetivo de favorecer a las MyPEs del país con propuestas de cambio concretas. / This investigation analyze the principal factors and conditions that affect the establishment of new Born Global enterprises around Latin America, with the principal objective of find fundaments that will reorient public politics and the private sector in the creation of new proposals to change the current situation of the international opportunities for the Peruvian MyPEs. Qualitative research is used in order to empirically test previous theories related to the research in order to answer the problematic analyzed. The countries of Brazil, Chile and Argentina were chosen as research models based in the criterion established by Kathleen Eisenhardt (1989), over this some references are going to be used in the analysis of each particular case. The principal factors that affect directly in the constitution of Born Global enterprises are: Entrepreneur’s culture and Government Politics and Rol in the creation and development of the entrepreneurship, this also is the key in the consolidation of Born Global in early stages. For this the principal objective of the investigation will we based in a deep analysis of the differences and similarities between Perú and the chosen countries. Finally, we will determinate the real implications of the critical factors that affect the constitution of Born Global, building a series of structural fundamentals that will guide the investigation to the objective of strength the Peruvian MyPEs with concrete recommendations. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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Liability of foreignness vid internationalisering via e-handeln : En kvalitativ flerfallsstudie om vad liability of foreignness innebär för born globals vars internationalisering sker via e-handelnKumric, Dennis, Chowdhury, Rayan January 2021 (has links)
E-handeln är en teknologisk utveckling som har underlättat internationaliseringsprocessen för företag. Likväl existerar alltjämt barriärer som kan försvåra born globals internationaliseringsprocess. Liability of foreignness är ett fenomen som beskriver de extra kostnader som företag kan stöta på vid en internationalisering. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur risker relaterade till liability of foreignness utspelar sig hos born globals vars internationalisering sker via e-handeln. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod har tillämpats där semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med tre e-handelsföretag. Det empiriska underlaget indikerar att risker kopplade till liability of foreignness har förändrats. Brist på erfarenhet och kunskap om värdlandet framgår inte längre som hinder. Genom nätverk, det mest uppenbara hindret, kan born globals inhämta kunskap om kunder och skapa sig legitimitet på den utländska marknaden. Vidare utgör regleringar fortsatt ett hinder. Företagen efterfrågar därtill fler fysiska interaktioner med intressenter, men inget tyder på att virtuality trap i dagsläget utgör ett hinder.
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A High Order Correction of the Energy of a One Dimensional Model of an H2+ MoleculeHumfeld, Keith Daniel 05 February 1999 (has links)
The ground state electron wavefunction of some molecules has a non-zero angular momentum about the internuclear axis. Molecular rotational momentum can couple with this angular momentum, splitting the energy degeneracy of the two directions of motion about the internuclear axis. Performing a Born-Oppenheimer approximation of such a system will break the relevant energy degeneracy at eighth order. This degeneracy breaking is known as L-doubling. / Master of Science
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The Effects of Early Identification and Intervention on Language Outcomes of Children Born with Hearing LossCallow-Heusser, Catherine A. 01 December 2011 (has links)
This study adds to the existing body of research by (a) including a comprehensive analysis of published reviews and primary studies investigating the effects of early identification of hearing loss and intervention on language outcomes; and (b) using advanced statistical techniques to further examine existing data on nearly 5,200 children with hearing loss.
Analysis of reviews of primary studies showed these reviews exhibited severe sampling bias, lacked systematic methods for analyzing studies, and did not include a common metric for comparing results across studies nor a mechanism for analyzing how findings from primary studies covaried with other important factors such as parental involvement, fidelity of intervention, or study quality. Without a more rigorous analysis of primary studies, the conclusions drawn from these reviews are questionable.
The review of primary studies revealed many methodological problems including weak experimental designs, small sample sizes, attrition or questionable sample selection methods, differences in length of treatment and characteristics of the participants, and inadequate reporting. Many researchers unjustifiably concluded that earlier intervention produced better developmental outcomes. However, almost half of the studies in which children were assessed at older ages showed no relationship between age at identification or intervention and language outcomes.
Use of structural equation modeling (SEM) with the SKI*HI National Data Set did not result in models that adequately fit the underlying data. As such, these methods did not result in findings from which we can draw strong conclusions regarding the relationship between age at identification of hearing loss or intervention and child outcomes.
To conclude, we know too little about whether earlier identification and intervention is better for children born with hearing loss or who acquire it at young ages. In addition to stronger research designs with sufficient sample sizes, use of reliable measures to collect a broader array of data related to important covariates, better collection of data, and measurement of intervention characteristics, perhaps we should also be asking different questions. We need to know more about what interventions, in which order, provided by whom, and in what ways are most effective for improving developmental outcomes for children with hearing loss.
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Women's Marital Adjustment in Relation to the Number of Children Ever BornMerrill, Junius K. 01 May 2003 (has links)
Parenthood is a common experience, in the sense that it is almost universal among married couples, but it is a unique experience in the sense that there are great individual variations in its meaning and its impact upon the life of each parent.
In spite of the many variations in reactions and responses to parenthood, a stereotype reaction seems to prevail . The stereotyped conception of behavior following the conception of a child is for the wife to be filled with some inner joy which causes her to behave mysteriously for a time until she reveals the unsuspected truth to her naive husband. He, when informed of this totally unsuspected event, is expected to respond with surprise and exaggerated concern for his wife's health and well-being. Later, when the baby is born, each is expected to respond with pride, joy, pleasure, and to behave in ways indicating that the arrival of their child has indeed brought the ultimate fulfillment into their personal lives.
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Strävan efter marknadsandelar : En studie om hur Svenska appföretag internationaliserar sig på nya marknader.Aliu, Labinot, Perona Mendoza, Gianfranco January 2013 (has links)
Den svenska app- industrin befinner sig i ett skede där flera framgångsrika appföretagutvecklas. Det flesta av appföretagen klassar sig som born globals även fast de intealltid innehar marknadsandelar utanför Sverige men där deras tekniska grund tillåter deatt ha en global marknadsnärvaro. Men att göra dess marknadsnärvaro till enmarknadsandel är en process som kräver mycket mer än att bara kalla sig för bornglobal. Entreprenörer måste fylla en stor roll när det kommer till att skapa dessamarknadsandelar, där entreprenören även måste ta viktiga beslut i bland annat valet avinvesterare eller riskkapitalister, vilket kan bidra till att öka chansen för appföretagenatt bli framgångsrika globalt.Den teoretiska referensramen som används för att komma underfund med problemethar huvudsakligen varit, born global teorin, Nätverksperspektivet och InternationelltEntreprenörskaps teori. Där man även kan hitta underrubriker under några teorier.I analysen har vi analyserar vår teoretiska referensram med det empiriska insamladedata för att tillsammans kunna få en slutgiltig analys genom att kombinera teorin,empirin och våra egna tankar.Vi har kunnat dra slutsatsen att det är viktigt för Svenska appföretag att knyta till siginvesterare och riskkapitalister med kunskap och nätverk för att kunna lyckasinternationellt. Men där även relationen med investerarna är otroligt viktig för attkomma åt dessa nätverk och resurser.
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Quantendynamik korrelierter Elektronen- und Kernbewegung / Quantum dynamics of correlated electron and nuclear motionSchaupp, Thomas January 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden unterschiedliche Aspekte der korrelierten Elektronen-Kerndynamik, anhand verschiedener Modellsysteme untersucht. Dabei wird vor allem auf den Vergleich numerisch exakter und approximativer Methoden zur Beschreibung der Wellenpaketdynamik eingegangen, wobei bei letzterem das Augenmerk auf der Born-Oppenheimer (BO) Näherung liegt. Die verwendeten Modellsysteme erlauben es, die gekoppelte Elektronen-Kern-Dynamik exakt zu beschreiben. Die daraus gewonnenen Ergebnisse dienen als Referenz für den Vergleich mit den Näherungsmethoden.
Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird die Dynamik eines Wellenpakets in der Umgebung einer Konischen-Durchschneidung (CI) untersucht, wobei die Beschreibung des Wellenpakets quantenmechanisch und durch die klassische Mechanik im Phasenraum erfolgt.
Im zweiten Teil wird die Wahrscheinlichkeitsflussdichte untersucht. Zuerst wird ein Fall konstruiert, in welchem die Bewegung im elektronischen Grundzustand stattfindet, sodass die Bedingungen der BO Näherung erfüllt sind. Dabei wird vor allem auf das Verschwinden der elektronischen Wahrscheinlichkeitsflussdichte innerhalb der BO Näherung eingegangen. Im weiteren Verlauf werden die Flussdichten in der Umgebung einer CI untersucht, wobei unterschiedliche Situationen modelliert werden.
Im dritten Teil wird die Berechnung des elektronischen Impulserwartungswerts innerhalb der BO Näherung untersucht. Dieser verschwindet innerhalb der BO Näherung, wenn man diesen direkt berechnet (Geschwindigkeitsform), während man über das Ehrenfest Theorem (Längenform) sehr gute Werte erhält.
Im vierten Teil wird eine neue Flussdichte, die Translationsflussdichte, vorgestellt. Diese ergibt sich aus der Überlegung, dass die Geschwindigkeitsform des Impulserwartungswerts durch die Wahrscheinlichkeitsflussdichte ausgedrückt werden kann. Demnach muss auch die Längenform einer Flussdichte entsprechen und man erhält die Translationsflussdichte. / In the present work different aspects of the correlated electron nuclear dynamics are investigated based on different model systems. The focus is set on the comparison of numerically exact and approximate methods, especially on the Born-Oppenheimer (BO) approximation, for the description of wave packet dynamics. The employed model systems allows a numerically exact solution for the coupled dynamics which serves as a reference for the comparison with the approximate description.
In the first part of this thesis, wave packet dynamics are studied in the vicinity of a conical intersection (CI). The wave packet motion is treated quantum mechanically and also using classical mechanics.
In the second part of this work the probability flux density is examined. A case is constructed where nearly the complete dynamics take place in the electronic ground state, so that the BO approximation is valid and the disappearance of the electronic probability flux density within the BO approximation is discussed. After that flux densities are studied in the vicinity of a CI whereby different situations are constructed
In the third part of this thesis, the calculation of the electronic momentum expectation value within the BO approximation is examined. The electronic momentum expectation value disappears within the BO approximation if it is directly calculated (velocity form). The Ehrenfest theorem offers the possibility to calculate the momentum expectation value via the expectation value of the position operator (length form). The length form can be used to calculated an electronic momentum expectation value within the BO approximation which is in very good agreement with the one obtained from the coupled dynamics.
In the fourth part of the thesis a new flux density, the translational flux density, is presented. This flux density emerges from the property that the velocity form of the momentum expectation value can be expressed by the probability flux density. Accordingly, the length form must also result from a flux density which identifies the translation flux density.
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