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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Branch Plate-to-circular Hollow Structural Section Connections

Voth, Andrew Peter 17 February 2011 (has links)
Although branch plate connections with circular hollow section (CHS) members are simple to fabricate and cost-effective, they are generally very flexible under low load application resulting in the limit states design resistance being governed by an imposed deformation limit. Restricting the ultimate capacity of a branch plate connection by a deformation limit results in the inherent strength of the CHS member being under-utilized, highlighting the need to develop connection stiffening methods. Two methods to stiffen branch plate-to-CHS connections are examined: a through plate connection and a grout-filled CHS branch plate connection. Further, the current design guidelines of various plate-to-CHS connection types are reexamined including the effect of chord axial stress and chord length on connection behaviour. Finally, the behaviour of connections with non-orthogonal or skew plate orientation, which has not previously been examined, was studied in depth.The behaviour of these uniplanar connection types under quasi-static axial loading was studied through 16 large-scale laboratory experiments and 682 numerical finite element analyses, as well as an extensive review of all previous international experimental and numerical findings. The extensive study formed the basis for a complete set of proposed design guidelines and provided insight into plate-to-CHS connection behaviour. For all plate-to-CHS connection types, the plate thickness is shown to effect connection capacity, though previously this was thought not to have significant impact on connection behaviour. The existing ideology of using the same design recommendations for tension- and compression-loaded connections, which was developed from compression results, under-utilizes an inherent increase in capacity provided by a connection primarily loaded in tension. As such, the recommended design guidelines split the two load senses into separate expressions that reflect the difference in behaviour. Stiffened through plate connection behaviour was determined to be the summation of branch plate behaviour in compression and tension, leading to a significant increase in capacity and identical behaviour regardless of branch load sense. The skewed branch plate connection behaviour was found to relate directly to the established behaviour of longitudinal and transverse plate connections. A design function was developed that interpolates the capacities of intermediate angles by using the proposed design recommendations of the two extreme connection types. Finally, the examination of chord axial stress and chord length for plate-to-CHS connections yielded results similar to previous international studies on CHS-to-CHS connections. The effect of chord length, however, has wide-reaching implications as to how experimental and numerical FE research programs are developed.

The Fashioning of Fanny Fern: A Study of Sara Willis Parton's Early Career, 1851-1854

Porche, Amy S 15 December 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to trace how Sara Willis Parton achieved unprecedented literary celebrity status as Fanny Fern during the first three years of her professional career, 1851-1853. While most critics point to her famously lucrative contract with the most popular newspaper of the 1850s, the New York Ledger, in 1854 as the beginning of her fame, I argue that she had already fully achieved that fame and had done so by writing for small Boston newspapers and publishing a highly successful collection of her articles by 1853. Further, Fern was able to achieve such a high level of success because of a keen business sense, intuitive marketing savvy, an ability to promote herself, an original writing style, and a creative use of personas. My study provides an important addition to Fern scholarship by addressing the largely overlooked early years of her writing career. To date, scholars either make no mention of her first three years or do so only to demonstrate the point that Fern achieved notable success when she signed a contract for one hundred dollars a column with Robert Bonner, publisher and editor of the New York Ledger. Prior to that contract, Fern worked as a freelance writer for the Boston Olive Branch and the Boston True Flag, earning less than five dollars for each sketch she submitted. The critical assumption has been that her initial work prepared her for the fame she would achieve writing for Bonner, but in fact Bonner would not have hired her had she not already achieved significant fame, for Bonner hired only highly celebrated writers. My study explores how Fanny Fern became a famous writer. When she began writing, Fern wrote under a number of previously unknown pseudonyms for local newspapers, but within three years her distinctive style, rhetorical skill, and iconoclastic persona had made ―Fanny Fern a household name. Fern‘s unique ability to engage a popular audience, I would argue, is the principal difference between Fern and other famous contemporary women writers.

Branch Plate-to-circular Hollow Structural Section Connections

Voth, Andrew Peter 17 February 2011 (has links)
Although branch plate connections with circular hollow section (CHS) members are simple to fabricate and cost-effective, they are generally very flexible under low load application resulting in the limit states design resistance being governed by an imposed deformation limit. Restricting the ultimate capacity of a branch plate connection by a deformation limit results in the inherent strength of the CHS member being under-utilized, highlighting the need to develop connection stiffening methods. Two methods to stiffen branch plate-to-CHS connections are examined: a through plate connection and a grout-filled CHS branch plate connection. Further, the current design guidelines of various plate-to-CHS connection types are reexamined including the effect of chord axial stress and chord length on connection behaviour. Finally, the behaviour of connections with non-orthogonal or skew plate orientation, which has not previously been examined, was studied in depth.The behaviour of these uniplanar connection types under quasi-static axial loading was studied through 16 large-scale laboratory experiments and 682 numerical finite element analyses, as well as an extensive review of all previous international experimental and numerical findings. The extensive study formed the basis for a complete set of proposed design guidelines and provided insight into plate-to-CHS connection behaviour. For all plate-to-CHS connection types, the plate thickness is shown to effect connection capacity, though previously this was thought not to have significant impact on connection behaviour. The existing ideology of using the same design recommendations for tension- and compression-loaded connections, which was developed from compression results, under-utilizes an inherent increase in capacity provided by a connection primarily loaded in tension. As such, the recommended design guidelines split the two load senses into separate expressions that reflect the difference in behaviour. Stiffened through plate connection behaviour was determined to be the summation of branch plate behaviour in compression and tension, leading to a significant increase in capacity and identical behaviour regardless of branch load sense. The skewed branch plate connection behaviour was found to relate directly to the established behaviour of longitudinal and transverse plate connections. A design function was developed that interpolates the capacities of intermediate angles by using the proposed design recommendations of the two extreme connection types. Finally, the examination of chord axial stress and chord length for plate-to-CHS connections yielded results similar to previous international studies on CHS-to-CHS connections. The effect of chord length, however, has wide-reaching implications as to how experimental and numerical FE research programs are developed.

Algorithmes Branch and Bound parallèles hétérogènes pour environnements multi-coeurs et multi-GPU

Chakroun, Imen 28 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les algorithmes Branch and Bound (B&B) sont attractifs pour la résolution exacte de problèmes d'optimisation combinatoire (POC) par exploration d'un espace de recherche arborescent. Néanmoins, ces algorithmes sont très gourmands en temps de calcul pour des instances de problèmes de grande taille (exemple : benchmarks de Taillard pour FSP) même en utilisant le calcul sur grilles informatiques [Mezmaz et al., IEEE IPDPS'2007]. Le calcul massivement parallèle fourni à travers les plates-formes de calcul hétérogènes d'aujourd'hui [TOP500 ] est requis pour traiter effi cacement de telles instances. Le dé fi est alors d'exploiter tous les niveaux de parallélisme sous-jacents et donc de repenser en conséquence les modèles parallèles des algorithmes B&B. Dans cette thèse, nous nous attachons à revisiter la conception et l'implémentation des ces algorithmes pour la résolution de POC de grande taille sur (larges) plates-formes de calcul multi-coeurs et multi-GPUs. Le problème d'ordonnancement Flow-Shop (FSP) est considéré comme étude de cas. Une étude expérimentale préliminaire sur quelques grandes instances du FSP a révélé que l'arbre de recherche est hautement irrégulier (en forme et en taille) et très large (milliards de milliards de noeuds), et que l'opérateur d'évaluation des bornes est exorbitant en temps de calcul (environ 97% du temps de B&B). Par conséquent, notre première contribution est de proposer une approche GPU avec un seul coeur CPU (GB&B) dans laquelle seul l'opérateur d'évaluation est exécuté sur GPU. L'approche traite deux dé fis: la divergence de threads et l'optimisation de la gestion de la mémoire hiérarchique du GPU. Comparée à une version séquentielle, des accélérations allant jusqu'à ( 100) sont obtenues sur Nvidia Tesla C2050. L'analyse des performances de GB&B a montré que le surcoût induit par le transfert des données entre le CPU et le GPU est élevé. Par conséquent, l'objectif de la deuxième contribution est d'étendre l'approche (LL-GB&B) a fin de minimiser la latence de communication CPU-GPU. Cet objectif est réalisé grâce à une parallélisation à grain fin sur GPU des opérateurs de séparation et d'élagage. Le défi majeur relevé ici est la divergence de threads qui est due à la nature fortement irrégulière citée ci-dessus de l'arbre exploré. Comparée à une exécution séquentielle, LL-GB&B permet d'atteindre des accélérations allant jusqu'à ( 160) pour les plus grandes instances. La troisième contribution consiste à étudier l'utilisation combinée des GPUs avec les processeurs multi-coeurs. Deux scénarios ont été explorés conduisant à deux approches: une concurrente (RLL-GB&B) et une coopérative (PLL-GB&B). Dans le premier cas, le processus d'exploration est eff ectué simultanément par le GPU et les coeurs du CPU. Dans l'approche coopérative, les coeurs du CPU préparent et transfèrent les sous-problèmes en utilisant le streaming CUDA tandis que le GPU eff ectue l'exploration. L'utilisation combinée du multi-coeur et du GPU a montré que l'utilisation de RLL-GB&B n'est pas bénéfi que et que PLL-GB&B permet une amélioration allant jusqu'à (36%) par rapport à LL-GB&B. Sachant que récemment des grilles de calcul comme Grid5000 (certains sites) ont été équipées avec des GPU, la quatrième contribution de cette thèse traite de la combinaison du calcul sur GPU et multi-coeur avec le calcul distribué à grande échelle. Pour ce faire, les diff érentes approches proposées ont été réunies dans un méta-algorithme hétérofigène qui sélectionne automatiquement l'algorithme à déployer en fonction de la con figuration matérielle cible. Ce méta-algorithme est couplé avec l'approche B&B@Grid proposée dans [Mezmaz et al., IEEE IPDPS'2007]. B&B@Grid répartit les unités de travail (sous-espaces de recherche codés par des intervalles) entre les noeuds de la grille tandis que le méta-algorithme choisit et déploie localement un algorithme de B&B parallèle sur les intervalles reçus. L'approche combinée nous a permis de résoudre à l'optimalité et e fficacement les instances (20 20) de Taillard.

Applicability of deterministic global optimization to the short-term hydrothermal coordination problem

Ferrer Biosca, Alberto 30 March 2004 (has links)
Esta Tesis esta motivada por el interés en aplicar procedimientos de optimización global a problemas del mundo real. Para ello, nos hemos centrado en el problema de Coordinación Hidrotérmica de la Generación Eléctrica a Corto Plazo (llamado Problema de Generación en esta Tesis) donde la función objetivo y las restricciones no lineales son polinomios de grado como máximo cuatro. En el Problema de Generación no tenemos disponible una representación en diferencia convexa de las funciones involucradas ni tampoco es posible utilizar la estructura del problema para simplificarlo. No obstante, cuando disponemos de una función continua f(x) definida en un conjunto cerrado y no vacío S el problema puede transformarse en otro equivalente expresado mediante minimize l(z) subject to z 2 D n int. (programa d.c. canónico), donde l(z) es una función convexa (en general suele ser una función lineal) con D y C conjuntos convexos y cerrados. Una estructura matemática tal como Dnint C no resulta siempre aparente y aunque lo fuera siempre queda por realizar una gran cantidad de cálculos para expresarla de manera que se pueda resolver el problema de una manera eficiente desde un punto de vista computacional.La característica más importante de esta estructura es que aparecen conjuntos convexos y complementarios de conjuntos convexos. Por este motivo en tales problemas se pueden usar herramientas analíticas tales como subdifernciales y hiperplanos soporte. Por otro lado, como aparecen conjuntos complementarios de conjuntos convexos, estas herramientas analíticas se deben usar de una manera determinada y combinándolas con herramientas combinatorias tales como cortes por planos, Branco and bound y aproximación interior.En esta tesis se pone de manifiesto la estructura matemática subyacente en el Problema de Generación utilizando el hecho de que los polinomios son expresables como diferencia de funciones convexas. Utilizando esta propiedad describimos el problema como un programa d.c. canónico equivalente. Pero aun mas, partiendo de la estructura de las funciones del Problema de Generación es posible rescribirlo de una manera mas conveniente y obtener de este modo ventajas numéricas desde elpunto de vista de la implementación.Basándonos en la propiedad de que los polinomios homogéneos de grado 1 son un conjunto de generadores del espacio vectorial de los polinomios homogéneos de grado m hemos desarrollamos los conceptos y propiedades necesarios que nos permiten expresar un polinomio cualquiera como diferencia de polinomios convexos, También, se ha desarrollado y demostrado la convergencia de un nuevo algoritmo de optimización global (llamado Algoritmo Adaptado) que permite resolver el Problema de Generación. Como el programa equivalente no esta acotado se ha introducido una técnica de subdivisión mediante prismas en lugar de la habitual subdivisión mediante conos.Para obtener una descomposición óptima de un polinomio en diferencia de polinomios convexos, se ha enunciado el Problema de Norma Mínima mediante la introducción del concepto de Descomposición con Mínima Desviación, con lo cual obtenemos implementaciones m´as eficientes, al reducir el n´umero de iteraciones del Algoritmo Adaptado. Para resolver el problema de Norma Mínima hemos implementado un algoritmo de programación cuadrática semi-infinita utilizando una estrategia de build-up and build-down, introducida por Den Hertog (1997) para resolver programas lineales semi-infinitos, la cual usa un procedimiento de barrera logarítmica.Finalmente, se describen los resultados obtenidos por la implementación de los algoritmos anteriormente mencionados y se dan las conclusiones. / This Thesis has been motivated by the interest in applying deterministic global optimization procedures to problems in the real world with no special structures. We have focused on the Short-Term Hydrothermal Coordination of Electricity Generation Problem (also named Generation Problem in this Thesis) where the objective function and the nonlinear constraints are polynomials of degree up to four. In the Generation Problem there is no available d.c. representation of the involved functions and we cannot take advantage of any special structure of the problem either. Hence, a very general problem, such as the above-mentioned, does not seem to have any mathematical structure conducive to computational implementations. Nevertheless, when f(x) is a continuous function and S is a nonempty closed set the problem can be transformed into an equivalent problem expressed by minimize l(z) subject to z 2 D n intC (canonical d.c. program), where l(z) is a convex function (which is usually a linear function) and D and C are closed convex sets. A mathematical complementary convex structure such as D n int C is not always apparent and even when it is explicit, a lot of work still remains to be done to bring it into a form amenable to efficient computational implementations. The attractive feature of the mathematicalcomplementary convex structure is that it involves convexity. Thus, we can use analytical tools from convex analysis like sub differential and supporting hyper plane.On the other hand, since convexity is involved in a reverse sense, these tools must be used in some specific way and combined with combinatorial tools like cutting planes, branch and bound and outer approximation.We introduce the common general mathematical complementary convex structure underlying in global optimization problems and describe the Generation Problem, whose functions are d.c. functions because they are polynomials. Thus, by using the properties of the d.c. functions, we describe the Generation Problem as an equivalent canonical d.c. programming problem. From the structure of its functions the Generation Problem can be rewritten as a more suitable equivalent reverse convex program in order to obtain an adaptation for advantageous numerical implementations.Concepts and properties are introduced which allow us to obtain an explicit representation of a polynomial as a deference of convex polynomials, based on the fact that the set of mth powers of homogeneous polynomials of degree 1 is a generating set for the vector space of homogeneous polynomials of degree m.We also describe a new global optimization algorithm (adapted algorithm) in order to solve the Generation Problem. Since the equivalent reverse convex program is unbounded we use prismatical subdivisions instead of conical ones. Moreover, we prove the convergence of the adapted algorithm by using a prismatical subdivision process together with an outer approximation procedure.We enounce the Minimal Norm Problem by using the concept of Least Deviation Decomposition in order to obtain the optimal d.c. representation of a polynomial function, which allows a more efficient implementation, by reducing the number of iterations of the adapted algorithm.A quadratic semi-infinite algorithm is described. We propose a build-up and down strategy, introduced by Den Hertog (1997) for standard linear programs that uses a logarithmic barrier method.Finally, computational results are given and conclusions are explained.

Branschkontoplaner : En studie av BAS lantbruk och FastBAS

Axelsson, Sara, Jakobsson, Frida, Sohlberg Olsson, Linnéa January 2009 (has links)
Syfte: Uppsatsens huvudsyfte är att kartlägga nyttan med branschkontoplaner. Detta görs genom att påvisa eventuella fördelar respektive nackdelar. Vidare vill vi kartlägga hur branschkontoplaner uppfattas av de parter som använder den samt att förstå vad som görs för att motivera användandet av branschkontoplaner och om dessa medför ökade jämförelsemöjligheter. Metod: Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och kommer beskriva problemet utifrån skaparnas perspektiv. Undersökningen präglas av tvärsnittsdesign och kommer ske med semistandardiserade intervjuer av semistrukturerad karaktär. Frågorna som ställs återfinns i våra intervjuguider och respondenterna har valts ut med tanke på deras anknytning till BAS, BAS lantbruk eller FastBAS. Eftersom vi undersöker två olika branscher, lantbruk och fastighetsförvaltning för allmännyttiga bostadsföretag, kommer vi få två perspektiv på problemet som senare kan jämföras. Slutsats: Resultatet pekar på att användarna har en positiv inställning till branschkontoplaner samt att fördelarna med en branschkontoplan väger upp de nackdelar vi funnit. Nyttan med branschkontoplaner är främst den jämförelsemöjlighet och statistik som dessa bidrar till. Det görs inget specifikt för att motivera alla företag inom samma bransch att följa en branschkontoplan.  Vidare forskning: Jämföra resultatet mot fler branscher eller mot andra länder. Går det att få fram vissa nyckeltal som kan användas globalt? / Aim: The essay's main purpose is to identify the benefits of using branch adapted account plans. This is done by demonstrating the potential benefits and drawbacks. Furthermore, we want to identify how branch adapted account plans are apprehended by the parties using it and to understand what is being done to justify the use of the branch adapted account plans and whether these have increased the comparison opportunity. Method: The study is qualitative in nature and describe the problem from the creator's perspective. The study's characterized by cross-sectional design and will be done by semi-standardized interviews of semi-structured nature. Our interview questions can be found in our interview guides and the respondents were selected in view of their relationship with the BAS, BAS lantbruk or FastBAS. Since we investigate two different branches, agricultural and real estate for public housing companies, we get two perspectives that can be compared. Result: The results indicate that users have a positive attitude towards branch adapted account plans, and that the benefits of a branch adapted account plan are weighing up the disadvantages we have found. The use of branch adapted account plan is primarily the comparison opportunity and statistics that they contribute. There is nothing specific done to motivate all companies within the same branch to follow a branch adapted account plan. Future research: Comparing the results against more branches or to other countries. Is it possible to obtain certain financial ratios that can be used globally?

Sekt, stat och apokalyptiskt våld

Laurén, Pär January 2001 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar det fenomen som uppstår när en, mer eller mindre isolerad, grupp religiöst hängivna människor, hamnar i en så pass allvarlig konflikt med staten och dess instutitioner att våldsamheter uppstår. Fenomenet brukar gå under beteckningen fanatiskt religiöst våld, och är i dess västerländska tappning mer eller mindre synonymt med sekter och sekterism. P.g.a. ämnets digra karaktär är en kraftig begränsning nödvändig för att kunna behandla ämnet i en C-uppsats. Jag har därför gjort valet att koncentrera mig på de två mest extrema och medialt uppmärksammade fallen av religiöst sektvåld. Då ett av syftena med uppsatsen är att undersöka orsakerna till hur och varför väpnade konflikter uppstår mellan stat och sekt har jag valt att utesluta de fall där enbart kollektivt själmord av och med sektmedlemmarna utförts, utan inblandning av staten. Exempel på dylika är Heavens Gate (Hale-Bopp sekten) och allra senast den Ugandiska neo-katolska domedagssekten ”Restoration of the ten commandments of God”, där över tusen människor begick kollektivt självmord. Dessa och liknande händelser är onekligen mycket intressanta, men faller tyvärr utanför ramen för detta arbete.

Integer programming approaches to networks with equal-split restrictions

Parmar, Amandeep 09 May 2007 (has links)
In this thesis we develop integer programming approaches for solving network flow problems with equal-split restrictions. Such problems arise in traffic engineering of internet protocol networks. Equal-split structure is used in protocols like OSPF and IS-IS that allow flow to be split among the multiple shortest paths. Equal-split assumptions also arise in peer-to-peer networks and road optimization problems. All the previous work on this problem has been focused on developing heuristic methods for the specific applications. We are the first ones to study the problem as a general network flow problem and provide a polyhedral study. First we consider a general multi-commodity network flow problem with equal split restrictions. This problem is NP-hard in general. We perform a polyhedral study on mixed integer linear programming formulation for this problem. Valid inequalities are obtained, and are incorporated within a branch-and-cut framework to solve the problem. We provide fast separation schemes for most of the families of valid inequalities. Computational results are presented to show the effectiveness of cutting plane families. Next, we consider the OSPF weight setting problem. We propose an integer programming formulation for this problem. A decomposition based approach to solve the problem is presented next. Valid inequalities, exploiting the structure, are obtained for this problem. We also propose heuristic methods to get good starting solutions for the problem. The proposed cutting planes and heuristic methods are integrated within a branch-and-cut framework to solve the problem. We present computational experiments that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach to obtain solutions with tight optimality gaps as compared with default CPLEX. Finally, we consider an equal split flow problem on bipartite graphs. We present an integer programming formulation for this problem that models the equal-split in a different way than the multi-commodity network flow problem discussed before. Valid inequalities and heuristic methods for this problem are proposed, and are integrated within the branch-and-cut framework. We present computational experiments demonstrating the effectiveness of our solution strategy. We present an alternate formulation for the problem with some favorable polyhedral properties. Lastly, a computational comparison between the two formulations is presented.

Multiscale modeling of free-radical polymerization kinetics

Rawlston, Jonathan A. 05 April 2010 (has links)
Polymer chain microstructure, including characteristics such as molecular weight and branch length, can impact the end-use properties of the polymer. The assumptions contained in deterministic models prevent examination of the structure of individual polymer chains, so removal of these assumptions is necessary to gain insight into molecular-level mechanisms that determine chain microstructure. The work presented here uses a combination of stochastic and deterministic models to examine two significant mechanistic issues in free radical polymerization. The zero-one assumption concerning the number of radicals is often made for miniemulsion polymerization using oil-soluble initiators because of accelerated termination due to radical confinement. Although most of the initiator is present inside the particles, opposing viewpoints exist as to whether the locus of radical generation is the particle phase or the aqueous phase. A well-mixed kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) model is used to simulate the molecular weight distribution and the results are compared to estimated molecular weights for several chain-stopping events, with the finding that the dominant nucleation mechanism varies with reaction temperature and particle size. Intramolecular chain transfer to polymer, or backbiting, is often assumed to produce only short-chain branches. Using a lattice KMC model, a cumulative distribution function (CDF) is obtained for branch lengths produced by backbiting. Implementation of the CDF in both a rate-equation model and the well-mixed KMC model shows that, for the butyl acrylate solution polymerization system used for comparison, backbiting is responsible for most of the branches, including long-chain branches, even though overlap of the polymer coils in the solution is predicted, a condition which would normally be expected to lead to significant intermolecular chain transfer to polymer. The well-mixed KMC model provides a more thorough analysis of chain microstructure while the rate-equation model is more computationally efficient.

Zukunft Campusmitte. Die Zweigbibliothek Medizin der SLUB plant ihren Neubau

Golsch, Michael 22 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Zukunftsmodell Bibliothek? Man muss ganz sicher kein Prophet sein, um unserer Wissens- und Informationsgesellschaft auch in den nächsten Jahren eine dynamische Entwicklung vorherzusagen. Zumindest die Quantität des Faktenwissens wird mindestens ebenso rasch wie bisher zunehmen. Gleiches dürfte für die Menge und für die Vielfalt der Informationsangebote gelten, für die der technologische Fortschritt auch künftig neue elektronische Austauschformen stimulieren wird. Die bereits heute festzustellende Enträumlichung von Wissen und Informationen wird sich damit weiter fortsetzen und über veränderte Rezeptions- und Kommunikationsformen unser soziales Zusammenleben auch in Zukunft entscheidend prägen und beeinflussen – so wie wir dies seit dem „Phänomen Internet“ und in der „Digitalen Revolution“bereits täglich erleben.

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