Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bronchodilator"" "subject:"broncodilatador""
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Aérosolthérapie et dispositifs de haut débit nasal humidifié / Aerosoltherapy and nasal high flow therapyReminiac, François 20 June 2017 (has links)
L’aérosolthérapie est une modalité thérapeutique complexe souvent prescrite dans les services de réanimation et de surveillance continue, les services d’urgences et les unités de soins intensifs, notamment chez les patients obstructifs, ce qui fait des bronchodilatateurs la classe médicamenteuse la plus prescrite par voie aérosolisée. Les patients de ces unités de soins aiguë nécessitent aussi fréquemment un support ventilatoire parmi lesquels le haut débit nasal humidifié se montre être une modalité prometteuse en raison de ses effets physiologiques, y compris chez les patients obstructifs. La question de l’administration d’aérosols de médicaments et notamment de bronchodilatateurs chez des patients soumis au haut débit nasal est donc posée. L’administration d’aérosols médicamenteux au cours du haut débit nasal directement dans le circuit de ce support ventilatoire pourrait être une méthode simple, efficace, voire même bénéfique. / Aerosol therapy is a complex method of drug delivery frequently used in intensive care units, step down units and emergency departments, especially in obstructive patients which makes bronchodilators the most prescribed drug class in critical care. Critically ill patients often require ventilatory support, including nasal high flow therapy which showed promising clinical benefits. Given the physiologic effects of nasal high flow therapy, its implementation may be beneficial for obstructive patients. Consequently, the question of aerosol administration, especially bronchodilators, in patients undergoing nasal high flow arises. Aerosol administration during nasal high flow therapy directly in the high flow circuit could be a simple, efficient and possibly beneficial method. However, technical and physiological issues may jeopardize efficacy of this combined administration.
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Desenvolvimento de um modelo experimental \"in vivo\" para o estudo do clearance mucociliar em camundongos normais e com inflamação de vias aéreas: estudo do efeito de medicamentos utilizados no tratamento da asma / In vivo evaluation of the airway epithelium in a murine model of allergic airway disease: effects of inhalatory drugs on ciliary beat frequencyAlessandra Choqueta de Toledo Arruda 06 December 2005 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi propiciar o acesso in vivo ao epitélio respiratório e estudar a frequência de batimento ciliar (FBC) e a diferença de potencial transepitelial (DP) em um modelo murino de doença alérgica das vias aéreas induzida por ovoalbumina. Camundongos Swiss foram sensibilizados com ovoalbumina (OVA) através de duas injeções intraperitoneais de alérgico com o adjuvante hidróxido de alumínio (dias 0 e 14) e quatro inalações de OA 1% (dias 22, 24, 26 e 28). O grupo controle (S) foi tratado com salina 0,9 % seguindo o mesmo protocolo. Após 48h da última inalação, os camundongos foram anestesiados, a traquéia foi exposta longitudinalmente (1x4 mm) e o epitélio pode ser visualizado. A FBC foi mensurada pela técnica estroboscópica antes (basal) e logo após a administração inalatória das drogas (salbutamol e brometo de ipratrópio). A DP foi mensurada nos grupos S e OVA. Foram avaliados o lavado broncoalveolar e o remodelamento do epitélio da cavidade nasal, traquéia e vias aéreas distais. Nenhuma diferença foi encontrada na FBC basal entre os grupos (OVA e S), no entanto o grupo OVA mostrou uma DP basal significativamente menor. A inalação de salbutamol (3.5.10-3M ou 3.5.10-4M) elevou a FBC nos grupos estudados (p<0,05). O brometo de ipratrópio (10- 4M e 6.10-4M) não influenciou a FBC basal. Nossos resultados mostraram que é possível avaliar a FBC e a DP in vivo em um modelo murino de doença pulmonar alérgica crônica, e indicam que o processo inflamatório não afeta a FBC, mas contribui para o aumento de muco nas vias aéreas com conseqüências deletérias ao transporte mucociliar facilitando a retenção / The aim of the present work was to propitiate the in vivo assessment of the respiratory epithelium. The effects of salbutamol and ipratropium bromide on ciliary beat frequency (CBF) in a murine model of allergic airway disease were addressed. Transepithelial electric potential difference (PD) was also measured in order to verify the integrity of the epithelial barrier. Mice were sensitized with ovalbumin (OVA) by two intraperitoneal injections of allergen (days 0 and 14) and four inhalations of OVA 1% (days 22, 24, 26 and 28). The control group was treated with saline following the same procedures. After 48 hs of the last inhalation, mice were anesthetized, trachea was opened longitudinally (1 x 4 mm) and the ciliated epithelium could be visualized. CBF was measured by a modification on the videoscopic technique. We measured the CBF before and just after the administration of aerosolized substances. The PD was also measured on groups OVA and S. Additionally, the eosinophil cell count was measured on broncoalveolar lavage (BAL) in order to access the magnitude of airway inflammation. No difference on baseline CBF was noticed between groups (OVA and S), however the OVA group had a significantly lower PD. The administration of aerosolized capsaicin (3.10-9M) and salbutamol (3.5.10-3M or 3.5.10-4M) increased CBF in all groups studied. Ipratropium bromide (10-4M and 6.10- 4M) did not influence the CBF. The eosinophil cell count in broncoalveolar lavage was higher in OVA group compared to S group. CBF and PD results indicate that the inflammatory process does not affect the ciliary beat frequency but augments the amount of mucus in the airway, with deleterious consequences to the mucociliary transport facilitating mucus retention. Our results demonstrated for the first time the possibiliy of studying airway epithelium in an in vivo murine model of allergic airway disease
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Le chat est la seule espèce animale qui développe spontanément une entité clinique similaire à bien des égards à lasthme allergique humain. Communément appelée « asthme félin » par homologie à la maladie humaine, cette entité pathologique est le résultat dune inflammation persistante des voies respiratoires, associée à des phases aiguës de bronchospasme, une hyperréactivité bronchique à des stimuli divers et dans les stades avancés à des remaniements tissulaires de la paroi bronchique (e.g., érosions épithéliales, hypertrophie de la musculature lisse, hyperplasie glandulaire). Des modèles dasthme félin, obtenus par sensibilisation expérimentale à un allergène, reproduisent la majorité des caractéristiques cliniques, fonctionnelles et lésionnelles de la maladie naturelle et sont au premier plan de la découverte de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques (i.e., cyclosporine A, corticostéroïdes oraux et inhalés, immunothérapie spécifique). De la pathogénie de lasthme, ressort toute limportance de dominer lobstruction récurrente des voies respiratoires. Même si les bronchodilatateurs inhalés sont recommandés dans la prise en charge des crises dasthme chez le chat, leur efficacité clinique reste incertaine et peu étayée. Ainsi, les principes actifs, les posologies et les protocoles thérapeutiques actuellement préconisés sont dans une large mesure empiriques et/ou extrapolés de la médecine humaine, et nécessitent dêtre validés dans des conditions expérimentales contrôlées. Nos travaux sinscrivent donc dans cette optique et visent à définir une approche thérapeutique tant préventive que symptomatique des crises de bronchospasme chez le chat, ainsi quune utilisation rationnelle des bronchodilatateurs à longue durée daction pour un contrôle optimal de linflammation asthmatique.
Lors dune première étude, nous avons investigué lactivité in vitro, vis-à-vis du muscle lisse bronchique félin, de différentes agents bronchodilatateurs parmi lesquels des agonistes β2-adrénergiques (isoprotérénol, salbutamol [SAL], fénotérol, formotérol, salmétérol [SLM]), un anticholinergique (ipratropium bromide [IB]) et une méthylxanthine (théophylline). Tous ont produit une relaxation dose-dépendante de la musculature lisse bronchique, avec des spécificités propres en termes de puissance, defficacité ou dactivité intrinsèque. Sur une base comparative, le formotérol est le ß2-mimétique le plus puissant, et lisoprotérénol le plus efficace avec le fénotérol. Le fénotérol et le formotérol sont des agonistes complets des récepteurs ß2-adrénergiques, le SAL et le SLM des agonistes partiels.
Tenant compte des résultats des essais in vitro et de la disponibilité de formulations administrables par aérosols dans lespèce féline, les effets bronchoprotecteurs (intensité, durée daction) de six médications inhalées ont été caractérisés chez le chat sain, en préambule à leur utilisation dans des conditions pathologiques. Un modèle de bronchoconstriction induite par le carbachol a été retenu dans le cadre de cette deuxième étude. Il ressort de cette étude que le SLM en aérosol-doseur (25µg) présente un effet bronchoprotecteur soutenu persistant 24 heures mais est aussi la médication la moins efficace. Le SAL et lIB (nébulisation ou aérosol-doseur) sont des bronchodilatateurs à courte durée daction (48 heures) dont lutilisation combinée en aérosol-doseur (SAL IB : 100µg/20µg) met en exergue une synergie daction.
Les conditions naturelles étant souvent incompatibles avec une approche anticipative de la crise dasthme, les traitements instaurés sont davantage à visée curative que prophylactique. Dans une troisième étude, nous avons exploré les effets bronchorelaxants du SAL (100µg) et de lIB (20µg), administrés seuls ou en traitement combiné, sur une bronchoconstriction induite par un aéroallergène (Ascaris suum) chez des chats rendus expérimentalement asthmatiques. La technique dinhalation par aérosol-doseur a été privilégiée vu les effets synergiques de la combinaison « SAL IB » et lintérêt de cette voie dadministration dans la gestion à domicile des crises dasthme. Aux doses testées, les bronchodilatateurs inhalés nont exercé aucun effet notable, naffectant en rien la résolution du bronchospasme induit.
Chez lhomme, les crises et les épisodes dexacerbation de lasthme sont fréquents dans le cours évolutif de la maladie. Aucune étude chez le chat asthmatique en crise aiguë (induite ou spontanée) natteste de lefficacité des corticostéroïdes inhalés ni ne mentionne dans ce contexte lintérêt scientifique dune association aux ß2-mimétiques à longue durée daction. Nous avons donc comparé les effets de la prednisolone orale (1mg/kg q12h) à ceux dune dose élevée de fluticasone inhalée, seule (500µg q12h aérosol-doseur) ou en traitement combiné avec du SLM (500µg/50µg q12h aérosol-doseur), sur la fonction et linflammation pulmonaires dans un modèle félin dasthme aigu. Cette quatrième étude a montré quune courte cure orale de prednisolone diminue significativement linflammation bronchique à éosinophiles. De fortes doses de fluticasone inhalée se sont avérées bénéfiques dans le contrôle de lhyperréactivité bronchique non spécifique, sans toutefois exercer des effets marqués sur linflammation bronchique sous-jacente. Combiner cette corticothérapie inhalée au SLM a permis dobtenir des effets anti-éosinophiliques accrus et comparables à ceux de la prednisolone orale. Aucune des médications testées na modifié significativement la réponse clinique et fonctionnelle consécutive à linhalation de lallergène.
Létude précédente permet de supposer que le SLM potentialise lactivité anti-inflammatoire des corticostéroïdes inhalés et/ou est doté de propriétés anti-inflammatoires intrinsèques. Dans une cinquième étude, nous avons donc investigué les effets du SLM en monothérapie (50µg q12h aérosol-doseur) sur la fonction et linflammation pulmonaires. Il ressort de cette étude, conduite sur un modèle félin dasthme aigu, que le SLM en monothérapie nexerce pas deffet protecteur sur la survenue dun bronchospasme allergique et est dépourvu de tout effet anti-inflammatoire propre.
Les résultats obtenus, dans les conditions expérimentales de nos essais, conduisent aux conclusions suivantes : 1) les bronchodilatateurs inhalés (SAL, IB, SLM) sont dune efficacité thérapeutique limitée dans la prévention et le traitement symptomatique du bronchospasme allergique chez le chat sensibilisé à Ascaris suum 2) en revanche, recourir au SLM comme thérapie adjuvante aux corticostéroïdes inhalés ouvre de nouvelles perspectives thérapeutiques dans le contrôle de linflammation et de lhyperréactivité bronchiques chez le chat asthmatique./The cat is the only animal species that spontaneously develops a clinical entity closely similar to human allergic asthma and commonly referred to as feline asthma. Feline asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the lower airways characterised by intermittent respiratory distress due to bronchoconstriction, non-specific bronchial hyperresponsiveness and airway remodeling at latter stages (e.g., epithelial erosions, smooth muscle hypertrophy, glandular hyperplasia). Based on experimental sensitisation to allergens, models of feline asthma mimic many clinical, functional and lesional features of the naturally developing condition. Moreover, development and implementation of feline asthma models have greatly facilitated the search for novel therapies (i.e., cyclosporin A, oral and inhaled corticosteroids, specific immunotherapy). In considering the pathogenesis of asthma, it is of major importance to control recurrent airway obstruction. Although inhaled bronchodilators are recommended for the management of acute asthmatic exacerbations in cats, their clinical efficacy remains uncertain and poorly documented. Most currently recommended drugs, dosages and therapeutic schemes are largely empirical and extrapolated from human medicine, and need to be further validated under controlled experimental conditions. Hence, our work was aimed at determining the potential of inhaled bronchodilators for preventive and curative treatment of acute bronchospasms in asthmatic cats as well as at exploring the benefit of using long-acting bronchodilators to optimally control the airway inflammation.
In the first study, we investigated in vitro effects on isolated feline bronchi of different bronchodilating agents including β2-adrenergic agonists (isoproterenol, salbutamol [SAL], fenoterol, formoterol, salmeterol [SLM]), an anticholinergic (ipratropium bromide [IB]) and a methylxanthin derivative (theophylline). All compounds caused a dose-related relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle, each exhibiting specificities in terms of potency, efficacy and intrinsic activity. On a comparative basis, isoproterenol and fenoterol are the most efficacious β2-mimetics while formoterol is the most potent one. Fenoterol and formoterol act as full agonists of β2-adrenoceptors, SAL and SLM as partial agonists.
Taking into account results from in vitro testing procedures and availability of aerosol formulations suitable for lung delivery in cats, we compared the antispasmodic effects (magnitude, duration of action) of six inhaled medications against carbachol-induced bronchoconstriction in healthy cats. This second study showed that SLM by metered-dose inhaler (25µg) has a sustained activity for as long as 24 hours but is also the least efficacious medication. SAL and IB (nebulisation or metered-dose inhaler) are short-acting bronchodilators (4-8 hours) whose combination delivered with a metered-dose inhaler (SAL IB: 100µg/20µg) exhibits a synergistic antispasmodic effect.
In the natural disease, asthmatic crisis are difficult to predict in terms of occurrence. Therefore, therapeutic interventions are more curative than preventive. In a third study, we explored the bronchodilating effects of SAL (100µg) and IB (20µg), delivered either alone or as a combined therapy, on allergen-induced bronchospasms in Ascaris suum-sensitised cats. The inhalation technique using a metered-dose inhaler was retained given the synergistic effects of the combination SAL IB with this method and its therapeutic interest for at-home management of asthmatic crisis. At the tested doses, these bronchodilators failed to reverse allergen-induced bronchospasms in cats with experimental asthma.
In human beings, crisis and exacerbations of asthma are frequent events in the natural course of the disease. Efficacy of inhaled corticosteroids in cats with acute asthmatic exacerbations (induced or spontaneous) has not yet been determined, nor the potential benefit of adding long-acting β2-agonists in this context. Thus, the fourth study was aimed at comparing the effects of oral prednisolone (1mg/kg q12h) with those of inhaled fluticasone at high doses, alone (500µg q12h metered-dose inhaler) or combined with salmeterol (500µg/50µg q12h metered-dose inhaler), on lung function and airway inflammation in a feline model of acute asthma. This study showed that a short course of oral prednisolone significantly reduced allergen-induced bronchial eosinophilic inflammation. High doses of inhaled fluticasone proved to be efficient for decreasing non specific airway hyperresponsiveness but failed to markedly reduce the underlying airway inflammation. Adding salmeterol to inhaled fluticasone led to anti-eosinophilic effects of the same magnitude as those found for oral prednisolone. None of these treatments improved clinical and functional responses to allergen exposure.
According to the previous study, it may be that SLM has an anti-inflammatory effect on its own and/or functions as a steroid-potentiating agent. In a fifth study, we investigated the effects of salmeterol as monotherapy (50 µg q12h metered-dose inhaler) on lung function and airway inflammation in our feline model of acute asthma. This inhaled medication did not prevent occurrence of allergic bronchospasm in Ascaris suum-sensitised and challenged cats, nor did it possess intrinsic anti-inflammatory activity.
Under our experimental conditions, the main results achieved led to the following conclusions: 1) the inhaled bronchodilators (SAL, IB, SLM) are of limited efficacy for the prevention and symptomatic treatment of allergic bronchospasm in cats sensitised to Ascaris suum; 2) in contrast, using salmeterol as adjuvant therapy to inhaled corticosteroids opens up new perspectives for the treatment of bronchial inflammation and hyperresponsiveness in asthmatic cats.
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Effets des corticostéroïdes et des bronchodilatateurs sur le microbiome, la fonction et l’inflammation pulmonaires dans l’asthme équinManguin, Estelle 04 1900 (has links)
Les corticostéroïdes inhalés (ICs) utilisés dans le traitement de l'asthme ont un effet sur le microbiome pulmonaire. Il est toutefois difficile de séparer leurs effets sur les communautés bactériennes via leur rôle immunomodulateur, de leurs effets indirects via l’amélioration de la ventilation. Notre objectif est de déterminer si les ICs altèrent le microbiote pulmonaire indépendamment de leurs effets sur la fonction pulmonaire.
Douze chevaux atteints d’asthme en exacerbation ont reçu des bronchodilatateurs à longue durée d'action (LABA, salmétérol) ou une combinaison ICs/LABA (fluticasone/salmétérol) pendant deux semaines. Des tests de fonction pulmonaire et des lavages broncho-alvéolaires (LBA) ont été effectués avant et après traitement. La quantification par PCR et le séquençage du gène codant pour l’ARNr 16S via une plateforme MiSeq-Illumina ont été réalisés sur les LBA. Les données ont été analysées avec mothur.
La fonction pulmonaire s’est améliorée dans les deux groupes. Les abondances relatives de familles et genres appartenant au phylum Bacteroidetes ont augmenté suite au traitement ICs/LABA, tandis que les phyla Verrucomicrobia et Actinobacteria se sont appauvris avec les LABA. Une modification de la β-diversité et une diminution de la charge bactérienne ont été observées seulement après le traitement LABA. L’α-diversité n’a en revanche pas varié dans les deux groupes.
Les différences observées entre les groupes ICs/LABA et LABA suggèrent que les changements au sein des communautés bactériennes ne sont pas seulement dus à l’amélioration de la ventilation. Il reste toutefois difficile de trancher quant à un effet positif ou bien néfaste des ICs sur le microbiote pulmonaire. / Inhaled corticosteroids (ICs) affect the respiratory microbiome in asthma. It remains difficult to separate the immunomodulatory effects of ICs on bacterial communities from their indirect effects via improvement of ventilation. Our objective was to determine if ICs alter the lung microbiota independently from their effects on lung function.
Twelve horses with equine asthma in exacerbation were assigned to receive a long-acting bronchodilator (LABA, salmeterol) or the combination ICs/LABA (fluticasone/salmeterol) for 2 weeks. Lung function and bronchoalveolar lavages (BAL) were performed before and after treatment. 16S rRNA gene quantification and sequencing were performed on BAL fluid, using PCR and the Illumina MiSeq platform. Data were processed using the software package mothur.
Lung function improved with both treatments. The relative abundances of families and genera belonging to the Bacteroidetes phylum increased with ICs/LABA, while the Verrucomicrobia and the Actinobacteria phyla decreased with LABA. Furthermore, β-diversity differed from baseline and the bacterial load decreased after LABA only. On the contrary, α-diversity indices did not vary in both groups.
The differences observed between the ICs/LABA and LABA groups suggest that the changes in bacterial communities are not only due to improved ventilation. However, it remains difficult to clarify if the effects of ICs are positive or detrimental to the lung environment.
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Filme de quitosana para uso em sistema de liberação controlada de fumarato de formoterol. / Chitosan film for use in a controlled release system of formoterol fumarate.GUEDES, Dayse de Lourdes Madruga Espínola. 04 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-04-04T20:45:16Z
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DAYSE DE LOURDES MADRGA ESPÍNOLA GUEDES - DISSERTAÇÃO PPG-CEMat 2014..pdf: 2225179 bytes, checksum: ad9f795a81034cb79500cb575de58f73 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-04T20:45:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DAYSE DE LOURDES MADRGA ESPÍNOLA GUEDES - DISSERTAÇÃO PPG-CEMat 2014..pdf: 2225179 bytes, checksum: ad9f795a81034cb79500cb575de58f73 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-12-12 / A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo, caracterizar filmes de quitosana, de
aplicação sublingual, para uso em sistemas de liberação controlada de fumarato
de formoterol., buscando uma nova alternativa para o tratamento emergencial
das crises de asma. Sabemos que a asma é uma patologia de grande incidência
no Brasil e no mundo, pois existem cerca de 300 milhões de pessoas acometidas
pela doença a nível mundial e 20 milhões de brasileiros .É uma doença de
caráter hereditário, crônica que não tem cura e que se apresenta muitas vezes
como uma emergência médica , pois nas crises da doença o socorro deve ser
imediato com o intuito de evitar o óbito do paciente. Hoje utiliza-se apenas a via
inalatória como preferencial para administração dos broncodilatadores, visto que
essa via tem rapidez de ação. No entando, deparamo-nos com a difícil técnica
de utilização dos inaladores que veiculam o medicamento o que muitas vezes
impossibilita a sua utilização especialmente em crianças, idosos e pacientes
muito debilidados. Vendo esta dificuldade, propusemos com o nosso trabalho
buscar uma nova via de utilização dos medicamentos broncodilatadores, que
tivesse a mesma eficácia da via inalatória, dispensando a difícil técnica de
utilização dos fármacos .Para isso , escolhemos a via sublingual de rápida ação
e facilidade de utilização, podendo ser empregada mais adequadamente em
uma crise de asma . Selecionamos a quitosana, por ser um biopolímero versátil
e muito utilizado em sistema de liberação controlada de fármaco para veicular o
formoterol , que é um potente broncodilatador, através da produção de um filme
para deposição sublingual. E os resultados obtidos através das caracterizações
apresentaram membranas com variações de cristalinidade (por DRX) de acordo
com o processo de reticulação, além de apresentarem uma possível relação entre
reticulação e liberação. Por FTIR pode-se observar certa interação entre o
fármaco e os grupos amina da quitosana, assim como possível isomerização do
fármaco pela reticulação com 5% de TPP. Pelas microscopias ótica e eletrônica,
pode-se observar que o acréscimo de fármaco proporcionou alguma rugosidade a
membrana. Também pelas microscopias verificou-se a reticulação não
homogênea da superfície da membrana. Por EDS não se verificou nenhum
elemento estranho a estrutura da quitosana e do fármaco. Por medida do ângulo
de molhabilidade pode-se verificar aumento do perfil hidrofílico da membrana por
adição do fármaco, perfil este que não foi modificado pelo processo de
reticulação. O ensaio de citotoxicidade apresentou resultados que indicam a
membrana como promissora candidata a testes in vivo. / This research aims to characterize chitosan films, sublingual application, for use in
controlled release of formoterol fumarate systems., Looking for a new alternative
for the emergency treatment of asthma attacks. We know that asthma is a disease
of high incidence in Brazil and in the world, because we have about 300milhões of
people with the disease worldwide and 20 million Brazilians .It is one hereditary
disease, chronic that has no cure and that often presents as a medical emergency,
because the crisis of the disease the relief should be immediate in order to prevent
the death of the patient. Today only is used inhalation as preferred for
administration of bronchodilators, since this route has faster action .In entando, we
are faced with the difficult technique for using inhalers that deliver the medicine
which often makes it impossible to use especially in children, the elderly and very
debilidados patients. Buy this difficulty, we proposed in our work to seek a new
route for the use of bronchodilators, which had the same effectiveness of inhaled,
eliminating the difficult technique of using drugs .For this, choose the sublingual
route of fast action and ease of use and can be used more appropriately in an
asthma attack. Chitosan selected because it is a versatile and widely used
biopolymer for controlled drug delivery system for conveying formoterol, which is a
potent bronchodilator, by producing a film for sublingual deposition. And the
results obtained from the characterization showed membranes crystallinity
variations (XRD) according to the crosslinking process, besides presenting a
possible relationship between cross-linking and release. By FTIR one can observe
some interaction between the drug and amino groups of chitosan, and can
isomerization of drug by crosslinking with 5% TPP. Through optical and electronic
microscopy, it can be seen that addition of drug has provided some roughness to
the membrane. Also by microscopy verified the inhomogeneous crosslinking of the
membrane surface. EDS there was no foreign object the structure of chitosan and
the drug. By measuring the wetting angle can be checked increase the hydrophilic
profile of the membrane by addition of the drug, this profile has not been modified
by crosslinking process. The cytotoxicity assay results presented indicate that the
membrane as a promising candidate for in vivo testing.
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Efeito do uso de salbutamol nas propriedades mecânicas do sistema respiratório de indivíduos saudáveis, tabagistas e portadores de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica / Effect of salbutamol on the mechanical properties of the respiratory system of healthy individuals, smokers and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseGerusa Maritimo da Costa 27 November 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A doença pulmonar obstrução crônica (DPOC) é caracterizada pela limitação de fluxo parcialmente reversível, classificada por níveis de obstrução pós-broncodilatador. Há várias evidências de que o FEV1 sozinho não é capaz de mostrar a broncodilatação de pacientes com DPOC, mesmo naqueles que apresentam melhora clínica. A técnica de oscilações forçadas (TOF) tem mostrado alta sensibilidade na detecção precoce de alterações mecânicas na DPOC, contudo o efeito broncodilatador na impedância respiratória de pacientes com DPOC ainda não está esclarecido. Objetiva avaliar a utilidade da TOF nos diferentes estágios de obstrução das vias aéreas; (2) avaliar a resposta da impedância respiratória ao salbutamol em indivíduos saudáveis ao exame espirométrico e pacientes com DPOC em diferentes graus de gravidade. Foram avaliados 25 indivíduos saudáveis sem história de tabagismo, 24 tabagistas e 151 pacientes com DPOC classificados em graus I, II, III e IV. Todos os sujeitos foram avaliados pela TOF seguida da espirometria, antes e após o uso do salbutamol spray. As curvas de resistência e reatância demonstraram alteração em todos os estágios de obstrução das vias aéreas após o uso do salbutamol. O grupo de risco apresentou alterações mecânicas semelhantes ao grupo leve (p=ns). Os parâmetros R0, Rm, Csr,din e Z4Hz apresentam desempenho diagnóstico adequado (AUC > 0,85) em todos os estágios de gravidade da doença. Todos os parâmetros de TOF e espirometria apresentaram diminuição após uso do salbutamol. Os indivíduos saudáveis apresentaram uma pequena diminuição comparada aos subgrupos de DPOC. A variação em termos absolutos da ΔZ4Hz e das derivadas da resistência, ΔR0, ΔRm, ΔS, apresentaram variação significativa (p<0,0001, p<0,003; p<0,04; p<0,0002, respectivamente) com o aumento da obstrução brônquica. Nas derivadas da reatância o ΔXm aumentou com a gravidade da doença (p<0,0002). Por outro lado, a ΔCrs,dyn não demonstrou diferença significativa com a gravidade da DPOC. Em termos percentuais os parâmetros da TOF apresentaram variação expressiva em ΔRm% (p<0,02), ΔS% (p<0,02) e ΔXm% (p<0,004) com o aumento da obstrução nas vias aéreas. Por outro lado, ΔR0%, ΔCrs,dyn% e ΔZ4Hz% não variaram entre os estágios da DPOC. A associação entre a broncodilatação nas vias aéreas e a impedância pulmonar foi fraca entre ΔXm vs ΔFVC (r=0,32, p<0,0001) e ΔZ4Hz% vs ΔFEV1% vs ΔFVC% (r=0.28, p<0,0005; r=0,29, p<0,0003, respectivamente). A TOF é útil na avaliação das alterações mecânicas nos diferentes níveis de obstrução das vias aéreas na DPOC. Demonstramos o benefício da medicação broncodilatadora, quantificando a melhora da ventilação através da TOF. A impedância respiratória diminui em todos os estágios da DPOC, o estágio leve melhorou tanto quanto o estágio muito grave. Isto sugere que a medida da impedância pulmonar não é dependente do volume como ocorre na espirometria e que a broncodilatação ocorre em todas as fases da progressão da DPOC. / Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by partially reversible flow limitation, classified by the post-bronchodilator level of airway obstruction. There is abundant evidence that FEV1 alone is not able to show bronchodilation in COPD patients, even in patients with clinical improvement. The forced oscillation technique (FOT) has shown high sensitivity for early detection of mechanical changes in COPD. However, the bronchodilator effect on respiratory impedance is still unclear. Objective to evaluate the utility of FOT in the diagnosis of different stages of airway obstruction, (2) to investigate the response to salbutamol in healthy, smoking and COPD patients in different degrees of severity. We evaluated 25 healthy subjects with no history of smoking, 24 smokers and 151 COPD patients classified into grades I, II, III and IV of severity. All subjects were assessed by the FOT followed by spirometry before and after the use of salbutamol spray. The resistance and reactance curves showed change at all stages of airway obstruction after the use of salbutamol. The smoking group showed similar mechanical changes to the mild group (p=ns). The parameters R0, Rm, Csr,din and Z4Hz presented adequate diagnostic accuracy (AUC>0.85) in all stages of disease severity. All FOT and spirometry parameters showed decreased after salbutamol use. Healthy individuals showed a small decrease compared with the subgroups of COPD. The variations of the impedance module (ΔZ4Hz) and resistance parameters, (ΔR0, ΔRm, Δs) were significant (p<0.0001, p<0.003, p<0.04 and p<0.0002, respectively) with increased bronchial obstruction. Mean reactance (ΔXm) increased with disease severity (p<0.0002). The ΔCrs,dyn showed no significant change with the severity of COPD. In percentage terms, FOT parameters showed significant variation in ΔRm% (p<0.02), Δs (p<0.02) and ΔXm% (p<0.004) with increased airway obstruction. ΔR0% ΔCrs,dyn% and ΔZ4Hz% did not vary between different stages of COPD. The association between bronchodilation in the airways and lung impedance was weak between ΔXm vs ΔFVC (r=0.32, p<0.0001) and ΔZ4Hz% vs ΔFEV1% vs ΔFVC% (r=0.28, p<0.0005, r=0.29, p<0.0003, respectively). The FOT is useful in the evaluation of the mechanical changes at different levels of airway obstruction in COPD. We demonstrate the benefit of a bronchodilator, quantifying the improvement of ventilation through the FOT. The respiratory impedance decreases in all stages of COPD. This suggests that the impedance changes are not dependent on lung volume as in spirometry and that bronchodilation occurs at all stages of the progression of COPD.
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Efeito do uso de salbutamol nas propriedades mecânicas do sistema respiratório de indivíduos saudáveis, tabagistas e portadores de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica / Effect of salbutamol on the mechanical properties of the respiratory system of healthy individuals, smokers and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseGerusa Maritimo da Costa 27 November 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A doença pulmonar obstrução crônica (DPOC) é caracterizada pela limitação de fluxo parcialmente reversível, classificada por níveis de obstrução pós-broncodilatador. Há várias evidências de que o FEV1 sozinho não é capaz de mostrar a broncodilatação de pacientes com DPOC, mesmo naqueles que apresentam melhora clínica. A técnica de oscilações forçadas (TOF) tem mostrado alta sensibilidade na detecção precoce de alterações mecânicas na DPOC, contudo o efeito broncodilatador na impedância respiratória de pacientes com DPOC ainda não está esclarecido. Objetiva avaliar a utilidade da TOF nos diferentes estágios de obstrução das vias aéreas; (2) avaliar a resposta da impedância respiratória ao salbutamol em indivíduos saudáveis ao exame espirométrico e pacientes com DPOC em diferentes graus de gravidade. Foram avaliados 25 indivíduos saudáveis sem história de tabagismo, 24 tabagistas e 151 pacientes com DPOC classificados em graus I, II, III e IV. Todos os sujeitos foram avaliados pela TOF seguida da espirometria, antes e após o uso do salbutamol spray. As curvas de resistência e reatância demonstraram alteração em todos os estágios de obstrução das vias aéreas após o uso do salbutamol. O grupo de risco apresentou alterações mecânicas semelhantes ao grupo leve (p=ns). Os parâmetros R0, Rm, Csr,din e Z4Hz apresentam desempenho diagnóstico adequado (AUC > 0,85) em todos os estágios de gravidade da doença. Todos os parâmetros de TOF e espirometria apresentaram diminuição após uso do salbutamol. Os indivíduos saudáveis apresentaram uma pequena diminuição comparada aos subgrupos de DPOC. A variação em termos absolutos da ΔZ4Hz e das derivadas da resistência, ΔR0, ΔRm, ΔS, apresentaram variação significativa (p<0,0001, p<0,003; p<0,04; p<0,0002, respectivamente) com o aumento da obstrução brônquica. Nas derivadas da reatância o ΔXm aumentou com a gravidade da doença (p<0,0002). Por outro lado, a ΔCrs,dyn não demonstrou diferença significativa com a gravidade da DPOC. Em termos percentuais os parâmetros da TOF apresentaram variação expressiva em ΔRm% (p<0,02), ΔS% (p<0,02) e ΔXm% (p<0,004) com o aumento da obstrução nas vias aéreas. Por outro lado, ΔR0%, ΔCrs,dyn% e ΔZ4Hz% não variaram entre os estágios da DPOC. A associação entre a broncodilatação nas vias aéreas e a impedância pulmonar foi fraca entre ΔXm vs ΔFVC (r=0,32, p<0,0001) e ΔZ4Hz% vs ΔFEV1% vs ΔFVC% (r=0.28, p<0,0005; r=0,29, p<0,0003, respectivamente). A TOF é útil na avaliação das alterações mecânicas nos diferentes níveis de obstrução das vias aéreas na DPOC. Demonstramos o benefício da medicação broncodilatadora, quantificando a melhora da ventilação através da TOF. A impedância respiratória diminui em todos os estágios da DPOC, o estágio leve melhorou tanto quanto o estágio muito grave. Isto sugere que a medida da impedância pulmonar não é dependente do volume como ocorre na espirometria e que a broncodilatação ocorre em todas as fases da progressão da DPOC. / Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by partially reversible flow limitation, classified by the post-bronchodilator level of airway obstruction. There is abundant evidence that FEV1 alone is not able to show bronchodilation in COPD patients, even in patients with clinical improvement. The forced oscillation technique (FOT) has shown high sensitivity for early detection of mechanical changes in COPD. However, the bronchodilator effect on respiratory impedance is still unclear. Objective to evaluate the utility of FOT in the diagnosis of different stages of airway obstruction, (2) to investigate the response to salbutamol in healthy, smoking and COPD patients in different degrees of severity. We evaluated 25 healthy subjects with no history of smoking, 24 smokers and 151 COPD patients classified into grades I, II, III and IV of severity. All subjects were assessed by the FOT followed by spirometry before and after the use of salbutamol spray. The resistance and reactance curves showed change at all stages of airway obstruction after the use of salbutamol. The smoking group showed similar mechanical changes to the mild group (p=ns). The parameters R0, Rm, Csr,din and Z4Hz presented adequate diagnostic accuracy (AUC>0.85) in all stages of disease severity. All FOT and spirometry parameters showed decreased after salbutamol use. Healthy individuals showed a small decrease compared with the subgroups of COPD. The variations of the impedance module (ΔZ4Hz) and resistance parameters, (ΔR0, ΔRm, Δs) were significant (p<0.0001, p<0.003, p<0.04 and p<0.0002, respectively) with increased bronchial obstruction. Mean reactance (ΔXm) increased with disease severity (p<0.0002). The ΔCrs,dyn showed no significant change with the severity of COPD. In percentage terms, FOT parameters showed significant variation in ΔRm% (p<0.02), Δs (p<0.02) and ΔXm% (p<0.004) with increased airway obstruction. ΔR0% ΔCrs,dyn% and ΔZ4Hz% did not vary between different stages of COPD. The association between bronchodilation in the airways and lung impedance was weak between ΔXm vs ΔFVC (r=0.32, p<0.0001) and ΔZ4Hz% vs ΔFEV1% vs ΔFVC% (r=0.28, p<0.0005, r=0.29, p<0.0003, respectively). The FOT is useful in the evaluation of the mechanical changes at different levels of airway obstruction in COPD. We demonstrate the benefit of a bronchodilator, quantifying the improvement of ventilation through the FOT. The respiratory impedance decreases in all stages of COPD. This suggests that the impedance changes are not dependent on lung volume as in spirometry and that bronchodilation occurs at all stages of the progression of COPD.
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Caractérisation du syndrome de chevauchement de l’asthme et de la maladie pulmonaire obstructive chroniqueRodrigue, Claudie 04 1900 (has links)
Maladies fréquentes, l’asthme touche 8,4% de la population canadienne âgée de 12 ans et plus et la maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique (MPOC) touche de 5 à 15% de la population âgée entre 35 et 79 ans. L’asthme et la MPOC peuvent coexister chez un patient. Ce phénomène appelé syndrome de chevauchement de l’asthme et de la MPOC (ACOS) toucherait environ 10% à 55% des patients MPOC. Afin de mieux caractériser l’ACOS et les effets indésirables des médicaments utilisés pour traiter la MPOC, deux études ont été mises en place. Une première étude réalisée auprès de pneumologues a permis de décrire les méthodes de diagnostic, de traitement et d’évaluation de la maitrise de l’ACOS dans la pratique clinique. Les pneumologues rapportent que le diagnostic devrait être basé sur les caractéristiques cliniques, les tests de fonction pulmonaire et l'intuition clinique du médecin. De plus, un corticostéroïde inhalé en combinaison et un bronchodilatateur inhalé à longue durée d’action devraient être introduits rapidement dans le plan de traitement. La deuxième étude a permis d’évaluer la fréquence des effets indésirables chez les patients MPOC/ACOS traités avec un bronchodilatateur inhalé à longue durée d’action. Cette étude démontre que les effets indésirables sont fréquents chez les patients MPOC/ACOS et que la sécheresse buccale et la gorge sèche sont les plus rapportés. Ces résultats démontrent que la mise en place de lignes directrices pour l’ACOS ainsi qu’une meilleure connaissance du profil de tolérance des bronchodilatateurs inhalés à longue durée d’action seraient bénéfiques pour les patients / Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are frequent in Canada with a prevalence of 8.4% among Canadians aged 12 and over for asthma and a prevalence of 5 to 15% among Canadians aged 35 to 79 years. Asthma and COPD can coexist in a patient and this Asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS) affects about 10% to 55% of COPD patients. To better understand this syndrome, two studies were designed and conducted. First, focus groups evaluated how pulmonologists diagnose and treat ACOS, and how they assess its control in routine clinical practice. The pulmonologists reported that the diagnosis must be based on clinical characteristics, pulmonary function tests, and clinical intuition. They also agreed that the treatment should target the features of both asthma and COPD. The second study assessed the prevalence of adverse events in COPD/ACOS patients on long-acting inhaled anticholinergics (LAAC) and β2-agonists (LABA) in a real-world setting. This study demonstrates that side effects are common among COPD/ACOS patients. Dry mouth and dry throat were the most reported side effects. These results demonstrate that more explicit guidelines for ACOS and a better understanding of the safety profile of long-acting bronchodilators would be beneficial for patients.
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