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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bayesian estimation of self-similarity exponent

Makarava, Natallia January 2012 (has links)
Estimation of the self-similarity exponent has attracted growing interest in recent decades and became a research subject in various fields and disciplines. Real-world data exhibiting self-similar behavior and/or parametrized by self-similarity exponent (in particular Hurst exponent) have been collected in different fields ranging from finance and human sciencies to hydrologic and traffic networks. Such rich classes of possible applications obligates researchers to investigate qualitatively new methods for estimation of the self-similarity exponent as well as identification of long-range dependencies (or long memory). In this thesis I present the Bayesian estimation of the Hurst exponent. In contrast to previous methods, the Bayesian approach allows the possibility to calculate the point estimator and confidence intervals at the same time, bringing significant advantages in data-analysis as discussed in this thesis. Moreover, it is also applicable to short data and unevenly sampled data, thus broadening the range of systems where the estimation of the Hurst exponent is possible. Taking into account that one of the substantial classes of great interest in modeling is the class of Gaussian self-similar processes, this thesis considers the realizations of the processes of fractional Brownian motion and fractional Gaussian noise. Additionally, applications to real-world data, such as the data of water level of the Nile River and fixational eye movements are also discussed. / Die Abschätzung des Selbstähnlichkeitsexponenten hat in den letzten Jahr-zehnten an Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen und ist in vielen wissenschaftlichen Gebieten und Disziplinen zu einem intensiven Forschungsthema geworden. Reelle Daten, die selbsähnliches Verhalten zeigen und/oder durch den Selbstähnlichkeitsexponenten (insbesondere durch den Hurst-Exponenten) parametrisiert werden, wurden in verschiedenen Gebieten gesammelt, die von Finanzwissenschaften über Humanwissenschaften bis zu Netzwerken in der Hydrologie und dem Verkehr reichen. Diese reiche Anzahl an möglichen Anwendungen verlangt von Forschern, neue Methoden zu entwickeln, um den Selbstähnlichkeitsexponenten abzuschätzen, sowie großskalige Abhängigkeiten zu erkennen. In dieser Arbeit stelle ich die Bayessche Schätzung des Hurst-Exponenten vor. Im Unterschied zu früheren Methoden, erlaubt die Bayessche Herangehensweise die Berechnung von Punktschätzungen zusammen mit Konfidenzintervallen, was von bedeutendem Vorteil in der Datenanalyse ist, wie in der Arbeit diskutiert wird. Zudem ist diese Methode anwendbar auf kurze und unregelmäßig verteilte Datensätze, wodurch die Auswahl der möglichen Anwendung, wo der Hurst-Exponent geschätzt werden soll, stark erweitert wird. Unter Berücksichtigung der Tatsache, dass der Gauß'sche selbstähnliche Prozess von bedeutender Interesse in der Modellierung ist, werden in dieser Arbeit Realisierungen der Prozesse der fraktionalen Brown'schen Bewegung und des fraktionalen Gauß'schen Rauschens untersucht. Zusätzlich werden Anwendungen auf reelle Daten, wie Wasserstände des Nil und fixierte Augenbewegungen, diskutiert.

Change Point Estimation for Stochastic Differential Equations

Yalman, Hatice January 2009 (has links)
A stochastic differential equationdriven by a Brownian motion where the dispersion is determined by a parameter is considered. The parameter undergoes a change at a certain time point. Estimates of the time change point and the parameter, before and after that time, is considered.The estimates were presented in Lacus 2008. Two cases are considered: (1) the drift is known, (2) the drift is unknown and the dispersion space-independent. Applications to Dow-Jones index 1971-1974  and Goldmann-Sachs closings 2005-- May 2009 are given.

Some recent simulation techniques of diffusion bridge

Sekerci, Yadigar January 2009 (has links)
We apply some recent numerical solutions to diffusion bridges written in Iacus (2008). One is an approximate scheme from Bladt and S{\o}rensen (2007), another one, from  Beskos et al (2006), is an algorithm which is exact: no numerical error at given grid points!

A Study on the Estimation of the Parameter and Goodness of Fit Test for the Self-similar Process

Chiang, Pei-Jung 05 July 2006 (has links)
Recently there have been reports that certain physiological data seem to have the properties of long-range correlation and self-similarity. These two properties can be characterized by a long-range dependent parameter d, as well as a self-similar parameter H. In Peng et al (1995), the alteration of long-range correlations with life-threatening pathologies are studied by analyzing the heart rate data of different groups of subjects. The self-similarity properties of two well-known processes, namely the Fractional Brownian Motion (FBM) and the Fractional ARIMA (FARIMA), are of interest to see if it is suitable to be used to model the heart rate data in order to examine the health conditions of some patients. The Embedded Branching Process (EBP) method for estimating parameter $H$ and a goodness of fit test for examining the self-similarity of a process based on the EBP method are proposed in Jones and Shen (2004). In this work, the performance of the goodness of fit test are examined using simulated data from the FBM and FARIMA processes. A modification of the distribution of the test statistics under null hypothesis is proposed and has been modified to be more appropriate. Some simulation comparisons of different estimation methods of the parameter $H$ for some FARIMA processes are also presented and applied to heart rate data obtained from Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital.


Etore, Pierre 12 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse on étudie des schémas numériques pour des processus<br />/X/ à coefficients discontinus. Un premier schéma pour le cas<br />unidimensionnel utilise les Équations Différentielles Stochastiques<br />avec Temps Local. En effet en dimension un les processus /X/ sont<br />solutions de telles équations. On construit une grille sur la droite<br />réelle, qu'une bijection adéquate transforme en une grille uniforme<br />de pas /h/. Cette bijection permet de transformer /X/ en /Y/ qui se<br />comporte localement comme un Skew Brownian Motion, pour lequel on<br />connaît les probabilités de transition sur une grille uniforme, et le<br />temps moyen passé sur chaque cellule de cette grille. Une marche<br />aléatoire peut alors être construite, qui converge vers /X/ en racine<br />de /h/. Toujours dans le cas unidimensionnel on propose un deuxième<br />schéma plus général. On se donne une grille non uniforme sur la<br />droite réelle, dont les cellules ont une taille proportionnelle à<br />/h/. On montre qu'on peut relier les probabilités de transition de<br />/X/ sur cette grille, ainsi que le temps moyen passé par /X/ sur<br />chacune de ses cellules, à des solutions de problèmes d'EDP<br />elliptiques ad hoc. Une marche aléatoire en temps et en espace est<br />ainsi construite, qui permet d'approcher /X/ à nouveau en racine de<br />/h/. Ensuite on présente des pistes pour adapter cette dernière<br />approche au cas bidimensionnel et les problèmes que cela soulève.<br />Enfin on illustre par des exemples numériques les schémas étudiés.

Change Point Estimation for Stochastic Differential Equations

Yalman, Hatice January 2009 (has links)
<p>A stochastic differential equationdriven by a Brownian motion where the dispersion is determined by a parameter is considered. The parameter undergoes a change at a certain time point. Estimates of the time change point and the parameter, before and after that time, is considered.The estimates were presented in Lacus 2008. Two cases are considered: (1) the drift is known, (2) the drift is unknown and the dispersion space-independent. Applications to Dow-Jones index 1971-1974  and Goldmann-Sachs closings 2005-- May 2009 are given.</p>

Some recent simulation techniques of diffusion bridge

Sekerci, Yadigar January 2009 (has links)
<p>We apply some recent numerical solutions to diffusion bridges written in Iacus (2008). One is an approximate scheme from Bladt and S{\o}rensen (2007), another one, from  Beskos et al (2006), is an algorithm which is exact: no numerical error at given grid points!</p>

Stochastic Volatility Models for Contingent Claim Pricing and Hedging.

Manzini, Muzi Charles. January 2008 (has links)
<p>The present mini-thesis seeks to explore and investigate the mathematical theory and concepts that underpins the valuation of derivative securities, particularly European plainvanilla options. The main argument that we emphasise is that novel models of option pricing, as is suggested by Hull and White (1987) [1] and others, must account for the discrepancy observed on the implied volatility &ldquo / smile&rdquo / curve. To achieve this we also propose that market volatility be modeled as random or stochastic as opposed to certain standard option pricing models such as Black-Scholes, in which volatility is assumed to be constant.</p>

Linear and non-linear boundary crossing probabilities for Brownian motion and related processes

Wu, Tung-Lung Jr 12 1900 (has links)
We propose a simple and general method to obtain the boundary crossing probability for Brownian motion. This method can be easily extended to higher dimensional of Brownian motion. It also covers certain classes of stochastic processes associated with Brownian motion. The basic idea of the method is based on being able to construct a nite Markov chain such that the boundary crossing probability of Brownian motion is obtained as the limiting probability of the nite Markov chain entering a set of absorbing states induced by the boundary. Numerical results are given to illustrate our method.

Apie stochastinių diferencialinių lygčių sprendinių Hursto indekso vertinimą / On estimation of the Hurst index of solutions of stochastic differential equations

Melichov, Dmitrij 28 December 2011 (has links)
Pagrindinė šios disertacijos tema - stochastinių diferencialinių lygčių (SDL), valdomų trupmeninio Brauno judesio (tBj), sprendinių Hursto indekso H vertinimas. Pirmiausia disertacijoje išnagrinėta SDL, valdomų tBj, sprendinių pirmos ir antros eilės kvadratinių variacijų ribinė elgsena. Iš šių rezultatų seka keli stipriai pagrįsti Hursto indekso H įvertiniai. Įrodyta, kad šie įvertiniai išlieka stipriai pagrįsti, jei tikra sprendinio trajektorija keičiama jos Milšteino aproksimacija. Taip pat išnagrinėtos pokyčių santykio (increment ratios) statistikos H įvertinio, gauto J. M. Bardeto ir D. Surgailio 2010 m., taikymo trupmeninio geometrinio Brauno judesio Hursto indekso vertinimui galimybės bei nustatytas modifikuoto Gladyševo H įvertinio konvergavimo į tikrąją parametro reikšmę greitis. Gauti įvertiniai palyginti su kai kuriais kitais žinomais Hursto indekso H įvertiniais: naiviais bei mažiausių kvadratų Gladyševo ir eta-sumavimo osciliacijos įvertiniais, variogramos įvertiniu ir pokyčių santykio statistikos įvertiniu. Įvertiniu elgsena buvo palyginta trupmeniniam Ornšteino-Ulenbeko (OU) procesui bei trupmeniniam geometriniam Brauno judesiui (gBj). Pradinės išvados buvo padarytos O-U procesui, kuris yra Gauso, o gBj procesas buvo naudojamas patikrinti, kaip šie įvertiniai elgiasi, kai procesas yra ne Gauso. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, 3 pagrindiniai skyriai, išvados, literatūros sąrašas, autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašas ir du priedai. / The main topic of this dissertation is the estimation of the Hurst index H of the solutions of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) driven by the fractional Brownian motion (fBm). Firstly, the limit behavior of the first and second order quadratic variations of the solutions of SDEs driven by the fBm is analyzed. This yields several strongly consistent estimators of the Hurst index H. Secondly, it is proved that in case the solution of the SDE is replaced by its Milstein approximation, the estimators remain strongly consistent. Additionally, the possibilities of applying the increment ratios (IR) statistic based estimator of H originally obtained by J. M. Bardet and D. Surgailis in 2010 to the fractional geometric Brownian motion are examined. Furthermore, this dissertation derives the convergence rate of the modified Gladyshev's estimator of the Hurst index to its real value. The estimators obtained in the dissertation were compared with several other known estimators of the Hurst index H, namely the naive and ordinary least squares Gladyshev and eta-summing oscillation estimators, the variogram estimator and the IR estimator. The models chosen for comparison of these estimators were the fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (O-U) process and the fractional geometric Brownian motion (gBm). The initial inference about the behavior of these estimators was drawn for the O-U process which is Gaussian, while the gBm process was used to check how the estimators behave in a... [to full text]

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