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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Исследование узлов соединения сборных конструкций на основе китайского и российского отраслевого опыта : магистерская диссертация / Analysis of prefabricated construction joints based on Chinese and Russian industry experience

Сяо, Ш., Xiao, S. January 2023 (has links)
В настоящее время технология сборного строительства быстро развивается в странах мира. Технология монтажа зданий из сборного железобетона являются стандартом индустриализации строительства. С 2015 года Китай энергично занимается развитием сборного строительства, и с этого года доля сборных зданий в новом строительстве значительно увеличилась. Являясь важной частью сборного строительства, узловые соединения играют роль в соединении сборных элементов и влияют на целостность здания и механические свойства области, где расположены элементы. Например, в узловых соединениях сборных конструкций прочность и надежность соединения колонн оказывает непосредственное влияние на способность передачи усилий и координационные характеристики элементов. Для изучения характеристик и силовых возможностей различных типов узловых соединений, и таким образом, для проектирования узловых соединений в проектах сборных конструкций, в данной работе рассматриваются решения и практика узловых соединений и методы сборки, используемые в сборных конструкциях, анализируются преимущества и недостатки различных методов и показатели механических свойств на основе аналитического исследования узловых соединений сборных конструкций, используемых в настоящее время в Китае и России. Ориентируясь на соединительные узлы с цементными втулками в качестве примера, 3 образца из их испытаний были смоделированы с помощью программы конечно-элементного анализа ABAQUS, ссылаясь на испытания исследователя Чжао и др. Результаты показывают, что построенные результаты конечно-элементного моделирования являются более последовательными и могут более точно имитировать фактические характеристики. На основе более точного конечно-элементного моделирования были разработаны 4 модели образцов сборных железобетонных колонн с использованием узлов с цементными втулками с различными уровнями внутренних дефектов, и их механические свойства, эффекты упругого гистерезиса, способность рассеивать энергию и законы деградации жесткости были исследованы с помощью конечно-элементного анализа для обобщения влияния различных уровней внутренних дефектов на механические и структурные свойства таких узлов. / Nowadays, prefabricated construction technology is developing rapidly in countries around the world. The technology for installing precast concrete buildings is the standard for the industrialization of construction. Since 2015, China has been vigorously developing prefabricated construction, and since this year, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in new construction has increased significantly. As an important part of prefabricated construction, nodal joints play a role in connecting prefabricated elements and affect the building integrity and mechanical properties of the area where the elements are located. For example, in the nodal connections of prefabricated structures, the strength and reliability of the column connection has a direct impact on the force transfer capability and coordination characteristics of the elements. In order to study the characteristics and force capabilities of different types of nodal joints, and thus to design nodal joints in prefabricated structure projects, this paper reviews the solutions and practices of nodal joints and assembly methods used in prefabricated structures, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of different methods and mechanical property indicators based on an analytical study of prefabricated structure nodal joints currently used in China and Russia. Focusing on the connection assemblies with cement sleeves as an example, 3 specimens from their tests were modeled using the finite element analysis program ABAQUS, referring to the tests of Zhao et al. The results show that the constructed finite element modeling results are more consistent and can more accurately simulate the actual performance. Based on the more accurate finite element modeling, 4 specimen models of precast reinforced concrete columns using cement sleeve assemblies with different levels of internal defects were developed, and their mechanical properties, elastic hysteresis effects, energy dissipation ability and stiffness degradation laws were investigated using finite element analysis to generalize the effects of different levels of internal defects on the mechanical and structural properties of such assemblies.

Metody rozpočtování inženýrských a vodohospodářských staveb / Methods of estimating costs for engineering and water management structures

Ovečková, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
Main intention of the thesis is to name and explain budgeting methods of building constructions with main focus on creating budget for water management and engineering structures. The practical part presents itemized budgets for a wastewater treatment plant and a bicycle trail. After that the price determined of the itemized budget is compared to the price determined by budget indicator.

Cena stavebního díla z hlediska budoucího uživatele / Price of construction according to future user point of view.

Prak, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Thesis "Price of construction according to future user point of view" is focused on the user's possibilities of the influence of the building value associated with the leife cycle. In the thesis explains what is facility management and what is it regarded to and life cycle of the building. On the example of building a house techniques are utilized facility management. Designed there are four deigned variants for which are calculated itemized budgets, the energy consumption of the building and other cost of life cycle of the building. At the end of thw work there are these variants compared and the result implies which one is the most suitable for a future user.

Värmeböljor i urbana miljöer : Hur kan planeringsverktyg användas för att mildra konsekvenserna av ökande temperaturer? / Heatwaves in urban environments : How can planning solutions be used to mitigate the consequences of rising temperatures?

Stål, Anna, Kokkalis, Natalie January 2024 (has links)
Denna rapport utforskar effekterna av värmeböljor i urbana miljöer och utforskar användningen av olika stadsplaneringsverktyg för att mildra dessa effekter. Värmestress och värmerelaterade sjukdomar är betydande risker som orsakas av stigande temperaturer i städer, därmed analyseras gröna, blå och gråa lösningar i syfte att minska uppkomsten av värmeböljor i stadsmiljöer och därmed även minska dessa risker. Studien bygger på en omfattande litteraturstudie samt en fallstudie av Hornsbergskvarteren i Stockholm där en intervju även genomfördes med viktiga nyckelpersoner. Resultaten från studien pekar på att en kombination av gröna, blåa och gråa lösningar kan samverka för att minska temperaturen i stadsmiljöer. Gröna lösningar som parker, trädplanteringar, gröna tak och väggar kan bidra till att sänka temperaturen men också förbättra luftkvaliteten i städer, vilket skapar hälsosammare levnadsmiljöer. Blåa lösningar inkluderar olika vattenfunktioner i städer där denna studie främst fokuserat på effekterna av sjöar, dammar, kanaler och bäckar. Blåa lösningar har visat sig ha varierande effekter för temperaturregleringen i urbana miljöer, vilket indikerar att ytterligare undersökning är nödvändig för att förstå dess fulla effekt. Två aspekter som inte togs i beaktning under litteraturstudien men som uppkom som potentiella blåa lösningar under fallstudien var fontäner samt potentiella lösningar för fördröjning av regnvatten. Effekterna av dessa kan vidare utforskas i framtida studier för att ge en helhetsbild av blåa lösningars effekter i urbana miljöer. Gråa lösningar, såsom användningen av reflekterande material har visat sig bidra till att skapa svalare städer. Sammantaget pekar resultaten på att en tillämpning av gröna, blåa och gråa lösningar är viktiga för att hantera värmeböljor och mildra dess effekter, främst risken för hälsorelaterade problem. Dessa planeringsverktyg är viktiga för att främja hållbar utveckling och skapa resilienta städer. / This report explores the effects of heatwaves in urban environments and examines the use of various urban planning tools to mitigate these effects. Heat stress and heat-related diseases are significant risks caused by rising temperatures in cities, therefore, green, blue, and gray solutions are analyzed to reduce these risks in urban areas. The study is based on a literature review and a case study of the Hornsberg area in Stockholm, on which an interview was also conducted. The results from the study suggest that a combination of green, blue, and gray solutions can work together to reduce temperatures in urban environments. Green solutions such as parks, trees, green roofs and walls can help to lower temperatures but also improve air quality in cities, creating healthier living environments. Blue solutions include various water features in cities, where this study primarily focused on the effects of lakes, ponds, canals and streams. Blue solutions have shown varying effects on temperature regulation in urban environments, which means that further investigation is necessary to understand their full impact. Two aspects not considered during the literature review but which emerged as potential solutions during the case study, were fountains and rainwater retention basins. For these solutions, further studies need to be reviewed. Gray solutions, such as the use of reflective materials, have proven to contribute to cooler cities. Overall, the results indicate that the integration of green, blue, and gray solutions is important for managing heatwaves and mitigating their effects, primarily the risk of health-related issues. These planning tools are important for sustainable development and creating resilient cities.

Příprava a řízení stavební zakázky investorem / Preparation and Management of the Building Order by the Investor

Bednář, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This gradution thethis deals with and compares the basic concepts of construction project realization planning. The work is concertrated on the methods and procedures for planning time building structure and simultaneously are used on concrete practical of building structure.

Vliv technické a přírodní seizmicity na stavební konstrukce se zaměřením na konstrukce ze zdicích materiálů / Influence of technical and natural seismicity on building structures with focus on structures of masonry materials

Čada, Zdeněk January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation deals with selected issues in the field of the calculation of the response of building structures which are excited with dynamic non-stationary displacement loading of its ground. Seismic load has been assumed. Procedures, how to work with seismic records with respect to the accuracy of dynamic calculations, how to modify the response spectrum to ensure the reliability, how to generate synthetic accelerogram requiring more accurate response, are recommended. Synthetic akcelerogram has been generated by own approaching, which has been used as the excitation function in the experimental seismic testing of autoclaved concrete brick building in model scale. Response values of motion in the measured points of the experiment were compared with the linear and nonlinear dynamic calculations by using the finite element method models. Different levels of detail of the numerical models have been used. The shear wall behaviour has been modelled by using constitutive models with brittle failure as well as using of non-linear interaction interface with possible delamination between the masonry bricks. The behaviour of the mathematical model of wall systems has been calibrated with respect to the measured data at shear wall experiments in real and model scale of walls.

Bytové domy v Brně, Bystrci - příprava a organizace výstavby / The Block of Flats in Brno, Bystrc - Project Planning and Management

Šarlejová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the project planning and management of the construction of two houses of flats in Brno – Bystrc, Šemberova street. The houses of flats are designed as a newly built five floors above ground and one basement floor. The supporting system is made from brick ceramic blocks, underground floor is made of concrete blocks. This thesis processes technological project of building as preparation and building site equipment, use of machines necessary for implementation of the construction, monitoring and test plan, technological steps for basement walls of shuttering blocks. Finally, in this thesis dealt with time and cost of construction of houses of flats.

Přístavba hotelu Tři Věžičky ve Stříteži - příprava realizace stavby / Extension of a hotel Tři Věžičky in Střítež - planning of implementation of construction

Pupíková, Ingrid January 2017 (has links)
This thesis solves the construction technology project extension at Three Steeples in Střítež, building apartments. Work includes the complete study of the implementation, including timing and the financial plan, assessment of the wider relations of transport routes, the project site equipment, design of the main building machines and mechanisms, technological specifications for masonry, inspection and test quality plan for walling, technological prescription for clay plasters and itemized budget rough construction of the main building.

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