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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Margin of appreciation" och religiös klädsel : En kritik av Europadomstolens hantering av den franska kriminaliseringen av ansiktstäckande plagg på offentliga platser.

Brandt, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats har ett särskilt fokus på Frankrikes förbud av ansiktstäckande plagg, såsom burkor, vilket är ett exempel på en grund för de konflikter som uppkommer vid Europas ökade religiösa mångfald. Av de cirka 15 miljoner muslimerna i Europa, bor 5 miljoner i Frankrike, vilket gör islam till den näst största religionen i landet. Genom att undersöka Frankrikes lagstiftning mot ansiktstäckande plagg på offentliga platser och deras senare prövning i Europadomstolen kan man påvisa ett betydelsefullt exempel på hur religiösa minoritetsgrupper behandlas i det moderna Europa.

Burkaförbud : Rättfärdigad restriktion eller brott mot de grundläggande friheterna och mänskliga rättigheterna?

Palmén Öhgren, Linda January 2012 (has links)
The fundamental freedoms and human rights is something the countries, and its citizens, of the European Union more or less take for granted. However, in recent years these rights have become a topic of discussion in the way that a debate about the Islamic headscarves has developed. This debate has resulted in that a number of countries, including France, have taken legislative measures to ban clothing that fully covers ones face. Out of these bans a discussion has arisen concerning the fundamental freedoms and human rights. These burqa bans, as it is labeled in the pubic debate, have been accused to wrongfully limit the individuals freedoms and human rights. This study therefore has the aim to analyze these burqa bans in relation to the European Union, United Nations and the Council of Europe’s general declarations concerning the fundamental freedoms and basic human rights. The main result of this study shows that these bans in fact is not a proportionally restrict in the fundamental freedoms and human rights. These results also are strengthened by the theoretical positions on freedom as put forth by Samuel Pufendorf and John Stuart Mill.

Inte utan min slöja : en studie i hur gymnasielärare upplever religiösa konflikter/kulturkrockar i skolan

Ekdahl, Ida January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa lärares åsikter om religiösa konflikter/kulturkrockar i gymnasieskolan. Fokus ligger på konflikter i Sverige mellan kristendom och Islam, på grund av att det enligt migrationsverkets statistik nu anländer flest invandrare från det muslimska landet Irak. Elva stycken gymnasielärare deltog i en enkätundersökning angående deras attityder kring frågor som slöjans vara eller icke vara i skolan och hur man som lärare ska kunna följa Lpf 94 och samtidigt vara verksam i en skola för alla. Jag intervjuade även en lärare och samordnare på IVIK; Individuella programmets introduktionskurser för invandrare och bad om hennes tankar och åsikter, då detta är områden hon arbetar med dagligen. Sveriges integrations- och jämställdhetsminister Nyamko Sabuni har även hon svarat på frågor om slöjförbud i den svenska skolan. Jag bad även islamologen Jan Hjärpe att ta ställning i samma resonemang.</p>

Inte utan min slöja : en studie i hur gymnasielärare upplever religiösa konflikter/kulturkrockar i skolan

Ekdahl, Ida January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa lärares åsikter om religiösa konflikter/kulturkrockar i gymnasieskolan. Fokus ligger på konflikter i Sverige mellan kristendom och Islam, på grund av att det enligt migrationsverkets statistik nu anländer flest invandrare från det muslimska landet Irak. Elva stycken gymnasielärare deltog i en enkätundersökning angående deras attityder kring frågor som slöjans vara eller icke vara i skolan och hur man som lärare ska kunna följa Lpf 94 och samtidigt vara verksam i en skola för alla. Jag intervjuade även en lärare och samordnare på IVIK; Individuella programmets introduktionskurser för invandrare och bad om hennes tankar och åsikter, då detta är områden hon arbetar med dagligen. Sveriges integrations- och jämställdhetsminister Nyamko Sabuni har även hon svarat på frågor om slöjförbud i den svenska skolan. Jag bad även islamologen Jan Hjärpe att ta ställning i samma resonemang.

The burka ban - liberation or oppression? A discourse analysis of the Danish ‘burka ban’ from a gender equality perspective

Have, Benedikte January 2018 (has links)
This thesis concerns the recent debate about the so-called cover ban in Denmark, which has been known in media as the ‘burka ban’. The ban involves an illegalization of covering of the face that does not have a justifiable cause like weather conditions. Through a discourse analysis of media articles the aim of this thesis is to identify which arguments are represented in this debate. The material for the analysis is found in the two major Danish newspapers; Politiken and Berlingske. The analysis is inspired by the theories of Norman Fairclough. The theoretical framework of the thesis is centered on theories regarding gender equality and feminism, and the analysis focuses on the discourses of these topics that are reproduced in the debate. The results show how the discourse of gender equality is the most prominent in the debate, and it shows how this discourse is naturalized. Within this discourse, there is an element of liberation of women, and this liberation is presented as the goal for all women. Furthermore, only the majority has access to this discourse, and it is not possible for the minority to negotiate it in any way. I discuss how the debate can be seen as an expression of the discourse about Islam in Denmark in general, as well as how the ban can be seen in a context of objectification of the female body.

The French politic of the veil in relation to International law : Analyzis of the politic of the veil in France

Abdul Rasul, Akbar January 2020 (has links)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and other international conventions have been ratified by many countries, yet the basic freedoms established therein continue to be taken for granted. In recent years, the Islamic veil has been widely debated as an oppressive garment against Muslim women and a threat to Western secular democracy. This debate has led countries, including France, to take legal action to ban clothing that completely covers the face. France has professed itself as a secular state for centuries following its historical revolution, with a narrative of guaranteeing equal rights and opportunity to all citizens. However, this secular orientation has, in practice, led to a law that has created and promoted juridical and institutionalized inequality. This thesis discusses the prohibition of the veil in relation to basic human rights and freedoms established by the UDHR, the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as other relevant documents that hold the central idea of protection of religious freedom and expression. These documents will be analyzed alongside John Stuart Mill’s foundational philosophy on freedom. The main findings of this study are that the issue of the veil is complex, and its story must be understood before it can be judged. Muslim women who choose to wear the veil have a right to freedom of religion given by the UDHR. France is a signatory and therefore infringing on those rights is a violation of international law. This conclusion is supported by the theoretical foundations of freedom presented by John Stuart Mill and previous research that dealt with the issue of the veil in Western societies. / <p>Presentation gjordes online på grund av Covid19.</p>

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