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Teacher Burnout: Understanding the Lived Experiences of Teachers during COVID-19Isaac, Ashley 03 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Moniulotteinen hoitotyön johtajuus ja hoitohenkilöstön työuupumus terveydenhuollossaKanste, O. (Outi) 18 March 2005 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between nursing leadership and burnout among nurses in health care as well as the incidence of multidimensional leadership and burnout in Finnish nursing. A further purpose was to test a factor structure of Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) and Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) in Finnish health care.
The empirical data were gathered by postal questionnaires from nursing staff working in university, central and district hospitals, health centers as well as psychiatric and private hospitals (n = 900, response rate 73%). In addition, a follow-up study was performed at a one-year interval (n = 100, response rate 79%). After deleting unusable questionnaires, the sample consisted of 627, and the follow-up study of 78 nurses and nurse leaders. The data were analyzed with descriptive and multivariate statistical methods.
Nurse leaders proved to be transformational leaders who rewarded their subordinates, but traditional active and passive management-by-exception and laissez-faire leadership also appeared in their leadership behavior. Half of the nursing staff were moderately burned out and about one tenth were highly burned out. Nearly one fifth suffered from high emotional exhaustion. Nursing leadership has both positive and negative effects on burnout among nursing staff. Rewarding transformational leadership and active management-by-exception functioned as protecting factors, and passive laissez-faire leadership as an exposing factor. However, the results suggest that the relation between leadership and burnout is complex, affected by situational factors of leadership and the ambiguous nature of burnout. The six- and three-factor structure of the MLQ as well as the three-factor structure of the MBI were empirically supported. According to psychometric properties both instruments are well applicable to Finnish health care research.
The results can be used in academic leadership education and leadership training in health care organizations, as well as to improve the quality of work life and to promote work well-being. The results can also be utilized in studies applying MLQ and MBI as well as when exploring factor structure of measures and in validation studies of instruments. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää hoitotyön johtajuuden ja hoitohenkilöstön työuupumuksen yhteyttä terveydenhuollossa sekä moniulotteisen johtajuuden ja työuupumuksen esiintymistä suomalaisessa hoitotyössä. Lisäksi tarkoituksena oli testata suomalaisessa terveydenhuollossa moniulotteisen johtajuusmittarin ja kolmiulotteisen työuupumusmittarin rakennetta.
Empiirinen tutkimusaineisto kerättiin postikyselyllä yliopisto-, keskus- ja aluesairaaloiden, terveyskeskusten sekä psykiatristen ja yksityisten sairaaloiden hoitohenkilöstöltä (n = 900, vastausprosentti 73). Lisäksi toteutettiin seurantakysely vuoden intervallilla (n = 100, vastausprosentti 79). Aineistosta jouduttiin poistamaan vastauksia, ja poistojen jälkeen tutkimusjoukko muodostui 627:stä ja seurantakyselyssä 78 hoitajasta ja hoitotyön esimiehestä. Aineiston analyysissä käytettiin tilastollisina kuvailevina menetelminä ristiintaulukointia, kontingenssikerrointa, χ²-testiä, Pearsonin tulomomenttikorrelaatiokerrointa, t-testiä, Mann-Whitney U-testiä, Wilcoxonin testiä, yksi- ja kaksisuuntaista varianssianalyysiä sekä Kruskal-Wallisin testiä. Monimuuttujamenetelminä olivat rakenneyhtälömallitus ja lineaarinen regressioanalyysi. Mittareiden luotettavuuden arvioinnissa käytettiin eksploratiivista ja konfirmatorista faktorianalyysiä, Cronbachin alpha -kerrointa, osiosummakorrelaatioita, osioiden välisiä korrelaatioita, Pearsonin tulomomenttikorrelaatiokerrointa ja intraclass-korrelaatiokerrointa.
Hoitotyön johtajat osoittautuivat työntekijöitä palkitseviksi muutosjohtajiksi, mutta johtamiskäyttäytymisessä esiintyi myös perinteistä työntekijöiden aktiivista ja passiivista valvomista sekä välttävää johtajuutta. Eroja ilmeni johtajan iän, työkokemuksen, työtehtävän ja perustyöhön osallistumisen mukaan. Puolella hoitohenkilöstöstä esiintyi keskimääräistä ja noin kymmenesosalla voimakasta työuupumusta. Voimakkaasta emotionaalisesta väsymyksestä kärsi lähes joka viides. Hoitotyön johtajuudella on sekä myönteisiä että kielteisiä vaikutuksia hoitohenkilöstön työuupumuksen kannalta. Palkitseva muutosjohtajuus ja työntekijöiden aktiivinen valvominen toimivat työuupumukselta suojaavina tekijöinä ja passiivinen välttäminen työuupumukselle altistavana tekijänä. Tulokset viittaavat kuitenkin siihen, että johtajuuden ja työuupumuksen yhteys on kompleksinen, ja tähän vaikuttavat johtajuuden tilannetekijät ja työuupumuksen moniselitteinen luonne. Hoitohenkilöstön ikä, työllisyystilanne, työaikamuoto ja työtehtävän luonne vaikuttivat johtajuuden ja työuupumuksen yhteyteen, joka oli suhteellisen pysyvä vuoden intervallilla mitattuna. Myös johtajuus ja työuupumus osoittautuivat stabiileiksi ilmiöiksi. Johtajuusmittarin kuuden ja kolmen faktorin rakenne sekä työuupumusmittarin kolmen faktorin rakenne saivat empiiristä tukea. Mittareita voidaan pitää psykometristen ominaisuuksiensa perusteella suomalaiseen terveydenhuoltotutkimukseen soveltuvina.
Tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää terveydenhuoltoalan yliopistollisessa ja terveydenhuollon organisaatioiden sisäisessä johtamiskoulutuksessa, työelämän laadun parantamisessa ja työhyvinvoinnin edistämisessä, johtajuus- ja työuupumusmittaria soveltavissa tutkimuksissa sekä laajemmin mittareiden kehittämistyössä ja validointitutkimuksissa.
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The relationship between occupational stressors, occupational stress and burnout among trauma unit nursing staffSpies, Jennifer 16 March 2005 (has links)
The impact of occupational stress on physiological and psychological well-being of employees is well documented, as well as the adverse effects of occupational stress on organisational functioning. Nursing occupational stressors are divided in nursing-specific demands, job demands and lack of organisational support. If unattended, occupational stress may progress to burnout. Burnout is a type of response to chronic emotional and interpersonal stressors on the job and it is conceptualised as emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and personal accomplishment. It has been an issue particularly prominent in the human service occupations. The nursing profession specifically meets these criteria. Individuals who work under these circumstances are at greater risk of developing burnout. 53 nurses completed a biographical questionnaire, the Nursing Stress Survey (NSS) and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). Results indicate that trauma unit nursing staff experience moderate levels of occupational stress and average levels of burnout. Various stressors were identified that nursing staff experienced relatively severely. Emotional exhaustion is related to nursing-specific demands, job demands and lack of organisational support with large effect, indicating the importance of occupational stress in the development of burnout. It is important that management take cognizance of the relationships in order to have a pro-active approach to organisational stress management with the implementation of preventative interventions. / Dissertation (MCom (Human Resources Management))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Human Resource Management / unrestricted
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The Relationship between Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists' Emotional Intelligence and BurnoutHeikkila, Dianna Marie 01 January 2018 (has links)
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) administer more than 43 million anesthetics within the United States and practice in every setting where there is anesthesia. Stress and burnout can be a common problem for CRNAs. The purpose of this correlation study was to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and burnout syndrome among CRNAs. The research questions assessed CRNAs and the relationship between EI and burnout syndrome, the burnout score and the four dimensions of EI, and EI and the three dimensions of burnout. Certified and recertified CRNAs (N = 506) completed the Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale, the Maslach Burnout Inventory, and a demographics survey. The results of a correlation analysis and linear regression indicate that there is a correlation between EI and burnout syndrome for CRNAs and when increasing the EI score by one unit, a 20% reduction in burnout occurs. A relationship also exists between the burnout score and the four dimensions of EI for CRNAs, with self-emotion appraisal and regulation of emotion statistically significant (p < 0.05). Each component of burnout syndrome correlated with a CRNA's EI score, with diminished personal accomplishment having the strongest correlation (r = .451; p < 0.05). EI is present for CRNAs, and there is an inverse relationship with burnout syndrome, which is a new contribution to the literature. Regarding positive social change, results may yield modifications in the education of Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist (SRNA) or opportunities for CRNAs to build additional EI skills. This study offers healthcare administrators insight that EI is a factor in reducing burnout and beneficial to increasing wellness of the healthcare staff.
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The Relationship of Self-Compassion and Burnout in Practicing School PsychologistsBeer, Bethany Rose 30 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Saudi Arabian Students in Postgraduate Dental Programs: Investigating Factors Associated with BurnoutAmal, Asiri 01 January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Burnout related to emotional and physical study or work demands affects an individual’s performance and well being. This study focused on Saudi Arabian dental residents studying in the United States and the United Kingdom who are faced with many challenges in pursuit of a higher education degree. A survey including demographic and MBI questions was distributed to assess this population’s level of burnout. The Maslach Burnout inventory (MBI) was has been widely used in the literature to assess three components of burnout: emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalization (DEP), and (diminished) personal accomplishment (PA). Potential predictors of burnout level, tested for statistical significance, included: (1) country (US vs UK), (2) hours of work, (3) sponsorship status, (4) marital status (5) gender and (6) prior work experience. Using multiple regression analyses, those found to predict EE included hours of work, sponsorship status, and gender. Only gender was found to predict PA. None of the variables were predictive of DEP. Moreover, after controlling for the demographic variables, the country where studying did not help account for level of burnout. Limitations of the study, implications for practice and suggestions for further research are offered in the discussion.
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L'inventaire d'épuisement professionnel de Maslach et Jackson : validation de la traduction et indépendance factorielle des sous-échelles et de l'inventaire de dépression de BeckDion, Guylaine 03 January 2022 (has links)
La validité et la fidélité d'une traduction en langue française de l'Inventaire d'épuisement professionnel de Maslach et Jackson (1986) (MBI) est étudiée. Les trois premières études portent sur 260 éducatrices en garderie et 123 infirmières qui ont rempli des questionnaires dont le MBI. Les résultats appuient la consistance interne, la stabilité temporelle, la validité factorielle, la validité de convergence et la validité hypothético-déductive. De plus, 6,9% des éducatrices ont développé des symptômes sérieux d'épuisement professionnel sur un intervalle d'un an. La quatrième étude a été effectuée auprès de 219 éducatrices en garderie qui ont répondus au MBI et à une version abrégée du BDI et les ont retournés par la poste. L'analyse factorielle des items du MBI et du BDI a démontré que les items saturent sur des facteurs distincts, suggérant que le MBI évalue une symptomatologie différente de celle mesurée par le BDI. Les résultats appuient l'utilisation du MBI comme outil d'évaluation d'un état non clinique d'épuisement professionnel.
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Study demands, study resources and well-being of first year students in South African higher education institutions / Kelebogile Revelation Felicity MokgeleMokgele, Kelebogile Revelation Felicity January 2014 (has links)
The well-being of first-year students in higher education institutions needs particular attention as their level form the foundation for future graduates, and subsequent employees. It is an important focus area for research and intervention. First-year higher education institutions’ student drop-out rate in South Africa is said to be alarmingly high and therefore a cause for concern. An overload of tasks and related time pressure associated with studies is often a reality for first-year students. The problem is compounded when such students are academically and socially unprepared to participate in higher education. The attraction to higher education institutions is that graduates enjoy a higher status in our society as they are seen to play a particularly important role in managing the knowledge-driven economy. The significance of this status relates to the extent of the application of knowledge to the economy, a status which provides competitiveness among nations. Students need to be physically healthy, psychologically well, engaged and satisfied with their lives for their well-being, and subsequently achieve their academic goals. If appropriate and timely, support and resources provided by higher education institutions can play a positive role in the first-year student transition into higher education and thereby minimise the possibilities of student burnout and ill health, whilst increasing the experience of engagement and satisfaction with life. The study aimed to assess the relationship between demands, resources, burnout, engagement, health and satisfaction with life for first-year students at higher education institutions in South Africa and to test a model of well-being for these students. A cross-sectional survey design was used to gather data regarding the burnout, engagement, ill health, and life satisfaction experienced by students. A convenience sample (N = 936) of first-year students at three campuses of two higher education institutions participated in the study. The measuring instruments used were the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory, a biographical questionnaire (including questions about available resources), Study Demands-Resources Questionnaire, Health Questionnaire, and Satisfaction with Life Scale. The results of study 1 showed that the students obtained somewhat higher mean scores on engagement compared to burnout. Significant effects on burnout and engagement were made by influences that included whom the student lived with, the distance between home and university campus during studies, frequency of visits to home, employment status of parents, frequency of library use, and gender. No relationship was established for place of residence with burnout and engagement. Study 2 showed that a measure of study demands and resources for students was sufficiently reliable and valid to be used for assessment. Results showed a statistically significant relationship between each observed variable and its respective construct. A positive relationship between study resources and satisfaction with life, as well as a negative relationship between study demands and satisfaction with life were found, which provides additional evidence for the construct validity of a measure of study demands and resources. Age was significantly related to study resources and satisfaction with life. The results of study 3 showed that study demands and a lack of study resources (including the intrinsic nature of study tasks, relationships with lecturers and social support of peers) were positively associated with burnout. The availability of study resources was positively associated with psychological well-being and engagement. Burnout predicted psychological unwell-being symptoms, while engagement predicted satisfaction with life. Burnout partially mediated the relationship between a lack of study resources and psychological unwell-being, while engagement partially mediated the relationship between the availability of study resources and satisfaction with life. / PhD (Industrial Psychology)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015
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Study demands, study resources and well-being of first year students in South African higher education institutions / Kelebogile Revelation Felicity MokgeleMokgele, Kelebogile Revelation Felicity January 2014 (has links)
The well-being of first-year students in higher education institutions needs particular attention as their level form the foundation for future graduates, and subsequent employees. It is an important focus area for research and intervention. First-year higher education institutions’ student drop-out rate in South Africa is said to be alarmingly high and therefore a cause for concern. An overload of tasks and related time pressure associated with studies is often a reality for first-year students. The problem is compounded when such students are academically and socially unprepared to participate in higher education. The attraction to higher education institutions is that graduates enjoy a higher status in our society as they are seen to play a particularly important role in managing the knowledge-driven economy. The significance of this status relates to the extent of the application of knowledge to the economy, a status which provides competitiveness among nations. Students need to be physically healthy, psychologically well, engaged and satisfied with their lives for their well-being, and subsequently achieve their academic goals. If appropriate and timely, support and resources provided by higher education institutions can play a positive role in the first-year student transition into higher education and thereby minimise the possibilities of student burnout and ill health, whilst increasing the experience of engagement and satisfaction with life. The study aimed to assess the relationship between demands, resources, burnout, engagement, health and satisfaction with life for first-year students at higher education institutions in South Africa and to test a model of well-being for these students. A cross-sectional survey design was used to gather data regarding the burnout, engagement, ill health, and life satisfaction experienced by students. A convenience sample (N = 936) of first-year students at three campuses of two higher education institutions participated in the study. The measuring instruments used were the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory, a biographical questionnaire (including questions about available resources), Study Demands-Resources Questionnaire, Health Questionnaire, and Satisfaction with Life Scale. The results of study 1 showed that the students obtained somewhat higher mean scores on engagement compared to burnout. Significant effects on burnout and engagement were made by influences that included whom the student lived with, the distance between home and university campus during studies, frequency of visits to home, employment status of parents, frequency of library use, and gender. No relationship was established for place of residence with burnout and engagement. Study 2 showed that a measure of study demands and resources for students was sufficiently reliable and valid to be used for assessment. Results showed a statistically significant relationship between each observed variable and its respective construct. A positive relationship between study resources and satisfaction with life, as well as a negative relationship between study demands and satisfaction with life were found, which provides additional evidence for the construct validity of a measure of study demands and resources. Age was significantly related to study resources and satisfaction with life. The results of study 3 showed that study demands and a lack of study resources (including the intrinsic nature of study tasks, relationships with lecturers and social support of peers) were positively associated with burnout. The availability of study resources was positively associated with psychological well-being and engagement. Burnout predicted psychological unwell-being symptoms, while engagement predicted satisfaction with life. Burnout partially mediated the relationship between a lack of study resources and psychological unwell-being, while engagement partially mediated the relationship between the availability of study resources and satisfaction with life. / PhD (Industrial Psychology)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015
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Burnout and engagement in a South African university student sample : a psychometric analysis / Carina GauchéGauche, Carina January 2006 (has links)
In recent years, the concept of burnout has been expanded and is currently a concern in all
professions and occupational groups. Nowadays it is widely acknowledged that people in
almost any occupation could develop burnout. To-date, only two studies have examined
students' experiences of burnout. Therefore, research regarding this phenomenon in students
seems warranted. The objective of this study was to firstly investigate the psychometric
properties of adapted versions of the Maslach Burnout Inventory and Utrecht Work
Engagement Scale in a sample of students from a tertiary institution, and secondly to consider
the role of biographical variables in relation to burnout and engagement levels.
A cross-sectional survey design was used to attain the research objectives. For the purposes
of this study, an availability sample of students (N=353) majoring in Organisational
Behaviour was drawn at one point in time. The adapted Maslach Burnout Inventory - Student
Survey (MBI-SS) and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale - Student Survey (UWES-S) as
well as a biographical questionnaire were administered.
Structural equation modelling confirmed two-factor models of Burnout (consisting of
Exhaustion and Cynicism) and Engagement (consisting of Vigour and Dedication).
Biographical variables which appear to be predictive of differences in levels of student
burnout are home language, overall health status and consideration given to quitting their
studies, while engagement is related to home language, academic year of study and
consideration given to quitting studies.
Recommendations for future research were also made / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.
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