Spelling suggestions: "subject:"turns.""
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Satisfaction With Appearance Scale - SWAP: adaptação e validação para brasileiros que sofreram queimaduras / Satisfaction With Appearance Scale - SWAP: adaptation and validation for brazilian burn victimsCaltran, Marina Paes 28 August 2014 (has links)
Estudo metodológico, com objetivos de adaptar a Satisfaction With Appearance Scale - SWAP para o português - Brasil e avaliar a validade e a confiabilidade da versão adaptada em uma amostra de pacientes brasileiros que sofreram queimaduras. A SWAP avalia a satisfação com a imagem corporal de pessoas que sofreram queimaduras. Quanto maior o escore pior a satisfação com a imagem corporal. O processo de adaptação foi realizado como segue: tradução do instrumento original, síntese das traduções, revisão da tradução realizada por um comitê de juízes, retrotradução, síntese das retrotraduções, comparação da versão original em inglês com a versão consensual em inglês, avaliação pelo autor do instrumento original, reavaliação pelo comitê de juízes, validação semântica dos itens e pré-teste da versão final. A validade de constructo convergente foi avaliada pelo teste de correlação de Pearson entre o escore obtido pela aplicação da SWAP e os resultantes da medida de constructos correlatos - depressão (Índice de Depressão de Beck); autoestima (Escala de Auto-Estima de Rosenberg); qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (Short Form Health Suvey-36) e estado de saúde de vítimas de queimaduras (Burn Specific Health Scale-Revised). A validade discriminante foi testada por meio de grupos conhecidos pelo teste t de Student para amostras independentes, associando a média da SWAP adaptada com as médias obtidas com sexo, superfície corporal queimada e percepção da visibilidade da queimadura por outras pessoas. A validade de constructo relacionada à dimensionalidade foi verificada por meio da Análise Fatorial Confirmatória (AFC) e Análise Fatorial Exploratória (AFE). A confiabilidade foi avaliada pela consistência interna dos itens (alfa de Cronbach) e pela correlação item-total. O nível de significância adotado foi 0,05. Participaram da etapa de validação da SWAP 106 pacientes queimados com média de idade de 37,5 anos (Desvio-Padrão - DP=13,2) em atendimento ambulatorial na Unidade de Queimados do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto. Na análise da validade de constructo convergente, de acordo com as hipóteses, as correlações entre as medidas da SWAP e a medida dos constructos correlatos variaram de moderadas a fortes e foram estatisticamente significantes (r=0,30 a 0,77). A SWAP adaptada apresentou capacidade de discriminar os grupos com percepção de visibilidade da queimadura por outras pessoas e percepção de não visibilidade (p<0,001). A consistência interna foi de 0,88, e a correlação item-total variou de moderada a forte (r=0,35 a 0,73). A primeira AFC com quatro fatores não apresentou índices de ajuste ao modelo adequados (? 2 =165,2/ p<0,0001; ? 2 /g.l=2,335; AGFI=0,69; RMSEA=0,11; CFI=0,85) A AFE resultou em três fatores com percentual de variância total explicada de 63,2%. Foi feita a segunda AFC com três fatores que apresentou índices de ajuste ao modelo mais próximos dos indicados pela literatura (? 2 =159,46/ p<0,0001; ? 2 /g.l=2,155; AGFI=0,73; RMSEA=0,10; CFI=0,86). Conclui-se que a SWAP adaptada para o português apresentou-se válida e confiável para ser utilizada com indivíduos brasileiros que sofreram queimaduras / Methodological study to adapt the Satisfaction With Appearance Scale - SWAP to Brazilian Portuguese and assess the validity and reliability of the adapted version in a sample of Brazilian burns patients. The SWAP assesses burns victims\' satisfaction with their body image. The higher the score, the worse the satisfaction with the body image. The adaptation process was developed as follows: translation of the original instrument, synthesis of the translations, review of the translation by an expert committee, back-translation, synthesis of the back-translations, comparison between the original version in English and the consensus version in English, assessment by the author of the original instrument, re-assessment by the expert committee, semantic validation of the items and pretest of the final version. The convergent construct validity was assessed using Pearson\'s correlation test between the SWAP score and the scores resulting from the measuring of correlated constructs - depression (Beck Depression Inventory); self-esteem (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale); health-related quality of life (Short Form Health Survey-36) and health status of burns victims (Burn Specific Health Scale-Revised). The discriminant validity was tested by means of known groups using Student\'s t-test for independent samples, associating the adapted SWAP score with the means obtained for gender, total body surface area and perceived visibility of the burn by other people. The construct validity related to the dimensionality was verified using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). The reliability was assessed by means of the internal consistency of the items (Cronbach\'s alpha) and the item-total correlation. The adopted significance level was 0.05. The participants in the validation phase of the SWAP were 106 burned patients with a mean age of 37.5 years (Standard Deviation - SD=13.2), receiving outpatient care at the Burns Unit of the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto. In the convergent construct validity analysis, the correlations according to the hypotheses were moderate to strong and statistically significant between the SWAP scores and the correlated construct measures (r=0.30 to 0.77). The adapted SWAP was able to distinguish between the groups with perceived visibility of the burn to other people and perceived non-visibility (p<0.001). The internal consistency corresponded to 0.88 and the item-total correlation varied between moderate and strong (r=0.35 to 0.73). The first CFA with four factors did not show appropriate model adjustment indices (? 2 =165.2/ p<0.0001; ? 2 /g.l=2.335; AGFI=0.69; RMSEA=0.11; CFI=0.85). The EFA resulted in three factors with a total explained variance percentage of 63.2%. A second CFA was applied with three factors, which showed model adjustment indices that were closer to those indicated in the literature (? 2 =159.46/ p<0.0001; ? 2 /g.l=2.155; AGFI=0.73; RMSEA=0.10; CFI=0.86). In conclusion, the SWAP adapted to Portuguese was valid and reliable for use with Brazilian burns victims
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Queimaduras com álcool em crianças: realidade brasileira e vulnerabilidades / Alcohol burns in children: Brazilian reality and vulnerabilitiesArrunátegui, Gino Cesar Cunha 04 May 2011 (has links)
Grande número de casos de queimaduras com álcool entre adultos e crianças é frequentemente apontado nas casuísticas nacionais. A Resolução da ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) de 2002, que restringia a comercialização de álcool em grandes concentrações para uso doméstico, foi o reconhecimento oficial da existência deste tipo de queimadura como um problema social e de saúde pública. Dias antes de findar o prazo de adequação à medida, os maiores fabricantes do produto foram liberados de a acatarem. Passados alguns anos, buscou-se, na presente tese de doutorado, apreciar quesitos surgidos no debate de então, os quais ainda permanecem, dada sua relevância. Para melhor evidenciar os contornos e as implicações da questão abordada pela iniciativa governamental, este trabalho teve como objetivos: caracterizar a magnitude do problema das queimaduras no Brasil através da análise crítica das informações disponíveis e reconhecer os tipos mais frequentes da lesão; descrever a casuística de um centro brasileiro de referência no tratamento de queimaduras e situá-la em relação ao contexto nacional e internacional; caracterizar cenários e circunstâncias em que crianças foram vítimas de queimaduras com álcool, dentro de uma população delimitada; interpretar, instruídos pelo conceito de vulnerabilidade, as relações dinâmicas e as combinações existentes entre as condições individuais e sociais presentes nos contextos em que crianças sofrem queimaduras com álcool. A investigação empírica aliou ao método epidemiológico descritivo o enfoque qualitativo, apoiado em entrevistas em profundidade a partir de roteiro temático. Os dados permitiram sustentar que o Brasil exibe em seu perfil epidemiológico características que não são encontradas na literatura produzida em outras partes do mundo: alta proporção de queimaduras com álcool entre pacientes hospitalizados, sejam adultos ou crianças. Nas histórias relatadas pelos pais entrevistados foram reconhecidos elementos do universo simbólico das camadas populares, assim como dinâmicas sociais e culturais subjacentes aos comportamentos aparentemente inadequados (ou vulneráveis, pela perspectiva adotada na pesquisa) na utilização do álcool, que resultaram na queimadura de seus filhos / Large numbers of burn cases with alcohol among adults and children are often pointed out in the national case series. A resolution from ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) in 2002, which restricted the sales of alcohol in high concentrations for home use, was the official recognition of the existence of this type of burn as a social and public health problem. Days before the expiration of the period of adjustment, the major product manufacturers were released from the heeding. After a few years, we sought to consider questions arose in the debate at that time in this thesis, questions which still remain due to their importance. To better highlight the contours and implications of the issue addressed by government initiative, this study aimed to: characterize the magnitude of the problem of burns in Brazil through critical analysis of available information and recognize the most frequent types of injury; describe the series of a Brazilian reference center for treatment of burns and situate it in relation to national and international context; characterize scenarios and the circumstances in which children were victims of burns with alcohol within a defined population; interpret, instructed by the concept of vulnerability, the dynamic relationships and the combinations between the individual and social conditions present in the contexts in which children suffer burns with alcohol. The empirical investigation allied the qualitative approach to the descriptive epidemiological method, supported with in-depth interviews from thematic guide. The data allowed the claim that Brazil exhibits in its epidemiological profile characteristics that are not found in the literature produced in other parts of the world: a high proportion of burns with alcohol among hospitalized patients, whether adults or children. In stories reported by the surveyed families, elements of the symbolic universe of the popular classes were recognized, as well as social and cultural dynamics underlying the apparently \"inadequate\" behavior (or vulnerable, by the perspective adopted in the research) in the use of alcohol, which resulted in the burning of their children.
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Evaluation of human skin substitute for burn wound coverage based on cultured epidermal autograft. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 1998 (has links)
Ping-kuen Lam. / "May 1998." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 109-121). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.
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Diagnósticos de enfermagem de pacientes adultos que sofreram queimaduras e de seus familiares no período próximo à alta hospitalar / Nursing diagnoses in adult burned patients and their family members near hospital dischargeGoyatá, Sueli Leiko Takamatsu 25 February 2005 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivos identificar os diagnósticos de enfermagem de pacientes adultos queimados e de seus familiares no período próximo à alta hospitalar e verificar as percepções de familiares sobre os problemas apresentados pelos pacientes no mesmo período. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e exploratório em que se utilizou como método de investigação a estratégia de estudo de casos. Para a etapa de coleta de dados foram elaborados dois instrumentos: um para a avaliação do paciente e outro do familiar. O instrumento de coleta de dados do paciente foi elaborado com base no referencial teórico de Imogene King e o do familiar foi baseado nesse referencial e no Modelo Calgary de Avaliação da Família proposto por Wright e Leahey. Para o alcance do terceiro objetivo proposto neste estudo, os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os familiares, utilizando-se a análise temática descrita por Minayo. Foram avaliados 10 pacientes adultos queimados e 10 familiares desses pacientes, durante o período de abril a agosto de 2004, na Unidade de Queimados do Hospital João XXIII da cidade de Belo Horizonte (MG). Após o levantamento dos dados, utilizou-se um processo raciocínio para o estabelecimento dos diagnósticos de enfermagem, sendo esses nomeados de acordo com a Taxonomia II da NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association) e a interpretação da Taxonomia I da NANDA realizada por Carpenito. Os dados coletados e os diagnósticos de enfermagem estabelecidos pela pesquisadora foram analisados por duas enfermeiras com experiência na assistência ao paciente queimado e conhecimento específico em diagnóstico de enfermagem e, posteriormente, revisados pela pesquisadora e confirmados por essas enfermeiras. Foram identificados, pela pesquisadora, nove diferentes diagnósticos de enfermagem nos pacientes adultos queimados com percentual igual ou superior a 50%: integridade tissular prejudicada, dor aguda, ansiedade, padrão de sono perturbado, conhecimento deficiente, imagem corporal perturbada, mobilidade física prejudicada, déficit no autocuidado para banho/higiene e risco para infecção. Nos familiares foram identificados 11 diagnósticos de enfermagem distintos: conhecimento deficiente, ansiedade, padrão de sono perturbado, tensão devida ao papel de cuidador, sentimento de pesar disfuncional, conflito no desempenho do papel de pai/mãe, comportamento para elevar o nível de saúde, disposição para enfrentamento familiar aumentado, processos familiares disfuncionais: alcoolismo, manutenção do lar prejudicada e enfrentamento familiar comprometido. Em relação aos problemas apresentados pelos pacientes, percebidos pelos familiares, os que obtiveram congruência igual ou maior que 30% quando comparados com os diagnósticos identificados pela pesquisadora foram: integridade tissular prejudicada e risco para infecção, dor aguda, imagem corporal perturbada, mobilidade física prejudicada, déficit no autocuidado para banho/higiene, vestir-se/arrumar-se, higiene íntima e síndrome de déficit no autocuidado, ansiedade e medo, sentimento de pesar disfuncional e tristeza crônica. / This study aimed to identify the nursing diagnoses of adult burned patients and their family members in the period near hospital discharge and to verify the family members\' perceptions about the problems the patients demonstrated during the same period. The research method used in this descriptive and exploratory study was the case study strategy. We elaborated two instruments for the data collection phase, one for evaluating the patient and another for the family member. The patient data collection instrument was developed on the basis of Imogene King\'s theoretical reference framework, while the family instrument was based on the same theory as well as on the Calgary Family Evaluation Model proposed by Wright and Leahey. With a view to the third study objective, we collected data through semistructured interviews with the family members, using the thematic analysis as described by Minayo. Ten adult burned patients and 10 of their family members were evaluated at the Burns Unit of the João XXIII Hospital in Belo Horizonte (MG), Brazil, in the period from April to August 2004. After the data survey phase, we used a reasoning process to establish the nursing diagnoses of burned patients and their family members, which were named according to NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association) International Taxonomy 11 and the NANDA Taxonomy I interpretation accomplished by Carpenito. The collected data and the nursing diagnoses set up by the researcher were analyzed by two nurses with experience in the field of burns care and specific knowledge on nursing diagnosis. Next, they were revised by the researcher and confirmed by these nurses. The researcher identified 9 different diagnostic categories which were found in 50% or more of the adult burned patients: impaired tissue integrity, acute pain, anxiety, sleep pattern disturbance, knowledge deficit, body image disturbance, impaired physical mobility, bathing/hygiene self-care deficit and risk for infection. Eleven different nursing diagnoses were identified for the family members: knowledge deficit, anxiety, sleep pattern disturbance, caregiver role strain, dysfunctional grieving, parental role conflict, health-seeking behavior, family coping: potential for growth, altered family process: alcoholism, impaired home maintenance management and ineffective family coping compromised. The patients problems perceived by the family members that were congruent in 30% or more of the cases, comparison with the diagnoses identified by the researcher were: impaired tissue integrity and risk for infection, acute pain, body image disturbance, dysfunctional grieving and chronic sorrow, impaired physical mobility, self-care deficit: bathing/hygiene, dressing/grooming, toilet and self-care deficit syndrome, anxiety and fear.
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'The thin universe' : the domestic worlds of Elizabeth Burns, Tracey Herd and Kathleen JamieThompson, Jacqueline January 2017 (has links)
As Elizabeth Burns’s paradoxical phrase ‘the thin universe’ suggests, the home is a place of both limitations and possibilities. Domestic life has been regarded by some as a spirit-sapping hindrance to creativity, recalling Cyril Connolly’s famous declaration that: ‘There is no more sombre enemy of good art than the pram in the hall.’ This thesis examines the ways in which Burns, Herd and Jamie demonstrate how domestic life, for all its restrictions, can prove to be the ally of art. The home is a repository for childhood memories – shown in my analysis of Burns’s ‘Rummers and Ladels’ and Jamie’s ‘Forget It’ – and it is during this formative period that our ambivalent relationship with the home begins. The desire for comfort and safety can be felt alongside the tug towards the outdoor world of adventure and independence, a push-pull longing found in Herd’s ‘Big Girls’. Herd carries this longing into adulthood in ‘A Letter From Anna’, as does Burns in ‘Woman Reading a Letter, 1662’, and Jamie in ‘Royal Family Doulton’. Section one is my examination of this complicated sensation. The darkness that can make the home a hell features in Burns’s ‘Poem of the Alcoholic’s Wife’, Herd’s ‘Soap Queen’ and Jamie’s ‘Wee Wifey’. Contrastingly, the blissful events that take place there are evoked in Burns’s ‘The Curtain’, Herd’s ‘Rosery’ and Jamie’s ‘Thaw’. In section two I seek to prove that such extreme events, from the abuse suffered at the hands of an unfeeling mother to the delights of new parenthood, prove that the home cannot be dismissed as sequestered or mundane. And yet, dismissed it has been. Why bother depicting one’s ‘wretched vegetable home existence’, as Wyndham Lewis wrote, when one could ‘give expression to the more energetic part of that City man’s life’? Burns bemoans this attitude in ‘Work and Art/We are building a civilization’, and the idea that ‘home crafts’ like embroidery cannot be miraculous in themselves is dispelled by Herd’s ‘The Siege’ and Jamie’s ‘St Bride’s’. The celebration of the domestic interior found in paintings by, for example, David Hockney and Gwen John is similarly seen in the poetry of Burns (‘Annunciation’), Herd (‘Memoirs’) and Jamie (‘Song of Sunday’). Section three aims to show how the Bugaboo in the hall can be the ally of art, and – ‘thin’ though it may sometimes feel – the home is a universe in which infinite poetic possibilities exist.
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Body Image Quality of Life Inventory - BIQLI: Adaptação para o português e validação para pacientes brasileiros, vítimas de queimaduras / Body Image Quality of Life Inventory- BIQLI: Adaptation to Portuguese and validation for Brazilian burn-victim patientsFlávia Fernanda de Oliveira Assunção 19 September 2011 (has links)
O Body Image Quality of Life Inventory (BIQLI) é um instrumento composto por 19 itens e avalia o impacto positivo ou negativo da imagem corporal sobre alguns aspectos da vida: emoções, convívio social, alimentação, sexualidade, bem-estar emocional, exercícios, relacionamentos entre amigos, família e trabalho/escola. Originalmente proposto no idioma inglês, esse instrumento apresenta uma escala bipolar de resposta com sete opções. Os objetivos deste estudo metodológico foram adaptar o BIQLI para o português-Brasil e avaliar confiabilidade e validade da versão adaptada do instrumento, em uma amostra de pacientes brasileiros, vítimas de queimaduras. O processo de adaptação seguiu as seguintes etapas: tradução do BIQLI para o português por dois tradutores, obtenção da versão consensual em português, avaliação pelo Comitê de Juízes para análise das equivalências semântica, idiomática, conceitual e cultural, back-translation por dois tradutores americanos, obtenção da versão consensual em inglês, comparação da versão consensual em inglês com a versão original do BIQLI, envio da versão consensual em inglês a um dos autores do instrumento original, análise semântica dos itens e pré-teste da versão adaptada do BIQLI em pacientes brasileiros que sofreram queimaduras. A validade de construto foi avaliada pelo teste de correlação de Pearson entre os resultados obtidos pela aplicação do BIQLI e os resultados da avaliação de construtos correlatos - autoestima (com aplicação da Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg) e qualidade de vida (com a aplicação da Burns Specific Health Scale- Revised). Para verificar o número de componentes do BIQLI e visando à comparação com outros estudos, foram realizados a análise dos componentes principais e o teste para comparação de grupos distintos. A confiabilidade foi avaliada pela consistência interna de seus itens (Alfa de Cronbach). O nível de significância adotado foi de 0,05. Participaram da etapa de validação 77 pacientes, com idades entre 18 e 62 anos, em atendimento no ambulatório da Unidade de Queimados do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto. A média dos valores obtidos para cada um dos 19 itens do BIQLI foi de 0,62 (Desviopadrão - D.P. = 1,1) e para o escore total do BIQLI foi de 11,8 (D.P. = 20,9). Com relação à validade de construto, obtiveram-se correlações moderadas entre as medidas de imagem corporal e autoestima (r= 0,30 e p= 0,008) e correlações moderadas entre as medidas de imagem corporal e as obtidas nos domínios afeto e imagem corporal (r= 0,45 e p= 0,000) e relações interpessoais ( r= 0,33 e p= 0,003) da BSHS-R. Com relação à confiabilidade, obtivemos um alto valor para a consistência interna da versão adaptada do BIQLI (Alfa = 0,90). A análise fatorial realizada com um único fator previamente determinado explicou 37,30% da variância de resposta, de forma que a menor carga encontrada foi 0,395. Concluímos que a versão adaptada do BIQLI atendeu aos critérios de validade e confiabilidade, mantendo as propriedades da versão original. / The Body Image Quality of Life Inventory (BIQLI) is an instrument composed of 19 items and assesses the negative or positive body-image impact over a few aspects of life: emotions, social life, diet, sexuality, emotional well-being, exercise, relationship with friends, family and work/school. Originally proposed in the English language, this instrument presents a bipolar response scale with seven options. The objective of this methodological study was to adapt the BIQLI to Brazilian Portuguese and assess the reliability and validity of the instrument\'s adapted version, in a sample of Brazilian patients victims of burns. The adaptation process followed the following steps: translation of the BIQLI into Portuguese by two translators, obtainment of the consensual Portuguese version, assessment by the Judging Committee to analyze the semantic, idiomatic, conceptual and cultural equivalence, back-translation by two American translators, obtainment of the consensual English version, comparison of the consensual English version with the original BIQLI version, forwarding of the consensual English version to one of the authors of the original instrument, semantic analysis of the adapted BIQLI version items and pre-testing on Brazilian patients that suffered burns. The validity of the construct was assessed through the Pearson correlation test between the results obtained through applying the BIQLI and the results of the correlate construct assessments - self-esteem (applying the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale) and quality of life (applying the Burns Specific Health Scale- Revised). To check the number of components in the BIQLI and aiming at the comparison to other studies, the main components were analyzed and the test to compare different groups was performed. The reliability was assessed through the internal consistency of its items (Cronbach Alpha). The significance level adopted was of 0.05. Seventy-seven patients, aged between 18 and 62 being treated at the outpatient clinic of the Ribeirão Preto Medical School Clinical Hospital Burn Unit participated in the validation phase. The mean of the values obtained for each one of the 19 items in the BIQLI was of 0.62 (Standard Deviation - S.D. = 1.,1) and for the total BIQLI score 11.8 (S.D. = 20.9). With regards to the construct validity, moderate correlations were obtained between the body-image and self-esteem measurements (r= 0.30 and p= 0.008) and moderate correlations between the body-image measurements and those obtained from the affection and body-image (r= 0.45 and p= 0.000) and interpersonal-relations ( r= 0.33 and p= 0.003) domains of the BSHSR. As to the reliability, we obtained a high value for the internal consistency of the adapted BIQLI version (Alpha = 0.90). The factorial analysis performed with a single predetermined factor explained 37.30% of the response variance, in such a way that the lowest load found was of 0.395. We concluded that the adapted BIQLI version met the validity and reliability criteria, maintaining the properties of the original version.
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Passionate dedication: a qualitative and descriptive study of nurses' and hospital play specialists' experiences on a children's burn wardIsaac, Dorothy Unknown Date (has links)
A qualitative descriptive approach was undertaken to explore the experience of eight registered nurses and two hospital play specialists who care for children hospitalised with burn injuries. The research participants were recruited from a paediatric ward that offers centralised specialty care to children with burns. Collected through face-to-face interviews, the participants' stories were tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim using a process for analysis informed by van Manen, (1997b).Emerging out of the data was the over-arching theme of 'passionate dedication' that shows the nurses and hospital play specialists genuine compassion and commitment to meet the needs of the children with burns. The findings of the study reveal that the participant's dedication is shaped and determined by a dynamic process that involves having professional integrity and in-depth knowledge of caring for children and burn management. The nurses and the hospital play specialists have a common understanding of what their role entails and the skills required to provide quality care and support to the children and the children's family. On a personal and professional level the participants encounter several challenges in this care context that are physically and emotionally overwhelming. Despite becoming overwhelmed the participants are revealed as being resourceful and resilient in their aptitude to find ways that enable them to cope and get through.This study supports international literature that suggests that caring for children with burns is equally rewarding, as much as it is physically and emotionally demanding. The implication in this study for the organisation is to seriously consider issues regarding productivity and efficiency of the workforce with acknowledgement that nurses and hospital play specialists cannot do this emotional work without effective systems of support in place. With the help of team leaders, managers and educators, the organisation will need to consider ways to monitor the job satisfaction of their staff. Furthermore, reinforce existing comprehensive measures, such as mentorship and clinical supervision programmes to encourage the retention and well-being of all staff, at all stages of their career on the children's burn ward.
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The development of a systematic program to reduce the incidence of cutaneous burns in childrenMcCullough, John P. 03 June 2011 (has links)
This project was undertaken to develop an effective community wide educational program designed to reduce the incidence of tap water burns in children. A random phone survey was conducted to determine the level of awareness of the problem. Various educational methods were employed over a five-month period. A follow-up random phone survey was done to assess the level of effectiveness of the methods employed.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306
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Paediatric Burns and its Related Infections : a Qualitative Study Emphasizing the Preventive Work Conducted by Nurses in Dar es SalaamPersson, Greta, Lindén, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
Introduction: Burn injuries are a major health problem and a leading problem of childhood mortality, particularly in developing countries. The most common complication of burn injuries is infections in the wound. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate what advice is given to parents concerning precautions to avoid burns and related infections. Furthermore, the purpose is to investigate what nurses do to prevent infections in the wounds that might appear after burns at the ward. Method: A qualitative, explorative study was conducted. Semi- structured interviews were conducted among seven nurses, working at the burn unit in Dar es Salaam. A qualitative content analysis was used for data analysis. Result: Four categories of advice which nurses gave to parents were emerged from the data - Importance of family as well as community resources, Aseptic technique and regulation at the ward to prevent infections, Thoughtful counselling and Looking into a bright future - burns can be prevented. The advices given to parents from nurses are to pay attention to their child and to not leave the child alone. To prevent infections nurses work aseptic at the ward, and they give education to mothers and children about hygiene and nutrition. Conclusion: Nurses put a lot of effort in counselling in order to prevent future burns and their related complications. The limited economic resources of the families, is one of the main reasons to cause burns and at the same time affecting the care negatively. The nurses working at the burn unit emphasized the importance of education / Inledning: Brännskador är ett förödande hälsoproblem och en ledande orsak till barnadödlighet, framför allt i utvecklingsländer. Den vanligaste komplikationen tillbrännskador är sårinfektion. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka vilka råd som ges till föräldrar för att undvika brännskador och relaterade infektioner. Vidare syftade studien till att undersöka vad sjuksköterskor gör för att förhindra att infektion uppstår i brännskadesåren. Metod: En kvalitativ, explorativ studie gjordes. Sju semi-strukturerade intervjuer utfördes med sjuksköterskor i Dar es Salaam. För att analysera data användes kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Fyra kategorier som beskrev vilka råd sjuksköterskor gav till föräldrar togs fram vid dataanalysen: Betydelsen av familjens samt gemensamma resurser, Aseptisk teknik och riktlinjer på avdelningen för att förhindra infektion, Anpassad rådgivning och Framtiden är ljus – brännskador kan förebyggas. De råd som ges är att vara uppmärksamma på sina barn och att inte lämna barnen ensamma. För att förhindra infektioner arbetar sjuksköterskor aseptiskt. De ger även utbildning till föräldrar och barn angående nutrition och hygien. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor lägger stor vikt vid rådgivning för att förhindra framtida brännskador och relaterade komplikationer. Familjernas begränsade ekonomiska resurser är en av de viktigaste orsakerna till att brännskador uppstår, dessa begränsade resurser påverkar dessutom kvaliteten på vården. Sjuksköterskorna framhöll hur viktigt det är med utbildning.
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An evidence-based guideline on using virtual reality analgesia for procedural pain in adult burn patients in Hong KongHo, Wai-sze., 何惠思. January 2010 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Nursing Studies / Master / Master of Nursing
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