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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Connaissances professionnelles mobilisées et besoins des enseignants pour la mise en œuvre du curriculum de mathématiques au 4ème cycle de l’École Fondamentale au Burundi (Élèves de 12 à 15 ans). / Professional knowledge and needs of teachers for the implementation of the mathematics curriculum at the 4th cycle of the basic school in Burundi (Pupils from 12 to 15 years old)

Ntwari, Innocent 10 December 2018 (has links)
La réforme curriculaire que le Burundi a initié dans l’enseignement de base et secondaire, appelle des pratiques auxquelles certains enseignants n’ont pas initialement été formés. Dans notre étude, nous nous intéressons à l’enseignement des mathématiques au 4ème cycle de l’École Fondamentale. Pour aider les enseignants ayant une diversité de profil de formation initiale à la mise en œuvre de ce changement curriculaire, des formations continues obligatoires sont organisées pendant les vacances scolaires. Notre objectif est d’explorer la manière dont les enseignants mobilisent leurs connaissances pour mettre en œuvre le curriculum de mathématiques prévu, et d’analyser les besoins liés à leurs pratiques afin de contribuer à l’amélioration de la professionnalisation de la formation initiale et continue des enseignants prestant audit cycle. Les résultats obtenus en effectuant une analyse de contenu qualitative des données issues des entretiens conduits auprès de 20 enseignants et untraitement statistique avec le logiciel SPSS des données issues du questionnaire écrit, adressé à 105 enseignants, sont concordants. Les enseignants ont tendance à suivre les prescriptions du curriculum consignées dans le guide de l’enseignant jugé bien construit mais qui n’est pas de nature à favoriser le travail réflexif des enseignants. Ceux ayant été formés à l’enseignement des mathématiques s’appuient notamment sur des connaissances didactiques et pédagogiques acquises en formation initiale alors que les autres exploitent leur expérience dans l’enseignement. Les formations continues organisées nesemblent pas rencontrer les attentes des enseignants au regard de leur durée courte, des contenus n’ayant pas spécifiquement trait aux mathématiques et des formateurs disciplinairement incompétents.Pour améliorer la professionnalisation des formations, il faudrait que les institutions de formationinitiale des enseignants se réfèrent aux compétences disciplinaires, didactiques et pédagogiquesnécessaires à la mise en œuvre du curriculum d’enseignement actuel. Une réflexion doit être engagéeautour des connaissances professionnelles devant faire l’objet d’une formation initiale et sur lamanière de les enseigner. Les formations continues dont la durée serait allongée, devraient porter surles contenus et les pratiques spécifiques prévues dans le curriculum, et assurées par des formateurschoisis pour leurs compétences. / The curriculum reform that Burundi has initiated in basic and secondary schools calls for teaching practices to which some teachers were not initially trained. In our study, we are interested in teaching mathematics in the 4th cycle of the fundamental school. To help teachers caracterized by a variety of initial training profiles to implement this curriculum change, in-service teacher training for all teachers is provided during the school holidays. Our goal is to explore how teachers are using theirknowledge to implement the expected mathematics curriculum, and to analyze the needs related to their practices in order to improve the professionalization of initial and continuing education of teachers who teach in that cycle. The results obtained by performing a qualitative content analysis of data from the interviews conducted with 20 teachers and a statistical treatment with the SPSS software of data from the written questionnaire, sent to 105 teachers, are consistent. Teachers tend to follow thecurriculum prescriptions in the teacher's guide, which is considered as well constructed but is not likely to favor the reflexive work of teachers. Teachers who have been trained in mathematics teaching, rely on didactic and pedagogical knowledge acquired in initial training while the others exploit their experience in teaching. Continuing training do not match the expectations of teachers because of the short duration, the non-mathematical content and the disciplinary incompetence of the trainers. In order to improve the professionalization of training courses, initial teacher training institutions should refer to the subject-specific teaching, teaching and teaching skills needed to implement the current teaching curriculum. A reflection must be undertaken on the professional knowledge that should be the subject of initial training and on how to teach it. Continuing education should be organized on the basis of a prior analysis of the real needs of teachers. These continuing education and training which should be longer than usual should focus on the specific content and practices provided for in the curriculum, and provided by trainers chosen for their skills.

La filière palmier à huile au Burundi : acteurs et territoires / Actors and oil palm territories in Burundi

Ngiye, Érasme 18 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude de la filière palmier à huile au Burundi. Son enjeu principal est d’analyser la manière dont cette culture construit son territoire. Elle étudie les acteurs de la filière palmier à huile, leurs stratégies et la manière dont ils sont organisés ainsi que l’espace territorialisée par cette filière. La filière palmier à huile au Burundi a connu deux importants modes de cultures. Le mode de culture traditionnelle dominé par l’ancienne variété « dura », il était caractérisé par la polyculture extensive. Entre des palmiers espacés, la culture du vivrier était possible. Le deuxième mode de culture concerne la monoculture du palmier à huile qui est uniquement destinée à produire de l’huile de palme. Il consiste à la culture de la nouvelle variété « tenera » jugée plus productive que l’ancienne variété. La transition de l’ancien au nouveau mode d’exploitation agricole ne s’est pas faite sans conséquences sur les modes de vie des paysans des principales zones palméicoles burundaises (Rumonge et Nyanza-Lac). L’installation de la nouvelle variété « tenera » à Rumonge et à Nyanza lac a certes, généré une véritable agriculture marchande, mais elle s’est faite au détriment d’autres cultures vivrières. Dans ce travail nous montrons les bouleversements socio-économiques que la culture a engendrés sur les modes de vie des paysans, notamment l’exacerbation des conflits fonciers. La culture du palmier à huile ne cesse de s’étendre sur d’autres régions du pays. Par une analyse historique, nous montrons comment la construction du territoire du palmier à huile s’est faite autour des acteurs qui n’ont ni les mêmes moyens financiers ni les mêmes objectifs. Les modes d’organisation et les stratégies varient en fonction de chaque groupe d’acteurs et de son capital financier initial. La faible organisation de petits palméiculteurs observée à l’Imbo-sud n’augure pas un bon avenir pour eux. Enfin, l’étude montre comment les détenteurs de capitaux accèdent à la filière palmier à huile en passant par la simple location de terres de pauvres paysans. / This thesis focuses on the study of the palm oil chain in Burundi. Its main aim is to analyze how this culture constructs its territory. It studies palm’s actors, their strategies and the way they are organized and the territorialized space by this chain. The palm oil chain in Burundi has experienced two important modes of cultures. The traditional method of farming dominated by the old variety "dura" and was characterized by extensive polyculture. Between spaced palms, food crops growing were possible. The second concerns the method of cultivation of monoculture oil palm which is only intended to produce palm oil. It involves cultivation of the new variety "tenera" considered more productive than the old variety. The transition from the old to the new farming method did not without consequences on the livelihoods of farmers in major palmicole areas Burundi (Rumonge and Nyanza-Lac). The installation of the new variety "tenera" in Rumonge and Nyanza Lac, respectively entrusted to the Regional Development Company Rumonge and Nyanza Lake project has certainly generated a real commercial agriculture, but it was at the expense of other food crops. In this work we show the socio-economic upheavals that culture has generated the lifestyles of farmers, for example the exacerbation of land conflicts. The cultivation of oil palm continues to expand into other regions. Through a historic analysis of the construction of oil palm land, we show how the construction of the oil palm area is about actors who do not have the same financial means nor the same objectives. The modes of organization and strategies vary according to each stakeholder group and initial financial capital. The weak organization of small producers of oil palm observed in Imbo area does not augur a good future for them. For lack of means, are forced to sell their farms to wealthy people. Finally, the study shows how capital holders access to the palm oil chain through the lease of land from poor peasants.


Gahiro, Léonidas 18 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Compétitivité des filières rizicoles burundaises : le riz de l'Imbo et le riz des marais. Culture récente et prometteuse au Burundi, le riz est cultivé principalement dans la plaine de l'Imbo et dans les marais de moyenne altitude. Le riz produit fait souvent face à la concurrence du riz importé de l'Asie et de la Tanzanie. L'analyse de la compétitivité des filières locales part de l'évaluation, au niveau macro-économique, des ressources naturelles (terres, eau, climat), humaines et financières, les technologies de production et de transformation du paddy disponibles au pays. Dans une seconde phase, l'analyse porte, au niveau micro-économique, sur un échantillon de producteurs choisis dans les deux rizicultures et les agents en aval (collecteurs, usiniers et commerçants). Les techniques de production appliquées, les coûts engagés dans la production, les résultats obtenus montrent que les riziculteurs de l'Imbo sont plus productifs (plus de 5t/ha) et plus compétitifs que ceux des marais. Les premiers (Imbo) bénéficient d'un encadrement agricole de proximité, d'un accès aux intrants, de l'irrigation et du crédit agricole. Cependant, même s'ils sont moins compétitifs, les exploitants des marais sont efficients et valorisent ces endroits peu propices aux autres cultures. Le riz importé de l'Asie et de la Tanzanie arrive souvent au marché domestique à un prix inférieur à celui du riz local. L'amélioration de la compétitivité globale de la filière nécessite la mise en place d'un cadre structurel mixte (privé/public) de coordination des activités.

The concept of power sharing in the constitutions of Burundi and Rwanda.

Nsabimana, Christian Garuka January 2005 (has links)
This paper aimed to analyse the impact of power sharing on democracy. The paper also compared the approach of Burundi and Rwanda in their constitutions to the concept of power sharing.

Germany, Belgium, Britain and Ruanda-Urundi, 1884-1919 : a diplomatic and administrative history

Louis, William Roger January 1962 (has links)
No description available.

L'Afrique des Grands Lacs (Rwanda, Burundi) à l'heure des réformes de bonne gouvernance : ethnographie comparative d'un "travelling model” / Great Lakes Region of Africa (Rwanda, Burundi) at the time of good governance reforms : comparative ethnography of a "travelling model"

Nicaise, Guillaume 01 June 2018 (has links)
En analysant le processus d’appropriation des normes de bonne gouvernance (participation citoyenne, transparence, redevabilité et lutte contre la corruption) par les fonctionnaires au Rwanda et au Burundi, cette thèse cherche à comprendre l’impact réel des politiques de développement, dans le domaine de la gouvernance. La recherche met en exergue l’influence importante des bailleurs sur la structure formelle des Etats, mais sans modifier les rapports de force sous-jacents, au sein de la structure étatique. Au contraire, la recherche prouve qu’un faible niveau de considération des relations informelles de pouvoir et de la perception cognitive des acteurs durant le transfert de technologie peut porter à un détournement et une instrumentalisation de la technologie transférée, renforçant les dynamiques de pouvoir préexistantes. / By analyzing the appropriation process of good governance norms (civil participation, transparency, accountability and the fight against corruption) by civil servants in Rwanda and Burundi, this thesis try to assess the real impact of development policies, within the governance framework. The research emphasizes the influence of bilateral and multilateral donors on state formal structure, but without modifying underlying power relationships, within the state structure. At the contrary, the research shows that a lack of consideration for informal power relations and actors’ cognitive perception during technology transfer may reinforce pre-existing power relationships, as well as the misappropriation and the instrumentalization of the transferred technology.

A critical analysis of the right to education for refugee children in Great Lakes : the case study of Burundi

Bizimana, Syldie January 2007 (has links)
Originally the aim of this study was the exploration of the current situation of the right to education for refugee children in Burundi and Rwanda being the two countries with the highest number of refugees in Africa. However because of lack of information about the refugee situation in Rwanda, this study is limited to analysis of the situation in Burundi. This study then analyses the state of implementation of the international and national legal instrument by the government of Burundi and suggest ways of implementing the existing international and national legal framework. / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2007. / Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Law University of Pretoria, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Masters of Law (LLM in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa). Prepared under the supervision of Ass. Prof. Frederick Juuko, of the Faculty of Law, Makerere University Kampala, Uganda / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/ / Centre for Human Rights / LLM

Energiåtervinning från kommunalt avfall i Burundi, Afrika

Jangholt, Rebecka, Ingabire, Lionel January 2022 (has links)
Det pågår en ökande trend i världen där fler flyttar in i tätorter. Det påverkar tätorterna i många dimensioner och en av dessa är den kommunala avfallshanteringen. När fler flyttar in mot städerna så blir det en påtryckning på befintlig hantering och är den dessutom bristfällig blir situation snabbt försämrad. Avfallshanteringen är ett känsligt område då det kan påverka människors hälsa och välmående. I utvecklingsländer är det allt för vanligt att lägga sitt avfall på öppna deponier eller låta avfallet ligga kvar längs gatorna. Detta avger farliga bakterier som ger smittsamma sjukdomar samt att tungmetaller tar sig ner i grundvattnet. FN förutspår att ungefär hälften av Afrikas befolkning kommer bo i tätorter till 2030. Denna studie handlar om avfallshanteringen i Burundi. Burundi är ett av Afrikas mest tätbefolkade länder och majoriteten lever i extrem fattigdom. Studien undersöker möjligheten för den största staden, Bujumbura, att energi återvinna sitt kommunala avfall i ett kraftvärmeverk. Det skulle vara en lösning på avfallsproblematiken samt generera el till staden. Bujumbura har idag (2022) en nästintill obefintlig avfallshantering och detta skulle vara en gynnsam lösning. I Bujumbura slängs approximativt 450 tusen ton avfall vilket har ett energiinnehåll på 5,3 PJ. Studien visar att potential för ett kraftvärmeverk med effekt på cirka 150 MW som kan omvandlas till 0,4 TWh el. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om Bujumbura kan förbättra sin avfallshantering och om det skulle vara möjligt för staden att förbränna sitt avfall i ett kraftvärmeverk. För att få underlag till vår studie har vi gjort en litteraturstudie, haft möten med berörda chefer i Bujumbura samt studiebesök på deponi och ställverk i Bujumbura. Resultatet visar att det finns möjligheter för Bujumbura att etablera ett kraftvärmeverk. För att detta ska kunna ske måste kommunen göra en omfattande satsning på hantering av avfall. / There is an ongoing trend in the world where more people are moving to urban areas. It affects in several dimensions and one of which is the municipal solid waste management. When more people move to the cities, there is a pressure on existing management and if also deficient, the situation quickly deteriorates. Waste management is a sensitive subject because it can affect people’s health and their wellbeing. In developing countries, it is common to put waste in open-air landfills. This releases dangerous bacteria that causes infectious diseases and heavy metals get into the groundwater. UN predicts that about half of Africa´s population will live in urban areas by 2030. The aim of this study is to minimize the environmental impact of municipal solid waste by establishing a combined heat and power plant in Bujumbura, Burundi, to generate electricity and heat from municipal solid waste for the city of Bujumbura as a solution to waste management challenges. Annually 450-thousand-ton waste with energy value of 5,3 PJ lays on open-air landfills. The study shows the potential for a power plant with a capacity of 150 MW. The CHP plant could generate approximately 0,4 TWh of electricity annually. This will reduce the development of unsorted waste that is otherwise dumped in open landfills. The electricity produced will be sold to the power grid to generate revenue. Furthermore, it will improve the management of solid waste and other departments who work for the development of sustainable environmental management for Bujumbura. For our study we have done a literature study, had meetings with relevant managers in Bujumbura and study visits to landfills and switchgears in Bujumbura. The results show that there are opportunities for Bujumbura to establish a combined heat and power plant. For this to happen, the municipality must make a comprehensive investment in waste management.

Reading The Brothers Karamazov in Burundi

Atfield, Tom 2005 October 1900 (has links)
In 1999, aged eighteen, I read 'The Brothers Karamazov' by Dostoevsky. I read this novel in Burundi, where I witnessed the suffering of others. The country's basic problem was civil war, which is best described in this terse note: "Rwanda, the sequel. Same story, different location. Nobody cares." The well-publicised problems in Rwanda in 1994 didn't end, they went next-door. The only thing separating the problems of those two countries was the most heavily landmined stretch of road on the planet. It was on this road, which was littered with the remains of vehicles and people, that I experienced the immediacy of 'the problem of evil'.I had hoped that the book I held in my hands on those lifetime-long hours on the road would resonate with my experience. Ivan Karamazov's accusation of the God who creates a world of atrocities seemed fuelled by an unflinching look at senseless, disteleological suffering. I had hoped that Ivan, with his face turned against God, could countenance the horror I saw. Karamazov's stance has been seen as the antithesis of theodicy, which is the attempt to reconcile faith in God with the existence of evil. This antithesis seems to overcome the distance between the experience of real suffering and the account of that suffering given by academic theodicy. Ultimately, however, that distance remains. Dostoevsky's protagonist in his railing against God connects no more with the victims in this world than a writer of theodicy does with her defence of God.

Talking politics and watching the border in Northern Burundi, c.1960-1972

Russell, Aidan Sean January 2012 (has links)
This is the history of a turbulent borderland in a time of transition. Colonialism redefined the meaning of borders in Burundi, and in the traumatic shift from colonial rule to Independence it became dangerous to live on the frontier. Responding to Newbury’s plea to ‘bring the peasant back in’ to the written history of the Great Lakes region, the thesis takes a micro-history approach, viewing the tumultuous events of the 1960s and 1970s from the perspective of the hills and the homestead. The border with Rwanda, as experienced in the two communes of Kabarore and Busiga, is tested as the point of encounter between society and state in this crucial time. It reveals the function and dysfunction of political linkage, and the tensions of being a citizen and a subject in the margins of a political community ruled by suspicion and paranoia. The themes - dissent, collaboration, elimination, repression - link this local history to the flow of national politics and the making of a new African state. Taking as its scope the pivotal period from decolonisation to the military state’s ‘selective genocide’, enacted against its Hutu population, the thesis identifies ‘vigilance’ as the most productive concept by which to study concepts of governance, political community and political linkage in the Great Lakes at the vital point of transformation. A communicative act that blends the stance of the citizen and the subject to shape a means of cautious cooperation and mutual recognition between people and state, vigilance also proved the destructive weapon that violently distilled the population into a subjugated peasantry beneath a bloodied state. The interaction on the border reveals these vital issues in acute contrast, opening the door to their examination elsewhere. This thesis studies the border; its conclusions may be chased far beyond it.

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