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The business idea: problems of readiness and abandonment as a prerequisite to scenario thinking and planning.Anderson, Paul January 1999 (has links)
Documenting organisational history and heritage, it is argued, is an increasingly critical precursor to effective corporate and scenario planning. This study proposes that organisational history and heritage can be encapsulated in any local setting through the application of van der Heijden's (1996) conceptual framework i.e. the "business" idea. The study demonstrates that documenting the organisational business idea in use is a valid and meaningful planning activity. Secondly, the possession of multiple perspectives on the business idea in use, means that current and future planning teams will collectively be better informed, more competent and ready to abandon established ways of doing business and to strategise about unknown futures.Interpretivist methodology utilising an embedded single case study method was applied to an organisation undergoing change: the Family Planning Association of Western Australia, Inc. (FPWA). A stratified sample of thirty-four members from FPWA's institutional (Board of Management), corporate, organisational (service managers and coordinators) and technical (service delivery) organisational levels were interviewed, with the intent of capturing broad perceptions from each organisational level of the derived categories of the business idea framework. The categories investigated were those of organisational purpose, customer value created, distinctive competencies, competitive advantage, organisational uniqueness, positive and negative forces, and results. The study sought evidence to support each of the derived categories, as well as looking to elaborate on the process and task of business idea investigation and articulation.Interview outcomes were transcribed, coded and analysed using NUD*IST, the intent being to craft a consolidated model of the business idea in use at FPWA. Multiple perspectives from the four nominated organisational ++ / levels were isolated by copying the core NUD*IST database four times. A copy was assigned to each organisational group wherein interviews belonging to the assigned group were retained, and the remainder deleted, thereby allowing the differences between each group to emerge. Elements of the NUD*IST index system for the core and four derived databases were then exported to Decision Explorer for graphical representation and gap analysis. Narrative analysis was applied to relate the study's findings.Key internal and external factors were identified as both driving and hindering evolution of FPWA's corporate culture. It was in these areas that key insights to the meta value of the study emerged. The key driving external force was the changing face of sexual health community issues, specifically the expansion of services beyond women's health to cover men's, gay, lesbian and special need groups-FPWA is about sex (positive external force).The question of who should pay for sexual health services is also challenged. Concerns over the withdrawal of government funding (negative external force) and a lack of perceived direction (negative internal force) by members at the organisational and technical levels, has led to behaviour aimed at corporate survival and maintenance of the status quo. Many staff at FPWA were interpreted as clinging tightly to social justice, women's rights issues, reflecting the humanitarian (positive internal force) value-based aspects that have sustained FPWA's service over its twenty-five years of service.The conceptual framework associated with the business idea proved to be essentially a system that maps the organisation's corporate and commercial rationale. The systemic insights that emerged from the study at FPWA enabled the researcher to build a four level hierarchical model of systemic appreciation with van der Heijden's framework as the ++ / foundation. Issues of corporate age and stage of growth, systemic archetype and the key question facing the scenario planning team made up the higher levels of an emergent model of scenario planning readiness. The critical thinking associated with documenting the organisational history and heritage in the form of the business idea system has therefore generated a crucial link in the corporate and scenario planning process: the articulation of the key question as a catalyst to the next stage of corporate strategy formulation.
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AllWorkIt.se- en affärsplan om unika arbetskläder på internet / AllWorkIt.se- a business plan on unique working wear onlineMIKAELSSON, JENNIE, JAKOBSSON, ALEXANDRA January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med vårt arbete var att utforma en affärsplan, där idén är att sälja arbetskläder till privatpersoner via e-handel. Bakgrunden är att vi ser ett ökat intresse för fritidsaktiviteter hos privatpersoner som kräver någon form av arbetskläder. Exempelvis har vi noterat de populära tv-programmen om matlagning, bakning, heminredning och trädgårdsarbete. Vi har även observerat att den moderna människan gärna pysslar om sitt hem och vi vill att de skall kunna göra det i stil. Vi tycker att kombinationen funktionalitet och design är en intressant infallsvinkel för denna typ av kläder. Att sälja via e-handel tycker vi är ett modernt och demokratiskt val av försäljningskanal. E-handel är tillgängligt för en mycket bred målgrupp och ökar kontinuerligt i användarantal. Vi har valt att fokusera mycket på att tillfredsställa kundens behov och har därför valt att inrikta vår affärsidé på att effektivisera kundservice, kundnytta och leverans. Vi har sett att våra konkurrenter brister på detta område. Några av dem har exempelvis endast webb-baserad kundsupport och långa leveranstider. Vi kommer inte i inledningsskedet att kunna konkurrera med det stora sortiment som flera av de andra aktörerna på marknaden har. Det är också en av anledningarna till att vi valt att nischa oss mot en genomgripande kundservice. Med anledning av att arbetet i huvudsak skall handla om detaljhandel så har vi avgränsat arbetet till att endast se till privatpersoner och lämnat företagskunder därhän. Vår målgrupp är då en mycket hobbyintresserad kvinna eller man som vill bruka arbetskläder med stil och hög kvalitet. Men det kan även vara en kvinna eller man som har högre krav på sina yrkeskläder vad gällande modegrad och hållfasthet än vad arbetsgivaren kan erbjuda. Vi har intervjuat systemutvecklaren och e-handelsexperten Ralf Lindberg på 3bits Consulting AB. Han har hjälpt oss med ett flertal frågor kring det praktiska arbetet kring en webb-butik. Vi har även tagit hjälp av ett flertal medarbetare på Segers Fabriker AB för hjälp kring detaljerade frågor kring sortiment, logistik och inköpspriser. Den referenslitteratur vi har använt oss av har varit aktuell och relevant. Vi har försökt att vara källkritiska i vårt val av elektroniska källor och har i största mån undvikit internetlexikon så som Wikipedia där ursprunget är osäkert. De konklusioner vi gjort i arbetet är att vår affärsplan och affärsidé är genomförbar men med den konkurrens och de förutsättningar som finns på marknaden gör det till ett tufft uppdrag att erövra marknadsandelar. / <p>The aim of our report was to develop a business-plan, where the idea is to sell work wear to consumers through e-commerce. The background is that we are seeing an increased interest in free time activities that require some form of working clothes. For example, we have taken notice to the many TV-programs about cooking, baking, home decorating and gardening and that they are very popular. We have also observed that modern people like to fix their homes and we want them to be able do it in style. We think that the combination of design and functionality is an interesting approach for this type of clothing and we think that selling by e-commerce is both modern and democratic. E-commerce is available to a very broad audience and is steadily growing in number of users. We have chosen to concentrate our attention on the satisfaction of our customer and have therefore chosen to focus our work at customer service, customer satisfaction and delivery. We have seen that our competitors fail to compete in this area. Some, for example, do only have Web-based customer support and long delivery time. We will not initially be able to compete with the large range of products that several of our competitors have. It is also one of the reasons for our choice to position ourselves on the market with an advanced customer service. We have defined this report to concern the topic of consumers only, leaving our corporate customers behind. This since our restrictions from the beginning was that the report had to involve retailing. We have decided our target group to be a woman or man with a big interest for her/his hobby and with a need for stylish working clothes with high quality. But it could also be a woman or man with higher standards for her/his working clothes regarding fashion and quality, then what is offered by their employer. We have interviewed system developer and e-business expert Ralf Lindberg from 3bits Consulting AB. He has helped us with answering several questions about the practical work around a web-shop. We have also taken the help of several employees at Segers Fabriker AB for help on specific issues regarding assortment, logistics and purchasing prices. The reference books we have used have been updated and relevant. We have tried to be critical in our choice of sources and have tried to avoid online dictionaries such as Wikipedia, where the origin is uncertain. The conclusions we made in our report is that our business plan and business concept is viable. However, the competition and the market conditions makes it hard to succeed.</p><p>Program: Butikschefsutbildningen</p>
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Triformas Kids / Triformas KidsHuamani Bilbao, Jorge Luis, Huamani Vilela, Robert Jesús, Riveros Duran, Marjorie Juliana, Suarez Lachi, Tey Hristo, Trujillo Valencia, Jeanpool 17 June 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, la educación en el mundo viene viviendo un continuo desarrollo y cada vez nos presenta mayores opciones que satisfacen las necesidades de los usuarios. Una de estas necesidades es la adquisición de juegos educativos de calidad. Son los niños los que llevan a cabo uno de los aprendizajes más destacables. Es en esta etapa cuando se ven grandes progresos en el desarrollo psicomotriz, por lo que para facilitarles el desarrollo de estas habilidades es recomendable brindarles juguetes que les motiven a poner en práctica lo aprendido en el colegio. El objetivo de este proyecto es proveer en el mercado limeño una opción válida de compra y reparto juegos educativos en el canal presencial y canal digital. Con ello les presentamos un formato didáctico para comprar un juego educativo de calidad y además ofrecer al usuario la opción de que la entrega sea a domicilio. Para la sustentación de este proyecto se han realizado múltiples experimentos. En primer lugar, se ha logrado validar que de verdad existe la necesidad antes comentada. Luego, se validó las posibles soluciones y el plan concierge del proyecto. Finalmente, lo que nos resultó más importante fue validar el canal de atención y comunicación con nuestros clientes; al igual que validar las intenciones de compra. Con lo descrito líneas atrás, ponemos a disposición de los lectores tomar como ejemplo nuestro proyecto para futuras ideas de negocio que puedan ser sostenibles en el tiempo y que sean innovadoras en todo sentido. / Today, education in the world has been undergoing continuous development and presents us with ever-greater options that meet the needs of users. One of these needs is the acquisition of quality educational games. The children carry out one of the most remarkable learnings. It is at this stage that great progress is seen in psychomotor development, so to facilitate the development of these skills it is advisable to provide them with toys that motivate them to put into practice what they have learned at school.
The objective of this project is to provide the Lima market with a valid option to buy and I hand out educational games on the face-to-face channel and the digital channel. With this, we present a didactic format to buy a quality educational game and offer the user the option of home delivery.
Many experiments have been carried out to support this project. First In this place, it has been possible to validate that the need mentioned above really exists. Then it was validated the possible solutions and the concierge plan of the project. Finally, what we found most
It was important to validate the channel of attention and communication with our clients; as well as to validate the purchase intentions.
With what is described above, we offer readers to take our example project for future business ideas that can be sustainable over time and that are innovative in every way. / Trabajo de investigación
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Podnikatelský plán - internetová prodejna potravin / Business plan - online e-shop with foodKailová, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to create a business plan for an online e-shop with food. The main aim of this paper is to evaluate the success of this business idea. This work is divided into a theoretical and practical section. The theoretical part describes the characteristics of small and medium-sized entrepreneurial businesses, and their strengthens and weaknesses. Then it describes the reasons for setting up a business, a founder's budget, and the structure of a business plan. The practical part describes the business idea. It is divided into categories and chapters according to the theoretical part. There is a conclusion at the end of my dissertation work. I am summarizing results discovered during writing this work. And I am evaluating the success of the business idea.
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Podnikatelský plán - Penzion Krkonoše / Business plan - Pension KrkonošePaciorková, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
In this document I deal with creating a business plan to establish a Pension in the Giant Mountains. First, I present the theoretical background to its establishment, further I create a business plan.
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Podnikatelský záměr / Entrepreneurial ProjectJeřábková, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focuses on elaboration of a business idea of the existing company INJETON PLAST, s.r.o. . It should be used not only as the final thesis but also as a basis and supporting material for decision making by the company management on the investment in own production of the plastic household goods.
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HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEUR : A qualitative research about how to start-up a successful businessFatah, Nergiz January 2021 (has links)
Starting a business requires careful preparation to succeed. The failure of a business is often potentially detrimental to an efficient market economy. An understanding of how to start a business and why some companies succeed is crucial to the stability and health of the economy. The purpose of the study is to examine the entrepreneurs' experiences of how to start their own company and what makes a company successful. The study is based on a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews as design. Targeted selection was chosen in the study with a total of five respondents participating in the survey in Västerås. Data were analyzed by a manifest content analysis. The results show five important categories that have a significant effect on how to start a successful business. The categories were "Motivation", "Business idea", "Quality", "Knowledge" and "Business plan". According to entrepreneurs' experience, these five categories play a significant role in succeeding and overcoming challenges that may arise along the way. The conclusions are to facilitate the process of how to start your own business, it is important to consider the five categories to succeed and increase the chance of success.
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Entreprenörskapets oskrivna berättelser : En studie om utvecklingen av idén om en affärsidéGröhn, John Henrik, Eriksson, Stefan January 2016 (has links)
De produkter och tjänster som syns ute på marknaden är oftast resultatet av en lång berättelse i entreprenörskapets rum. I entreprenörskapsrummet sker ett samspel mellan människor vilket gör att varje inblandad person har en egen förståelse för vad som har hänt i denna utvecklingsprocess. Den här studien ämnar undersöka och öka förståelsenför de händelser som har utspelat sig innan ett erbjudande har blivit redo för marknaden, detta genom att de involverade personerna får återge sin egen berättelse. Studien undersöker ett nystartat fallföretag som håller på att utveckla sin affärsidé. I uppsatsen presenteras studien och dess utförande i form av en berättelse där Sherlock Holmes och dr Watson har huvudrollerna. Vi utgår från ett konstruktionistiskt synsätt och ett abduktivt angreppssätt har tillämpats. Vi ser att människor identifierar möjligheter utifrån deras unika bakgrund som även formar deras motiv. Motiven ger oss en inblick ivarför och hur samspelet mellan idé och människor sker. / The products and services available on the market are often the result of a long story in the entrepreneurship discourse. When practicing entrepreneurship people interact with each other, thus every person involved has its own understanding of what has occurredduring the development process. The aim of this study is to examine and deepen our understanding of the events before an offer is ready for the market; this by letting the involved persons tell their own story. The study examines a case of a startup company which is currently developing its business idea. In the thesis the study and its execution is presented in the form of a story starring Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Constructionism and an abductive method are applied. Finally we can see that people identify opportunities based on their unique background which also forms their motive. The motives give us an insight in why and how the interaction between idea and people is played out.
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Satsningar på samhällsansvar : Ett långsiktigt arbete startar idag / Investment in Social Responsibility : A long term process starts todayÅström, Moa, Westberg, Julia January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Förutsättningar för företag förändras ständigt. Samtidigt har kunder och anställda fått nya betydelsefulla roller för hur verksamheten utformas och vilka värderingar som företaget arbetar efter. Företagen förväntas i allt högre grad ta ett aktivt samhällsansvar, men satsningarna har hittills varit för kortsiktiga och inte visat på några ekonomiska resultat. Samhällsansvaret bör därför ses ur ett långsiktigt perspektiv och förankras strategiskt i företagets affärsidé. Problemformulering: Vilka faktorer är viktiga för att företag ska kunna överföra långsiktigt samhällsansvar till sin affärsidé? Syfte: Att analysera och utvärdera sambandet mellan interna strategier och överensstämmelsen mellan ledning och anställda med avseende på samhällsansvar. Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ undersökning utifrån en deduktiv ansats. Ett strategiskt urval gjordes vid val av företag samt informanter. Teorier: Relevanta teoriområden i uppsatsen är Corporate Social Responsilibity, Affärsidé, Kunskapsutveckling, Kommunikation, Värdeskapande och Involvering. Empiri: Empirin består av primärdata som samlats in genom djupintervjuer med fallföretagen. Resultat och Slutsats: Vi har kommit fram till att det finns brister i IKEA:s interna strategier och som följd även en icke överensstämmande bild av samhällsansvaret hos ledning och anställda. I fallet med Nudie fanns det välutformade interna strategier och även en stark överensstämmelse. Strategierna som låg till grund för en stark överensstämmelse är kunskapsutveckling, dubbelriktad kommunikation, höginvolverade medarbetare och att företaget arbetar processtyrt för att fånga upp förändringar i omvärlden. / Background: Conditions for companies are constantly changing. At the same time customers and employees have taken on new significant roles in how companies are designed and what values they strive towards. Companies are expected to assume an active social responsibility, but thus far investments have been too short-term and have not delivered results in economic terms. For this reason social responsibility should be seen through a long-term perspective and be firmly established in the business idea. Problem: Which factors are important for companies to be able to incorporate a long-term social responsibility into their business idea? Purpose: To analyze and evaluate the connection between internal strategies and the consensus between management and employees regarding social responsibility. Method: The thesis is based on a qualitative survey and a deductive approach. A strategic selection was made in the choice of companies and informants. Theories: Relevant theories in this paper are Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Idea, Development of Knowledge, Communication, Value Adding and Involvement. Empiric: The empirics consist of primary data collected through depth interviews with the selected companies. Result and Conclusion: Our conclusion is that IKEA's internal strategies are flawed, and consequentially there is a lack of consensus between management and employees. With Nudie there were well-formulated internal strategies and also a high degree of consensus. The strategies that lay the foundation for consensus are development of knowledge, two-way communication, highly involved employees and the company's use of process control to monitor changes in the surrounding world.
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Podnikatelský záměr - založení cestovní kanceláře / The Business Idea - Establishment of a Tour OperatorTryhubová, Iva January 2013 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis deals with the business idea -- establishment of a tour operator. This tour operator is about to be focused on organising outdoor school courses, adaptation courses, skiing courses and summer courses as a part of domestic tourism. The first part of the Diploma Thesis includes theoretical facts regarding problematic of tour operators and domestic tourism. Then, there is business idea described from the theoretical point of view -- different kinds of a business plan and especially its structure because there is specific business idea of the author of this Diploma Thesis written in the second part. The aim of the Diploma Thesis is to make up real business idea which can be implemented into reality. The business plan includes the characteristics of business partners, products, marketing strategy and tools. Based on these parts, there was a financial plan created. As there are positive results of the financial plan at the end of the second year already, it was decided that it is worth to start the business.
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