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校園教學軟體供應模式之研究 / Educational Software Provision Model in Campus郭俊男, Kuo,C.N. Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本論文欲建立一種雙贏的商業模式,用以解決軟體供應商與學校市場間,無法對稱的供需關係,以推導出一個新的校園教學軟體供應模式。一方面,使學校內的使用者能以較低的成本取得教學上需使用的各式軟體;另一方面,軟體供應商亦能收取合理的授權費用,並保障其軟體被合法地使用。故本論文將尋找出一個以往所沒有的經營模式,以建立一個嶄新的商業模式。 / The software vendors pay close attention to campus software all the time. In one side, to the education institutions, they don’t have enough budgets to purchase all the software they want to make good use of. In the other side, the software vendors, it’s an important subject about how to negotiate with the education institutions and gather the proper expenses of authorization.
Therefore, the objective of the thesis is to implement a new business model in order to improve the asymmetric relation of supply and demand between the education institutions and the software vendors. There are some advantages in the new business model of this thesis. In one side, the education institutions can take use of all the software they want to make good use of. In the other side, the software vendors can gather the proper expenses of authorization and don’t worry about the unfair use of their software. So the thesis will implement an unprecedented and new business model.
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Svensk Dagspress - Dressed for Success? : <em>En kvalitativ undersökning om dagstidningens framtida utveckling i sökandet efter en fungerande affärsmodell</em>Björn, Claes, Lauberts, Ella January 2010 (has links)
<p>The digitalization of the media industry has involved great changes for the Swedish daily press. Instead of subscribing on a daily newspaper, more people tend to read newspaper's free edition online. The recent recession has contributed to strike hard against the newspaper's economy. This is the problem our research is based upon. How will the newspaper develop and which measures have to be done to get a well functioning business model that is suited for future conditions?</p><p>We have made qualitative interviews with Swedish newspapers: Göteborgs-Posten, Norrköpingstidningen, Sydsvenskan and with the danish newspaper Politiken. To widening the view, we have also made several interviews with well-placed observers, both domestic and foreign.</p><p>The results show, that in order to get the daily press financially stable, the content within the newspaper has to be even more target oriented in order to attract both readers and advertisers. The results also show that it is important for the newspaper to separate the content of the paper-edition from the online-edition. That is, the free online-edition should not entirely replace the traditional paper-edition.</p><p>We claim that successful daily press newspapers will in the future use a wider spectra of media-channels. The daily press will act more as a brand with the goal to produce high quality news in several different media-channels.</p>
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網站內容由使用者提供的Web 2.0網站之價值共創與創新事業模式研究 / A study of value co-creation and innovation business model of aggregator type Web 2.0 websites江芳儀, Chiang, Fang Yi Unknown Date (has links)
根據台灣網路資訊中心所公佈的2007年一月「台灣寬頻網路使用調查」報告顯示,台灣目前的網路普及率已達到67.77%,全世界的上網人口也已經超過了4億5千萬人;而在2006年第一季,美國Web2.0相關廠商即獲得8億7000萬美元的創投資金,在這樣的熱潮中,有許許多多創業者爭相投入網路市場當中。因此本研究目的在於窺探台灣的 Web 2.0 網站如何進行事業模式創新,讓目前仍停留在Web 1.0時代的網站業者,或是目前欲投入網路產業的創業家瞭解Web2.0網站的成功之道。本研究首先整理學者、網路趨勢家們對於Web2.0概念的討論與分析,歸納出Web2.0之定義;並以Hamel(2000)所提出的事業觀念創新為基礎,並結合Prahalad & Ramswamy(2003)共創價值理論與Brush, Greene, Hart & Edelman(1997)所提出之新創事業資本架構,建構出本研究的研究架構,並以網站內容由使用者提供的Web2.0網站為研究標的,深入探索其創新概念之形成、創業歷程,以及其如何進行與顧客共創價值之事業模式創新。
本研究之發現顯示,網站內容由使用者提供之Web2.0網站,其創新概念的生成並非單純來自創業者本身,而是由下而上,且參與創新之來源相當廣泛;Web2.0網站的核心策略會依創業者本身是否為領先使用者而有所不同,且其目標市場的策略乃是由利基市場進行擴散,最終以大眾市場為目標;另外,這些網站發展初期的策略性資產並非是關鍵,但隨著網站的成長,策略性資產則直接影響核心策略的建構與執行;而Web2.0網站亦在平台中提供與顧客共創價值之顧客介面,並且透過內容提供、互補性功能之建構、價值交換與其他結盟等四種關係建立其價值網路。 / In the past business mindset, people think that the value was created by enterprises. Enterprises decide what value their products and services provide, and the consumer only means the demand of their product. With the industry environment changes and the internet economics’ coming, the boundary between producer and consumer is getting more and more indistinct. This kind of situation also takes place in the internet. The website only provides the information with their desires and the users for the website are just the flow creator. As the progress of the information technology and the internet technology, people are getting to cooperate by their collective intelligence through the internet. And the phrases“Web2.0”is born to represent this new internet development.
According to the research of July 2007 Taiwan broadband transmission investigated by TWNIC, the internet popularity rate of Taiwan has reached 67.77%, and there are more than 450 million network users around the world. In this kind of trend, the Web2.0 companies in the US has received $ 870 million from venture capitalists, and under the trend, plenty of start-up companies has devoted themselves in the business. So this study’s objective is to give a preliminary study on how the Web2.0 websites in Taiwan construct the innovative business model, and to let the new followers or the old Web1.0 websites know how to succeed in this competitive market.
This study will focus on the aggregator type Web2.0 website, research how the innovative concept come into being, start-up history, and how they create the business model of the value co-create with customer. At the beginning, this study will generalize the definition of the Web2.0 in this study by reviewing discusses and analyses which were proposed by scholars and internet trend observers, and then propose the research construct base on the business concept innovation (Hamel, 2000), value co-creation theory (Prahalad & Ramswamy, 2003), and the start-up capital construction.
After the case study and research, there are five research results:
1.The aggregator web2.0 website’s innovative concept is not only come from entrepreneur but also the website users. And there are many people participate the concept create process.
2.The aggregator web2.0 website’s core strategies will depend on if the entrepreneur is the lead user. Their target market strategy is to focus on one single niche market at the beginning, then extend to other niche market, and finally aim at mass market.
3.The strategic assets for the aggregator web2.0 website are not the key component. But with the website’s growth, the strategic assets will affect the core strategies’ construction and implementation.
4.The aggregator web2.0 website provides the value co-creation designed customer interface on its platform.
5.The aggregator web2.0 website builds their value network by content construction, complementary functions construction, value exchange and other alliances.
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Kundvärdesdriven affärsmodellsinnovation : En studie om att anpassa Geodesigns affärsmodell utifrån kunders värdepreferenser / Customer Value-driven Business Model Innovation : A study about adapting Geodesign's business model according to customers' value preferencesFogelberg, Mathias, Gesar, Mathias January 2016 (has links)
This study has been carried out at Geodesign Latitud 57 AB and its purpose is to present possibilities of how the company’s business model can be adapted in order to deliver additional customer value. The study presents the importance of adapting businesses according to customer needs and not having presumptions of what customers’ value in a company’s value offering. In order to conduct the study properly, the two concepts of business models and customer value were investigated thoroughly, as well as methods of how customer value can be measured and how a company’s business model can be adapted according to customers’ value preferences. Geodesign Latitud 57 AB is a Swedish company which develops and sells temporary flood barrier systems. The market for the company’s products has only just started to develop and the company’s primary customers are currently Swedish and international administrative authorities, communes and larger electrical power companies. Geodesign have been active on the market for over 20 years but it is not until recently that flood fighting has received increased attention. The difficulties of getting their products sold has created a need for the company to further understand what customers value when they purchase temporary flood barrier systems and how the company’s business model can be adapted to better suit customer needs. This study has both a qualitative and a quantitative approach. The authors of the study have taken into account previously conducted studies regarding the identification of customer value preferences and adaptation of business models. Geodesign’s business model was mapped by interviewing the company’s employees. The customers’ value preferences were identified by using an analytical hierarchy process (AHP), supported by qualitative questions in order to fully understand what customers value in a temporary barrier system offering. The study presents a model for business model adaptation according to customer value preferences, Step by step, the model specifies how to understand what customers value in a company’s offering, how to map the company’s current business model, how to analyse how the current business model is suitable for delivering the customers’ needs, and finally how to generate ideas of how the company can adapt its current business model in order to create additional customer value. The model for business model adaptation is generalizable and useful for other companies that wish to create additional customer value. The study resulted in a number of ways in which Geodesign can adapt their current business model in order to create additional customer value. The authors of the study suggest four ways in which Geodesign can adapt its current business model: Improve the usability of the temporary barrier systems Offer training and education on site in the customers’ geographical areas and make use of the company’s key resources. Emphasize valuable information in marketing channels. Introduce routines for continuous evaluation after the temporary barrier systems have been used during floods. By adapting the company’s business model in these ways, the company will improve relations to their customers and users, receive continuous input regarding what the customers and users value, and create additional value through their value offerings. / Föreliggande studie har genomförts på företaget Geodesign Latitud 57 AB och syftar till att presentera förslag på hur företagets affärsmodell kan anpassas för att leverera ytterligare kundvärde. Studien belyser vikten av att anpassa företagets verksamhet efter kundernas behov och att inte ha förutfattade meningar om vad kunderna anser vara värdefullt i företagets erbjudande. För att kunna genomföra studien undersöktes begreppen affärsmodell och kundvärde, hur kundvärde kan mätas samt hur en affärsmodell kan anpassas efter kunders värdepreferenser. Geodesign Latitud 57 AB är ett svenskt företag som arbetar med att utveckla och sälja temporära barriärsystem mot översvämningar. Marknaden för temporära barriärsystem är relativt ung och kunderna utgörs framförallt av stater, myndigheter och större elbolag såväl nationellt som internationellt. Företaget har varit verksamma i över 20 år men det är först på senare tid som översvämningar och höga vattenstånd har fått en mer betydande plats på deras kunders och potentiella kunders agenda. Svårigheterna i att få deras produkter sålda har gjort att företaget ser ett värde i att undersöka vad kunderna efterfrågar i ett erbjudande kring mobila barriärsystem och hur deras affärsmodell kan anpassas för att bättre möta kundernas behov. Studien är såväl kvantitativ som kvalitativ och genomförandet av studien har stöttats av tidigare vetenskapliga undersökningar som handlat om att kvantifiera kundvärde och anpassa företags affärsmodeller. Företagets affärsmodell kartlades genom intervjuer med företagets anställda. Kundernas värdepreferenser identifierades genom en Analytisk Hierarkiprocess (AHP) som stöttades av kvalitativa intervjufrågor för att på djupet undersöka vad kunderna ser som värdefullt i ett erbjudande med temporära barriärsystem. I studien presenteras en arbetsmodell som stegvis beskriver hur ett företags affärsmodell kan förändras utifrån marknadens kunders värdepreferenser. Arbetsmodellen är noga specificerad och beskriver tillvägagångssättet för att identifiera vad kunderna värderar i erbjudandet, kartlägga företagets nuvarande affärsmodell, analysera hur väl dagens affärsmodell uppfyller vad kunderna värderar och slutligen generera idéer för hur företaget kan anpassa sin nuvarande affärsmodell för att skapa ytterligare kundvärde. Arbetsmodellen är generaliserbar och användbar i andra branscher och för företag som vill skapa ytterligare kundvärde. Studiens resultat visar att det finns möjliga anpassningar som Geodesign kan genomföra i sin affärsmodell för att skapa ytterligare kundvärde. Studiens författare föreslår fyra sätt som Geodesign kan anpassa sin nuvarande affärsmodell på: Förbättra användarvänligheten hos barriärsystemen Erbjud träningstillfällen i kundens geografiska område och utnyttja nyckelresurser Framhäv rätt information i marknadsföringskanaler Inför rutiner för uppföljning av användningen av barriärsystemen Genom att anpassa företagets affärsmodell på dessa sätt kommer företaget att få förbättrade kundrelationer, kontinuerlig input om vad kunderna på marknaden värderar och ett ökat kundvärde i företagets värdeerbjudande.
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Beyond Going Global : Essays on business development of International New Ventures past early internationalizationAbrahamsson, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The notion of International New Ventures, or INVs, emerged in academia in the early-to-mid 1990s and generally refers to entrepreneurial firms that tend to internationalize very early in their life-cycle, and whose expansion into foreign markets occurs much more quickly than predicted by earlier theories of the incremental internationalization process. Previous literature proposes effective networking with market partners and, more recently, internationally viable business model among key distinguishing features of INVs that allow for such early and rapid entry into international markets. Nevertheless, little is yet known regarding how these younger firms develop over time and how they could sustain international growth. With the purpose of filling this gap, this doctoral dissertation scrutinizes business models and business model innovation of INVs beyond their early internationalization, with a particular emphasis on INVs’ external relationships configurations. The dissertation consists of four self-contained essays that represent a methodological mixture of qualitative and quantitative approaches and incorporate longitudinal case studies, surveys and register-based data encompassing nine years of Swedish INVs’ development. The findings highlight the importance of the business model as an initial market entry tool, and of business model innovation as a potential growth vehicle over time. Findings also display that INVs work with a broader range of external partners compared to other firms for innovative purposes, and that INVs have different business model innovation patterns compared to other types of internationalized firms. Moreover, INVs focus more heavily on value capture innovations in their business models as they mature and seek to obtain a more centralized position in their industry ecosystem by re-configuring the parameters of existing external relationships or developing new ones. Overall, this dissertation contributes to the international entrepreneurship and business model literature by explicating how maturing INVs need to operate under different business model configurations as compared to emerging INVs, as the original business model might lack scalability after a certain point in time. Furthermore, the dissertation suggests how INVs can pursue a dynamic business model approach and utilize dynamic capabilities to design business models that put the focal firm more in control of the surrounding ecosystem, and reduce constraints that can limit the value capturing potential and thus the growth and development of INVs.
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Attitude, Activity and Destination Brand Identity among Swedish Entrepreneurs in Heritage Tourism : a case study of the UNESCO site of Decorated Farmhouses in HälsinglandÖhrnell, Gunnar, Sun, Yunchen January 2017 (has links)
Being one of the fastest growing industries, tourism has a trend to offer more innovative products and services. New opportunities and challenges have come for entrepreneurs and SMEs. Heritage tourism is one type of experience-based tourism where people can get historical or cultural experience. The potential of heritage tourism has attracted many entrepreneurs. It has been recognised activities are motivated by attitude within an entrepreneurial setting, however how the destination brand identity impacts the relationship from a supplier’s perspective is not clear. This thesis investigates the influence of destination brand on the entrepreneurs in a heritage tourism. A qualitative research design was constructed and the research strategy of a case study of the Swedish World Heritage site of Decorated Farmhouses of Hälsingland (Hälsingegårdar) was chosen. There are only seven farmhouses to represent the UNESCO site and also 34 non-listed farmhouses open to the public. After examining both groups, it could be concluded that the destination brand of a World Heritage Site will motivate the entrepreneurs to look for opportunities, which will strengthen their attitudes. However, the relationship between attitude and activity is weak due to the effect of other external factors.
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E-handel- Konkurrent eller komplement för mikroföretag? : En studie om lokala mikroföretag / E-commerce- A competitor or a complement for micro-enterprises?Eriksson, Louise, Önnerberg, Isabelle January 2016 (has links)
I dagens samhälle har det skett en strukturomvandling på marknaden gällande detaljhandeln.Strukturomvandlingen har inneburit utveckling av bland annat omnikanaler och e-handelvilket har förändrat företagens affärsmodellsval för att kunna överleva på marknaden. Ehandelnhar i många år setts som en konkurrent för mikroföretag, men det börjar även blimöjligt för mikroföretag att införa ett integrerat system som innebär att den fysiska butikensamverkar med e-handeln. Resultatet av de ökade möjligheterna för mikroföretag är att de kanvälja mellan tre olika affärsmodellsval gällande sin marknadsplats och tillgänglighet avföretaget och sedan utifrån omnikanaler kan företagen välja hur de vill nå ut tillkonsumenterna.I denna studie vill vi få en ökad förståelse för hur lokala mikroföretag arbetar med att behållasin marknadsplats i den ökade konkurrensen som blir i och med e-handelns tillväxt. För attkunna undersöka mikroföretagen har vi tillämpat en kvalitativ metod med djupgåendehalvstrukturerade intervjuer. För att få reda på hur lokala handlare uppfattar marknaden,konkurrensen och handelsutvecklingen, intervjuades fem stycken strategiskt valdadetaljhandelsföretag.Av undersökningen framgick det att en gemensam syn kring marknaden föreligger vilketinnebar att oavsett företagens val så har företagen sitt fokus på konsumenten. Det framgickäven att en av de viktigaste framgångsfaktorerna är att tillgodose konsumenten med högservicegrad och på så sätt skapa en relation. Relationer bidrar till återkommande och lojalakonsumenter vilket i sin tur bidrar till lönsamhet för företaget. Samtliga informanter var enigaom att relationer upprättas i den fysiska butiken och har således valt att fokusera på denenskilda butiken i internets ständiga utveckling. För att attrahera konsumenter till butiken harde valt att tillhandahålla ett unikt sortiment. Sammanfattningsvis har internet och handelnsutveckling och den konkurrens det medför på lokala handlarna blivit tvungna ta ställning tilldet och anpassa en affärsmodell utefter sin egen verksamhet. / There has been a relatively recent structural change in the retail sector. This changes has ledto the development of omnichannels and e-commerce, which has changed the business modelto be able to survive in the market. E-commerce has for many years been seen a competitorfor micro-enterprises, but now it has made it possible for micro-enterprises to implement anintegrated system. Companies can choose between three different business options regardingthe marketplace and availability of the company and then select the omnichannel based onhow they want to reach out to customers. Options may be interconnected to facilitate abusiness.In this study we investigate how small local business are working to maintain theirmarketplace in the face of increased competition due to the growth of e-commerce. Toinvestigate this, we used a qualitative approach with in-depth semi-structured interviews. Tofind out how local traders perceive the market, competition and trade developments, fivestragically selected retailers were interviewed.The investigation revealed that a common view about the market exists. In addition, it wasidentified that one of the key success factors was to satisfy the customers with a high level ofservice, thus creating a relationship which contributes to the development of repeat and loyalcustomers and, which in turn contributes to the company's profitability. All the respondentsagreed that relationships are established via physical stores and therefore have chosen to focuson the individual store in the internet's continual development. To attract customers to thestore, they have chosen to provide a range tailored to their customers. In summary, theinternet and the resulting development of trade and online presence means that local businesscan create systems in line with their business.
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Business Model Design for Strategic Sustainable DevelopmentFrança, César Levy January 2017 (has links)
Humanity confronts an existential threat without historic precedent. Environmental pressures have reached such intensity and pace of change that the earth system may be irreversibly tipped into a new and unpredictable state. The emerging global reality is, in turn, redefining overall conditions for business success. Addressing these challenges both demands and brings great opportunities for innovation. An important and sometimes neglected aspect of innovation is the design or redesign of business models, which has been identified as a greater source of lasting competitive advantage than new products and services per se. The business model has also been suggested as a new unit of analysis when discussing sustainability. However, this is still a relatively underexplored area. The aim of this work was therefore to develop an approach to business model design that supports strategic sustainable development, i.e., supports organizations to contribute to society’s transition towards sustainability in a way that strengthens the organization. To be able to design a business model that supports strategic sustainable development, it is necessary to know what sustainability is and how to develop sustainability-promoting, economically viable strategies. Therefore, the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development, which includes, e.g., an operational definition of sustainability and strategic guidelines for how to approach it, was used as an overarching framework. Specific research methods and techniques included, e.g., literature reviews, questionnaires, interviews, work with focus groups, participatory action research with partner organizations, creative problem solving techniques, modeling, and simulation. The literature reviews revealed potential sustainability benefits of developing business models in conjunction with product-service systems (PSS). However, a knowledge gap exists regarding how to effectively connect these fields. Arguably, PSS strategies can best contribute to sustainability when business models support their implementation and when both the business models and the PSS strategies are guided by an understanding of strategic sustainable development. Therefore, an integrated approach to Business Model Design for Strategic Sustainable Development was co-developed and tested in PSS innovation work with partners, e.g., companies within the energy and lighting sectors. The tests indicated that the new approach helped to clarify strengths and weaknesses of current business models from a strategic sustainability perspective; to transform an organization’s vision and strategy into a sustainability-framed vision and a sustainability-promoting strategy; and to communicate the new vision and strategy to the value network as a basis for engaging important stakeholders in the change. For example, the approach supported one of the partner companies in its transformation towards providing sustainable PSS solutions in the form of light as a service. Examples of business benefits of the new approach include improved scalability and risk avoidance, which provide a foundation for better investment strategies. Benefits also include improved differentiability and a broadened view on, and a more solid foundation for, collaboration with stakeholders that are increasingly important to sustainable business success.
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Coexistence, Deployment and Business Models of Heterogeneous Wireless Systems Incorporating High Altitude PlatformsYang, Zhe January 2013 (has links)
The increased demand for broadband communications has led to the rapid development of the conventional terrestrial and satellite wireless communications systems. One of the main challenges to next generation wireless systems is to deliver high-capacity and cost-efficient solutions to cope with an increasing usage of broadband services and applications. In the recent years, an emerging competitive system has attracted the attention for providing wireless broadband communications and other services based on quasi-stationary aerial platforms operating in the stratosphere known by high altitude platforms (HAPs), and located 17-22 km above the earth surface. This solution has been described by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as "a new and long anticipated technology that can revolutionize the telecommunication industry''. The HAP systems provide important advantages such as low cost, high elevation angles, low propagation delay, easy and incremental deployment, flexibility in operation, broad coverage, broadcast and broadband capability, ability to move around in emergency situations, etc. Therefore, they have been proposed by ITU for the provision of fixed, mobile services and applications, e.g. the third generation (3G) services licensed by ITU and backbone link for terrestrial networks in remote areas. This thesis explores and investigates the wireless communication and techno-economic performance of terrestrial systems and HAPs. An overview of research and development on aerial platforms worldwide is given. Coexistence performance and techniques of heterogeneous systems to provide broadband wireless communications based on Worldwide Interoperability Microwave Access (WiMAX) are investigated. A heterogeneous scenario is developed to examine the coexistence performance of heterogeneous systems. The capacity and deployment aspects of HAPs are analyzed, and further compared with terrestrial Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems (UMTS) through techno-economic studies including a proposed partnership based business model for HAPs. Performance of wireless sensor network applications via HAPs is also investigated, and shows the high potential of HAPs for large-area and long-endurance surveillance and emergency applications. The thesis shows that communications from the aerial platforms provide the best features of both terrestrial and satellite systems. HAPs can effectively coexist in a heterogeneous radio environment, and are competitive solutions in urban and suburban scenarios in terms of capacity, coverage and business perspective. This makes HAP a viable competitor and complement to conventional terrestrial infrastructures and satellite systems.
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Sustainable Business Model Innovation and Value network in High-growth company – Product-Service Systems perspectiveJarva, Jan-Iiro January 2019 (has links)
Abstract BACKGROUND: As being acknowledged relatively recently there is a scarcity of empirical studies regarding the phenomenon of high-growth companies. What effect high-growth has on sustainable business model innovation and the firm’s sustainable value network has not been researched widely yet if at all, and this study aims to provide an insight to these matter with reviewed literature and the case study. RESEARCH QUESTION: How is high-growth related to sustainable business model innovation? PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to describe, if high-growth affects the need for sustainable business model innovation and in addition how sustainable business model innovation affects to value network in Product-service systems. By bringing these aspects closer together in this dispersed research field of studies related to sustainable business model innovation and broaden the academic field and develop understanding among these concepts and their interrelations, and to provide some theoretical framework for the future research, and to provide some insights on the matters and maybe offer some general guidelines for managers who are working with these matters as part of their job.
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