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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização da resposta inflamatória no paciente com infecção por HIV/aids e sepse / Inflammatory response characters in patients with sepsis and HIV infection/AIDS

Silva Júnior, João Manoel da 29 August 2011 (has links)
Sepse é uma resposta sistêmica do hospedeiro à infecção caracterizada por alterações clínicas e laboratoriais. Em pacientes imunodeprimidos, tais alterações podem não ser nem sensíveis nem específicas para causas infecciosas, assim como agentes etiológicos, focos primários de infecção e evolução clínica podem ser distintos. A identificação de marcador laboratorial de sepse poderia auxiliar no diagnóstico, tratamento e avaliação prognóstica dessa população. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a evolução clínica, laboratorial e de marcadores inflamatórios em pacientes com infecção pelo HIV/aids e sepse, comparando-os a pacientes sépticos não infectados pelo HIV. Tratou-se de estudo prospectivo observacional de pacientes adultos com sepse grave ou choque séptico associados ou não à infecção pelo HIV/aids e admitidos em unidade de terapia intensiva. Os pacientes foram avaliados à admissão, no terceiro e sétimo dias de internação na unidade de terapia intensiva quanto a parâmetros clínicos, laboratoriais e escores de gravidade, assim como os seguintes marcadores inflamatórios: proteína c-reativa (PCR), procalcitonina (PCT), interleucina-6, interleucina-10 e TNF-. Os pacientes também foram avaliados quanto à sobrevida por ocasião da alta da hospitalar, aos 28 dias e após seis meses de inclusão no estudo. O estudo envolveu 58 pacientes consecutivamente com sepse grave e/ou choque séptico, sendo 36 com infecção pelo HIV/aids e 22 com sorologia negativa para HIV. Todos os pacientes com infecção pelo HIV preencheram critérios para aids (CDC/2008). Os pacientes sépticos com infecção pelo HIV/aids apresentaram maior ocorrência de infecções pulmonares (83,3% versus 40,9% p=0,001) e de etiologia fúngica (44,4% versus 9,1% p=0,001). Apesar dos grupos serem semelhantes em termos de xii gravidade, a mortalidade hospitalar e após 6 meses da admissão foi maior nos pacientes com infecção pelo HIV/aids em comparação aos pacientes não infectados pelo HIV (55,6 versus 27,3% p=0,03, e 58,3 versus 27,3% p=0,02, respectivamente). As concentrações iniciais de PCR e PCT foram mais baixas nos pacientes sépticos com aids que em pacientes soronegativos para HIV (130 versus 168 mg/dL p= 0,005 e 1,19 versus 4,06 ng/mL p= 0,04, respectivamente), com tendência a diminuição progressiva nos pacientes sobreviventes. Não houve diferença significativa entre as concentrações iniciais de IL-6 e TNF- em pacientes com ou sem infecção pelo HIV/aids. As concentrações iniciais de IL-10 foram maiores (4,4 pg/mL versus 1,0 pg/mL; p=0,005) e apresentaram melhor poder em predizer o óbito (área sob a curva ROC =0,74) em pacientes sépticos com infecção pelo HIV/aids. Concluindo, a evolução da sepse foi mais grave em pacientes com aids, sendo mais comuns o foco pulmonar e a etiologia fúngica. Além disso, os marcadores de resposta inflamatória apresentaram concentrações menos elevadas na população séptica soropositiva para HIV, exceto pela IL10, que também mostrou ter importante poder prognóstico nesta população / Sepsis is a systemic host response to infection characterized by clinical and laboratory findings. In immunosuppressed patients, these findings may not be sensitive or specific for infectious insults, and etiologic agents, primary foci of infection and clinical outcome may also be different. The identification of a laboratory marker of sepsis could help in diagnosis, treatment and assessment of prognosis for that population. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the course of clinical, biochemical and inflammatory markers in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected patients with sepsis. The study was prospective observational in adult patients with severe sepsis or septic shock associated or not to HIV infection/AIDS, and admitted to intensive care unit. Patients were evaluated on the first, third and seventh day of admission in relation to clinical and laboratory parameters, severity scores, besides the following inflammatory markers: c-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin (PCT) interleukin-6, interleukin-10 and TNF-. Patients were evaluated according survival at hospital discharge and after six months of admission on the study. The study involved 58 consecutive patients with severe sepsis or septic shock, 36 with HIV infection/AIDS and 22 non HIV-infected. All patients with HIV infection met criteria for AIDS (CDC/2008). The septic patients with HIV infection/AIDS presented more pulmonary infections (83.3% versus 40.9% p = 0.001) and fungal etiology (44.4% versus 9.1% p = 0.001). Although groups presented similar severity, the mortality rate at hospital discharge, 28 days and 6 months after admission was higher in patients with AIDS compared to patients without HIV infection (55.6 versus 27 3% p=0.03, and 58.3 versus 27.3% p=0.02, respectively). The initial concentrations of CRP and PCT were lower in septic patients with AIDS than in HIV-negative patients (130 versus xiv 168 mg/dL p= 0.005 and 1.19 versus 4.06 ng/mL p=0.04, respectively), with tendency to a progressive decrease in surviving patients. There was no significant difference between the initial concentrations of IL-6 and TNF- in patients with or without HIV infection/AIDS. The initial concentrations of IL-10 were higher (4.4 pg/mL versus 1.0 pg/mL, p = 0.005) and also they were better able to predict death (area under ROC curve = 0.78) in septic patients with HIV infection/AIDS. Concluding, the sepsis course was more severe in patients with AIDS, with more common pulmonary focus and fungal etiology. Furthermore, the markers of inflammatory response showed lower concentrations in septic HIV infected patients, except for IL10, which proved to have a significant prognostic power in this population

Estudo da substância P e do peptídeo relacionado ao gene da calcitonina em amostras do couro cabeludo e séricas de pacientes com líquen plano pilar e alopecia frontal fibrosante / Study of the neuropeptides substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide in the scalp and serum samples from patients with lichen planopilaris and frontal fibrosing alopecia

Soares, Isabella Ibrahim Doche 02 February 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Líquen plano pilar (LPP) e alopecia frontal fibrosante (AFF) são alopecias cicatriciais linfocíticas crônicas, caracterizadas pela destruição permanente da unidade pilossebácea. Neuropeptídeos como a substância P (SP) e o peptídeo relacionado ao gene da calcitonina (CGRP) têm sido implicados no metabolismo lipídico das glândulas sebáceas e na manutenção do estado inflamatório de diversas doenças. OBJETIVOS: 1. Quantificar e comparar a expressão dos neuropeptídeos SP e CGRP em amostras do couro cabeludo (áreas afetadas e aparentemente não afetadas) e séricas de pacientes com LPP e AFF, em relação a indivíduos sadios, utilizando a técnica de ELISA. 2. Analisar áreas afetadas e aparentemente não afetadas de pacientes com LPP e AFF através da imunofluorescência direta (IFD). MÉTODO: 20 pacientes (10 com LPP e 10 com AFF) e 11 indivíduos sadios foram submetidos a biópsias com punch de 4mm do couro cabeludo e coleta de amostras sanguíneas. Pacientes foram submetidos a biópsias das áreas afetadas e aparentemente não afetadas do couro cabeludo, as quais foram pareadas com amostras da região anterior e posterior do couro cabeludo dos indivíduos-controle. As amostras dos pacientes foram enviadas para análise histopatológica, IFD e teste de ELISA para SP e CGRP. As amostras dos controles foram submetidas à análise histopatológica e aos mesmos testes de ELISA. Sintomas (dor, prurido, queimação e formigamento) e sinais inflamatórios (eritema difuso, eritema peripilar e descamação peripilar) na região afetada dos pacientes também foram avaliados. Este estudo foi realizado nas Universidades de São Paulo (BRA) e de Minnesota (EUA), entre os anos de 2012 e 2014. RESULTADOS: A análise histopatológica evidenciou infiltrado perifolicular linfocítico típico em 70% das áreas aparentemente não afetadas do couro cabeludo de pacientes com LPP e AFF, além de fibrose e depósitos de mucina perifoliculares. Em relação à IFD, o resultado se mostrou positivo em 50% das amostras das áreas afetadas e em 40% das áreas aparentemente não afetadas dos pacientes com LPP, em comparação a 40% e 20% nos casos de AFF, respectivamente. No teste de ELISA, pacientes do grupo LPP e infiltrado histopatológico de moderado a intenso na área afetada, demonstraram maior expressão de SP na área afetada, em comparação àquela aparentemente não afetada (P=0,046). Já pacientes do grupo AFF com o mesmo grau histopatológico de inflamação, demonstraram maior expressão de SP na área aparentemente não afetada, em comparação à área afetada (P=0,050). No teste de ELISA para CGRP, pacientes com LPP e inflamação histopatológica de leve a ausente na área afetada, tiveram maior expressão deste neuropeptídeo na área aparentemente não afetada, em comparação à área afetada (P=0,048). Por outro lado, pacientes com AFF que tinham o mesmo grau de inflamação histopatológica, a expressão deste neuropeptídeo foi favorecida na área afetada, em relação àquela aparentemente não afetada (P=0,050). Todas as amostras séricas dos pacientes e controles e do couro cabeludo dos indivíduos-controle tiveram resultados indetectáveis para SP e CGRP no teste de ELISA. Nenhuma relação entre sinais e sintomas inflamatórios e expressão de SP e CGRP no teste de ELISA foi vista. CONCLUSÃO: O acometimento das áreas aparentemente não afetadas do couro cabeludo de pacientes com LPP e AFF ao exame histopatológico, sugere que ambas as doenças possam acometer de forma difusa esta região. Apesar da semelhança dos achados histopatológicos entre pacientes com LPP e AFF, resultados antagônicos dos neuropeptídeos encontrados no teste de ELISA apontam para mecanismos fisiopatogênicos distintos. A inflamação neurogênica poderia explicar a sintomatologia e contribuir para a patogênese destas doenças / INTRODUCTION: Lichen planopilaris (LPP) and frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) are primary lymphocytic cicatricial alopecias characterized by permanent destruction of the pilossebaceous unit. Neuropeptides such as substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) are related to lipid metabolism in sebaceous glands and to the maintenance of many inflammatory chronic disorders. OBJECTIVES: 1. Quantify SP and CGRP expression in affected and in normal-appearing scalp areas and serum samples from patients with LPP and FFA, and compare to healthy controls using ELISA technique. 2. Compare affected and normal-appearing areas from patients with LPP and FFA, using direct immunofluoresce (DIF) technique. METHODS: Twenty patients (10 with LPP and 10 with FFA) and eleven healthy controls underwent 4mm-punch biopsies and blood extraction. Patients collected samples from affected and normal-appearing scalp areas, and controls collected from anterior and posterior scalp areas. Patients samples were sent to histopathologic examination, DIF and ELISA tests for SP and CGRP detection. Control samples were sent to histopathologic examination and to the same ELISA tests. Symptoms (pain, burning, itching and tingling) and signs of inflammation (diffuse erythema, perifollicular erythema and perifollicular scale) were also assessed. This study was done at the Universities of São Paulo (Brazil) and Minnesota (USA), between 2012 and 2014. RESULTS: Normal-appearing scalp areas from patients with LPP and FFA showed lymphocytic perifollicular typical inflammation in 70% of the cases, as well as perifollicular fibrosis and mucin deposits. DIF test was positive in 50% of the affected areas and in 40% of normalappearing areas from patients with LPP, comparing to 40% and 20% in the FFA group, respectively. In SP ELISA test, affected areas from patients with LPP that had histopathologic moderate or intense infiltrate showed more expression of SP in the affected scalp, comparing to normal-appearing areas (P=0,046). However, affected areas from patients with FFA that showed the same degree of histopathologic infiltrate had higher expression of SP in normalappearing scalp, comparing to affected scalp (P=0.050). In CGRP ELISA test, affected scalp from patients with LPP that had histopathologic mild or irrelevant infiltrate showed increased CGRP expression in normal-appearing scalp areas, comparing to affected scalp (P=0,048). Althought, affected areas with the same degree of histopathologic inflammation from patients with FFA had more CGRP, comparing to normal-appearing scalp (P=0,050). All serum samples and scalp samples from controls had undetectable results in SP and CGRP ELISA tests. No clinical relationship was found among symptoms, signs of inflammation, and neuropeptide expression. CONCLUSION: Normal-appearing scalp areas can show histopathologic inflammation suggesting that both LPP and FFA can be more generalized processes affecting the scalp. Although both diseases share similar histopathologic findings, the opposite results in the ELISA test point that these diseases may have diverse pathogenic mechanisms. Neurogenic inflammation possibly play an important role in the pathogenesis of both LPP and FFA and may explain the symptomatic scalp some patients refer

Anabolic Androgenic Steroids : Effects on Neuropeptide Systems in the Rat Brain

Hallberg, Mathias January 2005 (has links)
<p>Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) have been used in clinics for decades. The misuse of AAS has previously been attributed merely to sport athletes, taking AAS with intentions to increase muscle mass, enhance physical performance and to improve results in competitions. Today, the misuse of AAS has spread to adolescents and young adults not connected to sports. Alarmingly, many reports are pointing at severe psychiatric adverse effects among AAS abusers, which include mood swings, mania, anxiety, depression and aggression. Numerous examples of severe and often unprovoked violence and brutal crimes have been connected to AAS abuse and there is a strong need for a better understanding of the underlying biochemical events that might account for the adverse behaviors induced by AAS. The general aim of this thesis was to study the effect of chronic AAS administration on neuropeptide circuits in the rat brain associated with the regulation of rewarding effects, memory, anxiety, depression and aggression, using nandrolone decanoate as a prototype AAS.</p><p>Results demonstrated that daily administration of AAS to rats in doses comparable to those taken by AAS abusers, in certain brain structures significantly affected, <i>a</i>) the levels of the opioid peptides dynorphin B and Met-enkephalin-Arg<sup>6</sup>Phe<sup>7</sup>, <i>b</i>) the levels of the tachykinin substance P (SP), <i>c</i>) the density of the SP neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptor, <i>d</i>) the level of the SP metabolite SP<sub>1-7 </sub>that frequently exerts opposite effects to SP, <i>e</i>) the SP<sub>1-7 </sub>generating enzyme substance P endopeptidase (SPE) and finally, <i>f</i>) the levels of the neuropeptide calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) often co-localized with SP. The alterations seen in the levels and activities of these neurochemical components are in many aspects compatible with behaviors typified among AAS abusers.</p>

Anabolic Androgenic Steroids : Effects on Neuropeptide Systems in the Rat Brain

Hallberg, Mathias January 2005 (has links)
Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) have been used in clinics for decades. The misuse of AAS has previously been attributed merely to sport athletes, taking AAS with intentions to increase muscle mass, enhance physical performance and to improve results in competitions. Today, the misuse of AAS has spread to adolescents and young adults not connected to sports. Alarmingly, many reports are pointing at severe psychiatric adverse effects among AAS abusers, which include mood swings, mania, anxiety, depression and aggression. Numerous examples of severe and often unprovoked violence and brutal crimes have been connected to AAS abuse and there is a strong need for a better understanding of the underlying biochemical events that might account for the adverse behaviors induced by AAS. The general aim of this thesis was to study the effect of chronic AAS administration on neuropeptide circuits in the rat brain associated with the regulation of rewarding effects, memory, anxiety, depression and aggression, using nandrolone decanoate as a prototype AAS. Results demonstrated that daily administration of AAS to rats in doses comparable to those taken by AAS abusers, in certain brain structures significantly affected, a) the levels of the opioid peptides dynorphin B and Met-enkephalin-Arg6Phe7, b) the levels of the tachykinin substance P (SP), c) the density of the SP neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptor, d) the level of the SP metabolite SP1-7 that frequently exerts opposite effects to SP, e) the SP1-7 generating enzyme substance P endopeptidase (SPE) and finally, f) the levels of the neuropeptide calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) often co-localized with SP. The alterations seen in the levels and activities of these neurochemical components are in many aspects compatible with behaviors typified among AAS abusers.

AvaliaÃÃo clÃnica da corticoterapia intralesional em lesÃo cen-tral de cÃlulas gigantes dos maxilares : relevÃncia da expressÃo dos receptores de corticÃide e calcitonina, Cox-2, p16 e amplificaÃÃo da ciclina D1 / Clinical Assessment of Intralesional Corticotherapy for Central Giant Cells Lesion Of The Jaws â The Relevance Of Steroid Receptor Expression And Calcitonin, Cox-2, P16 and Amplification of Cyclin D1. Author: Ranato Luiz Maia Nogueira. Leader: Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Albuquerque Ribeiro.

Renato Luiz Maia Nogueira 30 July 2010 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / A LesÃo Central de CÃlulas Gigantes dos maxilares (LCCG) à intra-Ãssea, nÃo tem predileÃÃo por sexo, classifica-se em agressivas e nÃo-agressivas, histologicamente consistem tecido fi-broso e celularizado fusiforme associado a cÃlulas gigantes multinucleadas (CGM), focos de hemorragia e neovascularizaÃÃo, tendo na cirurgia seu habitual tratamento. Novas abordagens terapÃuticas foram propostas, sendo a principal delas o uso de corticÃides intralesionais. Este trabalho analisa retrospectivamente 21 pacientes portadores de LCCG que foram tratados por hexacetonido de triancinolona intralesional, atravÃs do seguinte protocolo: injeÃÃo de hexace-tonido de triancinolona 20mg/ml diluÃdo na soluÃÃo anestÃsica de lidocaÃna 2%/epinefrina 1:200.000 numa proporÃÃo de 1:1; infiltrando 1ml de soluÃÃo para cada 1cm3 de lesÃo, totali-zando 06 aplicaÃÃes em intervalos quinzenais. Estabeleceu-se 04 critÃrios clÃnicos para classi-ficar a resposta ao tratamento: 1- estabilizaÃÃo ou regressÃo clÃnica da lesÃo 2- ausÃncia de sintomas 3- aumento da densidade nos controles radiogrÃficos 4- aumento da resistÃncia a infiltraÃÃo intralesional da droga, bem como, fez-se uma anÃlise imunohistoquÃmica quanto à expressÃo dos Receptores de corticÃides (GCR) e Calcitonina (CTR), Cox-2, proteÃna p16 e amplificaÃÃo gÃnica da Ciclina D1 por CISH, comparando quanto a agressividade e a resposta terapÃutica a corticoterapia intralesional. Dos 21 pacientes incluÃdos neste estudo, 11 eram homens e 10 mulheres, 09 tinham lesÃo em maxila, 12 em mandÃbula. Dez eram lesÃes agres-sivas e 11 nÃo-agressivas, 15 (71,4%) apresentaram uma boa resposta ao tratamento, 04(19%) moderada e 02(9,1%) negativa. Das 11 nÃo agressivas, 10(90,9%) apresentaram boa resposta e 01 (9,1%) resposta moderada, das 10 agressivas 05(50%), 03(30%) e 02(20%) apresentaram boa, moderada e negativa resposta respectivamente, nenhuma apresentou recidiva apÃs o tra-tamento, com preservaÃÃo que variou entre 04 a 08 anos. Os achados histopatolÃgicos mos-traram uma reduÃÃo da densidade e do tamanho das CG, e um estroma fibro-colagenoso das lesÃes. Dentre os marcadores pesquisados, apenas GCR em CG antes do tratamento mostrou significÃncia estatÃstica (p<0,004) com relaÃÃo a uma boa resposta terapÃutica. O CTR ex-pressou-se em cÃlulas gigantes e mononucleares de forma variada. A p16 apresentou-se ex-pressa em 30% da amostra, COX2 nÃo apresentou expressÃo na lesÃo e 33% da amostra apre-sentou amplificaÃÃo gÃnica da ciclina D1. NÃo mostraram significÃncia estatÃstica nem quanto à agressividade, nem quanto resposta ao tratamento, nenhum dos marcadores, exceto o GCR. O estudo mostrou que a corticoterapia intralesional à efetiva e segura para o tratamento das LCCG, com tendÃncia a melhor resposta nas lesÃes nÃo-agressivas do que nas agressivas. Mostrou ainda que a marcaÃÃo para GCR em CG demonstrou ser um parÃmetro confiÃvel para prever a resposta à terapÃutica com a corticoterapia intralesional e que 33% das LCCG tÃm comportamento neoplÃsico pela amplificaÃÃo gÃnica da ciclina D1. / Central Giant Cells Lesion (CGCL) of the jaws is an intra-bone lesion with no predilection for sex and clinically divided into aggressive and non-aggressive subtypes. Histological, it shows as fibrous tissue with fusiform cells, as well as multinucleated giant cells (GC) clusters, he-morrhagic foci and neovascularization. Surgery is the regular treatment option. As new the-rapeutic approaches have been proposed, intralesional glucocorticoid injection is the main option. This paper assesses retrospectively 21 patients presenting CGCL, treated with intrale-sional triamcinolone hexacetonide by using the following protocol: intralesional injection of triamcinolone hexacetonide 20mg/mL, diluted in a solution of lidocain 2% plus epinephrine 1:200000, at a 1:1 proportion; 1mL of this final solution for each 1cm3 of lesion volume was the injected, with a total of 06 injections, one in every 15 days. Four clinical criteria were sta-bilished to evaluate treatment outcome: 1- Clinical regression or stabilization of the lesion; 2- Absence of symptoms; 3- Raising in density on radiographic controls; 4-Increased resistence when injecting the drug intralesionally. It was also performed immunohistochemical assess-ment for glucocorticoid receptor (GCR) expression, calcitonin receptor (CTR) expression, COX-2 expression, p16 expression and Ciclin D1 gene amplification by CISH, making com-parisons related to aggressivity and to therapeutic outcome. Eleven out of 21 patients of this study were women, and 10 were men. Nine of the patients had lesion located in the maxilla, 12 in the mandible. Ten patients showed aggressive lesions and 11 non-aggressive lesions. Fifteen patients showed good treatment outcome, four patients showed moderate outcome, and two patients showed negative answer to the treatment. Among the 11 patients with non-aggressive lesions, ten showed good outcome and the other, moderate outcome. Among the ten aggressive lesions, five patients showed good outcome, three patients showed moderate outcome and the remaining two patients showed negative answer to the treatment. None of them showed reicidive in a four to eight years follow-up period. Morphologic analysis found positive correlation between volume density of GC/mm2 and lesion aggressiveness, as well as significant reduction in number of GC/mm2 after treatment. Among the markers, only GCR in GC showed statistical relevance associated to the treatment. CTR was espresse in GC and in mononuclear cells in a varying way; p16 was expressed in 30% of the sample; COX-2 was not expressed at all in lesion samples and 33% of the sample showed gene amplification in Ciclin D1. None of the markers showed any statistical significant difference related to aggres-siveness nor to treatment outcome, except for GCR. The study showed the feasibility of the adopted treatment, with tendency to better outcomes in non-aggressive lesion, if compared to the aggressive ones. It also showed evidence pointing to GCR expression in GC as a reliable parameter to predict therapeutic responsiveness to glucocorticoids; and it showed that 33% of CGCL have neoplastic behaviour by Ciclin D1 gene amplification.

Estudo da substância P e do peptídeo relacionado ao gene da calcitonina em amostras do couro cabeludo e séricas de pacientes com líquen plano pilar e alopecia frontal fibrosante / Study of the neuropeptides substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide in the scalp and serum samples from patients with lichen planopilaris and frontal fibrosing alopecia

Isabella Ibrahim Doche Soares 02 February 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Líquen plano pilar (LPP) e alopecia frontal fibrosante (AFF) são alopecias cicatriciais linfocíticas crônicas, caracterizadas pela destruição permanente da unidade pilossebácea. Neuropeptídeos como a substância P (SP) e o peptídeo relacionado ao gene da calcitonina (CGRP) têm sido implicados no metabolismo lipídico das glândulas sebáceas e na manutenção do estado inflamatório de diversas doenças. OBJETIVOS: 1. Quantificar e comparar a expressão dos neuropeptídeos SP e CGRP em amostras do couro cabeludo (áreas afetadas e aparentemente não afetadas) e séricas de pacientes com LPP e AFF, em relação a indivíduos sadios, utilizando a técnica de ELISA. 2. Analisar áreas afetadas e aparentemente não afetadas de pacientes com LPP e AFF através da imunofluorescência direta (IFD). MÉTODO: 20 pacientes (10 com LPP e 10 com AFF) e 11 indivíduos sadios foram submetidos a biópsias com punch de 4mm do couro cabeludo e coleta de amostras sanguíneas. Pacientes foram submetidos a biópsias das áreas afetadas e aparentemente não afetadas do couro cabeludo, as quais foram pareadas com amostras da região anterior e posterior do couro cabeludo dos indivíduos-controle. As amostras dos pacientes foram enviadas para análise histopatológica, IFD e teste de ELISA para SP e CGRP. As amostras dos controles foram submetidas à análise histopatológica e aos mesmos testes de ELISA. Sintomas (dor, prurido, queimação e formigamento) e sinais inflamatórios (eritema difuso, eritema peripilar e descamação peripilar) na região afetada dos pacientes também foram avaliados. Este estudo foi realizado nas Universidades de São Paulo (BRA) e de Minnesota (EUA), entre os anos de 2012 e 2014. RESULTADOS: A análise histopatológica evidenciou infiltrado perifolicular linfocítico típico em 70% das áreas aparentemente não afetadas do couro cabeludo de pacientes com LPP e AFF, além de fibrose e depósitos de mucina perifoliculares. Em relação à IFD, o resultado se mostrou positivo em 50% das amostras das áreas afetadas e em 40% das áreas aparentemente não afetadas dos pacientes com LPP, em comparação a 40% e 20% nos casos de AFF, respectivamente. No teste de ELISA, pacientes do grupo LPP e infiltrado histopatológico de moderado a intenso na área afetada, demonstraram maior expressão de SP na área afetada, em comparação àquela aparentemente não afetada (P=0,046). Já pacientes do grupo AFF com o mesmo grau histopatológico de inflamação, demonstraram maior expressão de SP na área aparentemente não afetada, em comparação à área afetada (P=0,050). No teste de ELISA para CGRP, pacientes com LPP e inflamação histopatológica de leve a ausente na área afetada, tiveram maior expressão deste neuropeptídeo na área aparentemente não afetada, em comparação à área afetada (P=0,048). Por outro lado, pacientes com AFF que tinham o mesmo grau de inflamação histopatológica, a expressão deste neuropeptídeo foi favorecida na área afetada, em relação àquela aparentemente não afetada (P=0,050). Todas as amostras séricas dos pacientes e controles e do couro cabeludo dos indivíduos-controle tiveram resultados indetectáveis para SP e CGRP no teste de ELISA. Nenhuma relação entre sinais e sintomas inflamatórios e expressão de SP e CGRP no teste de ELISA foi vista. CONCLUSÃO: O acometimento das áreas aparentemente não afetadas do couro cabeludo de pacientes com LPP e AFF ao exame histopatológico, sugere que ambas as doenças possam acometer de forma difusa esta região. Apesar da semelhança dos achados histopatológicos entre pacientes com LPP e AFF, resultados antagônicos dos neuropeptídeos encontrados no teste de ELISA apontam para mecanismos fisiopatogênicos distintos. A inflamação neurogênica poderia explicar a sintomatologia e contribuir para a patogênese destas doenças / INTRODUCTION: Lichen planopilaris (LPP) and frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) are primary lymphocytic cicatricial alopecias characterized by permanent destruction of the pilossebaceous unit. Neuropeptides such as substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) are related to lipid metabolism in sebaceous glands and to the maintenance of many inflammatory chronic disorders. OBJECTIVES: 1. Quantify SP and CGRP expression in affected and in normal-appearing scalp areas and serum samples from patients with LPP and FFA, and compare to healthy controls using ELISA technique. 2. Compare affected and normal-appearing areas from patients with LPP and FFA, using direct immunofluoresce (DIF) technique. METHODS: Twenty patients (10 with LPP and 10 with FFA) and eleven healthy controls underwent 4mm-punch biopsies and blood extraction. Patients collected samples from affected and normal-appearing scalp areas, and controls collected from anterior and posterior scalp areas. Patients samples were sent to histopathologic examination, DIF and ELISA tests for SP and CGRP detection. Control samples were sent to histopathologic examination and to the same ELISA tests. Symptoms (pain, burning, itching and tingling) and signs of inflammation (diffuse erythema, perifollicular erythema and perifollicular scale) were also assessed. This study was done at the Universities of São Paulo (Brazil) and Minnesota (USA), between 2012 and 2014. RESULTS: Normal-appearing scalp areas from patients with LPP and FFA showed lymphocytic perifollicular typical inflammation in 70% of the cases, as well as perifollicular fibrosis and mucin deposits. DIF test was positive in 50% of the affected areas and in 40% of normalappearing areas from patients with LPP, comparing to 40% and 20% in the FFA group, respectively. In SP ELISA test, affected areas from patients with LPP that had histopathologic moderate or intense infiltrate showed more expression of SP in the affected scalp, comparing to normal-appearing areas (P=0,046). However, affected areas from patients with FFA that showed the same degree of histopathologic infiltrate had higher expression of SP in normalappearing scalp, comparing to affected scalp (P=0.050). In CGRP ELISA test, affected scalp from patients with LPP that had histopathologic mild or irrelevant infiltrate showed increased CGRP expression in normal-appearing scalp areas, comparing to affected scalp (P=0,048). Althought, affected areas with the same degree of histopathologic inflammation from patients with FFA had more CGRP, comparing to normal-appearing scalp (P=0,050). All serum samples and scalp samples from controls had undetectable results in SP and CGRP ELISA tests. No clinical relationship was found among symptoms, signs of inflammation, and neuropeptide expression. CONCLUSION: Normal-appearing scalp areas can show histopathologic inflammation suggesting that both LPP and FFA can be more generalized processes affecting the scalp. Although both diseases share similar histopathologic findings, the opposite results in the ELISA test point that these diseases may have diverse pathogenic mechanisms. Neurogenic inflammation possibly play an important role in the pathogenesis of both LPP and FFA and may explain the symptomatic scalp some patients refer

Caracterização da resposta inflamatória no paciente com infecção por HIV/aids e sepse / Inflammatory response characters in patients with sepsis and HIV infection/AIDS

João Manoel da Silva Júnior 29 August 2011 (has links)
Sepse é uma resposta sistêmica do hospedeiro à infecção caracterizada por alterações clínicas e laboratoriais. Em pacientes imunodeprimidos, tais alterações podem não ser nem sensíveis nem específicas para causas infecciosas, assim como agentes etiológicos, focos primários de infecção e evolução clínica podem ser distintos. A identificação de marcador laboratorial de sepse poderia auxiliar no diagnóstico, tratamento e avaliação prognóstica dessa população. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a evolução clínica, laboratorial e de marcadores inflamatórios em pacientes com infecção pelo HIV/aids e sepse, comparando-os a pacientes sépticos não infectados pelo HIV. Tratou-se de estudo prospectivo observacional de pacientes adultos com sepse grave ou choque séptico associados ou não à infecção pelo HIV/aids e admitidos em unidade de terapia intensiva. Os pacientes foram avaliados à admissão, no terceiro e sétimo dias de internação na unidade de terapia intensiva quanto a parâmetros clínicos, laboratoriais e escores de gravidade, assim como os seguintes marcadores inflamatórios: proteína c-reativa (PCR), procalcitonina (PCT), interleucina-6, interleucina-10 e TNF-. Os pacientes também foram avaliados quanto à sobrevida por ocasião da alta da hospitalar, aos 28 dias e após seis meses de inclusão no estudo. O estudo envolveu 58 pacientes consecutivamente com sepse grave e/ou choque séptico, sendo 36 com infecção pelo HIV/aids e 22 com sorologia negativa para HIV. Todos os pacientes com infecção pelo HIV preencheram critérios para aids (CDC/2008). Os pacientes sépticos com infecção pelo HIV/aids apresentaram maior ocorrência de infecções pulmonares (83,3% versus 40,9% p=0,001) e de etiologia fúngica (44,4% versus 9,1% p=0,001). Apesar dos grupos serem semelhantes em termos de xii gravidade, a mortalidade hospitalar e após 6 meses da admissão foi maior nos pacientes com infecção pelo HIV/aids em comparação aos pacientes não infectados pelo HIV (55,6 versus 27,3% p=0,03, e 58,3 versus 27,3% p=0,02, respectivamente). As concentrações iniciais de PCR e PCT foram mais baixas nos pacientes sépticos com aids que em pacientes soronegativos para HIV (130 versus 168 mg/dL p= 0,005 e 1,19 versus 4,06 ng/mL p= 0,04, respectivamente), com tendência a diminuição progressiva nos pacientes sobreviventes. Não houve diferença significativa entre as concentrações iniciais de IL-6 e TNF- em pacientes com ou sem infecção pelo HIV/aids. As concentrações iniciais de IL-10 foram maiores (4,4 pg/mL versus 1,0 pg/mL; p=0,005) e apresentaram melhor poder em predizer o óbito (área sob a curva ROC =0,74) em pacientes sépticos com infecção pelo HIV/aids. Concluindo, a evolução da sepse foi mais grave em pacientes com aids, sendo mais comuns o foco pulmonar e a etiologia fúngica. Além disso, os marcadores de resposta inflamatória apresentaram concentrações menos elevadas na população séptica soropositiva para HIV, exceto pela IL10, que também mostrou ter importante poder prognóstico nesta população / Sepsis is a systemic host response to infection characterized by clinical and laboratory findings. In immunosuppressed patients, these findings may not be sensitive or specific for infectious insults, and etiologic agents, primary foci of infection and clinical outcome may also be different. The identification of a laboratory marker of sepsis could help in diagnosis, treatment and assessment of prognosis for that population. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the course of clinical, biochemical and inflammatory markers in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected patients with sepsis. The study was prospective observational in adult patients with severe sepsis or septic shock associated or not to HIV infection/AIDS, and admitted to intensive care unit. Patients were evaluated on the first, third and seventh day of admission in relation to clinical and laboratory parameters, severity scores, besides the following inflammatory markers: c-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin (PCT) interleukin-6, interleukin-10 and TNF-. Patients were evaluated according survival at hospital discharge and after six months of admission on the study. The study involved 58 consecutive patients with severe sepsis or septic shock, 36 with HIV infection/AIDS and 22 non HIV-infected. All patients with HIV infection met criteria for AIDS (CDC/2008). The septic patients with HIV infection/AIDS presented more pulmonary infections (83.3% versus 40.9% p = 0.001) and fungal etiology (44.4% versus 9.1% p = 0.001). Although groups presented similar severity, the mortality rate at hospital discharge, 28 days and 6 months after admission was higher in patients with AIDS compared to patients without HIV infection (55.6 versus 27 3% p=0.03, and 58.3 versus 27.3% p=0.02, respectively). The initial concentrations of CRP and PCT were lower in septic patients with AIDS than in HIV-negative patients (130 versus xiv 168 mg/dL p= 0.005 and 1.19 versus 4.06 ng/mL p=0.04, respectively), with tendency to a progressive decrease in surviving patients. There was no significant difference between the initial concentrations of IL-6 and TNF- in patients with or without HIV infection/AIDS. The initial concentrations of IL-10 were higher (4.4 pg/mL versus 1.0 pg/mL, p = 0.005) and also they were better able to predict death (area under ROC curve = 0.78) in septic patients with HIV infection/AIDS. Concluding, the sepsis course was more severe in patients with AIDS, with more common pulmonary focus and fungal etiology. Furthermore, the markers of inflammatory response showed lower concentrations in septic HIV infected patients, except for IL10, which proved to have a significant prognostic power in this population

An in vitro study of the mechanisms that underlie changes in neuronal sensitivity and neurite morphology following treatment with microtubule targeting agents

Pittman, Sherry Kathleen 11 1900 (has links)
Microtubule targeting agents (MTAs) are chemotherapeutics commonly used in the treatment of breast, ovarian, lung, and lymphoma cancers. There are two main classes of MTAs based upon their effects on microtubule stability. The two classes are the destabilizing agents, which include the drug vincristine, and the stabilizing agents, which include paclitaxel and epothilone B. These drugs are highly effective antineoplastics, but their use is often accompanied by several side effects, one of which is peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy can be characterized by burning pain, tingling, loss of proprioception, or numbness in the hands and feet. In some patients, the MTA-induced peripheral neuropathy is debilitating and dose-limiting; however, there are no effective prevention strategies or treatment options for peripheral neuropathy as the mechanisms mediating this side effect are unknown. The goal of this work was to investigate MTA-induced effects on neuronal activity and morphology in order to elucidate the underlying mechanisms involved in the development of MTA-induced peripheral neuropathy. As an indicator of sensory neuronal activity, the basal and stimulated release of the putative nociceptive peptide, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), was measured from sensory neurons in culture after exposure to the MTAs paclitaxel, epothilone B, and vincristine. Neurite length and branching were also measured in sensory neuronal cultures after treatment with these MTAs. The results described in this thesis demonstrate that MTAs alter the stimulated release of CGRP from sensory neurons in differential ways depending on the MTA agent employed, the CGRP evoking-stimulus used, the concentration of the MTA agent, the duration of exposure to the MTA agent, and the presence of NGF. It was also observed that MTA agents decrease neurite length and branching, independent of the concentration of NGF in the culture media. Thus, this thesis describes MTA-induced alterations of sensory neuronal sensitivity and neurite morphology and begins to elucidate the underlying mechanisms involved in MTA-induced alterations of sensory neurons. These findings will undoubtedly be used to help elucidate the mechanisms underlying MTA-induced peripheral neuropathy.

Molecular determinants of congenital hypothyroidism due to thyroid dysgenesis

Abu-Khudir, Rasha 04 1900 (has links)
L’hypothyroïdie congénitale par dysgénésie thyroïdienne (HCDT) est la condition endocrinienne néonatale la plus fréquemment rencontrée, avec une incidence d’un cas sur 4000 naissances vivantes. L’HCDT comprend toutes les anomalies du développement de la thyroïde. Parmi ces anomalies, le diagnostic le plus fréquent est l’ectopie thyroïdienne (~ 50% des cas). L’HCDT est fréquemment associée à un déficit sévère en hormones thyroïdiennes (hypothyroïdisme) pouvant conduire à un retard mental sévère si non traitée. Le programme de dépistage néonatal assure un diagnostic et un traitement précoce par hormones thyroïdiennes. Cependant, même avec un traitement précoce (en moyenne à 9 jours de vie), un retard de développement est toujours observé, surtout dans les cas les plus sévères (c.-à-d., perte de 10 points de QI). Bien que des cas familiaux soient rapportés (2% des cas), l’HCTD est essentiellement considérée comme une entité sporadique. De plus, plus de 92% des jumeaux monozygotiques sont discordants pour les dysgénésies thyroïdiennes et une prédominance féminine est rapportée (spécialement dans le cas d’ectopies thyroïdiennes), ces deux observations étant clairement incompatible avec un mode de transmission héréditaire mendélien. Il est donc cohérent de constater que des mutations germinales dans les facteurs de transcription thyroïdiens connus (NKX2.1, PAX8, FOXE1, and NKX2.5) ont été identifiées dans seulement 3% des cas sporadiques testés et furent, de plus, exclues lors d’analyse d’association dans certaines familles multiplex. Collectivement, ces données suggèrent que des mécanismes non mendéliens sont à l’origine de la majorité des cas de dysgénésie thyroïdienne. Parmi ces mécanismes, nous devons considérer des modifications épigénétiques, des mutations somatiques précoces (au stade du bourgeon thyroïdien lors des premiers stades de l’embryogenèse) ou des défauts développementaux stochastiques (c.-à-d., accumulation aléatoire de mutations germinales ou somatiques). Voilà pourquoi nous proposons un modèle «2 hits » combinant des mutations (épi)génétiques germinales et somatiques; ce modèle étant compatible avec le manque de transmission familial observé dans la majorité des cas d’HCDT. Dans cette thèse, nous avons déterminé si des variations somatiques (épi)génétiques sont associées à l’HCTD via une approche génomique et une approche gène candidat. Notre approche génomique a révélé que les thyroïdes ectopiques ont un profil d’expression différent des thyroïdes eutopiques (contrôles) et que ce profil d’expression est enrichi en gènes de la voie de signalisation Wnt. La voie des Wnt est cruciale pour la migration cellulaire et pour le développement de plusieurs organes dérivés de l’endoderme (p.ex. le pancréas). De plus, le rôle de la voie des Wnt dans la morphogénèse thyroïdienne est supporté par de récentes études sur le poisson-zèbre qui montrent des anomalies du développement thyroïdien lors de la perturbation de la voie des Wnt durant différentes étapes de l’organogénèse. Par conséquent, l’implication de la voie des Wnt dans l’étiologie de la dysgénésie thyroïdienne est biologiquement plausible. Une trouvaille inattendue de notre approche génomique fut de constater que la calcitonine était exprimée autant dans les thyroïdes ectopiques que dans les thyroïdes eutopiques (contrôles). Cette trouvaille remet en doute un dogme de l’embryologie de la thyroïde voulant que les cellules sécrétant la calcitonine (cellules C) proviennent exclusivement d’une structure extrathyroïdienne (les corps ultimobranchiaux) fusionnant seulement avec la thyroïde en fin de développement, lorsque la thyroïde a atteint son emplacement anatomique définitif. Notre approche gène candidat ne démontra aucune différence épigénétique (c.-à-d. de profil de méthylation) entre thyroïdes ectopiques et eutopiques, mais elle révéla la présence d’une région différentiellement méthylée (RDM) entre thyroïdes et leucocytes dans le promoteur de FOXE1. Le rôle crucial de FOXE1 dans la migration thyroïdienne lors du développement est connu et démontré dans le modèle murin. Nous avons démontré in vivo et in vitro que le statut de méthylation de cette RDM est corrélé avec l’expression de FOXE1 dans les tissus non tumoraux (c.-à-d., thyroïdes et leucocytes). Fort de ces résultats et sachant que les RDMs sont de potentiels points chauds de variations (épi)génétiques, nous avons lancé une étude cas-contrôles afin de déterminer si des variants génétiques rares localisés dans cette RDM sont associés à la dysgénésie thyroïdienne. Tous ces résultats générés lors de mes études doctorales ont dévoilé de nouveaux mécanismes pouvant expliquer la pathogenèse de la dysgénésie thyroïdienne, condition dont l’étiologie reste toujours une énigme. Ces résultats ouvrent aussi plusieurs champs de recherche prometteurs et vont aider à mieux comprendre tant les causes des dysgénésies thyroïdiennes que le développement embryonnaire normal de la thyroïde chez l’homme. / Congenital hypothyroidism from thyroid dysgenesis (CHTD) is the most common congenital endocrine disorder with an incidence of 1 in 4,000 live births. CHTD includes multiple abnormalities in thyroid gland development. Among them, the most common diagnostic category is thyroid ectopy (~ 50 % of cases). CHTD is frequently associated with a severe deficiency in thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism), which can lead to severe mental retardation if left untreated. The newborn biochemical screening program insures the rapid institution of thyroid hormone replacement therapy. Even with early treatment (on average at 9 d), subtle developmental delay is still be observed in severe cases (i.e., IQ loss of 10 points). Although there have been some reports of familial occurrence (in 2% of the cases), CHTD is mainly considered as a sporadic entity. Furthermore, monozygotic (MZ) twins show a high discordance rate (92%) for thyroid dysgenesis and female predominance is observed in thyroid dysgenesis (especially thyroid ectopy), these two observations being incompatible with simple Mendelian inheritance. In addition, germline mutations in the thyroid related transcription factors NKX2.1, PAX8, FOXE1, and NKX2.5 have been identified in only 3% of sporadic cases and linkage analysis has excluded these genes in some multiplex families with CHTD. Collectively, these data point to the involvement of non-Mendelian mechanisms in the etiology of the majority of cases of thyroid dysgenesis. Among the plausible mechanisms are epigenetic modifications, somatic mutations occurring in the thyroid bud early during embryogenesis, or stochastic developmental events. Hence, we proposed a two-hit model combining germline and somatic (epi)genetic variations that can explain the lack of clear familial transmission of CTHD. In this present thesis, we assessed the role of somatic (epi)genetic variations in the pathogenesis of thyroid dysgenesis via a genome-wide as well as a candidate gene approach. Our genome wide approach revealed that ectopic thyroids show a differential gene expression compared to that of normal thyroids, with enrichment for the Wnt signalling pathway. The Wnt signalling pathway is crucial for cell migration and for the development of several endoderm-derived organs (e.g., pancreas). Moreover, a role of Wnt signalling in thyroid organogenesis was further supported by recent zebrafish studies which showed thyroid abnormalities resulting from the disruption of the Wnt pathway during different steps of organogenesis. Thus, Wnt pathway involvement in the etiology of thyroid ectopy is biologically plausible. An unexpected finding of our genome-wide gene expression analysis of ectopic thyroids was that they express calcitonin similar to normally located (orthotopic) thyroids. Such a finding, although in contradiction with our current knowledge of the embryological development of the thyroid attributes C cell origins to extrathyroidal structures (ultimobrachial bodies) upon fusion with a fully-formed, normally situated gland. Using a candidate gene approach, we were unable to demonstrate any differences in the methylation profile between ectopic and eutopic thyroids, but nevertheless we documented the presence of a differentially methylated region (DMR) between thyroids and leukocytes in the promoter of FOXE1, a gene encoding the only thyroid related transcription factor known to play a crucial role in regulating the migration of the thyroid precursors during development as shown by animal studies. We demonstrated by in vivo and in vitro studies that the methylation status of this DMR is correlated with differential expression of FOXE1 in non-tumoral tissues (thyroids and leukocytes). Knowing that DMRs are hotspots for epi(genetic) variations, its screening among CTHD patients is justifiable in our search for a molecular basis of thyroid dysgenesis, currently underway in a case-control study. The results generated during my graduate studies represent unique and novel mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of CHTD, the etiology of which is still an enigma. They also paved the way for many future studies that will aid in better understanding both the normal and pathogenic development of the thyroid gland.

Efeito da toxina botulínica tipo A sobre a expressão de neuropeptídeos e o transporte mucociliar nasal em coelhos / Effect of botulinum toxin type A on nasal neuropeptides and mucociliary clearance in rabbits

Carreirão Neto, Waldir 26 August 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A toxina botulínica tipo A (TXB-A) tem sido testada no tratamento da rinite, principalmente nos casos de rinite idiopática. Sugere-se que um estado de hiper-reatividade do nervo trigêmeo esteja envolvido na fisiopatologia da rinite idiopática. O nervo trigêmeo possui fibras sensitivas não mielinizadas tipo C (FSNMT-C) que contém os neuropeptídeos substância P (SP) e peptídeo relacionado ao gene da calcitonina (CGRP). O óxido nítrico (NO) produzido pelas enzimas óxido nítrico sintase (NOS) também está envolvido nesse processo de neurorregulação nasal. O transporte mucociliar, mecanismo primário de defesa do sistema respiratório, é formado pelo batimento ciliar e muco nasal, e esses componentes podem ser influenciados por diferentes neuropeptídeos e neurotransmissores presentes na mucosa nasal. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da TXB-A sobre a expressão da SP, CGRP e óxido nítrico sintase neural (nNOS), além de sua influência sobre o transporte mucociliar nasal em coelhos. MÉTODOS: Coelhos machos saudáveis da linhagem Nova Zelândia foram divididos em dois grupos: o grupo tratamento recebeu TXB-A (25UI) na concha nasomaxilar (CNM) do lado direito e soro fisiológico a 0,9% (SF0,9%) na CNM esquerda. O grupo controle recebeu SF0,9% na CNM direita e nenhuma intervenção na CNM esquerda. Foram investigados os efeitos da TXB-A sobre a expressão da SP, CGRP e nNOS no tecido de CNM por meio da imuno-histoquímica. Para esta análise, dividiu-se o tecido em camada externa (CE, acima da membrana basal) e camada interna (CI, abaixo da membrana basal). Avaliou-se também a presença de apoptose celular, a frequência de batimento ciliar (FBC), o perfil histoquímico do muco nasal (glicoproteínas ácidas e neutras) e a espessura do epitélio (ESP-CE). RESULTADOS: Foi observado um aumento significativo na quantidade de células apoptóticas na CNM do grupo tratamento que recebeu TXB-A em comparação aos controles (p <= 0,001). A CNM do grupo tratamento que recebeu SF0,9% exibiu um aumento na quantidade de células apoptóticas na CI ao comparar com os controles (CNM SF0,9%, p=0,035) (CNM sem intervenção, p=0,022), e também um aumento da expressão de SP na CE em comparação aos controles (CNM SF0,9%, p=0,021) (CNM sem intervenção, p=0,040). A expressão de CGRP apresentou um aumento na CNM do grupo tratamento que recebeu TXB-A em comparação à CNM sem intervenção (p=0,008). A FBC, expressão de nNOS, perfil histoquímico do muco nasal e ESP-CE não apresentaram diferenças significativas. DISCUSSÃO: O aumento da expressão de CGRP e SP pode ter sido causado por inibição de sua exocitose vesicular pela TXB-A, levando ao seu acúmulo intracelular. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na FBC ou perfil histoquímico do muco nasal, indicando que o aumento da expressão de CGRP e SP não foi associado à inflamação. O aumento da quantidade de células apoptóticas e da expressão de SP na CNM SF0,9% do grupo tratamento pode ter sido causado por um efeito central da TXB-A. CONCLUSÃO: A administração nasal de TXB-A aumentou a expressão de CGRP e SP, possivelmente por acúmulo intracelular por causa da inibição da sua exocitose, mas sem alterar a FBC e o perfil histoquímico do muco nasal / INTRODUCTION: Botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) has been assessed in the treatment of rhinitis, especially in cases of idiopathic rhinitis. Trigeminal hyper-responsiveness appears to be involved in the pathological process of idiopathic rhinitis. Trigeminal nociceptive type C unmyelinated sensory fibers contain the neuropeptides calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP). Nitric oxide (NO) produced by the enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS) are also involved in this nasal neurorregulation process. The mucociliary clearance, primary defense system of the respiratory system, is composed by the ciliary beat and nasal mucus. These components can be influenced by different nasal neuropeptides and neurotransmitters. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of BoNT-A on the expression of SP, CGRP and neural nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), and its influence on nasal mucociliary clearance in rabbits. METHODS: Healthy New Zealand male rabbits were divided into two groups: the treatment group was challenged with BoNT-A (25UI) in the right nasomaxillary turbinate (NMT) and saline (SF0.9%) in the left NMT. The control group received SF0.9% in the right NMT and no-intervention in the left NMT. We investigated the effects of BoNT-A on SP, CGRP and nNOS expression in the NMT tissue by immunohistochemistry. Each area of interest was subdivided into an internal layer (IL: below the basement membrane) and outer layer (OL: above the basement membrane) for analysis. It was also assessed signs of cellular apoptosis, ciliary beat frequency (CBF), mucus histochemical profile (acidic and neutral glycoproteins) and epithelial thickness (EP-TH). RESULTS: It was observed a significant increase in the amount of apoptotic cells in the BoNT-A-challanged NMT compared with controls (p <= 0.001). The NMT of treatment group which received only SF0.9% showed an increase in the amount of apoptotic cells in the IL compared with controls (NMT SF0.9%, p = 0.035) (NMT no-intervention, p = 0.022), and also an increase in the SP expression in the OL compared with controls (NMT SF0.9%, p = 0.021) (NMT no-intervention, p = 0.040). CGRP expression showed higher expression in the BoNT-A-challanged NMT compared with no-intervention NMT (p=0.008). The CBF, nNOS expression, mucus histochemical profile and EP-TH did not show significant differences. DISCUSSION: The increased CGRP and SP expression could be due to inhibition of vesicular exocytosis by BoNT-A, leading to CGRP and SP intracellular accumulation. No significant differences in CBF or mucus histochemical profile were observed, indicating that the increased CGRP and SP expression was not associated with inflammation. The increase in the amount of apoptotic cells and SP expression in the SF0.9% NMT of treatment group may be due to a central effect of BoNT-A. CONCLUSION: Nasal administration of BoNT-A increased SP and CGRP expression, possibly via inhibition of their release, but did not change the CBF or mucus profile

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