Spelling suggestions: "subject:"calculation off production"" "subject:"calculation oof production""
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Kalkulace cen hotových výrobků v podniku zabývajícím se potravinářskou výrobou na bázi vlastních i nakoupených surovin / Price calculations of products in meat production firm on base on own and buy comodity.BOHÁČOVÁ, Hana January 2011 (has links)
The base of the project was to find a suitable system for determining the current output prices not only for business meetings and decision-making, as well as evaluating the various factors that may affect the pricing of both material and temporal aspects. The project was developed in the company Maso Planá, a.s.. For the successful fulfillment of the task was not only necessary to change the entire system of calculation the prices of products, but also the related production planning, manufacturing products, including standards addressing the impact of the accounting firm. The many problems has been solved during the project, such as bonuses from suppliers and their effect on pricing, change the procedure for entering into new product range and supply of company. Implementation of the project to ensure a comprehensive system for determining the operational performance calculations, and valuation of on-line transmission of necessary information to accounting. The biggest benefit of this change was added for the Sales Department. At any time the company is available to calculate a product that reflects the precise costs and thus can provide the best possible price for customers.
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Výroba sádrových tvárnic z chemosádrovce / Production of Gypsum Blocks from ChemogypsumSkoupil, Zbyněk January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is oriented on manufacture of gypsum partition block made from chemogypsum and in continuation on previous research of institute of technology of building materials and components is aimed on optimization of raw material basis. The first part of the task is dedicated to a theoretical knowledge in the field of gypsum binders and their use in manufacture of gypsum block, study of standard requirement and recherché of development so far. Second part is focused on design of optimized formulas and their modification with various additive and on calculating of production costs.
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Anslutningsoptimering av solcellsparker i Vattenfalls regionnät / Connection optimization of solar power plants to Vattenfall’s distribution systemHederstad, Anna January 2023 (has links)
Inför anslutning av stora elkraftsproducenter till regionnäten i Sverige görs omfattande analyser och beräkningar. Vattenfall Eldistribution AB är ett av företagen som äger regionnät och på senare tid har det setts en ökad andel förfrågningar på att få ansluta stora solcellsparker. Då elproduktionen från en sådan anläggning är av intermittent karaktär behövs det undersökas hur produktion och produktionsmönster ska kunna estimeras på ett tillförlitligt sätt. Rapporten presenterar teorier och ekvationer för olika sorters solinstrålning och solcellsteknik för att sedan översiktligt gå igenom de huvudkomponenter som utgör en solcellspark. I rapporten undersöks två olika metoder att estimera produktion och produktionsmönster från en solcellspark. En av metoderna använder sig av strålningsdata som STRÅNG tillhandahåller. STRÅNG är en beräkningsmodell framtagen av SMHI tillsammans med Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten och Naturvårdsverket där olika sorters inkommande strålning från solen registreras och bearbetas. Den andra metoden använder PVGIS, ett verktyg som utvecklats av EU-kommissionen för att ge information om förväntad prestanda för en solcellsanläggning. Estimeringen jämförs sedan med reellt produktionsutfall från en befintlig solcellspark för att validera beräkningarna. Senare delen av rapporten tar upp olika sammanlagringsscenarion mellan sol- och vindkraftsproduktion. Syftet var att studera på vilket sätt de båda parkernas produktion sammanfaller samt hur många timmar på ett år detta sker. I samma kapitel kan läsas om hur detta förhåller sig till en luftlednings överföringsförmåga. En lednings överföringsförmåga uttrycks i ström och är ett beräkningsresultat av ledningens mekaniska egenskaper men även väderparametrar så som lufttemperatur och solinstrålning. Resultatet av analysen utförd i arbetet pekar på att det går att estimera produktion och produktionsmönster från en solcellspark med hjälp av både STRÅNG och PVGIS. Estimeringen ska dock ses som en vägledning snarare än som underlag för detaljerade beräkningar. STRÅNG tillhandahåller mer aktuella mätdata än PVGIS men kräver desto mer bearbetning av data för att få fram estimatet. Vidare tyder även analysen på att det kan finnas goda förutsättningar att integrera solcellsparker där det redan finns befintliga vindkraftsparker utifrån beräknad ledningskapacitet. / In order to connect large scale electric power producers to the distribution system in Sweden, extensive analyses and calculations are carried out. Vattenfall Eldistribution AB - a company that owns a portion of this distribution system, has experienced a rise in requests to connect larger solar power plants. As power generated by such a plant is of intermittent character, it is necessary to investigate how production and production patterns can be reliably estimated. The report presents theories and equations for various types of solar radiation and solar cell technology, and then briefly discusses the main components of a solar power plant. In this report two methods to estimate the production and production pattern from a solar power plant are investigated. One of the methods uses radiation data provided by STRÅNG. STRÅNG is a radiation model funded by SMHI (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) together with the Radiation Safety Authority and the Environmental Protection Agency. The other method to estimate production uses PVGIS, a tool developed by the European Commission to provide information on the expected performance of a solar panel installation. The estimations by the two methods are then compared to the actual production outcome from an existing park to validate the calculations and methods. The later part of the report discusses different scenarios of combined solar and wind power production. The aim was to study how the two parks' power generation coincide and how many hours per year this occurs. The same chapter also discusses how this relates to the transmission capacity of an overhead line. The transmission capacity of an overhead line is expressed as current and is the calculated result of its mechanical properties and weather parameters such as air temperature and solar radiation. The results of the analyses carried out in this thesis indicate that it is possible to estimate production from a solar power plant using both STRÅNG and PVGIS. The estimation; however, should be seen as a guidance rather than basis for detailed calculations. STRÅNG offers more current data than PVGIS but requires more processing of the data to produce an estimate. The analysis also suggests that there may be potential for integrating solar power plants in areas where there are already existing wind power plants, given the transmission capacity of an overhead line.
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Non-Waste-Wachsschalungen: Neuartige Präzisions-Schalungen aus 100 % recycelbaren Industrie-Wachsen zur Herstellung von geometrisch komplexen Beton-BauteilenBaron, Sarah, Mainka, Jeldrik, Hoffmeister, Hans Werner, Dröder, Klaus, Kloft, Harald 21 July 2022 (has links)
Die neuen 3D-Entwurfs-, Berechnungs- und Fertigungsverfahren in Kombination mit dem Werkstoff ultrahochfester Beton (UHPC) bieten das Potenzial, den Beton-Leichtbau zu revolutionieren [1]. Die Herausforderung bei der Herstellung von geometrisch komplexen und hochpräzisen UHPC-Bauteilen liegt dabei im Schalungsbau. Da bisher keine verfügbaren abfallfreien und somit nachhaltigen alternativen Schalungsmaterialien bzw. -systeme identifiziert werden konnten, wurde der Forschungsansatz entwickelt, frei geformte Schalungen für Betonbauteile unter Verwendung von CNC-gefrästen recycelbaren Industriewachsen zu verwenden. Die Erforschung dieses Ansatzes hin zu einer anwendbaren Non-Waste-Schalungstechnologie wurde in einem gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekt des Instituts für Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungstechnik (IWF) und
des Instituts für Tragwerksentwurf (ITE) der TU Braunschweig durchgeführt.
Im Folgenden werden die wesentlichen Inhalte des Vorhabens, ausgehend von der Auswahl geeigneter Wachse, über die Untersuchung der Zerspanbarkeit bis hin zur Betonierung und anschließenden Analyse der Schalungen und Abgüsse, vorgestellt und diskutiert. Grundlegende Erkenntnisse wurden u. a. bereits 2016 in [2]–[5]
veröffentlicht. Diese werden hier teilweise wiedergegeben und zudem mit zusätzlichen Informationen ergänzt. Die wesentlichen Erkenntnisse aus dem Forschungsvorhaben werden zusammengefasst. Ausführliche Informationen zur Entwicklung der Non-Waste-Wachsschalungstechnologie finden sich in der 2019 veröffentlichten Dissertation von Jeldrik Mainka [6]. / The new 3D design, calculation and manufacturing methods in combination with ultra-high strength concrete (UHPC) off er the potential to revolutionise lightweight concrete construction [1]. The challenge in the production of geometrically complex and high-precision UHPC components lies in formwork construction. As no available waste-free and thus sustainable alternative formwork materials or systems have been identified so far, the research approach was developed to use freely shaped formwork for concrete components using CNC-milled recyclable industrial waxes. The research of this approach towards an applicable non-waste formwork technology was carried out in a joint research project of the Institute for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (IWF) and the Institute of Structural Design (ITE) of the Technical University of Braunschweig.
In the following, the main contents of the project, starting with the selection of suitable waxes, the investigation of machinability up to the concreting and subsequent analysis of the formwork and castings are presented and discussed. Basic findings have already been published in 2016 in [2]–[5]. These are partly reproduced here and supplemented with additional information. The main findings of the research project are summarised. Detailed information on the development of non-waste wax formwork technology can be found in the dissertation by Jeldrik Mainka [6], published in 2019.
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Comparison of calculated and experimental power in maximal lactate-steady state during cyclingHauser, Thomas, Adam, Jennifer, Schulz, Henry 11 July 2014 (has links)
Background: The purpose of this study was the comparison of the calculated (MLSSC) and experimental power (MLSSE) in maximal lactate steady-state (MLSS) during cycling.
Methods: 13 male subjects (24.2 ± 4.76 years, 72.9 ± 6.9 kg, 178.5 ± 5.9 cm, V_O2max: 60.4 ± 8.6 ml min−1 kg−1, V_ Lamax: 0.9 ± 0.19 mmol l-1 s-1) performed a ramp-test for determining the V_O2max and a 15 s sprint-test for measuring the maximal glycolytic rate (V_ Lamax). All tests were performed on a Lode-Cycle-Ergometer. V_O2max and V_ Lamax were used to calculate MLSSC. For the determination of MLSSE several 30 min constant load tests were performed. MLSSE was defined as the highest workload that can be maintained without an increase of blood-lactate-concentration (BLC) of more than 0.05 mmol l−1 min−1 during the last 20 min. Power in following constant-load test was set higher or lower depending on BLC.
Results: MLSSE and MLSSC were measured respectively at 217 ± 51 W and 229 ± 47 W, while mean difference was −12 ± 20 W. Orthogonal regression was calculated with r = 0.92 (p < 0.001).
Conclusions: The difference of 12 W can be explained by the biological variability of V_O2max and V_ Lamax. The knowledge of both parameters, as well as their individual influence on MLSS, could be important for establishing training recommendations, which could lead to either an improvement in V_O2max or V_ Lamax by performing high intensity or low intensity exercise training, respectively. Furthermore the validity of V_ Lamax -test should be focused in further studies.
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