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Estudo morfoquantitativo e imunohistoquímico da cartilagem articular do joelho de ratos Wistar submetidos à restrição calórica no envelhecimento / The morfoquantitative and imunohistochemistry study in the articular cartilage in the knee of Wistar rats submitted to caloric restriction in the agingRenata Gabriel Fontinele 20 December 2012 (has links)
A doença degenerativa da cartilagem articular, ou osteoartrose, pode ser causada por diversos fatores, dentre eles o envelhecimento. Com o aumento da longevidade no Brasil, a prevalência da osteoartrose vai aumentar com o aumento progressivo da idade média da população nas próximas décadas. O estresse do dia a dia, com o avanço da vida moderna, são acompanhados pela má alimentação, sendo essa caracterizada por uma subnutrição ou até uma nutrição excessiva. Utilizando ratos Wistar, como modelo experimental, o objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se a alimentação com baixo nível calórico ameniza ou acelera as alterações na estrutura da cartilagem articular das epífises distal do fêmur e proximal da tíbia, causadas pelo envelhecimento. Para tanto foram utilizadas 15 ratos, separados em três grupos, com 5 animais cada: C- animais de 06 meses alimentados com dieta normal (A); SR- animais de 18 meses alimentados dieta normal (A); RC- animais de 18 meses submetidos à restrição calórica de 31% alimentados com dieta B. A avaliação foi realizada pela microscopia de luz em cortes histológicos corados pela Hematoxilina-Eosina, Picrossírius e por imunohistoquímica com marcação do colágeno tipo II. Foram feitas medidas da espessura das zonas da cartilagem articular, contado o número de condrócitos por área, determinados os volumes dos núcleos dos condrócitos, a morfometria do colágeno, a identificação dos tipos de colágeno e a análise imunohistoquímica. Os resultados mostram que os animais do grupo RC ganharam massa corpórea de maneira significativamente mais lenta que os do SR a partir dos 8 meses. Os animais do SR apresentaram na tíbia, aumento da espessura total bicondilar provocado pelo aumento da zona profunda, aumento do número de condrócitos no côndilo lateral, manutenção do volume dos núcleos e da proporção volumétrica de colágeno, marcação mais heterogenea do colágeno tipo II no côndilo lateral, predominância desse tipo de fibras na zona média do côndilo medial. No fêmur os animais do SR mostraram diminuição da espessura total bicondilar provocada pela diminuição da zona profunda, sendo menor no côndilo medial, diminuição do número de condrócitos causado por diminuição da zona profunda, sendo menor no côndilo medial, diminuição do volume total dos núcleos dos condrócitos no côndilo medial, diminuição da proporção volumétrica do colágeno bicondilar, marcação heterogênea do colágeno tipo II, predomínio desse tipo de fibras nas zonas média e profunda bicondilar. Os animais do RC apresentaram na tíbia, manutenção da espessura, aumento do número de condrócitos bicondilar, manutenção do volume nuclear, aumento da densidade de colágeno, marcação menos heterogênea do colágeno tipo II no côndilo lateral, predominância desse tipo de fibras nas zonas média e profunda do côndilo lateral. No fêmur, os animais do RC mostraram aumento da espessura total pelo aumento da zona profunda no côndilo medial, aumento do número de condrócitos pelo aumento da zona profunda, sendo maior no côndilo medial, aumento do volume total dos núcleos dos condrócitos bicondilar, aumento da proporção volumétrica de fibras colágenas no côndilo medial, marcação heterogênea do colágeno tipo II e predomínio desse tipo de fibras nas três zonas da cartilagem. Dessa maneira, concluímos que os efeitos do envelhecimento e da restrição calórica são diferentes nas cartilagens articulares da tíbia e do fêmur. As alterações naturais do envelhecimento são amenizadas pela restrição calórica na cartilagem articular do fêmur, porém na cartilagem articular da tíbia, essas alterações são compatíveis com início de doença degnerativa sendo intensificadas pela restrição com sinias de avanço de osteoartrose. / A degenerative disease of articular cartilage, or osteoarthritis, can be caused by several factors, including aging. With increased longevity in Brazil, the prevalence of osteoarthritis will increase with the progressive increase of the average age of the population in the coming decades. The stress of everyday life, with the advance of modern life, are accompanied by poor diet, this being characterized by malnutrition or even excessive nutrition. Using Wistar rats as experimental model, the aim of this work is to verify if feeding with low calorie softens or accelerates changes in the structure of articular cartilage of the epiphysis of the distal femur and proximal tibia, caused by aging. For this purpose were used 15 rats divided into three groups with five animals each: C, 6 month animals fed with normal diet (A), SR-18 month animals fed with normal diet (A), RC-18 month animals submitted to calorie restriction of 31% fed with diet B. The evaluation was performed by light microscopy in histological sections stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin, Picrossirius and by immunohistochemistry with tagging of type II collagen. Measurements were made of thick zones of articular cartilage, counted the number of chondrocytes per area, the volumes of certain nuclei of chondrocytes, collagen morphometry, the identification of the types of collagen and immunohistochemical analysis. The results show that the RC group animals gained body mass significantly slower than the SR from 8 months. The SR animals showed increasing of total thickness bicondylar of the tibia caused by the increase in the deep zone, increasing of the number of chondrocytes in the lateral condyle, maintaining the volume of the cores and the volumetric proportion of collagen, the most heterogeneous labeling of type II collagen in the lateral condyle, predominance of such fibers in the middle zone of the medial condyle. In the femur the SR animals showed decreased of total bicondylar thickness caused by the decrease of deep zone, being lower in the medial condyle, decreasing the number of chondrocytes caused by decreased deep zone, being lower in the medial condyle, decreased total volume of nuclei chondrocytes in the medial condyle, decreased volumetric proportion of collagen bicondylar, marking heterogeneous collagen type II predominance of such fibers in the middle and deep zones bicondylar. The RC animals showed in the tibia, maintaining thickness, increasing the number of chondrocytes bicondylar, maintenance of nuclear volume, increased collagen density, less heterogeneous marking of type II collagen in the lateral condyle, the predominance of this type of fiber areas and average deep lateral condyle. In the femur, the animals RC showed increased of total thickness caused by increasing of the medial condyle deep zone, increasing the number of chondrocytes by increasing the deep zone, being greater in the medial condyle, increasing the total volume of the nuclei of chondrocytes bicondylar, increased volumetric proportion of collagen fibers in the medial condyle, heterogeneous marking of type II collagen and prevalence of this type of fiber in the three zones of cartilage. Thus, we conclude that the effects of aging and caloric restriction are different in the articular cartilage of the tibia and femur. The natural changes of aging are attenuated by caloric restriction in the articular cartilage of the femur, but in the articular cartilage of the tibia, these changes are consistent with early degenerative disease being intensified by restriction with signs of advanced osteoarthritis.
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Efeito da restrição calórica sobre marcadores de inflamação, homeostase glicêmica e proteínas envolvidas na sinalização da insulina de ratos destreinados. / Effect of caloric restriction on markers of inflammation, glycemic homeostasis and proteins involved in insulin signaling pathway in untrained ratsJoão Alfredo Bolivar Pedroso 21 March 2013 (has links)
Diversos estudos demonstram que os benefícios induzidos pelo exercício físico são revertidos após a interrupção do mesmo. Essa interrupção, também conhecida como destreinamento físico, leva ao aumento da massa corporal, ganho de massa adiposa e resistência à insulina. Apesar dessas evidências, pouca atenção é destinada para investigação de estratégias que possam atenuar esse quadro. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar os efeitos da restrição calórica sobre sensibilidade à insulina e os marcadores de inflamação no tecido adiposo epididimal de ratos destreinados. A amostra foi composta por 32 ratos Sprague-Dawley, machos e adultos. Inicialmente, os animais foram distribuídos em 2 grupos: Controle (CON) e Treinamento (TREIN), animais que foram submetidos ao treinamento em esteira ergométrica durante 8 semanas. Em seguida os animais TREIN foram redistribuídos em três grupos: Um grupo foi constituído por animais que continuaram o programa de treinamento físico (TF) por 6 semanas e mantidos ao acesso de ração ad libitum (TREIN). Os outros dois grupos tiveram o TF interrompido e foram mantidos ao acesso de ração ad libitum (DT) ou a restrição calórica de 30% (DTRC) por 6 semanas. Os animais do grupo CON continuaram o experimento, por mais 6 semanas, sem realizar qualquer tipo de exercício físico. A mensuração da massa corporal e o teste oral de tolerância à glicose foram realizados na oitava e na décima terceira semana de experimento. A partir disso, foi calculado o delta percentual da massa corporal (Δ%MC) e da área sob a curva glicêmica (Δ%ASC). Após 14 semanas de experimento, os animais foram eutanasiados para determinação da composição corporal. Também, foram analisadas proteínas envolvidas na via de sinalização da insulina (PKB), proteínas e adipocinas envolvidas no proceso inflamatório (PKC; IKK-beta; JNK; TNF-α; leptina; adiponectina)O grupo DTRC apresentou valores significativamente menores para Δ%MC ,Δ%ASC e gordura relativa comparado ao DT Além disso, os valores encontrados no grupo DT foram estatisticamente maiores em comparação ao TREIN. Por outro lado, a massa livre de gordura relativa foi estatisticamente menor no grupo DT em contraste aos grupos DTRC e TREIN. Baseados nesses resultados, conclui-se que a restrição calórica foi capaz de atenuar o ganho de peso corporal e massa adiposa, além de evitar a diminuição da sensibilidade à insulina e da massa livre de gordura após 6 semanas de destreinamento físico. / Several studies show that the benefits induced by exercise are reversed after cessation it. This interrupt, also known as physical detraining leads to increased body weight, body mass gain and insulin resistance. Despite this evidence, little attention is directed to investigate strategies to increase this situation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of calorie restriction on insulin sensitivity and inflammation markers in epididymal adipose tissue of rats untrained. The sample consisted of 32 male Sprague-Dawley male and adult. Initially, the animals were divided into 2 groups: control (CON) and Training (TREIN), animals underwent training on a treadmill for 8 weeks. Then TREIN animals were divided in three groups: One group was composed of animals that continued the program of physical training (PT) for 6 weeks and maintained access to food ad libitum (TREIN). The other two groups had stopped and the TF were maintained ad libitum access to food (TD) or 30% caloric restriction (DTRC) for 6 weeks. The animals in the CON group continued the experiment for another 6 weeks, without performing any type of exercise. The measurement of body mass test and oral glucose tolerance were carried out in the eighth and the thirteenth week of the experiment. From this, we calculated the percentage of body mass delta (Δ% MC) and the area under the glucose curve (Δ% AUC). After 14 weeks, the animals were euthanized for determination of body composition. Also, we analyzed the proteins involved in insulin signaling pathway (PKB) and protein adipokines involved in inflammatory pathway (PKC; IKK-beta; JNK, TNF-α, leptin, adiponectin) DTRC group showed significantly lower values for Δ% MC, Δ% AUC and fat on the TD compared Furthermore, the values DT group were significantly higher compared to TREIN. Moreover, the relative fat-free mass was lower in the DT group in contrast to groups and DTRC TREIN. Based on these results, it is concluded that caloric restriction was able to attenuate the gain in body weight and fat mass, in addition to preventing the decrease in insulin sensitivity and fat free mass after 6 weeks detraining physical.
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Restrição calórica e suplementação com leucina no destreinamento físico: parâmetros lipídicos e de sensibilidade à insulina no fígado / Caloric restriction and supplementation with leucine in physical detraining: lipid parameters and insulin sensitivity in the liverKelcylene Gomes da Silva 25 November 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O treinamento físico promove ao indivíduo benefícios morfológicos, fisiológicos e funcionais. Contudo, o afastamento temporário ou permanente da rotina de treinamento (destreinamento físico), pode resultar em rápido aumento de peso, dislipidemia, inflamação e resistência à insulina. Em contrapartida, a restrição calórica é uma alternativa nutricional utilizada para perder peso e tem sido associada à ativação de vias envolvidas no metabolismo lipídico, sensibilidade à insulina e inflamação. Além disso, a suplementação com aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada é uma prática comum entre atletas e dentre eles, a leucina demonstra estimular a síntese proteica, a oxidação de ácidos graxos e o metabolismo da glicose. Visto isso, sugere-se que a associação dessas duas intervenções nutricionais possa atenuar os danos no fígado decorrentes do destreinamento físico. OBJETIVOS: Verificar se a restrição calórica de 30% associada ou não à suplementação com 5% de leucina atenua as alterações no perfil lipídico, na inflamação e na via de sinalização da insulina no fígado de animais submetidos ao destreinamento físico. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 64 ratos Sprague-Dawley, machos e adultos. Os animais foram distribuídos em grupo controle (CON; n=16) e treinado (TR; n=48). Em seguida, os animais do grupo TR foram redistribuídos em 5 grupos: TR (n=16); Destreinamento (DT; n=8); DT + Suplementação com leucina (LEU; n=8); Grupo DT + Restrição Calórica (RC; n=8); Grupo DT+ RC + LEU (LEU+RC; n=8). A eutanásia ocorreu no final da 14ª semana e foram analisados: consumo de ração, peso corporal, composição corporal, sensibilidade à insulina, tolerância à glicose, concentração de triglicerídeos e colesterol no fígado, adipocinas no soro (adiponectina, leptina, IL-6, IL-10) e no fígado (IL-6, IL-10 e TNF-α). Também foram mensurados no fígado parâmetros moleculares, incluindo a atividade de ligação do NF-kB, e expressão das proteinas SIRT-1, pAMPKThr172, AKT total, pAKT308 e FoxO1; e os genes PEPCK, PPAR-α, SREBP-1c, FAS e ACC. ESTATÍSTICA: A normalidade foi previamente analisada pelo teste Shapiro-Wilk. As variáveis nas quais a normalidade não foi confirmada, procedimentos não paramétricos foram utilizados. Os dados foram expressos em média e desvio padrão e o Teste T de Student foi utilizado para amostras independentes. As comparações entre os grupos foram avaliadas por meio de análise de variância (ANOVA), seguida do teste de Tukey, para identificação dos contrastes significantes. Para todas as análises foi considerado um nível de significância de 5%. A análise estatística foi realizada no software GraphPad Prism versão 5.0. RESULTADOS: Os grupos RC e LEU+RC apresentaram peso corporal (p<0,05) e % de gordura da carcaça (p<0,05) significativamente menores do que os grupos DT e LEU. O grupo DT apresentou maior peso relativo do tecido adiposo em relação aos grupos RC e LEU+RC (p<0,05). A insulina sérica e o teste te tolerância à insulina não apresentaram diferença significativa. Na 13ª semana os grupos RC e LEU+RC apresentaram tolerância à glicose significativamente menor do que grupo DT (p<0,05). O grupo DT apresentou aumento significativo na tolerância à glicose entre a 8ª e 13ª semana (p<0,05). A leptina sérica foi significativamente maior no grupo DT em relação ao grupo RC e LEU+RC (p=0,0002), e a adiponectina sérica e a razão adiponectina/leptina não exibiu diferença significativa entre os grupos. O grupo LEU+RC apresentou concentraçao significativamente maior de IL-6 no soro relação o grupo LEU (p=0,0064), contudo houve diferença significativa na concentração de IL-10 ou na razão IL6/IL-10. A razão IL-6/IL-10 (p=0,0214) no fígado foi significativamente maior no grupo LEU em relação ao grupo LEU+RC. A razão TNF- α/IL-10 foi significativamente maior no grupo DT em comparação ao grupo LEU (p=0,0094). A IL-6 apresentou correlação positiva com peso relativo do tecido adiposo enquanto a IL-10 apresentou correlação negativa. A atividade de ligação do NF-kB não apresentou diferença significativa. A concentração de triglicerídeos no fígado foi significativamente maior no grupo LEU do que no grupo LEU+RC (p=0,0127). A concentração de colesterol foi significativamente maior no grupo DT em comparação ao grupo RC (p=0,0115). Nos parâmetros moleculares a expressão da SIRT-1 foi significativamente maior nos grupos RC e LEU+RC em comparação ao grupo DT (p<0,0005) e a expressão das demais proteínas não exibiram diferença significativa. O grupo LEU+RC apresentou a expressão significativamente maior dos genes PPAR-α (p=0,0034), ACC (p=0,0003), FAS (p<0,0001) e SREBP-1c (p=0,0032) em relação ao grupo DT. O grupo RC apresentou expressão significativamente maior do gene SREBP-1c (p=0,0032) em relação ao grupo DT. CONCLUSÃO: A restrição calórica amenizou a concentração de colesterol no fígado e quando associada a suplementação com leucina reduziu a síntese de triglicerídeos nesse órgão. A razão adiponectina/leptina e o teste de OGTT indicaram melhor sensibilidade à insulina e tolerância à glicose nos grupos submetidos à restrição calórica associada ou não à suplementação com leucina. A expressão dos genes SREBP-1c e PPAR- α e da proteína SIRT-1 demonstraram ser um indicativo de melhor sensibilidade à insulina hepática. / INTRODUCTION: The physical training promotes the individual morphological, physiological and functional benefits. However, the temporary or permanent departure from the training routine (physical detraining), can result in fast weight gain, dyslipidemia, inflammation and insulin resistance. On the other hand, the caloric restriction is a nutricional alternative to lose weight and have been associated with activation pathways involved in lipid metabolism, insulin sensitivity and inflammation. Besides that, branched-chain amino acid supplementation is a common practice between athletes and among them, the leucine shows stimulate protein synthesis, fatty acid oxidation and glucose metabolism. Based on that, it is suggested that the association of these two nutritional interventions can attenuate liver damage resultant from physical detraining. OBJECTIVES: Check if a caloric restriction of 30% associates or not of 5% leucine supplementation attenuates the changes in the lipid profile, inflammation and insulin signaling pathway in the liver of animals subjected to physical detraining. METHODS: It were used 64 rats Sprague-Dawley, males and adults. The animals were distributed in control group (CON; n=16) and trained (TR; n=48). Then, control group animals were redistributed in 5 groups: TR (n=16); Detraining (DT; n=8); DT + Supplementation with leucine (LEU; n=8); Group DT + Caloric Restriction (CR; n=8); Group DT+ CR + LEU (LEU+CR; n=8). The euthanasia occurred at the end of the 14th week and were anlyzed: feed intake, body weight, body composition, insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance, triglyceride and cholesterol concentration in the liver, adipokines in serum (adiponectin , leptin, IL-6 , IL-10) and liver (IL-6, IL-10). Also were measured in the liver molecular parameters, including binding activity from NF-kB, and protein expression SIRT-1, pAMPKThr172, AKT total, pAKT308 and FoxO1; and the genes PEPCK, PPAR-α, SREBP-1c, FAS and ACC. STATISTICS: The normality was previously analyzed by Shapiro-Wilk test. The variables where normality wasn\'t confirmed, non-parametric procedures were used. The data were expressed as mean and standard error and Student\'s t-test was used for independent samples. The comparisons between groups were evaluated using analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by the Tukey test to identify significant contrasts. For all analyzes was considered 5% significance level. The statistical analysis was performed on software GraphPad Prism version 5.0. RESULTS: The CR and LEU+CR groups showed body weight (p<0,05) and % carcass fat (p<0,05) significantly lower than DT and LEU groups. The DT group showed higher relative weight of adipose tissue in relation to RC and LEU+CR groups (p<0,05). In the serum insulin and insulin tolerance test there were no significant differences. At 13th week the RC and LEU+CR groups showed glucose tolerance significantly lower than DT group (p<0,05). The DT group showed significant increase in glucose tolerance between the 8th and 13th week (p<0,05). The serum leptin was significantly higher in DT group compared to the CR and LEU + CR group (p=0,0002), and the serum adiponectin and the reason adiponectin/leptin showed no significant difference between groups. The LEU+CR group showed significantly higher serum IL-6 concentration compared with the LEU group (p=0,0064), however there was a significant difference in IL-10 concentration or reason IL-6/IL-10. This reason in the liver was significantly higher in LEU group compared to the LEU+CR group. The IL-6 showed positive correlation with relative weight of the adipose tissue while the IL-10 showed negative correlation. The binding activity of NF-kB showed no significant difference. The concentration of triglycerides in the liver was significantly higher in LEU group compared to LEU+CR group (p=0,0127). The concentration of cholesterol was significantly higher in DT group compared to the RC group (p=0,0115). In the molecular parameters the SIRT-1 expression was significantly higher in CR and LEU+CR group compared to the DT group (p<0,0005) and the other protein expression there was no significant difference. The LEU+CR group showed the expression significantly higher of the genes PPAR-α (p=0,0034), ACC (p=0,0003), FAS (p<0,0001) and SREBP-1c (p=0,0032) compared to the DT group. The CR group showed expression significantly higher of the gene SREBP-1c (p=0,0032) compared of the DT group. CONCLUSION: The caloric restriction softened the concentration of cholesterol in the liver and when combined with a leucine supplementation decreased triglyceride synthesis in this organ. The reason adiponectin/leptin and the OGTT test indicated better insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance in groups submited calorie restriction with or without leucine supplementation. The expression of SREBP-1c and PPAR-α genes and SIRT-1 protein showed to be indicative of better hepatic insulin sensitivity.
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Efeitos da restrição calórica e do 2,4 dinitrofenol sobre o metabolismo e desenvolvimento da aterosclerose em camundongos hipercolesterolêmicos / Effects of caloric restriction and 2,4-dinitrophenol on the metabolism and development of atherosclerosis in hypercholesterolemic miceDorighello, Gabriel Gabriel, 1982- 29 May 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Helena Coutinho Franco de Oliveira / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T02:49:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: As doenças cardiovasculares permanecem como a maior causa de mortalidade no mundo ocidental. A aterosclerose é o principal responsável pela patogênese dessas doenças. Distúrbios metabólicos como as dislipidemias, hipertensão arterial, resistência à insulina e obesidade são considerados fatores de risco aterogênico. Atualmente, intervenções dietéticas e farmacológicas são utilizadas na tentativa de prevenir ou reduzir a incidência desses distúrbios. Uma dessas intervenções é o uso de regimes de restrição calórica, que está relacionada com o aumento da longevidade e a diminuição da incidência de doenças crônicas ligadas ao envelhecimento. Drogas que mimetizam alguns efeitos metabólicos da restrição calórica também estão sendo estudadas como, por exemplo, o 2,4-dinitrofenol (DNP), que promove o desacoplamento mitocondrial. Em nosso laboratório, demonstramos que os camundongos hipercolesterolêmicos, deficientes do receptor de LDL (R0), apresentam alterações importantes no metabolismo e no estado redox. Com isso, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da restrição calórica e do tratamento com DNP sobre o metabolismo e a aterosclerose em camundongos R0. Os camundongos R0 foram separados em 3 grupos: R0 controles com alimentação ad libitum, R0 com restrição calórica (R0-RC) alimentados em dias alternados e R0 tratados com 1 mg/L de 2,4 dinitrofenol na água de beber (R0-DNP). A restrição calórica apesar de diminuir o consumo alimentar, gerou diversos efeitos metabólicos não esperados como o aumento na concentração do colesterol total e das frações VLDL e LDL plasmáticas, dos depósitos adiposos viscerais e subcutâneos, assim como, tornou os camundongos hiperglicêmicos e hiperinsulinêmicos, intolerantes à glicose e resistentes à insulina. Além disso, os camundongos R0 sob restrição calórica apresentaram aumento de marcadores inflamatórios plasmáticos como o TNF? e a proteína C-reativa. Apesar da diminuição observada em alguns parâmetros no estado redox sistêmico e tecidual, os camundongos R0 restritos caloricamente apresentaram um aumento de quase 3 vezes na área de lesão aterosclerótica, o qual pôde ser explicado devido à piora dos diversos fatores de risco aterosclerótico. Por outro lado, o tratamento com DNP, causou uma diminuição na concentração dos ácidos graxos plasmáticos, sem alterar os níveis plasmáticos de outros lipídeos, a homeostase glicêmica, a massa dos depósitos adiposos e os marcadores inflamatórios. No entanto, o desacoplamento mitocondrial brando, promovido pelo DNP, gerou efeitos significativos sobre o estado redox tecidual, tais como a diminuição na geração mitocondrial de espécies reativas de oxigênio e no conteúdo de proteínas carboniladas hepáticas. O desenvolvimento espontâneo da aterosclerose foi significativamente diminuído nos camundongos R0 tratados com DNP, independentemente de outros fatores de risco já bem estabelecidos, como o colesterol e marcadores inflamatórios plasmáticos. Deste modo, o regime de restrição calórica, que é amplamente correlacionado com a longevidade e a menor incidência de doenças crônicas relacionadas com o envelhecimento, não é indicado para condição de hipercolesterolemia causada por deficiência do receptor de LDL. Em contrapartida, o tratamento com DNP, possivelmente via desacoplamento mitocondrial brando, promoveu a redução do desenvolvimento da aterosclerose, independentemente, de outros fatores de risco, demonstrando com isso, a relevância da fonte mitocondrial de oxigênio reativo no processo da aterogênese / Abstract: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the major cause of death in the occidental world. Atherosclerosis is the main process responsible for the pathogenesis of these diseases. Metabolic disturbances such as dyslipidemias, hypertension, insulin resistance and obesity are well established atherosclerosis risk factors. Currently, different pharmacological and dietetic interventions have been used to reduce and avoid CVD. Caloric restriction is one of these strategies, which is associated with increases in life span and reductions of age related chronic diseases. The mitochondrial uncoupler 2,4 dinitrophenol (DNP) has been considered as a caloric restriction mimetic tool. We have demonstrated that a mouse model of human familial hypercholesterolemia exhibits metabolic and redox disturbances highly relevant for metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of caloric restriction and mild mitochondrial uncoupling induced by DNP on the metabolism and atherosclerosis development in hypercholesterolemic LDL receptor deficient mice (R0). Thus, R0 mice were compared after 3 months in three conditions: R0 fed ad libitum (control), R0 under caloric restriction (R0-RC) obtained by providing food in alternate days, and R0-DNP fed ad libitum and treated with DNP 1 mg/L in the drinking water. The caloric restriction regimen, despite reducing food intake, induced unexpected adverse metabolic effects, namely, increased plasma total-, VLDL- and LDL-cholesterol, and increased visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue masses. In addition, R0-RC mice became hyperglycemic, hyperinsulinemic, glucose intolerant and insulin resistant. Moreover, R0-RC mice presented elevated plasma levels of the inflammatory markers TNF? and C-reactive protein. Some benefits regarding systemic and tissue redox state were observed in R0-RC, however, atherosclerosis lesion areas were increased about 3 fold in R0-RC mice. DNP treatment had minimal effects on the lipid and glucose metabolism of R0-DNP mice. It decreased plasma free fatty acids, but did not change other plasma lipids, inflammatory markers, glucose homeostasis, and the size of adipose depots. On the other hand, marked effects of DNP treatment on the tissue redox state were observed, namely, reduction in the generation of mitochondrial oxidative reactive species and in the liver content of carbonyl protein. The spontaneous atherosclerosis development was significantly reduced in the R0-DNP mice, independently other well established risk factors such as plasma cholesterol and inflammatory mediators. Therefore, the caloric restriction regimen is not indicated for the condition of familial hypercholesterolemia due to LDL receptor deficiency. On the other hand, DNP treatment, possibly via mild mitochondrial uncoupling, evidences the relevance of mitochondrial source of reactive oxygen for the atherosclerosis development independently of other risk factors / Doutorado / Fisiologia / Doutor em Biologia Funcional e Molecular
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Efeito do treinamento físico e da restrição alimentar na função cardíaca e resistência à insulina em ratos obesos / Effect of exercise training and food restriction in the cardiac function and insulin resistance in obese ratsEllena Christina Paulino 16 November 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A obesidade está associada com alterações na função cardíaca e no metabolismo hepático de gordura. Por outro lado, o treinamento físico e a restrição alimentar são conhecidos por reverter às alterações metabólicas decorrentes da obesidade e melhorar o prognóstico em pacientes obesos. No entanto, se estas intervenções melhoram a função cardíaca e os seus mecanismos moleculares associados ao transiente de Ca2+ e a concentração hepática de gordura ainda são pouco conhecidos. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar os efeitos do treinamento físico e da restrição alimentar: 1) na função cardíaca e no perfil molecular das proteínas responsáveis pelo transiente de Ca2+em ratos obesos; 2) na esteatose em ratos obesos. Além disso, se essas duas intervenções associadas tinham um efeito sinérgico nessas respostas. MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar machos foram alimentados com dieta normocalórica ou dieta hipercalórica durante 25 semanas. Após este período, os ratos com dieta de cafeteria foram randomizados em 4 grupos e acompanhados por 10 semanas: 1) dieta hipercalórica (GO); 2) dieta hipercalórica e treinamento físico (60 % do VO2pico, GOTF); 3) restrição alimentar (-20% da ingestão diária, GORA); 4) treinamento físico e restrição alimentar (GOTFRA). Os ratos do grupo controle continuaram recebendo a dieta normocalórica (GM). O controle hepático glicêmico foi determinado pelo índice HOMA-IR (avaliação do modelo de homeostasia), a esteatose pela concentração hepática de triglicérides, a função cardíaca foi determinada pela ecocardiografia, Modo M e Doppler tecidual e a expressão das proteínas responsáveis pelo transiente de Ca2+ por Western blotting. RESULTADOS: Os ratos do GO apresentaram maior peso corporal, índice de adiposidade, HOMA-IR, concentração de glicose, leptina, adrenalina e noradrenalina e menor fração de encurtamento (39±1 vs 44±1%, P<0,05), fosforilação do receptor de rianodina (P-RyR-Ser2808/RyR , 52±7 vs 100±16%, P<0,01) e da fosfolambam (PPLB- Tre17/PLB, 76±6 vs 100±6%, P<0,05), concentração de nitrato e razão glutationa reduzida e oxidada quando comparados com os ratos do GM. Treinamento físico, restrição alimentar e a associação das dua intervenções diminuiram o índice de adiposidade, a concentração de leptina, adrenalina e noradrenalina e aumentaram a fração de encurtamento (41±1, 42±1 e 43±1%, respectivamente), a fosforilação do receptor de rianodina (80±9, 79±7 e 66±12 %, respectivamente) a da fosfolambam (107±9, 109±4 e 122±11 %, respectivamente), concentração de nitrato e razão glutationa reduzida e oxidada. Apenas o treinamento físico aumentou o consumo de oxigênio de pico. As intervenções envolvendo a restrição alimentar diminuíram o peso corporal e o conteúdo de triglicerídeo hepático (GORA= -52 e GORATF= - 63%). Nenhuma das intervenções normalizou o HOMA-IR e a concentração de glicose. CONCLUSÕES: A perda de peso por treinamento físico ou restrição alimentar por 10 semanas previne a alteração na função sistólica do ventrículo esquerdo relacionada ao perfil molecular das proteínas responsáveis pelo transiente de Ca2+ em ratos obesos. A perda de peso por essas intervenções diminui a esteatose, apesar de não normalizar o HOMA-IR. A associação do treinamento físico e da restrição alimentar não tem efeito sinérgico na função cardíaca, na expressão das proteínas responsáveis pelo transiente de Ca2+ e no conteúdo hepático de gordura. / BACKGROUND. Obesity is associated with cardiac function and hepatic fat metabolism abnormalities. On the other hand, exercise training and food restriction are known to restore obesity metabolic disorders and improve prognosis in obese individuals. However, whether these interventions improve cardiac function and its molecular mechanism associated with Ca2+ handling proteins are little unknown. The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of exercise training and food restriction on: 1) cardiac function and molecular net Ca2+ handling proteins in obese rats; 2) liver fat content in obese rats. In addition, we investigated whether the association of these two interventions had an additive effect on those responses. METHODS: Male Wistar rats (30 days-old) were fed with standard chow or cafeteria diet with high-fat for 25 weeks. At 25th week, the cafeteria diet rats were randomly assigned into 4 groups followed by 10 weeks: high-fat-chow (GO); high-fat-chow submitted to running exercise training (60% VO2peak, GOTF); food restriction (20% less intake of standard chow, GORA); and exercise training and food restriction (GOTFRA). Control rats continued fed with standard chow (GM). Hepatic insulin resistance was evaluated by HOMA-IR index (Homeostastic Metabolic Assessement- Insulin Resistance), liver fat content by liver triglyceride level, cardiac function was evaluated by echocardiography, M Modus and Tissue Doppler, and protein expression by Western blotting. RESULTS: Obese rats had increased body weight, adiposity index, HOMA-IR, glucose, leptin, epinephrine and norepinephrine levels and decreased left ventricular fractional shortening (39±1 vs 44±1%, P<0.05), ryanodine receptor phosphorylation (P-RyR-Ser2808/RyR , 52±7 vs 100±16%, P<0.01), phospholamban phosphorylation (P-PLB-Tre17/PLB, 76±6 vs 100±6%, P<0.05), nitrate level and reduced/oxidized glutathione ratio when compared with lean rats. Exercise training, food restriction or both decreased adiposity index, leptin, epinephrine and norepinephrine levels and increased left ventricular fractional shortening (41±1, 42±1 e 43±1%, respectively), ryanodine receptor phosphorylation (80±9, 79±7 and 66±12 %, respectively), phospholamban phosphorylation (107±9, 109±4 e 122±11%, respectively), nitrate level and reduced /oxidized glutathione ratio. Exercise training increased peak oxygen uptake. Food restriction alone or associated with exercise training decreased body weight and liver triglyceride level (GORA= -52 e GORATF= -63%). Neither exercise training nor food restriction restored HOMA-IR or glucose level. COCLUSIONS: Body weight reduction by exercise training or food restriction during 10 weeks prevents abnormalities in left ventricular systolic function associated with cardiac Ca2+ handling proteins expression in obese rats. Body weight reduction by these two interventions decreases steatosis without normalized HOMA-IR and glucose levels. Exercise training associated with food restriction does not have synergic effects on cardiac function and molecular net Ca2+ handling proteins, and liver fat content.
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The effect of exercise and caloric restriction on cardiac NF-kB signaling and inflammation in Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) ratsBaez, Angel E 23 November 2015 (has links)
Introduction: Cardiometabolic syndrome is considered a chronic low-grade inflammatory condition that affects various organs and tissues. Individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and obesity are at an increased risk for developing the cardiometabolic syndrome and have greater rates of cardiovascular disease (CVD). These conditions are also associated with increased systemic and local inflammation and greater expression of pro-inflammatory markers such as monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and interleukin 1β (IL-1β) in many tissues. The heart is adversely affected by the inflammation and metabolic changes induced by diabetes and obesity. Nuclear transcription factor kappa B (NF-κB) activity is known to be related to inflammation and cytokine production. However, there is limited information on whether NF-κB signaling and inflammation play a role in early cardiac pathogenesis related to obesity and diabetes and whether lifestyle changes known to prevent or treat these diseases are effective in the heart. Purpose: Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the effect of exercise (EX) and caloric restriction (CR) to alter NF-κB signaling, inflammation, and markers of cardiac dysfunction in the heart of 20-week old Otsuka Long Evans Tokushima (OLETF) rats. Methods: Hearts of male 20 week old OLETF rats from a previous study (Crissey et al., 2014) were collected for gene expression (RT-PCR), NF-κB activity, and markers of inflammation and immune cell infiltration. Results: There were no significant differences detected in markers of cardiac dysfunction including, α-MHC, β-MHC, ANP, BNP, COL1, COL3 (all p>0.05). Second, 1-way ANOVA showed that there was trend for an overall effect of group (p=0.07) on
NF-κB activation where CR tended to be greater compared to SED and WR (p=0.06). Finally, there were no significant differences between groups in inflammatory and immune cell markers; CD4, F4/80, CD68, IL-1β, MCP-1, TGFB1, and TNF-α (all p>0.05). Conclusion: This study shows that at 20 weeks, a time when OLETF animals exhibit characteristics of the metabolic syndrome such as hypertension, mild obesity, and increased insulin resistance, EX and CR do not reduce markers of cardiac dysfunction and inflammation, potentially because inflammation does not influence the heart at this early time period in the development of the disease. Further, the trend of greater NF-κB activity in CR compared to EX and SED, needs further exploration.
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Predator threat increases skeletal muscle thermogenesis and energy expenditure while modulating the response to aerobic and metabolic challenge in ratsKowalski, Jesse Joseph 04 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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The Acute Effects of Energy Deficit on Postprandial LipemiaCocumelli, Christa L. 09 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of post pubertal caloric restriction on bone architecture, strength, and medullary adipose quantity. A randomized control comparison design was utilized and the study was conducted in a laboratory setting. All procedures were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Temple University (protocol number 3396). Female Sprague Dawley rats (23days-of-age, n=120) were randomly assigned into seven groups, baseline (BL) (n=18), control (C) (n=17), caloric restriction (FR) (n=17), control recovery (RC) (n=17), caloric restriction recovery (RFR) (n=17), control ovariectomy (COVX) (n=17) and food restricted ovariectomy (FROVX) (n=17). On day 65, a 6 week 30% caloric restriction protocol was administered. Following food restriction, a subset of the control and food restricted groups were sacrificed (n=34) and the remaining animals (n=68) control recovery (RC) and food restricted recovery (RFR) groups had a 10 week recovery with ad lib food. Recovery groups, RC and RFR: were sacrificed after the 10 week recovery period at 183 days of age (n=34). The remaining animals were ovariectomized (OVX) and grouped into control ovariectomy (COVX) and food restricted ovariectomy (FROVX). Six weeks post OVX the animals were sacrificed at 270 days of age. After sacrifice blood was taken by cardiac puncture, bones were harvested, cleaned of soft tissue, fixed and prepared for analysis. Anthropometric measurements were taken including retroperitineal and gonadal fat pad weights as well as adrenal glands, ovaries, uteri, and tricep surae muscle group weights. Main Outcome Measures: The outcome variables for this study were bone mechanical competence, trabecular and cortical bone mass and architecture, marrow adipocyte number as well as serum markers of bone formation and resorption. Insulin - like growth factor - 1 (IGF-1) and C- terminal telopeptide (CTX) was measured to determine bone formation and resorption. Statistical Analysis: One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was performed to determine differences between all groups. Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD) post hoc analysis was conducted to determine differences between groups. Student's t - tests were used to detect differences between age groups (acute, recovery, post-OVX) A p value was set at less than or equal to 0.05 for all statistical tests. All statistical analysis was performed using (GraphPad Prism version 5.00 for Windows, GraphPad Software, San Diego California USA). Variables were normalized with a linear regression-based correction using body weight. All variables with an R2 level greater than 0 were normalized to avoid choosing an arbitrary R2 value as a cut-off for normalization. Results: Body weight was 18% lower than control animals following caloric restriction. Weight loss was due to fat mass predominately; muscle mass was maintained relative to body weight. Bone length and growth rates were diminished however no differences were found following refeeding. No differences were found in bone strength at any time point. However relative to body weight peak moment and stiffness were significantly higher following caloric restriction. Cortical bones mass and cross sectional moment of inertia were enhanced in the femoral diaphysis with bone mass greater post OVX in the calorically restricted group (FR-OVX). No significant differences were found in ash percent in the femur was found between any groups at any time point however vertebral bone mineral density in acute FR and post OVX time points in FROVX was significantly greater indicating an enhanced bone quality in the restricted. No change in trabecular quantity or quality were observed in the distal femur between groups however vertebral trabecular architecture was enhanced in number and thickness in acute FR and post OVX time points in FROVX. No significant difference in number of marrow adipocytes were found at any time point. Serum CTX decreased significantly in acute in FR and increased at recovery in RFR and post OVX in FROVX. Serum IGF - 1 decreased in the acute FR with IGF - 1 significantly greater after recovery in RFR. Conclusions: Evidence was found to suggest that moderate caloric restriction (nutrient replete) post puberty was positive for bone. Bone quantity was increased with relative cortical area and bone area relative to body weight increased in the FR group. Significant increases in FROVX bone quantity post OVX suggests that bone mass gains during caloric restriction attenuated cortical bone loss at maturity post OVX. Bone quality increases in cross sectional moment of inertia relative to body weight may have accounted for the transient increase in FR bone strength in the femur. Decreases in acute CTX and IGF- 1 levels indicates that bone formation and resorption were decreased during development that may have been the mechanism for bone loss attenuated post OVX in calorically restricted. Growth rate slowing during caloric restriction may have decreased the rate of formation and resorption during a crucial time of peak bone mass accrual and bone modeling. This decrease in one modeling may have been mechanism that preserved bone quantity during acute caloric restriction. Increases in femur quality in polar moment of inertia coupled with a decrease in bone length changed the shape of the bone making it more robust. A shorter bone with a thicker cortex with no change in mineral content may have been the mechanism in the transient increase in bone strength in the femur. Quality changes in mineral density in vertebrae acting as a mineral storage back up as a last resort if quantity and quality changes were not sufficient in maintain bone strength. Moderate caloric restriction transiently increased strength, by increasing bone mass relative to body, altering bone geometry and increased vertebral mineral density. / Kinesiology
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Evaluation des effets du vieillissement sur la signalisation calcique des cellules musculaires lisses des artères cérébrales dans les modèles murins C57BL6/J, SAMR1 et SAMP8 dans des conditions normales et sous restriction calorique / Effect of ageing on calcium signaling in smooth muscle cell in cerebral arteries of C57Bl6/J, SAMR1 and SAMP8 mice under control condition and caloric restriction.Georgeon Chartier, Carole 13 December 2012 (has links)
Au cours du vieillissement, les artères cérébrales subissent des modifications structurelles et fonctionnelles, notamment au niveau des cellules musculaires lisses (CML). La CML a pour rôle de maintenir la réactivité vasculaire via une signalisation calcique qui fait intervenir différents acteurs pouvant ainsi réguler deux phénomènes : la contraction et la relaxation. Ces acteurs rassemblent, au sein d’une même cellule, des canaux (CCVD, RYR, IP3R), des pompes calciques (SERCA, PMCA, NCX, STIM/ORAI) et leurs régulateurs (PLB, FKBP12.6, TRPP2, SARAF, TRIC). La restriction calorique (RC), apparaît comme étant un facteur retardant le vieillissement et ses pathologies. Notre travail s’est donc fortement impliqué dans l’étude de la signalisation calcique de la CML, en se focalisant sur les altérations génomiques et fonctionnelles au cours du vieillissement des artères cérébrales chez la souris C57Bl6/j. Nous avons ainsi pu mettre en évidence une altération de la signalisation calcique qui passe en partie par une modulation des niveaux d’expressions génique et protéique des canaux et pompes calciques impliqués dans ce phénomène, et par une modification fonctionnelle en termes de signaux calciques et de contraction. Après 5 mois de régime RC, il a été mis en évidence un ralentissement des altérations de la signalisation calcique liées au vieillissement et une diminution de l’oxydation des CML. / During aging, cerebral arteries undergo structural and functional changes, particularly in smooth muscle cells (SMC). SMC is responsible for maintaining vascular reactivity via calcium signaling involving different actors and can regulate two phenomena: contraction and relaxation. These actors regroup channels (CCVD, RYR, IP3R) calcium pumps (SERCA, PMCA, NCX, STIM / ORAI) and their regulators (PLB, FKBP12.6, TRPP2, SARAF, TRIC). Caloric restriction (CR) appears as a factor in delaying aging and its pathologies. Our work is strongly involved in the study of calcium signaling in SMC, focusing on genomic and functional alterations during aging of cerebral arteries in mice C57BL6/J. We were able to demonstrate an altered calcium signaling, which is partly through modulation of gene and protein expression levels of calcium channels and pumps involved in this phenomenon, and a functional change in terms of calcium signals and contraction. After 5 months under RC, it was highlighted a slow calcium signaling alterations associated with aging and a decrease of SMC oxidation by SAMP8.
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