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O Povo Fez sua Santa: CanonizaÃÃo EspontÃnea nas Narrativas dos Devotos de MÃrtir Francisca de Aurora / People did their saint: spontaneous canonization in the narratives of devotees of MÃrtir Francisca of AuroraAlvaro Dellano Rios Morais 19 December 2009 (has links)
nÃo hà / O presente estudo procura compreender como se dà o processo de âcanonizaÃÃo espontÃneaâ, no contexto do campo religioso brasileiro. O conceito de Paul Zumthor define um fenÃmeno sociolÃgico segundo o qual indivÃduos (vivos, mortos ou imaginÃrios) sÃo tomados por santos, em uma determinada comunidade, sem que assim sejam reconhecidos pela Igreja CatÃlica. A investigaÃÃo se concentra no caso de MÃrtir Francisca, santa popular cujo culto se localiza em Aurora, na regiÃo do Cariri (CearÃ). O estudo se volta para as narrativas que reconstituem a histÃria da mÃrtir, tratando das fontes orais e escritas. Em 1958, quando contava 16 anos de vida, Francisca Augusta da Silva foi assassinada pelo ex-noivo. No local de sua morte, foi erguida uma pequena capela que logo passou a atrair fiÃis em busca da ajuda da santa de Aurora. / This study intends to understand how a process of âspontaneous canonizationâ works, in the context of Brazilian religiosity. The idea of Paul Zumthor defines a sociological phenomenon in which persons (alive, dead or imaginary ones) are taken as saints by the people, but they arenât recognized by the Catholic Church as saints. The object of this research is the case of Martyr Francisca, a popular saint whose cult is located in Aurora (Cearà - Brazil). The study focuses on narratives that reconstruct the history of the martyr, analyzing spoken and written sources. When she was 16, Francisca Augusta da Silva was murdered by her ex-groom, in 1958. Where she fell dead, the people of Aurora built a small chapel. This chapel attracted believers who search helping from the saint of Aurora.
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A santa negra dos Inhamuns: Um estudo das performances que atualizam o culto à escrava Marciana em Planalto, Arneiroz, Cearà / The slave saint of Inhamuns: a study of the performances that update the cult to slave Marciana in Planalto, Arneiroz, CearÃEdilberto da Silva Mendes 09 July 2010 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / Esta pesquisa empreende uma anÃlise das prÃticas que atualizam o culto a Santa Marciana, no distrito de Planalto, municÃpio de Arneiroz, CearÃ. Marciana à um caso caracterÃstico de canonizaÃÃo espontÃnea, conceito de Paul Zumthor para definir o fenÃmeno pelo qual certos indivÃduos sÃo considerados santos e se tornam alvo de devoÃÃo sem o aval da Igreja CatÃlica. A partir do pressuposto de que a performance à um lugar privilegiado de articulaÃÃo da memÃria social, a pesquisa investiga as prÃticas corporais e cerimoniais articuladas pela populaÃÃo de Planalto no sentido de atualizar e perpetuar esse culto. Entendendo que as imagens evocadas do passado servem para legitimar a ordem social presente, busca explicitar os sentidos imbricados no esforÃo da comunidade de Planalto para manter viva a fà em Marciana. / This study presents and analyses the performances related to the cult of Saint Marciana in Planalto, Arneiroz, CearÃ. Marciana is a typical case of spontaneous canonization as Paul Zumthor defines the phenomenon by which certain individuals are considered saints and receive worship without the official recognition of the Catholic Church. Assuming that performance is a privileged place to articulate social memory, the research investigates the ceremonial and bodily practices through which people at Planalto update this cult. Understanding that evoked images of the past can legitimize the present social order, the research speculates on the meanings implied in the communityÂs effort to keep the cult of Marciana alive.
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A construção social da santidade: santos populares no interior da Bahia / The social construction of the sanctity: popular saints in the interior of BahiaThiaquelliny Teixeira Pereira 19 September 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho se propõe a analisar a construção social da santidade. Desde o início da era cristã, o povo é o grande responsável por fazer santos. Os primeiros santificados foram os mártires e os confessores, que declararam publicamente a sua fé em Cristo com o risco iminente de morte. Com o fim da perseguição romana aos cristãos, início do século IV, os olhos do povo se voltaram para os ascetas. Apesar de eles terem um estilo de vida de restrições autoimpostas, que simbolizava um martírio diário, foi a taumaturgia, a capacidade de operar milagres, que fez com que os ascetas fossem devotados e proclamados santos pelo povo. Após a reforma gregoriana, a Igreja reservou para si o direito de proceder com a canonização; contudo, ela ainda hoje não conseguiu controlar a santificação popular. Novos santos continuam surgindo alheios ao seu controle, como os santos do interior do estado da Bahia, Brasil, santa Leocádia, santo Antônio e são Pedro. Os dados foram coletados durante as pesquisas de campo, realizadas nas cidades de Guanambi, Cândido Sales e Ribeirão do Largo, onde estão localizados os túmulos dos respectivos santos. As análises mostram que além do já conhecido martírio, a fama de milagreiro se firma como a principal razão da construção social da santidade. Digo fama de milagreiro e não o milagre em si, já que para os devotos dos santos populares, o milagre é visto, de forma simplificada, como quaisquer tipos de ajuda. / This work proposes to analyze the social construction of the sanctity. Since the beginning of the Christian era, the people are the greatest responsible of creating saints. The first two groups to be sanctified were the martyrs and confessors, that publicly declared their faith in Christ even with the imminent risk of death because it. With the end of the Christian persecution from the romans, in the beginning of IV century, the interest of people came to the ascetics. Despite their lifestyle of self-imposed restrictions, the thaumaturgy, that is, the capacity of operating miracles, that made ascetics proclaimed and devoted by the population. After the Gregorian Reform, the Church reserved to itself the right to proceed with the canonization; however, the popular sanctification is a topic that could not be fully controlled by the Catholic Institution yet. New saints are still being emerging, such as those of the interior of Bahia state, Brazil, Saint Leocádia, Saint Antônio and Saint Pedro. The data were collected through field researches conducted in the cities of Guanambi, Cândido Sales and Ribeirão do Largo, where the tombs of these saints just mentioned are located, respectively. The analyses demonstrate that beyond the well-known fame of martyr, the fame of miracle worker is the principal reason for the social construction of sanctity. I mean, the fame of miracle worker and not the miracle itself, because to the popular saints devouts, the meaning of miracle is considered to be any kind of a simple help.
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A construção social da santidade: santos populares no interior da Bahia / The social construction of the sanctity: popular saints in the interior of BahiaPereira, Thiaquelliny Teixeira 19 September 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho se propõe a analisar a construção social da santidade. Desde o início da era cristã, o povo é o grande responsável por fazer santos. Os primeiros santificados foram os mártires e os confessores, que declararam publicamente a sua fé em Cristo com o risco iminente de morte. Com o fim da perseguição romana aos cristãos, início do século IV, os olhos do povo se voltaram para os ascetas. Apesar de eles terem um estilo de vida de restrições autoimpostas, que simbolizava um martírio diário, foi a taumaturgia, a capacidade de operar milagres, que fez com que os ascetas fossem devotados e proclamados santos pelo povo. Após a reforma gregoriana, a Igreja reservou para si o direito de proceder com a canonização; contudo, ela ainda hoje não conseguiu controlar a santificação popular. Novos santos continuam surgindo alheios ao seu controle, como os santos do interior do estado da Bahia, Brasil, santa Leocádia, santo Antônio e são Pedro. Os dados foram coletados durante as pesquisas de campo, realizadas nas cidades de Guanambi, Cândido Sales e Ribeirão do Largo, onde estão localizados os túmulos dos respectivos santos. As análises mostram que além do já conhecido martírio, a fama de milagreiro se firma como a principal razão da construção social da santidade. Digo fama de milagreiro e não o milagre em si, já que para os devotos dos santos populares, o milagre é visto, de forma simplificada, como quaisquer tipos de ajuda. / This work proposes to analyze the social construction of the sanctity. Since the beginning of the Christian era, the people are the greatest responsible of creating saints. The first two groups to be sanctified were the martyrs and confessors, that publicly declared their faith in Christ even with the imminent risk of death because it. With the end of the Christian persecution from the romans, in the beginning of IV century, the interest of people came to the ascetics. Despite their lifestyle of self-imposed restrictions, the thaumaturgy, that is, the capacity of operating miracles, that made ascetics proclaimed and devoted by the population. After the Gregorian Reform, the Church reserved to itself the right to proceed with the canonization; however, the popular sanctification is a topic that could not be fully controlled by the Catholic Institution yet. New saints are still being emerging, such as those of the interior of Bahia state, Brazil, Saint Leocádia, Saint Antônio and Saint Pedro. The data were collected through field researches conducted in the cities of Guanambi, Cândido Sales and Ribeirão do Largo, where the tombs of these saints just mentioned are located, respectively. The analyses demonstrate that beyond the well-known fame of martyr, the fame of miracle worker is the principal reason for the social construction of sanctity. I mean, the fame of miracle worker and not the miracle itself, because to the popular saints devouts, the meaning of miracle is considered to be any kind of a simple help.
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Des Indes lointaines aux scènes des collèges : les reflets des martyrs de la mission japonaise en Europe (XVIe - XVIIIe siècle) / From the distant Indies to the scenes of colleges : the reflections of the Japanese martyrs in Europe (16th - 18th century)Omata Rappo, Hitomi 13 January 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse la réception en Europe des évènements survenus au Japon pendant la période de mission, à l’époque moderne. Le discours diffusé dans le monde occidental avait commencé par un certain triomphalisme, incarné par les chrétiens japonais arrivés à Rome en 1585. Or, quand les autorités locales ont proscrit et poursuivi la nouvelle religion, il a évolué vers une rhétorique centrée sur la notion de « martyr ». Par la suite, cette idée a été activement utilisée pour présenter l’expérience chrétienne japonaise dans l’Europe moderne, et son emploi était intimement lié à la pensée politique et religieuse de l’époque. Les martyrs du Japon ont en outre donné lieu, en 1627, à la première béatification de saints issus des « Indes ». Cet évènement, tant pour l’Église, que pour les empires coloniaux ibériques, n’a été rendu possible qu’à travers l’intégration du Japon dans une vision du monde où ses dirigeants persécuteurs sont considérés comme des tyrans, et non pas comme de simples sauvages. La transmission de ces conceptions dans le Vieux Continent a également pris des formes concrètes, avec les tableaux, sculptures et gravures, ou encore la littérature et le théâtre. Dans les pièces jésuites, l’Archipel devient en effet un thème d’un genre destiné à l’édification publique. Tout cela a contribué à créer un Japon imaginaire, qui s’est par la suite largement imposé dans les esprits. Cette thèse montre que les martyrs japonais ne peuvent être circonscrits à l’histoire de l’Église ou des ordres missionnaires, mais qu’ils ont contribué à la construction de la culture européenne, en particulier dans sa perception de sa place dans le monde. / This thesis analyzes the reception of the Japanese mission in Europe, from the 16th to the 18th century. The discourse diffused in Europe started with a certain triumphalism, embodied by the Japanese Christians sent to Rome in 1585. However, when the local authorities began to prosecute and ban the new religion, it evolved to an imagery centered on the concept of “martyr". After that, this notion has been actively used to relate the Japanese Christian experience in modern Europe, and it was intimately linked to the religious and political thought of the time. The martyrs of Japan also gave, in 1627, the first beatification of saints from the “Indies”. This exceptional event, for both the Catholic church and the Iberian colonial empires, was only made possible by the integration of Japan in a determined word-view, where its leaders were regarded as tyrants, and not as uncivilized savages. The concrete transmission of such conceptions in the Old Continent was conducted by various means, such as paintings, sculptures and engravings, or literature, and theater. In the Jesuit plays, the Japanese martyrs became a topic in a literary genre essentially designed for public edification. All of this gave birth to an imaginary Japan that subsequently established itself in the minds of the time. Overall, this thesis shows that Japanese martyrs cannot simply be confined to the history of the Church or missionary orders. They have contributed significantly to the construction of European culture, particularly in its perception of its place in the world.
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Framing Latin American Art: Artists, Critics, Institutions and the Configuration of a Regional IdentityMaroja, Camila Santoro January 2015 (has links)
<p>This dissertation investigates how non-academic agents (i.e. artists, curators, and institutions) helped construct the current canon of Latin American art. It takes as case studies key exhibitions held in Brazil in order to examine how the central concepts of anthropophagy, geometric abstraction, and the political came to characterize the art of the region. Drawing on extensive archival research and interviews, this work traces a local genealogy, thus offering a different starting point for understanding the Latin American art canon that has been recently institutionalized in such places as the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York as part of the global turn in art history.</p><p>Citing their different language and colonial history, Brazilian artists and critics have tended to view their art production as distinct from that of the rest of the continent. This dissertation, by contrast, recognizes Brazil as a fundamental player in the shaping of both a Latin American cultural identity and an expanded notion of the Americas. This expansion of Latin American art influences how artists represent themselves and how such production is actively being inserted into collections around the world.</p> / Dissertation
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Jan Nepomucký patron smíření / Jan Nepomucký patron of reconciliationSvoboda, Josef January 2021 (has links)
The starting point in examining the involvement of Christians among displaced Germans after The Second World War in the process of post-war reconciliation and establishing cooperation between war-divided peoples of Bohemia and Germans, in the field of cultural and scientific cooperation. Notable achievements included travelling exhibitions to mark 250 years since the beatification, 250 years since the canonization and 600 years since the martyr's death of St. John of Nepomuk. The exhibitions document the scope of Ackermann Gemeinde and Adalbert Stifter Verein from 1947 to the Velvet Revolution of 1989.
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A construção processual da santidade: abordagem e interpretação da causa de Antônio Galvão de FrançaSouza, Leandro Faria de 19 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-12-04T11:48:05Z
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Leandro Faria de Souza.pdf: 1954238 bytes, checksum: d27da26761ced2884255a7f4a8e55e48 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-04T11:48:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-10-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The Holiness is present in the history of the Catholic Church from its earliest days, when the early followers of Christ sought to imitate it through martyrdom. Gradually, the representation of this concept has changed, gaining political elements elaborated by the Church as a form of control and deepening of the institutional relations with each locality. In this sense, the process of canonization of Antônio Galvão de França represents an important landmark for the introduction of Brazil into the universal Catholic scenario. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to analyze the act of beatification and canonization of the first Brazilian saint as a historical process and through him to identify, through his heroic virtues described in the document (canonization process), a new possible approach for this documentation and, at the same time, demonstrate the occurrence of a process of symbolic construction of the memory of sanctity, which involved social groups interested in its promotion to the status of saint, enabling the success of this canonization to promote the "procedural construction of holiness" / A santidade está presente na história da Igreja Católica desde seus primórdios, quando os primeiros seguidores de Cristo procuravam imitá-lo através do martírio. Gradativamente, a representação deste conceito se modificou, ganhando elementos políticos elaborados pela Igreja como forma de controle e aprofundamento das relações institucionais com cada localidade. Nesse sentido, o processo de canonização de Antônio Galvão de França representa importante marco para a introdução do Brasil no cenário católico universal. Portanto, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar o ato de beatificação e de canonização do primeiro santo brasileiro como um processo histórico e, através dele, identificar, por meio de suas virtudes heroicas descritas no documento (processo de canonização), uma nova abordagem possível para esta documentação e, ao mesmo tempo, demonstrar a ocorrência de um processo de construção simbólica da memória de santidade, que envolveu grupos sociais interessados em sua promoção à condição de santo, possibilitando o sucesso desta canonização e, assim, promover a “construção processual da santidade”
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FENOMENOLOGIA DA CANONIZAÇÃO. / Phenomenology of Canonization.Suhet, Renato Romulo dos Santos 28 February 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-28 / A partir dos pressupostos das Ciências da Religião, analisa o fenômeno da
santificação enquanto elemento constituinte do catolicismo; a finalidade da
santificação para a Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana e quais as consequências da
influência do Santo na vida do ser humano. A pesquisa terá como eixo principal a
Fenomenologia da Canonização no sentido de propor uma analítica, em Ciências da
Religião, sobre o tema da canonização e a Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana
entendendo seus conceitos, prática e finalidade, frente a um processo que leva
alguém, que ao passar pelo processo de canonização da Igreja se transforma em
um ser sagrado para o mundo cristão católico, com direito a culto e veneração. No
sentido de realizar a análise do fenômeno religioso, no qual a canonização é
elemento norteador, será utilizado, para isso, a Escritura Sagrada e a Tradição que
serão de suma importância para entender o porquê de se ter santos, conforme
preceitua Deus em Levítico 11,44-45 Vós vos santificareis e sereis santos, porque
eu sou santo. E, ainda, no disposto pela Igreja Católica que afirma que o Santo é
Para tributar honra à Santíssima Trindade, para exaltação da fé católica e
incremento da vida cristã .
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Defining moments : a cultural biography of <i>Jane Eyre</i>Grey, Philip January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis examines the ways in which various practices, such as novel-writing, publishing, book-reviewing, reading for pleasure, adaptation and studying English literature, have produced <i>Jane Eyre</i>’s complex cultural profile. The organizing principle of the study is Paul du Gay, Stuart Hall et al’s ‘circuit of culture’, which identifies five key processes or ‘moments’ as being productive of the meanings that a cultural artefact or text comes to possess. Explaining the meanings which have been attached to <i>Jane Eyre</i> partly involves trying to understand why it has been perceived and described dichotomously. For example, it has been thought of as trivial and serious, radical and conservative, feminine and unfeminine. The investigation begins with the writing process, exploring how and why Charlotte Brontë embedded the text with specific hybrid features. The study then traces how these textual features have acquired meaning in different discourses, focusing primarily on the novel’s reception in Britain in the mid-nineteenth century and in the 1990s. The thesis points to the role played by distinct target-audiences in configurations of <i>Jane Eyre</i>; Charlotte Brontë, publishers, biographers, literary critics, film-makers and teachers have all had specific audiences in mind when they have described, evaluated, regulated and/or creatively reworked the novel, its author’s life and/or the culture in which the author lived. During the course of the twentieth century, <i>Jane Eyre</i> became increasingly thought of as a legitimate object of study at all levels of the education system. The thesis examines how the text has been studied, and contributes to ongoing debates about National Curriculum English by offering ways of allowing more creativity into the classroom.</p>
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