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Importancia de la gestión de los recursos humanos y sus interrelaciones en la pequeña minería - caso de SMRL Lúcuma DoradaArias Cubillas, Pedro January 2017 (has links)
El documento digital no refiere un asesor / Determina la influencia de la gestión de recursos humanos actualmente, en
la competitividad de la empresa, que se ve reflejada en la productividad de la
pequeña minera. Reafirma la importancia de la gestión de recursos humanos, que permita
concretar objetivos organizacionales para un mejor desempeño de la empresa, donde
la planificación integral de los recursos humanos tendrá que responder a los objetivos
estratégicos de la empresa, con adecuadas formaciones y capacitaciones se
aumentará el nivel de confianza y apoyo entre los miembros de la organización,
identificándolos en la solución de los problemas que se presentan en las labores
cotidianas, que se harán más cómodas con las innovaciones adecuadas que se puedan
agregar en ellas. / Tesis
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Internationalisation of South African SMMEs: the role of capital factors.Shree, Sanam. 18 February 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of capital factors on the internationalisation of South African Small Medium and Micro-Enterprises (SMMEs). These capital factors are Financial, Social and Human capital. The study concentrates on determining how various levels of capital act as a preventative factor when a firm internationalises. The low levels of Financial capital is accentuated as it prohibits South African SMMEs from internationalising. Social capital emphasises that few social ties and networks prevent South African SMMEs from globalising. Lastly, the focal point of Human capital are the low levels of international knowledge and experience of management, which prohibits South African SMMEs from expanding internationally. To address these issues, this study draws upon a sample of 136 South African internationalised and non-internationalised SMMEs studied via an online questionnaire. The major theories underlying this research include the Resource-based theory, the Social Network theory and the Organisational Learning theory. Multivariate statistical analysis were used to test the results and confirmed that Financial Funding had an influence on an organisation’s ability to internationalise. Results from this study can potentially provide policy-makers and practitioners with additional insights into the key constraints to internationalisation of South African SMMEs.
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Economic Policy and Income Distribution : The case of France since the early 1970s / Politique économique et répartition du revenu : Le cas de la France depuis le début des années 1970Reyes ortiz, Luis 13 October 2015 (has links)
L’idée centrale de notre analyse sur l’économie française concerne la suprématie des taux d’intérêt et des dépenses publiques comme instruments de politique économique. Avec la forte hausse des taux d’intérêt au début des années 1980, les entreprises non financières ont commencé à demander moins de crédit, tandis que les ménages français, ainsi que d’autres économies en voie de développement en ont demandé davantage. Parallèlement à ces développements, les marchés spéculatifs ont dominé la bourse, le taux de chômage a augmenté, et un processus de libéralisation a suivi. Nous analysons les conséquences de ce processus de financiarisation et certains scénarios possibles en France, tout en utilisant un modèle de type Cowles Commission, qui est à son tour fondé sur la littérature stock-flux. Une attention particulière est donnée aux variables de répartition et fiscales. Les résultats du modèle indiquent que (étant donné que les entreprises françaises sont prises dans une trappe à liquidité) le taux d’intérêt a perdu son pouvoir comme une variable de politique. En revanche, les dépenses publiques ont une puissance expansionniste importante. / The core of our analysis of the French economy concerns the supremacy of interest rates and government spending as policy instruments in this economy. With the strong increase in interest rates at the beginning of the 1980s, non-financial firms started to demand less credit, whereas French households and other developing economies demanded more. Parallel to these developments, bulls became more abundant in stock markets, the unemployment rate soared and a full process of liberalization ensued. We analyze the consequences of this financialization process and some feasible scenarios in France by means of a Cowles Commission-type model that is in turn based on the stock-flow literature. Particular emphasis is given to distributive and fiscalvariables. The model’s results indicate that (given that French firms are caught in a liquidity trap) the interest rate has lost its power as a policy variable. In contrast, public spending has an important expansionary power.
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Human and Ethnic capital : The labor market performance of first-, second-, and third generation male immigrants in SwedenOmer, Mirza, Svensson, Mathias January 2019 (has links)
This essay studies the earnings, human and ethnic capital of immigrants in Sweden and how its transmitted across generations. it focuses on the first-, second-, and third-generation immigrants, were the results indicates that there are differences regarding earnings relative to natives between the generations and how the ethnic-, and human-capital is transmitted across generations. First-generation immigrants had an earning advantage relative to natives, meanwhile the second-, and third-generation faced a disadvantage. One conclusion is that the ethnic capital from the first-generation has a negative impact on the earnings of second-, and third-generation immigrants in Sweden. When measuring the ethnic capital from the second-generation immigrants, the results shows a positive influence on the earnings of the third-generation.
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Alavancagem financeira e investimento: um estudo nas empresas brasileiras não financeiras de capital aberto / Financial leverage and investment: a study in the Brazilian non financial public companiesAlbuquerque, Andrei Aparecido de 22 February 2013 (has links)
Um assunto recorrente na teoria de finanças tem sido a forma que uma empresa é financiada, ou seja, sua estrutura de capital e se essa afeta o valor da firma, sua rentabilidade e sua política de investimentos. A participação de capital de terceiros na estrutura de capital das empresas é pertinente em função do efeito da alavancagem financeira, que se refere à ação de captar recursos de terceiros a uma determinada taxa e aplicá-los em ativos que oferecem como retorno uma superior a esta. Assim, ao se utilizar de dívidas, uma empresa tem a possibilidade de aumentar a remuneração dos seus proprietários e, consequentemente, seu valor, por captar recursos a uma taxa e aplicá-los em outra possivelmente maior, embora com essa decisão passe a elevar seu risco, justamente pelo fato de assim passar a ter o compromisso com os credores que realizaram o empréstimo. Percebe-se, dessa forma, um potencial relacionamento entre as decisões de financiamento e investimento. Nesse sentido este trabalho teve como objetivo inicial examinar se a alavancagem financeira afeta as decisões de investimento das empresas brasileiras não financeiras de capital aberto. Para tanto, foram aplicados modelos de regressão linear múltipla com dados em painel no período de 2001 a 2011. Os resultados encontrados permitem dizer que existe uma forte correlação negativa entre a alavancagem financeira e o investimento nas empresas brasileiras não financeiras de capital aberto e que esse relacionamento é ainda mais intenso nas empresas com baixas oportunidades de crescimento. Constatando isso e considerando que diferentes elementos do endividamento podem exercer influências no investimento, um segundo objetivo foi propor um modelo que avalie como os aspectos de maturidade, fonte e custo do endividamento impactam o nível de investimento das empresas brasileiras não financeiras de capital aberto. Foi delineado um novo modelo de regressão linear múltipla que apurasse esses aspectos. Os resultados demonstram que o modelo proposto atende a finalidade desejada. Como conclusões destaca-se que o relacionamento negativo entre alavancagem financeira e investimento encontrado neste trabalho em um país emergente se assemelha ao observado em estudos anteriores em economias desenvolvidas. Além disso, conclui-se que os elementos de maturidade (curto e longo prazo), fonte e custo do capital de terceiros são relevantes para a determinação do investimento do conjunto de empresas estudadas. / A recurring theme in finance theory has been how a company is financed, ie, its capital structure and whether this affects the value of the firm, its profitability and its investment policy. The share of debt in the capital structure of companies is relevant duo to the effect of financial leverage, which refers to the action of raising funds from third parties at a certain rate and apply them in assets that offer returns as one exceeds this. Thus, when using debt, a company has the possibility to improve the incomes of their owners and therefore its value, by raising funds at a rate and apply them in another possibly larger, albeit with this decision elevates your risk, precisely because so going to have to compromise with creditors who took the loan. Thus, perceives a potential relationship between investment and financing decisions. In that sense this study initially aimed to examine whether the financial leverage affects investment decisions of non-financial Brazilian public companies. We applied multiple linear regression models with panel data from 2001 to 2011. Our results say that there is a strong negative relationship between leverage and investment in non-financial Brazilian public companies and this relationship is even stronger in firms with low growth opportunities. Noting this and considering different elements of debt can exert influences on investment, a second objective was to propose a model to evaluate how aspects of maturity, source and cost of debt impact the level of investment by non-financial Brazilian public companies. It was designed a new model of multiple linear regression that consider these aspects. The results demonstrate that the proposed model meets the desired purpose. As conclusions highlight that the negative relationship between leverage and investment found in this study in an emerging country resembles that observed in previous studies in developed economies. Furthermore, we conclude that the elements of maturity (short and long term), source and cost of debt are relevant for determining the investment of all firms studied.
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A liquidez e os modelos de precificação de ativos: um estudo empírico no mercado acionário brasileiro de 1995 a 2011 / Liquidity and asset pricing models: an empirical study on the Brazilian stock markets from 1995 to 2011Mussa, Adriano 17 December 2012 (has links)
O trabalho seminal de Amihud e Mendelson (1986) abriu caminho para uma grande quantidade de pesquisas no âmbito internacional sugerindo que a liquidez poderia ser um fator relevante na explicação dos retornos das ações. A premissa central é que ativos menos líquidos devem apresentar taxas de retornos superiores a dos ativos mais líquidos, por representarem mais riscos a seus detentores. Assim, o objetivo principal da presente tese consistiu em verificar se há prêmios pela liquidez no mercado acionário brasileiro com o uso de uma vasta quantidade de medidas de liquidez, formas de cálculo e períodos de retenção das carteiras, bem como se o modelo de precificação de ativos de 2-fatores de Liu (2006) - formado pelo beta de mercado e pelo fator liquidez - é válido para o mercado acionário brasileiro e, em caso positivo, se é superior ao CAPM, ao modelo dos 3-fatores de Fama e French (1993) e ao modelo dos 4-fatores de Carhart (1997), na explicação das variações dos retornos cross-section das carteiras de ações. Para isso, foram usadas todas as ações listadas na BM&FBOVESPA, de 1995 a 2011. Os procedimentos metodológicos para obtenção das variáveis e testes para verificação da existência de prêmios pela liquidez seguiram, essencialmente, o estudo de Liu (2006). Os procedimentos para validação e comparação dos modelos de precificação de ativos foram efetuados seguindo o modelo de testes preditivo de Fama e MacBeth (1973). Foram testadas doze medidas de liquidez, dentre as mais recorrentes adotadas na literatura internacional. Os resultados encontrados evidenciaram fortes coeficientes de correlação entre muitas medidas, o que levou à manutenção dos testes com as medidas menos correlacionadas entre si: Índice de Negociabilidade da BM&FBOVESPA, Turnover, Return-to-Volume e Coeficiente de Variação do Volume Financeiro. Dentre estas, observou-se a existência de prêmio pela liquidez estatisticamente significante no mercado acionário brasileiro, na maioria das estratégias testadas, com o uso do Índice de Negociabilidade da BM&FBOVESPA e com o Coeficiente de Variação do Volume Financeiro. Estes resultados indicaram a existência de relação consistente e negativa entre o retorno das carteiras e a liquidez das ações e relação positiva entre a volatilidade da liquidez e o retorno das carteiras. Os prêmios encontrados com o uso do Índice de Negociabilidade da BM&FBOVESPA se mostraram robustos aos testes de subamostras, subperíodos e efeitos sazonais. Em relação aos testes empíricos dos modelos de precificação de ativos, o modelo dos 2-fatores se mostrou válido para explicação das variações dos retornos cross-section das ações no mercado brasileiro. O fator liquidez se mostrou complementar ao fator beta de mercado, aumentando o poder de explicação do modelo quando comparado ao CAPM, especialmente nas carteiras compostas por ações de baixa liquidez. O modelo de 2-fatores se mostrou também superior aos modelos 3-fatores e 4-fatores. Os resultados se mostraram robustos aos testes efetuados quanto a possíveis vieses de seleção do período amostral. Assim, mesmo que nenhum dos modelos tenha se mostrado suficiente na explicação das variações cross-section dos retornos no mercado acionário brasileiro, os resultados parecem indicar que a liquidez é uma direção especialmente promissora para a continuidade das pesquisas sobre o tema. / The seminal study of Amihud and Mendelson (1986) opened the way to a large quantity of researches in international environment suggesting that liquidity may be a important risk factor to explain stock returns. The central premise is that less liquid assets should present rates of return higher than the most liquid assets, because they represent more risk to their owners. Thus, the main objective of this thesis is to check if there is liquidity premium in the Brazilian stock market through the use of a vast amount of liquidity measures, forms of calculation and portfolios retention periods, as well as if the 2-factor pricing model developed by Liu (2006) - formed by the market beta and the liquidity factor - is valid for the Brazilian stock market and, if so, whether it is superior to the CAPM, the 3-factor model of Fama and French (1993) and the 4-factor model of Carhart (1997), in explaining the cross-section variations of assets portfolio returns. For this, this study used all shares listed on the BM&FBOVESPA from 1995 to 2011. The methodological procedures for the variables construction and tests to verify the existence of liquidity premiums followed the study of Liu (2006). The procedures for validation and comparison of asset pricing models were made following the model of predictive tests of Fama and MacBeth (1973). This thesis tested 12 liquidity measures, among the most recurrent adopted in the international literature. The results showed strong correlations between many measures, which led to the maintenance of the tests with measures less correlated: BM&FBOVESPA Negotiability Index, Turnover, Return-to-Volume and Coefficient of Variation of Financial Volume. Among these, were observed the existence of a statistically significant premium for liquidity in the Brazilian stock market, in most of the strategies tested, using the BM&FBOVESPA Negotiability Index and the Coefficient of Variation of Financial Volume. These results indicated that there is consistent and negative relationship between portfolio returns and shares liquidity and positive relationship between liquidity and volatility of portfolio returns. Prizes found using the BM&FBOVESPA Negotiability Index were robust to tests of subsamples, subperiods and seasonal effects. Regarding the asset pricing models empirical testing, the 2-factors model proved valid explanation for the cross-section variations of returns of the shares in the Brazilian market. The liquidity factor proved to complement the market beta, increasing the explanatory power of the model when compared to the CAPM, especially in portfolios composed of stocks with low liquidity. The 2-factor model was even superior to 3-factor and 4-factor models. The results have not changed even after the robustness tests regarding possible sample period selection biases. So even though none of the models has been shown enough in explaining the cross-section variations of stock returns in the Brazilian market, the results seem to indicate that liquidity is a particularly promising direction for continued research on the topic.
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Investimento público e desenvolvimento nacional: o caso do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) / Public investments and national development: Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES)Périco, Ana Elisa 24 January 2005 (has links)
O Brasil enfrenta uma aceleração do processo de globalização, que representa um grande desafio, principalmente para países em desenvolvimento. Este desafio requer não apenas uma adaptação das empresas brasileiras, mas também uma resposta política comprometedora. Para buscar posição competitiva na economia mundial é necessário que exista uma integração entre o investimento público, competitividade da indústria e bem-estar social. Nos países desenvolvidos, a política industrial, os bancos de desenvolvimento e os agentes públicos atuam de maneira sintonizada e canalizam seus esforços para setores estratégicos, como infra-estrutura, P&D e atividades inovadoras, buscando aumentar a produtividade e competitividade de suas indústrias. A partir desse contexto, o objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar o impacto da atuação do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), no que diz respeito aos financiamentos de grande porte, no período de 2002 e 2003, enquanto agente de desenvolvimento, modernização e estimulador da competitividade da indústria brasileira. Compreende-se importância neste trabalho por permitir analisar a posição do BNDES no desenvolvimento e crescimento da indústria nacional, além de iniciar a construção de um processo de avaliação de sua atuação. Isso poderá contribuir no sentido de aprimorar operações em curso e futuras, em função das experiências passadas, além de permitir correção de rumos e garantir transparências às ações do Banco, no que diz respeito à sua contribuição com as políticas nacionais. / Brazil has been facing acceleration in the globalization process, which represents a huge challenge, mainly for developing countries. This challenge requires not only an adaptation in the brazilian companies, but also an involved political attitude. In order to find a competitive position in the worldwide economy, integration among the public investments, industry sense of competition, and social well-being is necessary. In developed countries, the industrial politics, the developing banks, and the public agents work synchronically and aim their efforts towards strategic sectors, like infrastructure, development and reseach, and new activities, trying to increase productivity and competition of their industries. Based on this context the objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of the acting of Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), concerning the large financing, in the years of 2002 and 2003, as a modernization and developing agent, and a stimulant of competition in the brazilian industry. This paper has importance because it starts an analysis of the position of BNDES in the development and increasing of the national industry, as well as the process of evaluation of its acting. This can contribute in the sense of improving ongoing and future operations, due to past experiences, as well as it allows correction in the directions, and guarantees transparency over the actions of BNDES, regarding its contribution for the national politics.
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The Effects of a Formal Empowerment and Education Program on Parent's Empowerment and Involvement in Their Child's EducationSanchez, Michelle Marie January 2010 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Irwin Blumer / Thesis advisor: James Marini / The effects of a formal empowerment and education program on parent's empowerment and involvement in their child's education. By Michelle Gomes Sanchez Through decades of research and data collecting, the effects of parent involvement in their child's education on a student outcomes has been examined through countless lenses; each with findings indicating its tremendous positive impact with benefits that extend beyond a child doing better in school. This dissertation, through a cross case-analysis of six parents, attempted to determine if parents felt more empowered as a result of participating in an education and empowerment program and in turn if that feeling of empowerment compelled them to be more involved in their child's education. The study examined changes in parent attitudes and perceptions of empowerment, as well as levels of engagement after participating in the training program that was specially designed to provide them with the skills needed to become better involved in their child's education. The workshops focused on empowering them with knowledge about social and cultural capital as well as different issues related to the development and education of their child such as communicating effectively with your child, creating a homework environment, having powerful parent teacher meetings, creating valuable two-way lines of communication with the school, as well as understanding child development. Overall, the project created a very successful parent program that increased parent involvement by providing workshops specifically targeted at educating and empowering parents in order for them to feel more confident in their abilities to be an effective advocate for their child. The study made cleat that parent involvement can not just be a statement in your handbook or mission statement; it must be a priority of the school and be embedded into the school culture, with staff buy-in and deliberate parent education about cultural and social capital and its effects on their involvement and must provide them with the resources needed to most effectively navigate the school system. / Thesis (EdD) — Boston College, 2010. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Administration.
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Análise comparativa de modelos para determinação do custo de capital próprio: CAPM, três fatores de Fama e French (1993) e quatro fatores de Carhart (1997) / Comparative analysis of models to determine the cost of equity capital: CAPM, three factor of Fama and French (1993) and four factor of Carhart (1997)Rizzi, Luciana Julio 20 August 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação procurou comparar os modelos CAPM, três fatores de Fama e French (1993) e quatro fatores de Carhart (1997) com o objetivo de verificar qual possui o maior poder de explicação das variações dos retornos dos ativos no mercado brasileiro. O estudo considerou 512 ações listadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo no período de 1995-2011. Utilizou-se metodologia preditiva, que aplica regressão em dois estágios - série temporal e corte transversal - com erro padrão calculado de acordo com técnica desenvolvida por Fama e Macbeth (1973). Foram calculados os retornos mensais das ações, que foram agrupadas em carteiras e utilizadas como variável dependente nas regressões. Já foram utilizadas como variáveis independentes os fatores carteira de mercado, tamanho, índice book-to-market e momento. Os resultados observados indicaram que, apesar de o modelo de três fatores de Fama e French (1993) ter apresentado maior poder preditivo em relação ao de quatro fatores de Carhart (1997) e ao CAPM, nenhum dos modelos foi suficiente para explicar as variações dos retornos das carteiras formadas. Os fatores tamanho e momento não foram estatisticamente significantes, o que indicou que não foi possível observar no mercado brasileiro os mesmos efeitos documentados por Fama e French (1993) e Carhart (1997). Já o fator mercado foi significante somente nos modelos com intercepto, e o fator índice B/M foi significante somente nos modelos sem intercepto. O intercepto foi fortemente significante nos modelos de três e quatro fatores, o que sinaliza, juntamente com o baixo poder de explicação dos modelos, que outros fatores não incluídos nos modelos, seriam capazes de explicar as variações dos retornos dos ativos. / This dissertation seeks to compare the CAPM model, three factor model of Fama and French (1993) and four factor model of Carhart (1997). Its goal is to verify the one that has the best capability to explain the stock return variations in the Brazilian market. This study considered 512 stocks listed in São Paulo Stock Exchange (BOVESPA) along the period 1995-2011. Predictive methodology, which applies a two stage regression (time series and cross-sectional), was used. The standard error was calculated in accordance to the technique developed by Fama and Macbeth (1973). Stocks monthly returns were calculated and grouped in portfolios that were employed afterwards as dependent variable in the regressions. The market portfolio factor, the size factor, the book-to-market index factor and the momentum factor were used as independent variables. The observed results indicated that, despite the tree factor model of Fama and French (1993) had showed a better predictability over the four factor model of Carhart (1997) and CAPM, none of these models were enough to explain the return variation of the formed portfolios. The size and momentum effects weren\'t statistically significant, which indicates that it was not observed, in the Brazilian market, the same effects documented by Fama and French (1993) and Carhart (1997). The market factor was significant only in the models with the intercept, and the B/M index factor was significant only in the models without the intercept. The intercept itself was strongly significant in the tree and four factor models, which, combined with the poor power of explaining the models, signalizes that other factors not included in the models would be able to explain the stock return variations.
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Estado, espaço e acumulação na crise contemporânea / State, space and accumulation in the contemporany crisisCruz, Murilo Medici Navarro da 11 September 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho parte de uma questão posta pela realidade atual: a crise econômica mundial, percebida principalmente no que vem se denominando de financeirização da economia e, conjuntamente a esta crise, aquela do Estado nacional, ambas vistas na perspetiva mundial e, igualmente, na brasileira. Não há, no entanto, o objetivo aqui de se fazer um tratamento histórico ou puramente econômico do problema. Ao invés disso, o que se verá está mais próximo de um exercício teórico e analítico. Este se constitui, em primeiro lugar, de uma discussão aprofundada sobre os fundamentos da economia capitalista que, segundo se entende, são também os fundamentos da crise econômica atual. Em segundo lugar, para se refletir tanto sobre a crise econômica como sobre a política fazse uma reflexão sobre a produção do espaço e o papel do Estado no conjunto da sociedade capitalista. Em terceiro lugar, a conjunção entre o Estado e o capital se mostra identificável na análise do território nacional e seus fundamentos. Por último, o problema da crise atual é posto por meio de uma crítica à idéia de desterritorialização, crítica esta que leva à formulação da hipótese de uma territorialização abstrata, que seria característica da própria crise. / This work starts from a matter put by the current reality: The world economic crisis, specially seem on what has been denominated \"money predomination economy\" and, along with the crisis, the one of national State, both seen under the world\'s perspective and, equally, the Brazilian perspective. Nevertheless, this work does not intend, herein, to give a historical or purely economic treatment of the problem. Instead, what you will see is closer to an analytical and theoretical exercise. This work constitutes, firstly, of a deep discussion about the basis of capital economy which, according to what is understood, also are the basis of the current economic crisis. Secondly, to reflect about the economic crisis as much as politics, is necessary to reflect about the production of space and the State\'s role within the capitalist society. And thirdly, the union between the State and the capital shows itself identifiable on the national territory analysis along with your basis. Last but not least, the current crisis problem is put through a criticism to the lack of focusing the capital on a specific market, criticism that takes us to formulate the hypothesis of an abstract investment of capital, which would be a characteristic of the crisis itself.
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