Spelling suggestions: "subject:"carbonbased"" "subject:"carbon.based""
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Antimikrobiální aktivita uhlíkatého plniva / Antimicrobial activity of carbon-based fillersStuchlíková, Olga January 2014 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá vlivem uhlíkatého plniva na životaschopnost a produkci extracelulárních látek vybrané bakterie Bacillus subtilis (CCM 1999) a kvasinky Yarrowia lipolytica (CCY 29-26-52). Antimikrobiální aktivita těchto částic, přítomných v kultivačním mediu, byla sledována pomocí následujících parametrů: růst daného mikroorganismu, produkce extracelulárních proteinů a v poslední řadě byla monitorována produkce extracelulárních polymerních substancí, které mají úzkou souvislost s tvorbou biofilmu. Suspenze materiálů (0,135 mg/mL) byly připraveny ve dvou rozdílných kultivačních mediích; tzn. živné medium s obsahem glukózy pro Bacillus subtilis a bazální medium s přídavkem Tweenu 80 pro Yarrowia lipolytica, a media byla inokulována příslušným typem mikroorganismu. Experimenty probíhaly po dobu 6 dnů při rychlosti třepání 160 rpm a teplotě 30 °C pro Bacillus subtilis a 28 °C pro Yarrowia lipolytica. Testovány byly celkem tři typy uhlíkatého nanomateriálu, získané z Katedry anorganické chemie, Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Tyto materiály specifikované jako materiál “A”, “B” a “C” se navzájem lišily velikostí částic a stupněm oxidace. Na základě skríningových studií byla vybrána koncentrace testovaného materiálu 0,135 mg/mL a rychlost třepání 160 rpm. Metodou měření optické hustoty vzorku při 600 nm byly sestaveny a porovnány růstové křivky obou mikroorganismů v přítomnosti testovaných nanočástic po dobu 5 dní. Tímto způsobem bylo zjištěno, že přítomnost nanočástic v mediu nemá velký vliv na růst zkoumaného mikroorganismu. Tato metoda, je však pouze orientační, protože se nevyhneme chybě díky přítomnosti mrtvých buněk. Dále byla testována produkce celkových a extracelulárních proteinů daným mikroorganismem v přítomnosti testovaných nanočástic. Nebyla však pozorována výrazná odchylka hodnot od hodnot kontrolního vzorku, který neobsahoval testovaný materiál. Na základě metod počítání kolonií (Bacillus subtilis) a buněk (Yarrowia lipolytica) byly určeny ztráty životaschopnosti mikroorganismu ve 3 časech (6, 48 a 144 hodin); v kratším časovém intervalu byl růst spíše podporován. Dále byla monitorována produkce extracelulárních polymerních substancí (EPS), tedy proteinů, redukujících substancí a polysacharidů. Tyto látky byly vylučovány daným mikroorganismem do prostředí v průběhu 24 hodin. Bacillus subtilis produkoval EPS ve větší míře než Yarrowia lipolytica. Předpokládáme, že produkce EPS by mohla souviset s tvorbou biofilmu, který chrání buňky před toxicitou nanočástic.
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Monolithes à porosité multi-échelle comme supports pour la réduction enzymatique du CO2 en molécules d'intérêts / Hierarchical porous monoliths as supports for the enzymatic reduction of CO2Baccour, Mohamed 12 October 2018 (has links)
La conversion du dioxyde de carbone en molécules d'intérêts est un enjeu majeur de notre société moderne. Actuellement, ces réactions sont très coûteuses en énergie, impliquent de hautes pressions et températures et sont faiblement sélectives. Une alternative séduisante serait l’utilisation d’enzymes redox, i.e. des déshydrogénases, qui fonctionnent à pH neutre, température et pression ambiantes et sont très sélectives. Le frein à leur utilisation est leur stabilité et le fait qu’elles nécessitent la présence du cofacteur nicotinamide adénine dinucléotide (NAD+ / NADH), couteux et délicat à régénérer. L’immobilisation de déshydrogénases sur des supports poreux monolithiques est proposée dans ce travail de thèse dans l’objectif de développer des réacteurs en flux continu.Dans un premier temps, des monolithes siliciques à porosité hiérarchique macro- et mésoporeux ont été préparés. Des macropores plus larges allant jusqu’à 35-50 microns ont été obtenus. Dans un second temps, des synthèses de monolithes de carbone à porosité hiérarchique en une étape ou en plusieurs étapes par dépôt de carbone sur des monolithes siliciques (greffage de saccharose, suivi de polymérisation et carbonisation) ont été développées. Ce travail a permis un contrôle fin de la macro-, méso et microporosité. Des monolithes de carbone avec une surface spécifique supérieure à 1200 m2.g-1 ont notamment pu être obtenus. Ces matériaux présentent non seulement une macroporosité large (35-50 µm), mais également une mésoporosité bimodale. Au-delà d’une porosité multi-échelle, ces matériaux carbonés présentent l’avantage d’être conducteurs du courant électrique. Ils peuvent ainsi être utilisés comme support pour l’électrocatalyse enzymatique. Ces monolithes de carbones ont été utilisés pour l’immobilisation de formiates déshydrogénases connus pour pouvoir réduire le CO2 en présence du cofacteur NADH. La régénération du cofacteur est étudiée soit par voie électrochimique soit par voie biocatalytique à l'aide d'une deuxième enzyme la phosphite déshydrogénase. Des études de fonctionnalisation des monolithes carbonés pour la co-immobilisation des enzymes et du cofacteur ont également été initiées. / Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas that results, in part, from human activities and causes global warming and climate change. According to the International Energy Agency, global CO2 emissions from fossil-fuel combustion reached a record high of 31.3 gigatonnes in 2011. The concept of the methanol economy, advocated by Nobel laureate Prof. George A. Olah back in the 1990s, hinges on the chemical recycling of CO2 to methanol and derived, suggesting methanol as a key substitute fuel and starting material for valuable chemicals. The recycling conversion of CO2 could be a rational way to develop an anthropogenic short-term carbon cycle. With this aim, The design of functional porous architectures depicting hierarchical and interconnected pore networks has emerged as a challenging field of research. Particularly, porous monoliths offer many advantages and can be employed as flow-through reactors for separation, catalysis and biocatalysis. This study focuses on the design of monoliths with hierarchical porosity and high surface area. Firstly, silica monoliths with both homogeneous macro- and mesopores were prepared using sol-gel chemistry and spinodal decomposition using PEO polymers. Macropore (up to 30 microns) and mesopore (up to 20 nm) diameters of the monoliths were controlled by modifying various experimental parameters (PEO molecular weight, addition of surfactants, different basic post-treatments, different temperatures, etc.). Secondly, carbonaceous replica have been prepared through hydrothermal carbonization of sucrose, subsequent pyrolysis and silica etching. These materials present large interconnected flow-trough macropores, a bimodal mesoporosity, a high surface area (up to 1400 m2 g-1) and high meso- and macropore volumes.Different enzymes were immobilized onto the monoliths amongst which formate dehydrogenases. Flow-through reactors were engineered and continuous flow biocatalysis was performed. In such systems, straightforward processes for the in situ regeneration of the enzyme cofactor, i.e. 1,4-NADH wrer developped. Flow-through reactors and their use for the enzymatic reduction of carbon dioxide into formate were designed.
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Desulphurization of diesel fuel using carbon-based metal oxide nanocompositesCherubala, Rusumba Bienvenu 04 1900 (has links)
M.Tech. (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology), Vaal University of Technology. / This thesis presents a slight on desulphurization process of the commercial diesel fuel
using the carbon-based metal oxide nanocomposites such as graphene oxide, ZnO, rGO
as a nano-adsorbent, activated carbon (PAC and AC) and charcoal Granular active
carbon (GAC) to produce a fuel of less than 10 ppm sulphur content. Due to the high
percentage of sulphur compounds in the fuel causing air pollution, acid rain and other
problems related to combustion process. The synthesised of sorbents were achieved
using incipient impregnation, microwaved-assisted and chemical exfoliation methods.
The materials were characterized using Thermogrametric Analyzer (TGA), Fourier
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffractometer (XRD), Brunauer,
Emmett and Teller (BET). The examination effect of operating conditions on the
adsorption capacity with DBT and Sulphur compounds adsorption, the isotherms and the
adsorption kinetic models were evaluated.
The experimental data for PAC and AC were well suited to Freundlich isotherm and
pseudo second-order kinetic models. The results shown that the sulphur feed
concentration, the space velocity and the functional groups of the adsorbents have a
considerable effect on the adsorption. In addition, it was observed that the temperature
in the range of 30 to 80oC has a significant effect on the adsorption of Sulphur compounds from diesel fuel using 20 wt.% of sorbents. The rGO substrate which contained abundant oxygen functional groups was confirmed to promote the dispersion metal oxide and increased the adsorption efficiency of sulphur compounds (H2S and SO2) by providing oxygen ions weakly bound to the sulphur molecules. For the desulfurization process by adsorption, PAC and AC exhibited a better affinity for 80% removal of sulphur compared to the GAC and GO. The effects of metal species such as zinc oxide (ZnO) and reduced graphite oxide (rGO) composite on the adsorption capacity of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) were investigated. It was found that depending on the copper load, the adsorption
capacity of H2S increased up to 20 times compared to pure ZnO. To study the oxidation
changes on copper and zinc oxides, crystallite analysis by XRD and chemical state
analysis by XPS were performed.
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No description available.
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Carbon – based nanofluids and hybrid natural polymers for enhanced solar-driven evaporation of water: synthesis and characterizationMarchetti, Francesca 05 May 2020 (has links)
The scarcity of freshwater is becoming a global challenge worldwide due to limited resources availability and increasing demand both for manufacturing and household use. For this reason, there is an important need to develop efficient, economic and sustainable desalination technologies able to take advantage of unconventional sources of water (seawater, brackish groundwater and wastewater) in order to produce freshwater.
Sun is considered as the most promising abundant renewable (and free) energy source that can be employed in steam and vapor generation processes, which has a great importance in many applications such as: water desalination, domestic water heating, and power generation.
This doctoral dissertation presents a study on the efficiency of different carbon based systems - nanofluids and hybrid natural composites - for the improvement of direct-solar evaporation systems, for the production of freshwater. The two main goals of this work consist of: (i) the synthesis and characterization of stable carbon-based nanofluids in water and of re-usable, economical and ecological hybrid composite materials, and (ii) the comparison of such carbon-based systems applied to water evaporation, understanding mechanisms, advantages and limitations.
Carbon based materials (carbon black, graphene and multi-walled carbon nanotubes) were chosen because of their high sunlight absorption ability, unique thermal properties, as well as low cost and abundant availability. However, the hydrophobic character of such materials makes necessary to find efficient strategies to overcome this problem when dealing with water.
In this work, the suspension stability of graphene-based nanofluids in water - a key parameter for the application of nanofluids in any field - was effectively improved by combining physical (by RF Sputtering coating) or chemical (by NaClO-NaBr solution) graphene surface modification treatments, and the use of common additives (Triton X-114, SDBS and gum arabic) showing different stabilization mechanisms. The best strategy to obtain long-time graphene suspension stability in water (both deionized water and saline solution with 3.5 wt% NaCl) turned out to be the combination of the easy chemical treatment with the electro-steric stabilization effect of gum arabic.
In addition to nanofluids, a re-usable devices based on gum arabic cross-linked gelatin hydrogel were synthesized and characterized. Hydrophobic carbon-based materials were easily and uniformly embedded into the porous hydrogel matrix, thanks to the amphiphilic character of both gelatin and gum arabic. The effect of carbon-nanoparticles nature, morphology and concentration on the measured effective thermal conductivity of the composite material was studied and the thermal conductivity of the nanoparticles was evaluated applying several models based on the effective medium approach. The values obtained for the nanoparticles were far from the tabulated thermal conductivity values because of the combination of the composite features (such as nanoparticles concentration, Kapitza resistance) and the particles characteristics (such as aspect ratio, crystalline structure).
The performance of carbon-based nanofluids and hybrid hydrogels on direct-solar evaporation of water was tested and compared to that of carbon-wood bilayer composite (which presents both hydrophilic character and natural channels for water transportation) under solar simulator. The effect of surface temperature, light-to-heat conversion efficiency of carbon-based materials, heat losses, water transport through a porous medium and suspension stability (in the case of nanofluids) were investigated in order to understand the advantages and limitations of such systems.
All the tested systems were able to improve water evaporation rate and evaporation efficiency up to 70% and 82% under 1 sun and 2 suns respectively using a small amount of nanoparticles: the same amount of particles dispersed in nanofluid (0.01 wt%) was embedded into hydrogels or deposited onto wood. The high sunlight absorption ability of carbon-based nanoparticles appeared as a dominant parameter for the improvement of water evaporation rate. In fact, enhanced light absorption was directly related to a high photothermal conversion efficiency, which caused an improvement in the surface temperature, leading to a consequent enhancement in evaporation rate. It has been found that an adequate supply of water to the evaporation surface represents a fundamental parameter as well considering floating systems.
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A search for optimal structure of carbon-based porous adsorbents for hydrogen storage : numerical modeling approach / Une recherche de structures optimales des adsorbants poreux à base de carbone pour le stockage de l'hydrogène : approche par modélisation numériqueMohammadhosseini, Ali 17 September 2013 (has links)
Le but principal de cette étude était la recherche de structures optimales de charbons activés capables d"atteindre l'objectif de stockage d'hydrogène fixé par le département de l"énergie américain (DOE) pour les applications mobiles en utilisant l"adsorption physique à la température ambiante et aux pressions en-dessous de120 bars. L'hydrogène est destiné à être stocké dans une cuve rempliée d"adsorbants et doit être utilisé dans les véhicules alimentés principalement par des piles à combustible. Les adsorbants à base de carbone connus ont une capacité de stockage faible. Par conséquent, dans ce travail, j'ai défini les paramètres responsables de l'insuffisance de capacité de stockage de ces matériaux. Une attention particulière a été accordée à la géométrie locale des pores des adsorbants. J'ai étudié la structure locale des pores des adsorbants à base de carbone et je présente le principe de la conception d"architectures tridimensionnelles de nouvelles structures de carbone ainsi que la capacité d'adsorption de l'hydrogène par ces structures, lesquelles constituent une classe prometteuse de matériaux pour le stockage d'hydrogène et qui n'ont pas été étudiées jusqu'ici. Hormis la maximisation de la densité de l'hydrogène absorbée par cette famille de structures, mon but était de caractériser l'adsorption dans cette nouvelle catégorie d'adsorbants. Cela permet d"apporter des informations quant à la méthodologie à utiliser pour ajuster les propriétés physiques de ces matériaux afin d'optimiser leurs propriétés de stockage. Les résultats obtenus semblent montrer que cet objectif est atteint et confirment que mon approche constitue une bonne base pour de futures recherches. / The main goal of research presented in this thesis has been a search for optimal carbon-based porous structure capable to achieve the hydrogen storage capacity defined by US Department of Energy (DOE) for mobile applications at room temperature by adsorption at medium-level pressures below 120 bars. The hydrogen is assumed to be stored in a tank filled with adsorbents to be used in transport application, mainly fuel-cell driven vehicles. The known carbon-based adsorbents have low storage capacity. Therefore in this work, I have defined the basic parameters which are responsible for the capacity deficiency of such materials. Special attention has been paid to local pore geometry of adsorbents. I have investigated the pore local structure of carbon-based adsorbents and I present the basis of design and hydrogen adsorption capacity in three-dimensional architecture of new carbon frameworks, a promising class of potential hydrogen storage materials that have not been studied so far. Apart from maximizing the density of hydrogen taken up by this family of structures, I have aimed at characterization of this new category of adsorbents. This is hoped to lead to a guidance how their physical properties can be designed, or `tuned', to optimize their storage properties, and the obtained results seem to achieve this aim and thus provide a good basis for future research.
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Synthèse d'un copolymère ionique électrochimiquement actif à base de ferrocène-imidazolium et son utilisation possible en matériaux compositesSkrypnik, Valentyn 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Laser technologies for the development of carbon materials for environmental analytical microsystems / Technologies laser pour l’élaboration de matériaux carbonés pour microsystèmes analytiques environnementauxMaddi, Chiranjeevi 05 April 2016 (has links)
Technologies laser pour l’élaboration de matériaux carbonés pour microsystèmes analytiques environnementaux. Pas de résumé en français fourni / Amorphous carbon nitride (a-CzN) material has attractor much attention in research and development. Recently, it has become a more promising electrode material than conventional carbon based electrodes in electrochemical and biosensor applications. Nitrogen containing amorphous carbon (a-C:N) thin films have been synthesized by femtosecond pulsed laser deposition (fs-PLD) coupled with plasma assistance through Direct Current (DC) bias power supply. During the deposition process, various nitrogen pressures (0 to 50 Pa) and DC bias (0 to -350 V) were used in order to explore a wide range of nitrogen content into the film. The structure and chemical composition of the films have been studied by using Multi-wavelength (MW) Roman spectroscopy, electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTBM). The surface morphology has been studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Increasing the nitrogen pressure or adding a DC bias induced an increase of the N content, up to 28 at.%. Nitrogen content increase induces a higher sp2 character of the film. However DC bias has been found to increase the film structmal disorder, which was detrimental to the electrochemical properties. Indeed the electrochemical measurern-ts, investigated by cyclic voltammetry (CV), demonstrated that the a-CzNfilms show better electron transfer kinetics, reversibility and excellent reproducibility than the pure a-C films. Electrochemical grafting from diazoniurn salts was successfully achieved on this film, with a surface coverage of covalently bonded molecules close to the dense packed monolayer of ferrocene
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Novel 1-D and 2-D Carbon Nanostructures Based Absorbers for Photothermal ApplicationsSelvakumar, N January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Solar thermal energy is emerging as an important source of renewable energy for meeting the ever-increasing energy requirements of the world. Solar selective coatings are known to enhance the efficiency of the photo thermal energy conversion. An ideal solar selective coating has zero reflectance in the solar spectrum region (i.e., 0.3-2.5 µm) and 100% reflectance in the infrared (IR) region (i.e. 2.5-50 µm). In this thesis, novel carbon nanotubes (CNT) and graphene based absorbers have been developed for photo thermal applications. Carbon nanotubes have good optical properties (i.e., α and ε close to 1), high aspect ratios (> 150), high surface area (470 m2/g) and high thermal conductivity (> 3000 W/mK), which enable rapid heat transfer from the CNTs to the substrates. Similarly, graphene also exhibits high transmittance (97%), low reflectance, high thermal conductivity (5000 W/mK) and high oxidation resistance behaviour. The major drawback of using CNTs for photothermal applications is that it exhibits poor spectral selectivity (i.e., α/ε = 1). In other words, it acts as a blackbody absorber. On the other hand, graphene exhibits poor intrinsic absorption behaviour (α - 2.3%) in a broad wavelength range (UV-Near IR).
The main objective of the present study is to develop CNT and graphene based absorbers for photothermal conversion applications. The growth of CNT and graphene was carried out using chemical vapour deposition and sputtering techniques. An absorber-reflector tandem concept was used to develop the CNT based tandem absorber (Ti/Al2O3/Co/CNT). The transition from blackbody absorber to solar selective absorber was achieved by varying the CNT thicknesses and by using a suitable underlying absorber (Ti/Al2O3). A simple multilayer heat mirror concept was used to develop the graphene based multilayer absorber (SiO2/graphene/Cu/graphene). The transition from high transmitance to high absorptance was achieved by varying the Cu thickness. The refractive indices and the extinction coefficients of Ti/Al2O3, AlTiO and graphene samples were determined by the phase-modulated spectroscopic ellipsometric technique. Finally, the optical properties (i.e., absorptance and the emittance) of the CNT and graphene based absorbers were investigated.
Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction about solar thermal energy, spectrally selective coating and photothermal conversion. The different types of absorbers used to achieve the spectral selectivity have also been discussed shortly. A brief description about the carbon-based materials/allotropes and their properties are outlined. The properties of carbon nanotubes and graphene which are the 1-D and 2-D allotropes of carbon, respectively are tabulated. A detailed literature survey was carried out in order to identify the potential candidates for the photothermal conversion applications. The objectives and the scope of the thesis are also discussed in this chapter.
Chapter 2 discusses the deposition and characterization techniques used for the growth and the study of 1-D and 2-D carbon nanostructures. Atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition (CVD) and hot filament CVD techniques were used to grow CNT and graphene, respectively. The magnetron sputtering technique was used for the growth of ‘Ti’, ‘Al2O3’ and Co layers which were needed to grow the CNT based tandem absorber on stainless steel (SS) substrates. The important characterization techniques used to examine various properties of the 1-D and 2-D carbon nanostructures include: X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), phase modulated ellipsometry, UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer, Fourier-infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), micro-Raman spectroscopy and solar spectrum reflectometer and emissometer.
Chapter 3 describes the design and development of Ti/Al2O3 coating for the growth of CNT-based tandem absorber on SS substrates. The power densities of the aluminum and titanium targets and the oxygen flow rates were optimized to deposit the Ti/Al2O3 coatings. The optimized Ti/Al2O3 coating with a Co catalyst on top was used as an underlying substrate to grow the CNT-based tandem absorber at 800°C in Ar+H2 atmosphere (i.e., CNT/Co/Al2O3/Ti/SS). The formation of aluminum titanium oxide (AlTiO) was observed during the CNT growth process and this layer enhances the optical properties of the CNT based tandem absorber. The optical constants of Ti, Al2O3 and AlTiO coatings were measured using phase modulated spectroscopic ellipsometry in the wavelength range of 300-900 nm. The experimentally measured ellipsometric parameters have been fitted with the simulated spectra using the Tauc-Lorentz model for generating the dispersion of the optical constants of the Al2O3 and the AlTiO layers. The Ti and Al2O3 layer thicknesses play a major role in the design of the CNT based tandem absorber with good optical properties.
Chapter 4 describes the synthesis and characterization of the CNT based tandem absorber (Ti/AlTiO/CoO/CNTs) deposited on SS substrates. CNTs at different thicknesses were grown on Ti/AlTiO/CoO coated SS substrates using atmospheric CVD at various growth durations. The transition from blackbody absorber to solar selective absorber was achieved by varying the thicknesses of the CNTs and by suitably designing the bottom tandem absorber. At thicknesses > 10 µm, the CNT forest acts as near-perfect blackbody absorber, whereas, at thicknesses ≤ 0.36 µm, the IR reflectance of the coating increases (i.e., ε = 0.20) with slight decrease in the absorptance (i.e., α = 0.95). A spectral selectivity (α/ε) of 4.75 has been achieved for the 0.36 µm-thick CNTs grown on SS/Ti/AlTiO/CoO tandem absorber.
Chapter 5 discusses the growth of graphene on polycrystalline copper (Cu) foils (1 cm × 1 cm) using hot filament CVD. The roles of the process parameters such as gas flow rates (methane and hydrogen), growth temperatures (filament and substrate) and durations on the growth of graphene were studied. The process parameters were also optimized to grow monolayer, bilayer and multilayer graphene in a controlled manner and the growth mechanism was deduced from the experimental results. The presence of graphene on Cu foils was confirmed using XPS, micro-Raman spectroscopy, FESEM and TEM techniques. The FESEM data clearly confirmed that graphene starts nucleating as hexagonal islands which later evolves into dendritic lobe shaped islands with an increase in the supersaturation. The TEM data substantiated further the growth of monolayer, bilayer and multilayer graphene. The intensity of 2D and G peak ratio (i.e., I2D/IG = 2) confirmed the presence of the monolayer graphene and the absence of the ‘D’ peak in the Raman spectrum indicated the high purity of graphene grown on Cu foils. The results show that the polycrystalline morphology of the copper foil has negligible effect on the growth of monolayer graphene.
In Chapter 6, the design and development of graphene/Cu/graphene multilayer absorber and the study of its optical properties are discussed. The multilayer graphene grown on Cu foils has been transferred on quartz and SiO2 substrates in order to fabricate the graphene/Cu/graphene multilayer absorber. The sputtering technique was used to deposit copper on top of graphene/quartz substrates. The uniformity of the transferred multilayer graphene films was confirmed using Raman mapping. A simple multilayer heat mirror concept was used to develop the graphene/Cu/graphene absorber on quartz substrates and the transition from high transmittance to high absorptance was achieved. In order to further enhance the absorption, the graphene/Cu/graphene multilayer coating was fabricated on SiO2 substrates. The thickness of the Cu layer plays a major role in creating destructive interference, which results in high absorptance and low emittance. A high specular absorptance of 0.91 and emittance of 0.22 was achieved for the SiO2 graphene/Cu/graphene multilayer absorber. The specular reflectance of the multilayer absorber coatings was measured using the universal reflectance accessory of the UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer.
Chapter 7 summarizes the major findings of the present investigation and also suggests future aspects for experimentation and analysis. The results obtained from the present work clearly indicate that both CNT and graphene based absorbers can be used as potential candidates for photothermal applications. In particular, the CNT based tandem absorber can be used for high temperature solar thermal applications and the graphene based multilayer absorber finds applications in the area of photodetectors and optical broadband modulators.
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Modélisation atomique de nanoparticules métalliques sur substrats carbonés et graphène épitaxié sur métaux / Atomistic modeling of metallic nanoparticles on carbonaceous substrates and epitaxial graphene on metalsFörster, Georg Daniel 30 September 2015 (has links)
Les applications des nanoparticules métalliques nécessitent des assemblées monodisperses et stables sur un substrat tel que le graphène ou le graphite. Le graphène épitaxié sur métal (GEM) est étudié, car il facilite l'auto-organisation des adsorbats. La différence entre les mailles du graphène et du métal conduit à un effet de moiré contenant certaines régions favorables de l'adsorption. Ce travail est consacré surtout aux systèmes Ru-C et Pt-C où nous nous sommes intéressé au substrat du GEM nu, des agrégats y etant deposés et des agrégats métalliques sur graphite. Les potentiels d'ordre de liason permettent de mener des études en dynamique moléculaire sur des systèmes de taille réaliste à température finie. Dans le cas du système Pt-C une paramétrisation est disponible dans la littérature. Cependant, pour le système du Ru-C une paramétrisation sur la base de données DFT était nécessaire. Ce modèle atomistique néglige les forces de dispersion importantes pour des milieux étendus. Basé sur les modèles de Grimme, nous avons développé une description implicite tenant compte de la structure du substrat et son extension semi-infinie. De plus les effets d'écrantage importants pour des milieux métalliques sont pris en compte. Basé sur ce champ de force nous montrons des propriétés des adsorbats sur des substrats carbonés où nous évaluons le modèle de forces de dispersion. Grâce à des simulations de dynamique moléculaire, la stabilité des adsorbats et du graphène a été étudié dans le contexte de la dynamique vibrationnelle et de diffusion. En accord avec les expériences, la mobilité des adsorbats sur graphite s'avère élevée en comparaison avec des adsorbats sur GEM / Applications of metal nanoparticles require monodisperse and stable assemblies on a substrate such as graphene or graphite. Epitaxial graphene on metal (GOM) has attracted research interest because it contributes to the self-organisation of adsorbates. The difference in the lattice constants of graphene and metal leads to a moiré that contains certain regions that are favorable for adsorption. This work is mainly concerned with the Ru-C and Pt-C systems where we were interested in the bare substrate of GOM, adsorbates deposited thereon and metal clusters on graphite. Bond order potentials allow to carry out molecular dynamics studies for systems of realistic size and at finite temperature. In the case of the Pt-C, a parametrization is available in the literature. However, for Ru-C systems a custom parametrization effort based on data from electronic structure calculations was necessary. This atomistic model neglects long ranged dispersion forces that are important for adsorption phenomena on extended substrates. Based on the Grimme models, we developed an implicit description that takes the layered structure and the semi-infinite extension of the substrate into account. Also, screening effects that are important for metal materials are taken into account. Based on this force field, we show results concerning the properties of adsorbates on carbon substrates while evaluating the dispersion model. With the help of molecular dynamics simulations, the stability of adsorbates and graphene has been studied in the context of vibrational and diffusion dynamics. In agreement with experiments, the mobility of the adsorbates on graphite is high in comparison with adsorbates on GOM
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