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Career development of men and women in dual-career families in Hong Kong a qualitative study (China). / Career development of men and women in dual-career families in Hong Kong : a qualitative study / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortiumJanuary 2003 (has links)
"December 2003." / Thesis (Ed.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 441-475). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.
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Desenvolvimento de carreira em psicólogos : tarefas evolutivas do estágio de estabelecimento / Career development of psychologists: developmental tasks of establishment stageBedin, Lívia Maria January 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender como psicólogos porto-alegrenses estão vivenciando as tarefas evolutivas do desenvolvimento de carreira inerentes ao estágio de estabelecimento, de acordo com a teoria de Donald Super. Além disso, buscou-se verificar as diferenças percebidas entre a realização das tarefas do desenvolvimento de carreira de psicólogos com relação ao tipo de vínculo empregatício, seja ele público, privado ou autônomo e, também, conhecer como os profissionais relacionam a atual conjuntura sócio-econômica na inserção do psicólogo no mercado de trabalho. Foram entrevistados 15 trabalhadores psicólogos (12 mulheres e 3 homens) com idades entre 30 e 38 anos, escolhidos de modo a contemplar a forma de seu contrato trabalhista (público, privado ou autônomo). A entrevista considerou as tarefas do desenvolvimento de carreira que dizem respeito ao estágio de estabelecimento: estabilização, consolidação e progresso. Os dados coletados foram analisados qualitativamente. Os resultados apontaram seis categorias relacionadas ao estabelecimento de carreira dos psicólogos participantes: a rede de relacionamento, o processo desenvolvimental, a realização profissional, a legalização do vínculo de trabalho, a preocupação com o desempenho e a busca constante por qualificação. / The objective of this study was to understand how psychologists from Porto Alegre are experiencing developmental tasks of career establishment stage, according to Donald Super’s theory. In this research there were interviewed 15 psychologists (12 women and 3 men) aged between 30 and 38 years old, chosen to reflect the form of their labor contract (public, private or autonomous). In addition, we attempted to verify the perceived differences between the tasks of the career development of psychologists regarding the type of employment relationship, whether public, private or autonomous, and also know how professionals relate to current socio- economic configuration in the placing of psychologists in the labor market. The interview included career development tasks related to establishment stage: stabilization, consolidation and progress. Data collected were analyzed using qualitative research methods. The results showed six categories associated with participant’s career establishment: relationship network, developmental process, professional achievement, work contracts’ legalization, performance concern and constantly seeking qualification.
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Kariérní rozvoj žen po mateřské dovolené a jeho podpora koučinkem (Komparace situace v České republice a v Rakousku) / Supporting Career Development of Women after Maternity Leave with Coaching (Comparison of the Situation in the Czech Republic and Austria)Ebhardt, Karina January 2011 (has links)
Objectives: The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the situation of women returning to work after maternity leave in Austria and the Czech Republic, to design a special career coaching program for them and to evaluate its effectiveness. Methods: Questionnaires, interviews and career coaching program. The sample consisted of female high school, college and university graduates returning to work after maternity leave. Results: The research showed that women tend not to advance in their careers and perceive a lack of support in career development from their employers. We found no significant differences between Austrian and Czech women regarding the length of maternity leave and strategies for coping with work/family conflicts, though they differ in their approach to career management. The career coaching program was designed according to the detailed analysis of needs of our respondents and was evaluated as very effective.
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Formação complementar do aluno de engenharia: estudo exploratório para identificar fatores que impactam a eficácia da aprendizagem de competências para gestão de carreira. / Complementary education of engineering student: exploratory study to identify factors that impact the effectiveness of learning on competencies for career management.Reinaldo Koei Yonamine 07 February 2012 (has links)
A necessidade de ampliar a formação dos alunos de Engenharia visando também desenvolver novas competências não técnicas tem sido anunciada de forma enfática por vários segmentos da sociedade, como entidades de classe, órgãos governamentais, educadores, pesquisadores e pelos próprios egressos quando se deparam com o mercado de trabalho. Essa, contudo, não é uma missão trivial para as escolas de Engenharia basta comparar volume de declarações e apelos sobre a importância dessa missão com o volume de ações institucionais efetivas. Trata-se, na verdade, de um grande desafio que implica mudança de paradigma e do projeto pedagógico, conforme se pode observar nos diversos trabalhos apresentados em congressos de ensino de Engenharia. Tendo em vista esse contexto, esta tese tem como objeto de estudo uma atividade complementar que pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de algumas das novas competências requeridas do engenheiro: o programa de Gestão de Carreira & Mentoring, desenvolvido, desde 2002, no âmbito da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo como um serviço gratuito para formandos, egressos e novos docentes. Essa atividade complementar extracurricular serve de eixo a partir do qual se orienta e incentiva o aluno a refletir e agir em relação a questões como empregabilidade, autoconhecimento, desenvolvimento de competências, visão de futuro, projeto de carreira, alternativas de ocupações e educação continuada. Trabalho dessa natureza, pouco comum na grade curricular dos cursos de Engenharia no Brasil, pode contribuir significativamente para a formação do engenheiro com o perfil demandado pelas várias instâncias da sociedade, inclusive o mercado de trabalho. Para tal, a presente tese apresenta três estudos de casos com experimentos educacionais concernentes à referida atividade complementar e visa responder à seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: Que fatores impactam a eficácia de aprendizagem de atividades complementares desenvolvidas para preparar os alunos de engenharia para uma transição satisfatória para o mundo profissional?. Partindo de uma investigação teórica pautada nas teorias da Orientação Profissional e outras correntes teóricas e em uma análise qualitativa desses estudos de casos, identificaram-se três grupos de fatores, quais sejam: (1) fatores identificados empiricamente a partir dos estudos de casos; (2) Fatores teóricos baseados nas teorias da Orientação Profissional e (3) fatores teóricos baseados nas outras referências teóricas. Este estudo oferece às escolas de Engenharia um conjunto de conceitos, técnicas, processos e lições aprendidas que podem servir de referência para a incorporação dessas atividades, de forma transversal, em disciplinas afins (e.g. Introdução à Engenharia e Estágios). / Comprehensive engineering education aiming at the development of soft competences has been called for by several sections of society, including professional boards, governmental bodies, educators, researchers and newly graduated professionals facing unexpected work market demands. Most schools of engineering, however, have not managed to deliver on this mission, as we can easily see by comparing the number calls for this mission with the number of effective institutional actions. This is in fact a great challenge that implies paradigm change and development of a new pedagogical project, as reported in several talks in engineering education congresses. Against this background, this dissertation investigates an extracurricular activity that can contribute to the development of some of the new competences required of engineers nowadays: The Career Management & Mentoring program developed since 2002 as a free service provided by Escola Politécnica (University of São Paulo) to senior students, newly graduated engineers and new professors. This extracurricular activity focuses on guiding and encouraging the students to reflect on and take attitude about such issues as employability, self-knowledge, competence development, vision of future, career project, job alternatives, and continued education. This sort of activity, still unusual in the engineering syllabuses in Brazil, can contribute significantly to the development of engineers with the profile required by several sections of society, including the job market. More specifically, this dissertation reports on three case studies involving educational experiments drawing on the above mentioned extracurricular activity and aims to answer the following research question: Which factors impact on the learning efficacy of extracurricular activities designed to prepare engineering students for a satisfactory transition from college to the professional world? Drawing on professional orientation theories and other related theoretical underpinnings as well as on a qualitative analysis of the three case studies, this study identifies several factors impacting on learning efficacy, herein gathered in the categories students, service structure, supporters, and environment. This thesis provides schools of engineering with a number of concepts, techniques, processes and learnt lessons that serve as reference for transversally introducing activities of this nature in related disciplines such as Introduction to Engineering, and Curricular Internship.
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Carreiras contemporâneas: responsabilidade pessoal e desafios na trajetória profissional / Contemporary careers: Personal responsibility and challenges for the professional trajectorySimone Maria Virmond Vieira Linzmeyer 30 May 2014 (has links)
Imediatismo, tecnologia, conectividade, transformações econômicas e a complexidade do mundo do trabalho influenciam a construção das trajetórias profissionais na contemporaneidade, estabelecendo novas configurações de carreira que modificam e ampliam as relações de trabalho. Partindo da premissa que os trabalhadores buscam um sentido no trabalho, o desenvolvimento da carreira é priorizado nesta tese, sob a perspectiva da pessoa, acreditando que o trabalhador tem consciência da sua responsabilidade no desenvolvimento da carreira e anseia através de um trabalho significativo, construir a sua trajetória no mundo do trabalho. Não obstante os modelos tradicionais das carreiras ainda se façam presentes é surpreendente a velocidade com que as novas configurações, representadas principalmente pelas carreiras proteanas e sem fronteiras, se estabelecem. Não é suficiente ter consciência dos desafios na construção da carreira, é preciso entender e coordenar ações para enfrentá-los. É neste contexto de incertezas que surge a indagação desta pesquisa: a compreensão e a aceitação da responsabilidade pessoal impulsionam o desenvolvimento da carreira na contemporaneidade? Considerando, no desenvolvimento profissional, o propósito de realizar um trabalho significativo, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa é compreender o desenvolvimento da carreira na contemporaneidade e a aceitação da responsabilidade pessoal, a partir dos desafios enfrentados e dos modelos construídos pelos trabalhadores pesquisados. No intuito de estudar o processo de construção de carreira realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa com a técnica da entrevista semiestruturada, com 21 trabalhadores brasileiros, com idade entre 26 e 38 anos. Para investigar as narrativas destes trabalhadores, utilizou-se o método de análise de conteúdo, que envolveu a definição e compreensão de 7 categorias de análise para a construção das carreiras: concepções de trabalho, definição de carreira, objetivos profissionais, desafios enfrentados no desenvolvimento da carreira, responsabilidade e ação pessoal em prol do desenvolvimento da carreira, significação de sucesso profissional e importância da rede de relacionamentos para o desenvolvimento da carreira. Os principais resultados da pesquisa demonstram unanimidade na valorização da rede de relacionamento e que independentemente do modelo de carreira construído, tradicional, multidirecional, proteana ou sem fronteiras, os trabalhadores pesquisados têm consciência, assumem a responsabilidade e desenvolvem ações em prol do desenvolvimento de suas carreiras, construindo, na maioria, suas trajetórias profissionais dentro dos modelos das carreiras contemporâneas, destacando-se as carreiras proteanas e as carreiras sem fronteiras. Apesar da constatação de que a compreensão e aceitação da responsabilidade pessoal impulsionam o desenvolvimento da carreira, são muitos os desafios a serem enfrentados pelo trabalhador na busca de um trabalho significativo que harmonize realização pessoal e profissional / Immediacy, technology, connectivity, economic transformation and the complexity of the world of work influence the building of the professional careers in the contemporaneity, settling new configurations of career which modify and expand the working relationship. Assuming that the workers search a meaning in the work, the career development is prioritized in this thesis, under the perspective of an individual, believing that the worker is aware of his/ her responsibility in the career development and yearns through a meaningful work to build his/ her career in the world of work. Notwithstanding the traditional models of careers is still present, it is amazing the speedy at which the new configurations, represented especially for the protean career and boundaryless career, get settled. Be aware about the challenges in the career building is not enough; you need to understand and coordinate actions to face the challenges ahead. It is in this context of uncertainties that arises the question of this research: do the understanding and the acceptance of the personal responsibility drive the career development in the contemporaneity? Considering in the professional development the purpose of executing a meaningful work, the general objective of this research is to understand the career development in the contemporaneity and the acceptance of the personal responsibility from the challenges faced and the models built by the workers surveyed. Aiming to study the process of career building, a qualitative research was done with the technique of semi-structured interview, with 21 Brazilian workers aged between 26 and 38 years old. To investigate the narratives of these workers, it was used the method of content analyses which involved the definition and the understanding of 7 categories of analysis to the careers building: conceptions of work, definition of career, professional objectives, challenges faced in the career development, responsibility and personal action for the career development, significance of professional success and the importance of the relationship network for the career development. The main results of the research show unanimity in the enhancing of the relationship network and that independent of the built career model, traditional, multidirectional, protean or boundaryless, the surveyed workers are conscious, they take responsibility and develop actions for the development of their careers, building in the majority, their professional careers within the contemporary career models, highlighting the protean careers and the boundaryless careers. Despite the finding that the understanding and acceptance of the personal responsibility drive the career development, many are the challenges to be faced by the worker in the search of a meaningful work which harmonizes professional and personal accomplishment
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Adaptabilidade de carreira em trabalhadores-estudantes do ensino superiorSaldanha, Marcelo Bravo Cassales January 2013 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou investigar qualitativamente a adaptabilidade de carreira de trabalhadores-estudantes, descrevendo como percebem seus recursos de adaptabilidade e os expressam no dia-a-dia. Entendeu-se que este público vivencia uma situação de transição de carreira ao desempenhar simultaneamente os papeis de trabalhador e de estudante, o que exige mais de sua capacidade de adaptação e consequentemente gera maior ativação de sua adaptabilidade de carreira. Participaram deste nove trabalhadores estudantes de nível superior de graduação de universidades particulares da cidade de Porto Alegre. A coleta de dados foi feita utilizando uma entrevista semiestruturada aplicando a estratégia teaching the test proposta por Savickas e Porfeli (2011), que consiste em aplicar uma escala e discutir as respostas com o participante. Foi utilizada a versão brasileira da Escala de Adaptabilidade de Carreira como objetivo de abordar aspectos relacionados aos construtos investigados, sendo o material verbal produzido analisado através de análise temática. Os resultados são apresentados em duas seções: percepções sobre o manejo dos papeis de trabalhador e estudante e percepções sobre a adaptabilidade de carreira. Cada tema ou subtema foram ilustrados com excertos representativos. Discutem-se as limitações do estudo e sugerem-se possibilidades para estudos futuros. / This study aimed to investigate qualitatively the career adaptability working-students, describing how they perceive their adaptability resources and express daily. It was understood that the public experiences a situation of career transition to simultaneously play the roles of worker and student, which requires more of your adaptability and consequently generates greater activation of their career adaptability. Participated in this nine workers postsecondary students graduate of private universities in the city of Porto Alegre. Data collection was done using a semistructured interview applying the strategy teaching the test proposed by Savickas e Porfeli (2011), which consists of applying a scale and discuss the answers with the participant. We used the Brazilian version of the Scale of Career Adaptability aimed to address issues related to the constructs investigated and verbal material produced analyzed using thematic analysis. The results are presented in two sections: perceptions about the management of student and worker roles and perceptions of career adaptability. Each theme or subtheme were illustrated with excerpts representative. We discuss the limitations of the study and suggest up possibilities for future studies.
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Formação complementar do aluno de engenharia: estudo exploratório para identificar fatores que impactam a eficácia da aprendizagem de competências para gestão de carreira. / Complementary education of engineering student: exploratory study to identify factors that impact the effectiveness of learning on competencies for career management.Yonamine, Reinaldo Koei 07 February 2012 (has links)
A necessidade de ampliar a formação dos alunos de Engenharia visando também desenvolver novas competências não técnicas tem sido anunciada de forma enfática por vários segmentos da sociedade, como entidades de classe, órgãos governamentais, educadores, pesquisadores e pelos próprios egressos quando se deparam com o mercado de trabalho. Essa, contudo, não é uma missão trivial para as escolas de Engenharia basta comparar volume de declarações e apelos sobre a importância dessa missão com o volume de ações institucionais efetivas. Trata-se, na verdade, de um grande desafio que implica mudança de paradigma e do projeto pedagógico, conforme se pode observar nos diversos trabalhos apresentados em congressos de ensino de Engenharia. Tendo em vista esse contexto, esta tese tem como objeto de estudo uma atividade complementar que pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de algumas das novas competências requeridas do engenheiro: o programa de Gestão de Carreira & Mentoring, desenvolvido, desde 2002, no âmbito da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo como um serviço gratuito para formandos, egressos e novos docentes. Essa atividade complementar extracurricular serve de eixo a partir do qual se orienta e incentiva o aluno a refletir e agir em relação a questões como empregabilidade, autoconhecimento, desenvolvimento de competências, visão de futuro, projeto de carreira, alternativas de ocupações e educação continuada. Trabalho dessa natureza, pouco comum na grade curricular dos cursos de Engenharia no Brasil, pode contribuir significativamente para a formação do engenheiro com o perfil demandado pelas várias instâncias da sociedade, inclusive o mercado de trabalho. Para tal, a presente tese apresenta três estudos de casos com experimentos educacionais concernentes à referida atividade complementar e visa responder à seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: Que fatores impactam a eficácia de aprendizagem de atividades complementares desenvolvidas para preparar os alunos de engenharia para uma transição satisfatória para o mundo profissional?. Partindo de uma investigação teórica pautada nas teorias da Orientação Profissional e outras correntes teóricas e em uma análise qualitativa desses estudos de casos, identificaram-se três grupos de fatores, quais sejam: (1) fatores identificados empiricamente a partir dos estudos de casos; (2) Fatores teóricos baseados nas teorias da Orientação Profissional e (3) fatores teóricos baseados nas outras referências teóricas. Este estudo oferece às escolas de Engenharia um conjunto de conceitos, técnicas, processos e lições aprendidas que podem servir de referência para a incorporação dessas atividades, de forma transversal, em disciplinas afins (e.g. Introdução à Engenharia e Estágios). / Comprehensive engineering education aiming at the development of soft competences has been called for by several sections of society, including professional boards, governmental bodies, educators, researchers and newly graduated professionals facing unexpected work market demands. Most schools of engineering, however, have not managed to deliver on this mission, as we can easily see by comparing the number calls for this mission with the number of effective institutional actions. This is in fact a great challenge that implies paradigm change and development of a new pedagogical project, as reported in several talks in engineering education congresses. Against this background, this dissertation investigates an extracurricular activity that can contribute to the development of some of the new competences required of engineers nowadays: The Career Management & Mentoring program developed since 2002 as a free service provided by Escola Politécnica (University of São Paulo) to senior students, newly graduated engineers and new professors. This extracurricular activity focuses on guiding and encouraging the students to reflect on and take attitude about such issues as employability, self-knowledge, competence development, vision of future, career project, job alternatives, and continued education. This sort of activity, still unusual in the engineering syllabuses in Brazil, can contribute significantly to the development of engineers with the profile required by several sections of society, including the job market. More specifically, this dissertation reports on three case studies involving educational experiments drawing on the above mentioned extracurricular activity and aims to answer the following research question: Which factors impact on the learning efficacy of extracurricular activities designed to prepare engineering students for a satisfactory transition from college to the professional world? Drawing on professional orientation theories and other related theoretical underpinnings as well as on a qualitative analysis of the three case studies, this study identifies several factors impacting on learning efficacy, herein gathered in the categories students, service structure, supporters, and environment. This thesis provides schools of engineering with a number of concepts, techniques, processes and learnt lessons that serve as reference for transversally introducing activities of this nature in related disciplines such as Introduction to Engineering, and Curricular Internship.
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The impact of career guidance (CG) for career choice (CC) in the secondary schools of Sepitsi Circuit in Lebowakgomo District, Limpopo ProvinceNong, Tlou Willam January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (M.Dev.) --University of Limpopo, 2016 / Refer to document
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An investigation of the relationship between career maturity, career decision self-efficacy, and self-advocacy of college students with and without disabilitiesWalker, Quiteya Dawn 01 May 2010 (has links)
Although much has been written about the relationship between career maturity and career decision self-efficacy of college students, the literature review provided no studies that investigated the relationship between career maturity, career decision self-efficacy, and self-advocacy; therefore the purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between career maturity, career decision self-efficacy, and self-advocacy of college students with and without disabilities. An increasing number of college students with disabilities are attending postsecondary institutions, and the figures are continuing to increase; however, students with disabilities earn lower grades in college than their peers without disabilities, take longer to complete their degrees, have higher dropout rates, and are more likely to be unemployed after college. This quantitative study responds to recent calls in the postsecondary literature for individuals with disabilities to be better prepared when they transition from college. Participants included 347 postsecondary students, 89 of whom reported having a disability. Primarily focused on students with disabilities, this study gathered information regarding postsecondary students' attitudes toward careers, beliefs in their ability to pursue careers, and their self-advocacy knowledge in order to investigate the relationship among them. This study provides empirical support that there is a relationship between career maturity, career decision self-efficacy, and self-advocacy.
The results of the correlation, MANOVA, ANOVA, and hierarchical regression analyses provided four major findings and implications. First, there was a positive correlation between career maturity, career decision self-efficacy, and self-advocacy of college students with and without a disability. Second, the results of the study indicated that students without a disability had higher levels of career maturity and self-advocacy than students with a disability; however, the self-efficacy scores were similar for students with and without a disability. Third, the results of the study focusing specifically on students with disabilities indicated that the career maturity of students who had a high level of self-advocacy was higher than for the students who had a low level of self-advocacy. However, there was no difference in levels of self-advocacy and career decision self-efficacy of college students with disabilities. Fourth, the results of this study focusing specifically on students with disabilities indicated that self-advocacy and career decision self-efficacy were the only variables that positively affected career maturity. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.
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The Impact of a Culturally Responsive Intervention on Perceived Career Barriers, Ethnic Identity, Student Motivation and Engagement, and Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy of Middle School Minority FemalesRutledge, Marsha L 01 January 2019 (has links)
This study investigated the impact of a culturally responsive intervention on perceived career barriers, ethnic identity, student motivation and engagement, and career decision making self-efficacy of middle school minority females. The author analyzed data from the Female Leadership Academy for Minority Excellence (FLAME) program at a local rural middle school. Data was collected from 34 Black female middle school students who participated in the program. The study was a repeated measures quasi-experimental, quantitative single group pre-test, mid-test, and post-test design. According to results from a series of repeated measures ANOVAs, significant differences were found between pre-group, mid-group, and post-group scores. Upon further analysis, significant differences were found between specific subscales of the student motivation and engagement survey. Specifically, differences were found between pre-group and mid-group and pre-group and post-group scores on the Performance Approach Orientation (ME_PerfApproach) subscale. Differences were also found between pre-group and post-group scores on the self-efficacy subscale (ME_SelfE) as well as between pre-group and mid-group and between mid-group and post-group scores for the Engagement Behavioral subscale (ME_Bx). Regarding the last research question, significant differences were found between pre-group and post-group and mid-group and post-group scores when examining perceived career barriers. The results from the Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy and the Ethnic Identity scale did not yield significant results. These results provide initial support in suggesting that culturally responsive career development programs do impact career development of minority middle school females especially in the areas of student motivation and engagement and perceived career barriers.
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