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Polyelectrolyte adsorption on oppositely charged surfaces - Conformation and adsorption kineticsEnarsson, Lars-Erik January 2006 (has links)
Denna avhandling presenterar experimentella studier av polyelektrolytadsorption på motsatt laddade ytor, där substrat av både kiseloxid och blekt barrsulfatmassa har använts. Ett huvudsakligt syfte med denna forskning var att karaktärisera konformationen hos adsorberade skikt av katjonisk polyakrylamid (CPAM) i jämförelse med katjonisk dextran (Cdextran) och relatera denna information till inbindningskapaciteten av kolloidal kiselsyra. Ett andra syfte i denna avhandling var att studera kinetiken för sekventiell adsorption av polyamidamin epiklorhydrin (PAE) och karboxymetyl cellulosa (CMC) på massafibrer och att bestämma adsorptionsisotermer för deponering av polyelektrolyter skikt för skikt på massafibrer. Adsorptionen av CPAM på kiseloxidytor studeras med stagnationspunkts-reflektometri och kvartskristalls-mikrogravimetri för att bestämma adsorptionskinetiken och mättnadsadsorptionens beroende av polyelektrolytens laddningstäthet, pH och NaCl koncentration. Konformationen hos adsorberade skikt av CPAM och Cdextran bestämdes både före och efter sekundär tillsats av kolloidal kiselsyra (CS) och adsorptionen av CS kvantifierades också som funktion av yttäckningen av polyelektrolyt. Resultaten indikerar att laddningstätheten hos CPAM kontrollerar den adsorberade mängden på kiseloxidytor vid låga NaCl koncentrationer. Både adsorptionen av CPAM och Cdextran på kiseloxid visades vara effektiv i NaCl koncentrationer upp till 1 M, vilket indikerar ett signifikant bidrag av icke-jonisk interaktion mellan polyelektrolyterna och kiseloxid. Adsorptionen av CS var högre på föradsorberad CPAM än Cdextran. Konformationen hos de adsorberade skikten efter tillsats av CS sågs expandera signifikant för skikt baserade på CPAM medan skikt av Cdextran vid låga salthalter verkade återta sin konformation efter en temporär expansion. I den andra delen av avhandlingen studerades sekventiell adsorption av PAE och CMC på massafibrer. Adsorptionsisotermer skikt för skikt på avkryllad massa visade att PAE adsorberade i större mängd än CMC, både i hänseende av massa och laddning. Adsorptionen av PAE var signifikant långsammare än CMC och adsorptionstiden till 90% av mättnadsadsorptionen bestämdes till 3 respektive 1 minut. Zetapotentialen för kryll bestämdes för adsorption av de två första polyelektrolytskikten och resultaten tydde på att kryllmaterialet omladdade inom en minut efter tillsatserna av polyelektrolyt. Reflektometriförsök inom sekventiell adsorption av PAE och CMC på kiseloxid antydde att den låga molekylviktsfraktionen av PAE störde uppbyggnaden av polyelektrolyt-multiskikten. / This thesis presents experimental studies of polyelectrolyte adsorption on oppositely charged surfaces, where substrates of both silica and bleached softwood kraft pulp were used. A major aim of this research was to characterise the conformation of adsorbed layers of cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM), in comparison to cationic dextran (Cdextran), and relate this information to the binding capacity of colloidal silica. A second aim in this thesis was to study the kinetics of the sequential adsorption of polyamide epichlorohydrine (PAE) and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) on pulp fibres, and to determine the adsorption isotherms for the layer-by-layer deposition of polyelectrolytes on pulp fibres. The adsorption of CPAM on silica surfaces was studied using stagnation point adsorption reflectometry and quartz crystal microgravimetry to determine its adsorption kinetics as well as the dependencies of polyelectrolyte charge densities, pH, and NaCl concentration on saturation adsorption. The conformation of adsorbed layers of CPAM and Cdextran, analysed in terms of amount of water and layer thickness, was determined both before and after the secondary adsorption of colloidal silica (CS), and the adsorption of CS was also quantified as a function of the surface coverage of the polyelectrolyte. Results indicate that the charge density of CPAM controlled the amount of the polyelectrolyte adsorbed on silica surfaces at low NaCl concentrations. The adsorption of both CPAM and Cdextran on silica was shown to be effective at up to 1 M NaCl concentrations, which indicates that non-ionic interactions between the polyelectrolytes and silica contribute significantly. CS adsorption was higher on pre-adsorbed CPAM than on Cdextran. The conformation of the adsorbed layer after CS addition was seen to expand significantly in CPAM-based layers, while the Cdextran layer appeared to restore its conformation after a temporary expansion at low salt concentrations. In the second part of the thesis, the sequential adsorption of PAE and CMC on pulp fibres was determined using the polyelectrolyte titration technique. Layer-by-layer adsorption isotherms derived on fractionated pulp showed that PAE adsorbed in higher amounts than CMC did, both in terms of adsorbed mass and adsorbed charge. The adsorption of PAE was significantly slower compared to CMC, and the adsorption times required to reach 90% of the saturation adsorption were 3 and 1 min, respectively. The zeta potential of pulp fines was determined for the adsorption of the two first polyelectrolyte layers, and data indicated that the fines recharge within one minute after the polyelectrolyte additions. Reflectometry experiments regarding the sequential adsorption of PAE and CMC on silica indicated that the low-molecular-weight fraction of PAE disturbed the formation of polyelectrolyte multilayers. / QC 20101112
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Design and Synthesis of Gold (I) Acyclic Diamino Carbene Complexes as Metallodrugs for Cancer and for Asymmetric CatalysisAsuramana Pedi Durayalage, Roshani 07 1900 (has links)
Many previous studies have demonstrated that gold compounds possess successful results in catalysis and in medicinal chemistry. The central aim of this dissertation is the design and synthesis of novel gold (I) acyclic diamino carbene complexes as a chemotherapeutic agent for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) and for catalysis. In this study, a series of chiral neutral and cationic gold (I) acyclic diamino carbene (ADC) complexes and neutral gold (I) bis- ADC complexes have been synthesized. As the chiral neutral gold (I) ADCs, four diastereomers of S binaphthyl L proline tertiary butyl ester gold (I) chloride, S binaphthyl D proline tertiary butyl ester gold (I) chloride, R binaphthyl L proline tertiary butyl ester gold (I) chloride, and R binaphthyl D proline tertiary butyl ester gold (I) chloride have been synthesized and characterized. Different chiral gold (I) ADC complexes with bulky chiral binaphthyl group and with different amine groups of morpholine, chiral proline methyl ester, and benzyl ester have been synthesized and characterized. After that four diastereomers of the nitrile adduct of cationic binaphthyl proline tertiary butyl ester nitrile and four diastereomers of the isonitrile versions of it have been synthesized and characterized. A series of gold (I) cationic bis ADC complexes have been synthesized and characterized. All these novel gold ADC complexes were tested for biological activity against TNBC cell line MDA-MB-231 and cationic S binaphthyl D proline ester isonitrile adduct, S binaphthyl D proline ester isonitrile adduct and R binaphthyl D proline ester isonitrile adduct gave promising inhibition rates. According to Lipinski's rule, lipophilicity determines the effectiveness of the drug absorption to the body through the lipid membrane. To determine the drug-likeness of the gold ADC complexes, log P values were calculated for some of the synthesized complexes using a modified shake flask method.
Gold (I) ADC complexes have been renowned for their ability in catalysis, but enantioselective catalysis is not that well studied. A3 coupling reaction is a well-known reaction for the synthesis of propargyl amines. Here, A3 coupling reaction with a chiral amine has been performed using the previously synthesized four diastereomers of binaphthyl proline tertial butyl ester gold (I) ADCs (SL, RD, RL, SD) as the catalyst expecting four different diastereomers of the product. The reaction exhibited reasonable yields but with a low enantiomeric excess (ee%). However, it gave proof of the principle that asymmetric induction is possible with the synthesized novel chiral gold (I) ADC complexes.
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Reactivity of metallacycles of palladium : experimental and computational studiesVan Niekerk, Daniel M. E. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Please refer to full text for abstract
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Novas formulações de fármacos tuberculostáticos em dispersões de brometo de dioctadecildimetilamônio: preparação, caracterização e avaliação da atividade in vitro contra micobactérias / Novel formulations for drugs based on dioctadecyldimetihylammonium bromide (DODAB): preparation, characterization and evaluation of activity in vitro against mycobacteriaBarbassa, Lílian 25 November 2010 (has links)
Introdução: A tuberculose é uma infecção curável causada pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Requer tratamento prolongado e a combinação de vários fármacos implicando em efeitos colaterais que podem levar pacientes ao abandono do tratamento. Formulações de droga de liberação controlada como nanopartículas, nanoemulsões ou lipossomos têm tido sucesso contra doenças infecciosas. Em especial, brometo de dioctadecildimetilamônio (DODAB) disperso em água pode formar lipossomos ou vesículas grandes (LV) ou fragmentos de bicamada (BF) que podem carrear drogas hidrofóbicas ou hidrofílicas e ademais, podem atuar como microbicidas. Objetivos: determinar atividade do DODAB contra Mycobacterium tuberculosis e M. smegmatis tanto isoladamente como em combinação com duas drogas tuberculostáticas, rifampicina (RIF) e isoniazida (ISO); determinar a incorporação de RIF e ISO em dispersões de DODAB. Material e Métodos: Dispersões de DODAB foram obtidas por vortexação (LV) ou sonicação (BF) e sua interação com as drogas foi avaliada por espectros óticos das drogas, espalhamento de luz dinâmico para medida de distribuição de tamanhos e potencial-zeta e diálise para determinação de incorporação dos fármacos em DODAB LV ou BF. Viabilidade de M. smegmatis ou M. tuberculosis foi determinada por contagem de viáveis em função de concentração de DODAB. Combinações DODAB/droga contra micobactérias foram avaliadas por determinação de concentração inibitória minima (CIM), em µg/ml. Resultados: DODAB mata M. smegmatis a partir de 4 µM de concentração e 1 h de interação e M. tuberculosis, em 100 µM e 120 h de interação. ISO resultou permeável através da bicamada de DODAB em contraste com RIF que adsorveu irreversivelmente nas bicamadas, resultando em 75% de incorporação com 0.1 e 2 mM de droga e DODAB, respectivamente. CIM de RIF contra M. smegmatis foi 32 e, em combinação com 2 de DODAB caiu para 2. Para M. tuberculosis CIM de 0,015 caiu para 0,007 em combinação com 4 DODAB. A combinação foi sinérgica contra M. smegmatis e de ação independente contra M. tuberculosis. / Introduction: Tuberculosis is potentially curable but remains a serious public health problem with large numbers of infected people in several countries. The long time that the patient should receive medication, associated with a large number of adverse effects often cause treatment failure. Nanoparticles, liposomes and emulsions have been used successfully in antibacterial therapy. In particular, dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) bilayers in form of bilayer fragments (BF) or vesicles (LV) provided adequate environment for solubilization and stabilization of several drugs with an additional advantage: they acted as antimicrobial agents themselves. Objectives: investigation of DODAB bactericidal activity against mycobacteria, determination of entrapment efficiency for rifampicin (RIF) and isoniazid (ISO) in DODAB dispersions and determination of the DODAB/drug activity against Mycobacterium smegmatis and tuberculosis. Material and Methods: DODAB dispersions were obtained by sonication of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) synthetic lipid (BF)or by vortexing (LV) the lipid powder in aqueous solution. The physic-chemical characteristics of drugs in DODAB dispersions were determined from optical spectra and dynamic light scattering for evaluating size distribution and zeta-potentials. Drug incorporation in DODAB dispersions was determined from dialysis. Cell viability was determined from plating and colony forming unities (CFU) counting as a function of [DODAB]. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was obtained for drug or DODAB/drug combinations. Results: DODAB killed M. smegmatis and tuberculosis from 4¨µM (1 h interaction) and 100 µM (120 h interaction), respectively. Rifampicin drug particles above its solubilization limit could be solubilized by BF at 0.5 mM lipid. LV was leaky to ISO whereas RIF could be incorporated in BF or LV bilayer at high percentiles (0.1 mM RIF in 2 mM DODAB BF or LV). MIC for combination DODAB/RIF was 2/2 or 4/0.007 µg/mL whereas synergism index was 0.5 or 1.0 against M. smegmatis or M. tuberculosis, respectively. DODAB and RIF acted synergistically when tested against M. smegmatis.
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Développement de procédés de polymérisation catalysés par des complexes d'or / Development of polymerization processes catalyzed by gold complexesNzulu, Frida 30 October 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse ont pour but de développer des procédés de polymérisation efficaces catalysés par des complexes organométalliques à base d'or. Dans une première partie, nous avons développé un nouveau procédé de polymérisation par polyaddition faisant intervenir des carbènes d'or formés par réaction de cycloisomérisation d'esters propargyliques catalysée par un complexe d'or carbophile. Des structures polymères originales et inédites composées d'un motif de répétition phényle vinylcyclopropane ont été proposées. Cette méthodologie a été appliquée à une variété d'esters propargyliques, tout en portant une attention particulière à l'augmentation de la solubilité et du degré de polymérisation des polymères. Une post-fonctionnalisation par l'hydrolyse de l'ester palmitate a été décrite et a permis d'accéder à une nouvelle architecture de polycétones. Des travaux préliminaires de conduction électrique ont montré que ces polycyclopropanes conjugués se comportaient comme des semi-conducteurs. Dans une seconde partie, une combinaison de deux processus de polymérisation associant, une polymérisation cationique vivante et une polymérisation radicalaire photo-induite pour la préparation de copolymères à blocs a été étudiée. Le complexe dinucléaire d'or(I) [Au2( μdppm)2]Cl2 a prouvé toute son efficacité pour catalyser la polymérisation par photo-ATRP d'acrylates en solution et en laminé, contrôlée par la lumière visible ou UVA. Finalement, des résultats préliminaires ont montré qu'il est possible de combiner une polymérisation cationique par RAFT catalysée par un acide de Lewis avec une polymérisation radicalaire photo-induite par RAFT sans utilisation de catalyseur photorédox. / The aim of this PhD work was to develop highly effective polymerization processes using gold complexes and the synthesis of original polymers. On the first research topic we have developed the first polymerization process through a gold carbenoic intermediate, leading to an original polymer composed by a phenyl vinylcyclopropyl monomer unit. This methodology was utilized to the polymerization of a variety of propargylic esters. Special attention has been paid to increase the solubility and the polymerization degree of the polymers. Post-functionnalization by hydrolysing the ester group leads to a new polyketone architecture. Preliminary electric studies showed that this conjugated polycyclopropane acts as a semi-conductor. The aim of the second research topic was to control efficiently the formation of block copolymers by combining living cationic and photo-induced radical polymerizations catalyzed in a one-pot procedure. A dinuclear gold(I) complex based photocatalyst [Au2(μ-dppm)2]Cl2 catalyzed efficiently polymerization of acrylates in solution and in laminate through an atom transfer radical polymerization process controlled by light exposure (visible or UV-A light). Finally, preliminary results showed it is possible to combine cationic reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization catalyzed by a Lewis acid with radical reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization without photoredox catalyst or radical initiator but only with an external stimuli, the light.
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Estudo da interação entre porfirinas e eumelanina sintética / Study of porphyrin-synthetic eumelanin interactionSoares, Dilcelli 16 December 2005 (has links)
Foram investigadas através da técnica de absorção eletrônica Uv-Vis e emissão de fluorescência a interação entre uma série de porfirinas e zinco-porfirinas com o polímero de eumelanina sintética obtida pela auto-oxidação da L-DOPA (dihidroxi-fenilalanina). Ocorre a formação de dois complexos na interação entre as porfirinas catiônicas e a eumelanina. Um complexo mais fraco em concentrações mais baixas e intermediárias de eumelanina, e um complexo mais forte em concentrações maiores. Estes complexos podem ser observados pelas variações obtidas nos espectros de absorção em função da concentração da melanina. A eumelanina suprime eficientemente a fluorescência das porfirinas catiônicas, em um processo de supressão por esfera de ação. Este processo ocorre particularmente para os complexos fracos entre a porfirina e a eumelanina, podendo ser inferido pela natureza de polieletrólito da eumelanina que deve apresentar uma ampla superfície de contato carregada negativamente, facilitando a orientação das porfirinas em uma disposição planar em relação ao polímero. A determinação das constantes de supressão estáticas aparentes (KEA) mostra que os substituintes alquílicos influem consideravelmente na formação destes complexos com a eumelanina. As diferentes interações são devidas aos fatores estruturais tais como dimensão da porfirina, polarização dos substituintes e formação de interações de natureza hidrofóbica. As zinco-porfirinas são de forma geral menos suprimidas que as bases livres. Este comportamento pode ser uma evidencia da aproximação planar em relação ao polímero da melanina, uma vez que zinco porfirinas apresentam moléculas de água ligadas axialmente, logo estas moléculas coordenadas axialmente impediriam uma aproximação mais efetiva. Foi realizado um estudo da formação de filmes baseados na técnica de auto-montagem eletrostática entre as porfirinas e a melanina utilizando como substrato o vidro. Observa-se que a adsorção das porfirinas em vidro é diferenciada sendo a TBzPyP a base livre que apresenta a maior adsorção. Pelos espectros de emissão dos filmes de porfirina em vidro foi possível verificar que alguns derivados interagem com uma participação mais efetiva dos piridínios que outros em que a interação é menos direcionada. Nos filmes porfirina melanina também é observada a supressão de fluorescência da porfirina. A diferença na magnitude de supressão nos filmes sugere que estes derivados possam ser utilizados em sistemas de diagnóstico relacionados à detecção de tumores melanóticos. Em um estudo paralelo, foram investigadas as propriedades de fotoisomerização de grupos azobenzênicos coordenados axialmente a uma ftalocianina de Silício(IV). Este sistema apresenta fotoisomerização E-Z e isomerização térmica e sensibilizada para o processo Z-E. As conversões E-Z e Z-E seguem uma cinética de primeira ordem, sendo o processo térmico Z-E cerca de dez vezes mais lento que o fotoquímico E-Z. A intensidade de fluorescência da ftalocianina é dependente do estado de isomerização dos grupos axiais, sendo que a forma E apresenta maior emissão de fluorescência que a forma Z. Portanto este sistema se constitui em um dispositivo molecular do tipo on-off", onde a intensidade de fluorescência pode ser controlada por um estímulo externo, no caso o comprimento de onda de excitação para a reação E-Z direta ou Z-E sensibilizada. / In this work we have investigated the interaction between a series of cationic porphyrins and zinc-porphyrins and the synthetic eumelanin polymer obtained by the auto-oxidation of L-DOPA (dihidroxy-phenylalanine) by means of UV-Vis and fluorescence emission techniques. Weak and strong porphyrin-melanin complexes are formed, and the evolution from weak to strong complexes can be monitored by the UV-Vis changes in the pophyrin spectra as the melanin concentration increases. The porphyrin fluorescence emission is quenched efficiently by eumelanin in a quenching sphere of action" mechanism. This quenching sphere of action process is mainly observed for the weak complexes, and can be rationalized considering the polyelectrolyte nature of the eumelanin polymer which provides a broad contact area coated negatively, that enables a planar approximation of the porphyrins. The apparent static quenching constants (KEA) show that the nature of the alkyl substiutents markedly influences the complex formation. Total porphyrin size, different polarization induced by substituents and specific hydrophobic interactions are probably responsible for the different porphyrin melanin association, which in turn reflects in the quenching properties of each particular porphyrin - melanin complex. The corresponding Zinc-porphyrins are less efficiently quenched by eumelanin, probably due the fact this molecules are axially coordinated by a water molecule, precluding a more close approximation between zinc-porphyrin and the eumelanin polymer. Electrostatically self-assembled films of porphyrins and eumelanin on glass have been studied. Different porphyrin adsorption on glass were observed, and TBzPyP derivative shown the highest adsorption in the investigated porphyrin series. Fluorescence emission suggests different interaction properties of the adsorbed pophyrin on glass, with specific pyridinium participation for some porphyrin derivatives. Fluorescence quenching of the porphyrins is observed in porphyrin melanin films. The differences observed in the quenching for each derivative suggest a possible application of these compounds for diagnostic procedures related to melanotic tumors. In a complementary study, have been investigated the photoisomerization properties of a Si(IV)-phthalocyanine axially coordinated by azobenzene groups. Photochemical E-Z and thermal and sensitized Z-E isomerization processes were observed. Both E-Z photochemical and Z-E thermal follow first-order kinetics. Z-E process as expected is considerably slower than E-Z. The pthalocyanine emission is dependent on the isomerization state of the apendent azobenze groups, and the E form is more emissive than the Z form. This system can be considered a molecular device since the emission properties of the phthalocyanine moiety can be modulated by the isomerization state of the axially coordinated azoarenes, creating an on-off (E-Z states) fluorescence signal, and differently from other reported systems the recovery of the initial state does not depend only on the rate of the thermal reaction, since it can be controlled by a sensitized mechanism. This system seems promising taking into account the stability of the axially coordinated moieties, the greater versatility in the achievement of the desired isomerization state and the broad spectral region considering both direct and sensitized excitation.
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Otimização da síntese de poliacrilamida catiônica em emulsão / Optimization of cationic polyacrylamide emulsion synthesisPegoraro, Danilo Silva 06 May 2016 (has links)
Polímeros e copolímeros hidrossolúveis a base de acrilamida e seus derivados são sintetizados e aplicados principalmente como floculantes, auxiliando na remoção de sólidos finos presentes em águas residuais e industriais. As poliacrilamidas, como são assim chamadas, podem se apresentar em sua forma neutra ou contendo diferentes cargas iônicas (positivas ou negativas) em sua composição em função do tipo de aplicação específica. As poliacrilamidas são sintetizadas, em sua grande maioria, através de emulsões inversas via polimerização radicalar, visando à elevada massa molar do polímero formado. A formulação da poliacrilamida catiônica com fração molar de 0,6 do comonômero iônico foi otimizada através de planejamento fatorial experimental, variando-se os principais fatores de processo: concentração do pacote de surfactante para formação da emulsão inversa, tempo de micronização, concentração de VISCOPLEX® e concentração de ácido graxo. Com base nos resultados obtidos a partir do primeiro planejamento, foram estudadas as seguintes variáveis: HLB do sistema de surfactantes e a troca dos surfactantes monoméricos por surfactantes poliméricos. A otimização da formulação levou em conta principalmente o custo-benefício para produção e comercialização em escala industrial. O fator micronização foi elevado em seu máximo e os fatores VISCOPLEX® e ácido graxo foram excluídos da formulação, após conclusão dos estudos. A troca dos surfactantes monoméricos por poliméricos foi vantajosa devido ao ganho de qualidade do produto final, mesmo com maior custo de implementação. Para minimizar os custos de formulação o fator HLB foi utilizado em seu máximo, onde houve incremento do ALKONAT® L 50 para formação da emulsão inversa. / Acrylamide based hydrosoluble polymers and copolymers and their derivatives are synthesized and mainly applied as flocculants, assisting removal of fine solids present in wastewater and industrial wastewater. Polyacrylamides may be present in their neutral form or with different ionic charges (positive or negative) in their composition depending on the type of specific application. Polyacrylamides are synthesized, mostly by inverse emulsions using radical polymerization, aiming polymers with high molecular weight. Cationic polyacrylamide formulation with 0.6 mole fraction of the ionic comonomer was optimized through design of experiments (DOE), varying the major process factors: surfactant package concentration to form inverse emulsion, micronization time, VISCOPLEX® concentration and fatty acid concentration. Based on the responses from the first DOE, a second DOE was performed, where the variables surfactant system HLB and the exchange of monomeric surfactant by polymeric surfactants were investigated. The formulation optimization considered mainly cost-effective production and industrial scale. The micronization factor was set at its maximum and VISCOPLEX® and fatty acid factors were excluded from the formulation, after conclusion of studies. Exchanging monomeric surfactants by polymeric surfactants led to a final product with higher quality, even considering a higher implementation cost. In order to minimize formulation costs HLB factor was used at its maximum, increasing the content of ALKONAT® L50 to form the inverse emulsion.
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Novas formulações de fármacos tuberculostáticos em dispersões de brometo de dioctadecildimetilamônio: preparação, caracterização e avaliação da atividade in vitro contra micobactérias / Novel formulations for drugs based on dioctadecyldimetihylammonium bromide (DODAB): preparation, characterization and evaluation of activity in vitro against mycobacteriaLílian Barbassa 25 November 2010 (has links)
Introdução: A tuberculose é uma infecção curável causada pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Requer tratamento prolongado e a combinação de vários fármacos implicando em efeitos colaterais que podem levar pacientes ao abandono do tratamento. Formulações de droga de liberação controlada como nanopartículas, nanoemulsões ou lipossomos têm tido sucesso contra doenças infecciosas. Em especial, brometo de dioctadecildimetilamônio (DODAB) disperso em água pode formar lipossomos ou vesículas grandes (LV) ou fragmentos de bicamada (BF) que podem carrear drogas hidrofóbicas ou hidrofílicas e ademais, podem atuar como microbicidas. Objetivos: determinar atividade do DODAB contra Mycobacterium tuberculosis e M. smegmatis tanto isoladamente como em combinação com duas drogas tuberculostáticas, rifampicina (RIF) e isoniazida (ISO); determinar a incorporação de RIF e ISO em dispersões de DODAB. Material e Métodos: Dispersões de DODAB foram obtidas por vortexação (LV) ou sonicação (BF) e sua interação com as drogas foi avaliada por espectros óticos das drogas, espalhamento de luz dinâmico para medida de distribuição de tamanhos e potencial-zeta e diálise para determinação de incorporação dos fármacos em DODAB LV ou BF. Viabilidade de M. smegmatis ou M. tuberculosis foi determinada por contagem de viáveis em função de concentração de DODAB. Combinações DODAB/droga contra micobactérias foram avaliadas por determinação de concentração inibitória minima (CIM), em µg/ml. Resultados: DODAB mata M. smegmatis a partir de 4 µM de concentração e 1 h de interação e M. tuberculosis, em 100 µM e 120 h de interação. ISO resultou permeável através da bicamada de DODAB em contraste com RIF que adsorveu irreversivelmente nas bicamadas, resultando em 75% de incorporação com 0.1 e 2 mM de droga e DODAB, respectivamente. CIM de RIF contra M. smegmatis foi 32 e, em combinação com 2 de DODAB caiu para 2. Para M. tuberculosis CIM de 0,015 caiu para 0,007 em combinação com 4 DODAB. A combinação foi sinérgica contra M. smegmatis e de ação independente contra M. tuberculosis. / Introduction: Tuberculosis is potentially curable but remains a serious public health problem with large numbers of infected people in several countries. The long time that the patient should receive medication, associated with a large number of adverse effects often cause treatment failure. Nanoparticles, liposomes and emulsions have been used successfully in antibacterial therapy. In particular, dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) bilayers in form of bilayer fragments (BF) or vesicles (LV) provided adequate environment for solubilization and stabilization of several drugs with an additional advantage: they acted as antimicrobial agents themselves. Objectives: investigation of DODAB bactericidal activity against mycobacteria, determination of entrapment efficiency for rifampicin (RIF) and isoniazid (ISO) in DODAB dispersions and determination of the DODAB/drug activity against Mycobacterium smegmatis and tuberculosis. Material and Methods: DODAB dispersions were obtained by sonication of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) synthetic lipid (BF)or by vortexing (LV) the lipid powder in aqueous solution. The physic-chemical characteristics of drugs in DODAB dispersions were determined from optical spectra and dynamic light scattering for evaluating size distribution and zeta-potentials. Drug incorporation in DODAB dispersions was determined from dialysis. Cell viability was determined from plating and colony forming unities (CFU) counting as a function of [DODAB]. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was obtained for drug or DODAB/drug combinations. Results: DODAB killed M. smegmatis and tuberculosis from 4¨µM (1 h interaction) and 100 µM (120 h interaction), respectively. Rifampicin drug particles above its solubilization limit could be solubilized by BF at 0.5 mM lipid. LV was leaky to ISO whereas RIF could be incorporated in BF or LV bilayer at high percentiles (0.1 mM RIF in 2 mM DODAB BF or LV). MIC for combination DODAB/RIF was 2/2 or 4/0.007 µg/mL whereas synergism index was 0.5 or 1.0 against M. smegmatis or M. tuberculosis, respectively. DODAB and RIF acted synergistically when tested against M. smegmatis.
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Caracterização estrutural de agregados formados pelo antifúngico anfotericina B e lipídios catiônicos: uma possível formulação farmacológica / Structural characterization of aggregates formed by the antifungal drug amphotericin B and cationic lipids: a possible pharmacological formulationOliveira, Tiago Ribeiro de 18 December 2008 (has links)
A Anfotericina B (AB) é um antibiótico antifúngico natural, do grupo dos polienos, produzido por cultura de bactérias Streptomyces nodosus. A AB foi isolada pela primeira vez em 1953, e desde então tem sido utilizada extensivamente no tratamento clínico de infecções sistêmicas. Como a AB é altamente insolúvel em meio aquoso, a formulação de escolha tem sido dispersões aquosas de micelas mistas de AB e desoxicolato de sódio (Fungizon). Entretanto, a alta toxicidade deste fármaco tem estimulado a proposição de várias outras formulações. O presente trabalho estuda uma dessas formulações alternativas propostas: agregados de AB e Brometo de dioctadecildimetilamônio (DODAB). O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi tentar avaliar, numa visão estrutural, as propriedades e peculiaridades envolvidas na interação da AB com as dispersões de DODAB. Neste trabalho, centrou-se no estudo de dispersões de DODAB, sonicadas (DODABS) e não sonicadas (DODABNS), onde o antibiótico estivesse, principalmente, na forma monomérica, tendo em vista a proposta baixa toxicidade da AB enquanto monômero. Para avaliar estes sistemas utilizaram-se as técnicas de absorção óptica, calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC) e a Ressonância Paramagnética Eletrônica (RPE) de marcadores de spin incorporados nos agregados lipídicos. Mostrou-se que a AB monomérica incorpora-se tanto em vesículas de DODABNS, como nos pequenos agregados de DODABS, sendo maior sua incorporação nestes últimos. Foi possível mostrar que até a fração molar (AB/DODAB) de 1,2 mol% a AB está totalmente monomérica, incorporada em agregados de DODABS, mas somente parcialmente em vesículas de DODABNS. Nas bicamadas de DODABNS, a preferência da AB monomérica é pela fase gel, 40 % incorporada, comparada com 23 % na fase fluida. As várias técnicas indicam que a AB encontra-se na superfície da bicamada, com seu cromóforo hidrofóbico enxergando um meio de polarizabilidade maior do que a da água, tanto em DODABS como em DODABNS. Marcadores de spin mostram a coexistência de domínios lipídicos em fases diferentes, gel e fluida, a baixas temperaturas, em DODABS. Curiosamente, indicam que a AB monomérica interage, preferencialmente, com os domínios mais fluidos, em desacordo com a observada maior afinidade da AB pela fase gel de bicamadas lipídicas de DODABNS. O estudo termo-estrutural de dispersões de DODABNS e DODABS aqui apresentado, na presença e ausência de AB, pode ser relevante na proposta de novas formulações farmacológicas. / Amphotericin B (AB) is a natural antibiotic, produced by Streptomyces nodosus, with a very potent antifungal activity. It is a polyene macrolide molecule, isolated in 1953. Since then, it has been extensively used in the treatment of systemic mycotic infections. Considering AB very low solubility in aqueous medium, it has been largely used as an aqueous dispersion of sodium deoxycholate-AB mixed micelles (Fungizon). However, the high toxicity of this preparation has led to the proposition of different other formulations. The present work focuses on one of the proposed preparations, namely aggregates formed by AB and the cationic lipid dioctadecyldimethylammonium (DODAB). Considering the proposed low toxicity of monomeric AB, the present work studies DODAB dispersions, sonicated (DODABS) and non-sonicated (DODABNS), where AB is mostly monomeric. To the structural analysis, optical absorption, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and electron spin resonance of spin labels incorporated in the aggregates were used. It was found that AB as a monomer incorporates in aggregates present in both dispersions, DODABS and DODABNS, but the incorporation of monomeric AB in the small fragments present in DODABS is much larger. It was shown that AB incorporates in DODABS aggregates, as a monomer, up to AB/DODAB concentration of 1.2 mol%. At this concentration, only 40 % and 23 % of AB molecules are in the monomeric state in the gel and fluid phases of DODABNS bilayers, respectively. Hence, the gel phase of DODABNS bilayers favors the monomerization of AB, as compared to the bilayer fluid phase. All the applied techniques point to a superficial interaction of monomeric AB with DODAB aggregates, with the hydrophobic polyene chromophor positioned relatively inside the bilayer, in a region of polarizability higher than that of water, in both dispersions, DODABS and DODABNS. Spin labels indicate the coexistence of gel and fluid domains in DODABS aggregates, at low temperatures, supporting the proposed hypothesis of the presence of bilayer fragments in the dispersion. Contrarily to the higher detected affinity of monomeric AB for the gel phase, as compared to the fluid phase of DADABNS bilayers, spin labels indicate that monomeric AB is mostly adsorbed at the fluid domain of the fragments, possibly corresponding to the periphery of the fragments. The thermal-structural study presented here of DODABNS and DODABS, in the presence and absence of AB, can be relevant in the design of new pharmaceutical formulations.
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In vitro and in vivo study of the roles of hepcidin in the brain. / Hepcidin在腦內功能的離體以及在體研究 / 鐵調素在腦內功能的離體以及在體研究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Hepcidin zai nao nei gong neng de li ti yi ji zai ti yan jiu / Tie diao su zai nao nei gong neng de li ti yi ji zai ti yan jiuJanuary 2011 (has links)
Hepcidin is a well-known iron-regulatory hormone that plays a key role in maintaining peripheral iron homeostasis. The presence and wide-spread distribution of hepcidin in the brain suggests that this peptide may also be an important player in brain iron homeostasis. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that hepcidin exerts an important role in the regulation of brain iron content, which might benefit iron-associated NDs such as PD. We also examined the hypothesis that hepcidin could control iron transport processes via regulating iron transport proteins in the brain cells, thus maintaining brain iron homeostasis. / In conclusion, the results of the present study implied that hepcidin plays an important role in maintaining brain iron homeostasis. Hepcidin is beneficial for PD and this effect is related to its iron-regulatory effect via inhibiting iron accumulation in the substantia nigra. Hepcidin effectively controls iron uptake and release through regulating iron transport proteins expressions in the brain, which would contribute to brain iron homeostasis. Therefore, manipulation of hepcidin level in the brain has a potential to be developed into a novel preventive approach for the iron-associated NDs such as PD. / In the second part, we investigated the effect of hepcidin on the processes of iron uptake and release in the cultured brain cells including neurons, astrocytes and brain vascular endothelial cells (BVECs). The expressions of iron uptake proteins such as transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1) and divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1) as well as the iron exporter ferroportin 1 (Fpn1) were also observed. We found that hepcidin reduced both iron uptake and release via decreasing iron transport proteins expressions in these brain cells, which would contribute to its iron regulatory effect. Finally, we further explored the mechanisms underlying the regulatory effect of hepcidin on the iron transporters in the last part, and found that the action of hepcidin in reducing TfR1 expression is a direct and cAMP-PKA (Cyclic Adenosine 3', 5'-monophosphate/ Protein Kinase-A) pathway-dependent event. / Iron is a transition trace metal essential for mammalian cellular and tissue viability. It also plays important roles in the central nervous system (CNS), including embryonic brain development, myelination, and neurotransmitters synthesis. However, abnormal iron accumulation has been demonstrated in a number of neurodegenerative diseases (NDs) such as Parkinson's (PD), Alzheimer's (AD) and Huntington's diseases (HD). Currently very little is known about the mechanisms involved in brain iron homeostasis and therefore it is not known why and how iron is abnormally increased in the brain. However, given the essential role that excess iron plays in the pathological processes in the NDs, to suppress the accumulated iron is expected to be an effective strategy to prevent and treat these NDs. / To investigate whether hepcidin could benefit iron-associated NDs including PD and whether this beneficial role is related to its iron-regulatory function in the brain, in the first part of study, we investigated the effects of hepcidin on the 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) in vitro and in vivo PD models. We found that in primary cultured mesencephalic (MES) neurons, hepcidin overexpression via adenovirus-hepcidin (Ad-hepcidin) infection prevented 6-OHDA-induced increase in cellular iron content and protected the MES neurons. In the 6-OHDA model of PD in vivo, overexpression of hepcidin in the substantia nigra via Ad-hepcidin intranigral injection significantly prevented iron accumulation and dopaminergic neurons loss in the pars compacta of substantia nigra (SNc). These effects were accompanied by a marked improvement in motor performance of the PD animals. These findings indicate that hepcidin could benefit iron-associated NDs such as PD and via its iron-regulatory role in the brain. / Du, Fang. / Adviser: Ya Ke. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 73-06, Section: B, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 152-173). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [201-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.
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