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Influence of Titanium on Microstructure, Phase Formation and Wear Behaviour of AlCoCrFeNiTix High-Entropy AlloyLöbel, Martin, Lindner, Thomas, Mehner, Thomas, Lampke, Thomas 18 July 2018 (has links)
The novel alloying concept of high-entropy alloys (HEAs) has been the focus of many recent investigations revealing an interesting combination of properties. Alloying with aluminium and titanium showed strong influence on microstructure and phase composition. However, detailed investigations on the influence of titanium are lacking. In this study, the influence of titanium in the alloy system AlCoCrFeNiTix was studied in a wide range (molar ratios x = 0.0; 0.2; 0.5; 0.8; 1.0; 1.5). Detailed studies investigating the microstructure, chemical composition, phase composition, solidification behaviour, and wear behaviour were carried out. Alloying with titanium showed strong influence on the resulting microstructure and lead to an increase of microstructural heterogeneity. Phase analyses revealed the formation of one body-centred cubic (bcc) phase for the alloy without titanium, whereas alloying with titanium caused the formation of two different bcc phases as main phases. Additional phases were detected for alloys with increased titanium content. For x ≥ 0.5, a minor phase with face-centred cubic (fcc) structure was formed. Further addition of titanium led to the formation of complex phases. Investigation of wear behaviour revealed a superior wear resistance of the alloy AlCoCrFeNiTi0.5 as compared to a bearing steel sample.
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Spatiotemporal Variation of Karst Ecosystem Service Values and Its Correlation With Environmental Factors in Northwest Guangxi, ChinaZhang, Mingyang, Zhang, Chunhua, Wang, Kelin, Yue, Yuemin, Qi, Xiangkun, Fan, Feide 01 November 2011 (has links)
In this investigation we analyzed the spatiotemporal variation of ecosystem service values (ESVs) and its correlation with numerous environmental factors (EFs) for the karst region of Northwest Guangxi, China, from 1985 to 2005 using remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS) and statistical techniques. The results indicate that historically ESVs for this karst region decreased from 1985 (109.652 billion Yuan) to 1990 (88.789 billion Yuan) and then increased at the turn of the twenty-first century. However, the ESVs in both 2000 (103.384 billion Yuan) and 2005 (106.257 billion Yuan) never achieved the level recorded in 1985. The total of nutrient cycling, organic production and gas regulation combined were 72.69, 64.57, 70.18 and 72.10% of ESVs in 1985, 1990, 2000 and 2005, respectively. In contrast, the ESVs of water conservation, soil reservation, recreation and culture were determined to be relatively low contributing only 17.44, 23.82, 19.26 and 24.76% of total ESVs, respectively, during these four years. With regards to the spatial distribution of ESVs, larger values were recorded in the west and smaller ones recorded in the east. The most significant factors that were deemed to influence ESVs are annual rainfall, per capita cropland, slope and vegetation coverage. Annual rainfall and slope exert a negative force, whereas per capita cropland and vegetation coverage exert a positive force on ESVs. The results of the study would suggest that ecosystem conditions of this important karst region have been improved as the result of the implementation of rocky desertification control policies.
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Indirect Effects of Ocean Warming and Acidification on the Realized Recruitment of Agaricia agaricitesAnderson, Allan 05 December 2018 (has links)
Over the past few decades, coral cover has declined worldwide due to overfishing, disease, and storms, and these effects have been exacerbated by ocean warming and acidification. Corals are extremely susceptible to these changes because they are already living close to their thermal and aragonite saturation thresholds. Ocean warming and acidification (OAW) may also impact coral survival and growth by impacting their settlement cues. Coral larvae use crustose coralline algae (CCA) and their associated biofilms as cues for settlement, i.e., habitat selection. Settlement cues can also be negatively affected by increased water temperature and acidity. It was hypothesized that the impacts of OAW on settlement substrate can further threaten coral persistence by altering/inhibiting larval settlement and potentially decreasing the post-settlement survival and growth of coral recruits. In this study, we 1) assessed the effect of substrate quality (substrate conditioned in ambient or OAW conditions) on settlement of A. agaricites larvae, 2) determined the effect of substrate quality on post-settlement survival and growth of A. agaricites recruits, and 3) determined the effect of ocean warming and acidification on the post-settlement survival and growth of A. agaricites recruits. Aragonite settlement tiles were placed offshore for one month to accrue CCA and associated biofilms, and were then conditioned in either ambient (29°C, 8.2 pH) or predicted future oceanic conditions (31°C, 7.9 pH) conditions for 7 – 10 days. Agaricia agaricites larvae were then introduced to the settlement tiles, and their settlement percentage was calculated. Once a week for 12 weeks after larval settlement, the size, survival, and pigmentation of A. agaricites recruits was recorded. Larvae settled marginally more on optimally conditioned tiles than on tiles previously exposed to OAW conditions (p=0.053). The survival of coral recruits in OAW conditions was greatly reduced, their growth was very limited, and they became paler over time. When reared in ambient conditions, recruits on OAW treated substrate initially displayed higher survival rates than recruits on ambient treated substrate. After 3 weeks in ambient conditions, however, survival rates were similar for recruits on ambient and OAW treated substrate; their growth curves were very similar, and coral recruits became more pigmented over time. Ocean warming and acidification conditions not only directly impacted the growth, survival, and pigmentation of A. agaricites recruits, but it also indirectly affected larval 5 settlement by likely altering microbial composition in bacterial biofilms on the settlement tiles. These results indicate that future conditions of ocean warming and acidification can be deleterious for A. agaricites, particularly after settlement. If the early life stages of scleractinian corals are negatively affected by OAW conditions, successful recruitment throughout the Caribbean and Florida Reef Tract could decrease. As a result, recovery from disturbances could be hindered, thus compromising the sustainability of many coral species and other marine ecosystems that depend on coral reefs for protection, habitat, and food.
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Enhanced Wear Behaviour of Spark Plasma Sintered AlCoCrFeNiTi High-Entropy Alloy CompositesLöbel, Martin, Lindner, Thomas, Lampke, Thomas 12 December 2018 (has links)
High hardness and good wear resistance have been revealed for the high-entropy alloy (HEA) system AlCoCrFeNiTi, confirming the potential for surface protection applications. Detailed studies to investigate the microstructure and phase formation have been carried out using different production routes. Powder metallurgical technologies allow for much higher flexibility in the customisation of materials compared to casting processes. Particularly, spark plasma sintering (SPS) enables the fast processing of the feedstock, the suppression of grain coarsening and the production of samples with a low porosity. Furthermore, solid lubricants can be incorporated for the improvement of wear resistance and the reduction of the coefficient of friction (COF). This study focuses on the production of AlCoCrFeNiTi composites comprising solid lubricants. Bulk materials with a MoS2 content of up to 15 wt % were produced. The wear resistance and COF were investigated in detail under sliding wear conditions in ball-on-disk tests at room temperature and elevated temperature. At least 10 wt % of MoS2 was required to improve the wear behaviour in both test conditions. Furthermore, the effects of the production route and the content of solid lubricant on microstructure formation and phase composition were investigated. Two major body-centred cubic (bcc) phases were detected in accordance with the feedstock. The formation of additional phases indicated the decomposition of MoS2.
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Utilización de geopolímero para la mejora de las propiedades en morteros cal-puzolana y su empleo en países en desarrollo.Villca Pozo, Ariel Rey 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] El descubrimiento del cemento Portland ha cambiado nuestra forma de construir, pero también es el responsable de grandes emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera durante su fabricación (~1450 ᴼC), agravando la crisis actual que está sufriendo nuestro planeta debido al cambio climático y sus consecuencias en todo el medio ambiente.
Por lo tanto, una alternativa más sostenible en la construcción es la utilización de la cal que necesita menor temperatura para su fabricación (~900 ᴼC). Si bien la introducción de puzolanas naturales o artificiales en morteros de cal han mejorado sus propiedades mecánicas y de durabilidad, estas aún tienen el inconveniente de ganar resistencias a edades largas de curado. Es por esta razón que en la presente tesis se pretende eliminar este inconveniente técnico, buscando la asociación de la cal con nuevos conglomerantes más sostenibles a partir de residuos para obtener morteros mixtos denominados cal/puzolana-geopolímero.
Los residuos estudiados fueron: el catalizador gastado de craqueo catalítico, la ceniza de cascara de arroz, la tierra diatomea de origen residual y la ceniza de lodo de depuradora. También se estudia una puzolana natural proveniente de la República de Guatemala.
En los morteros cal/puzolana (cal/FCC, cal/CCA, cal/CLD) se ha realizado sustituciones en peso hasta un 50 % de la mezcla cal/puzolana por geopolímero. El geopolímero se obtiene por una combinación del FCC como precursor y diferentes activadores alcalinos siendo estos la mezcla de: NaOH/Na2SiO3, NaOH/CCA, NaOH/TDN y NaOH/TDR. Los últimos tres sustituyen al silicato comercial como fuente de sílice alternativa.
Asimismo, se realizaron estudios a nivel mecánico y microestructural. Para los estudios microestructurales, tanto de muestras endurecidas como de materiales de partida, se emplearon como técnicas: FRX, ADL, TG, DRX y FESEM.
Los resultados han demostrado con éxito que añadir pequeñas cantidades de geopolímero sobre el sistema cal/puzolana fue notable, debido a que este potenció la formación de los nuevos productos de reacción, lo que mejoró la resistencia mecánica de los morteros desde las primeras horas de curado, llegando a obtener 7 veces más de resistencia que un mortero control cal/puzolana en 1 día de curado.
El reemplazo del silicato de sodio comercial por CCA, TDN, TDR, como fuente de sílice, condujo a mejores desempeños del mortero en términos de resistencia a la compresión. Además, redujo el coeficiente de absorción de agua por capilaridad y aumento el tiempo de exposición a los ciclos hielo-deshielo frente a los morteros activados con activadores comerciales.
Finalmente, los conglomerantes desarrollados en este estudio podría beneficiar tanto a la gestión de residuos como al desarrollo de materiales de construcción más sostenibles, aportando a los objetivos propuestos en la agenda 2030. / [CA] El descobriment del ciment Portland ha canviat la nostra manera de construir, però també és el responsable de grans emissions de CO¿ a l'atmosfera durant la seva fabricació (~1450 ᴼC), agreujant la crisi actual que està patint el nostre planeta degut al canvi climàtic i les seves conseqüències en tot el medi ambient.
Per tant, una alternativa més sostenible en la construcció és la utilització de la calç que necessita menor temperatura per a la seva fabricació (~900 ᴼC). Si bé la introducció de putzolanes naturals o artificials en morters de calç han millorat les seves propietats mecàniques i de durabilitat, aquestes encara tenen l'inconvenient de guanyar resistències a edats llargues de curat. És per aquesta raó que en la present tesi es pretén eliminar aquest inconvenient tècnic, buscant l'associació de la calç amb nous conglomerants més sostenibles a partir de residus per a obtenir morters mixtos denominats calç/putzolana-geopolímer.
Els residus estudiats van ser: el catalitzador gastat del craqueig catalític, la cendra de closca d'arròs, la terra diatomea d'origen residual i la cendra de llot de depuradora. També es va estudiar una putzolana natural provinent de la República de Guatemala.
En els morters calç/putzolana (calç/FCC, calç/CCA, calç/CLD) s'ha realitzat substitucions en pes fins a un 50 % de la barreja calç/putzolana per geopolímer. El geopolímer s'obté per una combinació del FCC com a precursor i diferents activadors alcalins, sent aquests la mescla de: NaOH/Na2SiO3, NaOH/CCA, NaOH/TDN i NaOH/TDR. Els últims tres substitueixen al silicat comercial com a font de sílice alternativa.
Així mateix, es van realitzar estudis a nivell mecànic i microestructural. Per als estudis microestructurals, tant de mostres endurides com de materia primera, es van emprar tècniques com: FRX, ADL, TG, DRX i FESEM.
Els resultats han demostrat amb èxit que afegir petites quantitats de geopolímer sobre el sistema calç/putzolana va ser notable, pel fet que aquest va potenciar la formació dels nous productes de reacció, la qual cosa va millorar la resistència mecànica dels morters des de les primeres hores de curat, arribant a obtenir 7 vegades més de resistència que un morter control calç/putzolana en 1 dia de curat.
El reemplaçament del silicat de sodi comercial per CCA, TDN, TDR, com a font de sílice, va conduir a millors acompliments del morter en termes de resistència a la compressió. A més, va reduir el coeficient d'absorció d'aigua per capil·laritat i va augmentar el temps d'exposició als cicles gel-desgel enfront dels morters activats amb activadors comercials.
Finalment, els conglomerants desenvolupats en aquest estudi podrien beneficiar tant a la gestió de residus com al desenvolupament de materials de construcció més sostenibles, aportant als objectius proposats en l'Agenda 2030. / [EN] The discovery of Portland cement has changed the way we build; however, it is also responsible for large CO2 emissions into the atmosphere during its manufacturing (~ 1450 ᴼC), thereby aggravating the current crisis that our planet is suffering due to climate change and its consequences in the environment.
Thus, a more sustainable alternative in construction is the use of lime that requires a lower temperature for its manufacturing (~ 900 ᴼC). The introduction of natural or artificial pozzolans in lime mortars has improved their mechanical properties and durability. Nevertheless, they present some technical disadvantages, as the low compressive strength, especially at early curing time.
This thesis aims to eliminate this technical disadvantage by mixing lime with new more sustainable binders derived from waste, obtaining mixed mortars called lime/pozzolan-geopolymer
The waste materials studied included fluid catalytic cracking residue (FCC), rice husk ash (CCA), residual diatomite (TDR) and sewage sludge ash (CLD). A natural pozzolan from the Republic of Guatemala was also studied.
In the experimental procedure, in lime/pozzolan mortar mixtures (lime/FCC, lime/CCA, lime/CLD), up to 50% of their weight was substituted by geopolymer. The geopolymer is obtained by combining FCC as a precursor, and different alkaline activator mixtures including NaOH/Na2SiO3 (commercial waterglass), NaOH/CCA, NaOH/TDN, and NaOH/TDR, with the last three being an alternative silica source to commercial waterglass.
In the same way, both mechanical and microstructural studies were carried out. The following techniques were used: XRF, ADL, TG, XRD and FESEM to assess the microstructural properties of both the raw materials and the hardened samples.
The results have demonstrated that adding small amounts of geopolymer to the lime/pozzolan system was remarkable; it enhanced the formation of new reaction products, which improved the mechanical strength of the mortar from the first hours of curing, obtaining 7 times more strength than the lime/pozzolan control mortar in 1 day of curing.
The replacement of commercial waterglass by CCA, TDN, TDR, as a source of silica, led to better performance of the mortar in terms of compressive strength. In addition, the coefficient of water absorption by capillarity was reduced and the exposure time during freezing-thawing cycles was increased compared to mortars activated with commercial activators.
Finally, the binders developed in this study could benefit both waste management and the development of more sustainable construction materials, contributing to the objectives proposed in the 2030 Agenda. / Gracias al programa ADSIDEO-COOPERACIÓN de la Universitat Politècnica de
València, que me ha brindado financiación para la presente investigación. / Villca Pozo, AR. (2021). Utilización de geopolímero para la mejora de las propiedades en morteros cal-puzolana y su empleo en países en desarrollo [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172663
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Réponse physiologique d’espèces ligneuses à un sol contaminé en PCP et ACC dans un contexte de phytoremédiationHeine, Philippe 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Les interrelations entre les "trois organisations soeurs" et les mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires de l'ASEAN : quel avenir pour la dignité humaine ? Réflexions dans la perspective de la "New Haven School of International Law" / The interrelations between the "three sisters" and sanitary and phytosanitary measures of ASEAN : what future for human dignity ? Reflection from a new haven school of international law perspectiveWongkaew, Thitirat 18 December 2015 (has links)
Les « trois organisations soeurs », à savoir la Commission du Codex Alimentarius (CCA), l’Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) et la Convention internationale pour la protection des végétaux (CIPV), et les mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires de l’ASEAN maintiennent une relation mutuellement étroite et des rapports d’interactions complexes et multidimensionnelles, rapports qui peuvent affecter des flux d’activités d’importation et d’exportation de produits agro-alimentaires réglementées surtout par le droit international économique. En envisageant le droit comme processus de décisions, particulièrement le droit international comme processus de communication entre les différents participants de la « communauté mondiale », ces rapports peuvent être mieux identifiés et compris à tous les niveaux : multilatéral, régional, bilatéral et national. Compte tenu de l’intensité et de la fréquence des échanges et du caractère fortement interdépendant du monde d’aujourd’hui, les « trois organisations soeurs » et leurs normes, directives et recommandations sont susceptibles de jouer divers rôles dans la promotion d’une plus grande production et d’un plus large partage des valeurs fondamentales recherchées par l’humanité entière, soutenues par la « New Haven School of International Law ». Non seulement s’agit-il des rôles liés à l’augmentation de l’efficacité du processus de réduction de barrières commerciales résultant des mesures SPS protectionnistes, mais aussi de ceux qui sont peu soulignées et qui se précisent suite aux pratiques répétées des décisionnistes de l’ASEAN. Ce sont notamment les rôles en tant qu’inducteurs de performance pour les mécanismes d’encadrement de mesures SPS, afin de s’assurer que celles-ci sont raisonnables par rapport à chaque contexte spécifique et respectueuses de la dignité humaine ; en tant que catalyseurs du régionalisme ouvert ; et en tant que promoteurs de la dimension du développement dans les accords commerciaux régionaux de l’ASEAN. / The « three sisters », namely the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), and SPS measures of ASEAN maintain a mutually close relationship and can interact with one another in complex and multidimensional ways, which can affect flows of import and export activities of agro-food products regulated especially by international economic law. By perceiving law as a process of decisions, and particularly international law as a process of communication among different participants of the « world community », these interactions can be better identified and comprehended at all levels : multilateral, regional, bilateral and national. Considering the intensity and frequency of exchanges and the strong interdependency of today’s world, the « three sisters » and their standards, guidelines and recommendations are likely to play numerous roles in promoting a greater production and wider distribution of fundamental values that all human beings desire to maximize and achieve, as defended by the « New Haven School of International Law ». Not only are these roles related to the promotion of a more efficient process of eliminating trade barriers deriving from SPS protectionist measures, but also those which are insufficiently highlighted, yet becoming more obvious through repeated practices of ASEAN decision-makers. These are notably the roles of the « three sisters » as performance drivers for monitoring mechanisms of SPS measures with a view to ensuring that they are reasonable in each specific context and respectful towards human dignity; as catalysts of open regionalism ; as promoters of the development dimension in regional trade agreements concluded by ASEAN.
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A Real-Time Classification approach of a Human Brain-Computer Interface based on Movement Related ElectroencephalogramMileros, Martin D. January 2004 (has links)
<p>A Real-Time Brain-Computer Interface is a technical system classifying increased or decreased brain activity in Real-Time between different body movements, actions performed by a person. Focus in this thesis will be on testing algorithms and settings, finding the initial time interval and how increased activity in the brain can be distinguished and satisfyingly classified. The objective is letting the system give an output somewhere within 250ms of a thought of an action, which will be faster than a persons reaction time. </p><p>Algorithms in the preprocessing were Blind Signal Separation and the Fast Fourier Transform. With different frequency and time interval settings the algorithms were tested on an offline Electroencephalographic data file based on the "Ten Twenty" Electrode Application System, classified using an Artificial Neural Network. </p><p>A satisfying time interval could be found between 125-250ms, but more research is needed to investigate that specific interval. A reduction in frequency resulted in a lack of samples in the sample window preventing the algorithms from working properly. A high frequency is therefore proposed to help keeping the sample window small in the time domain. Blind Signal Separation together with the Fast Fourier Transform had problems finding appropriate correlation using the Ten-Twenty Electrode Application System. Electrodes should be placed more selectively at the parietal lobe, in case of requiring motor responses.</p>
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A Real-Time Classification approach of a Human Brain-Computer Interface based on Movement Related ElectroencephalogramMileros, Martin D. January 2004 (has links)
A Real-Time Brain-Computer Interface is a technical system classifying increased or decreased brain activity in Real-Time between different body movements, actions performed by a person. Focus in this thesis will be on testing algorithms and settings, finding the initial time interval and how increased activity in the brain can be distinguished and satisfyingly classified. The objective is letting the system give an output somewhere within 250ms of a thought of an action, which will be faster than a persons reaction time. Algorithms in the preprocessing were Blind Signal Separation and the Fast Fourier Transform. With different frequency and time interval settings the algorithms were tested on an offline Electroencephalographic data file based on the "Ten Twenty" Electrode Application System, classified using an Artificial Neural Network. A satisfying time interval could be found between 125-250ms, but more research is needed to investigate that specific interval. A reduction in frequency resulted in a lack of samples in the sample window preventing the algorithms from working properly. A high frequency is therefore proposed to help keeping the sample window small in the time domain. Blind Signal Separation together with the Fast Fourier Transform had problems finding appropriate correlation using the Ten-Twenty Electrode Application System. Electrodes should be placed more selectively at the parietal lobe, in case of requiring motor responses.
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S?ntese e impregna??o de peneiras moleculares Fe MCM-41 derivada de s?lica da casca do arrozMiranda, Auristela Carla de 28 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:07:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-11-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The mesoporous molecular sieves of the MCM-41 and FeMCM-41 type are considered
promissory as support for metals used as catalysts in oil-based materials refine processes and
as adsorbents for environmental protection proposes. In this work MCM-41 and FeMCM41
were synthesized using rice husk ash - RHA as alternative to the conventional silica source.
Hydrothermal synthesis was the method chosen to prepare the materials. Pre-defined
synthesis parameters were 100?C for 168 hours, later the precursor was calcinated at 550?C
for 2 hours under nitrogen and air flow. The sieves containing different proportions of iron
were produced by two routes: introduction of iron salt direct synthesis; and a modification
post synthesis consisting in iron salt 1 % and 5% impregnation in the material followed by
thermal decomposition. The molecular sieves were characterized by X ray diffraction XRD,
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy FT-IR, X ray fluorescence spectroscopy XFR,
scanning electronic microscopy SEM, specific surface area using the BET method,
Termogravimetry TG. The kinetic model of Flynn Wall was used with the aim of
determining the apparent activation energy of the surfactant remove (CTMABr) in the MCM-
41 porous. The analysis made possible the morphology characterization, identifying the
presence of hexagonal structure typical for mesoporous materials, as well as observation of
the MCM41 and iron of characteristic bands. / As peneiras moleculares mesoporosas do tipo MCM-41 e FeMCM-41, s?o
consideradas promissoras como suporte para metais, usadas como catalisadores em processos
de refino de materiais a base de petr?leo e como adsorventes com o prop?sito de prote??o
ambiental. Neste trabalho MCM-41 e FeMCM-41 foram sintetizadas utilizando a cinza da
casca de arroz CCA, como alternativa para a fonte de s?lica. O m?todo escolhido foi a
s?ntese hidrotermal para o preparo dos materiais, a temperatura de 100 ?C por 168 horas em
estufa, posteriormente foi calcinado a 550 ?C por 2 horas sob fluxo de nitrog?nio e ar. As
peneiras moleculares contendo diferentes propor??es de ferro foram produzidas por duas
rotas: introdu??o do sal de ferro no gel de s?ntese e impregna??o de 1% e 5% de ferro no
MCM-41 sintetizado. As peneiras moleculares foram caracterizadas por difra??o de raios X
DRX, espectroscopia no infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (Fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy FT-IR), espectroscopia de fluoresc?ncia de raios X FRX,
microscopia eletr?nica de varredura MEV, ?rea superficial espec?fica atrav?s do m?todo
BET e Termogravimetria TG. O modelo cin?tico de Flynn Wall foi utilizado com o objetivo
de determinar a energia de ativa??o aparente da remo??o do surfactante (CTMABr) nos poros
do MCM-41. As an?lises possibilitaram a caracteriza??o morfol?gica, identificando a
presen?a da estrutura hexagonal t?pica dos materiais mesoporosos, assim como das bandas
caracter?sticas do MCM41 e do ferro.
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