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Microcompartmentation of cell wall integrity sensors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Mikrokompartimentierung von Zellwandintegritätssensoren in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeKock, Christian 05 August 2016 (has links)
The ability to adapt to changing environments is a key feature of living cells which is usually mediated by signal transduction pathways. One of these pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae maintains the proper cell wall composition under cell wall remodeling and stress conditions which ensures cell shape and integrity. The pathway is hence commonly referred to as cell wall integrity (CWI) pathway. Five plasma membrane sensors detect surface stress and activate a conserved MAPK cascade through Rom2, Rho1 and Pkc1. Downstream of the cascade, Slt2 activates the transcription factors Rlm1 and SBF. These regulate the expression of genes which are involved in cell wall synthesis and cell cycle control, respectively. The sensors can be grouped into two protein families with Wsc1, Wsc2 and Wsc3 on the one hand and Mid2 and Mtl1 on the other hand. They all contain a highly mannosylated extracellular serine/threonine-rich region (STR), a single transmembrane domain and a cytoplasmic tail. Whereas Wsc-family sensors carry an additional cysteine-rich domain (CRD) headgroup, Mid2 and Mtl1 are N-glycosylated at an asparagine (Kock et al., 2015).
A strain deleted in all five sensor genes is not viable and WSC1, WSC2 and MID2 are the main sensor genes to mediate the stress response. Wsc1 and Mid2 show non-overlapping spot-like and network-like localization patterns in the plasma membrane, respectively, whose formation is not governed by their transmembrane domains. Colocalization studies with marker proteins of the known yeast plasma membrane domains “membrane compartment occupied by Can1” (MCC), “membrane compartment occupied by Pma1” (MCP) and the “membrane compartment of the TOR2 complex” (MCT) revealed that Wsc1 forms a distinct plasma membrane domain which is here introduced as “membrane compartment occupied by Wsc1“ (MCW). This microcompartment depends on the cysteine-rich domain (CRD) as sensors mutated in this headgroup accumulate in the vacuole. Blocking endocytosis either by an end3 deletion or by mutation of the NPFDD endocytosis signal in the cytoplasmic tail of Wsc1 restores its signaling function but displays an altered pattern of membrane distribution, changing from spot-like in wild-type to network-like in the mutants. This indicated that clustering may protect the sensor from endocytosis. In addition, Wsc1 has amyloid-like properties suggesting a role in clustering. Accordingly, protein aggregation (clustering) is lost in a mutant of a predicted amyloid motif within the CRD, which also impairs Wsc1 signaling.
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Signatures transcriptomiques et fonctionnelles de l’immunité protectrice au cours de multiples infections par le virus de l’hépatite CMazouz, Sabrina 12 1900 (has links)
Dans le monde, 58 millions de personnes sont chroniquement infectées par le virus de l'hépatite C (VHC). Depuis 2011, l'introduction des antiviraux à action directe a permis la guérison des infections chroniques chez la majorité des sujets traités (~95 %). Toutefois, les traitements sont coûteux et ne protègent pas contre les réinfections, d'où la nécessité de développer un vaccin prophylactique pour freiner efficacement l'épidémie du VHC. Environ 30% des primo-infections sont éliminées spontanément, représentant une occasion unique d'étudier les corrélats de l’immunité protectrice nécessaires pour le développement d’un vaccin efficace. Dans cette thèse, nous avons procédé à la définition des corrélats de l'immunité protectrice au cours des infections par le VHC primaires et subséquentes aux niveaux transcriptomique, clonotypique et fonctionnel à partir d’une cohorte d’utilisateurs de drogues par injection.
Le premier objectif était de caractériser le répertoire de récepteurs des cellules T CD8 spécifique de l'épitope immunodominant et cross-réactif NS3 1073-1081 (CINGVCWTV) restreint par HLA-A2 au cours d’une primo-infection aiguë progressant vers une résolution spontanée ou une infection chronique. Nous avons identifié un ensemble de treize clonotypes publics, indépendamment de l'issue de l'infection. Plusieurs clonotypes publics avaient une longue durée de vie après résolution de l’infection et ont proliféré après réinfection par le VHC. En explorant les bases de données publiques, nous avons identifié plusieurs clonotypes partagés avec d'autres épitopes viraux restreints par HLA-A2, mais ils étaient de faible fréquence et de réactivité croisée limitée, suggérant un rôle limité des lymphocytes T CD8 cross-réactifs au cours de l'infection primaire par le VHC.
Le deuxième objectif était de caractériser les signatures transcriptomiques longitudinales des cellules mononucléaires du sang périphérique totaux chez huit sujets ayant spontanément résolu deux infections consécutives par le VHC. Nous avons également comparé ces signatures avec un schéma vaccinal composé d'un vecteur à adénovirus de chimpanzé suivi d'un rappel utilisant la vaccine modifiée Ankara, exprimant tout deux les protéines non-structurales du VHC. Nous avons identifié une signature transcriptomique des plasmocytes au cours d'une réinfection aiguë, absente lors de l'infection primaire et après le rappel du vaccin.
La résolution spontanée est associée à une expansion rapide des cellules B mémoires spécifiques de la glycoprotéine E2 chez 3 sujets et à une augmentation transitoire des anticorps neutralisants anti- E2 chez 6 sujets. Parallèlement, il y avait une augmentation de l'étendue et de l'ampleur des lymphocytes T spécifiques du VHC chez 7 sujets.
En conclusion, nous avons identifié treize clonotypes publics uniques au VHC qui ont proliféré au cours des infections primaire et secondaire. La faible fréquence des clonotypes cross-réactifs suggère qu'ils ne sont pas des déterminants majeurs de l’issue de l’infection. De plus, nous avons observé une augmentation simultanée des réponses des lymphocytes B et T spécifiques du VHC au stade aiguë précoce, suggérant un rôle des deux bras de l’immunité adaptative dans la clairance de la réinfection du VHC. Nos résultats soutiennent l'idée de combiner deux stratégies vaccinales induisant à la fois une immunité à médiation cellulaire et une immunité humorale visant à prévenir les infections chroniques par le VHC. / Worldwide, 58 million individuals are chronically infected with hepatitis C virus
(HCV). Since 2011, the introduction of direct acting antivirals enabled the cure of chronic
HCV in the majority of treated subjects (~95%). However, direct-acting antivirals
treatments are expensive and do not protect against reinfection, urging the need to develop
a prophylactic vaccine to efficiently curb the HCV epidemic. Around 30% of acutely
infected individuals will spontaneously clear the infection, representing a unique
opportunity to study the correlates of immune protection needed to develop a potent
vaccine. In this thesis, we proceeded to define the correlates of protective immunity during
primary and sub-sequent HCV infections at the transcriptomic, clonotypic and functional
levels using longitudinal peripheral blood mononuclear cells samples collected from a
cohort of people who inject drugs (PWID).
The first aim was to characterize the CD8 T cell receptor repertoire specific to the
immunodominant and cross-reactive HLA-A2 restricted NS3 1073-1081 (CINGVCWTV)
epitope during acute HCV in PWID progressing to either spontaneous resolution or chronic
infection. We identified a set of thirteen public clonotypes in HCV-infected subjects
irrespective of infection outcome. Several public clonotypes were long-lived in resolvers
and expanded upon reinfection. By mining publicly available data, we identified several
TCR clonotypes shared with other HLA-A2 restricted epitopes, but they were of low
frequency and limited cross-reactivity, suggesting that they are not major determinants of
infectious outcome.
The second aim was to characterize longitudinal transcriptomic signatures using
total peripheral blood mononuclear cells, as well as T and B cell recall responses in eight
subjects who spontaneously resolved two successive episodes of HCV infection.
Furthermore, we compared the transcriptomic signatures of primary and secondary
resolving HCV infections, with an HCV nonstructural protein vaccine regimen of
recombinant chimpanzee adenovirus 3 vector prime followed by modified vaccinia Ankara
boost. We identified a plasma cell transcriptomic signature during early acute HCV
reinfection that was absent in primary infection and following HCV vaccine boost.
Spontaneous resolution of HCV reinfection was associated with rapid expansion of
glycoprotein E2-specifc memory B cells in 3 subjects and transient increase in E2-specific neutralizing antibodies in 6 subjects. Concurrently, there was an increase in the breadth
and magnitude of HCV-specific T cells in 7 subjects.
In conclusion, we identified thirteen new public CD8+ TCR clonotypes unique to
HCV that expanded during acute infection and reinfection. The low frequency of crossreactive TCRs suggests that they are not major determinants of infectious outcome.
Moreover, we observed a concurrent increase of HCV-specific B and T cell responses early
during acute HCV reinfection at the transcriptomic and functional levels, suggesting a role
for both arms of the adaptive immune response in HCV reinfection clearance. Our results
support the combined T and B cell-based vaccine strategy aimed at preventing chronic
HCV infections.
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CD4+ T cell mediated tumor immunity following transplantation of TRP-1 TCR gene modified hematopoietic stem cellsHa, Sung Pil 10 December 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Immunotherapy for cancer has held much promise as a potent modality of cancer treatment. The ability to selectively destroy diseased cells and leave healthy cells unharmed has been the goal of cancer immunotherapy for the past thirty years. However, the full capabilities of cancer immunotherapies have been elusive. Cancer immunotherapies have been consistently hampered by limited immune reactivity, a diminishing immune response over time, and a failure to overcome self-tolerance. Many of these deficiencies have been borne-out by immunotherapies that have focused on the adoptive transfer of activated or genetically modified mature CD8+ T cells. The limitations inherent in therapies involving terminally differentiated mature lymphocytes include limited duration, lack of involvement of other components of the immune system, and limited clinical efficacy. We sought to overcome these limitations by altering and enhancing long-term host immunity by genetically modifying then transplanting HSCs. To study these questions and test the efficiency of gene transfer, we cloned a tumor reactive HLA-DR4-restricted CD4+ TCR specific for the melanocyte differentiation antigen TRP-1, then constructed both a high expression lentiviral delivery system and a TCR Tg expressing the same TCR genes. We demonstrate with both mouse and human HSCs durable, high-efficiency TCR gene transfer, following long-term transplantation. We demonstrate the induction of spontaneous autoimmune vitiligo and a TCR-specific TH1 polarized memory effector CD4+ T cell population. Most importantly, we demonstrate the destruction of subcutaneous melanoma without the aid of vaccination, immune modulation, or cytokine administration. Overall, these results demonstrate the creation of a novel translational model of durable lentiviral gene transfer, the induction of spontaneous CD4+ T cell immunity, the breaking of self-tolerance, and the induction of anti-tumor immunity.
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An essential role of IRF4 in translating TCR a nity-mediated activation and CD8+ e ector T cell fate decisionsHartung, Anett 07 July 2016 (has links)
CD8+ T Zellen unterstützen die Beseitigung von Pathogenen und sind somit entscheidend bei der Bekämpfung von Infektionen. Neben der Antigendosis und dem inflammatorischen Zytokinemilieu hat auch die Stimulation durch den TZR einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die CD8+ T Zellantwort. Das transkriptionelle Programm, die finale Größe und Dauer der klonalen Expansion und der Start der Kontraktionsphase werden durch die TZR-Signalstärke bestimmt. Schwache TZR-Stimulation führt zu einer verminderten Expansion und vermittelt eine frühzeitige Kontraktionsphase, die eine Entwicklung von Gedächtniszellen auf den Kosten der Effektorzellen favorisiert. IRF4 wird nach TZR-Ligand-Interaktion in CD8+ T-Zellen hoch reguliert. Seine Expressionskinetik ist stark von der TZR-Signalstärke der Aktivierung abhängig, übersetzt diese und sorgt für die Umsetzung in ein entsprechendes transkriptionelles und differentielles Programm. In dieser Arbeit konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass die IRF4-Defizienz in CD8+ T-Zellen zu einem verfrühten Abbruch der Expansion und zu einem vorzeitigen Beginn der Kontraktion führt, die durch den FAS-vermittelten Tod-induzierenden Signalweg initiiert wird. Außerdem präsentieren IRF4-defiziente CD8+ T-Zellen vermehrt Phosphatidylserine an ihrer Oberfläche und Komplementdeposition, beides begünstigt die Erkennung und Aufnahme durch Phagozyten. Diese Ergebnisse weisen zudem stark darauf hin, dass durch die fehlende Expression von IRF4 in CD8+ T Zellen, ein schwaches TZR-Signal übermittelt wird, unabhängig von der tatsächlichen Stärke und Dauer des aktivierenden Signals, dass zu einer Verkürzung der Expansionsphase führt und eine verfrühte Kontraktionsphase der Effektorzellen auslöst. Diese Arbeit erweitert schon bekanntes Wissen um IRF4 als Schlüsselregulator für die Differenzierung und Funktionalität der ag-spezifischen CD8+ T-Zellen, da es den Beginn der Kontraktionsphase diktiert mittels Aktivierung von verschiedenen Apoptose- und Phagocytose Signalwegen. / CD8+ T cells promote pathogen clearance and play a crucial role in controlling infections. Besides antigen dose and inflammatory cytokine milieu, the TCR stimulation contributes to the programming of the CD8+ T cell response. A distinct developmental program, the final magnitude and duration of clonal expansion, as well as the timing of the onset of T cell contraction, are determined by the TCR signaling strength. Weak TCR stimulation results in a diminished magnitude of expansion and accelerates the onset of contraction, as it favors the development of memory cells at the expense of effector cells. IRF4 is a transcription factor, that is upregulated in CD8+ T cells following TCR stimulation. Furthermore, its expression kinetic is highly dependent on the TCR signaling strength, which initiated activation. Therefore, it translates the strength of the activating signal and transmits it into a proper transcriptional and developmental program. This study provides unique evidence that the absence of IRF4 expression in CD8+ T cells leads to a hasted termination of clonal expansion and a premature contraction, initiated by the FAS-mediated cell death pathway. Moreover, IRF4-deficient CD8+ T cells exposed phosphatidylserine on their cell surface and showed complement deposition, both facilitating their recognition and uptake by phagocytes. The findings of this study additionally strongly indicate that IRF4 deficiency mimics weak TCR engagement and in turn transmits every TCR signal, independent of its actually affinity and duration, into a developmental program, that give rise to an early memory formation and results in a premature onset of effector CD8+ T cell contraction. This data extend previous knowledge of IRF4 being essential for the differentiation and functionality of ag-specific effector CD8+ T cells, as it furthermore dictates the onset of CD8+ T cell contraction via the activation of several death and phagocytosis inducing pathways.
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RNAi-mediated knockdown of the endogenous TCR improves safety of immunotherapy with TCR gene-modified T cellsBunse, Mario 11 March 2015 (has links)
Durch den Transfer der Gene des heterodimeren T-Zellrezeptors (TZR) mithilfe viraler Vektoren können T-Zellen programmiert werden, ein ausgewähltes Antigen spezifisch zu erkennen. In klinischen Studien wurden solche T-Zellen bereits mit Erfolg zur Immuntherapie von Krebs und viralen Infektionen eingesetzt. Genmodifizierte T-Zellen unterscheiden sich jedoch von normalen T-Zellen, weil sie neben den beiden zelleigenen auch die zwei übertragenen TZR-Gene exprimieren. Diese Situation erlaubt die Bildung vier verschiedener TZR-Heterodimere: der zelleigene TZR, der übertragene TZR und zwei gemischte TZR, bestehend aus je einer übertragenen und einer zelleigenen TZR-Kette. Gemischte TZR bergen das Risiko von Nebenwirkungen, weil sie durch Zufall gesundes Körpergewebe erkennen und so Autoimmunität auslösen könnten. In dieser Arbeit wurden deshalb virale Vektoren entwickelt, die gleichzeitig mit der Übertragung von neuen TZR-Genen den zelleigenen TZR durch RNA Interferenz (RNAi) unterdrücken. Mikro-RNA (miRNA), die in den Vektor MP71 eingefügt wurden, reduzierten den zelleigenen TZR in Maus-T-Zellen um mehr als 85%. Dies hatte zur Folge, dass beide Ketten des übertragenen P14-TZR in gleicher Menge auf der Zelloberfläche exprimiert wurden und die Bildung von gemischten TZR reduziert wurde. In einem Mausmodell der adoptiven T-Zelltherapie verhinderte die Unterdrückung des zelleigenen TZR die Entstehung von Autoimmunität, die andernfalls durch gemischte TZR verursacht wurde. Im Gegensatz dazu führte die Anwendung von gentechnisch optimierten P14-TZR-Genen weder zur angeglichenen Oberflächenexpression der P14-TZR Ketten noch zu weniger Autoimmunität im Mausmodell. Ein anderes Tierexperiment zeigte, dass die miRNA die Funktion der genmodifizierten T-Zellen nicht beeinträchtigte. Schließlich wurde ein viraler Vektor entwickelt und getestet, der die Expression des zelleigenen TZR in menschlichen T-Zellen effektiv unterdrückte und die Bildung von gemischten TZR reduzieren konnte. / T cells can be genetically modified using viral vectors. The transfer of genes encoding both chains of the heterodimeric T cell receptor (TCR) programs T cells to specifically react towards an antigen of choice. Such TCR gene-modified T cells were already successfully applied in clinical studies to treat cancer and viral infections. However, in contrast to nonmanipulated T cells these cells express the transferred TCR in addition to the endogenous TCR and this situation allows the assembly of four different TCR heterodimers: the endogenous TCR, the transferred TCR, and two mixed TCR dimers, composed of one endogenous and one transferred TCR chain. The formation of mixed TCR dimers represents a safety issue because they may by chance recognize self-antigens and thereby cause autoimmune side effects. To overcome this problem, an RNAi-TCR replacement vector was developed that simultaneously silences the endogenous TCR and expresses an RNAi-resistant therapeutic TCR. The expression of miRNA encoded by a retroviral MP71 vector in transduced mouse T cells reduced the surface levels of the endogenous TCR by more than 85%. The knockdown of the endogenous TCR in turn resulted in equal surface expression levels of both transferred P14 TCR chains and prevented the formation of mixed TCR dimers. Accordingly, the development of lethal mixed TCR dimer-dependent autoimmunity (TI-GVHD) in a mouse model of adoptive T cell therapy was dramatically reduced by the knockdown of the endogenous TCR. In contrast, the usage of genetically optimized TCR genes neither resulted in equal surface levels of both P14 TCR chains nor in reduced autoimmunity. A second mouse model demonstrated that the in vivo functionality of the transduced T cells was not negatively influenced by the expression of the miRNA. Finally, an RNAi-TCR replacement vector for human T cells was developed that effectively reduced the expression of the endogenous TCR and prevented the formation of mixed TCR dimers.
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