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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Isolamento e caracterização de células indiferenciadas de ovos embrionados de Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus 1762) / Isolation and characterization of undifferentiated cells of embryonated eggs from Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus 1762)

Lara Carolina Mario 09 February 2015 (has links)
Um dos grandes problemas da saúde pública no país esta diretamente ligada à dengue, uma vez que aproximadamente 550 mil pessoas são infectadas anualmente, e cerca de 20 mil vêm a óbito. Esta doença é causada pelo vírus da família Flaviviridae, transmitido pela fêmea ao hospedeiro durante o repasto sanguíneo. Este projeto teve como objetivo isolar e caracterizar células indiferenciadas de ovos embrionados e do tubo digestivo de larvas em quarto instar de Aedes aegypti, como fonte de pesquisa na área de biologia celular e estrutural destes vetores. Mediante cultura celular, as células foram isoladas e recultivadas em meio de cultura DMEM-High, e temperatura de 28 ºC. As seguintes análises foram feitas: morfologia celular, ciclo celular, testes de imunofenotipagem pelo método de citometria de fluxo e analise de imunohistoquimica. As células de Aedes aegypti analisadas pela morfologia celular, apresentaram formato globóide, tamanho pequeno e população heterogênica. A análise das fases do ciclo Sub-G1, G0-G1, S e G2-M após cultura primaria de ovos embrionados atingiram (27,5%; 68%; 30,2% e 1,9%, respectivamente). Após 24 horas atingiram (10%; 92,4%; 6,2% e 0,6%, respectivamente). A análise de imunofenotipagem realizada pelo método de citometria de fluxo demonstrou em ovos embrionados, marcações positivas para pluripotencia, assim como baixa expressão para Oct 3/4, e alta expressão para o (Sox2). As células mesenquimais tiveram alta expressão para os marcadores (Stro-1, Vimentina e Nestin). O marcador de morte celular por apoptose (Caspase3), teve alta expressão nas células cultivadas, enquanto que os marcadores endossomicos específicos para células de insetos (Anti GM130 e Anti RAB-5) também foram altamente expressos. Na cultura celular derivada do tubo digestivo de larvas de Aedes aegypti, as analises dos marcadores para pluripotencia tais como Oct 3/4 não demonstrou expressão, entretanto, o marcador Sox2 foi altamente expresso na cultura. Para as células mesenquimais não houve expressão de nenhum marcador utilizado, ou seja, (Stro-1, Vimentina e Nestin). No entanto para o marcador de morte celular por apoptose (Caspase 3) as células em cultura demonstraram alta expressão, enquanto que para os marcadores endossomicos específicos de insetos os mesmos foram altamente marcados. O teste de imunohistoquímica realizado em ovos embrionados no final do período embrionário demonstrou que as células tinham potencial ploriferativo mediante marcação positiva para PCNA. As células pluripotentes foram pouco expressas pelos marcadores Nanog, Oct 3/4, e muito expressas pelo marcador Sox2. As células de origem mesenquimais foram altamente expressas pelos marcadores SSEA-4, Stro-1, Vimentina e Nestin assim como para os marcadores endossomicos específicos para células de insetos, os quais demonstraram alta expressão nas células de embriões de Aedes. Sendo assim, conclui-se que tanto ovos embrionados quanto larvas de quarto instar de Aedes aegypti possuem células indiferenciadas, com grande potencial para estudos com biologia molecular, visando o controle biológico deste vetor / A major problem of public health in the country is directly linked to dengue, as approximately 550 million people are infected annually, and about 20,000 have died. This disease is caused by the virus of the Flaviviridae family, transmitted by the female to the host during blood feeding. This project aimed to isolate and characterize stem cells from fertilized eggs and larvae gut fourth instar Aedes aegypti, as a source of research in cell biology and structural area of these vectors. Upon cell culture, the cells were isolated and recultured in DMEM-high culture temperature and 28 º C. The following analyzes were performed: cell morphology, cell cycle tests immunophenotyping by flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry analysis. The Aedes aegypti cells analyzed by cell morphology showed globular shape, small size and heterogenic population. The analysis of sub-G1 phase of the cycle, G0, G1, S and G2-M after primary culture reached embryonated eggs (27.5%, 68%, 30.2% and 1.9%, respectively). Achieved after 24 hours (10%, 92.4%, 6.2% and 0.6%, respectively). Immunophenotyping analysis by flow cytometry demonstrated in embryonated eggs, positive for pluripotency markers, as well as low expression of Oct 3/4 and high expression for the (Sox2). The mesenchymal cells had high expression for markers (Stro-1, vimentin and Nestin). The marker of cell death by apoptosis (Caspase3) had high expression in cultured cells, whereas the endosomal markers specific for insect cells (GM130 and Anti-Anti RAB 5) were also highly expressed. In cell culture derived from the gut of larvae of Aedes aegypti, the analysis of pluripotency markers such as Oct for 3/4 showed no expression, however, the marker Sox2 was highly expressed in the culture. For mesenchymal cells no expression of any label used, ie (Stro-1, Nestin and vimentin). However marker for cell death by apoptosis (caspase 3) cells in culture showed high expression, whereas for the specific endosomal markers insects they were highly labeled. The immunohistochemistry test on embryonated eggs at the end of the incubation period the cells have demonstrated potential ploriferativo by positive staining for PCNA. Pluripotent cells were slightly expressed by markers Nanog, Oct 3/4, Sox2, and expressed by the marker. The cells of mesenchymal origin were highly expressed by SSEA-4 markers, Stro-1, Nestin and vimentin as well as the specific endosomal markers for insect cells, which showed high expression in cells of Aedes embryos. Therefore, it is concluded that both embryonated eggs as room instar larvae of Aedes aegypti have undifferentiated cells, with great potential for studies of molecular biology, targeting the biological control of this vector

Imunolocalização do VEGF, bFGF e seus receptores na placenta bovina e influência destes fatores sobre a produção de progesterona pelas células placentárias em cultura / Immunolocalization of VEGF, bFGF and their receptors in the bovine placenta and influence of these growth factors on progesterone production from placental cells in culture

Danila Barreiro Campos 06 July 2005 (has links)
O estabelecimento e perfeito funcionamento da placenta são fatores dependentes da intensa vascularização ocorrida no órgão. Os processos de vasculogênese e angiogênese placentária são modulados por diversos fatores, incluindo o VEGF (fator de crescimento vascular endotelial) e bFGF (fator de crescimento fibroblástico básico). Apesar da importância do VEGF e bFGF durante a vascularização estar estabelecida, vários estudos indicam a participação desses fatores de crescimento como moduladores locais em outras funções fisiológicas, como por exemplo o controle da produção hormonal em tecidos esteroidogênicos. Animais clonados podem apresentar alterações na expressão de determinados genes durante seu desenvolvimento, o que pode alterar a função placentária. Os objetivos deste estudo são determinar a localização tecidual do VEGF, bFGF e seus receptores na placenta bovina e avaliar a influência destes fatores de crescimento sobre a produção de progesterona placentária em bovinos não clonados e clonados. Placentomas de 90, 150 e 210 dias de gestação foram obtidos em abatedouro e placentônios de gestações aos 270 dias provenientes de bovinos clonados e não clonados foram coletados após cesarianas. As amostras foram fixadas em formol tamponado 4%, desidratadas e incluídas em parafina. Cortes foram submetidos a imuno-histoquímica para posterior localização das proteínas do VEGF, bFGF e seus receptores. Sob condições assépticas, as células foram mecanicamente dispersas e cultivadas em placas de 96 cavidades. Os fatores foram adicionados em concentrações de 10 e 50 ηg/ml de bFGF e VEGF, respectivamente. Amostras de meio de cultura e as células dos grupos controle, bFGF, VEGF e VEGF mais bFGF foram coletadas 24, 48 e 96 horas após a adição dos fatores. A progesterona foi dosada por radioimunoensaio e o conteúdo protéico pelo método de Lowry. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se o programa estatístico SAS (Statistical Analysis System), as diferenças estatísticas encontradas foram comparadas pelo teste de variação múltipla de Duncan. O VEGF, bFGF e seus receptores foram localizados em células do epitélio e estroma maternos e fetais e células endoteliais vasculares em bovinos não clonados e clonados. As células placentárias apresentaram diferentes capacidades de síntese de progesterona ao longo da gestação. Aos 90 e 210 dias de gestação o VEGF estimulou a produção de progesterona, enquanto aos 270 dias de gestação o fator inibiu a produção deste hormônio. O bFGF estimulou a produção de progesterona pelas células placentárias aos 90 dias de gestação. A adição dos dois fatores de crescimento conjuntamente determinou um estímulo na produção de progesterona aos 210 dias de gestação. A produção de progesterona pelas células de bovinos clonados foi semelhante àquela observada em células de bovinos não clonados na mesma idade gestacional e os fatores de crescimento não influenciaram essa produção. Conclui-se que o VEGF e bFGF, atuando localmente no tecido placentário, funcionam como moduladores do processo de esteroidogênese, influenciando de maneira tempo-dependente a produção de progesterona deste órgão. / Placental establishment and function are dependent on intense vascularization. Placental vasculogenesis and angiogenesis are modulated by several factors, including VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) and bFGF (basic fibroblast growth factor). Although the role of VEGF and bFGF during vascularization is already well established, some studies have indicated the participation of these growth factors as local modulators in other physiological functions, such as control of hormonal production in steroidogenic tissues. Cloned animals may exhibit alterations in gene expression during development modifying placental function. The aims of this study are to determine the tissue localization of VEGF, bFGF and their receptors in the bovine placenta and to evaluate the influence of bFGF and VEGF on placental progesterone production in non-cloned and cloned bovines. Placentomes from days 90, 150 and 210 of pregnancy were obtained at local slaughterhouse and placentomes from cloned and non-cloned gestations at 270 days were obtained after cesarean sections. Samples were fixed in 4% buffered formol solution, dehydrated and included in paraffin. Sections were subimitted to immunohistochemistry for subsequent localization of VEGF, bFGF and their receptors proteins. Under aseptic conditions, cells were mechanically dispersed and then cultivated in a 96-well plate. Growth factors were added at concentrations of 10 and 50 ηg/ml for bFGF and VEGF, respectively. Samples of culture medium and cells from control, bFGF, VEGF and bFGF plus VEGF groups were collected 24, 48 and 96 hours after growth factor addition. Progesterone concentrations were assessed by radioimmunoassay and protein content was measured by Lowry?s method. Data were analyzed by SAS (Statistical Analysis System) program, significant differences were compared by Duncan?s range multiple test. VEGF, bFGF and their receptors were localized in maternal and fetal epithelial and stromal cells and vascular endothelial cells during pregnancy in non-cloned animals and in cloned bovine placenta at 270 days of pregnancy. Bovine placental cells were able to produce different amounts of progesterone during pregnancy. Growth factors were able to influence progesterone production in placental cells only after 24 hours in culture. At 90 and 210 days of pregnancy VEGF stimulated progesterone production, while at 270 days of pregnancy the growth factor inhibited production of this hormone. bFGF stimulated progesterone production in placental cells from 90 days of pregnancy. Both growth factors together determined an increase in progesterone production in placental cells from 210 days of pregnancy. Progesterone production in placental cells from cloned cattle is similar when compared with non-cloned placental cells at the same gestational age and growth factors did not influence progesterone production in these cells. VEGF and bFGF, acting locally in the placental tissue, are modulators of the steroidogenic process, influencing in a time-dependent manner the progesterone production in this organ.

Estabelecimento e caracterização de células-tronco de polpa dentária de suínos / Establishment and characterization of stem cells from porcine dental pulp

João Leonardo Rodrigues Mendonça Dias 21 December 2012 (has links)
Os tecidos dentais apresentam-se como fontes abundantes e de fácil obtenção de células-tronco de diferentes tipos, como é o caso das células-tronco derivadas do epitélio dental, papila dental, ligamento periodontal e folículo dental que possuem origem ectomesenquimal oriundas da crista neural, com a exceção do epitélio dental que é oriundo do ectoderma. As células-tronco de polpa dentária humana (CTPD) expressam estavelmente marcadores de células-tronco adultas (CTA), CD105 e CD73 durante as passagens contínuas, e um grupo de antígenos estágios-específicos de superfície celular, SSEA-3, SSEA-4 e fatores de transcrição de células-tronco embrionárias (CTE) TRA1-60, TRA1-81, Oct-4 e Nanog. Além disso, estas células são capazes de se diferenciar in vitro em vários tipos de células e tecidos: cartilagem, osso, tecido neural, músculo liso e esquelético. Em suínos, modelo animal amplamente utilizado para o estudo de várias doenças encontradas em humanos, os dentes caninos possuem crescimento contínuo que pode ser uma característica bastante interessante quando pensamos em células-tronco. Dessa forma, o estudo das células de polpa dentária desse animal merece destaque. Neste trabalho visamos estabelecer o cultivo e a caracterização de células-tronco derivadas da polpa dentária dos dentes caninos dos suínos com crescimento contínuo (PDS) e dos dentes molares visando um estudo comparativo. O cultivo das células-tronco de polpa dentária de canino e molar foi estabelecido e de acordo com os nossos resultados podemos dizer que as células-tronco de polpa dentária de suíno são de fácil obtenção, já que o dente é descartado após o abate do animal e não tem nenhum valor comercial. Até o momento não observamos diferenças relacionados ao crescimento contínuo dos dentes caninos e as células-troncos isoladas possuem características mesenquimais como era esperado. E ainda, os resultados obtidos neste trabalho poderão contribuir para aquisição de uma nova fonte de células-tronco, cuja obtenção em abatedouros poderá ser contínua, aumento assim a quantidade podendo ser utilizada na Terapia Celular. / The dental tissue presents itself as an easy and abundant source to obtain stem cells of different types, such as stem cells derived from dental epithelium, dental papilla, periodontal ligament and dental follicle origin that have originated from ectomesenquimal neural crest, with the exception of dental epithelium that arises from the ectoderm. Stem cells from human dental pulp (TCDC) stably express markers of adult stem cells (CTA), CD105 and CD73 during continuous passages, and a group of stage-specific antigens of cell surface SSEA-3, SSEA-4 and transcription factors of embryonic stem cells (ESC) TRA1-60, TRA1-81, Oct-4 and Nanog. Furthermore, these cells are able to differentiate in vitro into cartilage, bone, neural tissue, skeletal and smooth muscle. In pigs, an animal model widely used for the study of several human diseases, the canine teeth continues to grow and can be a very interesting feature regarding stem cells. Thus, the study of dental pulp cells in this species is worthy consideration. The aim of this work was to establish the cultivation and characterization of stem cells derived from dental pulp from pigs canine teeth with continuous growth (PDS) and the molar teeth, seeking a comparative study. The cultivation of stem cells from canine dental pulp and molar teeth have been established and, according to our results, we can say that stem cells from porcine dental pulp are easy to obtain, since the tooth is discarded when the animal is slaughtered and has no commercial value. So far no differences related to the continued growth of the canine teeth were observed and the isolated stem cells presented mesenchymal characteristics as expected. The results obtained in this study may contribute to the acquisition of a new source of stem cells, which can be obtained continuously in slaughterhouses, thus increasing the amount of samples to be used in cell therapy.

The development of a novel on-line system for the monitoring and control of fermentation processes

Wang, Yu January 1995 (has links)
This thesis describes the development of a computer controlled on-line system for fermentation monitoring and control. The entire system consists of a laboratory fermenter, flow injection system (four channels), a newly designed on-line filter, biomass analysis channel, pH and oxygen controllers as well as a spectrophotometer. A new design of gas driven flow injection analysis (FIA) allows a large number of reagents to be handled. The computer-controlled four channel PIA system is well suited for sequential analysis, which is important for fermentation on-line mOnitoring. The system can change the wavelength of the spectrophotometer automatically for each PIA channel, which makes the system powerful and flexible. A high frequency, low energy ultrasonic filter was modified and applied to the system for on-line mammalian cell culture sampling without breaking the sterile barrier. The results show that this novel application of ultrasonic filter technology results in higher efficiency and reliability and a longer life cycle than other types of filter. All the operations of the analytical system are controlled by a Macintosh computer (Quadra 950). The control program was written in LabVIEW which is a graphical programming language and well applicable to fermentation control. The software communicates with detectors, data acquisition, data analysis and presentation. The system can programmatically control up to 50 devices. Mammalian cell batch culture was used as an example of the application of the system. The system consists of a laboratory fermenter with a continuous sample withdrawal filter and an analysis system where glucose, lactate and ammonia, lactate dehydrogenase and biomass were measured. Cell viability was estimated by microscopic assay with trypan blue. pH and Oxygen were also measured. The system response was fast and yields a large number of reliable and precise analytical results which can be of great importance in the monitoring and control of mammalian cell culture conditions.

Microengineered Substrates for Systematic Probing Of Cardiomyocytes’ Morphology, Structure, and Function

Jamilpour, Nima, Jamilpour, Nima January 2017 (has links)
The inability of the myocardium to regenerate after injury plus the inadequate number of available hearts for transplantation have drawn attention to the creation of functional tissue constructs for implantation within the injured heart. In addition, there is an increasing interest in developing in vitro models to study heart physiology and pathology as well as to evaluate drug efficacy. Formation of these in vitro models and tissue constructs requires highly specific conditions to mimic the normal environment of cells in the body. Firstly, in this study, plasma lithography patterning of elastomeric substrates is exploited for creating microtissues composed of neonatal cardiomyocytes, and investigating their development in different mechanical microenvironments. Immunofluorescence microscopy and force spectroscopy show that the size and shape of the cardiomyocyte clusters, as well as the sarcomere length, fiber alignment, and beating amplitude and frequency of the cardiomyocytes, are regulated by microenvironmental cues. Computational analysis reveals that the mechanical stress at the cluster-substrate interface strongly correlates with the aforementioned characteristics of the cardiomyocytes. Taken together, our results underscore a collective mechanoadaptation scheme in cardiac development. Secondly, a silicone substrate with tunable elasticity is characterized for biological studies. Uniaxial tensile testing and microindentation show that these substrates could cover the biological range of stiffness for normal and pathological conditions. Spectrophotometry demonstrates that the transmittance of these substrates is comparable to those of glass and Sylgard 184. Atomic force microscopy shows that the surface roughness of samples is lower than that of widely-used Sylgard 184. Contact angle measurements before and after exposure to air plasma indicate that these samples are compatible with plasma lithography patterning. Thirdly, a new technique for cell patterning is developed which utilizes selective plasma lithography to modify protein adhesion on the substrate. This approach is based on controlling the conformation of Pluronic F-127 layer adsorbed on the surface by modifying surface wettability. Contact angle measurements show that both PDMS and plastic petri dish are compatible with this technique. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy confirm the adsorption of PF-127 layers with controlled conformation. Fluorescent and bright-field microscopy demonstrate selective adhesion of proteins and attachment of cells merely on plasma-treated areas. Finally, micropillar arrays are employed to determine the effects of two proteins associated with regulation of thin filament length, i.e. Lmod2 and Tmod1, on contractile force generation at the cellular level. Our results demonstrate that the contractile force of single isolated Lmod2-KO cardiomyocytes decreases compared to the wildtype control. Transduction of Lmod2 in the knockout cardiomyocytes restores their contractile force to the level of their WT counterparts, verifying that the observed contractile dysfunction is specific to the loss of Lmod2. Our data demonstrate that overexpression of Tmod1 in cardiomyocytes decreases their contractile force compared to the WT cells and confirm the effects of Lmod2 knockout on contractile force generation.

Analysis of hydrogels for immobilisation of hepatocytes (HepG2) in 3D cell culturing systems

Westergren, Elisabeth January 2018 (has links)
In pharmaceutical development cell cultures are used as in vitro models to evaluate the function of drug candidates. In such research it is vital to have models that resemble the in vivo environment to get reliable results. In 3D models with hydrogels ECM like scaffolds are supporting the cells in a more in vivo like environment than flat 2D cultures. In this project PEG-peptide based hydrogels with cell binding RGD incorporated on one PEG-peptide type has been evaluated for culturing of HepG2 cells. Structure and viscoelastic properties were evaluated with techniques like circular dichroism spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering and rheology. Sterilisation impact was also evaluated for PEG-peptides. For cell culturing, observations in light microscope and evaluation with Live/Dead assay and albumin assay were performed. A few companies were interviewed regarding 3D culturing and interest in mechanically tuneable hydrogels. The HepG2 cells grows and forms spherical clusters in the 3D environment with hydrogels, percentage of RGD seems to not impact cell adhesion, growth or albumin secretion. UV irradiation was the most suitable sterilisation method for gel components. The most rigid gel combination formed had storage modulus of around 230 Pa. Mechanically tuneable hydrogels is interesting for the industry. The PEG-peptide based gels are suitable tor growing cells but too soft to closely resemble the in vivo rigidity of hepatocytes.

Induction of HPV-16 Late Gene Expression Through Use of Small Molecule Drugs

Andrén, Caroline January 2016 (has links)
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women worldwide. The principal cause of cervical cancer is infection with human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV-16 is a high-risk virus and it is responsible for a high portion of all HPV-caused cancers. The HPV-16 genome consists of early and late genes. The virus initially infects basal cells of the cervix epithelium and in these cells early genes are expressed, whilst late genes, L1 and L2, are only expressed in the upper cell layers of the epithelium. Proteins encoded by the late genes are highly immunogenic, thus it is speculated that expression of the late genes earlier in the virus life cycle could lead to clearance of the virus due to interference of the immune system.     The aim of this study was to treat reporter cell lines with three different small molecule drugs to see if they had the ability to induce HPV-16 late gene expression. The reporter cell lines used in this study had been previously created by transfecting HeLa-cells with plasmids representing the HPV-16 genome. In these plasmids, L1 is replaced with a CAT reporter gene that encodes the CAT protein, which can be easily quantified using a sandwich ELISA.     Upon treating the reporter cell lines with TPA, a significant induction of late gene expression was detected. Furthermore, treatment with valproic acid showed some induction of late gene expression. In conclusion, TPA and valproic acid was deemed to have potential to act as a candidate drugs for treatment of HPV infections.

TPA and other small molecules can regulate the lategene expression in Human Papillomavirus (HPV-16)

Jissbacke, Erica January 2015 (has links)
Cervical cancer is almost exclusively caused by the HPV virus, whit HPV 16 and 18 involved in the majority of cases. The HPV virus can be divided into high risk and low risk types, where the high risk types are most associated with cancer. HPV is spread by sexual skin to skin contact, many people get infected without getting cervical cancer. HPV is also involved in the development of several other types of cancers such as oral and other genital cancers. The HPV virus infects epithelium stem cells and disrupts basic functions of the cells. A high expression of the late genes early in an infection may result in that an HPV 16 infection dies out. The late gene expression was analysed by using a CAT ELISA method, in the cell lines used one of the late genes had been replaced by a CAT reporter gene. Several small molecules where investigated, to study the regulation of the late gene expression. The results of the study was that a regulation of the late gene expression could be seen when pBELMCAT was treated with TPA, TA and RA where TPA gave the highest increase in the late gene expression. TA/RA combined with TPA increased the expression even more. As a conclusion it seems possible for small molecules to be used in treatments for cervical cancer that is caused by HPV 16, to upregulate the late gene expression and maybe be able to eliminate the infection before serious damage and disease can develop.

Development and applications of a novel, thermoresponsive scaffold for three-dimensional cell culture

Rossouw, C.L. (Claire Louise) 01 May 2013 (has links)
Although conventional two-dimensional (2D) cell culture is convenient for routine work, researchers are turning to three-dimensional (3D) cell culture for more accurate, physiologically representative information on the way their cells behave and respond to stimuli. Cells can now be routinely cultured in the many commercially available 3D formats. In this study, we developed non-woven scaffolds for 3D cell culture and enhanced cell function. By making use of methods that measure the behaviour of liver cells in the 3D system we were able to demonstrate, compared to standard 2D systems, significantly higher expression of key liver enzymes involved in drug metabolism and albumin production (specifically cytochrome P450). Cell proliferation on the various scaffolds was comparable to that of a commercially available hydrogel 3D cell culture system, AlgimatrixTM. When culturing cells in 3D, the means by which cells are harvested or extracted from the 3D scaffold for downstream applications is more challenging than in 2D. For this reason, many of the 3D scaffolds currently manufactured are either bio-degradable or require the use of salts to dissolve the scaffold which may negatively impact on the cells they contain. By grafting the non-woven scaffolds with the thermoresponsive polymer, poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm), we demonstrated that cells growing on the scaffolds are able to be released from the scaffold in a 3D conformation, non-enzymatically, through temperature changes. Selected thermoresponsive non-woven fabrics were also tested in an automated cell culture device for cell proliferation and thermally induced harvesting. One of the applications of a 3D cell culturing system would be in exploration of the many diseases plaguing mankind, in particular malaria which is still responsible for severe disease and mortality, especially in Africa. Most available antimalarials are designed to target the pathogenic blood stages in humans and to address the constant threat of drug resistance. However, to meet the objective of malaria eradication, medicines that block parasite transmission also need to be developed. Molecules that efficiently target the parasite stages in the liver would prevent pathogenesis, symptoms and transmission. Equipped with the knowledge that the infectious sporozoites traverse several hepatocytes prior to cell infection, it may be physiologically limiting to culture the exo-erythrocytic stage in vitro in a 2D cell culture system where the hepatocytes are in an unnatural flat conformation, distinctly different to their in vivo counterparts. Moreover, monolayer cell cultures lose their tissue-related functions rapidly, greatly impairing the predictive power of such assays. Thus, the second aim of this thesis was to establish if hepatocytes that have been cultured on 3D non-woven scaffolds improve in vitro sporozoite invasion compared to conventional 2D systems. Sporozoite invasion was detected in the conventional 2D monolayers using a TaqMan® assay but not in the hepatocytes growing in 3D. Future studies beyond the scope of this thesis will include modifications to the 3D scaffold to attempt achieving superior sporozoite invasion in this model system. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Biochemistry / unrestricted

Designing ionic-complementary hydrogels for bone tissue repair

Castillo Diaz, Luis Alberto January 2015 (has links)
In recent years, the degradation and subsequent loss of tissues is an issue that has affected people worldwide. Although there are treatments addressing the degradation of tissues, such treatments involve complicated and expensive procedures, where full tissue regeneration is not achieved. For these reasons, in recent years, tissue engineering has developed cutting-edge biomaterials capable of inducing effective tissue regeneration both under cellular or acellular conditions. Peptide hydrogels are versatile biomaterials composed of the basic components of life amino acids, which act as building blocks to form hierarchical structures, which subsequently go on to form well-defined scaffolds. Biomaterials have been widely used for the culture of mammalian cells, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, drug delivery, etc. This is thanks to their capability of providing a three-dimensional architecture to cells, which mimics the natural architecture of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Peptide- based hydrogels can be easily functionalised with active biological cues, which can direct the cellular response. It has been shown that the ionic-complementary FEFEFKFK hydrogel, succeeded to support the culture of mammalian cells such as bovine chondrocytes. In this work, we used the same FEFEFKFK hydrogel to investigate the capability of this hydrogel to support the three-dimensional culture of both human osteoblasts (hOBs), and human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) for bone regeneration applications. To achieve this goal, hOBs were cultured within both FEFEFKFK (non-functionalised) and RGD-FEFEFKFK (functionalised) gels. Then the suitability of the FEFEFKFK gels to induce cellular proliferation, synthesis of bone ECM and mineralisation was explored. In addition, taking advantage of the inherent plasticity of hMSCs, we also investigated the capability of the FEFEFKFK gel to foster the osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs, and subsequently to induce bone mineralisation in 3-D under osteogenic stimulation. Based on the results obtained in this work, the FEFEFKFK gel arises as a promising biomaterial for both bone and dental tissue regeneration applications.

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