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Edge Processing of Image for UAS Sense and AvoidanceRave, Christopher J. 26 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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How can we increase sociability amongst elderly through Interaction design?Lindén, Felix January 2019 (has links)
Detta projekt undersöker social isolering och ensamhet bland äldre. Målet med projektet är att öka sällskapligheten bland äldre. Metoderna bygger på en användarcentrerad strategi och med kvalitativ forskning och kvantitativ data som genereras. Som en del av en interaktionsdesignstudie. Teorier om vad som har gjorts i fältet presenteras och relaterat arbete för att förstå fältet. Insikten från den empiriska studien definierar problem i designprocessen, från intervjuerna och undersökningen. I designprocessen presenteras såväl metoder som används för att skapa idéer som resultatet. Designprocessen presenterar nio koncept som en lösning på forskningsfrågan. Avslutningen och diskussionen presenterar nya idéer och tankar om hur projektet kan ha tagits i en annan designmetod och utforskning. / This project explores social isolation and loneliness among elders. The goal of the project is to increase sociability among elders. The methods are based on a user-centered approach and with qualitative research and quantitative data generated. As part of an interaction design study. Theories about what has been done in the field are presented and related work to get an understanding of the field. The insights gained from the empirical study define problems in the design process, from the interviews and survey. In the design process methods that are used to create ideas are presented as well as the result. The design process presents nine concepts as a solution to the research question. The conclusion and discussion present new ideas and thoughts on how the project might have been taken in a different design approach and exploration.
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Congestion control for Content-Centric Networking / Contrôle de congestion pour les réseaux orientés contenuRozhnova, Natalya 20 May 2015 (has links)
Les ressources d'un réseau informatique sont partagées par un grand nombre d'utilisateurs, le réseau peut devenir congestionné voire saturé. Le contrôle de congestion est un élément critique garantissant son bon fonctionnement. Encore récemment, les problématiques d'ingénierie de trafic et de QoS n'étaient pas explorées dans le cadre des réseaux CCN (Content-Centric Networking).L'objectif de cette thèse consiste à évaluer l'impact de la congestion dans CCN, à concevoir un mécanisme de contrôle de congestion et à en évaluer l'efficacité.Nous avons réalisé une telle solution en deux temps. D'une part, nous proposons le mécanisme HoBHIS qui repose sur l'équilibrage de flot définie dans CCN. Ce mécanisme, déployé sur chaque routeur CCN, consiste à surveiller les échanges réalisés sur un même tampon de transmission. Il contrôle dynamiquement le taux d'envoi des demandes de contenu afin de garantir qu'au niveau du goulot d'étranglement, la taille de la file d'attente des paquets de donnée correspondante tende vers un seuil préconfiguré. D'autre part, nous proposons un mécanisme contrôlant le débit d'envoi d'un client afin d'éviter une congestion des files d'attente des noeuds CCN impliqués dans la communication.Nous avons prouvé mathématiquement l'efficacité de nos mécanismes et évalué leur performance à l'aide du simulateur ndnSIM.Les résultats de notre travail sont publiés dans des conférences internationales renommées. Nous avons aussi collaboré avec Cisco Systems (Boston, USA), qui s'est intéressé à nos travaux. Les résultats issus de cette collaboration sont publiés dans un article international qui a reçu un "Best Paper Award" et sont présentés dans cette thèse. / The network resources are shared between a large number of users. It may potentially create a risk for buffer overflow and performance degradation. That is why congestion control is critical to guarantee network performance. Congestion control schemes have been widely studied in the past but only recently in the context of CCN (Content-Centric Networking).This thesis explores the congestion control risk of CCN, identifies the bottlenecks and proposes strategies to circumvent them. We have designed our original hop-by-hop Interest shaping mechanism (HoBHIS) that nicely exploits the flow balance enforced in CCN between Interest and Chunk packets. It monitors active conversations sharing the transmission buffer of a CCN node face in order to dynamically adjust their Interest sending rate and enforce the Chunk queue length to converge to a defined objective. This mechanism is implemented in each CCN node. Then, we extended HoBHIS in order to address several important concerns that might occur in CCN. We proposed a Tolerance mechanism that controls the Clients sending rate as well as prevents the loss of Interest packets. We demonstrated the efficiency of our mechanisms through mathematical proofs and simulations performed in ndnSIM.Our results have been published in international conferences. The work has generated interest from the networking community. Particularly, "Cisco Systems" invited us to join their project on developing Named-Data Networking (NDN) traffic control mechanism. As one of the important results of this collaboration is a research article that got a SIGCOMM ICN workshop’13 “Best paper award”. This paper is also presented as a part of the dissertation.
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Stabilisation et optimisation des réseaux de diffusion de contenu / Stabilizing and optimizing content delivery networksBenchaita, Walid 09 December 2016 (has links)
Un content delivery network (CDN), ou réseau de diffusion de contenu, Sont considérés comme la solution potentielle pour délivrer le volume de contenu croissant. Bien que les solutions CDN soient progressivement intégrées à l'infrastructure réseau, elles montrent toujours des limites technologiques pour faire face au nombre croissant d'applications exigeantes et gourmande en bande passante. Dans cette thèse, la principale cible de nos contributions est le routage des requêtes, qui est un mécanisme de livraison de contenu qui a un impact clé sur l'échelle et la performance du CDN, ainsi que sur la qualité de l'expérience perçue par l'utilisateur.Nous présentons tout d'abord un schéma flexible et un algorithme d'optimisation, basé sur la théorie de Lyapunov, pour le routage des requêtes dans les CDN. Notre approche en ligne fournit une qualité de service stable aux clients, tout en améliorant les délais de livraison de contenu. Elle réduit également les coûts de transport des données pour les opérateurs et surpasse les techniques existantes en termes de gestion du trafic de pointe.Deuxièmement, pour surmonter les limites du mécanisme de redirection utilisé dans les solutions de routage de demandes, nous introduisons une nouvelle approche de diffusion de contenu intégrant des principes de réseau centré sur l'information ou Information-centric networking (ICN) sans nécessiter de changement dans le réseau sous-jacent. Cette solution améliore les performances de diffusion de contenu et permet la mise en œuvre de stratégies de routage de demandes rentables. / Today, many devices are capable to capture full HD videos and use their network connections to access the Internet. The popularization of these devices and continuous efforts to increase network quality has brought a proper environment for the rise of live streaming. Associated with the large scale of Users Generated Content (UGC), live streaming presents new challenges. Content Delivery Networks (CDN)are considered as the potential solution to deliver this rising content volume. Although CDN solutions are progressively integrated with the network infrastructure, they still show technological limitations in dealing with the increasing amount of bandwidth-hungry and demanding applications. In this thesis, the main target of our contributions is request routing, which is a content delivery mechanism that has a key impact on scale and performance of the CDN, as well as on the perceived Quality of Experience (QoE). First, we present a flexible scheme and an optimization algorithm, based on Lyapunov theory, for request routing in CDNs. Our online approach provides a stable quality of service to clients, while improving content delivery delays. It also reduces data transport costs for operators and outperforms existing techniques in terms of peak traffic management.Second, to overcome the limitations of the redirection mechanism used in current request routing solutions, we introduce a new approach to content delivery incorporating Information-Centric Networking (ICN) principles without requiring any change in the underlying network. This solution improves content delivery performance and enables the implementation of cost efficient request routing strategies.
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Reframing Integrated Operations as Design ProcessMoss, Tracy, M.A. 15 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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User-centric approach in the pursuit of improved interior climateKrausz, Roland January 2022 (has links)
The field of building services and the topic of interior user-centric climate has been gaining on importance in recent years. The pandemic of COVID-19 has resulted in an increased amount of time spent indoors, extensive energy usage in the built environment, and has also brought up the important issue of a pleasant interior climate. These two implications have become prominent on top of the ones resulting from the existent, persistently growing threat which is posed on our planet by climate change. Rising temperatures & increasing amount of sunlight, extensive energy consumption due to higher demand for cooling and heating, especially in large buildings (i.e. office buildings) occupied by large amounts of people with different preferences and user habits - these are all challenges we now have to face. Considering these challenges, this thesis suggests how a holistic approach could protect against them, mitigate their further development and so prevent their future impact on us humans. The overarching goal of this thesis, the pursuit of the “ideal” interior climate in office buildings, is achieved through setting up scenarios where different variations of daylighting, thermal comfort and energy consumption will be experimented with. The “ideal” interior climate will then be determined through assessing these scenarios and their corresponding results, yielding a recommendation for building future office spaces - these will no longer be only functional and provide shelter, but will also support interior occupant comfort and be efficient while doing so.
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Environmental Dependence of H-alpha Disks in Nearby Star-Forming GalaxiesWightman, Jacqueline N. January 2020 (has links)
We use Integral Field Unit (IFU) data for a subset of galaxies in the MaNGA (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory) sample to investigate the environmental dependence of H-alpha properties for nearby star-forming galaxies. We characterize the non-AGN H-alpha emission for galaxies living in different host environments with radial gradient measurements, half-light radii, as well as measures of concentration and asymmetry. We find that global specific star formation rates (sSFR) are lower in nearby star-forming galaxies in groups and clusters compared to those in the field, and the lowest in high density environments such as group or cluster centres. From the resolved data we find that the overall reduction in H-alpha emission in star-forming galaxies in denser environments occurs across the face of these galaxies, suggesting starvation as a primary quenching mechanism. We further find that H-alpha disks are truncated in group galaxies that live nearer the center of the halo compared to those in the outer halo or field, which may be due to ram pressure stripping in these dense environments. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / In order to understand the evolution of galaxies over time, it is necessary to determine the relative importance of external and internal factors that affect galaxy star formation. We know that galaxies in dense environments have less star formation (are quenched) compared to galaxies in the field. However, the mechanisms that dominate this quenching are less well constrained. We use a sample of galaxies in the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey to investigate the dependence of star formation on other galaxy properties as well as properties of the host environment. We find that galaxies have reduced H-alpha emission, a signature of star formation, across the entire face of the galaxy in groups and clusters compared to galaxies in the field. We further find that galaxies nearer the centre of the group or cluster halo have truncated H-alpha disks compared to galaxies in the outer part of the halo or in the field.
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The right light at the right time for bipolar patients. An exploratory study of light environments for patients with bipolar disease in behavioral health clinicsSvanberg, Mira January 2021 (has links)
Research has showed that different light scenarios have a profound effect on hospitalized bipolar patients. Different light situations decrease the hospital stay for patients during both manic and depressive episodes. Nevertheless, a field study carried out during this thesis work of two arbitrary patient rooms in Swedish behavioral health clinics showed no incorporation of this knowledge in the light design of the rooms. Both patient rooms had insufficient light levels both in terms of circadian recommendations and perceived brightness. Hence this thesis suggests an improved light design for patient rooms housing bipolar patients. The basis of the improved design is to incorporate a dynamic, circadian lighting that varies depending on the patient's need and diagnosed episode.
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Designing a Demand Forecasting Service in a Food-delivery Platform / Utformning av en tjänst för efterfrågeprognostisering på en matleveransplattformPramudita, Krisnaldi Eka January 2020 (has links)
This thesis presents a preliminary design of a demand forecasting service using a service design approach. The service aims to provide a better user experience when forecasting demands for the Operational Managers (OM) in an online food-delivery platform. Based on the internal user interviews, demand forecasting is essential to plan the right yet efficient balance between order demand and delivery supply. However, some limitations were discovered in the existing process that creates unnecessary manual work, and therefore less time productivity. This thesis explores whether to create a better digital and centralized forecasting service and can be introduced to reduce the manual tasks as much as possible using Machine Learning models. The research methodologies used in this thesis are the user-centric design methods, for example, semi-structured interviews, Affinity diagrams, Stakeholder Mapping, Persona, User Journey Mapping, and Service Blueprint. Moreover, the research highlights the current gaps in the forecasting process and presents comprehensive suggestions in designing the forecasting service. The results also combined the stakeholder aspirations to ensure operational efficiency and user-centric design methods to solve those gaps. / Denna uppsats presenterar en preliminär design för en tjänst för efterfrågeprognostisering med hjälp av en tjänstedesignmetod. Tjänsten syftar till att ge en bättre användarupplevelse vid prognostisering av efterfrågan för de operativa cheferna på en online-matleveranstjänst. Intervjuer med interna användare visade att prognostisering av efterfrågan är viktig för att kunna planera en korrekt men effektiv balans mellan efterfrågan och antalet kurirer. I den nuvarande processen upptäcktes dock några begränsningar som skapar onödigt manuellt arbete och mindre tidsproduktivitet. Förslaget var att skapa en bättre digital och centraliserad prognostiseringstjänst och minska de manuella uppgifterna så mycket som möjligt med hjälp av maskininlärningsmodeller. I forskningen tillämpades användarcentrerade designmetoder, till exempel halvstrukturerade intervjuer, affinitetsdiagram, intressentkartläggning, persona, kartläggning av kundresor och service blueprint. Dessutom belyste forskningen de befintliga luckorna i hela processen och presenterade omfattande förbättringsförslag för utformningen av prognostiseringstjänsten. Resultaten kombinerade också intressenternas ambitioner för att säkerställa operativ effektivitet med användarcentrerade designmetoder för att lösa rätt problem. Prognostiseringstjänsten utvecklades av företaget utgående från forskningsresultatet.
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A Novel Approach for User-Centric Privacy Protection on the WebOad, Satish Kumar 07 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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