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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Temporalisation des espaces dans quelques romans espagnols au tournant du siècle (1985-2005) : autoréférentialité et chronotopes

Ayala Flores del Vecchio, María del Carmen 28 March 2013 (has links)
Dans le prolongement du travail effectué par le centre d'études et de recherches sociocritiques sur le volume intitulé Chronotopes : les espaces du temps, nous examinons les descriptions spatiotemporelles dans onze romans historiques espagnols de la fin du XXe siècle et du début du XXIe siècle. L'analyse est effectuée à partir de deux axes : la description des espaces communs aux différents romans du corpus et leur temporalisation manifeste à travers les différentes déclinaisons du temps historique et du temps cyclique. Il s'agit de démontrer si ces descriptions ont une fonction de référentialité nous ramenant à l'Histoire ou si, au contraire, elles renvoient à la construction narrative. Ce travail permet de déceler des chronotopes référentiels, nous ramenant à l'Histoire, et des chronotopes internes à caractère essentiellement structurant. Le questionnement est aussi de déterminer si les chronotopes restent ordonnés par une conscience du temps contemporaine aux auteurs où si l'orientation historique de l'écriture met en place ceux du passé. La conscience du temps est susceptible de présenter une évolution entre les représentations chronotopiques des œuvres publiées à la fin du millénaire et celles du début du XXIe siècle. Dans cette perspective, nous sommes amenés à considérer les événements politiques et sociaux du tournant du siècle en Espagne et à les mettre en relation avec l'expression du temps dans les chronotopes qui structurent les romans. Afin de mieux apprécier la portée des chronotopes, c'est le principe de la diversité qui a guidé le choix du corpus. / In the continuation of work carried out by the “Centre d'études et de recherches sociocritiques” (Center for Sociocritical Studies and Research) on the volume entitled chronotopes: the spaces of time, we examine the spatiotemporal descriptions in Spanish of eleven historical novels in the late twentieth century and early twenty-first century. The analysis is performed along two axes: the description of common spaces for the various novels of the corpus and their temporality, manifested through the different versions of historical time and cyclical time. The issue we want to tackle is whether these descriptions create a referentiality bringing us back to history or whether, instead, they refer to the narrative construction. This work detects referential chronotopes leading us back to history and chronotopes that are essentially oriented to internal structuring. The question is whether the chronotopes are ordered by an awareness of authors' contemporaneity or if the orientation of historical writing sets up those of the past. Awareness of time is likely to present an evolution between the chronotopical representations of works published at the end of the millennium and the early twenty-first century. In this perspective, we are led to consider the political and social events at the turn of the century in Spain and to connect them with the expression of time contained in the chronotopes that shape the novels. The choice of our corpus was guided by the principle of diversity to better assess the scope of chronotope. The criteria for its formation have taken into consideration the ages of the authors, the success of the works and the historical periods treated.

L'exemplarité de la fiction dans le roman espagnol contemporain

Fauquet, Isabelle 03 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse analyse comment la fiction espagnole contemporaine renoue avec la tradition de l'exemplarité littéraire, à travers l'étude d'un corpus de sept œuvres publiées au tournant du XXe (1998-2004). Elle tente de mettre en lumière l'évolution de la notion d'exemplarité dans une perspective diachronique mais aussi synchronique, à travers le prisme du paradigme de pensée contemporain centré sur la notion d'individu. Les nouvelles modalités de l'exemplarité au sein de la prose narrative actuelle sont appréhendées à partir de la réactivation de son support traditionnel -- la figure du héros -- mais aussi des possibilités nouvelles qu'offrent le questionnement des frontières génériques et l'ambiguïté du pacte de lecture. Dans un monde dépourvu de consensus idéologique, les auteurs du corpus forgent leur propre grille d'interprétation du réel et substituent des réponses éthiques particulières, mais toutefois crédibles et acceptables par le lecteur, à l'imposition de vérités globales et universelles. L'exemplarité, telle qu'elle est à l'œuvre dans le roman actuel, entraîne alors une nouvelle forme d'engagement caractérisée par l'énoncé d'une éthique consubstantielle à la création littéraire.

Modelagem da paisagem da Floresta Estacional Decidual no Vão do Paranã, Goiás / Modelling landscape of seasonal decidual forest form Vao do Parana Valley, State of Goias

HERMUCHE, Potira Meirelles 10 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T12:05:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Potira Hermuche.pdf: 2991051 bytes, checksum: c339e425379e980c3d0328785a889e09 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-10 / Current dry forests in the Vão do Paranã region, northeastern Goiás State, Brazil, are strongly fragmented mainly because of intense cattle ranching activities. This affects the ecological dynamics of flora and fauna since the connectivity among remaining fragments is reduced. The objectives of this study was: a) to map dry forests occurrences in the study area; b) to determine the relevant geoenvironmental indicators that control dry forest occurrences in the landscape; c) to find areas with high pressure in terms of human occupation of remaining fragments; and d) to propose an operational strategy for dry forest conservation. The map of dry forest occurrences was obtained from the image interpretation of multitemporal LANDSAT satellite scenes. The environmental controllers analyzed were climate, topography, geology and soils. The human occupation pressure in the remaining fragments was analyzed based on the metrics obtained from land use and land cover map, environmental data and social and economical data. The proposal for conservation strategy of dry forests was based on the idea of using tree species such as the Aroeira (Myracroduon urundeuva) found in cultivated pastures as living fences before they are cut as invasors by the farmers. Results indicated the presence of approximately 190,000 hectares of dry forests in the study area. The largest fragments were mostly found in the central and northern parts of Vão do Paranã. It was found that there was a strong relationship between lithology (carbonatic rocks) and the presence of dry forests, both in plain areas and in rocky outcrops. A detailed qualitative analysis indicated the main controls for the establishment of the dry forests: strong water table variation in the soil-bedrock profile, the soil eutrofism and the climatic seasonality, allowing a hierarchy that can be described as: strong water table variation in the soil-bedrock profile > soil eutrofism > lithology > climatic seasonality > rainfall > soils > hipsometry > slope. As the most remaining fragments are located in hilly areas with limestone outcrops, only 1% presented high and very high tendencies for land occupation, though they are facing strong wood selective loggings. The substitution of dead fences for living fences and the increment of isolated trees indicated an increase of permeability of matriz and of conectivity among remaining vegetation fragments. The simulation of a scenery based on three test sites indicated that such substitution would result, for the entire Vao do Paranã region, in 338,520 trees saved (4.2 km2) and 5,077,800 new trees planted in form of living fences (63,5 km2). Regarding isolated trees, in the case of all pasture areas present an average of 310 trees per km2, this would represent 42 km2 of vegetation cover. / Atualmente, a Floresta Estacional Decidual (FED) na região do Vão do Paranã, nordeste do estado de Goiás, encontra-se bastante fragmentada principalmente em função da intensa atividade pecuária, fato que compromete a dinâmica ecológica da flora e da fauna por meio da alteração na conectividade entre os fragmentos remanescentes. O objetivo da presente tese foi: a) mapear as áreas de ocorrência atual de FED na área de estudo; b) determinar os principais controles geoambientais relacionados com o seu estabelecimento na paisagem; c) indicar as áreas com forte tendência de ocupação dos fragmentos remanescentes; e d) apresentar uma estratégia operacional para sua conservação na região. O mapeamento das áreas de ocorrência de FED foi obtido com base na análise de imagens multitemporais do satélite LANDSAT, enquanto os principais controles geoambientais analisados foram clima, topografia, geologia e solos. As tendências de ocupação dos fragmentos remanescentes foram analisadas com base nas métricas obtidas de mapas de uso e cobertura da terra, dados ambientais e dados socioeconômicos. A sugestão de estratégia de conservação da FED foi baseada na proposta de utilizar espécies arbóreas como a Aroeira (Myracroduon urundeuva) que rebrotam em áreas de pastagens cultivadas na produção de cercas vivas. Os resultados indicaram a presença na região de aproximadamente 190.000 hectares de FED. Os fragmentos maiores dessa fitofisionomia encontram-se distribuídos essencialmente na região centro-norte do Vão do Paranã. Verificou-se a existência de uma forte relação entre a litologia (rochas carbonáticas) e a presença de FED, tanto em áreas planas como em afloramentos rochosos. A análise qualitativa detalhada indicou como principais controles para o estabelecimento da FED a variação hídrica do perfil solo-rocha, o eutrofismo dos solos e a sazonalidade climática, permitindo uma hierarquização que pode ser descrita como : variação hídrica do perfil solo-rocha> eutrofismo dos solos> litologia > sazonalidade climática > total pluviométrico > classes de solos > hipsometria > declividade. Como a maioria dos fragmentos remanescentes está localizada nas áreas de relevo acidentado com presença de afloramentos de calcário, apenas 1% apresentou tendências alta e muito alta de uso e ocupação, apesar de sofrerem com intensa exploração seletiva de madeira. A substituição das cercas mortas por cercas vivas e o incremento de árvores isoladas indicou aumento na permeabilidade da matriz e na conectividade entre os fragmentos de vegetação remanescentes. A simulação de um cenário baseado em três áreas-teste indicou que essa substituição resultaria, para todo o Vão do Paranã, em 338.520 árvores poupadas (4,2 km2) e 5.077.800 novas árvores plantadas em forma de cercas vivas (63,5 km2). No que diz respeito às árvores isoladas, caso todas as áreas de pastagem apresentassem uma média de 310 árvores isoladas por km2, essas representariam 42 km2 de cobertura vegetal.

Écriture de l’histoire et geste littéraire : la production du savoir historique chez Javier Cercas et Daniel Mendelsohn

Garneau, François-Xavier 08 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire a pour but d’examiner les romans Le Monarque des ombres (2017) de Javier Cercas et The Lost (2006) de Daniel Mendelsohn afin de voir comment leurs auteurs y produisent du savoir sur l’histoire, sur la mémoire familiale et sur la mémoire collective. Les deux auteurs écrivent sur leurs grands-oncles : le grand-oncle de Cercas est mort en Espagne, du côté franquiste, pendant la guerre civile (1936-1939). Celui de Mendelsohn est assassiné, avec sa femme et ses quatre filles, en Pologne en 1942 au cours de la Shoah par balles. Dans leurs textes, Cercas et Mendelsohn restituent les étapes des recherches qu’ils ont menées pour retrouver des informations sur les circonstances de la vie et de la mort de leurs grands-oncles. Afin de réfléchir à la nature du geste littéraire qu’ils proposent à l’égard de l’histoire et de la mémoire familiale et collective, nous effectuons dans un premier temps un état des lieux des différents débats académiques récents sur les rapports histoire-littérature. Nous poursuivons ensuite en analysant les procédés métatextuels et autoréflexifs déployés par les deux auteurs dans leurs textes, de manière à voir comment ces procédés reflètent les enjeux éthiques, méthodologiques et épistémologiques de leur démarche et la complexité du savoir qu’ils produisent. Finalement, nous étudions l’usage fait par Cercas et Mendelsohn des archives dans leurs textes. Ce faisant, nous pouvons voir comment les archives photographiques, notamment, sont médiatrices du rapport identitaire et mémoriel qu’entretiennent les deux auteurs avec leurs grands-oncles. / This dissertation aims to examine the novels Lord of All the Dead by Javier Cercas and The Lost by Daniel Mendelsohn to see how their authors produce knowledge on history and on familial and collective memory. Both writers focus their novels on their great-uncles: Cercas’ great-uncle died in the Spanish civil war (1936-1939) fighting with the Francoist army. Mendelsohn’s great-uncle was killed in Poland in 1942 during the Shoah by bullets with his wife and four daughters. In their texts, Cercas and Mendelsohn reconstruct the different stages of their researches to find out about the lives and deaths of their great-uncles. In order to reflect on the literary texts they wrote and its relations to history and familial and collective memory, we first make a summary of some of the recent debates in the academic field about the relationship between literature and history. We go on by analyzing the metatextual and self-reflexive devices both authors use, to see how they reflect the ethical, methodological and epistemological issues of their approach and the complexity of the knowledge they produce. Finally, we look at how Cercas and Mendelsohn use archives in their texts. By doing so, we can see how archives, mostly photographic archives, are used as devices that reflect the identity and memorial link that connects both authors with their great-uncles.

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