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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國公立國民中小學教師檢定與聘任制度之研究--以臺北縣市為例 / Study of Teacher Certification and Employment System of Public Elementary and Junior High Schools in Taiwan

林信志, Alex Lin, C. Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要研究目的在於探討我國公立中小學教師檢定與聘任制度之現況、相關問題及具體改進建議,包含教師檢定與教師証相關問題、甄聘介聘教師相關問題以及教師聘約相關問題三個部分。為達成上述目的,研究者採用文獻分析法、問卷調查法以及訪談法;首先分析教師檢定與聘任制度之理論基礎,以了解教師檢定與聘任制度之意義、功能與理想制度該如何運作;接著探討美國公立中小學教師檢定聘任制度可供我國借鏡與參考之作法;接著編製『國民中小學教師檢定與聘任制度運作成效與改進途徑之問卷』,針對臺北縣市國民中小學教育行政人員、兼行政之教師、未兼行政之教師、人事、校長及家長會委員進行調查研究;然後依問卷回收後之分析結果,選取專長為檢定聘任制度的學者、教育行政界之專家、學校行政界之專家進行訪談。最後綜合研究結果,建議我國公立中小學教師檢定與聘任制度可行之改進途徑,以提供相關單位決策及後續之研究。 本研究之問卷調查對象為臺北縣市之公立中小學教育人員以及教育局行政人員,樣本之取得採分層抽樣而來,共抽取47所學校與2所教育局,574位教育人員,回收有效樣本為490份,問卷資料處理採用SPSS10.0版進行統計分析;訪談資料處理則是逐題將專家學者之意見條列歸納。 據此,研究者係將本研究之調查結果發現與文獻探討發現作成結論如下: 一、教師檢定與教師証相關問題方面 (一)我國現行初檢與複檢制度不具篩選功能,形同虛設。 (二)現行實習制度問題重重,應取消現行制度,改為職前培育課程之一部分。 (三)應將現行教師檢定制度加入檢定考試。 (四)應儘速建立教師証撤回機制以保障學生受教權。 (五)應儘速建立教師証換証機制以成為教師專業化之基礎。 二、甄聘、介聘教師相關問題 (一)教師甄選與介聘之辦理方式以縣市教育局統一辦理為佳,但仍應尊重各校選擇。 (二)各校自行辦理教師甄選有其優點,然實務上缺點更多。 (三)無論公費分發或教育局甄選介聘而來之教師都應接受教評會審查,但其審查權應有所規範。 (四)校長對教師人選有異議,仍應尊重多數教評委員之決定。 (五)教師甄選評比方式各有優缺,唯相互搭配使用,才較具客觀性。 三、教師聘約相關問題 (一)一般國民中小學教評會沒有能力、也沒有意願處理教師之解聘、停聘、不續聘及淘汰學校之不適任教師。 (一)同一學校長聘教師之聘期宜統一訂定。 (二)我國教師聘約之設計不具實質意義。 本研究根據文獻探討、調查研究發現與結論作成以下建議: 一、教師檢定、聘任制度專業組織方面,本研究之建議如下: (一)建議教育部成立全國性教師資格檢定單位,且應為常設機構。 (二)建議各縣市教育局成立教師聘任審議單位,且應為常設機構。 二、教師檢定與教師証相關問題方面,本研究之建議如下: (一)由各師資培育機構負責第一階段檢定工作,可考慮加入校內資格考。 (二)國家舉辦之檢定考試應為教師基本能力測驗。 (三)仿美國之變通檢覈制度為我國另類教育另闢師資來源管道。 三、甄聘、介聘教師相關問題,本研究之建議如下: (一)應對選擇自辦之各校有所規範,使其甄選過程兼具公正與專業。 (二)各校自行決定教師甄審辦理方式之規定可考慮加入「罰則」。 四、教師聘約設計相關問題,本研究之建議如下: (一)各校教評會對教師解聘、停聘、不續聘之職權行使,若未盡其職,校長或校務會議有權移請主管教育行政機關依法處理。 (二)建議加入定期評鑑教師之制度以為續聘之依據。 (三)適度增加長聘教師之福利待遇。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the current situation and problems of teacher certification and employment system of public elementary and junior high schools in Taiwan, and then to look for the best and practical solutions to the problematic issues, which are inclusive of teacher certification and teacher certificate/licensure, teacher selection and employment, and teacher agreement. The methods of this study comprise literature analysis, comparative approach, questionnaire investigation, as well as follow-up interviews. Subjects of this study consisted educational and school administrators, teachers, parents, and experts in Taipei. Valid data from 574 subjects were analyzed together with the information of interviews from 7 experts. The major findings of this study include : 1.Both the first stage and the second stage of current teacher certification were considered dysfunctional in evaluating pre-service teachers, so that most subjects supported the certification exam. 2.The current internship system is supposed to be cancelled, and to become a part of teacher preparation curriculum of colleges or universities. 3.1t is necessary to establish renewal and withdrawal system of teacher licensure in order to promote the teaching quality. 4.The city/county committees of teacher selection were mostly supported, but each school should still have the right to choose the way of selecting teachers. 5.Every kinds of teachers should be examined and assessed by SCTSE (school committee of teacher selection and employment ) before employed. 6.The principals should respect the decisions made by most members of SCTSE. 7.The SCTSE was considered unable and unwilling to deal with employing and unemploying teachers. 8.The device of teacher tenure was considered unmeaning.

Enhancing the effectiveness of information access and consumption for organic farmers in rural areas using mobile commerce

Lu, Nhiem January 2007 (has links)
In the last few years the demand for organic products has increased rapidly resulting in a strong growth of the organic industry worldwide. Organic certification is globally used to guarantee that 'organic' labelled produce follow the principles and standards of organic agriculture set by international and national organic certification bodies. Currently the lengthy and complex process of organic certification is entirely paper based and requires multiple access by organic primary producers to the certifying body involving precise data capture and transfer over a long period of time. The paper based organic certification has some significant disadvantages such as being time-consuming, error-prone (in particular transcription errors) and complex. Any improvement of the paper based organic certification process can lead to higher efficiency, lower costs and time savings for primary producers and certifying bodies. Australia is a major supplier of organic produce holding almost half of the organic farmland worldwide. However, Australia?s unique geography provides challenges by means of huge distances and poor rural telecommunication coverage for the sustainable agriculture sector. The disadvantages of the paper based organic certification are this kind of environment more severe. Up until now, there has not been a software solution supporting organic primary producers in their certification process, let alone a mobile software solution. In any case there are many farm management software solutions available but they do not take into account the specific issues in organic agriculture such as soil management, pest control, or fertilisation of land/animals. The Mobile Organic Certification (MobiCert) project was created to overcome these disadvantages focussing on the development of a mobile information portal which can be accessed through mobile Internet using GPRS or 3G technology enabling primary producers access and provision to organic certification related information in field using their mobile phones. The MobiCert project investigates the effectiveness of mobile devices (mobile phones/PDAs) for (some of) the stages of the computerised organic certification, in particular in terms of information access and provision. Designed as a proof-of-concept project the investigation takes place in South Australia targeting the NASAA organic certified primary producers there. The MobiCert project is a pilot project within the SAmCom (Sustainable Agriculture m-Commerce) project framework, which aims to enhance the information access and provision for primary producers through m-Commerce. It is a joint project of the University of South Australia, m.Net, NASAA, e-Cert and the Fraunhofer Institute Using a qualitative approach in a rapid appraisal case study the goals of the MobiCert project are: to create a theoretical model (RuTADIM) for the mobile technology acceptance and diffusion of innovation in remote and rural areas; and to develop and test a prototype mobile information community for organic certification which provides access to data and information related to organic certification, (online and offline) record keeping functionalities, as well as community functionalities for communication and experience exchange of primary producers. The results of the proof-of-concept MobiCert project suggest that organic primary producers can benefit from a mobile information platform to access and provide information in rural and remote areas. The high acceptance of organic primary producer to use the mobile information community indicates the willingness to embrace new technology and solutions in the existing organic certification process. The benefits and acceptance of the MobiCert solution have to bee affirmed in follow on field studies incorporating other issues such as the underlying business models. The contributions of the MobiCert project are two-fold: firstly, it provides a theoretical model (RuTADIM) which gives insights of key influence factors for the acceptance of mobile technology and the diffusion of innovation in rural and remote areas. The RuTADIM model can be foundation for future research projects involving mobile technology rural and remote areas. Secondly, the MobiCert information community displayed the potential of mobile solutions for primary producers in remote and rural areas. The MobiCert platform is a stepping stone for future mobile solution which can build upon this platform.

Organic farming: an institutional ethnography

Wagner, Katherine 29 April 2008 (has links)
This thesis investigates challenges to promoting socially just, locally focused agriculture faced by the organic certification program that now regulates organic farming in British Columbia. This inquiry into how organic certification works is conducted as an institutional ethnography. Institutional ethnography is the methodological foundation of Dorothy Smith’s feminist sociology for people. For the institutional ethnographer, ordinary daily activity is the site for investigation of social organization. Small scale organic farmers who are committed to sustainable, socially and ecologically just agriculture offer a critical standpoint from which to explicate extra-local text mediated ruling relations. This inquiry draws on data from open-ended interviews with farmers and an independent organic certification inspector. From these accounts I begin to address how it is that BC’s organic farming certification program actually enters into and reconstitutes the everyday work of farmers and inspectors. From my findings I argue that corporate interests and a focus on global free trade in organic produce and products increasingly guide the institutional structure of organic certification programs. This in turn moves organic farming out of local, farmer control.

Σύγκριση του προγράμματος σπουδών για τη γλώσσα στο Γυμνάσιο (Παιδαγωγικό Ινστιτούτο) προς το Αναλυτικό εξεταστικό πρόγραμμα πιστοποίησης επάρκειας της ελληνομάθειας του Κέντρου Ελληνικής Γλώσσας (Γ´ επίπεδο)

Διαμαντοπούλου, Αλεξάνδρα 06 December 2013 (has links)
Σκοπός των γλωσσικών μαθημάτων είναι να καταστήσουν τους μαθητές ικανούς να χρησιμοποιούν ορθά τη γλώσσα ως θεμελιώδη κώδικα επικοινωνίας με το περιβάλλον. Τα αναλυτικά προγράμματα των σχολικών μονάδων αποτελούν τον πυρήνα της εκπαιδευτικής διαδικασίας σε όλες τις βαθμίδες εκπαίδευσης σε όλες τις χώρες του κόσμου, γιατί κατά κάποιον τρόπο αποτελούν ένα είδος «πυξίδας» στα χέρια των εκπαιδευτικών που τους κατατοπίζουν αναφορικά με την ύλη και τη μέθοδο διδασκαλίας. Σκοπός της παρούσας έρευνας είναι η σύγκριση του Προγράμματος Σπουδών για τη γλώσσα στις τρεις τάξεις του Γυμνασίου προς το Γ´ επίπεδο του Αναλυτικού Εξεταστικού Προγράμματος Πιστοποίησης Επάρκειας της Ελληνομάθειας του Κέντρου Ελληνικής Γλώσσας που απευθύνεται σε αλλόγλωσσους μαθητές. Με τη σύγκριση αυτή γίνεται προσπάθεια να εντοπιστούν κενά και παραλείψεις στα δύο Προγράμματα Σπουδών για τη γλώσσα, προκειμένου να συμπληρωθούν και να αποσαφηνιστούν τυχόν ασάφειες. / The aim of language classes is to make students capable of using language correctly in order to communicate. Curriculum is the basis of the educational process all over the world. The present study focuses on the comparison between the Greek language curriculum in Greek High Schools and the 3rd level of the curriculum for the examination and the certification of competence of the knowledge of Greek by the Greek Language Centre. The two curricula are intended for students of different backgrounds: those who have Greek as mother tongue, and those who have Greek as second / foreign language. The purpose of the present study is to pinpoint the gaps and the omissions in both language curricula.

Estratégia para introdução de requisitos da norma UL1998 em modelos UML Statechart de sistemas embarcados

Castanheira, Bárbara 08 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Aelson Maciera (aelsoncm@terra.com.br) on 2017-08-03T19:57:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissBC.pdf: 2204728 bytes, checksum: d6f6478009c1aa1b7990a8bbfc71eaa8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-08-08T19:03:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissBC.pdf: 2204728 bytes, checksum: d6f6478009c1aa1b7990a8bbfc71eaa8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-08-08T19:03:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissBC.pdf: 2204728 bytes, checksum: d6f6478009c1aa1b7990a8bbfc71eaa8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-08T19:08:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissBC.pdf: 2204728 bytes, checksum: d6f6478009c1aa1b7990a8bbfc71eaa8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-08 / Não recebi financiamento / Context: Operating in different contexts and segments, embedded systems (ESs) are increasingly present in everyday society. The ESs usually operate invisibly to the user but, even so, possible software failures cease to pose risks, causing serious material and financial damage. Taking into consideration the safety of users of ESs, government entities and institutions around the world have studied and created standards development and SEs test to ensure systems that are more robust and free from defects that may cause faults that may endanger the user. However, standards are usually applied at the level of code, which increases substantially the resources to be used if there are defects in the SE. Objective: To present the UL/ME Strategy that addresses the shortcomings described in SEs certification standard, UL 1998 level modeling, more specifically, in the model of Statechart states. The purpose is to anticipate the identification of defects, to generate code that has more chance to meet the standard requirements, preventing rework and therefore improving quality. Methodology: The study was conducted in three stages: first stage identified the defects treated by the standard UL 1998, tabulating these defects, and then, link them to the SEs components. In the second stage were designed generic models for each component and also the ESs models that represents the tests required by the standard for each components, and in the third step, it was created two proposed for use UL/ME Strategy, one for ESs already implemented and other for ESs in development. These proposals were used for evaluation of the strategy using two real ESs, one already implemented and other in development. Results: According to the requirements of UL 1998 standard, the use of Strategy UL/ME helped to correct the defects of the first ES and evaluated the development of the second ES. Conclusion: the use of Strategy UL/ME assisted in the correction of an SE already implemented and modeling of an ES in development. / Contexto: Operando em diferentes contextos e segmentos, os sistemas embarcados (SEs) estão cada vez mais presentes no cotidiano da sociedade. Os SEs geralmente operam de forma invisível ao usuário mas, nem por isso, possíveis falhas de software deixam de oferecer riscos, ocasionando sérios danos materiais e financeiros. Levando em consideração a segurança dos usuários de SEs, entidades governamentais e instituições pelo mundo têm estudado e criado normas de desenvolvimento e de teste de SEs que garantam sistemas mais robustos e livres de defeitos que possam gerar falhas que ponham em risco o usuário. Contudo, as normas são habitualmente aplicadas no nível de código, o que aumenta, substancialmente, os recursos a serem empregados caso haja defeitos no SE. Objetivo: Apresentar a estratégia UL/ME que trata os defeitos descritos na norma de certificação de SEs, a UL 1998, no nível de modelagem, mais especificamente, no modelo de estados Statechart. O propósito é antecipar a identificação dos defeitos, de forma a gerar código com mais chance de atender aos requisitos da norma, evitando retrabalho e, consequentemente, melhorando a qualidade. Método: O trabalho foi realizado em três etapas: na primeira identificaram-se os defeitos tratados pela norma UL 1998, tabulando esses defeitos de forma a associá-los aos componentes de SEs; na segunda etapa foram desenhados modelos genéricos para cada componente e também os modelos de componentes de SEs que representam os testes requeridos pela norma e na terceira etapa, criaram-se duas proposta para utilização da Estratégia UL/ME, uma para SEs já implementados e outra para SEs em desenvolvimento. Essas propostas serviram para avaliação da estratégia utilizando dois SEs reais, um já implementado e outro em desenvolvimento. Resultados: De acordo com os requisitos da norma UL 1998, o uso da Estratégia UL/ME auxiliou a correção dos defeitos do primeiro SE avaliado o desenvolvimento do segundo SE. Conclusão: o uso da Estratégia UL/ME auxiliou na correção de um SE já implementado e na modelagem de um SE em desenvolvimento.

Protection conférée à l’accréditation par le droit du travail québécois en cas de sous-traitance : analyse jurisprudentielle

Racine, Brigitte 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Movimento (socio)ambientalista e o processo de estruturação da política ambiental no estado do Rio Grande do Sul : em busca da gênese do socioambientalismo

Souza, Dina Ferreira de January 2017 (has links)
O socioambientalismo é uma vertente recente do movimento ambientalista no Rio Grande do Sul, com grande expressão em países com vasta biodiversidade como o Brasil. As características deste país, que associa a existência da expressiva biodiversidade com a presença de povos indígenas e comunidades tradicionais, evidenciam a necessidade de desenvolverem-se mecanismos de gestão ambiental que considerem tanto a sociobiodiversidade como as atividades produtivas. A metodologia, de natureza qualitativa, constou de pesquisa documental e levantamento de dados primários. Partindo de um estudo exploratório, com a intenção de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a história do (socio)ambientalismo no Estado. A pesquisa documental foi realizada a partir de documentos técnicos, normativos e regulatórios, e pesquisa nos sites das ONGs ambientalistas do Estado, documentários e entrevistas de rádio, que foram veiculados desde 1990. Partindo de uma leitura da ecologia política, objetivou-se compreender o processo de construção do socioambientalismo no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, a partir do estabelecimento da gestão socioambiental, resultante da relação do movimento (socio)ambientalista com o processo de estruturação do Estado. Para tanto, foram traçados os seguintes objetivos específicos: a) caracterizar os atores e sua contribuição para a construção do socioambientalismo no Estado; b) periodizar o processo de evolução das políticas ambientais, a partir da relação do movimento (socio)ambientalista com o processo de estruturação do Estado; c) analisar o processo de construção do socioambientalismo, a partir da implementação da gestão socioambiental. Para tanto, dá-se destaque às políticas ambientais, analisando se essas se revelam com enfoque protecionista ou se foram elaboradas considerando os aspectos sociais, de modo a abranger um caráter socioambientalista. Esta pesquisa assume um caráter interdisciplinar, no escopo da ecologia política, em diálogo com a sociologia ambiental e a gestão socioambiental, buscando entender as transformações da política e da gestão ambiental no Rio Grande do Sul, a partir de uma periodização. Nesse contexto, as categorias analisadas foram: movimento ambientalista, movimento socioambientalista, períodos, manejo florestal, gestão socioambiental e política pública ambiental. Foram identificados três períodos, evidenciando a estruturação da política ambiental do Estado relacionada às transformações do movimento ambientalista e à incorporação de uma perspectiva socioambientalista nas políticas. O primeiro período, intitulado Protecionista - Intelectual, está demarcado entre os anos 1940 a 1979; o segundo período, Institucional – Imobilizado, está demarcado entre os anos de 1980 a 1999; o terceiro período, intitulado Regulamentário – Extensionista, está demarcado entre os anos 2000 a 2015. Ele é caracterizado pelo reconhecimento de diferentes visões de sociedade-natureza, em algumas das quais o homem se identifica enquanto natureza. Considera-se que o socioambientalismo no Estado não avançou em processos de inclusão da sociobiodiversidade na pauta ambiental, como em outras regiões do país. Entretanto, constituiu-se um movimento com perspectiva socioambiental, o qual contribuiu para a estruturação da política ambiental florestal, por meio de processos pioneiros de manejo florestal, aproximando a gestão socioambiental do manejo da propriedade rural, imprimindo um caráter de extensão ambiental. Este trabalho avança na direção da aceitação da gestão socioambiental nas esferas de governo e na conservação ambiental como uma dimensão do desenvolvimento rural. / Socioenvironmentalism is a recent strand of the environmental movement in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), greatly relevant in countries with vast biodiversity such as Brazil. The characteristics of this country, which combines the existence of significant biodiversity with the presence of indigenous peoples and traditional communities, demonstrate the need to develop environmental management mechanisms that consider both socio-biodiversity and productive activities. The study applied a qualitative method comprising documentary research and primary data collection. It started from an exploratory study aimed at deepening the knowledge about the history of the (socio)environmentalism in the state of RS, Brasil. Documentary research included technical, normative and regulatory documents, as well as research on websites of environmental NGOs working in the state, documentaries and radio interviews broadcasted since 1990. Based on political ecology theories, the objective was to understand the construction of socioenvironmentalism in RS, through the establishment of socio-environmental public policies, resulting from the interaction between the (socio)environmentalist movement and the state structuring process. Thus, the following specific objectives were defined: a) characterizing the actors and their contribution to the construction of socio-environmentalism in RS; b) to establish chronological frameworks for the process of evolution of environmental policies, based on the relationship of the (socio)environmentalist movement with the structuring of the state; c) to analyze the process of construction of socio-environmentalism, through the implementation of socio-environmental public management. To this end, emphasis is placed on environmental policies, by examining whether they carry a protectionist approach or were formulated considering the social aspects, so that to cover a socio-environmentalist character. This research takes an interdisciplinary approach, within the scope of political ecology, in dialogue with environmental sociology and social and environmental public management, seeking to understand the transformations of politics and environmental management in Rio Grande do Sul, through chronological frameworks. In this context, the analyzed categories were: environmental movement, social-environmentalist movement, time-frames, forest management, socio-environmental management and environmental public policy. Three periods were identified, evidencing the structuring of the state's environmental policy related to the transformations of the environmental movement and the incorporation of a socioenvironmental perspective in the policies. The first period, named Protectionist - Intellectual, is delimited between the years 1940 to 1979; the second period, Institutional - Immobilized, between 1980 and 1999; the third period, named Regulatory - Extensionist, between the years 2000 to 2015. It is characterized by the recognition of different views of society-nature, in some of which human being equates to nature. Findings show that socio-environmentalism in the state did not advance in including socio-biodiversity into the environmental agenda as occurred in other regions of the country. However, a socio-environmental perspective was created, which contributed to the structuring of the forestry environmental policy, through pioneering processes of forest management, bringing socio-environmental management closer to rural activities, ascribing a character of environmental extension. This work advances towards the acceptance of socio-environmental management in the spheres of government and environmental conservation as a dimension of rural development.

From the quantitative to the qualitative criterion in environmental impact assessment / Del criterio cuantitativo al criterio cualitativo en la evaluación de impacto ambiental

Kahatt, Karim, Azerrad, Cecilia 10 April 2018 (has links)
The essay discusses the criteria available in Peru’s environmental impact assessment regime for mandatory modification of environmental impact studies as a result of the modification of the underlying project. The paper identifies the gaps in the cross-sector legislation on environmental impact assessment, and the deficiencies of sector-specific legislation on environmental impact assessment, which have privileged quantitative criteria associated to the size of the project, over qualitative criteria associated to the real impact of the amendment of the project. / El ensayo analiza los criterios previstos en el régimen de evaluación de impacto ambiental peruano para determinar la obligatoriedad de la modificación de los estudios de impacto ambiental como consecuencia de la modificación de los proyectos. Identifica los vacíos existentes en la legislación transectorial y las deficiencias de los regímenes sectoriales, los que han privilegiado criterios de determinación fundamentalmente cuantitativos asociados a la magnitud del proyecto, sobre criterios cualitativos asociados al real impacto de la modificación.

Vyhodnocení zavedení systému řízení kvality ve vybraném podniku / Evaluation of quality management system implementation in selected company

PODLEŠÁKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The goal of this work is to evaluate the implementation of quality management system in the organization, identification of bottlenecks, including a proposal to remove them. The diploma thesis reports on the quality norms ISO according to their transformation into the requirements of company practical form. I analyse the ways in which the requirements of the standard ISO 9001:2008 the organization can be utilized in the activities, processes and quality requirements. The thesis deals with the various fundamental points of standards and the standard met in the organization is described.The final part is concerned with current state. I consider the pre-certified quality system and finally the possible way for improvement is suggested.

FSC produkce na českém trhu / FSC production on the Czech market

VESELÁ, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to analyze the current effects of FSC production on the Czech market. The analysis of certified products in the Czech Republic was performed from the perspective of consumers and companies. The first step was a short consumer survey, which was distributed among respondents in electronic and paper versions. The main objective of this research was to measure awareness of FSC logo and its effects in the consumer choice process. The second part of this research was dedicated to companies producing or selling certified furniture. The field research was conducted among selected stores situated in České Budějovice.

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