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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Bumgarner, Heather J 01 January 2015 (has links)
Professional development is used by teachers to improve their teaching to enhance student learning, and research indicates that the National Board Certification (NBC) process contains high-quality professional development characteristics. Engagement in the NBC process can lead to professional growth by changing teachers’ knowledge, instructional practices, and students’ learning. This quantitative study investigated the extent to which characteristics of the NBC process influenced National Board Certified Teachers’ (NBCTs) professional growth. Using an online survey, the study collected responses from 119 NBCTs who participated in a specific NBC support program. Key findings included that all 20 high-quality professional development characteristics investigated had a perceived positive influence on professional growth, with some notable differences. The characteristics involving individual analysis of student work and teaching videos along with reflection were perceived to be most important, while those centering on collaboration with other candidates were perceived as less important. Second, characteristics that had the greatest perceived impact were those that focused on changing pedagogy rather than increasing content knowledge. Furthermore, a significant relationship was found between the perceived importance of duration in the experience and the length of time the candidate was in the process: NBCTs who achieved in one year, as compared to NBCTs who achieved in two or three years, had statistically significant lower ratings on the influence that the duration had on their professional growth. Additionally, those who engaged in the process for financial reasons, as compared to professional growth, had a lower rating of perceived importance when all characteristics were combined.

Du capital humain aux capabilités : une analyse des parcours de validation des acquis de l'expérience / From the human capital to capability : an analysis of individual pathways within the french process of accreditation of prior experience

Lecourt, Anne-juliette 28 October 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les parcours individuels de Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience (VAE), dirigés vers une certification de niveau V. Visant à lutter contre les inégalités d’accès à la certification, nous supposons que la création d’un tel droit individuel, confortant la responsabilité de l’individu quant à la valorisation de son expérience, ne fait pas de ce droit une réalité pour tous.L’objectif est d’observer les phénomènes de différenciation du déploiement de la VAE. Nous avons enrichi les hypothèses ressourcistes et utilitaristes empruntées aux théories du marché du travail (Théories du Capital Humain et du Signal), en soulevant la question de la mise en œuvre réelle de ce droit, et en interrogeant autrement la notion d’expérience. En conséquences, dans la perspective de l’Approche par les Capabilités, nous construisons un modèle d’analyse original qui permet d'examiner dans quelles mesures les parcours individuels en VAE dépendent, non pas seulement d’une évaluation de l’expérience exprimée en nombre d’années, comme on l’entend au sein des Théories du Capital Humain et du Signal, mais également de facteurs personnels, environnementaux et sociaux, objectifs et subjectifs. Ces facteurs de conversion environnementaux, sociaux et individuels déterminent la mise en œuvre des ressources et des droits, dont dispose le candidat au sein du dispositif. Cet ensemble forme une structure de contraintes et d’opportunités et dessine le parcours des candidats. L’expérience est multidimensionnelle et diffuse à travers l’ensemble de ces éléments ; on parle d’ensemble expérientiel. Les estimations de la probabilité de validation (versus abandon ou aucune validation) à l’issue du parcours VAE, réalisées à partir de l’enquête DARES-DREES, tendent à confirmer notre modèle et met en exergue des inégalités qui étaient jusque là invisibles, sur-estimées ou sous-estimées, dans le cadre d’une analyse en terme de Capital Humain et de Signal. / This thesis analyses the individual pathways within the process of accreditation of prior experience (VAE), fighting inequalities of qualification access. This new right makes people responsible to put work experience to advantage, through getting qualification on the basis of work and individual experience, without education. But, to open up a new legal way doesn’t make this right a reality. The aim is to observe phenomena of differentiations relative to the display of the VAE. We have enrich ressourcist and utilitarist hypothesis, which have been derived from labour market theories (Human Capital and Signalling Theories). We ask the question of the real display of the individual right of VAE and the notion of experience. Consequently, from the Capability perspective, we built an original framework to understand in what extent individual pathways depend on personal, environmental and social factors, not only experience which is expressed in number of years, as a rule in the Human Capital and Signalling Theories. These environmental, social and individual conversion factors establish the display of individual resources and rights within the VAE process. This set forms an individual structure of constraints and opportunities and determines the individual pathways. The Experience is multidimensional and diffused through these elements.This model, based on a national survey, highlights existence of different types of individual logics of choices, which means different real possibilities of actions, more or less constricted, and underlines overestimated, underestimated and invisible inequalities.

巴宰族的民族認定運動 / The ethnic certification movement of Pazeh

田軒豪 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要以巴宰族為研究對象,關注其在1999年至2014年之間的文化復振過程,欲探討巴宰族是否有條件成為官定原住民族。 巴宰族原居現在的台中西部平原,過去曾幫助清朝政府平定許多亂事,因此得到賜姓,並獲得許多土地,所以巴宰族曾經有過輝煌的時期,後來因為漢人侵墾、土地流失、內部統治權力競爭…等原因,整個巴宰族的情勢開始走下坡,甚至得離開原鄉向外遷徙。現在還能找到明顯聚居的巴宰族分布地有:台中市豐原區的大社村、苗栗縣三義鄉的鯉魚潭村、南投縣埔里鎮的愛蘭里。 巴宰族尚保有自己的文化,其中宗教和語言是兩個重要的民族邊界要素,1871年潘開山武干因打獵受傷,經人介紹後輾轉到台南接受馬雅各醫生的治療,順利地恢復之後決定改信基督教,透過他將傳教士帶到台灣中部,許多巴宰族人因此也接受了基督教信仰,透過信仰的力量凝聚彼此,所以巴宰族因為教會的關係有很強的向心力,另外,教會中使用的羅馬拼音,使巴宰族人擁有書寫、紀錄的能力,間接地將巴宰族語言和歌謠留了下來。 平埔族一開始是以泛平埔的架構在推動民族的認同與文化復振運動,後來慢慢出現以各族為主體的文化復振,本文關注的巴宰族民族認定運動就是在此脈絡之下展開。1998年「臺灣巴宰族群文化協會」成立,隔年聚集三個聚居地的巴宰族人聯合舉辦停止多年的傳統過年儀式,這次的活動帶起了許多人的熱情,開啟了巴宰族的文化復振之路。 「苗栗縣巴宰族群協會」、「南投縣巴宰族群文化協會」在2003年成立,之後每年持續在鯉魚潭和愛蘭舉辦傳統過年,讓所有族人每年11月15日都能回到聚居地參與活動,將固有傳統祭儀延續下去,如:牽田、走鏢、銅鑼舞。在平埔族群當中,巴宰族的語言是保存相對較好的,恢復辦理過年之後就開始在教會中培訓族語老師,2002年參與政大原住民族研究中心編輯九階教材,將巴宰族語編寫出有架構的九階族語教材。除了學習、教學、編輯母語教材之外,族語老師們也參與原住民族語文學獎比賽,從第一屆開始共參與15人次,7人次得獎,從此也可以看到巴宰族對族語復振的用心;2012年底,平埔活力計畫開辦,巴宰族運用經費修改族語教材、辦理傳統過年、傳統技藝教學…等,持續不斷透過各種方式將文化傳承下去。 本文認為,巴宰族仍保有許多民族特徵,且積極的進行文化復振以維繫民族邊界與認同,目前最需要的是政府的肯認,並恢復其應有的原住民族身分與權利,最後透過民族認定正式成為臺灣的官定原住民族。

Tredjelandsöverföring av personuppgifter: en jämförelse mellan artikel 45, artikel 46 och artikel 49 GDPR / Transfer of Personal Data to Third Countries: A Comparison Between Article 45, Article 46 and Article 49 GDPR

Erbili, Darin January 2019 (has links)
The introduction of algorithms has for companies led to new ways of marketing themselves. However, access to personal data is needed for a company to successfully use an algorithm, which means companies can trade with our personal data. Personal data is therefore no longer used solely for nonprofit purposes but has rather acquired a financial value. This has led to new challenges in terms of third country transfer of personal data, which requires legislation that can effectively protect personal data. Within the EU, the General Data Protection Legislation (GDPR) regulates how personal data can be transferred to a third country. Article 45 GDPR, which contains the first requirement for third country transfers, states that transfers are only permitted based on an adequacy decision issued by the Commission. On the basis, inter alia, of the annulment of the Safe Harbor decision, by the European Court of Justice, and the criticism that has been addressed towards the Privacy Shield decision, questions are raised if there are reason for companies to make third country transfers based on the alternative provisions in article 46 and article 49 GDPR. The aim of this thesis is to examine the possibilities of making third country transfers according to articles 45, 46 and 49 GDPR by making a comparison that has been made from an individual- and company perspective. The research questions have been focused on the content of the adequacy decisions concerning USA, Switzerland, Canada, Israel and Japan, a review of the legal basis for third country transfers stated in articles 46 and 49 GDPR, as well as benefits and drawbacks with applying the grounds set forth in articles 46 and 49 GDPR rather than applying an adequacy decision pursuant to article 45 GDPR. In conclusion, it may be noted that the adequacy decisions that have been discussed leave room for doubt in relation to the level of protection that is guaranteed in the GDPR. This gives reason for companies to consider application of article 46 and article 49 GDPR. There are several benefits and drawbacks with such considerations including the size of the company and its financial recourses affecting which appropriate safeguard in article 46 GDPR is the most suitable safeguard to use. Furthermore, the derogations in article 49 GDPR may, in theory and in practice, be very difficult to apply instead of article 45 and article 46 GDPR since the derogations focuses on specific situations and must be used restrictively. The findings in this thesis however leads to the conclusion that there are several reasons for companies to consider application of article 46 GDPR instead of article 45 GDPR.

Avaliação ambiental econômica da produção de madeira de espécie nativa em dois municípios na Amazônia Brasileira / Environmental assessment of economic production of wood from native species in two municipalities in the Brazilian Amazon

Ribeiro, Jorge 10 October 2008 (has links)
A exploração das florestas nativas e das plantações florestais no Brasil tem um imenso potencial. No entanto, na Amazônia, a exploração das florestas nativas tem se dado predominantemente de forma predatória com um enorme desperdício dos recursos madeireiros e não madeireiros. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a cadeia produtiva da madeira de espécie nativa em dois municípios do estado do Pará: Paragominas e Novo Progresso. Métodos: Inicialmente e no decorrer de todo trabalho, foi realizada extensa pesquisa bibliográfica e documental para se conhecer a realidade da exploração madeireira na Amazônia. Foram selecionados dois municípios com pólos madeireiros expressivos para realização do trabalho de campo e aprofundamento do conhecimento sobre a cadeia produtiva: um de exploração mais antiga e outro mais recente, para verificar diferenças no processo. O estudo teve características de exploratório, numa primeira fase, e descritivo, numa segunda etapa, quando se buscou descrever os fenômenos e estabelecer relações. Foram entrevistados representantes de empresas de diferentes tamanhos com enfoque na cadeia produtiva da madeira (extração, processamento primário e beneficiamento). Muitos entrevistados atuavam nas três atividades, mas a grande maioria apenas nas duas últimas. Resultados: A maior parte das empresas pesquisadas não detém plano de manejo florestal próprio, o que as torna vulneráveis em relação ao suprimento de madeira. Essa situação também não é um fator de estímulo ao manejo florestal sustentável. De modo geral, nos dois municípios, o parque industrial encontrado é antigo e com tecnologia defasada. Investimentos em equipamentos e treinamento têm sido baixos, o que resulta muitas vezes em qualidade insuficiente e produtos com baixo valor agregado. A geração de resíduos de madeira é elevada e sua destinação freqüentemente inadequada. Conclusões: Uma política de agregação de valor aos recursos naturais deveria incluir investimentos relevantes em capacitação e treinamento. A cadeia de base florestal pode desempenhar um papel importante na manutenção da floresta em pé, na geração de empregos e nas exportações da região. Além disso, a indústria de produtos da madeira consome relativamente pouca energia e pode na verdade gerar excedentes, dispensando os custosos investimentos em linhas de transmissão. No desenvolvimento sustentável dessa indústria, a certificação florestal independente pode assumir um papel relevante. / In Brazil, natural and plantation forests have a strong potential development. However in the Brazilian Amazon, natural forests have not been managed in a sustainable fashion leading to a substantial waste of both timber and other forest products. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the native wood production chain in two logging centers in the state of Pará: Paragominas and Novo Progresso. Methods: Before and during the works, there was an extensive bibliographical research to understand how the timber industry operates in the Amazon region. Field research was developed in two distinct logging frontiers: Paragominas, old (occupied for over 30 years) and Novo Progresso (occupied for less than 10 years) to get a more complete picture. Companies of different sizes were interviewed following the production chain approach (extraction, primary processing and finished wood products). Many of the interviewed companies were vertically integrated with operations in the three activities but most of them had operations only in the last two. Results: Most of the interviewed companies did not have their own supplies of round wood, purchasing from third parties becoming vulnerable to shortfalls in others management plans. Generally speaking in the two logging centers equipment is old and technology outdated. Low investments in equipment and training results frequently in insufficient quality and low value products. Wood residues are high and destination often inadequate. Conclusion: Value creation to natural resources should include relevant investments in developing capacity and providing training. The forest supply chain could have an important role in preserving the forest, in generating jobs and in developing exports. Further, the wood industry is energy efficient and actually may generate surpluses avoiding the high investments in transmission lines. In the sustainable development of the wood products industry, the independent forest certification may play a relevant role.

Exploring stories of registered counsellors about their relevance and future in South Africa

Mashiane, Linkie Sheila 01 1900 (has links)
The category of Registered Counsellors was created to provide psychological service at primary level to previously disadvantaged communities, yet there is lack of public and professional knowledge concerning this category. This study aimed at finding reasons why people choose to become registered counsellors and what their relevance and future is in South Africa. Social constructionism is the epistemological framework for this qualitative investigation. Three registered counsellors aged between 27 and 31 were chosen for this study using a combination of purposive and snowball sample technique. Rich data were collected through open ended interviews. This approach was chosen as the most relevant because it helped in giving a voice to the three ‘registered counsellors’ which in turn helped in getting a holistic understanding of the participants’ point of view. Thematic analysis technique was used to identify key themes. The main themes identified in comparative analysis were the following: the need to help, feeling of fulfillment, working in a multidisciplinary team, registered counsellors as first point of entry, experiencing barriers in terms of lack of recognition, confusion between registered counsellors and other healthcare professionals; and the role of HPCSA. The results showed that the participants became registered counsellors because of the need to help others. The results also showed that registered counsellors are relevant in South Africa because their services are needed for the well-being of society. There is a future for registered counsellors in South Africa to close the gap in terms of mental health workforce shortage. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Movimento (socio)ambientalista e o processo de estruturação da política ambiental no estado do Rio Grande do Sul : em busca da gênese do socioambientalismo

Souza, Dina Ferreira de January 2017 (has links)
O socioambientalismo é uma vertente recente do movimento ambientalista no Rio Grande do Sul, com grande expressão em países com vasta biodiversidade como o Brasil. As características deste país, que associa a existência da expressiva biodiversidade com a presença de povos indígenas e comunidades tradicionais, evidenciam a necessidade de desenvolverem-se mecanismos de gestão ambiental que considerem tanto a sociobiodiversidade como as atividades produtivas. A metodologia, de natureza qualitativa, constou de pesquisa documental e levantamento de dados primários. Partindo de um estudo exploratório, com a intenção de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a história do (socio)ambientalismo no Estado. A pesquisa documental foi realizada a partir de documentos técnicos, normativos e regulatórios, e pesquisa nos sites das ONGs ambientalistas do Estado, documentários e entrevistas de rádio, que foram veiculados desde 1990. Partindo de uma leitura da ecologia política, objetivou-se compreender o processo de construção do socioambientalismo no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, a partir do estabelecimento da gestão socioambiental, resultante da relação do movimento (socio)ambientalista com o processo de estruturação do Estado. Para tanto, foram traçados os seguintes objetivos específicos: a) caracterizar os atores e sua contribuição para a construção do socioambientalismo no Estado; b) periodizar o processo de evolução das políticas ambientais, a partir da relação do movimento (socio)ambientalista com o processo de estruturação do Estado; c) analisar o processo de construção do socioambientalismo, a partir da implementação da gestão socioambiental. Para tanto, dá-se destaque às políticas ambientais, analisando se essas se revelam com enfoque protecionista ou se foram elaboradas considerando os aspectos sociais, de modo a abranger um caráter socioambientalista. Esta pesquisa assume um caráter interdisciplinar, no escopo da ecologia política, em diálogo com a sociologia ambiental e a gestão socioambiental, buscando entender as transformações da política e da gestão ambiental no Rio Grande do Sul, a partir de uma periodização. Nesse contexto, as categorias analisadas foram: movimento ambientalista, movimento socioambientalista, períodos, manejo florestal, gestão socioambiental e política pública ambiental. Foram identificados três períodos, evidenciando a estruturação da política ambiental do Estado relacionada às transformações do movimento ambientalista e à incorporação de uma perspectiva socioambientalista nas políticas. O primeiro período, intitulado Protecionista - Intelectual, está demarcado entre os anos 1940 a 1979; o segundo período, Institucional – Imobilizado, está demarcado entre os anos de 1980 a 1999; o terceiro período, intitulado Regulamentário – Extensionista, está demarcado entre os anos 2000 a 2015. Ele é caracterizado pelo reconhecimento de diferentes visões de sociedade-natureza, em algumas das quais o homem se identifica enquanto natureza. Considera-se que o socioambientalismo no Estado não avançou em processos de inclusão da sociobiodiversidade na pauta ambiental, como em outras regiões do país. Entretanto, constituiu-se um movimento com perspectiva socioambiental, o qual contribuiu para a estruturação da política ambiental florestal, por meio de processos pioneiros de manejo florestal, aproximando a gestão socioambiental do manejo da propriedade rural, imprimindo um caráter de extensão ambiental. Este trabalho avança na direção da aceitação da gestão socioambiental nas esferas de governo e na conservação ambiental como uma dimensão do desenvolvimento rural. / Socioenvironmentalism is a recent strand of the environmental movement in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), greatly relevant in countries with vast biodiversity such as Brazil. The characteristics of this country, which combines the existence of significant biodiversity with the presence of indigenous peoples and traditional communities, demonstrate the need to develop environmental management mechanisms that consider both socio-biodiversity and productive activities. The study applied a qualitative method comprising documentary research and primary data collection. It started from an exploratory study aimed at deepening the knowledge about the history of the (socio)environmentalism in the state of RS, Brasil. Documentary research included technical, normative and regulatory documents, as well as research on websites of environmental NGOs working in the state, documentaries and radio interviews broadcasted since 1990. Based on political ecology theories, the objective was to understand the construction of socioenvironmentalism in RS, through the establishment of socio-environmental public policies, resulting from the interaction between the (socio)environmentalist movement and the state structuring process. Thus, the following specific objectives were defined: a) characterizing the actors and their contribution to the construction of socio-environmentalism in RS; b) to establish chronological frameworks for the process of evolution of environmental policies, based on the relationship of the (socio)environmentalist movement with the structuring of the state; c) to analyze the process of construction of socio-environmentalism, through the implementation of socio-environmental public management. To this end, emphasis is placed on environmental policies, by examining whether they carry a protectionist approach or were formulated considering the social aspects, so that to cover a socio-environmentalist character. This research takes an interdisciplinary approach, within the scope of political ecology, in dialogue with environmental sociology and social and environmental public management, seeking to understand the transformations of politics and environmental management in Rio Grande do Sul, through chronological frameworks. In this context, the analyzed categories were: environmental movement, social-environmentalist movement, time-frames, forest management, socio-environmental management and environmental public policy. Three periods were identified, evidencing the structuring of the state's environmental policy related to the transformations of the environmental movement and the incorporation of a socioenvironmental perspective in the policies. The first period, named Protectionist - Intellectual, is delimited between the years 1940 to 1979; the second period, Institutional - Immobilized, between 1980 and 1999; the third period, named Regulatory - Extensionist, between the years 2000 to 2015. It is characterized by the recognition of different views of society-nature, in some of which human being equates to nature. Findings show that socio-environmentalism in the state did not advance in including socio-biodiversity into the environmental agenda as occurred in other regions of the country. However, a socio-environmental perspective was created, which contributed to the structuring of the forestry environmental policy, through pioneering processes of forest management, bringing socio-environmental management closer to rural activities, ascribing a character of environmental extension. This work advances towards the acceptance of socio-environmental management in the spheres of government and environmental conservation as a dimension of rural development.

Unga transpersoners upplevelse av bemötandet hos hbtq-certifierade och hbtq-diplomerade ungdomsmottagningar / Young Transgender People's Experiences of Treatment at Youth Guidance Centers which have a Lgbtq-certification

Quiroga, Natalie January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att öka kunskapen om hur unga transpersoner upplever bemötandet vid hbtq-certifierade och hbtq-diplomerade ungdomsmottagningar. Transpersoner har upplevt att personal brister i sitt bemötande mot dem, särskilt i vården och även i verksamheter som har genomgått en hbtq-certifiering. Tidigare forskning, både nationellt och internationellt, har visat på att transpersoner har upplevt diskriminering och ifrågasättande i kontakt med vården och andra verksamheter inom socialt arbete. Dessutom har personal inte haft kunskap i hbtq-frågor och i vissa fall har transpersonerna själva behövt undervisa dem. Det här bristande bemötandet har lett till att transpersoner har förlorat förtroendet till vården och vågar därför inte söka hjälp. Dessa studier har även visat exempel på transpersoner som upplevt ett bra bemötande av personal som respekterat och accepterat deras könsidentitet. Det här är en kvalitativ studie som genomförts via semistrukturerade intervjuer per telefon med sex personer som identifierar sig som transpersoner, men har olika definitioner av sin könsidentitet. De har varit i kontakt med en hbtq-certifierad eller hbtq-diplomerad ungdomsmottagning nyligen eller flera år innan den här studien genomfördes. Den här studien har gjorts med induktiv metod då en teori har valts ut utifrån datamaterialet. Den teorin som har valts ut är erkännandeteorin, som handlar om att bli erkänd för sin identitet eller att bli moralisk kränkt. Slutsatsen är att unga transpersoner har olika upplevelser av bemötande vid hbtq-certifierade och hbtq-diplomerade ungdomsmottagningar. De flesta har fått ett bra bemötande då personal har visat omtanke, respekt, acceptans och förståelse för transpersoners könsidentitet. Några av dem har även upplevt brister i bemötandet då personal har antagit deras kön, felkönat och ifrågasatt. Viss personal har saknat kunskap i transfrågor men några få av dem har ändå behandlat unga transpersoner med respekt. Det verkar som att unga transpersoner anser att det är viktigast att personal behandlar dem med respekt, det vill säga deras värderingar är viktigare än kunskap. / The aim of this study is to increase knowledge about how young transgender people experience the treatment at youth guidance centers which have a lgbtq-certification. Because in Sweden transgender people have bad experience with the treatment from the staff, especially in health care centers such as the youth guidance center, and even at centers which have a lgbtq-certification. Previous research in, both Sweden and other countries, show that transgender people, in contact with the health care and other social work centers, have experienced discrimination, questioning and lack of knowledge which on these occasions they needed to teach the staff about lgbtq-issues. Because of this kind of bad treatment transgender people have lost trust in health care centers and don’t dare to seek help. These studies have even shown that other transgender people have experienced good treatment when the staff have respected them and accepted their gender identity. This is a qualitative study, based on semi-structured interviews that have been made through the phone with six persons who identify as transgender but have different definitions about their gender identity. They have been in contact with youth guidance centers which have a lgbtq-certification one or several years before this study was done. This study has been made with inductive method where a theory has been chosen from the data. The theory which has been chosen is recognition, which is about when an individual’s identity is being recognized or morally hurt. The conclusion is that young transgender people have different experiences of treatment at the youth guidance centers. Many of them have experienced a good treatment where the staff have shown concern, respect, acceptance and understanding for their gender identity. Some of them have experienced bad treatment where the staff have presumed their gender, misgendering and questioning. Some staff have lack of knowledge in trans-issues but some of them have treated the young transgender people with respect. It seems that the most important thing for transgender people is that the staff treat them with respect, more based upon their values rather than their knowledge.

Mapeamento do processo em laboratórios de análises clínicas para identificação de perdas produtivas

Souza, Mariane Cásseres de 27 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-02-18T15:30:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Mariane Cásseres de Souza_.pdf: 561518 bytes, checksum: 753667250a1a766a27d44c3207904913 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-18T15:30:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mariane Cásseres de Souza_.pdf: 561518 bytes, checksum: 753667250a1a766a27d44c3207904913 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-27 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A saúde é uma das atividades econômicas mais importantes no Brasil e no mundo. As instituições de saúde no Brasil caminham para alcançar uma eficiência técnica e gerencial, através da identificação, controle e gerenciamento da qualidade. As preocupações com a qualidade dos serviços prestados na área da saúde acabaram refletindo em novas exigências, com portarias e resoluções que auxiliam na execução das atividades na área de análises clínicas. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral identificar as atividades associadas aos principais pontos de perdas produtivas em laboratórios de análises clínicas. Classifica-se como pesquisa exploratória e qualitativa, tendo sido adotado o estudo de casos múltiplos, realizados em quatro laboratórios de análises clínicas, localizados no Litoral Norte do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil. Como resultado, a pesquisa apresenta que 77,16% dos processos laboratoriais caracterizam-se por atividades que não agregam valor ao cliente, sendo, 28,46% perdas por movimentação e 48,70% perdas por espera. Apenas 22,84% das atividades foram caracterizadas como agregadoras de valor para o cliente. No que tange à Sistemas de Gestão, as normas certificadoras NBR ISO 9001, 17025 e 15189 podem auxiliar na melhoria do processo com a implantação de requisitos técnicos e gerenciais para o gerenciamento. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa pretendeu expandir conhecimentos relacionados aos Sistemas de Gestão em laboratórios clínicos, aliados a normas certificadoras do setor. / Health is one of the most important economic activities in Brazil and worldwide. The health institutions in Brazil work to achieve a technical and managerial efficiency through identification, control and quality management. Some concerns about the quality of services dedicated to the health care reflect to the new requirements, where is included ordinances and resolutions that can give assistance during the execution of activities in the field of clinical analysis. This research aimed to analyze the main points of losses and as the implementation of management systems associated with the certification standards of the sector, can assist in improving clinical laboratories processes. It is classified as exploratory and qualitative research, having been adopted the multiple case-study, conducted at four clinical laboratories, located on the northern coast of Rio Grande do Sul State - Brazil. As a result, it shows that 77.16% of the laboratory process is characterized by activities that do not add value to the customer, being 28.46% movement losses and 48.70% losses due the waiting. Only 22.84% of activities were considered to aggregating value to the customer. Regarding the Management Systems, the certification standards ISO 9001, 17025 and 15189 can help reduce the losses with the implementation of technical and managerial requirements for management. In this sense, the research intended to expand knowledge related to the Quality Management Systems in clinical laboratories, coupled with certification standards in that field.

Avaliação de material didático digital na formação continuada de professores do ensino fundamental: uma pesquisa baseada em design

Silva, Katia Alexandra de Godoi e 10 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:31:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Katia Alexandra de Godoi e Silva.pdf: 7821134 bytes, checksum: e42b30778ef140e7689bcbde703d6804 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research analyzes pedagogical interventions in continuing education, in order to promote the choice and evaluation of digital learning materials, aiming to understand the elementary school teachers processes of reflection. The theoretical framework that guides this study comes from the texture of the digital learning material concepts, tools for choosing and assessing these materials, and references that guide the teacher to use ICDT and raise the matter of evaluation of materials in digital format, as well as approaches to teacher training for the use of ICDT in Education. The methodology is focused on four steps of Design-based Research. The first one is about the educational problem. The second lies in the choice of pedagogical artifact. The third is about the interventions in educational context. Finally, the fourth step provides guidelines for building design principles. In order to support the third step, the context and design of educational interventions are described, since it is not possible to understand the pedagogical design alone without taking the context in which it operates into account. The organization and identification of intervention categories was conducted with the aid of webQDA software, and the relational analysis of these interventions in educational context has been performed by using CHIC software, indicating that, in general, teachers participating in the research developed an autonomously reflexive critical posture in the context of choice, use and evaluation of digital learning materials in their teaching / Esta pesquisa analisa as intervenções pedagógicas na formação continuada para favorecer a escolha e a avaliação de materiais didáticos digitais, visando compreender os processos de reflexão dos professores do ensino fundamental. A fundamentação teórica que pauta este estudo provém da tessitura dos conceitos sobre materiais didáticos digitais, dos instrumentos para escolha e avaliação desses materiais e dos referenciais que orientam o professor para a utilização das TDIC e suscitam a questão da avaliação dos materiais no formato digital, assim como as abordagens de formação de professores para a utilização das TDIC na Educação. A metodologia está centrada nas quatro etapas da Pesquisa baseada em Design. A primeira recai sobre o problema educativo. A segunda reside na escolha do artefato pedagógico. A terceira constitui as intervenções em contexto pedagógico. Já a quarta etapa apresenta orientações para a construção de princípios de design. Para dar suporte à terceira etapa, o contexto e o design das intervenções pedagógicas são descritos, já que não é possível compreender apenas o design pedagógico sem levar em conta o contexto em que se insere. A organização e identificação das categorias das intervenções foi realizada com o auxílio do software webQDA, e a análise relacional dessas intervenções em contexto pedagógico foi concretizada por meio do software CHIC, indicando que, de modo geral, os professores participantes da pesquisa desenvolveram uma postura autônoma, crítica e reflexiva no contexto de escolha, utilização e avaliação dos materiais didáticos digitais em suas práticas pedagógicas

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