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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tic-tac... Explorer les perceptions de femmes qui vivent un échec du déclenchement du travail

Rioux, Emilie S. 08 1900 (has links)
Le déclenchement du travail est une procédure obstétricale qui consiste à provoquer le travail afin que la femme puisse vivre un accouchement vaginal dans les 24 à 48 heures suivant l’initiation de la procédure (Leduc et al., 2013). Cependant, le déclenchement du travail peut ne pas fonctionner entraînant la nécessité de procéder à un accouchement par césarienne après un travail d’une durée de plus de 24 heures. Cette étude qualitative visait à explorer l’expérience de femmes qui ont vécu un échec du déclenchement du travail résultant en une césarienne non planifiée. Cette étude a été menée auprès de 6 femmes durant leur séjour hospitalier post-partum. Les données ont été obtenues à l’aide d’un questionnaire sociodémographique, du dossier médical des participantes et d’un entretien semi-dirigé. Les entretiens semi-dirigés ont été enregistrés, avec l’accord des participantes, puis transcrits et analysés selon l’approche d’analyse thématique de Braun, Clarke, Hayfield et Terry (2019). Cinq thèmes et 12 sous-thèmes ont émergé de l’analyse thématique permettant de mieux saisir l’expérience des femmes vivant un échec du déclenchement du travail résultant en une césarienne. Les thèmes : Les attentes envers l’expérience, Le soutien reçu, La qualité et quantité de l’information reçue ainsi que Le sentiment de contrôle envers l’expérience semblent influencer la satisfaction ou l’insatisfaction de la participante envers son expérience et contribuent au thème global de l’Expérience globale de l’échec du déclenchement du travail résultant en une césarienne. Les infirmières ont un rôle important afin de communiquer l’information aux patientes et de les soutenir quant au déclenchement du travail leur permettant de mieux gérer leurs attentes et exercer le contrôle désiré envers leur expérience. / Induction of labor is an obstetric procedure which consists of inducing labor so that women can experience a vaginal birth within 24 to 48 hours after the initiation of the procedure (Leduc et al., 2013). The induction of labor may not work resulting in the need for a caesarean delivery after lasting more than 24 hours. This qualitative study aimed to explore the experience of women who had experienced labor induction failure resulting in an unplanned caesarean section. This study was conducted with 6 women in the postpartum unit during their hospitalisation. Data were collected from a socio-demographic questionnaire, the participants’ medical chart as well as a semi-structured interview. After participants’ consent, the semi-structured interviews were recorded, transcribed, then analysed using the Braun, Clarke, Hayfield and Terry (2019) thematic analysis approach. Five themes and 12 sub-themes emerged to better capture the experience of women experiencing labor induction failure resulting in a caesarean. Four themes: Expectation of Labor and Delivery: Managing Expectations, Antepartum and Intrapartum Support Received, Comprehensive Information Needed, and Feeling in Control of the Experience emerged as influencing the participant's satisfaction or dissatisfaction towards their Global Experience of a Failed Induction of Labor Resulting in a Ceserean Section. Nurses have a strategic role and are key support professionals in communicating information and supporting women during induction of labor, allowing them to better manage their expectations and have the desired level of control over their experience.

Transfer kroz fetoplacentarnu membranu i farmakokinetika lekova u premedikaciji kod elektivnih carskih rezova / Transfer through transplacental membrane and pharmacokinetics of drugs in premedication for elective caesarean sections

Paunković Jovana 31 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Uprkos op&scaron;te prihvaćenom stavu da u trudnoći lekove treba izbegavati, veliki broj trudnica tokom trudnoće uzima lekove sa manje ili vi&scaron;e opravdanja. Primena lekova u trudnoći zahteva dodatnu patnju, jer se mora voditi računa o zdravlju majke i zdravlju jo&scaron; nerođenog&nbsp; deteta. Većina lekova koji nalaze primenu u trudnoći, nisu ispitani u kontrolisanim studijama na trudnicama, već se njihov uticaj naljudski fetus, bazira na predpostavkama i kliničkim istraživanjima na životinjama. Odsustvo studija dovodi do toga da se trudnicama obično prepisuju lekovi u dozi za odrasle osobe, koje ne prate fiziolo&scaron;ke promene u trudnoći. Tokom trudnoće u telu trudnica dolazi do promena u funkciji organa i organskih sistema, a zbog nastalih promena menja se i sudbina leka u organizmu. Sistemske bolesti trudnice poput hipertenzije i dijabetesa dovode do hemodinamskih promena i utiču na nastanak patolo&scaron;kih promena posteljice, &scaron;to sve zajedno menja farmakokinetiku lekova i njihov transplacentrarni transport. Ukupno 75 trudnica je uključeno u studiju i podeljeno u tri grupe: zdrave trudnice-kontrolna grupa (n=31), trudnice sa hipertenzijom (n=30) i trudnice sa dijabetesom (n=14). Sve trudnice su u premedikaciji primile iste lekove koji su deo standardne kliničke&nbsp; procedure. Trudnice su primile jednu dozu diazepama intramuskularnom injekcijom (10mg/2ml), a intravenski su primile pojedinačne doze cefuroksima (1,5g), metoklopramida (10mg/2ml) i ranitidina (50mg/2ml). Od svakog para majka-dete ukupno je analizirano po 5 uzoraka. Uzorci krvi od majke uzimani su u tri vremenske tačke: nakon davanja leka, u momentu ekstrakcije deteta i nakon porođaja. Uzorci&nbsp; krvi&nbsp; deteta&nbsp; uzimani su&nbsp; nakon&nbsp; porođaja iz pupčane vene i arterije. Prikupljeni uzorci plazme analizirani su metodom tečne hromatografije visokih performansi (HPLC). Istraživanje je pokazalo da lekovi&nbsp; primenjeni u premedikaciji&nbsp; carskog reza prolaze transplacentarnu membranu i da se ni jedan&nbsp; od&nbsp; lekova&nbsp; primenjenih&nbsp; u studiji nije akumulirao u fetusu i nije imao neželjeno dejsvo na novorođenče. Cefuroksim, ranitidin i metoklopramid pokazali su nizak feto-maternalni transfer, dok je diazepam pokazao visok&nbsp; feto-maternalni transfer. Izmerene koncentracije cefuroksima u plazmi trudnica u momentu porođaja bile su &ge;8 &mu;g/ml, &scaron;to je koncentracija veća od MIC za većinu patogena odgovornih za nastavak infekcija u aku&scaron;erstvu. Koncentracije cefuroksima u fetalnoj plazmi bile su &ge;4&mu;g/ml &scaron;to je veće od&nbsp; MIC koncentracija za veliki broj patogena. Gestacijska starost trudnoće nije uticala na obim prolaska cefuroksima&nbsp; kroz placentu, koji je prolazi uglavnom pasivnom difuzijom. Farmakokinetski parametri cefuroksima razlikovali su se kod hipertenzivnih i dijabetičnih trudnica, u odnosu kontrolnu grupu, ali ove bolesti nisu imale značajan uticaj na smanjenje terapijske efikasnosti cefuroksima. Farmakokinetika cefuroksima kod hipertenzivnih&nbsp; trudnica&nbsp; ukazala je na bržu eliminaciju cefuroksima iz krvi majke i na veću distribuciju leka u okolna tkiva. U dijabetičnoj grupi trudnica i novorođenčadi koncentracije cefuroksima su bile vi&scaron;e u odnosu na druge ispitivane grupe, dok je feto-maternalni odnos bio niži, &scaron;to ukazuje na postojanje strukturalne i funkcionalne pomenu posteljice u dijabetesu. Hipertenzija i dijabetes trudnica nisu imali uticaj na prodor ranitidina kroz placentu. Hipertenzija i dijabetes trudnica nisu uticali na većinu farmakokinetskih parametara ranitidina, mada je zabeleženo smanjenje volumena distribucije u ovim grupama trudnica, &scaron;to bi moglo da ukazuje na njihovu hemodinamsku nestabilnost i povećanje slobodne frakcije ranitidina. Koncentracija metoklopramida bila veća u krvi majki u odnosu na krv fetusa. Transport metoklopramida iz fetusa ka majci bio je dominantniji, a naročito u hipertenzivnoj i dijabetičnoj grupi trudnica. Hipertenzija i dijabetes trudnica uticali su na zadržavanje metoklopramida u fetusu. Koncentracije dijazepama u majčinoj i fetalnoj krvi bile su vi&scaron;e u kontrolnoj i hipertenzivnoj grupi trudnica. Hipertenzija i dijabetes trudnica povećavaju&nbsp; transfer diazepama kroz placentu, povećanjem koncentracije slobodnih masnih kiselina, steroidnih hormona, smanjenjem vezivnog kapaciteta potencijalna opasnost od neželjenog dejstva diazepama i njegovih metabolita na fetus i novorođenče. Ova doktorska studija ukazuju na potrebu obimnijih farmakokinetskih istraživanja kako na zdravim tako i na bolesnim trudnicama, koja će dati zaključke utvrđene na dokazima i pomoći u individualnom terapijskom pristupu svakoj trudnici.</p> / <p>In spite of&nbsp; the widespread opinion&nbsp; that&nbsp; drugs should be avoided in pregnancy, a great number of&nbsp; pregnant&nbsp; women&nbsp; take drugs with more or less justification.&nbsp; Administration of drugs in pregnancy requires additional attention because the health of&nbsp; both the mother and&nbsp; her unborn child must be protected. Majority of drugs administered in pregnancy have not been tested&nbsp; within the controlled studies performed on pregnant women, but&nbsp; their effect on the human foetus is based on assumptions and clinical trials performed on animals. This absence of studies results in the situation that pregnant&nbsp; women are usually prescribed drugs in a dose&nbsp; for adults, which does not take into account the physiological changes happening in pregnancy. During pregnancy, the pregnant woman&rsquo;s body undergoes changes in the<br />functions of organs and organ systems. These changes further affect the destiny of a&nbsp; drug in the organism. In pregnant women, systemic diseases such as hypertension&nbsp;&nbsp; and diabetes mellitus lead to hemodynamic changes and cause pathological&nbsp; changes in placenta, thus changing the pharmacokinetics of drugs and their transplacental transport. The study sample consisted of 75 pregnant women, who were divided into three groups as follows: the control group included healthy pregnant&nbsp; women (n=31), a group of pregnant women&nbsp; with&nbsp; hypertension (n=30) and&nbsp; a group of&nbsp; those&nbsp; with&nbsp; diabetes mellitus (n=14). All of them were administered the same drugs as a part of standard clinical procedure in premedication. The pregnant women received a single dose of diazepam by intramuscular injection (10mg/ml), and individual doses of cefuroxime (1.5mg), metoclopramide (10mg/2ml) and ranitidine (50mg/2ml). Five samples taken from each mother-infant pair were analyzed. Blood samples were taken from the mother three times: after drug administration, at the moment of extraction of baby and after delivery. Baby&rsquo;s blood samples were taken from the umbilical cord vein and artery after delivery. Plasma samples were analyzed by the method of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The research has shown that drugs administered in premedication of caesarean section went through the transplacental membrane and that none of the tested drugs accumulated in the foetus and had an adverse effect on the newborn. Cefuroxime, ranitidine and metoclopramide were shown to have a low transfer between the mother and her foetus, whereas diazepam showed a high foetal-maternal transfer. Cefuroxime concentrations measured in the pregnant woman&rsquo;s and foetal plasma at the moment of delivery were &ge;8&mu;g/ml and &ge;4&mu;g/ml, respectively, that&nbsp; being above the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for most pathogens responsible for the development of infection in obstetrics. Gestational age had no effect on the range of cefuroxime flow through the placenta, which happens mostly by&nbsp; passive diffusion. Pharmacokinetic parameters of cefuroxime differed in the pregnant&nbsp; women having hypertension and diabetes mellitus from the controls; however, these diseases did not significantly reduce the therapeutic efficacy of cefuroxime. Pharmacokinetics of cefuroxime indicated faster elimination of&nbsp; cefuroxime into the maternal blood and greater distribution of the drug into the surrounding tissues in the hypertensive pregnant women. In the group consisting of pregnant women and newborns having diabetes, the cefuroxime concentrations were higher than in other groups, whereas foetal-maternal relation was lower, which suggests the presence of structural and functional change in the placenta in diabetes. Hypertension and diabetes mellitus had no affect either on the flow of ranitidine through the placenta in the pregnant women or on&nbsp; the&nbsp; majority of pharmacokinetic parameters of ranitidine, although a certain reduction in the volume&nbsp; of distribution was recorded in these groups of pregnant women, which could suggest their hemodynamic instability and increased free fractions of ranitidine. The concentration of metocloporamide was higher in the maternal blood than in the&nbsp; foetal blood, and&nbsp; the transport of metocloporamide from the foetus towards the mother was more dominant, particularly in&nbsp; the&nbsp; group of&nbsp; hypertensive and diabetic&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; pregnant women. Metoclopramide tended to retain in the foetuses of mothers having&nbsp; hypertension and diabetes. The concentrations of diazepam in maternal and foetal blood were higher in the controls&nbsp; and hypertensive&nbsp; pregnant&nbsp; women. Hypertension and diabetes in pregnant&nbsp; women increase the transfer of diazepam through the placenta by increasing the concentration of free fatty acids and steroid hormones and by reducing the binding capacity of carrier proteins and the concentration of plasma&nbsp;&nbsp; proteins, thus increasing the potential danger of adverse effects of diazepam and its metabolites on the foetus and the newborn. This doctoral study suggests the necessity for more extensive pharmacokinetic research including both healthy and affected pregnant women that would lead to conclusions based on evidence and help to develop individual therapeutic approach to each pregnant woman.</p>

Estudo dos fatores relacionados à determinação da via do parto em gestantes portadoras de cardiopatias / Obstetrical and clinical factors related to the mode of delivery in pregnant women with heart disease

Maria Rita de Figueiredo Lemos Bortolotto 08 March 2006 (has links)
Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar as freqüências de partos vaginais e cesáreas em mulheres portadoras de cardiopatias, bem como a distribuição dos partos nos diferentes subgrupos de doenças cardíacas: arritmias (A), cardiopatias congênitas (CC) e cardiopatias adquiridas (CA); analisar os fatores clínicos e obstétricos que estiveram relacionados à determinação da via de parto no grupo total de cardiopatas e também nos subgrupos, e avaliar a associação entre o tipo de parto e complicações clínicas e obstétricas. Foram analisados retrospectivamente os dados referentes a 571 gestações de 556 mulheres internadas para parto na Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo entre 2001 e 2005. A composição dos grupos foi: A - 57 casos (10%), CC - 163 casos (28,6%) e CA - 351 casos (61,4%). A taxas de cesárea foram 57,2% (total), 45,6% (A), 64,2% (CC) e 55,7% (CA). A indicação da cesárea foi obstétrica em 77% dos casos. Analisando os 425 casos sem cesáreas anteriores, as taxas de cesárea foram: 47,1% (total), 37,8% (A), 57,8% (CC) e 43,3% (CA). A probabilidade de parto cesáreo esteve relacionada à presença de cesárea anterior, idade gestacional no parto inferior a 37 semanas, presença de intercorrências obstétricas, diagnóstico de cardiopatia congênita, insuficiência cardíaca classe funcional (CF) III ou IV, e uso de medicamentos de ação cardiovascular. A paridade maior ou igual a um diminuiu a probabilidade de cesárea. A presença de cesárea anterior foi o principal fator relacionado à probabilidade de parto cesáreo nesta população. Nos subgrupos de cardiopatia (sem cesárea anterior) a probabilidade de cesárea esteve aumentada na presença dos seguintes fatores: A - uso de medicação cardiovascular; CC - CF III/IV e intercorrências obstétricas; CA -intercorrências obstétricas e idade gestacional no parto inferior a 37 semanas. A ocorrência de complicações obstétricas foi 6,8% (total), sendo maior em A (18,6%) e nos partos vaginais (10,7%); complicações clínicas maiores ocorreram em 2,5% dos casos e foram mais freqüentes nos casos de cesárea (3,8%). Conclusão: As taxas de cesárea observadas em gestante com cardiopatia foram elevadas (em especial nos casos de cardiopatia congênita) e correlacionadas à presença de cesárea anterior, insuficiência cardíaca CF III/IV, uso de medicamentos de ação cardiovascular, presença de intercorrências obstétricas e idade gestacional no parto inferior a 37 semanas. / This study reviewed the data of 571 pregnancies in 556 pregnant women with heart disease admitted for delivery in a tertiary university hospital between 2001 and 2005. The objectives were to assess the prevalence of cesarean sections and vaginal births among the whole group of cases and in three subgroups: patients with arrhythmias (A - 57 cases / 10%), congenital diseases (CD - 163 cases / 28,6%) and acquired diseases (AD - 351 cases / 61,4%), and to determine the clinical and obstetrical factors related to the mode of delivery in the whole population and in the subgroups, as well as the association between the mode of delivery and clinical and obstetrical complications. The frequencies of cesarean sections were: 57,2% (whole population), 45,6% (A), 64,2% (CD) and 55,7% (AD); the cesarean sections were performed due to obstetrical reasons in 77% of the cases. In the 425 cases with no previous cesarean sections, the frequencies of c-sections deliveries were 47,1% (whole group), 37,8% (A), 57,8% (CD) and 43,3% (AD). The factors related to a higher probability of cesarean section were: previous cesarean section, gestational age at delivery of less than 37 weeks, presence of obstetrical events, diagnosis of congenital heart disease, heart failure (NYHA functional class III/IV) and use of cardiovascular drugs. The parity above 1 was related to a lesser probability of csections, and previous cesarean was the main factor related to the risk of abdominal delivery. In the cases with no previous cesarean sections, according to the subgroups of heart disease, the probability of cesarean section was heightened in the presence of the following factors: group A: use of cardiovascular drugs, CD: functional class III/IV and obstetrical events and AD: obstetrical events and gestational age in delivery less than 37 weeks. The rate of obstetrical complications was 6,8%, most of them in group A and in vaginal birth. Major clinical complications occurred in 2,5% of the cases, and were more related to cesarean sections (3,8%). Conclusion: the rates of cesarean sections observed in pregnant women with heart disease were high (mainly in the CD group), and related to previous cesarean sections, heart failure, use of cardiovascular drugs, presence of obstetrical events and gestational age at delivery less than 37 weeks.

Estudo dos fatores relacionados à determinação da via do parto em gestantes portadoras de cardiopatias / Obstetrical and clinical factors related to the mode of delivery in pregnant women with heart disease

Bortolotto, Maria Rita de Figueiredo Lemos 08 March 2006 (has links)
Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar as freqüências de partos vaginais e cesáreas em mulheres portadoras de cardiopatias, bem como a distribuição dos partos nos diferentes subgrupos de doenças cardíacas: arritmias (A), cardiopatias congênitas (CC) e cardiopatias adquiridas (CA); analisar os fatores clínicos e obstétricos que estiveram relacionados à determinação da via de parto no grupo total de cardiopatas e também nos subgrupos, e avaliar a associação entre o tipo de parto e complicações clínicas e obstétricas. Foram analisados retrospectivamente os dados referentes a 571 gestações de 556 mulheres internadas para parto na Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo entre 2001 e 2005. A composição dos grupos foi: A - 57 casos (10%), CC - 163 casos (28,6%) e CA - 351 casos (61,4%). A taxas de cesárea foram 57,2% (total), 45,6% (A), 64,2% (CC) e 55,7% (CA). A indicação da cesárea foi obstétrica em 77% dos casos. Analisando os 425 casos sem cesáreas anteriores, as taxas de cesárea foram: 47,1% (total), 37,8% (A), 57,8% (CC) e 43,3% (CA). A probabilidade de parto cesáreo esteve relacionada à presença de cesárea anterior, idade gestacional no parto inferior a 37 semanas, presença de intercorrências obstétricas, diagnóstico de cardiopatia congênita, insuficiência cardíaca classe funcional (CF) III ou IV, e uso de medicamentos de ação cardiovascular. A paridade maior ou igual a um diminuiu a probabilidade de cesárea. A presença de cesárea anterior foi o principal fator relacionado à probabilidade de parto cesáreo nesta população. Nos subgrupos de cardiopatia (sem cesárea anterior) a probabilidade de cesárea esteve aumentada na presença dos seguintes fatores: A - uso de medicação cardiovascular; CC - CF III/IV e intercorrências obstétricas; CA -intercorrências obstétricas e idade gestacional no parto inferior a 37 semanas. A ocorrência de complicações obstétricas foi 6,8% (total), sendo maior em A (18,6%) e nos partos vaginais (10,7%); complicações clínicas maiores ocorreram em 2,5% dos casos e foram mais freqüentes nos casos de cesárea (3,8%). Conclusão: As taxas de cesárea observadas em gestante com cardiopatia foram elevadas (em especial nos casos de cardiopatia congênita) e correlacionadas à presença de cesárea anterior, insuficiência cardíaca CF III/IV, uso de medicamentos de ação cardiovascular, presença de intercorrências obstétricas e idade gestacional no parto inferior a 37 semanas. / This study reviewed the data of 571 pregnancies in 556 pregnant women with heart disease admitted for delivery in a tertiary university hospital between 2001 and 2005. The objectives were to assess the prevalence of cesarean sections and vaginal births among the whole group of cases and in three subgroups: patients with arrhythmias (A - 57 cases / 10%), congenital diseases (CD - 163 cases / 28,6%) and acquired diseases (AD - 351 cases / 61,4%), and to determine the clinical and obstetrical factors related to the mode of delivery in the whole population and in the subgroups, as well as the association between the mode of delivery and clinical and obstetrical complications. The frequencies of cesarean sections were: 57,2% (whole population), 45,6% (A), 64,2% (CD) and 55,7% (AD); the cesarean sections were performed due to obstetrical reasons in 77% of the cases. In the 425 cases with no previous cesarean sections, the frequencies of c-sections deliveries were 47,1% (whole group), 37,8% (A), 57,8% (CD) and 43,3% (AD). The factors related to a higher probability of cesarean section were: previous cesarean section, gestational age at delivery of less than 37 weeks, presence of obstetrical events, diagnosis of congenital heart disease, heart failure (NYHA functional class III/IV) and use of cardiovascular drugs. The parity above 1 was related to a lesser probability of csections, and previous cesarean was the main factor related to the risk of abdominal delivery. In the cases with no previous cesarean sections, according to the subgroups of heart disease, the probability of cesarean section was heightened in the presence of the following factors: group A: use of cardiovascular drugs, CD: functional class III/IV and obstetrical events and AD: obstetrical events and gestational age in delivery less than 37 weeks. The rate of obstetrical complications was 6,8%, most of them in group A and in vaginal birth. Major clinical complications occurred in 2,5% of the cases, and were more related to cesarean sections (3,8%). Conclusion: the rates of cesarean sections observed in pregnant women with heart disease were high (mainly in the CD group), and related to previous cesarean sections, heart failure, use of cardiovascular drugs, presence of obstetrical events and gestational age at delivery less than 37 weeks.

Práticas obstétricas e influência do tipo de parto em resultados neonatais e maternos em Sergipe / Obstetric practices and the influence of mode of delivery on neonatal and maternal outcomes in Sergipe

Prado, Daniela Siqueira 13 April 2018 (has links)
Background: Brazil has high frequency of inappropriate obstetric practices and cesarean sections. This procedure may be associated with increased maternal and perinatal morbidity. Objective: to describe practices and interventions used during labor and childbirth and factors associated with such practices and to evaluate the impact of mode of delivery in breastfeeding incentive practices and in neonatal and maternal complications. Methods: A Cohort study was conducted, between june 2015 and april 2017, at the 11 maternity hospitals in Sergipe with 768 puerperal women, interviewed in the first 24 hours after delivery, 45-60 days and 6-8 months after delivery. The associations between good practices and interventions used during labor and delivery with exposure variables were described by simple frequencies, percentages, crude and adjusted odds ratios (ORA) with the confidence interval and the association between breastfeeding incentive practices, neonatal and maternal, both short term and late complications and the exposure variables were evaluated by the relative risk (95% IC) and the Fisher exact test. Results: were fed 10.6% of women and 27.8% moved during labor; non-pharmacological measures for pain relief were performed in 26.1%; the partograph was filled in 39.4% of the charts and the companion was present in 40.6% of deliveries. Oxytocin, amniotomy and analgesia occurred in 59.1%, 49.3% and 4.2% of women, respectively. The delivery occurred in the lithotomy position in 95.2% of the cases, there was episiotomy in 43.9% and Kristeller's maneuver in 31.7%. The factors most associated with cesarean section were the private health sector (ORA = 4.27,95% CI: 2.44-7.47), had higher education (ORA = 4.54,95%CI 2.56 -8.3) and high obstetric risk (ORA = 1.9,95%CI: 1.31-2.74). Private-sector users had a greater presence of the companion (ORA = 2.12,95% CI:1.18-3.79) and analgesia (ORA = 4.96,95% CI:1.7-14.5). The C-section delivery resulted in less skin-to-skin contact immediately after delivery (intrapartum c-section: RR=0.18;95%CI:0.1-0.31 and elective c-section: RR=0.36;95%CI:0.27-0.47) and less breastfeeding within one hour of birth (intrapartum C-section: RR=0.43;95%CI:0.29-0.63 and elective C-section: RR=0.44;95%CI:0.33-0.59). Newborns from elective c-section were less frequently breastfed in the delivery room (RR=0.42;95%CI:0.2-0.88) and stayed less in rooming- in (RR=0.85;95%CI:0.77-0.95). Women who were submitted to intrapartum c-section had greater risk of early complications (RR=1.3;95%CI:1.04-1.64; p=0.037) and sexual dysfunction (RR=1.68;95%CI:1.14-2.48; p=0.027). There was no difference in the frequency of neonatal complications, urinary incontinence and depression according to the mode of delivery. Conclusions: good obstetric practices are poorly performed and unnecessary interventions are frequent, and the factors most associated with cesarean delivery have been the private health sector, higher schooling and high obstetric risk. C-section was negatively associated to breastfeeding incentive practices. C-section after labor increased the risk of early maternal complications and sexual dysfunction, six to eight months after delivery. / Introdução: No Brasil, verifica-se elevada frequência de práticas obstétricas inadequadas e de cesáreas. Este procedimento pode associar-se a aumento de risco de morbidade materna e neonatal. Objetivo: descrever as práticas utilizadas durante o trabalho de parto e parto e fatores associados e avaliar práticas de incentivo à amamentação, complicações neonatais e maternas precoces e tardias segundo tipo de parto. Pacientes e Métodos: estudo tipo coorte, no período de junho de 2015 a abril e 2016, nas 11 maternidades de Sergipe, com 768 puérperas entrevistadas após 6h do parto, 45 a 60 dias e 6 a 8 meses após o parto e análise de dados do prontuário das puérperas e dos recém-nascidos. As associações entre as boas práticas e intervenções utilizadas durante o trabalho de parto e parto com as variáveis de exposição foram descritas em frequências simples, percentuais, razões de chances brutas (OR) e ajustadas (ORA) com o intervalo de confiança e as associações entre as práticas de incentivo à amamentação, as complicações neonatais e maternas precoces e tardias e as variáveis de exposição foram descrias por risco relativo (IC=95%) e pelo teste exato de Fisher. Resultados: alimentaram-se 10,6% das mulheres e 27,8% movimentaram-se durante o trabalho de parto; medidas não farmacológicas para alívio da dor foram realizadas em 26,1%; o partograma estava preenchido em 39,4% dos prontuários e o acompanhante esteve presente em 40,6% dos partos. Ocitocina, amniotomia e analgesia ocorreram em 59,1%, 49,3% e 4,2% das mulheres, respectivamente. O parto ocorreu na posição de litotomia em 95,2% dos casos, houve episiotomia em 43,9% e manobra de Kristeller em 31,7%. Os fatores mais associados à cesárea foram ser do setor privado de saúde (ORA=4,27;95%CI:2,44-7,47), ter maior escolaridade (ORA=4,54;95%CI:2,56-8,3) e alto risco obstétrico (ORA=1,9;95%CI:1,31-2,74). Usuárias do setor privado tiveram maior presença do acompanhante (ORA=2,12;95%CI:1,18-3,79) e analgesia (ORA=4,96;95%CI: 1,7-14,5). Os recém-nascidos de puérperas que se submeteram a cesárea tiveram menor frequência de contato pele a pele com suas mães imediatamente após o parto (cesárea intraparto: RR=0,18;95%CI:0,1-0,31 e cesárea eletiva: RR=0,36;95%CI:0,27-0,47) e mamaram menos na primeira hora de vida (cesárea intraparto: RR=0,43;95%CI:0,29-0,63 e cesárea eletiva: RR=0,44; 95%CI:0,33-0,59). Recém-nascidos de cesárea eletiva foram menos frequentemente colocados para mamar na sala de parto (RR=0,42;95%CI:0,2-0,88) e ficaram em menor frequência em alojamento conjunto (RR=0,85;95%CI:0,77-0,95). As mulheres submetidas a cesárea intraparto tiveram maior risco de complicações precoces (RR=1,3;95%CI:1,04-1,64; p=0,037) e de disfunção sexual (RR=1,68;95%CI:1,14-2,48; p=0,027). Não houve diferença nas frequências de complicações neonatais, incontinência urinária e de depressão segundo tipo de parto. Conclusões: boas práticas obstétricas são pouco utilizadas e intervenções desnecessárias são frequentes e os fatores mais associados à operação cesariana foram ser do setor privado de saúde, ter maior escolaridade e alto risco obstétrico. A cesárea associou-se negativamente às práticas de incentivo à amamentação. A cesárea após trabalho de parto associou-se a maior risco de complicações maternas precoces e a disfunção sexual seis a oito meses pós-parto. / São Cristóvão, SE

Indução de demanda por cesariana no Brasil: contribuindo com a discussão sob o enfoque da economia da saúde

Costa, Mateus Clóvis de Souza 29 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2018-07-20T15:48:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 mateusclovisdesouzacosta.pdf: 2901250 bytes, checksum: 8af7b5baf07040748804059716275b90 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-09-03T16:18:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 mateusclovisdesouzacosta.pdf: 2901250 bytes, checksum: 8af7b5baf07040748804059716275b90 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-03T16:18:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 mateusclovisdesouzacosta.pdf: 2901250 bytes, checksum: 8af7b5baf07040748804059716275b90 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-29 / A tese tem por objetivo estimular a discussão, por meio de três estudos independentes, sobre os impactos econômico-financeiros das cesarianas desnecessárias no Brasil, estimando os custos, propondo estratégias para redução do procedimento quando desnecessário e investigando a hipótese de que obstetras induzem a demanda por cesariana. A epidemia de cesariana é um problema de saúde pública que onera financeiramente os sistemas público e privado de saúde e que desperdiça recursos que poderiam ser utilizados de maneira mais eficiente. O primeiro estudo estima o custo da cesariana desnecessária no Brasil. Tendo como base dados da pesquisa Nascer no Brasil, DATASUS, SIGTAP, UNIDAS e estimando por regressão logística, foi possível concluir que o custo da cesariana desnecessária é no mínimo R$ 10,5 milhões no setor público e R$ 17,6 milhões no setor privado, o que representa 1,6% a 6% dos gastos públicos com cesariana. O segundo estudo propõe mudança no modelo de assistência obstétrica que envolve alteração na jornada de trabalho, na forma de remuneração e no aumento da punição aos obstetras, como forma de inibir a prática de indução de demanda. A partir de referências na literatura, dados da AMB, DATASUS e da pesquisa Nascer no Brasil, atribuíram-se métricas para a utilidade do obstetra e utilizou-se uma simulação para sensibilizar as métricas de remuneração e ética profissional, permitindo observar o efeito na decisão do obstetra. Concluise que remunerar obstetras com salário fixo, introduzi-los na jornada de trabalho sob regime plantão e em equipe colaborativa e aumentar da punição pela prática antiética de indução de demanda são ações que podem somar a outros esforços para o combate à epidemia da cirurgia no Brasil. O terceiro estudo investigou a hipótese de indução de demanda por cesariana no Brasil. Com dados do DATASUS, CFM e da pesquisa Nascer no Brasil, foi possível descrever comportamentos da assistência obstétrica brasileira no que diz respeito ao volume de nascimentos por hora, processos éticos contra obstetras e a probabilidade de haver cesariana sem indicação clínica. As conclusões são de que o volume de nascimentos por cesariana no Brasil supera aos do parto vaginal em horários comerciais, que ginecologia-obstetrícia é a especialidade com maior volume processos ético-disciplinares no CFM, que a maioria das decisões dos CRM’s/CFM tem caráter reservado e que quando o trabalho de parto de mulheres de risco habitual, que se iniciou espontaneamente, é acompanhando só por médico obstetra, ocorre em dia de semana e o obstetra decidiu a via de nascimento no final da gestação, houve maior chance de cesariana, levando à suspeita da prática de medicina defensiva. / This thesis aims to stimulate the discussion, by means of three independent studies, of the economic-financial impacts of unnecessary cesarean sections in Brazil, estimating the costs, suggesting strategies to decrease this procedure when unnecessary and investigating the hypothesis that obstetricians induces the demand for this surgery. The cesarean sections epidemic is a public health issue that financially burdens both public and private health systems, wasting resources that could be used in a more efficient way. The first study estimates the cost of unnecessary cesarean section in Brazil. Basing on Birth in Brazil research, DATASUS, SIGTAP and UNIDAS data and estimating by logistic regression, it was possible to conclude that the cost of unnecessary cesarean sections is at least R$ 10,5 million in the public sector and R$ 17,6 million in the private sector, representing 1.6% to 6 % of public expenses with this procedure. The second study proposes a change in the obstetric assistance model that involves alteration in the working hours, in the remuneration forms and the increase of penalties to obstetricians, as way to inhibit the practice of demand induction. Starting from literature references, AMB, DATASUS and Birth in Brazil research data, a metric for the obstetrician utility has been attributed and a simulation to sensetize the metrics for remuneration and professional ethics has been used, allowing to observe the effects in the obstetrician decisions. It was concluded that remunerating obstetricians with a fixed wage, puting them in a on call working journey with a collaborative team and increasing penalties for the unethical practice of demand induction are means that can be added to other efforts to fight the epidemic of this surgery in Brazil. The third study has investigated the hypothesis of demand induction for cesarean sections in Brazil. With DATASUS, CFM and Birth in Brazil research data, it was possible to describe behaviors of Brazilian obstetric assistance regarding the amount of births per hour, ethical law suits against obstetricians and the probability of a cesarean section without clinical indication. The conclusions are that the amount of births by cesarean section in Brazil exceeds those of vaginal delivery during business hours, that gynecology-obstetrics is the specialty with the greatest amount of ethical-disciplinary law suits in the CFM, that most CRMs/CFM decisions have a reserved character and that when the labor of women on habitual risk, which started spontaneously, occurs on weekdays and is followed only by an obstetrician, and the obstetrician decided the birth path at the end of gestation, there was a higher chance of a cesarean section, leading to the suspicion of the defensive medicine practice.

Impact de la mise en place d'un Centre d'Epidémiologie Périnatale en Wallonie et à Bruxelles sur les données en santé périnatale et analyse des nouvelles données sur la santé périnatale des immigrants et sur l'impact de l'indice de masse corporelle maternel / Evaluation of the creation of a Centre of perinatal epidemiology in Wallonia and Brussels and analysis of collected data regarding immigration status and maternal obesity

Minsart, Anne-Frédérique 18 June 2013 (has links)
La Communauté française décide en concertation avec la Région bruxelloise et la Région wallonne, de financer un Centre d’Epidémiologie Périnatale (CEpiP). Les Communautés et Régions chargent le CEpiP de les assister dans la vérification, le remplissage et la correction des certificats concernant les naissances à partir du 1er janvier 2008. Le CEpiP est également chargé d’encoder les certificats bruxellois, les certificats wallons étant toujours encodés par un sous-traitant.<p>Un problème souvent rencontré dans l’analyse des certificats de naissance est la présence de données manquantes. Des informations manquaient sur 64.0% des certificats bruxellois de janvier 2008 (situation de base). Le renforcement de l’enregistrement par le CEpiP durant l’année 2008 est lié à une diminution des informations manquantes sur les certificats initiaux (à la sortie des maternités et services d’état civil) après la première et la deuxième année d’enregistrement :20,8% et 19,5% des naissances en décembre 2008 et 2009 respectivement. Le taux résiduel de données manquantes après correction grâce aux listes envoyées aux maternités et services d’Etat civil est faible. En particulier, la nationalité d’origine des parents était souvent manquante, jusqu’à 35% à Bruxelles (données non publiées), et ce taux est passé à 2.6% en 2008 et 0.1% en 2009. Certaines données manquantes ne sont pas distribuées de façon équivalente selon la nationalité de la mère, même après correction. Les mères d’origine sub-saharienne ont les taux de remplissage les moins élevés. Enfin, le taux de mort-nés a augmenté par rapport aux données de 2007, au profit des mort-nés avant l’âge de 28 semaines, et suggère une amélioration de l’enregistrement suite au renforcement de l’information.<p>Les données concernant l’indice de masse corporelle des patientes sont donc relevées depuis 2009 pour l’ensemble des mères qui accouchent en Belgique. L’obésité maternelle et l’immigration sont en augmentation en Belgique, et ont été rarement étudiées au travers d’études de population sur les certificats de naissance. Des études ont pourtant montré que ces mères étaient à risque de complications périnatales, comme la césarienne ou la mortalité périnatale. L’obésité et l’immigration ont en commun le fait qu’elles recouvrent des réalités médicales, sociales et relationnelles face au personnel soignant, qui les mettent à risque de complications périnatales.<p>Des différences en termes de complications obstétricales et néonatales entre populations immigrantes et autochtones ont été observées en Belgique et dans d’autres pays, mais elles sont encore mal comprises. <p>Dans un premier travail d’analyse, nous avons évalué les taux de mortalité périnatale chez les mères immigrantes, en fonction du fait qu’elles étaient naturalisées ou non.<p>Le taux de mortalité périnatale est globalement plus élevé chez les mères immigrantes (8.6‰) que non-immigrantes (6.4‰).<p>Le taux de mortalité périnatale est globalement plus élevé chez les mères non naturalisées (10.3‰) que chez les mères naturalisées (6.1‰).<p>Le taux de mortalité périnatale varie selon l’origine des mères, mais dans chaque sous-groupe étudié, les mères non naturalisées ont un taux plus élevé de mortalité périnatale.<p><p>Des études ont successivement montré davantage, ou moins de césariennes chez les mères immigrantes. Peu de facteurs confondants étaient généralement pris en compte. Dans un second travail d’analyse, nous avons comparé les taux de césarienne dans plusieurs sous-groupes de nationalités.<p>Les taux de césarienne varient selon les sous-groupes de nationalités. Les mères originaires d’Afrique sub-saharienne ont un odds ratio ajusté pour la césarienne de 2.06 (1.62-2.63) en comparaison aux mères belges. L’odds ratio ajusté n’est plus statistiquement significatif après introduction des variables anthropométriques dans le modèle multivariable pour les mères d’Europe de l’Est, et après introduction des interventions médicales pour les mères du Maghreb.<p><p>Peu d’études ont analysé la relation entre l’obésité maternelle et les complications néonatales, et la plupart de ces études n’ont pas ajusté leurs résultats pour plusieurs variables confondantes. Nous avons eu pour but dans un troisième travail d’analyse d’étudier la relation entre l’obésité maternelle et les paramètres néonatals, en tenant compte du type de travail (induit ou spontané) et du type d’accouchement (césarienne ou voie basse). Les enfants de mères obèses ont un excès de 38% d’admission en centre néonatal après ajustement pour toutes les caractéristiques du modèle multivariable (intervalle de confiance à 95% :1.22-1.56) ;les enfants de mères obèses en travail spontané et induit ont également un excès de risque de 45% (1.21-1.73) et 34% (1.10-1.63) respectivement, alors qu’après une césarienne programmée l’excès de risque est de 18% (0.86-1.63) et non statistiquement significatif.<p>Les enfants de mères obèses ont un excès de 31% de taux d’Apgar à 1 minute inférieur à 7, après ajustement pour toutes les caractéristiques du modèle mutivariable (1.15-1.49) ;les enfants de mères obèses en travail spontané et induit ont également un excès de risque de 26% (1.04-1.52) et 38% (1.12-1.69) respectivement, alors qu’après une césarienne programmée l’excès de risque est de 50% (0.96-2.36) et non statistiquement significatif.<p><p>In 2008, a Centre for Perinatal Epidemiology was created inter alia to assist the Health Departments of Brussels-Capital City Region and the French Community to check birth certificates. A problem repeatedly reported in birth certificate data is the presence of missing data. The purpose of this study is to assess the changes brought by the Centre in terms of completeness of data registration for the entire population and according to immigration status. Reinforcement of data collection was associated with a decrease of missing information. The residual missing data rate was very low. Education level and employment status were missing more often in immigrant mothers compared to Belgian natives both in 2008 and 2009. Mothers from Sub-Saharan Africa had the highest missing rate of socio-economic data. The stillbirth rate increased from 4.6‰ in 2007 to 8.2‰ in 2009. All twin pairs were identified, but early loss of a co-twin before 22 weeks was rarely reported.<p>Differences in neonatal mortality among immigrants have been documented in Belgium and elsewhere, and these disparities are poorly understood. Our objective was to compare perinatal mortality rates in immigrant mothers according to citizenship status. Perinatal mortality rate varied according to the origin of the mother and her naturalization status: among immigrants, non-naturalized immigrants had a higher incidence of perinatal mortality (10.3‰) than their naturalized counterparts (6.1‰). In a country with a high frequency of naturalization, and universal access to health care, naturalized immigrant mothers experience less perinatal mortality than their not naturalized counterparts. <p>Our second objective was to provide insight into the differential effect of immigration on cesarean section rates, using Robson classification. Cesarean section rates currently vary between Robson categories in immigrant subgroups. Immigrant mothers from Sub-Saharan Africa with a term, singleton infant in cephalic position, without previous cesarean section, appear to carry the highest burden.<p>If it is well known that obesity increases morbidity for both mother and fetus and is associated with a variety of adverse reproductive outcomes, few studies have assessed the relation between obesity and neonatal outcomes. This is the aim of the last study, after taking into account type of labor and delivery, as well as social, medical and hospital characteristics in a population-based analysis. Neonatal admission to intensive care and low Apgar scores were more likely to occur in infants from obese mothers, both after spontaneous and <p> / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

La césarienne de qualité au Burkina Faso: comment penser et agir au delà de l'acte technique

Richard, Fabienne 02 May 2012 (has links)
La césarienne est une intervention obstétricale majeure qui peut sauver la vie de la mère et de l’enfant. En Afrique sub-saharienne, il persiste une grande inégalité d’accès à la césarienne et une grande variation des pratiques autour des indications d’intervention. D’un côté, des barrières financières, géographiques, culturelles privent des femmes d’une intervention qui peut sauver leur vie. De l’autre, la pratique grandissante de césariennes sans indication médicale, dans un contexte de mauvaise qualité de soins, entraine une sur-morbidité et mortalité iatrogènes et évitables. <p>L’objectif de notre thèse est de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des déterminants d’une césarienne de qualité et de montrer comment en situation réelle (cas d’un district urbain au Burkina Faso) on peut agir sur ces déterminants pour améliorer la qualité des césariennes.<p>Dans le cadre d’un projet multidisciplinaire (santé publique, mobilisation politique et sociale, anthropologie) d’Amélioration de la QUalité et de l’Accès aux Soins Obstétricaux d’Urgence - le projet AQUASOU (2003-2006) - nous avons pu mettre en œuvre des activités visant à améliorer l’accès à une césarienne de qualité dans le district du Secteur 30) à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Nous avons mené une étude Avant-Après et utilisé des méthodes d’évaluation mixtes quantitatives et qualitatives pour comprendre dans quelle mesure et comment ce type d’approche globale améliore la qualité de la césarienne. Nous avons utilisé le cadre d’analyse de Dujardin et Delvaux (1998) qui présente les différents déterminants de la césarienne pour organiser et structurer nos résultats. Cette expérience s’étant déroulée dans le cadre d’un projet pilote nous avons également évalué le degré de pérennité du projet AQUASOU quatre ans après sa clôture officielle et analysé sa diffusion au niveau région et national.<p>Le cadre d’analyse de la césarienne de qualité avec ses quatre piliers (Accès, Diagnostic, Procédure, Soins postopératoires) a permis d’aller au-delà de la simple évaluation de la qualité technique de l’acte césarienne. Il a structuré l’analyse des différentes barrières à l’accès à la césarienne comme par exemple l’acceptabilité des services par la population et le coût de la prise en charge. <p>L’analyse des discours des femmes césarisées a mis en lumière le sentiment de culpabilité des femmes d’avoir eu une césarienne - ne pas avoir été « une bonne mère » capable d’accoucher normalement. Les questionnements sur la récurrence de la césarienne pour les prochaines grossesses, les dépenses élevées à la charge du ménage, la fatigue physique et les complications médicales possibles après l’opération mettent la femme dans une situation de vulnérabilités plurielles au sein de son couple et de sa famille.<p>L’évaluation du système de partage des coûts pour les urgences obstétricales mis en place en 2005 dans le district du Secteur 30 a montré qu’il était possible de mobiliser les collectivités locales de la ville et des communes rurales pour la santé des femmes. La levée des barrières financières a pu bénéficier à la fois aux femmes du milieu urbain et rural mais l’écart d’utilisation des services entre le milieu de résidence n’a pas été comblé et cela confirme l’importance des barrières géographiques (distance, route impraticable pendant la saison des pluies, manque de moyen de transport) et socioculturelles.<p>L’étude sur le rôle des audits cliniques ou revues de cas dans l’amélioration de la qualité des soins a montré que les soignants avaient une bonne connaissance du but de l'audit et qu’ils classaient l'audit comme le premier facteur de changement dans leur pratique, comparé aux staffs matinaux, aux formations et aux guides cliniques. Cependant, l’institutionnalisation des audits se révèle difficile dans un contexte de manque de ressources qui affecte les conditions de travail et dans un environnement peu favorable à la remise en question de sa pratique professionnelle.<p>L’évaluation de la pérennité du projet pilote quatre ans après la fin du soutien financier et technique montre que les bénéfices pour la population sont toujours là en terme d’accessibilité à la césarienne :coûts directs pour les ménages de 5000 FCFA (US $ 9.8), qualité des soins maintenue avec une diminution de la mortalité périnatale précoce pour les accouchements par césarienne de 3,6% en 2004 à 1,8% en 2008.<p> \ / Doctorat en Sciences de la santé publique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

"Nobody asked if I was ok:" C-section experiences of mothers who wanted a birth with limited medical intervention

Van Busum, Kelly M. January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This thesis project aims to address the following question: How do women who were planning a vaginal birth with limited medical intervention experience an unplanned c-section? Specifically, this research project involved: completing in-depth interviews with 15 women who planned a vaginal birth with limited medical intervention but instead experienced an unplanned c-section between six months and two years ago; discovering and describing the nature of the birth the mothers originally envisioned for their child; exploring the women’s experiences with, and feelings about, the birth itself and how it might differ from what they envisioned; developing a better understanding of how these experiences and feelings affected the women during the first two years following the birth; describing any challenges they faced and how, if at all, they managed such challenges; and identifying strategies that could be used to improve the experience of women recovering from an unplanned c-section who envisioned a vaginal birth with limited medical intervention.

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