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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Management of a social experiment across multiple settings and institutions regarding childbirth education programs and type of birth

Aleksa, Linda C. January 1986 (has links)
Experimentation in field settings addressing socially sensitive topics are generally avoided by researchers. This avoidance is based on the restrictive nature of the required controls and the perceived inability to implement the required designs. In this study, the researcher has documented the necessary steps to meet design requirements for the conduct of a quasi-experimental study in two field settings. This quasi-experimental study addresses a case dealing with the attitudes of parents regarding their childbirth experiences. Programs for childbirth education traditionally emphasize the "natural" method of birth. Socially, cesarean births are currently being performed in 20 percent of the cases. Nursing education literature Suggests that prepared childbirth education programs contribute to negative parental attitudes for those experiencing cesarean birth. In the case for this study, attitudes of parents experiencing both vaginal and cesarean births and receiving three different levels of childbirth education were investigated. Documentation of the required research controls for the case was achieved through the maintenance of a log of events. The three levels of childbirth education included two types of Lamaze training and the non-prepared. Two hundred and sixteen (216) parents in each of the settings were included in the study representing 54 vaginal and 54 cesarean births. The measurements included hospital records/and response to a modified Likert scale. Analysis of variance was used to test the research hypothesis. Documentation of all research requirements for the study was successfully completed and case results obtained. Parents experiencing cesarean birth had more negative attitudes than those experiencing vaginal birth. In one of the two field settings, childbirth education was validated as contributing to more negative attitudes for cesarean birth, but was not replicated in the second setting. A significant (P<.05) first order interaction between type of birth and receipt of childbirth education was found in both settings. / Ed. D.

Relationship of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment During Labor and Delivery on Selected Maternal Morbidity Outcomes: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Keurentjes, Amy Elizabeth 30 April 2009 (has links)
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) has been used for more than 100 years to enhance the physiologic process of labor and delivery by normalizing pelvic structures and providing adequate blood supply to the uterus. Since maternal morbidity and mortality is a major health concern for developing countries, it was desirable to explore the benefits of OMT. After IRB approval by the Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine and Virginia Tech, the research was conducted in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic at Hospital Maternidad Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia to determine the relationship of OMT during labor and delivery on rates of cesarean section and perineal lacerations/ episiotomies. Qualifying candidates received the next sequentially numbered envelope with a randomized number assigning her to either the treatment or control group. Staff physicians at the hospital provided care to women in the control group according to their standard protocol. Four Osteopathic Physicians and one pre-doctoral OMM fellow performed OMT on women during the first and second stages of labor and performed their deliveries. There were 33 parturients in the OMT Treatment group and 32 in the control, for a total of 65 in the trial. The results of a logistic regression analysis using Wald criterion, with a statistical significance of alpha = 0.05, indicated treatment group reduction of rates of episiotomies in the primiparous (P = .04) and marginal significance in the combined primiparous and multiparous population (P = .05). The percentage of episiotomies in the primiparous treatment group was 35.29% and 75% in the control group. The percentage of episiotomies in the combined primiparous and multiparous groups were 15.15% in the treatment group and 37.5% in the control group. The cesarean rate for the treatment group was 9.09% and 18.75% for the control group (P = 0.098). The percentages of grade I & II perineal lacerations were 15.15% for the treatment group and 12.5% for the control group (P = 0.55) due to the extensive use of episiotomies in the control group. There were composite calculations made of the total number of parturients who had either a cesarean section, an episiotomy, or a perineal laceration so that overall maternal morbidity in each group could be compared. In the combined groups, there were fourteen total parturients (42.42%) who had undergone one of the three outcomes measures in the treatment group and twenty-one (65.63%) in the control group. This brings an odds ratio of 0.200 and a significant P value of 0.0235. Though cross-cultural issues made it difficult to perform the research as originally intended, there is evidence that Osteopathic Obstetrics provides benefit to parturients. A multi-institutional randomized controlled trial is proposed as the next step for the evaluation of OMT during labor and delivery. / Ph. D.

Surveillance of surgical site infections following caesarean section at two central hospitals in Harare, Zimbabwe

Maruta, Anna 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background Caesarean section deliveries are the most common procedures performed by obstetricians in Zimbabwe. Surgical site infections (SSI) following caesarean section delivery result in increased hospital stay, treatment, cost, hospital readmission rates and related maternal morbidity and mortality. There is no national surveillance system for SSIs in Zimbabwe, however, information is available on number of cases of post-operative wound infection after caesarean section, but the denominator and definition used is not consistent. The objective of this study were develop and strengthen the surveillance system in Zimbabwe, to establish a clinical-based system in a setting with limited microbiological access, to measure post-operative SSI after caesarean section and to describe the associated risk factors and to determine whether feedback of SSI data has any effect on the surgical site infection incidence rate. Methodology This was a before and after study with two rolling cohort periods conducted at two Central hospitals in Harare, Zimbabwe. An Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) intervention was conducted in-between. During the pre-intervention period, baseline demographic and clinical data were collected using a structured questionnaire, and during the post-intervention period the impact of the interventions was measured. Convenience sampling was employed. Results A total of 290 women consented to participate in the study in the pre intervention period, 86.9% (n= 252) completed the 30-days post-operative follow-up and the incidence rate of SSI was 29.0% (n=73, 95% CI:23.4-35.0) Interventions developed included: training in Infection Prevention and Control for health workers; implementation of a protocol for cleaning surgical instruments; dissemination of information on post-operative wound management for the women. After implementation of the intervention, 314 women were recruited for the post-intervention, 92.3%(n= 290) completed the 30-day follow-up and there was a significant (p<0.001) reduction in the incidence rate of SSIs to 12.1 % (n=35, 95% CI: 8.3 -15.8) during this period. Development of SSI after caesarean section was found to be significantly associated with emergency surgery (p<0.001), surgical wound class IV (p=0.001) and shaving at home (p<0.001) at both pre- intervention and post-intervention periods. Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za iii Conclusion This study shows that caesarean section can be performed with low incidence of SSI if appropriate interventions such as training in IPC, adequate cleaning of equipment and education in wound-care for the mother are adhered to. It also demonstrated a simple surveillance data collection tool can be used on a wide scale in resource limited countries to assist policy makers with monitoring and evaluation of SSI rates as well as assessment of risk factors. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond Keisersnitte is die mees algemene prosedure wat uitgevoer word deur obstetriese dokters in Zimbabwe. Chirurgiese wond infeksies wat op keisersnitte volg lei tot verlengde hospitaal verblyf, behandeling, koste, heropname koerse en verwante moederlike morbiditeit en mortaliteit. Alhoewel daar geen nasionale waaktoesig sisteem vir chirurgiese wondinfeksies is nie, is informasie beskikbaar vir ‘n aantal gevalle wat post-operatiewe wondinfeksie na ‘n keisersnit onwikkel het, maar die noemer en definisie word inkonsekwent gebruik. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die waaktoesig sisteem in Zimbabwe te ontwikkel en te versterk, om ‘n klinies-gebasseerde sisteem te vestig in ‘n opset met beprekte mikrobiologiese toegang, om postoperatiewe chirurgiese wond infeksies na keisersnitte te meet en om die geassosieerde risikofaktore te beskryf en om vas te stel of terugvoering van chirurgiese wondinfeksie data enige effek op die infeksiekoerse na keisersnitverlossings gehad het. Metodologie Hierdie was ‘n voor-en-na studie met twee kohort periodes uitgevoer by twee sentrale hospitale in Harare, Zimbabwe. ‘n Infeksievoorkoming en –beheer intervensie was tussenin uitgevoer. Tydens die pre-intervensie periode was basislyn demografiese en kliniese data ingesamel deur middel van ‘n gestruktureerde vraeboog, en gedurende die post-intervensie fase was die impak van die intervensies gemeet. Gerieflikheidsteekproefneming was geimplementeer. Resultate ‘n Totaal van 290 vroue het toestemming verleen om aan die studie deel te neem in die pre-intervensie periode, waarvan 86.9% (n=252) die 30 day post-operatiewe opvolg voltooi het en die insidensiekoers van chirurgiese wondinfeksies was 29.0% (n=73, 95% CI:23.4-35.0) Intervensies wat onwikkel was het ingesluit: opleiding in Infeksie Voorkoming en -Beheer vir gesondheidswerkers; die implementering van ‘n protokol om chirurgiese instrumente skoon te maak; disseminering van informasie oor post-operatiewe wondhantering vir vroue. Na die implimentering van die intervensie was 314 vroue gewerf in die post-intervensie fase, waarvan 92.3% (n=290) die 30 dae opvolg voltooi het. Daar was ‘n beduidende (p<0.001) verlaging in die insidensiekoers van chirurgiese wondinfeksies na 12.1% (n=35, 95% CI: 8.3-15.8) gedurende hierdie periode. Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za v Daar was bevind dat chirurgiese wondinfeksies beduidend geassosieer was met noodchirurgie (p<0.001), chirurgiese wondklassifikasie IV (p=0.001) en skeer van hare by die huis (p<0.001) by beide die pre-intervensie en post-intervensie periodes. Gevolgtrekking Hierdie studie wys dat keisersnitte uitgevoer kan word met ‘n lae insidensie van chirurgiese wondinfeksies indien toepaslike intervensies, soos opleiding in infeksievoorkoming en beheer, voldoende skoonmaak van toerusting en opvoeding in wondsorg vir die moeders. Dit het ook aangedui dat ‘n eenvoudige data-insameling instrument op ‘n wye basis gebruik kan word in beperkte-hulpbron lande om beleidmakers te help met monitering en evaluering van chirurgiese wondinfeksie koerse, asook die assessering van risikofaktore.

Die Kaiserschnittentbindung erhöht das Risiko für eine gestörte pulmonale Adaptation bei gesunden späten Frühgeborenen und reifen Neugeborenen / Cesarean section increases the risk of respiratory adaptive disorders healthy late preterm and 2 groups of mature newborns

Schweers, Hannah Katharina 08 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die Kaiserschnittrate erhöhte sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten in zahlreichen geburtshilflichen Kliniken. Diese Entwicklung ist problematisch, weil damit eine erhöhte pulmonale Morbidität der Neugeborenen verbunden sein kann. Die vor­ liegende Arbeit untersucht die Anpassung von späten Frühgeborenen (34,0–36,6 SSW) und 2 Gruppen von reifen Neugeborenen (37,0–37,6 und 40,6–40,6 SSW) in einem Level 1 Zentrum in Abhängigkeit vom Geburtsmodus. Eingeschlos­ sen wurden primär gesunde Kinder, die im Verlauf eines Jahres geboren wurden. Ausge­ schlossen wurden Kinder mit nachgewiesener angeborener Anomalie und Kinder mit einer schweren Anpassungsstörung (Apgar 5‘<6). Die Kaiserschnittrate lag bei 22% und war am höch­ sten bei späten Frühgeborenen (39%) im Ver­ gleich zu Kindern der 37. (30 %) und der 40. SSW (11%). Die Rate der Kinder, die mit CPAP behan­ delt werden mussten fiel von 88 % in der 34. SSW auf 17% in der 37. und 8% in der 40. SSW. Kinder nach Kaiserschnitt mussten im Vergleich zur spontan geborenen Kindern signifikant häufiger mit CPAP therapiert werden (50 vs. 12%). Dieser Unterschied war für späte Frühgeborene deutlich (82 vs. 36 %) und lag niedriger bei in der 37. (33 vs. 9 %) und 40. (26 vs. 6 %) SSW geborenen Kindern. Der deutlichste Unterschied fiel bei in der 36. SSW geborenen Kindern auf (66 vs. 9%). Die Ergebnisse der Analyse dokumentieren, dass ein Kaiserschnitt bei primär gesunden Kindern zu einer schlechteren respiratorischen Anpassung führt. Dies gilt besonders, jedoch nicht nur, für späte Frühgeborene und dort besonders für Kinder, die in der 36. SSW geboren werden. Die weltweit wachsende Rate von Kaiserschnittent­ bindungen sollte immer wieder kritisch hinter­ fragt werden. Eine Kaiserschnittentbindung ohne klare Indikation führt zu einer erhöhten Rate an respiratorischen Anpassungsstörungen, zur neo­ natologischen Aufnahme der Kinder und damit verbunden zu einer Störung der Mutter­Kind­Bindung, sowie zu einer unnötigen finanziellen Belastung des Gesundheitssystems. Es ist zu wünschen, dass die Daten der Studie benutzt werden, um in der Diskussion zwischen Eltern, Geburtshelfern und Neo­ natologen immer den besten Geburtsweg für das Kind zu finden. / The rates of delivery by Cesarean section (CS) have been trending upwards in recent decades, perhaps leading to higher rates of dysfunction in respiratory adaptation in newborns. We present epidemiological data for pulmonary adaptation by mode of delivery for healthy late preterm and term infants born at a regional tertiary care center. The overall CS rate was 22 % with the lar­ gest proportion of these in late preterms (39%). This drops to 30% in infants born after 37 weeks gestation and to 11% for those born after 40 weeks. Infants needing respiratory support de­ creased significantly as gestational age increased: 88% at 34 weeks, 67% at 35 weeks, 28% at 36 weeks, 17% at 37 weeks and 8% at 40 weeks. The risk of respiratory morbidity following CS as compared to vaginal delivery (VD) was substan­ tially higher. 50% of infants born by CS needed respiratory support compared to only 12% fol­ lowing VD. 82% of all late preterm infants born by CS developed respiratory morbidity compared to 36 % following VD. Comparable data for infants born after 37 and 40 weeks gestation were 33% compared to 9 % and 26 % compared to 6 % respec­ tively. Late preterm infants born after 36 weeks gestation showed the most marked difference by mode of birth with 66 % needing respiratory sup­ port following CS as compared to only 9 % follow­ ing VD. Our data could be useful in counselling parents about risk associated with delivery by Cesarean section. A critical view should be taken of increasing CS rates worldwide because of a clear correlation in increased morbidity in infants, especially late preterm infants.

Choosing Surgical Birth: Personal Choice and Medical Jurisdiction

Vasquez, Alexandria 18 April 2012 (has links)
This is an exploratory study of women’s childbearing decisions and outcomes in non-medically indicated cesarean section childbirths (CS). Focusing on the structure-agency dichotomy, the research is guided by Anthony Giddens’ theory of structuration used in the context of the medicalization framework in order to analyze elements of personal choice and medical jurisdiction in childbearing methods. Quantitative analysis of secondary data and a thematic content analysis of Internet forums are conducted in order to analyze women’s perceptions of autonomy and constraint in their childbearing decisions and outcomes. The findings suggest that the polarization between second- and third wave feminist critiques on medical intervention in childbirth, and between structure and agency, impede our understanding of the complex phenomenon. Applying structuration theory to the medicalization framework helps to work through this polarization, further lending support to third-way feminism.

Vulnerabilidades das mulheres à infecção de sítio cirúrgico pós-parto cesárea: proposta de um roteiro para auxílio à consulta de enfermeiro na atenção básica / Womens vulnerability to surgical infection after cesarean section; an exploratory study and guide proposal to support nurses consultation at Basic Attention

Cunha, Marcia Regina 15 December 2015 (has links)
A infecção de sítio cirúrgico pós-cesárea corresponde a 8% de todas as infecções pós-parto. Sua magnitude está relacionada ao alto percentual de partos cesáreos, no mundo todo. O puerpério é um período em que há maior atenção ao recém-nascido, podendo passar despercebidas condições que indicam infecção. Objetivos: Descrever o perfil das mulheres submetidas ao parto cesáreo (condições de vida, saúde reprodutiva e perfil sociodemográfico), correlacionando-o à presença de infecção e propor um roteiro que auxilie o enfermeiro da atenção básica a identificar indícios de infecção de sítio cirúrgico pós-cesárea no puerpério. Método: estudo exploratório, descritivo, transversal, retrospectivo, realizado por meio de revisão de prontuários (prontuários geral e Mãe Paulistana e Ficha A do SIAB) de 89 mulheres que tiveram parto cesáreo, de 01/01 a 31/12/2014. Tomaram-se informações de diagnóstico médico de infecção de sítio cirúrgico e situações em que havia, pelo menos, uma condição sugestiva de sinais e sintomas. A análise foi realizada segundo estatística descritiva (teste de Fischer). Resultados: A ocorrência de sinais e sintomas de infecção de sítio cirúrgico pós- cesárea foi verificada em 11 prontuários. Em 16 prontuários, não foram encontrados sinais e sintomas, e 62 prontuários não continham informações ou elas estavam incompletas. Raça/cor e dor em baixo ventre podem indicar infecção, mulheres pardas e negras foram as mais frequentes do grupo que apresentaram sinais sugestivos de infecção, apresentando diferença estatística significativa (p. =0,038). O roteiro para consulta de enfermagem no puerpério pós-parto cesáreo complementa dados que auxilia a identificação da ocorrência de sinais e sintomas sugestivos de infecção de sítio cirúrgico e auxilia a identificação de diagnósticos de Enfermagem. Conclusão: O roteiro pode auxiliar o profissional enfermeiro a reconhecer situações de risco e vulnerabilidade para o desenvolvimento de infecção de sítio cirúrgico pós-parto cesáreo ou outro sinal de complicação pós-parto, contribuindo com a melhoria da qualidade da assistência e segurança do paciente. / The surgical infection after cesarean section applies to 8% of all infections post childbirth. The magnitude of this event is related to cesarean sections high percent in the whole world. The puerperium is the period where there is more attention to the new born and the conditions that points to the infection can be unnoticed. Goals: To describe the profile of women who are submitted to cesarean section (life conditions, reproductive health and socio-demographic profile) correlating it to the presence of the infection and to propose a guide that will help the Basic Attention nurse to identify the surgical infection after cesarean section evidences at the puerperium. Method: exploratory, descriptive, transversal and retrospective study, achieved by medical record review (general records, Mãe Paulistana and Ficha A from SIAB) of eighty-nine women who had cesarean section, from January 01st to December 31st, 2014. Were analyzed medical records that had information about medical diagnosis of infection after cesarean section and conditions that contained at least one high trace of infection after cesarean sections signs and symptoms. The analysis was held through descriptive statistics (Fischers test). Results: The occurrence of signs and symptoms of surgical infection after cesarean section was observed in eleven medical records. In sixteen records wasnt found any reference to these signs and symptoms and sixty-two records didnt had the information or they were incomplete. Race/color, lower womb pain can indicate infection, black and dark women were more frequent among the group that presented high signs of infection, performing a significant statistical difference (p. =0,038). The guide to nurse consulting at puerperium after cesarean section complements the data that helps to identify the signs and symptoms of infection after cesarean section and supports the identification of nursing diagnosis. Conclusion: The guide can help the nurse to recognize situations of risk and vulnerability for the development of infection after cesarean section or any other sign of complication post childbirth complication, contributing to a better quality of patients assistance and safety.

Avaliação da efetividade da eletroestimulação nervosa transcutânea convencional para alívio da dor após parto cesárea / Assessment of the effectiveness of the transcutanous electrical nerve stimulation for pain relief after cesarean

Sousa, Lígia de 13 December 2007 (has links)
Em vista ao alto índice de cesárea no Brasil e ao projeto de humanização do ciclo gravídico-puerperal, observa-se a importância de pesquisar e utilizar recursos nãofarmacológicos que auxiliem na recuperação de mulheres no puerpério imediato da cesárea. A dor e o desconforto estão presentes em razão da cirurgia e dos movimentos necessários para o autocuidado e os cuidados com o recém-nascido. A Eletroestimulação Nervosa Transcutânea (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation - TENS) é uma modalidade terapêutica comumente utilizada para alívio de dor, inclusive dor aguda pós-operatória. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a efetividade da TENS no alívio de dor após cesárea. Para isto, foi realizado estudo clínico controlado, randomizado e simples-cego. Participaram do estudo 20 puérperas no grupo experimental que receberam a TENS e 20 no grupo controle, em que apenas a dor era avaliada. As puérperas foram avaliadas quanto às limitações de atividades decorrentes da dor pós-operatória. Para avaliar a dor foi usada a Escala de Categoria Numérica (Numeric Rating Scale - NRS) e o Questionário de Dor McGill. Foi feita uma primeira avaliação seguida da aplicação da TENS para o grupo experimental, por 45 minutos, e o acompanhamento do grupo controle pelo mesmo tempo. Após este período foi realizada uma segunda avaliação e, uma hora após, uma terceira avaliação. As puérperas apresentaram limitação nos movimentos de sentar e levantar e caminhar. A dor caracterizava-se, principalmente como ritmada e localizada. Os descritores mais comumente citados para descrevê-la foram \"dolorido\", \"que prende\", \"cólica\" e \"que repuxa\". Os maiores escores de dor foram relacionados aos movimentos de sentar e levantar e caminhar. Por meio de teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney, foi possível observar que o grupo experimental apresentou redução da dor estatisticamente significante maior que o grupo controle na segunda e na terceira avaliação pela NRS (p<0,001) e pelo McGill (p<0,001). Conclui-se que a TENS foi eficaz no alívio da dor, que permaneceu por, pelo menos, uma hora após a aplicação. Há a necessidade de mais pesquisas, possibilitando a utilização da TENS na prática clínica e como recurso não-farmacológico de humanização no puerpério de cesárea. / On the strengh of the large number of cesareans in Brazil and concerning the humanizing project of the pregnancy-puerperal cycle, it can be observed the importance of researching and prescribing non-pharmacological resources that can help by the recovery of puerperal women from the cesarean section. The pain and the discomfort by reason of the surgery and of those necessary movements for the self-help and to take care of the baby. The Transcutanous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is a therapeutic technique commonly used for easing the pain, including the post-operating acute pain. The objective of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of the TENS in the pain relief after cesarean. Hence a simple-blind and a random clinical-controlled study was done. Twenty puerperal women composed the experimental group in which TENS technique was applied and 20 others puerperal women composed the control group in which the pain was only evaluated. The puerperal was evaluated the pain the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) and the McGill Pain Questionnaire were chosen a first assessment was followed by a 45 minutes session of TENS technique with the experimental group, while the control group was only followed at the same time. After this period happened a second assessment and, an hour later, a third assessment. The puerperal presented limitations in sitting down, stand up and walking movements. The pain was characterized chiefly as rhythmic and located. The words more commonly used to describe pain were \"painful\", \"that holds\", \"colic\" and \"that pulls\". The highest scores of pain were related to the movements of sitting down, stand up and walking. By this Mann-Whitney non-parametric test, it was possible to observe that the experimental group presented a pain reduction more statistically significant than that of the control group in the second and third NRS (p<0,001) and McGill (p<0,001) assessment. The conclusion is that TENS is an efficient technique to promote pain reduction and resulting relief remains at least an hour after its use. More researches should be developed in order to make possible the use of TENS technique in the clinical practice and as a non-pharmacological humanizing resource in the puerperal condition of cesarean section.

Efeito da terapia hídrica restritiva ou liberal sobre a função renal de gestantes com pré-eclâmpsia grave submetidas cesariana: ensaio clínico randomizado / Effect of restrictive or liberal fluid therapy on renal function in pregnant women with severe pre-eclampsia submitted to cesarean section: randomized clinical trial

Silva, Wallace Andrino da 13 September 2018 (has links)
Justificativa e objetivo: O manejo hemodinâmico na pré-eclâmpsia grave (PEG) permanece um desafio, especialmente a reposição volêmica durante a cesariana. A sobrecarga de volume pode levar a edema agudo de pulmão, enquanto a restrição hídrica pode exacerbar a falência orgânica, como a injúria renal aguda (IRA). O objetivo do estudo foi a avaliação de IRA pósoperatória em pacientes com pré-eclâmpsia grave submetidas à cesariana, comparando pacientes que receberam estratégia restritiva, com os pacientes que receberam estratégia liberal de hidratação intraoperatória. Métodos: Um total de 46 pacientes foram randomizados em dois grupos de acordo com a hidratação durante a cesariana: liberal (1500 mL de ringer lactato, n = 23); e restritivo (250 mL de ringer lactato, n = 23). Liberada dieta irrestrita 8 horas após a cirurgia. A disfunção renal pós-operatória foi estratificada pelos críterios de Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) modificados. Cistatina C e lipocalina associada à gelatinase de neutrófilos (NGAL) foram avaliadas no período pré-operatório imediato, no primeiro e no segundo dia pós-operatório (PO). Resultados: IRA pós-operatória ocorreu em 43,5% dos pacientes em cada um dos grupos. O débito urinário intraoperatório foi maior no Grupo Liberal do que no Grupo Restritivo (116 mL/h versus 80 mL/h, p = 0,032). Em ambos os grupos, a cistatina C foi significativamente menor no 2º PO do que no 1º PO (p = 0,006). No Grupo Liberal, os níveis de NGAL permaneceram inalterados ao longo do período analisado. No Grupo Restritivo, houve aumento de NGAL no 1º PO em relação ao pré-operatório (p = 0,005), seguida por diminuição no 2º PO em relação ao 1º PO (p = 0,006). Conclusão: A ocorrência de IRA pós-operatória em pacientes com pré-eclâmpsia grave parece não ser dependente da estratégia de hidratação intraoperatória utilizada / Background and objectives: Hemodynamic management in severe preeclampsia remains a challenge, especially for fluid replacement during cesarean section. Volume overload can lead to acute pulmonary edema, whereas volume restriction can lead to acute kidney injury (AKI). The aim of this study was to evaluate postoperative AKI in patients with severe preeclampsia who underwent cesarean section, comparing patients who received restrictive fluid therapy with those who received liberal fluid therapy. Methods A total of 46 patients were randomized into two groups according to fluid therapy during cesarean section: liberal (1500 mL of lactated Ringer\'s, n = 23); and restrictive (250 mL of lactated Ringer\'s, n = 23). Unrestricted diet 8 hours after surgery. Postoperative renal dysfunction was stratified using modified AKI Network classification. Cystatin C and neutrophil gelatinaseassociated lipocalin (NGAL) were evaluated in the immediate preoperative period, postoperative (PO) days 1 and 2. Results: Postoperative AKI occurred in 43.5% of the patients in each of the groups. Intraoperative urine output was higher in the liberal group than in the restrictive group (116 mL/h versus 80 mL/h, p = 0.032). In both groups, serum cystatin C was significantly lower on PO2 than on PO1 (p = 0.006). In the liberal group, NGAL levels remained unchanged throughout the analyzed period. In the restrictive group, NGAL levels were significantly higher on PO1 than in the preoperative period (p = 0.005), although they subsequently dropped, being significantly lower on PO2 than on PO1 (p =0.006). Conclusion: The occurrence of postoperative AKI in patients with severe pre-eclampsia does not appear to be dependent on the type of intraoperative fluid therapy used

Fatores preditivos de morbimortalidade materna nos partos de gestações gemelares / Risk factors for maternal postpartum complications in twin deliveries

Stach, Sonia Christina Leme 06 February 2013 (has links)
A melhor via de parto para o nascimento de gestações gemelares permanece controverso. Existe pouca informação na literatura sobre as complicações puerperais maternas destas gestações. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as complicações puerperais maternas de acordo com a via de partos em gestações gemelares e estabelecer fatores de risco associados. Métodos: trata-se de estudo retrospectivo do parto de gestações gemelares, ocorridas no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, entre 1993 a 2008, com idade gestacional superior a 26 semanas. As vias de parto definidas foram: parto vaginal, cesárea eletiva e cesárea urgente. Gestações com gêmeos unidos ou partos combinados não foram incluídas na análise. A análise multivariada foi realizada para a determinação de fatores preditivos de complicação materna. Os riscos relativos e intervalos de confiança 95% (ic95%) foram calculados. Resultados: foram observadas 90 complicações maternas em 56/ 817 (6.9%) partos, sendo: 7/131 (5,3%) após parto vaginal, 10/251 (4,0%) após cesárea eletiva e 10/251 (9,0%) após cesárea urgente (p=0,03) . As complicações maternas foram significativamente associadas com gestações de alto risco (r=0,16, p<0.001), idade gestacional do parto (r=-0,09, p=0.01) e via de parto (r=0.05, p=0.13). A melhor fórmula foi descrita como 0.286 + (0.018 * via de parto) - (0.008 * idade gestacional do parto) + (0.104 * gestação de alto risco) (r=0.20). A predição de complicações maternas pela idade gestacional de nascimento mostrou uma área sob a curva ROC de 0,61 (ic95%=0,51- 0,71). A análise de risco relativo revelou que foram significativos os partos realizados abaixo de 32sem, com risco relativo(RR) de 1,82 (IC95%: 1,03- 3,29) , abaixo de 33sem, RR 1,82 (IC95%:1,06-3,08) e a gestação de alto risco ,RR= 3,29 (IC95%: 1,99-5,36). A presença de complicações puerperais foi maior após uma cesárea urgente, quando comparada com a cesárea eletiva , RR= 2,34 (IC95%:1,21-4,57). Conclusão: complicações puerperais maternas estão relacionadas com gestação de alto risco, partos em idade gestacional precoce e cesarianas urgentes / The optimal route of delivery of twin gestations is a matter of controversy.There is a lack of data in literature regarding maternal delivery complications in these pregnancies. The objective of this study is to examine maternal postpartum complications according to delivery mode in twin pregnancies and investigate associated factors. Methods: retrospective review of all twin pregnancies, with more than 26weeks gestational age, that delivered between 1993 and 2008 at Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo University Medical School. Delivery mode subgroups were defined as: vaginal, elective and emergency cesarean sections. Pregnancies with conjoined twins and combined deliveries were not included in the analysis. Stepwise regression analysis was used to investigate significant predictors of maternal postpartum complications. Relative risks and 95% confidence intervals were calculated. Results: Ninety maternal pospartum complications were observed in 56/817 (6.9%) deliveries: 7/131 (5.3%) vaginal, 10/251 (4.0%) elective cesarean sections and 39/435 (9.0%) emergency cesareans (p=0.03). Maternal complications were significantly associated with high-risk pregnancies (r=0.16, p<0.001), gestational age at birth (r=-0.09, p=0.01), and mode of delivery (r=0.05, p=0.13). The best-fit formula was described by 0.286 + (0.018 * mode of delivery) - (0.008 * gestational age at delivery) + (0.104 * high-risk pregnancy) (r=0.20). Prediction of maternal complications according to gestational age at delivery demonstrated an ROC curve area of 0.61 (95% confidence interval CI= 0.51 0.71). The likelihood of complications was increased for deliveries before 32 weeks (RR= 1.86, 95%CI= 1.03 3.29), before 33 weeks (RR= 1.82, 95%CI= 1.06 3.08) and for high-risk pregnancies (RR= 3.29, 95%CI= 1.99 5.36). Occurrence of complications was significantly increased in emergency cesarean compared to elective sections (RR= 2.34, 95%CI= 1.21 4.57).Conclusion: Maternal postpartum complications in twin pregnancies are related to preexisting complications, earlier gestational age and emergency cesarean deliveries

Efeitos da cesárea eletiva no período perinatal e no primeiro ano de vida coorte de lactentes de Botucatu: Efeitos da cesárea eletiva no período perinatal e no primeiro ano de vida /

Ferrari, Anna Paula. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Cristina Maria Garcia de Lima Parada / Resumo: Introdução: Na literatura científica, estudos relacionam as cesáreas ao aumento do risco de morbimortalidade materna e infantil. Além dos possíveis desfechos negativos observados no período perinatal, a literatura tem apontado, também, efeitos deletérios na primeira infância para crianças nascidas por operação cesariana, tais como: desmame precoce, asma, alergia e alterações de crescimento. Porém, com exceção do aleitamento materno e da asma, há viés na maioria dos registros, visto que não há a devida discriminação entre os desfechos relacionados às cesáreas indicadas e as cesáreas eletivas. A tese a ser explorada diz respeito aos efeitos adversos da cesárea no período perinatal e primeiro ano de vida, quando realizada sem indicação precisa, tendo como hipótese: os desfechos da cesárea eletiva são negativos no período perinatal e no primeiro ano de vida quando comparados aos mesmo desfechos do parto vaginal. Objetivos específicos: três estudos foram desenvolvidos, sendo que o primeiro, tem por objetivo classificar os tipos de partos de acordo com três referências: Federação Brasileira das Associações de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (FEBRASGO), Ministério da Saúde (Comissão Nacional de Incorporação de Tecnologia no Sistema Único de Saúde – CONITEC) e revisão de literatura especialmente conduzida para tal finalidade e comparar os desfechos perinatais e no primeiro ano de vida associados a essas classificações; o segundo objetiva verificar o efeito da cesárea eletiva sobre os desfe... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Introduction: In the scientific literature, studies have linked cesarean sections to an increased risk of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality. In addition to the possible negative outcomes observed in the perinatal period, the literature has also pointed out deleterious effects in early childhood for children born by cesarean section, such as early weaning, asthma, allergy and growth disorders. However, with the exception of breastfeeding and asthma, there are biases in most registries, since there is no proper discrimination between outcomes related to indicated cesarean sections and elective cesarean sections. The thesis to be explored concerns the adverse effects of cesarean section in the perinatal period and first year of life, when performed without precise indication, with the hypothesis: elective cesarean outcomes are negative in the perinatal period and in the first year of life when compared to vaginal delivery outcomes. Specific objectives: three studies were developed, the first of which aims to classify the types of deliveries according to three references: Brazilian Federation of Associations of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FEBRASGO), Ministry of Health (National Commission for the Incorporation of Unitary Health System - CONITEC) and literature review conducted for this purpose and to compare the perinatal outcomes and in the first year of life associated with these classifications; the second objective was to verify the effect of elective cesarean sectio... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

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