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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise comportamental do modelo de mudança conceitual /

Chirinéa, Guilherme. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Jair Lopes Junior / Banca: Kester Carrara / Banca: Sérgio Dias Cirino / Resumo: O modelo de mudança conceitual,de reconhecida difusão na área do Ensino de Ciências,foi alvo de diversas críticas e revisões ao longo dos mais de vinte anos desde sua proposição inicial. oder-se-ia afirmar,no entanto,que tanto os proponentes do modelo quanto seus críticos apresentam um enfoque restritivo no tratamento das medidas comportamentais correspondentes à ocorrência ou não de mudança conceitual. Admite-se,como hipótese deste trabalho,que o Behaviorismo Radical propicia ferramentas capazes de uma avaliação da pertinência das críticas dirigidas ao modelo e da própria proposta de avaliação dos resultados obtidos através de sua utilização,tal como apresentada por seus proponentes . Para tanto, o presente trabalho concentrou ênfase na tentativa de,considerando estudos que ilustram a difusão posterior do modelo em trabalhos empíricos,descrever as medidas comportamentais que parecem fundamentar inferências sobre a ocorrência ou não da mudança conceitual,analisando se e como o tratamento de tais medidas foi considerado em alguns dos artigos que expressam uma revisão crítica do modelo Argumenta-se que tais artigos falham em descrever semelhanças e diferenças dos instrumentos e das interações que definem a obtenção das medidas comportamentais de conhecimentos prévios e posteriores à intervenção,bem como as intervenções intencionalmente planejadas e as condições de avaliação que sucedem a tais intervenções. / Abstract: The conceptual change model, well-known spread in Science Teaching, has been reviewed and criticized, since its initial proposal, for over twenty years. It could be argued, however, that either authors or critics present a restrictive view concerning the behavioral measures related to the absence or occurrence of conceptual change. The hypothesis within this paper is that Radical Behaviorism provides tools that can assess the pertinence of criticisms toward the model as well as the result evaluation proposal obtained from their application, as referred to by their proponents. Thus, the emphasis of this paper, taking into account studies that illustrate the posterior spreading of the model in empirical applications, is the attempt to describe the behavioral measures that seem to support inferences about the occurrence or absence of conceptual change, analyzing whereas and how the treatment of such measures were considered in some articles expressing a critical revision of the model. We understand that such articles have failed to describe similarities and differences concerning the instruments and interactions that define the achievement of behavioral measures from the knowledge (and not about responses) before and after the intervention, as well as intentionally planned interventions and the assessment conditions subsequent to the interventions. / Mestre

Improving the Care of Patients with Urinary Catheters Through a Quality Improvement

Holmstrom, Ashley Nicole 01 January 2018 (has links)
Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) significantly increases patient morbidity and mortality, length of stay, and organizational cost. In the 2 years prior to project implementation, the incidence of CAUTI increased by 15% in the local acute care, inpatient facility that served as the project site. Nursing leaders at the project site linked the increase in CAUTIs to a nursing knowledge deficit related to CAUTI prevention principles. The clinical question focused on the impact of CAUTI prevention staff training on the incidence of CAUTI, length of stay, and cost to the local acute care organization. After a review and critical appraisal of the literature, using Lewin's theory of planned change and the Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice Change, an evidence-based, CAUTI-prevention training program was piloted as a quality improvement initiative. The project purpose was to evaluate that initiative by tracking the incidence of CAUTI for 90 days postintervention. A 1-sample t-test of the mean incidence with a 95% confidence interval revealed no statistically significant (p = .732) decrease in the incidence of CAUTI. Similar initiatives with fewer than 12 months of evaluation data have failed to demonstrate statistically significant findings; therefore, additional data are needed to adequately assess the impact of the project. Recommendations include extending the pilot project and additional training of unlicensed nursing personnel. Proper evaluation of the project may provide support for the implementation of CAUTI-prevention training programs, promoting social change by reducing the rate of infection, improving patient outcomes, and demonstrating financial stewardship of the local acute-care organization.

The Effect Of Computer-based Interactive Conceptual Change Texts On 11th Grade Students

Tasdelen, Ugur 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of conceptual change oriented instruction accompanied by computer-based interactive conceptual change text (CBICCT) on 11th grade students understanding of electrochemistry and attitude toward chemistry. The study was conducted in an anatolian high school in Ankara with two science classes with 66 students in May 2009. A quasi experimental design was used. The classes was assigned to groups / one as control group and the other as experimental group. While control group was given traditional instruction, experimental group was given conceptual change oriented instruction accompanied by CBICCT. Electrochemistry Concept Test (ECT) was administered before and after treatment and Attitude Toward Chemistry Scale (ATCS) was administered after treatment to collect data about students&rsquo / concepts about electrochemistry and attitude toward chemistry, respectively. To investigate possible covariates, Science Process Skills Test (SPST) was administered after treatment. The collected data were analyzed with two way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and two way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Gain scores of ECT was analyzed with two way ANCOVA when SPST scores controlled as covariate and the results showed that the experimental group developed significantly better understanding of concepts than control group. The results also showed that no mean difference between males and females, and no interaction effect between instruction method and gender were found. The analysis of ATCS showed that experimental group developed significantly more positive attitude toward chemistry than control group. However, no significant difference between males and females, and no significant interaction between method and gender in terms of attitude toward chemistry were found.

Tyypin 2 diabeteksen riskiryhmään kuuluvien työikäisten henkilöiden painonhallinnan ja elintapamuutoksen tunnuspiirteitä

Alahuhta, M. (Maija) 23 November 2010 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study was to describe the characteristic features of weight management and lifestyle changes of people of working age at risk of type 2 diabetes. Seventy-four persons at high risk of type 2 diabetes, 33 men and 41 women, took part in the study. They attended group counselling sessions led by a dietician either at distance or face-to-face. There were 5 distance groups, with the counselling given by a dietician via a videoconferencing link to participants who met in the meeting room of their local health care centre. There were 6 personal groups where the dietician and the group participants met face-to-face at the same location. Each group had 5 to 9 participants. The following were used as study material: videotaped group discussions on the benefits and barriers of lifestyle changes at the beginning of the counselling process, weight management at the beginning and at the end of the process, and weight management and the preconditions and risk factors of successful weight management at the follow-up visit 1.5 years after the end of the process. In addition, study data were gathered before the first and last interventions and before the follow-up visit with a questionnaire sent to the subjects. The subjects were weighed at the beginning and at the end of the counselling process as well as at the follow-up visit. The video material was analysed using both inductive and deductive content analysis. The data were analysed also using SPSS 16.0 software for Windows. At the beginning of the counselling process, 68%, 9% and 14% of the subjects were at the contemplation, preparation and action stages, respectively, the corresponding percentages at the end of the counselling process being 24%, 33% and 40%. Forty subjects had made progress in their lifestyle change stage, 18 had remained where they had been, while 5 had regressed. One and a half year after the end of the counselling process, about half of the subjects were at the maintenance phase in terms of various lifestyle factors (restricting the amount of food, eating regular meals, increasing the intake of nutritional fibre, unsaturated fat and physical activity, restricting alcohol intake). Twenty-one subjects reported relapses, most often in terms of restricting the amount of food intake. Improved health and functional ability were seen as the benefit of lifestyle change. A change in lifestyle calls for effort and resources. The preconditions of successful weight management were one.s own actions, motivation and resources. Weight management was made more difficult by lack of commitment to one’s own actions and lack of goals, self-discipline and motivation. The information obtained with the study may be utilised in developing interventions aimed at persons at risk of type 2 diabetes as well as their contents and methods. The results can also be made use of in improving the counselling skills of health-care students and professionals. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata tyypin 2 diabeteksen riskiryhmään kuuluvien työikäisten henkilöiden painonhallinnan ja elintapamuutoksen tunnuspiirteitä. Tutkimukseen osallistui 74 työikäistä tyypin 2 diabeteksen korkean riskin henkilöä. Tutkittavista 33 oli miehiä ja 41 naisia He osallistuivat ravitsemusterapeutin ryhmäohjaukseen joko etä- tai lähiryhmässä. Etäryhmiä oli 5. Niissä ohjaus toteutui siten, että ohjaaja oli videoneuvottelulaitteiden avulla yhteydessä ryhmäläisiin, jotka olivat kokoontuneet oman kuntansa terveyskeskuksen kokoustilaan. Lähiryhmiä oli 6. Niissä ohjaus toteutettiin siten, että ohjaaja ja ryhmäläiset olivat samassa tilassa. Kussakin ryhmässä oli 5–9 osallistujaa. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin videoituja keskusteluaineistoja, joissa ryhmään osallistuneet kuvasivat elintapamuutoksen hyötyjä ja haittoja ohjausprosessin alussa, painonhallintatilannettaan ohjausprosessin alussa, lopussa ja seurantakäynnillä sekä painonhallinnan onnistumisen edellytyksiä ja riskitekijöistä seurantakäynnillä 1,5 vuotta ohjausprosessin päättymisen jälkeen. Lisäksi tutkimusaineistoa kerättiin ennen ensimmäistä ja viimeistä ohjauskertaa sekä ennen seurantakäyntiä tutkittaville lähetetyllä kyselyllä. Paino mitattiin ohjausprosessin alussa, lopussa ja seurantakäynnillä. Videoaineisto analysoitiin sekä induktiivisella että deduktiivisella sisällönanalyysilla. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin myös SPSS 16.0 for Windows -ohjelmaa. Ohjausprosessin alussa tutkittavista 68 % oli harkintavaiheessa, 9 % valmistautumis- ja 14 % toimintavaiheessa ja ohjausprosessin lopussa 24 % oli harkinta-, 33 % valmistautumis- ja 40 % toimintavaiheessa. Tutkittavista 40 edistyi elintapamuutosvaiheessaan, 18 pysyi ennallaan ja 5 taantui. Puolentoista vuoden kuluttua ohjausprosessin päättymisestä noin puolet tutkittavista oli ylläpitovaiheessa jonkun elintavan suhteen (kuidun ja rasvan käyttö, ruokamäärä, ateriarytmi, liikunta, alkoholin käyttö). Repsahduksista raportoi 21 henkilöä. Niitä oli tapahtunut eniten ruokamäärän rajoittamisen suhteen. Elintapamuutoksen hyötynä nähtiin terveyden ja toimintakyvyn paraneminen. Elintapamuutos vaatii vaivannäköä ja voimavaroja. Painonhallinnan onnistumisen edellytyksiä olivat oma toiminta, motivaatio ja voimavarat. Sitoutumattomuus omaan toimintaan, tavoitteiden, itsekurin ja motivaation puute vaikeuttivat painonhallintaa. Tutkimuksen avulla saatua tietoa voidaan käyttää kehitettäessä tyypin 2 diabeteksen riskiryhmiin kuuluvien henkilöiden ohjauksen sisältöä ja menetelmiä. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää myös terveydenhuollon opiskelijoiden ja ammattihenkilöiden ohjaustaitojen kehittämisessä.

Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal of ICT Modification

Jahôdka, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the analysis of the information system for company KPA ONE s.r.o., and the proposal of changes. The first part is explaining the theoretical basis. The following section contains a short description of the company and the necessary analyses of the company and information system. The necessary changes in the information system are subsequently defined from the performed analyses. The last part evaluates the economic complexity of these changes and the benefits of individual innovations.

Effects of an explicit reflective approach on Swaziland pre-service elementary teachers' understanding of the Nature of Science

Nhlengethwa, Khanyisile January 2013 (has links)
In this study, the effects of an explicit reflective intervention on Swaziland elementary preservice teachers’ understanding of the Nature of Science (NOS) were investigated. The factors that had an impact on the development of participants’ NOS views were also investigated. The intervention made use of de-contextualized and contextualized activities as well as historical narratives as contexts for reflecting about the empirical, creative, subjective as well as the tentative NOS. The intervention included a discussion of the relationships and differences between observations and inferences as well as scientific laws and theories in the context of the aforementioned learning activities. Participants were 24 elementary pre-service teachers enrolled for their final year of their three year teacher development programme. An adapted version of the Views of Nature of Science Questionnaire-Form C (VNOS-C) was used in conjunction with individual interviews, to assess the participants’ understanding of NOS at the beginning and conclusion of the intervention. At the end of the programme, data from interviews, concept maps and reflective journals of seven participants were analysed to ascertain their perceptions of the elements of the course and other factors that had an impact on their development of more informed NOS views. These participants were selected on the basis of their differential gains in NOS understanding. The data that was analysed using both qualitative and quantitative techniques revealed that the intervention brought about significant gains in some participants’ understanding of NOS. Information obtained from the document analysis of journals and concept maps as well as exit interviews of the selected group revealed that the pre-service teachers’ development of more informed views was mediated by motivational and cognitive factors. These were the participants’ perception of the value of teaching and learning NOS, their views about teaching and learning science, and their ability to engage deeply with the NOS concepts as well as their epistemic beliefs. The explicit reflective attention to NOS as well as metacognitive strategies was reported by most of the selected participants as responsible for changes in their NOS views. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Science, Mathematics and Technology Education / unrestricted

Testosterone at the Top: Studying the Impact of Campaign Training on College Women's Leadership

Bunn, Colleen Erin 24 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.


Ratliff, Jason 12 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Historia 1a1 i det mångkulturella klassrummet

Österberg, Björn January 2014 (has links)
Undersökningen syftar till att utreda huruvida historiemedvetandet hos elever med ett dubbelt kulturarv från Sverige och ett arabisktalande land kan inkluderas i historiegymnasiekursen 1a1. Med hjälp av relevant litteratur och utifrån problemformuleringen: ”Hur kan pedagogen lära känna elevens historiemedvetande?” har jag utarbetat intervjufrågor som avser till ett ta fram exempel på dessa elevers historiemedvetande. Undersökningens urval var sex elever som gått på yrkesförberedande gymnasium och har läst eller läser historiekursen 1a1. Intervjuerna är utarbetade med hjälp av litteratur kring historiemedvetandet främst utifrån perspektiven kultur, identitet och intresse. Resultatet av intervjuerna visar på att det för pedagogen går att få kunskap om delar av elevens historiemedvetande. Min andra frågeställning i undersökningen lyder: ”Hur kan dessa elevers historiemedvetande rymmas inom läroplanen för historiekursen 1a1? Här har jag kommit fram till att det är möjligt att inkludera elever med arabisktalande dubbla kulturarv i undervisningen i historiekursen 1a1. Genom den pedagogiska uppgiften ”boken om mig” fick de intervjuade eleverna berätta om sig själva och vilka historiska perspektiv de var intresserade av. Intervjusvaren skiljde sig mycket åt men individuella svar gav uppslag att undersöka om dessa rymdes inom historiekursen 1a1. Vilket de gjorde. Alla intervjupersonerna ville veta mer om Islams påverkan på historien vilket det också finns utrymme för i läroplanen. Studien visar vidare att genom Ross Dunns historieperspektiv Patterns of Change Model som fokuserar på kulturmöten istället för exempelvis nationalstaters konflikter och sammarbeten kunde dessa elevers historiemedvetande inkluderas.

An Examination of Mentoring Relationships and Leadership Capacity in Resident Assistants

Early, Sherry Lynn 19 February 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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