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Protótipo de um repositório de dados de Benchmarking / Prototype of a Benchmarking data repositoryLima Junior, Jair Ferreira 20 December 2005 (has links)
Muitas organizações utilizam o processo de aprendizado e de melhoria baseado na comparação e na observação, denominado de benchmarking, mas poucas sabem de fato como fazê-lo corretamente. A referida técnica fornece um estímulo externo que encoraja um ambiente de aprendizado contínuo, tornando as empresas adaptáveis a novos conhecimentos. O benchmarking tornou-se um enfoque interessante quando se percebe que a melhoria dos processos de uma organização é fundamental para que ela alcance vantagem competitiva, e também quando se torna claro que essa melhoria pode vir da troca de aprendizado com outras corporações. Este trabalho apresenta um protótipo de um repositório de informações de benchmarking com acesso via internet, que fornece uma base de dados às organizações participantes, e tem como intuito facilitar a troca de experiências entre as mesmas. Para a efetivação do presente trabalho foram realizados estudos da literatura sobre benchmarking, levantamentos das bases de dados de benchmarking existentes no Brasil e no exterior, que servissem de guia para o desenvolvimento do modelo conceitual do repositório, além da construção de uma base de dados composta por indicadores de desempenho e melhores práticas sobre benchmarking. Ao longo desse trabalho, procurou-se estudar os modelos de negócios eletrônicos, a importância e as formas de estruturação de um banco de dados e as questões relativas à segurança em sistemas de informação. Finalizando, demonstrou-se em detalhes como foi construída a base de dados de benchmarking e o website do projeto, denominado de RVB - Rede Virtual de Benchmarking, com o objetivo de enriquecer o modelo do repositório e o trabalho teórico/conceitual. / Many organizations use a learning and improvement process based in the comparation and observation, named benchmarking, but few organizations really know how to make it correctly. The technical provides an external stimulus which encourages a continuum learning environment, making the companies adaptable to the new knowledge. Benchmarking became an interesting focus when we notice that the improvement of the processes of an organization is fundamental for it to reach a competitive advantage, and also when it\'s clear that this improvement can come from the exchange of learning with other corporations. This study presents a prototype of a repository of benchmarking information with access through internet, which provides a data base to the participant organizations, and with the aim to make easy the exchange of experiences among the organizations. To the effectiveness of this work, literature study about benchmarking were carried out, as well as data bases benchmarking existing in Brazil and abroad, which could serve as a guide to the development of a conceptual model of repository, besides the construction of a data base composed of indicators of performance and better practices about benchmarking. Along this study it was studied the models of electronic businesses, their importance and the forms to structure a data bank and the questions related to the security in systems of information. To finalize it was demonstrated in details how was the benchmarkingdata base constructed and the website of the project, named RVB - Benchmarking Virtual Net with the objective of enrich the repository model and the conceptual/theoretical work.
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Protótipo de um repositório de dados de Benchmarking / Prototype of a Benchmarking data repositoryJair Ferreira Lima Junior 20 December 2005 (has links)
Muitas organizações utilizam o processo de aprendizado e de melhoria baseado na comparação e na observação, denominado de benchmarking, mas poucas sabem de fato como fazê-lo corretamente. A referida técnica fornece um estímulo externo que encoraja um ambiente de aprendizado contínuo, tornando as empresas adaptáveis a novos conhecimentos. O benchmarking tornou-se um enfoque interessante quando se percebe que a melhoria dos processos de uma organização é fundamental para que ela alcance vantagem competitiva, e também quando se torna claro que essa melhoria pode vir da troca de aprendizado com outras corporações. Este trabalho apresenta um protótipo de um repositório de informações de benchmarking com acesso via internet, que fornece uma base de dados às organizações participantes, e tem como intuito facilitar a troca de experiências entre as mesmas. Para a efetivação do presente trabalho foram realizados estudos da literatura sobre benchmarking, levantamentos das bases de dados de benchmarking existentes no Brasil e no exterior, que servissem de guia para o desenvolvimento do modelo conceitual do repositório, além da construção de uma base de dados composta por indicadores de desempenho e melhores práticas sobre benchmarking. Ao longo desse trabalho, procurou-se estudar os modelos de negócios eletrônicos, a importância e as formas de estruturação de um banco de dados e as questões relativas à segurança em sistemas de informação. Finalizando, demonstrou-se em detalhes como foi construída a base de dados de benchmarking e o website do projeto, denominado de RVB - Rede Virtual de Benchmarking, com o objetivo de enriquecer o modelo do repositório e o trabalho teórico/conceitual. / Many organizations use a learning and improvement process based in the comparation and observation, named benchmarking, but few organizations really know how to make it correctly. The technical provides an external stimulus which encourages a continuum learning environment, making the companies adaptable to the new knowledge. Benchmarking became an interesting focus when we notice that the improvement of the processes of an organization is fundamental for it to reach a competitive advantage, and also when it\'s clear that this improvement can come from the exchange of learning with other corporations. This study presents a prototype of a repository of benchmarking information with access through internet, which provides a data base to the participant organizations, and with the aim to make easy the exchange of experiences among the organizations. To the effectiveness of this work, literature study about benchmarking were carried out, as well as data bases benchmarking existing in Brazil and abroad, which could serve as a guide to the development of a conceptual model of repository, besides the construction of a data base composed of indicators of performance and better practices about benchmarking. Along this study it was studied the models of electronic businesses, their importance and the forms to structure a data bank and the questions related to the security in systems of information. To finalize it was demonstrated in details how was the benchmarkingdata base constructed and the website of the project, named RVB - Benchmarking Virtual Net with the objective of enrich the repository model and the conceptual/theoretical work.
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Mångfald - Från ord till handling : En kvalitativ studie om HRs strategiska arbete med mångfaldLaforet, Anna, Larsson, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie grundar sig i ett uppdrag från Trafikverket med avsikten att undersöka hur enmångfaldsstrategi kan få ökad effekt i organisationen. Utgångspunkten för denna studie är attdet tycks krävas mer forskning kring hur HR strategiskt kan arbeta med mångfaldsfrågor ochintegrera dem i organisationens alla delar. Syftet med denna studie är således att identifiera hurHR strategiskt kan arbeta med mångfaldsfrågor. Vidare är syftet att visa hur ett strategiskamångfaldsarbete kan bli mer effektivt.Teorier som belyser begreppet mångfald, effekterna av mångfald, strategi, Human ResourceManagement och Strategic Human Resource management kan ses ligga till grund för ettframgångsrikt HRM-arbete med mångfald. Ledarskap, kommunikation, kunskap och att se tillorganisationskulturen belyser teorin som viktiga komponenter för att ett strategiskt arbete skabli mer effektivt och ge effekt i organisationen.Studien bygger på en deduktiv ansats och en kvalitativ metod har genomförts utifrån treindividuella intervjuer och två fokusgrupper. De individuella intervjuernas syfte var att belysaorganisationens nutida arbete med mångfald, framtida perspektiv för hur ett strategisktmångfaldsarbete kan utformas och en målbild för vad arbetet ska resultera i. Den enafokusgruppen bestod av medarbetare från HR från olika regionkontor i landet och hade somsyfte att klargöra hur HR strategiskt kan arbeta med mångfald. Den andra fokusgruppen bestodav chefer från olika regionkontor i landet och hade som syfte att belysa chefers roll och vad deeftersöker i ett strategiskt mångfaldsarbete.Resultatet från intervjuerna har analyserats utifrån den teoretiska referensramen och i dennastudie har vi kommit fram till och identifierat flera betydelsefulla faktorer som för HR är viktigai utformandet av en mångfaldsstrategi. Det är viktigt att definiera begreppet mångfald, klargöraansvarsfrågan, visa på varför organisationen bör arbeta med månglad och kommuniceraeffekterna. Vidare är det viktigt att koppla mångfaldsstrategin till övriga HRM-aktiviteter ochorganisationens övriga strategier och mål för att det strategiska arbetet ska ge effekt. Kunskapom mångfald och att se arbetet som ett förändringsarbete där ledningen utgör en viktig roll harvisat sig vara väsentliga faktorer för att arbetet ska få värde i organisationen. / This study is based on an assignment from the Swedish Transport Administration with the intention to examine how a diversity strategy can be more efficient in the organization. The starting point for this study is that it seems to require more research on how HR can strategically work with diversity issues and integrate them with the rest of the organization. The purpose of this study is to identify how Human Resources strategically can work with diversity. An additional purpose is to show how a strategic diversity work can be more effective.Theories that highlight the concept of diversity, the effects of diversity, strategy, Human Resource Management and Strategic Human Resource Management can be seen as a basis for a successful strategic HRM with diversity. Leadership, communication, knowledge and organizational culture highlight the theory as important components to strategic efforts to become more efficient and provide the power in the organization.The study is based on a deductive approach and a qualitative method has been used on the basis of three individual interviews and two focus groups. With the individual interview, the purpose was to highlight the organization's contemporary work with diversity, future perspectives on how strategic diversity efforts can be designed and a vision for results. One focus group consisted of employees from HR from various regional offices in the country and were intended to clarify how HR can work strategically with diversity. The other focus groups consisted of executives from various regional offices in the country and were intended to highlight the role of managers and what they are seeking in a strategic diversity effortThe result of the interviews were analyzed based on the theoretical framework. In this study we have come up with and identified several significant factors for HR that are important in the design of a diversity strategy. It is important to define the concept of diversity, to clarify the issue of responsibility, to show why the organization should work with diversity, and communicate the impact. Furthermore, it is important to link diversity strategy to other HRM-activities and the organization's other strategies and objectives for the strategic work to effect. Knowledge of diversity and to see the work as a process of change, where management is an important role, have proved to be essential factors for the work to get the value of the organization.
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The changing role of the secondary school principal in building sustainable communitiesSouls, Jacobus Abram 30 November 2005 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate the changing role of the secondary school principal in building sustainable communities.
It is supposed that communities that are not sustainable affect secondary schools. The focus is on how the secondary school principal should go about building, sustaining and uplifting the school community. The direct and indirect involvement of secondary school principals in community issues, could contribute to sustainability within the community, which gradually becomes a reality. The task of the secondary school principal is realised through the results of effective educative teaching and learning practices.
Through literature study it was found that the role of the secondary school principal in enhancing sustainable communities would contribute to the upliftment of communities. The qualitative approach was successful in obtaining information about how the changing role of the secondary school principal in building sustainable communities is viewed. Recommendations were made concerning research findings for stakeholders and officials to note. / Educational Studies / M.Ed(Education Management))
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邁向理性的企業組織-以哈伯瑪斯的社會批判理論來透視組織變革管理的挑戰 / Toward a Rational Business Organization - Perspective of Changing Management Applying Jürgen Habermas’Social Critical Theory陳致曉, Chen, Chih-Hsiao Unknown Date (has links)
本文藉由Intel在1985年策略大轉折的實際案例來檢驗本文論述。對「導致組織變革失敗的根本原因為何?」、「如何建構適合因應外在環境的變化,並能成功完成變革的組織?」、「如何成功地完成組織的變革?」等三個組織變革管理的根本問題提出有系統的答案。本論文終結於對自我論述的批判。 / Organizational change is essential for the modern business entities to survive in the dynamic economical environment. However, many companies, which are successful in day-to-day operation, cannot accomplish the organizational change process, and result in fading out in the new competition environment. During organizational change processes, authority swinging and uncertainty about future make rumors prosperous; new rules and tactics have not been proved and are doubted; mutual trust between staffs and organization is shaky; and staffs become difficult to identify themselves with the organization. The above challenges are related to the dynamic management of information sharing, knowledge creating, staffs’ cognition, emotional consideration, mutual trust, and common consensus about new rules and the business entity’s future. The above conditions make changing management to be fundamentally different from the routine operational management. Strategic science and science management principles, which are generally adopted by companies to increase competition advantages and operational efficiency in the routine management, do not take account for the information and knowledge management, and cannot deal with the values and belief issues. Companies cannot just rely on the above two management principles to face challenges of the organizational change.
The thesis analyzes the failure factors of changing management, which are disclosed by scholars like John P. Kotter and Peter M. Senge etc. The author correlates them with “meaning reproduction of living situation”, which was introduced by social critical philosopher Jürgen Habermas. Habermas believes efficient communication and true common consensus are essential to revive the meaning reproduction and to coordinate the social operation. The author inspects the “social”, ”subjective”, and “objective” aspects of the “living situation” of companies’ change phases, which were inferred from the eight steps of successful organizational changing addressed by John P. Kotter. The author elucidates that efficient communication and true common consensus are requisite for organization changing management.
Habermas based on the two human basic actions, “labor” and “communication”, to categorizes rational into “instrumental rational” and “practical rational”. Instrumental rational aims at environment control and material productivity. Practical rational endeavors mutual understanding and common consensus. Habermas argued that the power developed by instrumental rational should be balanced by the values generated by practical rational; otherwise the power will oppress human society. The thesis criticizes that companies’ hierarchical power obstructs organizational operation, policy execution, information sharing and knowledge creation, as organizational instrumental rational is not tempered by corresponding practical rational. The irreplaceable values of organizational practical rational are further illustrated.
To illuminate practical rational, it is necessary to eliminate the intimidation and temptation, which are induced by hierarchical power, from the communication actions. Habermas believes that comprehensive speech, true statement, right position and sincere attitude are the four valid assertions for the communication actions. If only all communicating participants have equal opportunities to partake, declare, interrogate, and explain, authorities and ideologies can be excluded from the communication actions. Habermas defined the above circumstances as the “idea speech situation”. The thesis argues that organizational activities can be categorized into the “execution” and “communication” dimensions, which correspond to the organizational “instrumental rational” and “practical rational”. Communication actions should not be interrupted by the hierarchy power of execution dimension. Rules and tactics should be supported by common consensus and thorough communication. Staffs should apply instrumental rational to execute the rules and tactics without objection. If only the organizational culture and merit system can ensure the above working principles, the business entity can achieve the advantages of both instrumental and practical rational. In additional to the theoretical elaboration, the thesis proposes manners to establish organizational ideal speech situation from “managers’ attitude”, “staffs’ consensus”, and “discussion processes” aspects.
The author applies the above ideal speech situation exposition to different organizational changing management phases. The thesis constructs the organizational changing wheel to illustrate the key executive points to successfully drive continuous organizational evolution. Furthermore, the author integrates the above argumentation with the “organizational knowledge creating theory”, which was proposed by Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi. The “meaning reproduction” flow of the organizational changing wheel is constructed by investigating the internalization, externalization, universalization, and integration processes of meanings, which include information, knowledge, interests, intuition, values, belief, cognition, emotion, identification, obedience, and consensus etc. If the communication processes of the organizational change follow practical rational, and the organizational changing is successfully accomplished, staffs will received positive feedback from the intrinsic meanings they generated. The author expounds that the “positive meaning feedback loop” will accelerate the iteration of meaning reproduction cycles. The dynamic stability, supported by the “positive meaning feedback loop”, will ensure the business entity to continuously adjust itself to conquer new competition circumstances.
To exam the above theorem, the author adopts Intel’s strategic transition in 1985 as an example. The case is interpreted fro
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The changing role of the secondary school principal in building sustainable communitiesSouls, Jacobus Abram 30 November 2005 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate the changing role of the secondary school principal in building sustainable communities.
It is supposed that communities that are not sustainable affect secondary schools. The focus is on how the secondary school principal should go about building, sustaining and uplifting the school community. The direct and indirect involvement of secondary school principals in community issues, could contribute to sustainability within the community, which gradually becomes a reality. The task of the secondary school principal is realised through the results of effective educative teaching and learning practices.
Through literature study it was found that the role of the secondary school principal in enhancing sustainable communities would contribute to the upliftment of communities. The qualitative approach was successful in obtaining information about how the changing role of the secondary school principal in building sustainable communities is viewed. Recommendations were made concerning research findings for stakeholders and officials to note. / Educational Studies / M.Ed(Education Management))
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Att förstå arbetssättet med identifiering av hållbarhetsmål : En studie i kvalitetsteknik utförd vid LKAB / Making sense of the methodology of identifying sustainability goals in a production companyRydberg, William January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att lämna förslag till Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara aktiebolags (LKAB i fortsättningen) arbetssätt för framtagning av hållbarhetsmål på koncernnivå. Två frågeställningar har konstruerats för att kunna besvara studiens syfte. Frågeställningarna undersöker hur LKAB arbetar idag med att ta fram hållbarhetsmål på koncernnivå och hur ett optimerat arbetssätt med framtagning av hållbarhetsmål skulle kunna se ut. Datainsamlingen består av intervjuer med olika medarbetare som på ett eller annat sätt har varit involverade i framtagning av förslag till hållbara mål. Resultatet visar att LKAB har arbetet med identifieringen av hållbarhetsmål utifrån ett projektbaserat arbetssätt. Detta är studiens första slutsats. Analysen visar att arbetssättet med framtagning av koncernmål skulle kunna genomföras utifrån ett processbaserat arbetssätt. Analysen och diskussionen i den här studien visar att ett optimerat arbetssätt skulle kunna uppnås genom att dela huvudprocessen till två och utveckla ett processbaserat arbetssätt för varje huvudprocess. Detta är studiens andra slutsats. / The purpose of this study is to submit proposals to the company Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara (LKAB) and its mythology of identifying sustainability goals at group level. two questions have been created in order to be able to answer the study´s purpose. The questions examine LKAB´s mythology of identifying sustainability goals at group level and how an optimized mythology of identifying sustainability goals could look like. The data collection consists of interviews with various employees who have been involved in the identifying of sustainability goals. The results shows that LKAB´s mythology of identifying sustainability goals has formed on a project-based approach. This is the first conclusion of this study. The analysis shows that the mythology of identifying sustainability goals could be implemented with a process-based mythology. The analysis and the discussion in this study show that an optimized mythology could be achieved by dividing the main process into two main processes and developing a process-based mythology for each main process. This is the second conclusion of this study.
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