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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Channel Approach to Fashion

Buvari, Rebecca, Dosé, Tiffany, Vonstad, Brita January 2014 (has links)
Background – Previous research has evaluated different distribution systems and chan-nels that companies operate through. However, research primarily has focused on the richness of online channels rather than the value of physical stores. The following report will examine the reasons and implications underlying the choice of channel strategy. Purpose – The purpose of this thesis is to examine the reason why companies within the fashion and apparel industry, operating in Sweden, choose to operate through a certain market channel strategy. The thesis aims to evaluate four types of market channel strat-egies with the help of case companies. Method – A qualitative approach to the research has been chosen which consists of a case study including four companies representing different channel strategies. Data col-lection for the analysis where conducted through interviews with persons having vital positions within one of the four companies. Results and Discussion – The case companies ASOS, Bubbleroom, Cubus and Dressmann each represent one of the chosen market channels. The interviews presented in the results section implied that the companies chosen channel was more appropriate for the market they operated in as well as the target group they were aiming to reach. Conclusion – Even though research states that today’s society is moving away from the physical store market channel, this study proved that one single strategy is not appropri-ate for all businesses. A company will have to research their target market before ap-propriately selecting a channel strategy.

Tillämpad flerkanalstrategi : En studie om hur designintensiva företag kombinerar sina försäljningskanaler

Brus, Amanda, Tåhlin Lundin, Agnes January 2016 (has links)
This study aims to map out how small designintensive businesses combine multiple channels to achieve competitive advantage. The internet has provided retailers with a competing channel and while this can be a source of competitive advantage, it also provides the risk of cannibalization. More and more businesses choose to apply a multi-channel strategy, but there are decisions to be made concerning this strategy as both advantages and disadvantages are to be found in a multi-channel strategy. This study is performed with a qualitative approach via semi-structured interviews with four companies applying a multi-channel strategy, exploring the perspective of the businesses. In contrast to previous research, results show that businesses tend to view a second sales channel mainly as a way of expanding the service offered in their primary sales channel. Further conclusions that can be drawn are that an integrated organizational structure and complementing channels are being used and are creating synergies. A unified view of the channels is communicated and consumers are encouraged to combine channels at a purchase. The channels are also used as tools for marketing each other. / Denna studie syftar till att kartlägga hur designintensiva småföretag kombinerar flera olika försäljningskanaler för att uppnå konkurrensfördelar. Internet har försett återförsäljare med en konkurrerande kanal till den fysiska butiken, vilket kan ge konkurrensfördelar men medför även en risk för kannibalisering kanalerna emellan. Fler och fler företag väljer nu att använda sig av en flerkanalstrategi, men vissa avväganden måste göras då både för- och nackdelar finns med implementering av en flerkanalstrategi. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ ansats genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer då författarna ämnar att undersöka flerkanalåterförsäljarnas egna perspektiv. I kontrast till tidigare studier visar resultaten att företagen tenderar att betrakta en andra försäljningskanal främst som ett sätt att utöka den service de erbjuder i sin primära kanal. Ytterligare slutsatser som framkommit är att en integrerad organisationsstruktur och kanaler som kompletterar varandra används och upplevs skapa synergier hos företagen. Fortsatt kommuniceras en enhetlig bild mellan kanalerna och konsumenter uppmuntras kombinera kanalerna vid köp. Kanalerna används även som marknadsföring för varandra.

Analýza současného stavu a trendů v distribučních cestách na německém trhu / Analysis of current situation and trends in distribution channels in the German market

Zabloudilová, Pavlína January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this master's thesis is to analyse trends in distribution in the German market and evaluate their importance in the retail environment. The first chapter of the thesis deals with the issue of distribution from a theoretical perspective. Analysis of the German economy and retail environment serves as a basis for further elaboration of the thesis. In the German market is growing the importance of the e-commerce and there is a tendency of integration of distribution channels. The current situation and trends in distribution channels as well as the trends of the future are outlined on the basis of secondary data. The analysis is completed by qualitative research, which determines the potential use of current trends.

Designing Distribution Channel Strategies in the Digital World : An Exploratory Case Study on a Swedish Manufacturing Film / Utforma Distributionskanalsstrategier i en Digital Värld : En Fallstudie på ett Svenskt Tillverkande Bolag

Ewert, Felix, Olby, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
Digital transformation has led to major shifts in the customer landscape and the roles of distribution channel partners, resulting in implications for the distribution channel strategy of manufacturing firms. Whereas previous research in the field focused primarily on the impact of the shifting customer landscape, a gap in the literature was identified concerning digital transformation in relation to a manufacturing firm's distribution channel strategy. This study therefore aims to explore how the distribution channel strategy of manufacturing firms is affected by digital transformation and what the main challenges are for manufacturers, in order to address these implications. Building on existing work on multi-channel strategies and technological advancements, the main research question is: How can manufacturing firms adapt their distribution channel strategy in the face of digital transformation? An exploratory case study on a manufacturing firm was conducted utilizing semi-structured interviews as the main source of data, and analysis of the case study indicates that digital transformation affects the strategic choices of manufacturing firms related to their end users and channel partners. Based on the findings, the thesis contributes with practical considerations: that manufacturers should adapt the distribution channel strategy by focusing on the transformation of culture towards a holistic ecosystem approach to an integrated multi-channel strategy and by promoting win-win channel partner relationships. Also, the thesis makes a theoretical contribution by generating empirical evidence from a case study of a manufacturing firm, highlighting strategic challenges in the face of digital transformation. / Den digitala transformationen har lett till skiften i hur produkter konsumeras av kunder och vilken roll återförsäljare har i leveransen av dessa, vilket haft konsekvenser för distributionsstrategin för tillverkande bolag. Tidigare forskning har fokuserat på multi-kanalstrategier och hur dessa kan utformas av tillverkande bolag, medan färre studier gjorts på den direkta inverkan av den digitala transformationen på ett tillverkande bolags distributionskanalsstrategi. Således identifierades ett gap i tidigare forskning och därför ämnar denna studie utforska konsekvenserna för distributionskanalsstrategion för ett tillverkande av den digitala transformationen samt hur denna kan anpassas för att addressera dessa konsekvenser. Genom att bygga vidare på tidigare forskning inom dessa områden ställs den huvudsakliga forskningsfrågan: hur kan tillverkande bolag anpassa distributionskanalstrategin för att möta konsekvenser av digital transformation? Med den nuvarande forskningen som utgångspunkt genomfördes en undersökande fallstudie av ett svenskt tillverkande företag med semistrukturerade intervjuer som huvudsaklig datainsamling. Analysen av fallstudien visar att digital transformation påverkar de strategiska omständigheterna för ett tillverkande bolag kopplat till förändrande kundbeteenden och rollen av återförsäljare och betonar vikten av samarbete för att integrera distributionskanaler. Baserat på dessa resultat bidrar studien med praktiska överväganden för utformningen av en distributionsstrategi. Slutligen bidrar studien även till forskningen med empiriska data från en fallstudie av ett tillverkande bolag och visar på dess strategiska utmaningar till följd av digital transformation.

Multi-channel Sales Distribution- Should Online Retailers Expand Offline?

SJÖLANDER, REBECCA, LANGEGGER, LENA January 2013 (has links)
The retail industry is in a motion of fascinating developments, it can be currently alleged that it is one of the most innovating fields within research. Online retailing in particular has experienced major changes in recent years. However, these developments are slowing down as online retailing is entering a mature state. Online fashion companies now have to consider new strategies to further evolve their businesses. Innovative Online companies have taken action towards a multi-channel sales distribution strategy, some have even gone as far as adopting an omni-channel approach. With that statement, this study attempts to add different insights to the topic by focusing on the issue of online expanding offline from a company point of view. Empirical data included company and industry specialist interviews as well as a questionnaire that was used for pre-research and developing propositions. This resulted in three findings that involved both advantages and disadvantages in Online fashion retailers evolving offline. Firstly, whether or not an Online fashion company should expand offline depends entirely on the ambition level and type of company interviewed. Secondly, it can be concluded that Online fashion companies have the desire to keep their current business model, though they cannot continue with the same strategy in the long run. Lastly, if an offline presence is established, a traditional expansion strategy cannot be used, but innovative concepts are required (mixed realities). If this strategy is taken seriously, expanding offline could be the solution to reach a higher level of online retailing and company success. / Program: Master Programme in Fashion Management


Hsieh, Ming-yu 28 June 2010 (has links)
In the trend of international development, multinational corporations should face three major international challenges: global integration and coordination, regional differences and responses and global innovation and learning. The backgrounds and motivations that enterprises adopt the strategy of internationalization are different. Whereas, enterprises to implement international strategies will inevitably involve the design and layout of channels. Therefore, ¡§Distribution Channel Strategies¡¨ are the major business strategies of the overseas subsidiaries of multinational corporations. Today is the era of ¡§who controlling the channels will win.¡¨ Besides providing superior quality products or service, enterprises should have adequate channels to, with lower cost or shorter transferring time, give customers convenient points to purchase and send the products to the target market, therefore, to create a good business performance. This thesis focuses on the distribution channel strategies of multi-national companies and gives a case study of ¡§Taiwan Furukawa.¡¨ We investigate internal and external environments and the business performances of two distribution channel strategies, and use case study method to the empirical analysis, which belonging to a single case design with a single design pattern of the subject. Three industry analysis methods, including value chain analysis, SWOT analysis, and five force analysis, is adopted to analyze the internal and external environments. We find that the sharp drop in revenue alerted Taiwan Furukawa to investigate the agencies and corporate customers in the sales network. They found the problem is that the business objectives of the agencies and Taiwan Furukawa are inconsistent, causing a significant reduction in sales volume. Then, the revenue has grown significantly after Taiwan Furukawa adopting ¡§direct sales¡¨ and ¡§zero-stage channel¡¨ substituting for ¡§indirect sales¡¨ and ¡§one-stage channel,¡¨ respectively. Above all, we find the ¡§zero-stage channel¡¨ has three functions, including direct sales, information channel, and customer service.

The Study of Traditional Bakery¡¦s Marketing Strategy ¡VThe Case of Wu Chi Bakery

Wu, I-Chen 07 September 2011 (has links)
The research has investigated the traditional bakery¡¦s marketing strategy. In recent years, traditional bakery store has impacted by the introduce of western diet culture and people being used to having western bakery food. Using the case of Wu Chi Bakery, as a well-known bakery store in local, it has faced the difficulty. The framework of the research is according to the developing procedure of marketing strategy. To understand the marketing environment of the bakery industry and the marketing strategy of the Wu Chi Bakery. The conclusions as below: 1. Product strategy: Characteristics of the product is the most important factor when consumer have to decide whether to purchase. 2. Promotion strategy: Service and introduction is the most efficiency way to promote the product. 3. Channel strategy: Using selective distribution strategy to expand channels. 4. Price strategy: To unify the price, using single-price strategy ,except for bulk purchase. According to the conclusions, suggestions are as below: 1. Taking advantage of being specialty. 2. Enlarging channels. 3. Varying the product line. 4. Combined with related industries.

Web game business and Marketing Analysis,for example Mirror web page game

Chung, Yu-ming 19 July 2012 (has links)
The Taiwan earliest online game company was Huayi International which was established in 1993 by introducing the first complete online game ¡§Stone Age¡¨ that caused a network wave and lead Taiwan¡¦s formal entry into the field of online game. Since 1999, the rise of South Korean online game technology which created the huge benefit from online game market and cause this industry into a whole new generation. As mention about the development of the online game in Taiwan, actually it is a contradiction issue, because the position of online game has not been consider a health and leisure activities. In addition, the primary channel of promote online game is net coffee, which is often regarded as improper place, thus the online game has been in the ambiguous environment. As the change of different generation, online game become more diversified chose and leads to high competition pressure of market, therefore, the free web game developing fast and has the trend replace a part of online game market. From the gaming market and user perspective, the web game is definitely not a mainstream game; furthermore, it also can not become mainstream production. But it meets the needs of some people to adapt to a market segment. Therefore, this research is analysis the management and marketing strategy of web game company ¡§ Cool You network company¡¦s web game production---Magic Mirror web game¡¨. The purpose of this research is through the analysis by the case interview to understand the innovative of marketing strategy and new idea of web game that in order to assist the game industry to develop effective marketing strategy to attract consumers.

A Study on Business Model and Channel Strategy of House

Cheng, Liang-Chun 11 August 2012 (has links)
The house agency enterprises offer services for promoting the real estate sales and leasing transactions. Due to lower barriers to entry and many house agencies of network trading joining, it becomes more competitive. The main purposes of the thesis listed are to explore how to inject new business model thinking and channel strategies to find a new niche market. A.What is the development and market competition in the industry? B.How the enterprises develop business model in the competitive environment in order to obtain the source of competitive advantage? C.How the enterprises integrate the traditional and virtual channel strategies to get consumers¡¦ attention and revenues. Through the literature reaches and industry interviews, several important findings are summarized as followings: A.The ¡§Seizing the White Space¡¨ of the house agency industry includes that other enterprises has not entered, expand its business to international services, or use its core competence to related businesses. B.The enterprises must offer services for customers in the shortest time to find the correct and attractive objects and give a variety of options of the same price to help determine the value of the house, and related services. C.The traditional and virtual channel strategies of the industry render as a strong complementary relationship. Whether they¡¦re traditional or virtual channels, the industry should focus on its image and giving right services.

Clicks and Bricks in a Symbiosis : A qualitative study about the value of the physical store in a digital era

Axelson, Linnéa January 2020 (has links)
Background and Problem DiscussionA paradigm shift in retail is evident due to the increase of customers purchasing productsonline, where digitalization has created a concern regarding the existence of the physical storein today’s digitalized society. On the other hand, e-commerce has been seen as an opportunityfor retail stores to use as a strategy where physical and digital work together in a symbiosisfor creating unified messages and experiences for the consumers across channels. However,this creates a challenge for finding the right combination, where physical stores require otherdemands today because of e-commerce.Purpose and Research QuestionsThe purpose of this study is to investigate the value of the physical store in today’s digitalizedsociety from a company perspective. In order to answer the purpose, the following researchquestions have been formulated focusing on the Swedish fashion industry:• What role does the physical store have in today’s digitalized society?• How do fashion brands value the physical store?Research MethodologyIn this study, a qualitative method was conducted with a hermeneutic approach, utilizingsemi-structured interviews with key people at three traditional and three online-based fashionbrands, which are MarQet, H&M, Gina Tricot, Ellos, Jollyroom and Nelly.com.ConclusionThe physical store increases in value when working in a symbiosis with the online store. If thephysical and digital commerce are coordinated and run parallel with each other, together theycan produce greater value than individually. Traditional and online-based fashion companiesfind value in the physical store in attracting more customers, strengthening the brand,providing a holistic experience with personal service, events and added services. The storecan provide that little extra to the customer also by integrating with the online store in order tomove seamlessly across channels. The physical store is required in today’s digitalized societyin a symbiosis with the online store to create value for both customers and brands. This studycan in the long-term contribute to knowledge for fashion brands to understand and use thephysical store in the best way possible to create customer value.

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