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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"A criança com câncer vivenciando a reinserção escolar: estratégia de atuação do psicólogo". / The child with cancer living deeply the pertaining to school reinsection: strategy of performance of the psychologist

Moreira, Gisele Machado da Silva 07 June 2002 (has links)
Dentro da perspectiva de integrar a criança com câncer à escola para a manutenção de seu desenvolvimento psicossocial, este estudo se propõe a ouvir crianças sobre sua vivência de voltar à escola durante seu tratamento oncológico, após um trabalho informativo realizado com seus colegas e professores. Seguindo todas as normas éticas atuais recomendadas, foram identificadas, no Setor de Pediatria e Puericultura do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMRP-USP), oito crianças, de cinco a onze anos, participantes do estudo. Foi proposto a elas e a suas mães o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, que se deu através da realização de um trabalho informativo sobre o câncer infantil a partir da apresentação do desenho animado pela Turma do Snoopy “Não tem choro", a fim de proporcionar esclarecimentos sobre a doença e tratamento aos colegas e professores. Aproximadamente trinta dias após sua volta às aulas, em um de seus retornos hospitalares, foi feita uma entrevista com as crianças no HCFMRP-USP, a partir da seguinte questão: “Gostaria que você me contasse como está sendo voltar para a escola depois deste tempo que você passou afastado para se tratar". As entrevistas foram gravadas, transcritas e analisadas qualitativamente de acordo com os referenciais da psicologia fenomenológica. Esta análise revelou que a reinserção escolar é estressante para as crianças com câncer por envolver aspectos emocionais e questões relativas à aceitação social. Antes do trabalho informativo a falta de esclarecimento sobre o câncer propiciou o estabelecimento do “mistério" em torno da aparência física das crianças doentes na escola, configurando um clima hostil e agressivo para elas. Todavia, mantiveram sua posição em continuar freqüentando a escola, esforçando-se para apresentarem bom desempenho acadêmico e comportamental, além de criarem alternativas para “burlarem" a rejeição dos colegas. Segundo as crianças, o trabalho informativo constituiu-se em um importante apoio no momento da reinserção escolar, contribuindo para a compreensão dos colegas a respeito do câncer, dando-lhes, assim, a tranqüilidade necessária para o desempenho das atividades acadêmicas e sociais pertinentes à sua faixa etária. As limitações físicas impostas pela doença e/ou pelo tratamento foram sentidas na escola, possibilitando às crianças o contato com a realidade de serem-alunos-em-tratamento de câncer. Apesar das dificuldades encontradas, foram unânimes em revelar simpatia para com o ambiente escolar e desejo pelo aprendizado e convívio social próprios dele. Este estudo vem corroborar os resultados de outros estudos na área e vem confirmar a importância de atividades informativas e de comunicação entre hospital e escola na facilitação da reinserção escolar da criança com câncer. / In the perspective of integrating the child with cancer to the school for the maintenance of her psycho-social development , this study proposes to listen to the children about their experience of returning to school during oncological treatment, after an informative work performed with their colleagues and teachers. Following all the current ethical norms recommended, eight children of this study, from five to eleven years old, were identified by the Pediatric and Puericulture Sector of the Clinical Hospital at the Medicine School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (HCFMRP-USP). The development of this research was proposed to them and their mothers through the accomplishment of an informative work about the childhood cancer presented by the Snoopy cartoon "Why Charlie Brown, Why?", in order to clearly inform about disease and treatment to the colleagues and teachers. About 30 days after the children’s return to classes, in one of their hospital returns, after the informative work, an interview was made with the children at HCFMRP-USP, from the following question: “I would like that you tell me how you feel about returning to school after the time you were absent for treatment". The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed qualitatively according to the phenomenological psychology references. This analysis revealed that the school reinsertion is stressful for the children with cancer for involving emotional aspects and social acceptance matters. Before the informative work the lack of information about cancer established the "mystery" around the physical appearance of the sick children in the school, providing a hostile and aggressive climate for them. However, they kept their position to continue attending the school, making efforts to introduce a good academical and behavioral performance, besides creating options to “fake" colleagues' rejection. According to the children, the informative work constituted an important support at the school reinsertion moment, contributing to the colleagues' comprehension about the cancer, giving them the necessary tranquillity to perform academic and social activities pertinent to their age group. The physical limitations imposed by the disease and/or by the treatment were felt at school, enabling the children to have contact with the reality of being-students-in-cancer treatment. Although the difficulties found, they were unanimous in revealing sympathy to the school environment and showed the wish of learning and proper social living. This study comes to corroborate the results of other studies in this field and comes to confirm the importance of the informative activities and communication between hospital and school in order to make the school reinsertion easier for the child with cancer.

Análise da dor no câncer infantojuvenil na intervenção de um programa com videogame / Analysis of pain in children and adolescents with cancer in the intervention of a program with videogame

Michelle Zampar Silva 11 December 2017 (has links)
Introdução: O câncer infantil coloca a criança diante de hospitalizações frequentes e prolongadas e expõe a dor e fatores estressores durante suas fases de tratamento. Esta situação pode provocar alterações no desenvolvimento típico da criança. O aspecto lúdico do brincar, com o uso do videogame dentro do hospital, pode ser um elemento importante na busca pela diminuição da dor. Objetivo: Analisar a dor e enfrentamento da dor de crianças e adolescentes com câncer hospitalizadas por meio de intervenção com o uso do videogame. Método: Participaram do estudo 40 crianças e adolescentes hospitalizadas com diagnóstico de câncer e seus cuidadores. A intervenção consistiu em terapia com uso de jogos de videogame WII durante a internação por três dias consecutivos, com sessões de 60 minutos/dia. Antes e após cada sessão, o participante graduou sua dor utilizando a Escala Analógica Visual (EVA) e diagrama do corpo. No inicio e no final do programa de intervenção com videogame foi respondido pelos participantes e pelos pais o questionário \"PedsQLTM Pediatric Pain Coping Inventory TM\" (Child Form; Teen Form; Parent Form) e perguntas sobre o programa com videogame. Resultados: O estudo não demonstrou diferenças estatisticamente significantes sobre o controle e vivência da dor no câncer infantojuvenil, ainda que alguns possíveis efeitos positivos foram observados individualmente. Conclusão: o programa com videogame parece não contribuir na área de suporte terapêutico e intervenções não-farmacológicas para o controle da dor em crianças e adolescentes com câncer de modo coletivo. / Introduction: Childhood cancer places the child in frequent and prolonged hospitalizations and exposes them to stressors factors and pain during different treatment phases. This situation may cause changes in the child´s typical development. The lively aspect of playing, with the aid of videogame inside the hospital ward might be an important element in the search of reducing pain. Puporse: to analyse the pain and pain coping of children and teenagers with cancer during hospitalization with the use of videogame. Method: Participated of the study 40 children and teenagers hospitalized with the diagnosis of cancer and their caregivers. The intervention consisted in therapy with the use of videogame WII during the hospitalization for three consecutive days, with sessions lasting 60 minutes/day. Before and after each session, the participant ranked its pain utilizing the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and body diagram. In the beginning and at the end of the videogame intervention program, it was answered by the participants and by their caregivers the questionnaire \"PedsQLTM Pediatric Pain Coping Inventory TM (Child Form; Teen Form; Parent Form)\" and questions about the program with videogame. Results: The study did not show statistically signficant differences on the control and on personal pain experience in children and adolescent with cancer that entered the program; yet, some possible positive effects were observed individually. Conclusion: This videogame program intervention did not show benefits on pain control and pain coping for the general study population.

Ser adulto sobrevivente de câncer infantil: uma compreensão fenomenológica / Be-adult-survivor-of-childhood-cancer: a fenomenologic comprehension

Rocha, Shirley Santos Teles 23 September 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo tem o objetivo de compreender o que é ser adulto sobrevivente de câncer infantil. O método utilizado foi o fenomenológico-existencial e foi desenvolvido no Ambulatório de Curados do Serviço de Oncologia Pediátrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto Universidade de São Paulo e contou com a colaboração de sete adultos que tiveram câncer na infância. Foi realizada uma entrevista a partir da questão norteadora: Conte-me como está a sua vida. A análise das entrevistas foi construída à luz de algumas idéias de Martin Heidegger em Ser e Tempo (2005). Ser-adulto-sobrevivente-de- câncer-infantil se desvelou como um ser que se lança e que já está lançado e se projetando, resgata o vigor de ter sido, que se atualiza a cada instante. Assim, a vivência do adulto sobrevivente de câncer infantil desvela-se na temporalidade: vigor de ter sido, atualidade e porvir. Dessa forma, ter vivenciado câncer na infância constitui o existir do adulto, ainda que não se queira lembrar, podendo esta vivência ser impulsionadora do existir. Dessa forma, ser-sobrevivente-de-câncer-infantil-no-mundo-com-os-outros é ser projeto, é porvir, é lançar-se, é existir na fluidez da existência, ora na busca de si mesmo, ora buscando ser igual a todo mundo, sendo impessoal, sendo normal, porém a busca pela normalidade dá-se a partir do ser diferente, da busca de si mesmo, pois somos singular e plural ao mesmo tempo. Foi possível perceber que os adultos sobreviventes de câncer infantil necessitam de programas de acompanhamento que atendam às suas demandas e necessidades Porém, esse acompanhamento não deve ficar restrito ao âmbito metafísico, é necessário abertura para estar, co-existir com esse adulto sobrevivente, para que assim possa compreender o seu modo de existir. Assim, o profissional de saúde, em sua atuação, lidará com as diferentes formas de ser no mundo do sobrevivente, além da dimensão biológica do funcionamento do corpo humano. E isso só é possível, quando a equipe de saúde e o paciente constróem relações autênticas. Porém, essa atuação convoca a equipe de saúde a se colocar, a perceber-se co-existente, tendo que cuidar do seu vir a ser, buscando ou se perdendo de si mesma. / The aim of this work is to comprehend what is be an adult survivor of childhood cancer using the method existential-phenomenologic. This work was developed in the Ambulatório de Curados do Serviço de Oncologia Pediátrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto Universidade de São Paulo and it count on the colaboration of seven adults that had childhood cancer. An interview was held from the following guiding question: tell me how your live is. The analysis of the interviews were developed using the ideas of Martin Heidegger in the book Ser e Tempo (2005). Be-adult-survivor-of-childhood-cancer was viewed as a being that throws oneself and that is already thrown and that, projecting oneself, recovers the strength of have been that renews every instant. Thus, the experience of live of the adult survivor of childhood cancer manifests on the temporality: the strength of have been, the present and the future. Then, to have experienced cancer during the childhood is part of the existence of the adult, even if he does not want to remember and this experience can even stimulate his existence. Thus, be-adult-survivor-of-childhood-cancer-in-the-world-with-the-other is be project, is future, is to throw oneself, is to exist in the flow of the existence, once looking for oneself, once trying to be equal to the other, being impersonal, being normal. However, the search of the normality happens from the I am different looking for himself/herself, because we are singular and plural at the same time. It was noted that the adult survivors of childhood cancer need accompaniment programs that attend your necessities. Nevertheless, this accompaniment cannot be restricted to the metaphysic field. It is necessary to be open to be with and to coexist with this adult survivor in order to understand your way of existence. Then, in your actuation, the health professional will deal with the different ways of the be in the world of the survivor, besides the biological dimension of the work of the human body. This is only possible when the health team and the patient build an authentic relation. Although, this actuation requires that the health team to perceive coexistent taking care of your own will be, searching or loosing itself.

Transition or transfer? : an experiential perspective on moving from paediatric to adult cancer services

McCann, Lisa January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the experiences of young people who are survivors of childhood cancer, their parents, health care professionals (HCPs), and case note documentation, of the process of transition from paediatric to adult cancer services. A qualitative, collective case study approach (Stake, 1995), informed by a constructivist-interpretive position, allowed exploration of the multiple realities prioritised in this study. Whilst there is a significant body of literature relating to transition for conditions such as rheumatology and cystic fibrosis, there is little research undertaken into transition in a cancer context, specifically so from an experiences perspective. This study aimed to re-address this issue. The experiences of twelve young people were explored in this study. This resulted in the participation of twelve cases, meaning a total of 35 individual, semi-structured interviews were conducted with young people, parents and HCPs. Young people’s case notes (22 sets) were also reviewed. Data were analysed using matrix-based approaches advocated by Miles and Huberman (1994), at both the within- and between-case level. This generated a multi-dimensional and multiple perspective understanding of the experience of the process of transition. The results of this study clearly identified a central orienting theme: The experience of readiness in the context of transition. Three main themes and six sub-themes were also identified within the data, supporting the explanatory power of the orienting theme. The main themes identified were: The experience of childhood cancer; Planning and preparation: Transition or transfer?; and A process of change. The findings demonstrate that understanding the multi-faceted components of readiness is crucial in understanding people’s experiences of readiness. Readiness should embody people’s illness experiences, the numerous and associated losses intertwined with a move from paediatric to adult care and the simultaneous developmental changes occurring in people’s lives. Only by doing so shall a meaningful understanding of the experience of the process of transition for survivors of childhood cancer, their parents and health care professionals be developed. The thesis concludes by making recommendations for future research and clinical practice.

Social Functioning in Survivors of Pediatric Cancer: A Conceptual Model of Assessment

Willard, Victoria January 2011 (has links)
<p>Many survivors of pediatric brain tumors and leukemia will experience cognitive, academic, and social difficulties that will significantly impact their quality of life. Of these, the least is known about the nature and range of survivors' social difficulties. Using a model developed for children with traumatic brain injury, the objective of the current study was to evaluate the neurocognitive and social-cognitive skills that may determine social outcomes in survivors of pediatric brain tumors and leukemia. A sample of survivors of childhood cancer aged 8 to 16 (n = 19) was compared to two control groups - children with ADHD (n = 10) and typically-developing children (n = 41) - on measures of neurocognitive skills, social-cognitive skills, and social experience. Results revealed that survivors demonstrated significant deficits in all domains as compared to typically-developing children. Evaluation of the model revealed that neurocognitive and social-cognitive skills were significant predictors of social experience. More specifically, attention problems and facial expression recognition were significant individual predictors. Survivors of pediatric cancer may experience deficits in social functioning that will impact their quality of life. Further assessment of the skills that influence social outcomes will be particularly important as a means for developing evidence-based interventions.</p> / Dissertation

Quality of Life Concerns in Young Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Qualitative Research Investigation

Puckett, Stevie 16 December 2013 (has links)
Although young adult (YA) survivors of child cancer comprise a unique group from a developmental standpoint, in most treatment and research settings either child or general adult measures of quality of life (QL) are used to measure adjustment and functioning. Studies have relied heavily on survey methods, and though many hint at a variety of specific problems that a subset of YAs may experience, most identify YA survivors as relatively well adjusted. Interview studies with survivors and care-providers and interactions in survivor support venues paint a more complex and problematic picture of adjustment. To better understand the QL concerns unique to YAs this study employed grounded theory methodology to build a model of survivorship from participant perceptions. Four focus groups were conducted (N=15) with survivors between the ages of 18 and 30 years recruited from in-person and online support group settings. Themes emerged describing a larger extent of struggles than prior studies have identified. The grounded theory model detailed that having cancer can fundamentally change an individual, and these changes and resulting struggles do not end with remission. Survivors described constantly pursuing normalcy in the context of being fundamentally different, while balancing the dual roles of young adult and survivor. Survivors revealed difficulties in essentially every area of their lives (school, work, friendships, family, romance, self-esteem, outlook and attitudes, etc.), and though many could identify strategies for addressing these problems, maladaptive coping techniques dominated and survivors were left feeling overwhelmed, under-supported, and misunderstood. Results suggest that YAs could benefit from QL measures developed specifically with their unique concerns in mind. While progress has been made in developing YA-specific measures, such measures have not become widespread practice in clinical and research settings. Furthermore, this study suggests that collecting such information in a conversational, semi-structured interview format may elicit a fuller scope of survivors’ concerns than pencil and paper methods, though further research is recommended in this area.

You Matter: Retrospectively Exploring the Needs of Adolescents who had a Sibling with Cancer

Stonebridge, Genevieve Grace Shireen 24 April 2015 (has links)
Previous research has started the discussion about the impact of unmet needs on the psychosocial adjustment of well-siblings of children and youth diagnosed with cancer. The purpose of this qualitative study was to retrospectively explore the needs of adolescents who had a brother or sister, who was diagnosed with, treated for and who lived through cancer. The findings and knowledge mobilization project from this study will extend the literature and will also bring information to counsellors, social workers, doctors, nurses, cancer support agencies, parents, family members, friends, teachers, and—importantly—to well-siblings themselves. Narrative data were collected from 7 adult sisters who reflected on their adolescent-aged experience of being the well-sibling of a sister (n=4) or brother (n=3) who was diagnosed with and treated for cancer. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis and 7 need-based themes identified from the data are reported. Further research is recommended, and implications from the present study are discussed. / Graduate / 0519 / 0621 / 0992 / genevievestonebridge@gmail.com

När varje förälders värsta mardröm blir sann : Föräldrars upplevelser när deras barn insjuknar i cancer, en litteraturstudie. / When every parent’s worst nightmare comes true : Parent’s experiences when their children suffer from cancer, a litterature study.

Lilja, Sandra, Giri, Muna January 2018 (has links)
Background: Almost every day a family finds out their child has cancer. The cancer affect the entire family. The parents had the closest contact to the child, and they were involved in all treatment process. Aim: The aim of this study is to illuminate parents’ experiences of their child going through cancer treatment. Method: The method we chose is a literature study that contributes to evidence based care, based on analysis of qualitative research. This method was chosen to get a better understanding of parents’ experiences when their child gets a cancer diagnose. Twelve qualitative articles were chosen for the result. Results: In the result we found three themes and ten subthemes. What we found was a changed life situation that affected the life quality, the family, marriages and the social relations. The situation also affected their faith and hope for the future. The parents had to struggle with their feelings and their economic daily, as a result of the child’s diagnosis. Another thing the results show is how the parents’ experienced the care, with treatment, information from the health professionals, and how they treated the families. Conclusion: The results show that the parents was in need of information, care and support to be able to handle the situation of their sick child. Here, the nurse plays a vital and significant role to support these families in their struggle against cancer. Keywords: childhood cancer, experiences, family, neoplasm, parents.

Ser adulto sobrevivente de câncer infantil: uma compreensão fenomenológica / Be-adult-survivor-of-childhood-cancer: a fenomenologic comprehension

Shirley Santos Teles Rocha 23 September 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo tem o objetivo de compreender o que é ser adulto sobrevivente de câncer infantil. O método utilizado foi o fenomenológico-existencial e foi desenvolvido no Ambulatório de Curados do Serviço de Oncologia Pediátrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto Universidade de São Paulo e contou com a colaboração de sete adultos que tiveram câncer na infância. Foi realizada uma entrevista a partir da questão norteadora: Conte-me como está a sua vida. A análise das entrevistas foi construída à luz de algumas idéias de Martin Heidegger em Ser e Tempo (2005). Ser-adulto-sobrevivente-de- câncer-infantil se desvelou como um ser que se lança e que já está lançado e se projetando, resgata o vigor de ter sido, que se atualiza a cada instante. Assim, a vivência do adulto sobrevivente de câncer infantil desvela-se na temporalidade: vigor de ter sido, atualidade e porvir. Dessa forma, ter vivenciado câncer na infância constitui o existir do adulto, ainda que não se queira lembrar, podendo esta vivência ser impulsionadora do existir. Dessa forma, ser-sobrevivente-de-câncer-infantil-no-mundo-com-os-outros é ser projeto, é porvir, é lançar-se, é existir na fluidez da existência, ora na busca de si mesmo, ora buscando ser igual a todo mundo, sendo impessoal, sendo normal, porém a busca pela normalidade dá-se a partir do ser diferente, da busca de si mesmo, pois somos singular e plural ao mesmo tempo. Foi possível perceber que os adultos sobreviventes de câncer infantil necessitam de programas de acompanhamento que atendam às suas demandas e necessidades Porém, esse acompanhamento não deve ficar restrito ao âmbito metafísico, é necessário abertura para estar, co-existir com esse adulto sobrevivente, para que assim possa compreender o seu modo de existir. Assim, o profissional de saúde, em sua atuação, lidará com as diferentes formas de ser no mundo do sobrevivente, além da dimensão biológica do funcionamento do corpo humano. E isso só é possível, quando a equipe de saúde e o paciente constróem relações autênticas. Porém, essa atuação convoca a equipe de saúde a se colocar, a perceber-se co-existente, tendo que cuidar do seu vir a ser, buscando ou se perdendo de si mesma. / The aim of this work is to comprehend what is be an adult survivor of childhood cancer using the method existential-phenomenologic. This work was developed in the Ambulatório de Curados do Serviço de Oncologia Pediátrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto Universidade de São Paulo and it count on the colaboration of seven adults that had childhood cancer. An interview was held from the following guiding question: tell me how your live is. The analysis of the interviews were developed using the ideas of Martin Heidegger in the book Ser e Tempo (2005). Be-adult-survivor-of-childhood-cancer was viewed as a being that throws oneself and that is already thrown and that, projecting oneself, recovers the strength of have been that renews every instant. Thus, the experience of live of the adult survivor of childhood cancer manifests on the temporality: the strength of have been, the present and the future. Then, to have experienced cancer during the childhood is part of the existence of the adult, even if he does not want to remember and this experience can even stimulate his existence. Thus, be-adult-survivor-of-childhood-cancer-in-the-world-with-the-other is be project, is future, is to throw oneself, is to exist in the flow of the existence, once looking for oneself, once trying to be equal to the other, being impersonal, being normal. However, the search of the normality happens from the I am different looking for himself/herself, because we are singular and plural at the same time. It was noted that the adult survivors of childhood cancer need accompaniment programs that attend your necessities. Nevertheless, this accompaniment cannot be restricted to the metaphysic field. It is necessary to be open to be with and to coexist with this adult survivor in order to understand your way of existence. Then, in your actuation, the health professional will deal with the different ways of the be in the world of the survivor, besides the biological dimension of the work of the human body. This is only possible when the health team and the patient build an authentic relation. Although, this actuation requires that the health team to perceive coexistent taking care of your own will be, searching or loosing itself.

"A criança com câncer vivenciando a reinserção escolar: estratégia de atuação do psicólogo". / The child with cancer living deeply the pertaining to school reinsection: strategy of performance of the psychologist

Gisele Machado da Silva Moreira 07 June 2002 (has links)
Dentro da perspectiva de integrar a criança com câncer à escola para a manutenção de seu desenvolvimento psicossocial, este estudo se propõe a ouvir crianças sobre sua vivência de voltar à escola durante seu tratamento oncológico, após um trabalho informativo realizado com seus colegas e professores. Seguindo todas as normas éticas atuais recomendadas, foram identificadas, no Setor de Pediatria e Puericultura do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMRP-USP), oito crianças, de cinco a onze anos, participantes do estudo. Foi proposto a elas e a suas mães o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, que se deu através da realização de um trabalho informativo sobre o câncer infantil a partir da apresentação do desenho animado pela Turma do Snoopy “Não tem choro”, a fim de proporcionar esclarecimentos sobre a doença e tratamento aos colegas e professores. Aproximadamente trinta dias após sua volta às aulas, em um de seus retornos hospitalares, foi feita uma entrevista com as crianças no HCFMRP-USP, a partir da seguinte questão: “Gostaria que você me contasse como está sendo voltar para a escola depois deste tempo que você passou afastado para se tratar”. As entrevistas foram gravadas, transcritas e analisadas qualitativamente de acordo com os referenciais da psicologia fenomenológica. Esta análise revelou que a reinserção escolar é estressante para as crianças com câncer por envolver aspectos emocionais e questões relativas à aceitação social. Antes do trabalho informativo a falta de esclarecimento sobre o câncer propiciou o estabelecimento do “mistério” em torno da aparência física das crianças doentes na escola, configurando um clima hostil e agressivo para elas. Todavia, mantiveram sua posição em continuar freqüentando a escola, esforçando-se para apresentarem bom desempenho acadêmico e comportamental, além de criarem alternativas para “burlarem” a rejeição dos colegas. Segundo as crianças, o trabalho informativo constituiu-se em um importante apoio no momento da reinserção escolar, contribuindo para a compreensão dos colegas a respeito do câncer, dando-lhes, assim, a tranqüilidade necessária para o desempenho das atividades acadêmicas e sociais pertinentes à sua faixa etária. As limitações físicas impostas pela doença e/ou pelo tratamento foram sentidas na escola, possibilitando às crianças o contato com a realidade de serem-alunos-em-tratamento de câncer. Apesar das dificuldades encontradas, foram unânimes em revelar simpatia para com o ambiente escolar e desejo pelo aprendizado e convívio social próprios dele. Este estudo vem corroborar os resultados de outros estudos na área e vem confirmar a importância de atividades informativas e de comunicação entre hospital e escola na facilitação da reinserção escolar da criança com câncer. / In the perspective of integrating the child with cancer to the school for the maintenance of her psycho-social development , this study proposes to listen to the children about their experience of returning to school during oncological treatment, after an informative work performed with their colleagues and teachers. Following all the current ethical norms recommended, eight children of this study, from five to eleven years old, were identified by the Pediatric and Puericulture Sector of the Clinical Hospital at the Medicine School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (HCFMRP-USP). The development of this research was proposed to them and their mothers through the accomplishment of an informative work about the childhood cancer presented by the Snoopy cartoon "Why Charlie Brown, Why?", in order to clearly inform about disease and treatment to the colleagues and teachers. About 30 days after the children’s return to classes, in one of their hospital returns, after the informative work, an interview was made with the children at HCFMRP-USP, from the following question: “I would like that you tell me how you feel about returning to school after the time you were absent for treatment”. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed qualitatively according to the phenomenological psychology references. This analysis revealed that the school reinsertion is stressful for the children with cancer for involving emotional aspects and social acceptance matters. Before the informative work the lack of information about cancer established the "mystery" around the physical appearance of the sick children in the school, providing a hostile and aggressive climate for them. However, they kept their position to continue attending the school, making efforts to introduce a good academical and behavioral performance, besides creating options to “fake” colleagues' rejection. According to the children, the informative work constituted an important support at the school reinsertion moment, contributing to the colleagues' comprehension about the cancer, giving them the necessary tranquillity to perform academic and social activities pertinent to their age group. The physical limitations imposed by the disease and/or by the treatment were felt at school, enabling the children to have contact with the reality of being-students-in-cancer treatment. Although the difficulties found, they were unanimous in revealing sympathy to the school environment and showed the wish of learning and proper social living. This study comes to corroborate the results of other studies in this field and comes to confirm the importance of the informative activities and communication between hospital and school in order to make the school reinsertion easier for the child with cancer.

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