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Alfons Åberg and Pippi Longstocking : From a gender pespectiveFjäll, Nathalie Unknown Date (has links)
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The main purpose of this thesis is to make the gender perspective of children’s literature visible. I wanted to find out if the books about Pippi Longstocking and Alfons Aberg are suited as basis for a gender discussion among students in the school. By proceed from the books I did a study in a children group in a youth recreation center. The total number of students was 10 aged 6 to 10 years. I chose the books and chapters I found most appropriate as a basis for a gender discussion. I read high for the group and afterwards they got some statement to reflect over. My conclusion is that both Alfons and Pippi are very good models for children because they digress from the current sex role pattern. The books adapt very well as a discussion basis concerning gender. However there was some difficulties to let the children to keep focus on the primary question it self. In this kind of investigation an experienced leader who can guide the conversation is needed. By using different valuation exercises you can make the conversations more stimulating for the children.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Alfons Aberg, Pippi Longstocking, children’s book, gender, equality</p><p> </p>
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Alfons Åberg and Pippi Longstocking : From a gender pespectiveFjäll, Nathalie Unknown Date (has links)
Abstract The main purpose of this thesis is to make the gender perspective of children’s literature visible. I wanted to find out if the books about Pippi Longstocking and Alfons Aberg are suited as basis for a gender discussion among students in the school. By proceed from the books I did a study in a children group in a youth recreation center. The total number of students was 10 aged 6 to 10 years. I chose the books and chapters I found most appropriate as a basis for a gender discussion. I read high for the group and afterwards they got some statement to reflect over. My conclusion is that both Alfons and Pippi are very good models for children because they digress from the current sex role pattern. The books adapt very well as a discussion basis concerning gender. However there was some difficulties to let the children to keep focus on the primary question it self. In this kind of investigation an experienced leader who can guide the conversation is needed. By using different valuation exercises you can make the conversations more stimulating for the children. Keywords: Alfons Aberg, Pippi Longstocking, children’s book, gender, equality
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Räknar vi med barnboken? : Ett tillfälle för läraren att prata matematik med förskolebarn utifrån boken Fia och djuren.Berntsson, Anna, Thorin, Sofia January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med arbete är att undersöka hur lärare använder sig av barnboken Fia och djuren (Kruusval 2007) för att synliggöra matematik för barn i åldern 5-6 år på förskolan. Vi observerade lärarna i en högläsningssituation, därefter intervjuade vi dem för att få en djupare bild av hur de tänkte kring högläsning och matematik. Resultatet på undersökningen visar att lärarnas kunskaper och erfarenheter kring ämnet matematik har en avgörande betydelse för vilken form av matematik som synliggörs i högläsningen. Resultatet visar också att det är av stor vikt att lärarna utmanar, uppmuntrar, stödjer och samtalar med barnen om den matematik som är både synlig och dold i boken. / The purpose with the work is to examine how teachers use the children book Fia och djuren (Kruusval 2007) to make mathematics visible for 5-6 year old children in preschool. We observed the teachers in a reading aloud session and then we interviewed them to get a deeper picture of how they were thinking around the subject of reading aloud and mathematics. The result of the examination shows that the teachers’ knowledge and experiences around the subject of mathematics have a crucial meaning for which form of mathematics that is visible in the reading aloud session. The result also shows that it is of great importance that the teachers’ challenges, encourage, support and discuss with the children about the mathematics which is both visible and hidden in the book.
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Lidiane Britto.pdf: 309093 bytes, checksum: 03b926353b96f140f4197025c49f73d3 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007-04-17 / This work is based on the communication and the Brazilian children s editorial market in the nineties , describing and analyzing the country children s editorial view during the mentioned period under the perspective of communication. The question immersed into the political, social and economical conjunction of that period, had the aim to answer if, there was, indeed, a consistent development in the children s editorial market in the nineties or if this development was only obvious. Correlatively, it aimed to apprehend which are the strategies of the market communication used during that period and in which way they contributed to incite that market. To assure the systematic and scientific feature of this work, it was used the qualitative method, although the presence of the quantitative method was necessary too, meanly in the Brazilian Editorial market selling maneuvers in the nineties. The analytical and descriptive study which included a distinctive literature review and a field research in a semi structured question form and interviews fulfilled the goals assigned. Concerned to the results, it was possible to consider the children s editorial market scenery of that period interacting it to its productive chain.(AU) / Este trabalho, cujo tema é A comunicação e o mercado editorial infantil brasileiro na década de 1990 , descreveu e analisou o panorama editorial infantil do país no período indicado sob a perspectiva da comunicação. O problema de pesquisa proposto, tendo em vista a conjuntura política, social e econômica da época, tem o intuito de responder se houve, de fato, um desenvolvimento substantivo no mercado editorial infantil na década de 1990 ou, se este desenvolvimento foi apenas aparente. Correlatamente, constatar quais as estratégias de comunicação mercadológicas utilizadas no período e de que maneira elas contribuíram para o fomento desse mercado. Para garantir o caráter sistemático e científico deste trabalho, foi utilizado o método qualitativo. Muito embora, a presença do método quantitativo também tenha sido necessária, sobretudo no que tange ao comportamento de vendas do mercado editorial brasileiro na década de 1990. Como tipo de pesquisa, o estudo descritivo analítico foi o que melhor se enquadrou com os objetivos pretendidos, assim, além de um apurado levantamento bibliográfica, foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo por meio de questionários semi-estruturados e entrevistas. Dessa forma, pôde-se, a partir desses dados, traçar o cenário do mercado editorial infantil da época relacionando-o à sua cadeia produtiva.(AU)
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Gulliver in DresdenBoddin, Ilse 06 October 2006 (has links)
Der klassische Gulliver kommt im Laufe seines Lebens in unbekannte, in Wirklichkeit nicht existierende Weltgegenden und erlebt dort merkwürdige Dinge, ... Lesen wir es nach in Kinder- und Jugendbüchern, die in Dresdner Verlagen im Zeitraum vom Beginn des Buchdrucks in der Residenzstadt 1524 bis zum Ende des Jugendland-Verlages 1978 erschienen sind. ...
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Mosshumlan hjälper djuren : En barnbok om rödlistade djur som kan stödja förskollärare i undervisningen om hållbar utveckling / The moss bumblebee helps the animals : a children's book about red-listed animals that can support preschool teachers in teaching about sustainable developmentStark, Julia, Sjödin, Emilia January 2023 (has links)
Idag råder en global problematik i miljön och i det förändrade klimatet, vilket påverkar allt levande på vår planet. Det krävs därför att människan anpassar sina handlingar för att växla om till en hållbar utveckling. Förskolan är en institution som speglar samhället och där formas framtida generationer, det blir därför centralt hur lärare resonerar om och undervisar för en hållbar utveckling. Det framgår dock att förskolans undervisning om hållbar utveckling tenderar att mestadels handla om källsortering och att inte skräpa ned i naturen. I barnlitteratur som handlar om hållbar utveckling föreligger brister genom att innehållet inte når fram till barnen och att böckerna till största del likaså handlar om att sortera skräp, panta samt att inte slänga skräp i naturen. Därav skapades en barnbok som synliggör rödlistade djur och som kan stödja förskollärare i undervisningen, samt därmed avser främja barns lärande om hållbar utveckling. För att ta reda på bokens potential har sex förskollärare provat den i sin undervisning samt därefter återgett sina upplevelser av barnboken genom ett frågeformulär. I resultatet framgår det att förskollärarna upplever barnboken som ett värdefullt didaktiskt material i undervisningen samt att de upplever att boken främjar barns intresse och samtal för hållbar utveckling. Även bokens utvecklingsmöjligheter blir synligt i resultatet. Därmed är en slutsats att boken till stor del stödjer förskollärare samt bidrar till barns lärande om hållbar utveckling.
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As estruturas semio-narrativas dos contos de fada e maravilhosos no sincretismo verbo-visual do livro infantilMabelini, Ecila Lira de Lima 17 October 2007 (has links)
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Ecila Lira de Lima Mabelini.pdf: 5818199 bytes, checksum: a0470532a545094ed7c2bea9c91b0a29 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007-10-17 / The research objectified to study in the infantile book contemporary as the classic narratives if they structuralize in a double sincretic expression verb-appearance for its presentation to the reading contemporary. The analysis corpus selected in the set of books of childhood literature, three workmanships: The Cinderela of the dolls, by Ruth Rocha, The problem of the Clóvis, by Eva Furnari and Flicts, by Ziraldo. With the perspective of boarding of the problem guided for the theorist study - methodological of the greimasiana semiotics, the analysis of the gerativo passage of direction, directed toward the examination of the types of sincretics relations was taken in account that constitute the plan of expression of these workmanships. As result the research showed the different mechanisms that can be apprehended in the sincretic organization of the uses of the chosen meaningful systems, verifying as the totality of direction it is constructed by the procedures of joint of the two significant systems. In this way, the observed procedures of sincretization in books show two ways of being: one where verbal and visual they are placed together; in relation, to mean the content and another one where, even so concomitant in one same page, verbal and visual, means separately. As hypothesis the graphical project of the selected workmanships was examined, taking it in terms of the manifest scienter of the citizen of the articulation that organizes the signification, estimated that he has been developed for A.C. of Oliveira. Subsidizing the act to test of the hypothesis it guides, one adopted the theoretical procedures of Jean-Marie Floch of that one and only articulation only conducts the plan of the sincretic expression. Finally, the research also considered as the sincretism of expression is determinative of imitation of projected child in the Brazilian infantile book. Understood the citizen of the articulation as a partnership between enunciator and in agreement enunciatee it has shown the semiotics developed around. the J. Greimas, the result of this research inferred, in the ways of sincretic joint, types of reader-child installed in the literal intrinsic and as these show to assimilate the sincretics mechanisms of the mediatics texts that form its partner-cultural context / A pesquisa objetivou estudar no livro infantil contemporâneo como as narrativas clássicas se estruturam numa dupla expressão sincrética verbo-visual para a sua apresentação ao leitor contemporâneo. O corpus de análise selecionou no conjunto de livros da literatura infantil, três obras: A cinderela das bonecas, de Ruth Rocha, O problema do Clóvis, de Eva Furnari e Flicts, de Ziraldo. Com a perspectiva de abordagem do problema orientada pelo aparato teórico-metodológico da semiótica greimasiana, levou-se em conta a análise do percurso gerativo de sentido, voltada para o exame dos tipos de relações sincréticas que constituem o plano de expressão dessas obras. Como resultado a pesquisa pontuou os diferentes mecanismos que podem ser apreendidos na organização sincrética dos usos dos sistemas expressivos escolhidos, verificando como a totalidade de sentido é construída pelos procedimentos de articulação dos dois sistemas significantes. Dessa maneira, os procedimentos de sincretização observados nos livros pontuam dois modos de ser: um em que verbal e visual são colocados juntos; em relação, para significar o conteúdo e outro em que, embora concomitantes numa mesma página, verbal e visual, significam separadamente. Como hipótese o projeto gráfico das obras selecionadas foi examinado, tomando-o em termos da intencionalidade manifesta do sujeito da enunciação que organiza a significação, pressuposto que tem sido desenvolvido por A. C. de Oliveira. Subsidiando a testagem da hipótese guia, adotou-se os procedimentos teóricos de Jean-Marie Floch de que uma só e única enunciação rege o plano da expressão sincrética. Por fim, a pesquisa considerou também como o sincretismo de expressão é determinante do simulacro de criança projetado no livro infantil brasileiro,. Entendido o sujeito da enunciação como uma parceria entre enunciador e enunciatário conforme tem mostrado a semiótica desenvolvida em torno de A. J. Greimas, o resultado dessa pesquisa depreendeu, nos modos de articulação sincrética, tipos de leitor-criança instalados na imanência textual e como esses mostram assimilar os mecanismos sincréticos dos textos midiáticos que formam o seu contexto sócio-cultural
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