Spelling suggestions: "subject:"choice off transport"" "subject:"choice oof transport""
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Introduction of regional high speed trains : A study of the effects of the Svealand line on the travel market, travel behaviour and accessibilityFröidh, Oskar January 2003 (has links)
The Svealand line opened in 1997 and the services areoperated with regional high speed trains. While the Svealandline was being built, the slow trains that had been inoperation on the old railway between Eskilstuna and Stockholm(a distance of 115 km) were replaced by buses with a highfrequency of service. In a case study of the effects of regional high speed trainservices, field surveys were made of residents and publictransport passengers along the line, and in a reference centreof population, before and after the Svealand line opened.Changes in knowledge, valuations and travel behaviour have beenanalysed, as have changes in accessibility. The supply and thedemand for regional journeys by car, bus and train have alsobeen examined. The results show that the Svealand line has meant anincrease of up to seven times in regional travel by railcompared to the old railway between Eskilstuna and Stockholm,and the market share has risen from 6% to 30%. Those who travelmost are people who have access to a car at times. Habitualmotorists, on the other hand, account for the largest increasein travel by public transport. In areas close to the railwaystations in Strängnäs and Eskilstuna new patterns ofcar ownership, travel behaviour, choice of transport mode andchoice of destination have been found since the regional highspeed trains began operating on the Svealand line. Commuting towork has also shown a marked increase. Travelling times arevalued highly and especially motorists value the high speedtrain mode of transport highly. Poorer train services and busservices are not attractive to motorists other than as areserve alternative to their own cars. A general conclusion is that the regional high speed trainservices have had a major impact on the travel market, travelbehaviour and accessibility. The improved accessibility toStockholm in particular is especially noticeable amongresidents close to the railway stations. Keywords:The Svealand line, high speed trains, regionaltravel, travel behaviour, choice of transport mode,accessibility / QC 20100608
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Färdmedelsvalets komplexa förutsättningar : En studie av arbetspendling i småbarnshushåll med Kils kommun som exempelGottfridsson, Hans Olof January 2007 (has links)
<p>Gottfridsson, H. O., 2007, Färdmedelsvalets komplexa förutsättningar – En studie av arbetspendling i småbarnshushåll med Kils kommun som exempel, (Complex conditions governing choice of transport – A study of parents of young children commuting to work from the municipality of Kil).</p><p>Travel is a means through which people fulfil a variety of social and biological requirements. In turn, the purpose, destination and identity of the traveller set different requirements that different forms of transport have different opportunities of fulfilling.</p><p>The purpose of this dissertation is to find out about the complex conditions that form the scope for action in the choice of transport, in this particular case for parents of young children when travelling to and from work. The dissertation emphasises the importance of studying the whole picture and of the interchange between the component parts in order to gain a better understanding of the conditions governing a commuter’s choice of transport.</p><p>In the study a theoretical framework of reference is gradually established by mixing empiricism and theory. As a result, a number of factors significant for the transport selection process are identified. These factors include the composition and organisation of the household, transport system structures, local community structures and the resources and preferences of the commuter.</p><p>Several methods were used during the collection of data. Data about commuters was collected via surveys and travel diaries. Traffic systems and associated structures were studied with the help of maps.</p><p>Work requirements combined with local structures such as the location of the home, workplace and services, and how the household chooses to organise daily activities, place specific demands on the planning of the journey to and from work. Different transport systems meet these demands in varying degrees. The choice of transport is also determined by the commuter’s socio-economic situation, travel resources and how he or she, depending on motives, knowledge and habits finally perceives the alternatives available.</p><p>The results confirm that car users and public transport users have different strategies when choosing transport. The results also indicate that there are commuters who declare the same grounds for their choice of transport, but who in practice conclude different consequences and choose different means of transport. The data also indicates clearly that among users of public transport there are major differences in journey times, number of stops, distance to bus stops and travel costs, and that commuters who use public transport are more complex as a group.</p>
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Färdmedelsvalets komplexa förutsättningar : En studie av arbetspendling i småbarnshushåll med Kils kommun som exempelGottfridsson, Hans Olof January 2007 (has links)
Gottfridsson, H. O., 2007, Färdmedelsvalets komplexa förutsättningar – En studie av arbetspendling i småbarnshushåll med Kils kommun som exempel, (Complex conditions governing choice of transport – A study of parents of young children commuting to work from the municipality of Kil). Travel is a means through which people fulfil a variety of social and biological requirements. In turn, the purpose, destination and identity of the traveller set different requirements that different forms of transport have different opportunities of fulfilling. The purpose of this dissertation is to find out about the complex conditions that form the scope for action in the choice of transport, in this particular case for parents of young children when travelling to and from work. The dissertation emphasises the importance of studying the whole picture and of the interchange between the component parts in order to gain a better understanding of the conditions governing a commuter’s choice of transport. In the study a theoretical framework of reference is gradually established by mixing empiricism and theory. As a result, a number of factors significant for the transport selection process are identified. These factors include the composition and organisation of the household, transport system structures, local community structures and the resources and preferences of the commuter. Several methods were used during the collection of data. Data about commuters was collected via surveys and travel diaries. Traffic systems and associated structures were studied with the help of maps. Work requirements combined with local structures such as the location of the home, workplace and services, and how the household chooses to organise daily activities, place specific demands on the planning of the journey to and from work. Different transport systems meet these demands in varying degrees. The choice of transport is also determined by the commuter’s socio-economic situation, travel resources and how he or she, depending on motives, knowledge and habits finally perceives the alternatives available. The results confirm that car users and public transport users have different strategies when choosing transport. The results also indicate that there are commuters who declare the same grounds for their choice of transport, but who in practice conclude different consequences and choose different means of transport. The data also indicates clearly that among users of public transport there are major differences in journey times, number of stops, distance to bus stops and travel costs, and that commuters who use public transport are more complex as a group.
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Environmentální výchova a dopravní chování žáků vybraných základních škol v Česku / Environmental Education and pupils' transport behaviour of selected Elementary School in CzechiaŠafránek, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the environmental education and the modal choice of transport, especially pupils traveling to school. The main object of the thesis is to determine, whether has the environmental education positive impact to a transport behavior of pupils and to their exploitation environmentally friendly means of transport. First part of the thesis is based on czech and foreign literature, it represents importance of the environment for people and other animals and plant species and deals with impact of transport on environment. This part also analyzes the environmental education and its possibilities, position and legislative and curricular anchoring in these times, everything with emphasis on influence of transport on the environment. Empirical part of the thesis is connected with first theoretical part of the thesis. Through a survey at czech elementary schools this part analyzes view of schools on transport and environmental issues and main factors, which influence modal choice. Two Prague elementary schools situated in similar type of a housing development with different approach to teaching the environmental education are studied in detail. Results suggest, that incorporating the environmental education into teaching leads to changes in transport behavior only in connection with...
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Možnosti rozvoje udržitelné dopravy v Praze / Possibilities for developing sustainable transport in PragueMacháč, Richard January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concerned with the issue of sustainable transport. In the theoretical part, the emphasis is placed on setting the concept of sustainable transport into a broader context; it also describes various factors influencing the choice of the means of transport, which is crucial for transport planning. Furthermore, it describes a set of diverse tools used for transport regulation. At the end of the theoretical part, it mentions specific approaches implemented in selected cities all over the world. The practical part is based on a significant personal research, which helps to understand the issues of transport in a selected area of Prague. On the basis of this research, it subsequently suggests possible measures that might lead to a decrease in the intensity of automobile transport in the aforementioned area. Most of those measures can be similarly applied in other city areas as well.
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Zwangsmobilität und Verkehrsmittelorientierung junger Erwachsener / Forced mobility and orientation towards transport modes of young adults: Creation of a typologyWittwer, Rico 23 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In der Mobilitätsforschung entstand in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten eine breite Wissensbasis für das Verständnis von Verkehrsursachen und Zusammenhängen, die das Verkehrsverhalten determinieren. Mit der Entwicklung von Verkehrsmodellen lag das Forschungsinteresse zunächst primär bei Ökonomen und Ökonometrikern sowie Verkehrsingenieuren. Bald kamen andere Wissenschaftsbereiche wie die Psychologie oder die Geowissenschaften hinzu, welche sich in der Folge zunehmend mit dem Thema Mobilität befassten und die zur Erklärung des menschlichen Verhaltens ganz unterschiedliche Methoden und Maßstäbe nutzten. Heute versuchen zumeist handlungsorientierte Ansätze, auf Individualebene, Faktoren zu bestimmen, die Aufschluss über die Verhaltensvariabilität in der Bevölkerung geben und damit einen möglichst großen Beitrag zur Varianzaufklärung leisten. Werden Einflussfaktoren in geeigneter Weise identifiziert und quantifiziert, können Defizite und Chancen erkannt und das Verhalten steuernde Maßnahmen entworfen werden. Mit deren Hilfe wird ungewollten Entwicklungen entgegengesteuert.
Junge Erwachsene stellen aufgrund ihrer sehr unterschiedlichen Phasen im Lebenszyklus, z. B. gerade anstehender oder abgeschlossener Ausbildung, Umzug in eine eigene Wohnung, Familiengründung, Neuorientierung in Arbeitsroutinen oder das Einleben in ein anderes Lebensumfeld einer fremden Stadt, intuitiv eine sehr heterogene Gruppe dar. Die Modellierung des Verhaltens ist für diese Altersgruppe besonders schwierig. Aus der Komplexität dieser Problemstellung heraus ist ersichtlich, dass fundierte Analysen zur Mobilität junger Erwachsener notwendig sind, um verkehrsplanerische Defizite aufzudecken und Chancen zu erkennen.
Der methodische Schwerpunkt des Beitrages liegt auf der Bildung einer Typologie des Verkehrsverhaltens junger Erwachsener. Die verwendete Datengrundlage ist das „Deutsche Mobilitätspanel – MOP“. Dabei wird der Versuch unternommen, zunächst Variablen aller relevanten Dimensionen des handlungsorientierten, aktivitätsbasierten Verkehrsverhaltens zusammenzustellen und für eine entsprechende Analyse aufzubereiten. Im Anschluss werden geeignete und in den Sozialwissenschaften erprobte Verfahren zur Ähnlichkeitsmessung eingesetzt, um möglichst verhaltensähnliche Personen zu typologisieren. Im Weiteren finden konfirmatorische Analysetechniken Anwendung, mit deren Hilfe Verhaltenshintergründe erklärt und inferenzstatistisch geprüft werden.
Als Ergebnis wird eine clusteranalytische Typologisierung vorgestellt, die im Anschluss anhand soziodemografischer Indikatoren und raumstruktureller Kriterien der Lagegunst beschrieben wird. Aufgrund der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse können objektive und im Idealfall quantifizierbare, d. h. prognosefähige Merkmale zur Bildung verkehrssoziologischer und weitgehend verhaltensähnlicher Personengruppen genutzt werden. / Over the last few decades of mobility research, a wide base of knowledge for understanding travel determinants and causal relationships in mobility behavior has been established. The development of travel models was at first of interest primarily to economists and econometricians as well as transportation engineers. They were soon joined by other scientific areas such as psychology or the geosciences, which as a result increasingly addressed the theme of mobility and used quite different methodologies and criteria for explaining human behavior. Today, activity-oriented approaches generally attempt to determine individual-level factors that provide information on behavioral variability within the population, thereby contributing greatly to explaining variances. If explanatory factors can be properly identified and quantified, then deficiencies and opportunities can be recognized and measures for influencing behavior can be conceptualized. With their help, undesirable developments can be avoided.
Because of their highly differing stages in life, e.g. upcoming or recently completed education, moving into their own apartment, starting a family, becoming oriented in a work routine or adapting to a new environment in a different city, young adults are intuitively a very heterogeneous group. Modeling the behavior of this age group is particularly difficult. This problem makes it clear that founded analysis of the mobility of young adults is necessary in order to recognize deficiencies and opportunities in transportation planning.
The methodological focus of this work is on creating a typology of young adults’ travel behavior. The base data is from the “Deutsches Mobilitätspanel – MOP” (German Mobility Panel). An attempt is made to gather and prepare all relevant dimensions of decision-oriented, activity-based travel behavior for a corresponding analysis. Afterward, appropriate and proven methods from the social sciences are used to test for similarity in order to identify groups of persons which are as behaviorally homogeneous as possible. In addition, confirmatory data analysis is utilized which helps explain and test, through inferential statistics, determinants of behavior.
The resulting typology from the cluster analysis is presented and followed by a description using sociodemographic indicators and spatial criteria of accessibility. The findings make it possible to use objective and, ideally, quantifiable and therefore forecastable characteristics for identifying sociological population groups within which similar travel behavior is displayed.
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Zwangsmobilität und Verkehrsmittelorientierung junger Erwachsener: Eine TypologisierungWittwer, Rico 12 December 2014 (has links)
In der Mobilitätsforschung entstand in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten eine breite Wissensbasis für das Verständnis von Verkehrsursachen und Zusammenhängen, die das Verkehrsverhalten determinieren. Mit der Entwicklung von Verkehrsmodellen lag das Forschungsinteresse zunächst primär bei Ökonomen und Ökonometrikern sowie Verkehrsingenieuren. Bald kamen andere Wissenschaftsbereiche wie die Psychologie oder die Geowissenschaften hinzu, welche sich in der Folge zunehmend mit dem Thema Mobilität befassten und die zur Erklärung des menschlichen Verhaltens ganz unterschiedliche Methoden und Maßstäbe nutzten. Heute versuchen zumeist handlungsorientierte Ansätze, auf Individualebene, Faktoren zu bestimmen, die Aufschluss über die Verhaltensvariabilität in der Bevölkerung geben und damit einen möglichst großen Beitrag zur Varianzaufklärung leisten. Werden Einflussfaktoren in geeigneter Weise identifiziert und quantifiziert, können Defizite und Chancen erkannt und das Verhalten steuernde Maßnahmen entworfen werden. Mit deren Hilfe wird ungewollten Entwicklungen entgegengesteuert.
Junge Erwachsene stellen aufgrund ihrer sehr unterschiedlichen Phasen im Lebenszyklus, z. B. gerade anstehender oder abgeschlossener Ausbildung, Umzug in eine eigene Wohnung, Familiengründung, Neuorientierung in Arbeitsroutinen oder das Einleben in ein anderes Lebensumfeld einer fremden Stadt, intuitiv eine sehr heterogene Gruppe dar. Die Modellierung des Verhaltens ist für diese Altersgruppe besonders schwierig. Aus der Komplexität dieser Problemstellung heraus ist ersichtlich, dass fundierte Analysen zur Mobilität junger Erwachsener notwendig sind, um verkehrsplanerische Defizite aufzudecken und Chancen zu erkennen.
Der methodische Schwerpunkt des Beitrages liegt auf der Bildung einer Typologie des Verkehrsverhaltens junger Erwachsener. Die verwendete Datengrundlage ist das „Deutsche Mobilitätspanel – MOP“. Dabei wird der Versuch unternommen, zunächst Variablen aller relevanten Dimensionen des handlungsorientierten, aktivitätsbasierten Verkehrsverhaltens zusammenzustellen und für eine entsprechende Analyse aufzubereiten. Im Anschluss werden geeignete und in den Sozialwissenschaften erprobte Verfahren zur Ähnlichkeitsmessung eingesetzt, um möglichst verhaltensähnliche Personen zu typologisieren. Im Weiteren finden konfirmatorische Analysetechniken Anwendung, mit deren Hilfe Verhaltenshintergründe erklärt und inferenzstatistisch geprüft werden.
Als Ergebnis wird eine clusteranalytische Typologisierung vorgestellt, die im Anschluss anhand soziodemografischer Indikatoren und raumstruktureller Kriterien der Lagegunst beschrieben wird. Aufgrund der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse können objektive und im Idealfall quantifizierbare, d. h. prognosefähige Merkmale zur Bildung verkehrssoziologischer und weitgehend verhaltensähnlicher Personengruppen genutzt werden. / Over the last few decades of mobility research, a wide base of knowledge for understanding travel determinants and causal relationships in mobility behavior has been established. The development of travel models was at first of interest primarily to economists and econometricians as well as transportation engineers. They were soon joined by other scientific areas such as psychology or the geosciences, which as a result increasingly addressed the theme of mobility and used quite different methodologies and criteria for explaining human behavior. Today, activity-oriented approaches generally attempt to determine individual-level factors that provide information on behavioral variability within the population, thereby contributing greatly to explaining variances. If explanatory factors can be properly identified and quantified, then deficiencies and opportunities can be recognized and measures for influencing behavior can be conceptualized. With their help, undesirable developments can be avoided.
Because of their highly differing stages in life, e.g. upcoming or recently completed education, moving into their own apartment, starting a family, becoming oriented in a work routine or adapting to a new environment in a different city, young adults are intuitively a very heterogeneous group. Modeling the behavior of this age group is particularly difficult. This problem makes it clear that founded analysis of the mobility of young adults is necessary in order to recognize deficiencies and opportunities in transportation planning.
The methodological focus of this work is on creating a typology of young adults’ travel behavior. The base data is from the “Deutsches Mobilitätspanel – MOP” (German Mobility Panel). An attempt is made to gather and prepare all relevant dimensions of decision-oriented, activity-based travel behavior for a corresponding analysis. Afterward, appropriate and proven methods from the social sciences are used to test for similarity in order to identify groups of persons which are as behaviorally homogeneous as possible. In addition, confirmatory data analysis is utilized which helps explain and test, through inferential statistics, determinants of behavior.
The resulting typology from the cluster analysis is presented and followed by a description using sociodemographic indicators and spatial criteria of accessibility. The findings make it possible to use objective and, ideally, quantifiable and therefore forecastable characteristics for identifying sociological population groups within which similar travel behavior is displayed.
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