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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inégalités spatiales d'éducation post-primaire et secondaire à Ouagadougou : enjeux de gouvernance et d'aménagement du territoire / Spatial inequalities of post-primary and secondary education in Ouagadougou : issues of governance and regional planning

Ouedraogo, Issiaka 01 October 2018 (has links)
A l’indépendance de la Haute-Volta en 1960, la ville de Ouagadougou comptait au total 10 établissements secondaires dont 3 publics, 5 privés catholiques, 1 privé protestant et 1 privé laïc. Cette offre a considérablement augmenté depuis lors, de sorte qu’en 2013-2014, la ville compte plus de 390 établissements. Elle se caractérise surtout par une plus grande diversité des acteurs et une forte primauté des établissements privés laïcs. Par ailleurs, il apparaît qu’en dépit de cette croissance fulgurante de l’offre scolaire; en lien avec la croissance démographique, l’accès à l’éducation reste problématique pour une part importante de la population. Plusieurs facteurs expliquent cette situation et pourraient être examinés sur différents registres dont les politiques publiques et les stratégies mises en œuvre par les acteurs et les populations. Pour comprendre cette situation et voir comment elle se traduit sur le territoire de la ville, la présente thèse a opté d’interroger les pratiques des acteurs, ou plus globalement la gouvernance.Le processus d’urbanisation de la ville apparaît comme une porte d’entrée pertinente pour poser la question. En effet, l’urbanisation à Ouagadougou se caractérise aussi bien par une forte croissance démographique que par une importante extension spatiale. Dans un contexte de faible niveau d’investissement public dans le domaine de l’enseignement post-primaire et secondaire, cette situation a pour conséquence, une incapacité de l’offre scolaire publique à satisfaire la forte demande qui en résulte. Face à une demande scolaire de plus en plus importante, apparue avec le processus d’urbanisation en cours, mais aussi du fait des investissements pour le développement de l’enseignement primaire depuis les années 1990, on observe un développement du secteur privé (laïc, franco-arabe, catholique, protestant, associatif, etc.). Il regroupait pendant l’année scolaire 2014-2015, environ 91,6% des établissements de la capitale. Ce développement du privé engendre une diversité des acteurs avec une pluralité des modalités de prestation du service éducatif. Leurs interventions permettent d’améliorer une offre scolaire publique défaillante à travers un accroissement du nombre d’école. Cependant, elles comportent de nombreuses insuffisances en termes de respect des normes officielles liées à la carte scolaire et à la qualité de l’éducation.Dans ce contexte, les élèves et leurs familles développent plusieurs stratégies aussi bien dans le choix des écoles que dans la fréquentation scolaire. Ces mécanismes d’offre et de demande scolaire se traduisent sur le territoire de la ville et permettent ainsi de faire une géographie sociale urbaine au prisme de l’éducation. L’objectif de cette thèse est de décrire les inégalités spatiales d’éducation post-primaire et secondaire à Ouagadougou, de mesurer leurs intensités puis de les expliquer à travers les questions de gouvernance et d’aménagement du territoire. Les analyses portent sur les effets de la répartition spatiale de l’offre scolaire sur les pratiques de choix des écoles par les élèves et leurs familles. Pour y parvenir, nous avons procédé par une analyse mixte, recourant aux démarches qualitative et quantitative. Après avoir géo-référencé et cartographié l’ensemble des établissements de la ville, des entretiens qualitatifs, réalisés auprès d’acteurs de l’éducation, ont permis de comprendre les modalités d’intervention des différents acteurs. On a ainsi mieux cerné la transcription spatiale des mécanismes de gouvernance et d’aménagement du territoire dans le domaine de l’éducation post-primaire et secondaire à Ouagadougou. / At the independence of Upper Volta in 1960, the city of Ouagadougou had a total of 10 secondary schools, including 3 public, 5 private Catholic, 1 private Protestant, and 1 private secular. This offer got a sounding increase since then. So, in 2013-2014, the city had more than 390 establishments. It is characterized above all by a greater diversity of actors and a strong primacy of private secular institutions. Moreover, it appears that despite this meteoric growth in school supply related to population growth, access to education remains a problem for a large part of the population. Several factors justify this situation and could be examined in many ways, including public policies and strategies implemented by actors and populations. To understand this situation and see how it is reflected on the territory of the city, this thesis has choosed to question the practices of actors, or governance, in a general way.The process of urbanization of the city appears as a relevant gateway to ask the question. Indeed, urbanization in Ouagadougou is characterized by both high population growth and significant spatial expansion. In a context of low level of public investment in the field of post-primary and secondary education, this situation results in an inability of the public school supply to meet the high demand that results. With a growing demand for education, which has emerged with the current urbanization process, and also because of investments for the development of primary education since the 1990s, the private sector (secular, Franco-Arab, Catholic, Protestant, associative, etc.) got developed. In the school year 2014-2015, it accounted for approximately 91.6% of establishments in the capital. This development of the private sector diversifies the actors implying a plurality of the modes of provision of educational service. Their interventions help to improve a failing public school offer through an increase of schools. However, there are many shortcomings related to school mapping and the quality of education, in terms of respect for official standards.This is why students and families develop several strategies both in school choice and in school attendance. These mechanisms of supply and school demand are reflected on the territory of the city. They thus make it possible to make an urban social geography to the prism of education. The aim of this thesis is to describe the spatial inequalities of post-primary and secondary education in Ouagadougou, and measure their intensities, and then explain them through the issues of governance and regional planning. The analyzes focus on the effects of the spatial distribution of school supply on the choice of schools by students and their families. To achieve this, we proceeded by a mixed analysis which resorts to qualitative and quantitative approaches. After having geo-referenced and mapped all the establishments of the city, qualitative interviews, carried out with actors of the education, made it possible to understand the modes of intervention of the various actors. The spatial transcription of governance and regional planning mechanisms in the field of post-primary and secondary education in Ouagadougou has thus been better understood.

Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM) Classes and Females' Career Choices

Lavorata, PhD, Dr Reagan Lorraine 01 January 2017 (has links)
Females have been discouraged from taking science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) classes during high school and college, resulting in limited access to high-paying STEM careers. Therefore, these females could miss opportunities for these high-paying careers. The rationale of this research was to quantify the relationship between the number of STEM classes the sampled females took, the number of female role models they had during high school and college, their career choices, and salaries. The theoretical construct was based on Erikson's social developmental theory, which postulates a relationship between earlier life events and later life events, and Acker's masculinity theory, which postulates that females in traditionally male fields may be uneasy performing functions opposite to what they naturally perform. Key questions examined the relationships between STEM classes, role models, career choices, and salaries. The sample was a stratified random sample (n = 48) of female alumnae of 4 universities, born after 1980. Data were collected from a designed online instrument, validated by a pilot. The data were analyzed with a multiple regression and an analysis of variance. The findings revealed a significant relationship between the number of STEM classes, career choices and salary. However, there was no significance found between the numbers of role models, career choices and salary The implication for social change is that by making scholars in the fields of education and management aware about the relationship between the number of STEM classes taken, career choices, and salaries, females can be more encouraged to become interested in STEM courses earlier in life, making it more likely they will choose STEM careers This can be accomplished through scholarly journals, which hopefully will improve perceptions of the STEM abilities of females.

Transforming students nurses' images of nursing : an appreciative inquiry approach

Chauke, Motshedisi Eunice 25 November 2014 (has links)
Research has shown that, worldwide the nursing profession is faced with image-related challenges impacting on its status, prestige, power and the ability to attract more young and suitably qualified students to nursing. There is adequate evidence of a link between the image of nursing and the number of young people entering and leaving the profession. A positive image of nursing attracts applicants and the intention to leave nursing correlates positively with holding a negative image of nursing. There is also evidence of poor perception of the image of nursing among student nurses. The study aimed at exploring the potential of appreciative inquiry (AI) as a teaching strategy to transform the image of nursing among 3rd and 4th year, college and university student nurses in the Gauteng province of South Africa. The second aim was to describe student nurses’ experiences regarding their participation in the process of AI. A qualitatively dominant, sequentially embedded, mixed methods design with explorative-descriptive and quasi-experimental features was utilised. Sequential data collection and analysis were conducted during five stages comprising: a pre-test survey, intervention (appreciative inquiry), a post-test, description of the experiences of student nurses of AI and an integration stage. The pre-test results showed more positive than negative perceptions of the image of nursing among student nurses. The negative perceptions of the image of nursing among student nurses that needed intervention included the working conditions of nurses and the perception of nursing as a profession that was not respected and appreciated. The student nurses who took part in appreciative inquiry showed a significant and positive change in their perception of the image of nursing as a respected and appreciated profession. From the individual interviews on the student nurses’ experiences of AI, the themes “experience of positive emotions” and “experiential learning” emerged. The student nurses experiences described their engagement in AI as a positive and enjoyable experience from which multidimensional learning resulted. / Health Studies / Ph. D. (Health Studies)

A Five-Year Follow-Up Study: Relationship of the High Pufa Diet Used in Original Study of Middle-Aged Adults to Present Dietary Choices, Rate of Erythrocyte Hemolysis and Serum Cholesterol and Triglyceride Values

Egan, Jeanette Parsons 01 May 1975 (has links)
This study was a follow-up of the Christiansen study which was completed in 1967. Dr. Christiansen's 26 subjects ranged in age from 33 to 60 years. Ten were designated as controls and the other 16 were placed on a high polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) diet for a period of 26 weeks . The purpose of doing a follow-up was to determine what effect the study had on present dietary patterns, serum lipid levels and rate of erythrocyte hemolysis. Eighteen of the original subjects participated in this study. Of these 18, nine were from the control group and nine were from the experimental group. There were nine women and nine men. The serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels, rate of erythrocyte hemolysis and blood pressure reading were determined. General health status and dietary pattern were determined through the use of a questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire indicate that the experimental diet of the original study had influenced the present diet of the study's subjects. The use of vegetable oils was increased and the consumption of eggs and whole milk was decreased. The study had little effect on the consumption of beef, pork, fish and chicken. The rate of erythrocyte hemolysis was greater for the control group (non-instructed) than for the experimental group (instructed). The mean values were 12. 65 and 9. 49 percent, respectively. The results indicate that there was no depletion of tocopherol levels due to continued use of PUFA. Serum triglyceride levels varied from 60 to 72 mg percent. Mean values for men were slightly higher than for the women. The means for the instructed and non-instructed groups were almost the same (6 7. 2 and 6 7. 0 mg percent, respectively). The cholesterol values ranged from 139 to 252 mg percent. The mean values were close to those at the end of the previous study (192 and 188 mg percent, respectively). There was no correlation between cholesterol values and the rate of erythrocyte hemolysis or triglyceride values.

Career Development and Adolescents Who are Hard of Hearing: Career Maturity, Career Decision-Making and Career Barriers Among High School Students in Regular Classes

Punch, Renee J, n/a January 2005 (has links)
In Australia, as in most English-speaking countries, increasing numbers of children with significant hearing loss are being educated in regular classes with the support of itinerant teachers of the deaf, rather than in segregated settings. These students primarily use their amplified residual hearing and communicate orally, and may be functionally defined as hard of hearing. This thesis reports on a study investigating the career development of hard of hearing high school students attending regular Year 10, 11, and 12 classes with itinerant teacher support in the Australian states of Queensland and New South Wales. The students had bilateral sensorineural hearing losses ranging from mild to profound. The study sought to identify and analyse the key factors that influence the career development of this population. The design of the study was informed by Social Cognitive Career Theory (Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994), with its emphasis on cognitive variables, personal agency, diversity, and contextual influences, and the developmental theory of Donald Super and its associated concept of career maturity (Super, 1980; Super, Savickas, & Super, 1996). The study also investigated the social participation of hard of hearing adolescents and the relationship among the students' perceptions of their social participation, their social self-concept, and their career decision-making. The research was conducted using a three-phase, mixed methods approach incorporating two major phases, one quantitative and one qualitative, preceded by a minor, preliminary phase. The preliminary, exploratory phase of the study was included in order to guide the design of the survey instrument, and in particular the section covering perceived career barriers, an area not discussed in the literature for this population. Interviews were conducted with four hard of hearing Year 12 school students and four hard of hearing first-year university students who were recent school-leavers. In phase two, sixty-five hard of hearing students were compared with a matched group of normally hearing peers on measures of career maturity, career indecision, perceived career barriers, social participation and three variables associated with Social Cognitive Career Theory: career decision-making self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and goals. In addition, predictors of career maturity were tested for both groups. Phase three comprised the collection and analysis of qualitative data from interviews with a proportion of the survey respondents to explore the quantitative results in greater depth. Twelve students with hearing losses ranging from moderate to profound participated in these interviews. Results of the quantitative analysis indicated that (a) the two groups did not differ on measures of career maturity or social participation, (b) the Social Cognitive Career Theory variables were less predictive of career behaviours for the hard of hearing students than for the normally hearing students, and (c) perceived career barriers related to hearing loss predicted lower scores on the measure of career development attitudes for the hard of hearing students. The quantitative data also showed that survey respondents reported high levels of anticipation of some hearing-related barriers to achieving their educational or career goals, particularly 'people not understanding my hearing loss.' The results of the qualitative analysis extended many of the quantitative findings, yielding information and insights inaccessible through traditional quantitative methods. The qualitative findings revealed ways in which students perceived potential barriers, how they felt about them, and ways in which their perceptions of barriers influenced their career choice and decision-making. In addition, the qualitative findings revealed a complex interaction among students' social participation with their peers, their experiences of other people's negative reactions, their self-consciousness about their hearing loss, their fears about mishearing people, and their career decision-making. In sum, the study identified potential career barriers as a key factor influencing the career development of this group of hard of hearing students, and clarified understanding of the way in which their social self-concept interacted with their career development. The study's findings contribute to current knowledge and understanding of the career development of adolescents with significant hearing loss who attend regular classes with itinerant teacher support in two states of Australia. The thesis discusses implications for theory and for practice that have arisen from the study, and sets out recommendations for ways in which the career development and transition of this population might be improved.

Are Women more risk averse than men? : An analysis of the Swedish Premium pension choices

Hartell, Emma January 2007 (has links)
Huruvida män och kvinnors attityd skiljer sig åt när det kommer till risk är ett ämne som det bedrivits mycket forskning kring. Dock var det först med de indivuella premiepen-sionsvalen som det för första gången kunde undersökas från ett rättvisande urval, eftersom hela befolkningen valde och gjorde så under samma period samt med samma bakgrunds information. Med implementeringen av detta nya system kom alltså en möjlighet för varje individ att själv påverka sin pension genom de indivudella valen. Informationen som varje individ erhöll innan valen innehöll risken associerad med varje fond samt fondens ursprung, dessa två variabler testas i uppsatsens empiriska analys. Följaktligen är syftet med denna uppsats att undersöka ifall kvinnor är mindre riskbenägna än män med premiepensionsvalen som analys. Resultaten visar att det inte finns några statistiska bevis som indikerar att kvinnor är mindre riskbenägna än män när det kommer till pensionsplaceringsbeslut. Dock har fondens ursprung en större inverkan på kvinnor än den har på män. Eftersom kvinnor visar en tendens att vara mer benägna att investera i Svenska fonder. Detta kan dock påverkas av faktorer som t.ex. vilken sektor man är anställd i. De erhållna resultaten gör att jag kan instämma med tidigare forskning som hävdar att det inte finns bevis som indikerar att kvinnor är mindre riskbe-nägna än män. / The subject of men and womens attitude difference towards risk has been thoroughly dis-cussed in previous research. However, with the individual allocation choices came an op-portunity to study this subject and to draw conclusions from a fair and representative sample for the first time. The reason is that the entire population choose and did so at ap-proximately the same time, and were given access to the same information prior to choos-ing. With this new system came therefore the opportunity for each individual to invest a portion of their pension. The information, distributed to each individual prior to choosing, contained the risk index and also the origin of the fund and these variables are tested in the empirical analysis in the thesis. Hence, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether women are more risk averse than men, using the individual allocation choice as analysis. The results indicated no difference between men and women indicating that there is no statistical evidence that women are more risk averse than men when it comes to individual financial decisions. However the origin of the fund has a larger impact on women in the sense that they have a tendency to be more home biased than men. However, the home biasedness seems to be a variable highly affected by e.g. place of employment. With the obtained result I can concur with previous researches that claim that women are not more risk averse than men.

Attitude, perceptions and behaviour towards family planning amongst women attending PMTCT services at Oshakati Intermediate Hospital, Namibia

Akpabio, Alma January 2010 (has links)
<p>Background: About 22.4 million people were living with HIV/AIDS in 2008 out of which women constitute approximately 57%. Namibia is one of the highly affected countries with a national HIV prevalence of 17.8% among women attending antenatal clinics. Antiretroviral medications have become available in Namibia since 2002 and presently all district hospitals and some health centres provide ARVs to those in need. Namibia is rated as one of the few countries in sub-Sahara Africa with a high coverage of ART, with 80% of those in need of ART receiving the treatment. An increasing trend has been observed whereby HIV+ women on ARV are becoming pregnant. Little is known about the attitude, knowledge and behavior of these women towards family planning and use of contraceptives and what barriers they may be facing in accessing these services.Aim: To determine the factors affecting the utilization of family planning services by HIV+ pregnant women receiving PMTCT services. Methodology: The study was a cross sectional study using both quantitative and qualitative methods to assess the critical elements of knowledge, attitude and perceptions of the study participants towards family planning services. The study also assessed the health system and other factors that impact on the use of contraceptives by HIV+ women. It was conducted in northern Namibia at Oshakati Health centre among randomly selected pregnant HIV+ women attending for PMTCT services.Results: Among the 113 respondents, who participated in the study, 97.3% knew at least one method of family planning but only 53.6% actually used any method of contraception prior to current pregnancy. Among the 46.4% who did not use any contraception, the reasons often cited for non-use were because they wanted a baby (52%), spouse objection (10%), being afraid of the effects (14%) and other reasons such as belief, culture and distance to travel to the health facility. 88% of the respondents indicated a willingness to use contraceptives after current pregnancy and expressed general satisfaction with services at the health centre while asking for more information on family planning services.Conclusion: HIV+ women have high awareness on some contraceptives but use of contraceptives is not as high as many of them have a desire to have children for self esteem and leave a legacy for the future. Knowledge of the risks of pregnancy on HIV+ woman may be limited and there is a need to improve educational intervention in this regard as well as integrate family planning services into all HIV/AIDS services.</p>

Lärares val : En studie om undervisningsformer ur lärarperspektiv

Bergman, Sandra, Collberg, Pia January 2010 (has links)
The background to this study is an interest for teacher’s thoughts about choices and teachingmethods and motives for these choices. A question is about the meaning of professional experience and the importance of choices in teachingmethods according to the teachers. The purpose of the study is thru a qualitative study examine teacher’s thoughts and statements about choices of teachingmethods to shed a light on different teachingmethods in early years in school. The teachingmethods that are highlighted are individual work, groupwork and wholeclassteaching. The method in this study is qualitative and based on interviews. The result that can be drawn of the study is that teachers mean that teachingmethods are chosen by ruling factors as studentgroups, contents in teaching and curriculum. A motive that emerged was that the teachers in the study meant that teachingmethods where structure and obvious frames in teaching where used. The conclusion is that teachers with long work experience matters for the choices of teaching methods. The teachers that have been working for a long time mean that they have more experience and more methods to choose from. A discussion about the effect of the increasing use of individualwork is that the school is fostering individualists that are going to a work in an environment where group and team work is prominent. The study establishes that the choice of teaching methods not always can be chosen by visions. The choice has a start from the composition of the group of students, size of the group and the content of teaching. / Bakgrunden till studien är ett intresse för lärares resonemang kring val av undervisningsformer i skolans tidiga år och motiv för dessa val. En undran är vad yrkeserfarenhet har för betydelse vid val av undervisningsformer enligt lärarna. Syftet är att genom en kvalitativ studie undersöka och belysa lärares resonemang och utsagor om val av undervisningsformer för att synliggöra olika undervisningsformer i skolans tidiga år. Undervisningsformerna som belyses är individuellt arbete, grupparbete och helklassundervisning. Metoden i studien är kvalitativ och baseras på intervjuer. Resultatet som kan dras av studien är att lärarna menar att undervisningsformer väljs utifrån styrande faktorer såsom elevgrupp, innehåll i undervisningen och styrdokument. Ett motiv som framkom är att lärarna i studien sa sig använda undervisningsformer där struktur och tydliga ramar prioriteras vid utformning av undervisningen. Slutsatsen är att lärares yrkeserfarenhet kan anses ha betydelse för val av undervisningsformer då de lärare som varit yrkesverksamma under många år menar att de har erfarenheter och upplevelser att utgå ifrån i större utsträckning än övriga lärare. En diskussion som förs om effekten av det ökade individuella arbetet är att skolan fostrar individualister som ska ut i yrkesverksamhet där grupp- och temaarbete är framträdande. Studien påvisar att valet av undervisningsformer inte alltid kan väljas efter visioner. Valet måste utgå från sammansättningen av elevgrupp, gruppstorlek och innehållet i undervisningen.

Lärares val : En studie om undervisningsformer ur lärarperspektiv

Bergman, Sandra, Collberg, Pia January 2010 (has links)
<p>The background to this study is an interest for teacher’s thoughts about choices and teachingmethods and motives for these choices. A question is about the meaning of professional experience and the importance of choices in teachingmethods according to the teachers. The purpose of the study is thru a qualitative study examine teacher’s thoughts and statements about choices of teachingmethods to shed a light on different teachingmethods in early years in school. The teachingmethods that are highlighted are individual work, groupwork and wholeclassteaching. The method in this study is qualitative and based on interviews. The result that can be drawn of the study is that teachers mean that teachingmethods are chosen by ruling factors as studentgroups, contents in teaching and curriculum. A motive that emerged was that the teachers in the study meant that teachingmethods where structure and obvious frames in teaching where used. The conclusion is that teachers with long work experience<strong> </strong>matters for the choices of teaching methods. The teachers that have been working for a long time mean that they have more experience and more methods to choose from. A discussion about the effect of the increasing use of individualwork is that the school is fostering individualists that are going to a work in an environment where group and team work is prominent. The study establishes that the choice of teaching methods not always can be chosen by visions. The choice has a start from the composition of the group of students, size of the group and the content of teaching.</p><p> </p> / <p>Bakgrunden till studien är ett intresse för lärares resonemang kring val av undervisningsformer i skolans tidiga år och motiv för dessa val. En undran är vad yrkeserfarenhet har för betydelse vid val av undervisningsformer enligt lärarna. Syftet är att genom en kvalitativ studie undersöka och belysa lärares resonemang och utsagor om val av undervisningsformer för att synliggöra olika undervisningsformer i skolans tidiga år. Undervisningsformerna som belyses är individuellt arbete, grupparbete och helklassundervisning. Metoden i studien är kvalitativ och baseras på intervjuer. Resultatet som kan dras av studien är att lärarna menar att undervisningsformer väljs utifrån styrande faktorer såsom elevgrupp, innehåll i undervisningen och styrdokument. Ett motiv som framkom är att lärarna i studien sa sig använda undervisningsformer där struktur och tydliga ramar prioriteras vid utformning av undervisningen. Slutsatsen är att lärares yrkeserfarenhet kan anses ha betydelse för val av undervisningsformer då de lärare som varit yrkesverksamma under många år menar att de har erfarenheter och upplevelser att utgå ifrån i större utsträckning än övriga lärare. En diskussion som förs om effekten av det ökade individuella arbetet är att skolan fostrar individualister som ska ut i yrkesverksamhet där grupp- och temaarbete är framträdande. Studien påvisar att valet av undervisningsformer inte alltid kan väljas efter visioner. Valet måste utgå från sammansättningen av elevgrupp, gruppstorlek och innehållet i undervisningen.</p>

Are Women more risk averse than men? : An analysis of the Swedish Premium pension choices

Hartell, Emma January 2007 (has links)
<p>Huruvida män och kvinnors attityd skiljer sig åt när det kommer till risk är ett ämne som det bedrivits mycket forskning kring. Dock var det först med de indivuella premiepen-sionsvalen som det för första gången kunde undersökas från ett rättvisande urval, eftersom hela befolkningen valde och gjorde så under samma period samt med samma bakgrunds information. Med implementeringen av detta nya system kom alltså en möjlighet för varje individ att själv påverka sin pension genom de indivudella valen. Informationen som varje individ erhöll innan valen innehöll risken associerad med varje fond samt fondens ursprung, dessa två variabler testas i uppsatsens empiriska analys. Följaktligen är syftet med denna uppsats att undersöka ifall kvinnor är mindre riskbenägna än män med premiepensionsvalen som analys. Resultaten visar att det inte finns några statistiska bevis som indikerar att kvinnor är mindre riskbenägna än män när det kommer till pensionsplaceringsbeslut. Dock har fondens ursprung en större inverkan på kvinnor än den har på män. Eftersom kvinnor visar en tendens att vara mer benägna att investera i Svenska fonder. Detta kan dock påverkas av faktorer som t.ex. vilken sektor man är anställd i. De erhållna resultaten gör att jag kan instämma med tidigare forskning som hävdar att det inte finns bevis som indikerar att kvinnor är mindre riskbe-nägna än män.</p> / <p>The subject of men and womens attitude difference towards risk has been thoroughly dis-cussed in previous research. However, with the individual allocation choices came an op-portunity to study this subject and to draw conclusions from a fair and representative sample for the first time. The reason is that the entire population choose and did so at ap-proximately the same time, and were given access to the same information prior to choos-ing. With this new system came therefore the opportunity for each individual to invest a portion of their pension. The information, distributed to each individual prior to choosing, contained the risk index and also the origin of the fund and these variables are tested in the empirical analysis in the thesis. Hence, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether women are more risk averse than men, using the individual allocation choice as analysis. The results indicated no difference between men and women indicating that there is no statistical evidence that women are more risk averse than men when it comes to individual financial decisions. However the origin of the fund has a larger impact on women in the sense that they have a tendency to be more home biased than men. However, the home biasedness seems to be a variable highly affected by e.g. place of employment. With the obtained result I can concur with previous researches that claim that women are not more risk averse than men.</p>

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