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Trismegistos PlacesVerreth, Herbert 17 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The Trismegistos database has recently created a geographical index for all Latin inscriptions. For the moment we have 67.884 geographical references attested in Latin documentary texts, but this rough starting material still has to be refined. This paper describes how we undertook this task, which problems we encountered while doing so, and the choices we made for the presentation of the material.
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Chronological and geographical annotations in DAMOSAurora, Federico 17 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
DAMOS is an online annotated database (MySql) of all published texts of Mycenaean, the earliest attested Greek dialect. The texts are annotated for epigraphical and linguistic features (morphology, syntax, semantics) and provided with a rich set of metadata, which also include chronological and geographical data. Genre (administrative accounts) and physical features (brevity and often fragmentary state) of the Mycenaean texts, and especially their script (Linear B), not well suited for rendering the
Greek language, pose challenges to the interpretation of the texts, which often result in multiple possible values of the data at all levels – epigraphical, linguistic, metadata. These may often be organized in competing sets of values, which form coherent different overarching hypotheses on e.g. the grammar of the language or the dating of an archive. These competing values need, thus, to be stored and meaningfully organized in the database. The presentation focuses on how chronological and geographical data (both about the texts and contained in the texts) and their often multiple possible values are dealt with in the arrangement of the database structure of DAMOS.
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Towards guidelines for TEI encoding of text artefacts in EgyptologyWerning, Daniel A. 21 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The presentation presents the state of discussion for guidelines for TEI XML encoding of Ancient Egyptian text artefacts in Egyptology as of middle of 2016. It introduces Egyptological projects actively involved in the development of TEI encoding recommendations and online thesauri/ontologies. Special attention is paid to the TEI encoding of toponyms, personal names, relative and absolute dates, as well as language varieties and script varieties. Furthermore, the presentation introduces the current state of an EpiDoc Cheatsheet for Egyptology compiled by Daniel A. Werning, which gives recommendations for the encoding of traditional philological markup in Egyptology which, in turn, is
largely conform to the EpiDoc Guidelines (v8.21). A specific topic, in this respect, is the adaptation of the TEI ‘regularization’ tag <reg> to the needs of Egyptology.
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Time-travel and Empathy: an Analysis of how Anachronous Narrative Structures Affect Character/Reader EmpathyAustin, Sophie January 2019 (has links)
This study focuses on the relationship between the author’s narrative craft and the potential for the reader’s empathetic response. Specifically, it discusses how an anachronous narrative structure provides the author with different ways to promote empathy. The discussion of empathy is key in the discussion of narrative craft: great characters are those a reader can empathise with. But the discussion of empathy runs deeper than this, with many scholars turning to the wider effects literature can have on a reader’s moral compass (Nussbaum 1997) and even their real-world behaviour (Keen 2007). This study sets aside the question of how to produce empathy and turns instead to the author’s craft. I have assessed the author’s capability of promoting empathy by building a framework of tools for the author (dubbed The Empathy Toolbox) from several studies conducted by narratology theorists. I have then analysed this in relation to my own work and that of Audrey Niffenegger and Kurt Vonnegut with a particular focus on characterisation and how this is affected by anachrony. This study is of value to all writers of creative fiction, as anachronous timelines can be employed across a breadth of genres using plot devices like flashbacks, flash-forwards and dream sequences. Furthermore, it provides authors with tools to aid their craft and help their work resonate with any reader, not just those that might have a similar background to their protagonist.
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Ocupações humanas pré-coloniais na Ilha de São Luis - MA: inserção dos sítios arqueológicos na paisagem, cronologia e cultura material cerâmica / Occupations human precolonial on the island of São Luis - MA: inclusion of sites in the landscape, and material culture pottery chronologyBandeira, Arkley Marques 27 February 2013 (has links)
A tese Ocupações humanas pré-coloniais na Ilha de São Luís - MA: inserção dos sítios na paisagem, cronologia e cultura material cerâmica discorreu sobre a investigação realizada em cinco sítios arqueológicos situados no Maranhão: sambaquis do Bacanga, Panaquatira, Paço do Lumiar e sítios cerâmicos Vinhais Velho e Maiobinha I. A problemática de pesquisa foi inicialmente delineada em 2005, em dissertação de mestrado sobre o Sambaqui do Bacanga, que objetivou apresentar uma cronologia para a ocorrência de cerâmica nesta ocupação pescadora-coletora-caçadora. A ampliação do objeto de pesquisa se deu com a busca de outros sítios arqueológicos, no intuito de se construir conhecimento sobre as ocupações ceramistas na Ilha de São Luís, em uma perspectiva regional e sob os auspícios da Arqueologia da Paisagem. As atividades de campo consistiram de escavações em amplas áreas para evidenciação dos processos de formação do registro arqueológico, a espacialidade dos sítios e o contexto deposicional da cerâmica. A hipótese que norteou o trabalho principiou que a Ilha de São Luís foi densamente ocupada por diversos grupos humanos, em uma perspectiva de longa duração, em decorrência da estabilidade climática do Holoceno Médio, que propiciou um ambiente marítimo-estuarino-insular com alta taxa de produtividade nos ecossistemas litorâneos, principalmente os manguezais. A intepretação dos resultados possibilitou identificar distintos horizontes culturais que ocuparam a Ilha de São Luís, desde 6.600 anos Antes do Presente até o período de contato com o colonizador europeu, em princípios do século XVII. As ocupações humanas que colonizaram a Ilha de São Luís se diferenciaram pelo modo de vida, subsistência, cultura material e formação do pacote arqueológico. Correlações entre as variáveis espaçotemporais, inserção na paisagem e tecnotipologia cerâmica atestaram a existência de uma ocupação mais antiga, representada por um horizonte ceramista pré-sambaquieiro; seguida de uma ocupação intermediária de longa duração, associada a um horizonte ceramista sambaquieiro; substituída por um horizonte ceramista tardio associado à terra preta arqueológica, seguido de um horizonte ceramista simples e finalizando com um horizonte associado aos Tupinambás, que se estendeu até o período do contato. Os resultados obtidos nesta tese indicaram que, mesmo com a diversidade cultural e amplitude temporal, as ocupações humanas na Ilha de São Luís se assentaram nas mesmas áreas, tornando-se esses lugares atrativos ao longo dos milênios, por apresentar áreas de captação de recursos alimentares, matérias-primas, fontes de água doce e relacionar-se com os locais mais privilegiados topograficamente para habitação. / The thesis Occupations human precolonial on the island of São Luís - MA: inclusion of sites in the landscape, and material culture pottery chronology discussed the investigation into five archaeological sites located in Maranhão: sambaquis of Bacanga, Panaquatira, Paço do Lumiar and sites Vinhais Velho and Maiobinha I. The issue of research was initially outlined in 2005 dissertation on the Sambaqui Bacanga, which aimed to provide a chronology for the occurrence of pottery in this occupation fisher-gatherer-hunter. The expansion of the object of research was to search for other archaeological sites in order to build knowledge about occupations potters on the Ilha de São Luís, from a regional perspective and under the auspices of the Archaeological Landscape. Field activities consisted of excavations in broad areas for disclosure of the formation processes of the archaeological record, the spatiality of the sites and depositional context of ceramics. The hypothesis that guided the work began that the Ilha de São Luís was densely occupied by different groups of people in a long term perspective, due to the climatic stability of the Middle Holocene, which provided an environment-marine-estuarine islands with high rate productivity of coastal ecosystems, particularly mangroves. The Interpretation of the results allowed to identify distinct cultural horizons that occupied the Ilha de São Luís, from 6600 years Before Present to the period of contact with European settlers in the early seventeenth century. Human occupations that colonized the Ilha de São Luís differentiated by the way of life, subsistence, material culture and archaeological training package. Correlations between variables spatio-temporal integration in the landscape and tecnotipologia pottery attested to the existence of an earlier occupation, represented by a pre-sambaquieiro potter horizon, followed by an intermediate long-term occupation, associated with a horizon sambaquieiro potter; replaced by a horizon late ceramist associated with archaeological black earth, followed by a simple potter horizon and ending with a horizon associated with Tupinambás, which lasted until the period of contact. The results obtained in this thesis indicated that even with the cultural and temporal amplitude, human occupations on the Ilha de São Luís sat in the same areas, making it attractive these places over the millennia, to present catchment areas of food resources, raw materials, fresh water sources and relate to the most privileged topographically housing.
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Chronology, topography and social change : a multi-linear perspective on the Chalcolithic to Bronze Age transition in CyprusParaskeva, Charalambos January 2016 (has links)
Theories of socio-cultural change regarding the transition from the Chalcolithic to the Bronze Age in Cyprus have since the nascence of prehistoric archaeology on the island been the subject of lively debate between archaeologists who argue for internal versus external evolution processes. Yet, despite all efforts, a coherent model explaining the evident material culture differences between the two epochs remains elusive, an indication that the current polarization of theories masks inherent complexities of the archaeological record. Moving beyond the internal/external dichotomy, the present thesis argues for one such explanatory model and approaches this notable transition from three distinct and less explored aspects, namely chronology, pottery analysis and topography. Starting with chronology, the thesis assesses previous chronological schemata, examines issues of methodology, performs an in-depth data quality analysis, and, on the basis of the creative dialogue between absolute and relative dating data, proposes a novel chronology for the island. This chronology transcends linearity by adopting cultural period overlaps and differential regional adoption of technologies. Moving to spatial matters, the study disentangles space-time systematics for sites dating from the Middle Chalcolithic to the Philia Phase. In effect, it establishes a ceramic typology for the Chalcolithic that is applicable to the entire island; clarifies and records in a custom-made recording system, dubbed CARMA (Cyprus ARchaeological MAterials Relational Database System), the research history and material assemblages of each site; situates sites in the physical landscape of Cyprus and performs socio-spatial analyses, where the results of pottery analysis are interwoven with the spatial relationships between sites. The last analysis provides positive evidence for cultural uniformity in the Middle Chalcolithic, for the emergence of regional cultures in the Late Chalcolithic and the abandonment of settlements at the beginning of the Philia Phase, and for the co-existence of spatially distinct cultures during the Philia Phase. Lastly, the results of the chronology and spatial studies inform the data synthesis in the final section, where a different narrative of socio-cultural change is developed. This argues for the emergence of divergences already in the Late Chalcolithic, for the co-existence and uneven bi-directional interaction of indigenous and foreign populations during the Philia Phase, and for the development of regionalism in the Early Bronze Age as a result of variable adoption of technologies, entanglement and resistance to cultural identity assimilation.
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Sídliště kultury s vypíchanou keramikou v Jaroměři ve světle osídlení východních Čech v mladším neolitu / The Stroked pottery site Jaroměř in the light of the settlement of eastern Bohemia in the younger neolithicBurgert, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The present work describes the results of processing the excavations obtained during the research of habitation at a Stroke-ornamented ware culture in Jaroměř (Náchod county). The inner chronology of the habitation was studied using spatial relation analysis and the study of the ceramic collection. Through the study of the stone tools, the habitation was set within the wider distribution relationships of the region and it was also possible to observe the manufacturing activity in the researched location. With the help of the ceramic remains, three residential phases were identified which correspond with the shift between the older and the younger degree of culture. This chronology also corresponds with the changing building tradition of the houses of the habitation. The existence of an independent manufacturing region was not proved. The present study looks at the form of the pottery at an important time when the Lengyel influence started to permeate from Moravia to Bohemia. Keywords neolithic - eastern Bohemia - Stroke-ornamented ware culture - site - pottery Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)
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Geomorphic and temporal evolution of a Mississippi delta flanking barrier island: Grand Isle, LATorres, Julie A 23 May 2019 (has links)
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating beach ridge sediments is one method for resolving barrier island growth at intermediate scales (decades-centuries), information that is lacking for Louisiana. This research combines OSL, GPR, aerial imagery, and cores to document temporal and spatial evolution of a Louisiana barrier island.
Grand Isle is composed of beach ridges organized in distinct, unconformable sets that began forming 0.75 ka until 0.575 ka when deposition ceased, the ridges were partially eroded, and deposition resumed in a more eastward direction. The central ridges formed between 370±30 and 170±10 years ago at a rate of one ridge every 11.6 years with sand from the eroding Caminada headland that, with flanking barriers, forms the Bayou Lafourche transgressive depositional system. Grand Isle’s lithosome (92,600,000 cubic meters) requires an annual longshore transport of 128,625 cubic meters. The lithosome thickness (10 meters) and steady sediment supply stabilize the island relative to other Louisiana barriers.
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Organiserat kaos - om det icke-linjära narrativet och hur det används i Christopher Nolans Memento / Organized chaos - about the non-linear narrative and how it's used in Christopher Nolan's MementoByh, Isabelle January 2010 (has links)
<p>The non-linear film - a film telling a story using a reversed or scrambled chronology - has existed since the late 20’s, but just recently gained huge influence and popularity due to films such as Quentin Tarantinos cult-declared <em>Pulp Fiction</em>. In this essay I will analyze this form of narrative, and more specifically; how it’s used in my example film <em>Memento.</em> In my examination, I have seen the original version of the film, and then a re-cut version where the story is “turned over” to form a “normal”, linear narrative. My comparison of the two versions, along with glances towards other films that uses non-linear narrative constitutes the foundation of the analysis, which is also supported by literary resources in the subject. My aim is to formulate some sort of answer to the question; what does the non-linear narrative mean for my understanding of the film? I will in addition, briefly explain my understanding of the difference between linear and non-linear narrative.</p>
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Vikingatida eller medeltida kammar i Västergarn? : en fallstudie av enkelkammarna funna vid Högskolan på Gotlands seminariegrävningar i Västergarn mellan åren 2006-2011 / Viking or Medieval combs in Västergarn parish? : a case study of the single sided combs found at the seminar excavations in Västergarn Parish by the University of Gotland between the years 2006-2011Horvath, Andrea January 2012 (has links)
The University of Gotland has between the years 2006-2011 conducted seminar excavations in Västergarn parish, Gotland. During this time 167 comb fragments have been registered. Out of these are 51 of importance for this study, since they are defined as either a single-sided composite comb or a comb case. The purpose of this thesis is to enlighten the earliest period in the history of Västergarn by focusing on the earliest forms of combs and their cases. And as the title expresses do the combs date to the Viking Age or the Middle Ages? The combs from the excavations will be compared to different type schemes, both Viking Age and Middle Age and different places in Scandinavia such as Lund, Oslo, Lödöse and Gotland. The conclusion of the analysis is that the combs from Västergarn are from the late 11th century to the early 13th century, during the Early Middle Age.
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