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Oftalmologinės pagalbos prieinamumas konsultacinėje poliklinikoje / Access to ophthalmology services in a consulting clinicKulpienė, Ilona 16 June 2008 (has links)
Eilės poliklinikose – sena ir labai opi Lietuvos sveikatos apsaugos sistemos problema. Todėl iškyla būtinybė tirti medicinos paslaugų kokybę nulemiančius veiksnius, ir analizuoti priežastis, dėl ko medicinos paslaugų prieinamumas poliklinikose netenkina medicinos paslaugų vartotojų – pacient��.
Darbo tikslas – įvertinti oftalmologinės pagalbos prieinamumą universitetinių klinikų konsultacinėje poliklinikoje.
Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti įvairaus profilio oftalmologinių paslaugų prieinamumą konsultacinėje poliklinikoje. 2. Palyginti oftalmologinės pagalbos prieinamumo skirtumus miesto ir kaimo gyventojams. 3. Nustatyti eilių susidarymo konsultacinėje poliklinikoje priežastis
Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimas atliktas KMUK akių ligų konsultaciniame diagnostiniame centre apklausiant pacientus anketinės apklausos (n = 180) ir kokybiniu struktūrizuoto interviu (n = 10) metodais. Tyrimo rezultatai analizuoti SPSS 14 versijos kompiuterine programa.Statistiniam reikšmingumui pagrįsti naudotas Chi kvadrato kriterijus.
Rezultatai. Nustatyta, kad visiškai patenkintų suteiktomis oftalmologinėmis paslaugomis KMUK yra 50 proc., pacientų iš kitų miestų grupėje – 54 proc., o pacientų grupėje iš kaimo vietovių tik 41 proc. Paskirtu laiku priimama tik pusė pacientų, kitai pusei tenka laukti eilėje nuo pusės iki valandos laiko. Penktadaliui pacientų tyrimai neatliekami tą pačią dieną, kai jie atvyksta konsultuotis. Paskirtų papildomų tyrimų kai kuriems pacientams tenka laukti net iki 15 dienų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Constant lines in the clinics have been a significant problem of the Lithuanian health care system for a number of years. Hence, there is the necessity to analyze the factors which determine the quality of medical services, and to analyze the reasons which cause the disappointment of the medical service recipients – patients.
The goal of the study is to research and evaluate the access to ophthalmology services in a consulting clinic.
The tasks of the study: 1. To evaluate the access of various profile ophthalmology services in a consulting clinic. 2. To compare the differences of accessibility of ophthalmology services for a city and village residents. 3. To determine the causes for the lines formation in a consulting clinic.
The methodology of the research. The research was conducted in the Consulting and of the Clinics of Kaunas University of Medicine, inquiring the patients in the methods of quantitative survey (n = 180) and qualitative structural interview (n = 10). The results of the research were analyzed with the help of the SPSS 14 software, using the Chi-square criterion as the basis of the statistic significance.
The results. It was determined that 50% of the respondents were completely satisfied with the quality of the provided ophthalmology services at the Clinics of Kaunas University of Medicine, in the group of patients from other cities – 54% and in the group of patients from the rural areas – only 41%. Only half of the patients got their... [to full text]
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Understanding Attrition in Pediatric Weight Management CareDhaliwal, Jasmine Unknown Date
No description available.
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An assessment of current practice patterns of TB/HIV at primary healthcare clinics in the Western Cape and a needs assessment for clinic-based training among final year Pharmacy studentsTokosi, Oluwatoyin Iyabode Abiola January 2010 (has links)
<p>Tuberculosis (TB) is a major contributor to the disease burden in developing countries resulting in deaths of approximately 2 million people a year. South Africa (SA) has one of the highest annual  / TB incidences with an estimate of 558 per 100 000 population (2003) and the situation shows no sign of abating. TB remains the most common opportunistic infection and cause of death  / amongst HIV- infected patients. Both TB and HIV treatment depend exclusively on multi-drug regimens that require close monitoring among health care professionals. With increasing workload  / due to staff shortage and high patient load, the quality of care in nurse-led primary care clinics maybe compromised. Existing clinic staff may overlook drug-drug interactions, side effects and may  / not be aware of the consequences when a formulation is modified during multi-drug therapy administration. As the custodian of medicines, pharmacists are ideally placed to monitor therapy.  / Clinicbased training programmes which are offered to nurses provide an opportunity to work alongside clinic staff and engage in patient-centered care where the pharmacotherapeutic outcome of TB and HIV drug regimens could be closely monitored. </p>
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Évaluation des comportements du chiot en clinique vétérinaire : étude piloteGodbout, Martin January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Les hôpitaux militaires d'instruction et le développement de l'enseignement clinique en France au cours de l'Ancien Régime, de la Révolution et du Premier EmpireBoulanger, David January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Mental Health Presentations of Clinic‐Referred Children in Out-of‐Home CareKoeslich, Svenja January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines the mental health presentations of clinic-referred children in state ordered out-of-home care and compares these to the presentations of clinic-referred children from the general population. The results of this study will inform the design of a more comprehensive research project assessing the differences between the psychopathology of clinic-referred children in out-of-home care and children from the general population. The overall goal is for researchers and clinicians to be able to better understand the underlying determinisms of the psychopathology of children in out-of-home care.
Three samples were used for the between-group comparisons. The Children in Care Study (CICS) sample consists of 213 clinic-referred children in out-of-home care between the ages of four and eleven years. Firstly, this group was compared to 800 clinic-referred children, between six and eleven years, from the general population. For this analysis, the CICS sample was adjusted to match this group’s age range. Secondly, the entire CICS sample was compared to 1201 clinic-referred children, between the ages of four and eleven, from the general population. Mental health presentations were measured using the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL). A within-subject comparison was conducted comparing the CICS sample’s CBCL DSM-oriented scores to the children’s caregiver-reported diagnosis.
Results indicated that clinic-referred children in care presented with significantly fewer internalising symptoms than clinic-referred children from the general population. Clinic-referred children in care displayed greater correlations among their CBCL subscale scores than other clinic-referred children, which may suggest greater symptom complexity. Additionally, there appeared to be poor concordance between caregiver-reported psychiatric diagnoses and CBCL DSM-oriented scores for clinic-referred children in out-of-home care.
Overall, the mental health presentations measured by the CBCL indicated that the differences between the two populations were relatively small in terms of their severity. However, clinic-referred children in care presented with less severe internalising problems
than other clinic-referred children. Further research is needed to explore the issues underlying diagnostic dis-concordance and the complexity of the mental health presentations of children in state ordered care.
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BVC-sjuksköterskans och skolsköterskans erfarenheter och reflektioner i sitt arbete med övervikt hos barnBerglund, Lisa, Östlund, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Background: Overweight is a health problem throughout the western world. Child health care (CHC) nurses and school nurses meet many children and their families and have the opportunity to work with prevention. The purpose of this study was to investigate the CHC - and school nurse´s experiences and reflections in the work on obesity in children. The aim was also to investigate the structural conditions CHC- and school nurse feel the need for this work. Method: The study had a qualitative approach with descriptive design. The data has been collected through semi structured interviews with eight child health care nurses and eight school nurses. The main result: In their daily work with overweight the CHC- and school nurses work with prevention against obesity by providing information about good habits. Obesity is identified though regular health checks. If overweight is identified the nurse tries along with the parents to find possible causes and actives against overweight. CHC- tries in her work with overweight children to strengthen and guide parents in their parenting role. The school nurse believes that obesity is about the lifestyle in the whole family and it’s the parents´ responsibility. Obesity is a sensitive topic as it has with self-esteem to do. The work with overweight children is about working together towards the same goal. Conclusion: Obesity is a sensitive topic. It is important with an active parental role in the work with obesity children. CHC- and school nurses have the opportunity to work preventively against children obesity. The school nurses would like to have more time to work with overweight in children and to reduce the complications that overweight and obesity can result. / Bakgrund: Övervikt är ett hälsoproblem i hela västvärlden. BVC- och skolsköterskan möter många barn och deras familjer och har möjligheten att arbeta förebyggande med övervikt. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka BVC-sjuksköterskans och skolsköterskans erfarenheter och reflektioner i arbetet kring övervikt hos barn. Syftet var även att undersöka vilka strukturella förutsättningar BVC-sjuksköterskan och skolsköterskan upplever att de behöver för detta arbete. Metod: Studien hade en kvalitativ ansats med beskrivande design. Datainsamlingen har samlats in via semistrukturerade interjuver med åtta BVC - sjuksköterskor och åtta skolsköterskor. Huvudresultatet: I sitt dagliga arbete med övervikt arbetar BVC-sjuksköterskorna och skolsköterskorna förebyggande med övervikt genom att informera om goda vanor. Övervikt identifieras främst genom regelbundna hälsokontroller. Vid konstaterad övervikt försöker sjuksköterskan att tillsammans med föräldrarna komma fram till tänkbara orsaker och åtgärder mot övervikten. BVC-sjuksköterskan försöker i sitt arbete med överviktiga barn att stärka och vägleda föräldrarna i deras föräldraroll. Skolsköterskan anser att övervikt handlar om livsstil hos hela familjen och det är ett föräldraansvar. Övervikt hos barn är ett känsligt område då det har med självkänslan att göra. Arbetet med övervikt handlar om att arbeta tillsammans mot samma mål. Slutsats: Övervikt är ett känsligt ämne. Vid övervikt hos barn är det viktigt med aktiv föräldraroll. Sjuksköterskan inom BVC och skolhälsa har en möjlighet att arbeta förebyggande mot övervikt. Skolsköterskorna skulle vilja ha mer tid i sitt arbete med övervikt hos barn och på så sätt minska de komplikationer som övervikt och fetma kan medföra.
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Pacientų nuomonė apie šeimos klinikos veiklą / Patients’ attitude towards practice of family clinicŠileikienė, Asta 05 January 2012 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Išaiškinti pacientų nuomonę apie šeimos klinikos veiklą.
Darbo uždaviniai: išaiškinti pacientų nuomonę apie šeimos klinikos medicinos personalo kompetenciją ir bendravimą su pacientais; ištirti pacientų nuomonę apie darbo organizavimą ir šeimos klinikos aplinką; įvertinti veiksnius, lemiančius įstaigos pasirinkimą pagal pacientų socialines demografines charakteristikas, savo sveikatos vertinimą ir pasitenkinimą sveikatos priežiūros paslaugomis.
Tyrimo metodika. Anoniminė anketinė šeimos klinikos pacientų apklausa atlikta 2010 m. Išdalintos 369 anketos, iš kurių grįžo 267 (atsako dažnis 72,4 proc.). Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant duomenų analizės paketą SPSS 15,0 for Windows. Hipotezės tikrintos naudojant Chi-kvadrato (χ2) kriterijų, porinių dažnių lygybei tikrinti taikytas z kriterijus. Skirtumai tarp požymių laikyti statistiškai reikšmingais, kai p<0,05. Hipotezė apie dviejų nepriklausomų imčių vidurkių lygybę tikrinta naudojant Mann-Whitney kriterijų, o daugiau nei dviem nepriklausomoms imtims taikytas Kruskal-Wallis kriterijus ir vidutiniai rangai.
Rezultatai. Šeimos klinikos gydytojų kompetenciją pacientai vertina 4,73 balais, bendruomenės slaugytojų – 4,63, o registratorių – 4,65 balais iš 5. Tyrimo dalyvių nuomone, šeimos klinikos gydytojai yra pakankamai dėmesingi pacientams, išklauso pacientų nuomonę ir skiriant gydymą individualiai atsižvelgia į kiekvieną pacientą. Du trečdaliai pacientų pažymi, kad su jų sveikatos priežiūra susijusius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study: To appraise the patients’ attitude towards the practice of the family clinic.
Objectives of the study: To clarify patients’ opinion about the competence and communication of medical staff; to examine patients’ views on work organization and environment; to assess factors influencing choice of clinic according to socio-demographical characteristics of the patients; self-assessment of health and satisfaction with services.
Material and methods. A survey of patients using an anonymous questionnaire was conducted in 2010. 369 questionnaires were distributed and 267 returned (response rate 72.4%). Statistical data analysis was performed using SPSS 15.0 for Windows statistical software. Associations were tested using chi-square and z-test. Statistical significance level was set at p<0.05. Non-parametric tests of Mann-Whitney for two independent samples and Kruskal-Wallis tests for more than two independent samples were applied.
Results. Patients evaluated the work of the family clinic physicians with 4.73 points, the work of community nurses was evaluated with 4.63 points and the work of receptionists 4.65 points out of 5 total points. According to the participants in the survey, the physicians of the family clinic are attentive to their patients; they listen to patients and treat every patient individually while prescribing treatment. Two thirds of patients note that the physician makes decisions regarding their healthcare after discussing it with the... [to full text]
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Odontologijos klinikos "X" klientų lojalumo vertinimas / Customer loyalty measurement of dental clinic "X"Laimutytė, Dovilė 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti odontologijos klinikos „X“ klientų lojalumą ir pateikti pasiūlymus pacientų lojalumo didinimui. Uždaviniai: 1. Atlikti vartotojų lojalumo teorinę analizę. 2. Atlikti odontologijos klinikos „X“ veiklos situacijos analizę. 3. Ištirti odontologijos klinikos „X“ pacientų lojalumą. 4. Identifikuoti klinikos problemines sritis, kurias patobulinus įmonė pasiektų didesnį vartotojų pasitenkinimą ir lojalumą. Tyrimo metodika. Anketinės apklausos. Tyrimo metu buvo apklausti klinikos pacientai ir personalas. Išvados: Nustatyta, kad įmonės pacientai yra patenkinti klinikos teikiamomis paslaugomis ir dažniausiai apie šią kliniką sužinojo iš kitų asmenų rekomendacijų. Tačiau nors ir klientai yra patenkinti įmonėje vyrauja didelė pacientų kaita. Lojalūs klientai nesudaro daugumos klinikos pacientų, tačiau tie, kurie jau yra lojalūs rodo stiprų lojalumą ir yra pastovūs įmonės klientai. Odontologijos klinikos „X“ silpniausios sritys lojalių vartotojų formavime yra: klinikos darbo laikas, didelės susidariusios eilės, ilgalaikiai santykiai ir aukšti įkainiai. / Aim of the study: to evaluate the loyalty of the dental clinic “X“ clients’ and to provide recommendations for patients’ loyalty growth. Objectives: 1. To make a theoretical analysis of the customers’ loyalty. 2. To make an analysis of the dental clinic “X” current bussiness situation. 3. To explore the loyalty of patients’ of the dental clinic “X”. 4. To indentify the problematic areas of clinics’ business, which, if improved, would help to increase the loyalty and satisfaction of the clinic’s customers. Research methods. The questionnaire surveys. During the reasearch, the clinics’ patients and personnel were questioned. Conclusions. It was identified that patients are satisfied with the services provided by the clinic. Most of the patients learned about the clinic from other peoples‘ recommendations. Although clients are contented the high turnover of the customers existence. Loyal customers are not a big part of all clinic patients, but those who are already loyal are showing strong loyalty. Dental Clinic "X" the weakest areas of the formation of loyal customers is: clinic time, long queues and high rates.
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Skausmo klinikų paslaugų prieinamumo įvertinimas pacientų požiūriu / Pain Clinic‘s service evaluation in terms of accessibility in patients‘ opinionBudrikienė, Milda 11 July 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti skausmo klinikų teikiamų paslaugų prieinamumą ir pasitenkinimą pacientų požiūriu.
Tyrimo metodika: Tyrimas buvo atliktas Vilniaus, Kauno, Šiaulių ir Alytaus skausmo klinikose. Tyrimas vyko 2013 gegužės – 2013 gruodžio mėnesiais. Tyrimo metu atlikta anoniminė anketinė pacientų apklausa. Statistinei analizei tinkamos grįžo 363 anketos. Atsako dažnis 95,5 proc. Statistinė tyrimo duomenų analizė atlikta SPSS 17.0 programa ir Excel 2007 programa.
Rezultatai: Didžioji dalis pacientų (73,3 proc.), norėdami pasiekti artimiausią skausmo kliniką užtrunka mažiau, nei vieną valandą. Vizito pas skausmo klinikų specialistus 44,6 proc. respondentų laukė 2-4 savaites, tačiau 15,4 proc. pacientų turėjo laukti ilgiau kaip mėnesį. Atvykus konsultuotis, beveik ketvirtadaliui (23,7 proc.) konsultacija vėlavo iki 30 minučių, o 7,7 proc. už durų laukė ilgiau nei pusvalandį. Pati dažniausia problema respondentams norint pasiekti skausmo klinikas buvo sveikatos būklė. Beveik pusė tyrimo dalyvių (48,8 proc.) liko labai patenkinti, o daugiau kaip trečdalis (39,1 proc.) – patenkinti skausmo klinikų paslaugomis. Nepatenkintų skausmo klinikų paslaugomis nebuvo. Visi tyrimo dalyviai teigiamai įvertino skausmo klinikų specialistų kompetenciją ir gydymo kokybę. Labiausiai patenkinti buvo gydytojo onkologo siųsti pacientai. Kuo trumpesnis laikas nuo registracijos iki vizito pas gydytoją, ar pas gydytoją patenkama paskirtu laiku, bei trumpiau laukiama eilėje prie kabineto, tuo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim: To evaluate the pain clinics‘ provided services in terms of the accessibility and satisfaction in patients‘ opinion.
Methods: The study was carried out in Vilnius, Kaunas, Siauliai and Alytus pain clinics. The study took place in May 2013 - December 2013. The study carried out an anonymous questionnaire survey of patients. For statistical analysis returned 363 suitable questionnaires. The response rate was 95.5 percent. Statistical data analysis was performed using SPSS 17.0 and Excel 2007 programs.
Results: To reach the nearest pain clinic for the majority of patients (73.3 percent) takes less than one hour. For a visit to the pain clinic 44.6 percent of respondents waited for 2-4 weeks, but 15.4 percent of patients had to wait longer than a month. Upon arrival to consult, for almost a quarter (23.7 percent) of patients consultation was delayed for up to 30 minutes, and 7.7 percent of patients waited outside the door for more than half an hour. The most common problem for respondents to arrive to pain clinics was the state of health. Almost half of the survey participants (48.8 percent) were very pleased , and more than one-third (39.1 percent) were pleased with pain clinics‘ services. There was no discontentment with the services of pain clinics. All study participants positively evaluated the pain clinics‘ specialists‘ competence and quality of care. Most satisfied were patients sent by an oncologist. The shorter the time from registration to the doctor‘s visit, or... [to full text]
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